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Anonymous writes...

The YJ Discord and Reddit ruuuuuuuules. This site suck sloppy cock!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Anonymous writes...

The YJ Discord and Reddit ruuuuuuuules. This site suck sloppy cock!!!!!!

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Anonymous writes...

The YJ Discord and Reddit ruuuuuuuules. This site suck sloppy cock!!!!

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Anonymous writes...

The YJ Discord and Reddit ruuuuuuuules. This site suck sloppy cock!!!

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Anonymous writes...

The YJ Discord and Reddit ruuuuuuuules. This site suck sloppy cock!!

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Anonymous writes...

The YJ Discord and Reddit ruuuuuuuules. This site suck sloppy cock!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Anonymous writes...

The YJ Discord and Reddit ruuuuuuuules. This site suck sloppy cock!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Anonymous writes...

The YJ Discord and Reddit ruuuuuuuules. This site suck sloppy cock!!!!!!!!!

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Anonymous writes...

The YJ Discord and Reddit ruuuuuuuules. This site suck sloppy cock!!!!!!!!!!!

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Dawson writes...

1. Have Superman and Dick Grayson ever been close like uncle/nephew thing like in the comics
2. Did Superman viewed Dick as an annoying little sidekick

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Matt Itelson writes...

Is Kobold an original character, based on someone from the comics, or both?

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John Paul Gontor writes...

in Young Justice Outsiders, what is the nuclear option that lady shiva and ocean master talking about?

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NoOneSpecial writes...

Language barriers

1. So, Miss Martian downloaded English language into Forager’s mind so Forager could speak English. But Forager would still refer to Forager as Forager because Forager, like all bugs, have complex sense of self. But Forager also studied English language at Happy Harbor High School where Forager learned more about English language and also read works of William Shakespeare. But works of William Shakespeare still use English language version of pronouns, yet when Forager speaks and reads works of William Shakespeare, Forager would still speaks and reads with the absence of English language version of pronouns. Is this only Bug culture thing for Forager or has Forager still not yet learned how to read or write or speak using English language version of pronouns? NoOneSpecial must think it to be former as Forager must be very well versed in English language to be reading works of William Shakespeare.

2. I'm guessing that when Zod and Ursa are speaking, they are speaking in kryptonian. So, if Superboy can understand them, is it just another case of willing yourself to be understood in the Phantom Zone?

3. How about Lor-Zod and the Legionnaires? Are they speaking plain English from 1000 years in the future? I'd assume the Legion Flight rings have translators built in them. But what is Lor-Zod using to translate his words?

4. The Atlantean language is designed to be spoken underwater. What about the Martian language? Is it designed to be only spoken telepathically? Can you actually speak it aloud?

5. Do either Halo or Cyborg have the ability to translate languages?

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Anonymous writes...

Dear Mr Weisman 1. As she works as a Green lantern now has P.F. ( my nickname for female Forager to avoid confusion) been assigned a sector to patrol yet? or is she still in training? 2. Does Sornaik Natu (the universe 16 version) work as a scientist for the G.L. corps like the late Tomar Re or does she do a different Job besides being a Green lantern ? 3. I originally thought that Danny Chase was running away to Markovia but after re watching a clip of Miss Martian read his mind and learning that the meta gene was activated after he was caught by traffickers this was proven otherwise. where then was Danny running away to before he was caught by Traffickers and sent into space?

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Arthur writes...

Hi Greg.

I'm all caught up and I really enjoyed Seasons 3 and 4 of YJ.

Just curious as to whether you're a big fan of Grant Morrison's Seven Soldiers series?

I noticed in Season 3 that at one point Vandal placed some significance on the Light having 7 members and I thought that might be a reference of some sort.

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Anonymous writes...

Was mantis and forager’s relationship with each other better before m’comm started posing as orion?

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Anonymous writes...

Tomar-Tu’s father knew the El brothers. Did tomar-Tu also ever meet them or other kryptonians before krypton blew up?

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Unknown fan II writes...

Do you think in the future Amistad will pick the mantle of Rocket and become a superhero like his mother or the first black autistic superhero?

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Unknown fan writes...

Are Lian,Anissa,Arthur,Jon, Jennifer,Amistad and Don & dawn best friends?

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Anonymous writes...

Were there ever any plans for Will to receive his own arc in Phantoms? Why was Will the only member of season one's team (besides Wally of course) to not have an arc this season?

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Daniel MacDonald writes...

I know this may count as a spoiler, but who are the two reserve Leaguers who's faces are blocked when Superman and Black Lightning are looking at the screen? My personal theory is La'gaan and Detective Chimp, but that's just head canon. Also, is La'gaan fully part of the League as Aquaman III now, or is that just an idea?

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Anonymous writes...

When did Guy Gardner enter his coma?

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Lieutinant Whoareyou writes...

Can you tell us anything about Young Justice's version of Tim Drake's background? I know that some might be spoilers, but since the show is mostly focusing on different characters, I don't think it would be that big a deal.

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

#1. Was the crack in the Helmet of Fate meant to be an indirect nod to what happened to the New 52 Earth-2 version of the Helmet of Fate; in which it was damaged by that universe's version of Bizarro?

#2. If the Helmet of Fate ends up being completely destroyed, does that mean that Nabu will die and cease to exist? If not, what would actually happen?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

Is green Kryptonite the only form of kryptonite that is known in the Earth-16 universe? The reason I am asking this question is because I am aware that other forms of kryptonite exists in the comics, and I assume that they also exist in the Earth-16 universe, but they have probably not yet been discovered.

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