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Hafiz writes...

what type of computer is the Justice League computer? Is it a supercomputer, mainframe, server? what are the specs?

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Brendan writes...

Was the creature that Chameleon Boy (and then Ma'alafa'ak) turns into when Lor-Zod infiltrates Bio-Ship in "Rescue and Search" a Martian creature? I ask because I found it very interesting that Chameleon Boy's version was smaller and greener while Ma'alafa'ak's was larger and grayer.

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DC Fanboy writes...

Whatever happened to Dragon King after he “killed” Firebrand in 1945?

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Anonymous writes...

Hi greg
I wanted to know more about martian shape shifting so I hope you could answer my questions.
1-does Martians gain abilities of animals or creatures they mimic? I know turning into superman wouldn't give them strength,heat vision, ... but they can gain abilities that are based on physical body. right? If yes does Turing into a dog give them dog's Enhanced sense of smell?
2-i also read somewhere that a martian only changes apereance and would never truly become a dog as beast boy does.They would only be a martian shaped like a dog. How true is that?
3- as you mentioned before Martians can't change mass so if they turn into an elephant (which normally weights above 4 tons) what would happen? Would they become a weak elephant or something?
4-you said that Martians have relatively high mass because of their large natrual Form, so why when Megan was impersonating as a little girl beast boy who was carrying her didn't suspect anything? Couldn't he understand that she is much heavier than she should be?
Sorry for my long questions and thank you for giving us such great show.

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Anonymous writes...

1 in the young justice comics we see ultra humanite working with the brain. My question is before ultra humanite became a member of the light was he just an agent for the light as a whole or did he specifically work for the brain?
2 did ultra humanite mentor Helga before or after he became a member of the light?
3 was ultra humanite and Gretchen's quarrel the first time two members of the light had a conflict with each other?

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Anonymous writes...

could a human become a anchor for a chaos lord?

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Anonymous writes...

when was zor el’s daughter born?

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Anonymous writes...

while it's admirable that you and brandon want to increase representation and tackle social issues you need to remember to tell a good story first - people want to be entertained not lectured - addressing social issues in superhero media works best when it's more removed from the real world politics i.e. X-Men being an allegory for the civil rights movement while still managing to be good fun with action, Kamala Khan being muslim and a child of immigrants is part of her character and part of why she feels like an outsider but we're not hearing about islam and being a first generation American every five seconds, her powers also being kinda freakish adds to the narrative, and btw she was created by a white non muslim woman and the comic is critically acclaimed so none of this woe is me i'm being criticized for being white bs please - you're being criticized because it's bad - some of these kids are so starved for representation that they'll heap praise on anything they can get in hopes that they can get more, that doesn't mean it's good...

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Anonymous writes...

Can you stop acting like the bad animation we're getting is the industry standard these days? Because we can clearly see that things like Invincible, Arcane, and Ex Machina look just fine, Young Justice is clearly not using its budget wisely, the still images look cheap and take people out of the story, there are frequent cases of characters not talking when they should be because you obviously couldn't afford to pay the voice actor - if you're forced to do this, maybe that's a sign you've got too many characters, as has been pointed out to you countless times? We could get back to the animation quality of the first two seasons if you reduce the cast, stop adding new characters, have a more focused storyline.

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Anonymous writes...

You've made it clear that you care about plot and story more than characters and that you don't give a damn about characters getting balanced screen time (your words, not mine, I distinctly remember you saying "balance be damned" on here when people complained during season 2) but are you aware that the majority of people who consume media feel the opposite? We care about characters, characters drive the plot, we get angry when the plot forces characters to make decisions that don't make sense. Star Wars doesn't have the most original plot in the world but it's endured because we love the characters. This show is treating the characters as so disposable plus you keep ignoring everyone who says they want to see more of the season 2 cast because you claim the plot doesn't involve them. You tell people to be patient or say no spoilers when they ask for more info but you have yet to follow through on a lot of characters. It's annoying.

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