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Anonymous writes...

Did beast boy ever serve as miss martian's sidekick when ritia farr was alive or when GarfieldLIVE AT THE CAVE?

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Dug writes...

Why did you have Garfield lOGAN fall in love with peridia if you did not intend for them stay together in relationship for rest of the young justice story line?

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Wolfman writes...

What is the place that Garfield stays at when Garfield stays Miss Martian when Rita Farr does not let Garfield to go on doom patrol missions?

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MASON writes...

Are the White martians the ancestors of CHAMELEON BOY'S
race in young justice universe?

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Luc writes...

Why did you Mr Greg decide to end Garfield and Perdita relationship?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

In the Earth-16 universe, is Seyg-El the father of Jor-El and Zor-El, and the paternal grandfather of Kal-El and Kara Zor-El?

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Anonymous writes...

Does any martian animal species have longer lifespans than humans?

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Anita Stoltenberg writes...

This after Garfield learn to shapeshift into animals. During the times when Gaffield was visiting M'gann why didn't M'gann not let Garfield go on missions with her on the team when Rita did not let Garfield logan go on missions with the doom patrol?

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Owen writes...

Why didn't M'gann offer Garfield to join the team after Garfield learning to control his power to change into animals and if she did offer why didn't Rita not allow it, or not trust miss martian with Garfield's safety?

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Paul writes...

Hi, Greg!

Since Wonder Woman and Troia are both princesses of Themiscyra, and Wonder Woman does not appear to have aged (at least not very much) over time in Young Justice (across the four seasons of the show), I have to wonder if the Amazons age very slowly physically (or do not physically age at all), even when they are away from Themiscyra. This leads me to my first question.

1) Given that Troia may be ageing slowly (or not at all), and that she is biologically 20 years old in season 3 in Team Year Nine, was she ALSO biologically 20 years old when she joined the Team in Team Year Two?

2) Another quick question. We have not seen Troia and Cassie interact in Young Justice, but would you please be able to confirm what kind of relationship they have -- do they get along? (I'm not looking for a detailed answer here as I know that that would be too spoilery.)

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Anonymous writes...

Why does queen peridia have a scare on her neck in young justice season 4 and in young justice comic book targets?

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Yojimbo writes...

Regarding Young Justice: Targets #5

1. How old is Juan Cordero?

2. When did Juan Cordero find out he was a metahuman?

3. When did Lex Luthor find Juan Cordero's mother a job at Lexcorp and put his sisters in the best schools?

4. When did Lex Luthor show Juan Cordero Match?

5. When did Juan Cordero volunteer himself to Lex Luthor, right after the events of the UN press conference on February 17 Team Year Nine or later in Team Year Nine?

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Anonymous writes...

PREDICTION: The Earth-16 version of Terrence "Terry" McGinnis will likely exist as a result of the Light's attempt to create a clone of Bruce Wayne; however, an exact clone will NOT work because it will have Bruce's psychological trauma that stems from witnessing the death of his parents. As such, the Earth-16 version of Terry will likely be a partial clone/half-clone of Bruce Wayne.

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Joice writes...

What do you MR GREG say about the fans viewing Garfield losing his girlfriend peridia do to depression believing he (Garfield) cause Superboy to die on mars and not letting Garfield get back with his girlfriend Perdita in the issue 6 comic series targets is not fair to Garfield?

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BatFan2099 writes...

How old is Razer in Young Justice: Phantoms?

I heard somewhere he was (his species equivalent of) 19-years-old in GL:TAS, but it that true with Young Justice?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

With the Gargoyles comics coming back, are the new comics considered to be your Season 4?

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AJ writes...

Hey Greg, i have few questions about tula, rocket, and bumblebee.

1. Is she black? i know she would be technically consider an atlantean but Aqualad is too but he is clearly black.She is also voice by a black woman, i know that doesn't mean much but most times in young justice you have black va voicing black characters.

2. Did she did her hero name from aqualad or was he the inspiration?

3. Have you ever thought about giving rocket additions powers besides flight and creating force bubbles?

4. How did bumblebee meet atom?

5. If rocket belt breaks or malfunctions is there another one on Icons spaceship or does he know how to fix it?

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Lieutinant Whoareyou writes...

In the Kaldur arc of Young Justice: Phantoms, do you consider the fake Arion to be a clone of the real one with Ocean Master's memories, or the consciousness of the real Ocean Master in a clone of Arion's body?

I ask because their are different interpretations on different sites: Young Justice Wiki says the former, TV Tropes says the latter. I would just like to set the record straight.

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Lieutinant Whoareyou writes...

I have always loved your view of "canon adjacent" material to Young Justice: things like Catwoman: Hunted and, especially, Green Lantern: TAS.

Are their any other canon adjacent stuff to Young Justice that you could tell us about, or is that either spoilers or just something that happens depending on the current plot?

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Tom writes...

Are their hundreds or thousands or millions of active meta gene metahumans on earth by the time of young justice season 4?

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Heather Kadin writes...

Greg did you plan for Garfield would be single like his dc comic version instead of Garfield's relationship with Perdita not in a breakup or Garfield and Perdita getting back together in comic story targets?

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Russel Mirasty writes...

Before queen peridia came to see Garfield at the hub to see Garfield why Tara didn't tell black canary about Garfield's behavior at the hub since return to earth because Tara should have known what was wrong with Garfield because Tara lost loved ones too?
Sometime after Superboy and Miss Martian's wedding why didn't Tara not try to convince Perdita to give Garfield another change to be with Perdita because Tara knew Garfield still love Perdita and didn't mean to say those things to Perdita that broke Perdita heart and might know what happen to Garfield on mars by the time of the wedding on earth?

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Daniel writes...

Why does Garfield choose to lead the outsiders again after the outsiders's actions of not getting black canary to help him with his mental health issues witch lead to Garfield to lose his relationship with Perdita?

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Kenichi Yoshizumi writes...

Greg why did you decide that Garfield would still have Perdita's messages on his phone by the time he is about to go with the other outsiders to rescue in comic book story if you Greg did not intend for Garfield and peridia in a dating relationship by end of issue 6 of young justice comic book story targets?

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CLARK JONES writes...


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Madason writes...

In justice comic story targets does beast boy choose keep queen Perdita's video messages to Garfield logan on Garfield's phone by the time of the beginning of outsiders' mission at hub to begin the rescue of Perdita because he hopes to get back together with peridia some day in a dating relationship in the future and if not, then why does beast boy still have her video messages on his phone as the outsiders are about to leave the outsiders base call the Hub to recue Perdita in young justice come story targets?

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@Garfield and Perdita Fan: Please Stop writes...

Please stop asking so many questions about Garfield and Perdita. Everyone can tell it’s just one person asking about them constantly (yes, even though you keep changing your name). They’re not getting back together no matter how many questions you ask. Clinging onto dead relationships is unhealthy, especially when they’re not yours. Their FICTIONAL relationship is over, move on. You’re one of the reasons why Greg has taken a break from answering questions. Do you think he wants to answer NINE questions about them in a row? Move on.

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bird boy writes...

Why was decide as part of the plot of young justice story that Garfield logan would remain single and not let Garfield get back together with peridia at the end of young justice comic targets story?

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tom writes...

why did m'gann's green martian sister go back to mars after the end of season 4 of young justice?

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lacus troy writes...

Why does Garfield Logan not blame at conner for his loss of his relationship with peridia because if conner had got recharge with yellow sone light like Garfield told he should on mars conner may not ended up in phamotom zone and Garfield would not become depressed believing Garfield cause conner to die?

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Bob writes...

By the end of young justice phantoms why did Garfield still viewed the outsiders as his friends after they did not get black canary to help Garfield with his depression problems before Perdita arrived at the hub to see Garfield?

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Sears writes...

Why was it part of the plan of young justice story that Garfield to lose his relationship with queen peridia over his depression believing he cause conner's death even though conner was not death was reunited with m'gann at the end young justice season 4?

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Gizbert writes...

Greg how do you fell about the fans of young justice not liking that you and staff had as part of the young justice story to have Garfield and Perdida breakup in young justice phantoms and not get back together in young justice come story targets?

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g i joe fan writes...

If any of the outsiders or blue devil told black canary about Garfield behavior at the hub after return to earth from mars and got black Canary council Garfield before peridia came to see Garfield at the hub their break may not have happen, but the outsiders and blue devil did not try to get black canary to council before Perdita arrive at the hub so why does Garfield still view outsiders his friends by the end of young justice phantoms?

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Anonymous writes...

Why did superboy and m'gann think they should not try to convince Perdita to give Garfield another chance be with perditia after the breakup sometime after m'gann and conner's wedding?

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Jodey writes...

Why did beast boy still messages from Perdita on his phone at the beginning of young justice comic book story targets if beast boy did not believe he would get back together in a dating relationship with Perdita at some point in the future?

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Anonymous writes...

Dear Mr Weisman before i ask my questions i want to apologize for a selling error in my previous post i meant to say newsgirl but forgot the s by mistake now for the questions 1. Who was Mary Bromfield's best friend during her time with the team ? 2. Did you ever consider Zehra Fazal for the role of Soranik Natu before giving the role to Vanessa Marshall instead? 3. IS the Song that Forager and P.f. (female Forager) sing to Jay Garrick on his Birthday traditional among Bug ''Hatchday'' songs or did they make it up on the spot?

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Anonymous writes...

Dear Mr Weisman 1. How long has Trajectory served as second in command of the Infinitors and does she occasinally wear a baseball cap or new girl cap when not in costume or on duty? 2. Does Lizard John (i know his real name but John sounds more mature to me) have toxic bacteria in his mouth like a Komodo dragon or venom like a Gila Monster ?

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Clark Cradic writes...

What episode script was the most fun writing?

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Sudeikis writes...

Why did Garfield still view outsiders as his at the end of young justice season 4 after the outsiders didn't black canary to help Garfield with his problems before Perdita came to see Garfield at the hub early on in the fourth season?

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Fitton writes...

Greg why is part of the plan for the story of young justice Garfield to fall in love with peridia if you had not plan for Garfield to married Perdita but instead have them breakup and not get back together late on in the story of young justice?

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GT writes...

Hey Greg,

I was wondering if you and the rest of the Young Justice crew were open to ideas for new characters for the next season.
If you are, I actually have some ideas if you are interested.

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Saul writes...

Why did m'gann and conner not try convince queen Perdita to give Garfield a second chance to be with Perdita after conner learn of the breakup of Garfield and Perdita or sometime after conner and m'gann's wedding on earth?

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Anonymous writes...

Did Superboy feel responsible for Garfield and Perdita breakup after he hear of it and if not why not?

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Hawke writes...

Hello Mr Weisman,
I hope you have been having a good week.

First off I would like to thank you and your whole team for bringing Young Justice to life. YJ has been a huge bright spot in my life, especially in a time where there were not many bright spots to go around. I look forward to any more stories from Earth 16 we may get, in whatever form that may be.

As for my question, I was wondering if you have ever tossed around the idea of doing an Earth 16 guide book or art book? I find the behind the scenes of show making and design very fascinating, and it would be very cool for there to be a printed book where the fandom could get a look at the process that you and your team put in to create the show visually and story wise.

Thanks for taking the time to answer questions on here!

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Anonymous writes...

Hey Greg! Your stories/TV shows are super awesome :) They've inspired me to start writing in my own way again, even if it puts others off. It's a style that I feel comfortable with and, if people don't like, they don't have to read.

Thank you for inspiring me with your work! You're amazing ;)

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Anonymous writes...

Hi Mr. Greg,

Thank you for your work/contribution to the whole that is YJ! Have some questions as well as this is Ask Greg site-
1. Can you reveal what Impulse and Flash were saying speedtalking or at least what about funnel cakes (if Kid Flash was correct)?
1a. Does this hint to Kid Flash (Wally West) being about 1/5 Flash/Impulse's speed at the time of their conversation since he got about every fifth word?

2. Did the clone body of Arion have water breathing added by the Light since the original Arion's metagene was longevity? Or was he using his magic to survive?

3. Could Vandal Savage survive in the vacuum of space? Or would he pass out and then as soon as his body was exposed to oxygen he would awaken? Would it be the same if he was trapped submerged in water or would his body adapt and grow gills?

Thanks again!

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aj erjavec writes...

Hey Greg quick question about spectacular Spider-Man is spider Gwen had come out before your show would you have incorporated that into your version of Gwen Stacy because I think that has become the main inspiration for all future versions of the character

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Jessica writes...

Disregard my last question. Thank you

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Goodrow writes...

Question 1 Why Greg was it decided as part of the young justice story that Garfield would lose his relationship with Perdita over his depression believing Garfield caused conner to die when conner was not dead? Question 2 Why was it decided to have as part of young justice comic story targets story to have Garfield one of the heroes to rescue Perdita if you and your staff did not intend for Garfield to get back together in relationship with Queen Perdita at the end of issue 6 of young justice comic targets story target?

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The Dynamite Comics

Gargoyles Comic from Dynamite

The story of Gargoyles continues in the comic book series Gargoyles and Gargoyles: Dark Ages published by Dynamite. Available online or at your local comic book shop.

The NECA Figures

Gargoyles Figures by NECA

NECA has produced a line of Gargoyles figures which continues to grow. Available through online and department store retailers.

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Gargoyles Season 1 DVD Cover

Includes episode commentaries by co-creator Greg Weisman, interviews with the cast, and a documentary on the fan convention.

Season One
Season Two, Volume One
Season Two, Volume Two