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Anonymous writes...

For Season 3, episode "Evolution", I have two questions -

1. Is there a name to the alien race controlled by Starro or should we just consider them an 'unknown alien race controlled by Starro"?

2. Based on the design of the armada ships, was that based off of something in the DC universe or formed by the creators and yourself?

3. If Savage failed to defeat Starro, could he have actually fallen under control of the creature?

4. Does the Starro creature have a gender?

5. Seeing Starro is contained in the stasis pod, is it actually dead? (But I understand if this is no spoilers answer)

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Princeton writes...

Greg why was it decide as part of the plot of the young justice comic story Targets that during the beginning of the story young justice comic Targets that Garfield would still have his pictures of queen peridia on his phone if was decided that the ending of the story of the young justice comic Targets was going to be that Garfield was not get to back together with Perdita in a dating relationship?

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Onomastics FTW writes...

I see many people asking about much of this, but they seem to all buy misunderstanding Kryptonian naming customs, so I'll ask it a bit differently.

Many are confused by the names Ursa Zod and Lara El. First, I understand what you're doing there, especially after the reveal of Kara Zor-El.

Clearly, Lara El's full name would be Lara Lor-Van El, or perhaps you've decided on Earth 16's Krypton women drop the father's name entirely. Either way, that explains the lack of a hyphen.

My questions are:
1) Which is it? Do they keep the father's name as a middle name, and just not say it all the time, or drop it all together? Or am I way off?
2) What was Ursa's father's name?
3) A little less directly related, does Non not have a house? If not, why? I realize this was the case in the comics, but I don't believe it was ever explained there, so I'd love to know how you'd explain it.
4) Not about names at all now, but I'm sidetracked on Non now: since Zod and Ursa were surprised to learn of the destruction of Krypton, it's clear they didn't have anything to do with Jor-El's predictions as they did during the New 52 era. This suggests Non also has a different backstory than that period (he doesn't have much of one at all right now, from what I can find). In that, he was Jor-El's teacher and was banished (and labotomized) for continuing to warn about the end of days after the Science Council forbade Non and Jor-El from doing so. It's clear that much of that doesn't work in your continuity, but how much of that is held over? If that's a spoiler request, I do apologize.

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Riker writes...

Who takes care of Garfield logan's dog Wingman when beast boy is on outsiders missions?

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Bionicblade2099 writes...

Has Dick Grayson ever contacted his uncle, Richard, since his family died? Also how old is Brainiac-5?

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Anonymous writes...

Is it possible that the Earth-16 version of Kara Zor-El was somehow exposed to black kryptonite and her dark side had been brought out to the surface; thus explaining why she joined the Female Furies after she was given to Darkseid by Vandal Savage? I remember Lex did that to her in the comics, but in that particular case, Kara's dark side was SPLIT from her and was its own separate entity; who claimed to the good Kara that she was who Kara truly was all along and she also claimed that her true mission was to kill Kal-El.

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Anonymous writes...

1 Has granny goodness been demoted after her failure with the anti life equation?
2 How long did desaad torture granny goodness after her failure?
3 does granny goodness hold a grudge against desaad after he tortured her?

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Anonymous writes...

After giants and blisters death did m’comm recieve any more meta-humans?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

I remember that when Supergirl had her own solo comic book series back in 2005, Batman once believed that Supergirl's abilities appear to rival or potentially surpasses Superman's own abilities. As such, would that likely also be true for the Earth-16 version of Supergirl as well?

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Anonymous writes...

Following the many indictments against Lex Luthor following Season 3 but seeing as how he is still part of the Light in Season 4, did he face any justice or do the wheels of justice have yet to keep up with him?

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FallenLegend writes...

Hey there Greg. Just got some questions about the cosmic side of earth 16

1.- Why were the lords of Order and chaos so worried about Darkseid? I mean Child , while backed by the lords of order was unstoppable, so why would Darkside be a threat for then to listen to savage?

2.- Was the mind control method used by Granny Goodness in season 3 actually the real Anti-life equation?

Granny, and the light, assumed as much, but Darkside doesn't seem to act like it, given its supposed to be his ultimate triumph card.

3.-Are the "New Gods" in a lower hierarchy compared to the lords of Order and Chaos?

While less powerful, they are more connected to the source, aren't they?

Thanks greg!

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FallenLegend writes...

Hwy there Greg. Is just have Some superman questions

1.-Is kryptonite lethal to kryptonians even when they have no powers? Say if they are under the effects of a red sun or drained of their powers?

2.-How was Superman able to tank Ursa magic blast as the emerald empress,if he is vulnerable to magic? Shouldn' the blast had harmed him?

3.- Are there other variants of kryptonite besides green kryptonite, like green and gold?

4.- We know Superboy inspired the legion. But what about Superman. Is he still remembered In the future? In other versions there was even a superman museum

5.-The article Zod read in the fortress of solitude described Superman as "Earth's greatest hero"

While this was certainly only Lois opinion, is this a general or popular opinion belief among the heroes/ people of earth?

Thanks Greg!

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Paul writes...

1) So about Durla... To me, this is the most pressing question regarding whether the timeline has been restored or not.

(We know there's a 99.84% likelihood that the future is as it was before Lor-Zod went back in time, but obviously the other 0.16% accounts for the various changes that have occurred, such as the wedding being postponed, the Phantom Zone projector being destroyed in the 21st Century, and the Kryptonians all getting out of the Zone, amongst other things.)

My question is this: with Durla having been gifted to M'comm and the A'ashenn's as reward for his co-operation, does this mean that the future of Chameleon Boy's home world is being altered from what he would know from his own life? Is Durla's future now changing completely (thus potentially threatening the existence of Chameleon Boy's family line), or is it the case that M'comm and his people are actually the ancestors of Chameleon Boy's family? This may or may not be a spoiler request... I don't know whether it qualifies as one because it wasn't clear from the finale whether or not this might come up again. (I suppose it could come up if the Legionnaires get their own season... I don't know.)

2) Obviously the Eye of Ekron being out there in space in the 21st Century presents a potential problem for the timeline, in the event that it was likely meant to remain in Metron's vault for a while longer. (Maybe it was... maybe it wasn't... No way to know, I suppose.) My question is: are the heroes of both the 21st Century and the 31st Century now aware that they need to keep an eye out (haha) for the Eye of Ekron and try to discover its whereabouts? I'm not asking whether this is a priority for them -- just about whether they are aware that this is a rather important outstanding/unresolved issue.

3) Kind of moot but very important: did the gene-bomb that Desaad gave to M'comm detonate and kill off lots of Martians in the original timeline? I noticed that Lor-Zod alerted Conner to its presence. Had he done nothing, it would surely have exploded. Is this what happened in the original timeline, and if so, who died (if any) out of the name characters in Young Justice?

I think I'm pushing my luck a bit with these questions as they're quite lengthy and involved. I'm sorry if they're a bother for you. Thank you for taking the time to read them and please take care!

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Anonymous writes...

Is helga jace still under the control of the Anti-Life Equation?

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Anonymous writes...

I think I speak for everyone who saw the "Young Justice" Season 4 finale post-credits scene when I ask this important question: Has Kara Zor-El been brainwashed/manipulated, or has she joined the Female Furies of her own free will?

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BatFan2099 writes...

Who is A-33, the Bat-Family ally mentioned in "The Lady, or the Tigress?"

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

In the Earth-16 universe, is Krypton the fourth planet of the planetary system known as the Rao System? Are the names of the other planets called Boron (the first planet), Phalon (the second planet), Thalon (the third planet) and Haron (the fifth planet)?

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Paul writes...

Orion is A-52 and then we have two mystery A-designations before J'ann and M'att. Regarding these mystery designations (A-53 and A-54), do they belong to Saturn Girl and Chameleon Boy? I ask because Phantom Girl was given a designation (A-51), so there is a precedent there for Legionnaires being given A-designations. And both Saturn Girl and Chameleon Boy were present at the wedding (though of course they left before the ceremony started), so it's reasonable to think that they might have Zeta'd there.

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

In terms of percentage, how much of Superboy's burn wounds had healed by the first day after the heroes won the fight against the House of Zod and Miss Martian's brother? The reason I asked because it clearly took nearly two full days for Superboy to be 100% healed.

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Paul writes...

I loved "Death and Rebirth"!

Some questions:

1) When in Team Year Ten (in terms of which month) were the Justice League Reserves officially established? We know, of course, that Superman and Black Lightning were discussing candidates for the Reserves in August (as per the credits scene for episode 18), so I suppose the answer must be either August or September given the new designations that were heard at the wedding... Which month is it?

2) Does Windfall have designation D-15? I ask because it seems logical, given what we know. A total of 16 known characters have been (and/or still are) Outsiders, with only D-02, D-06, D-08 and D-15 still unknown. As I mentioned in another question, it seems likely that D-02 would be Wonder Girl, D-06 would be Geo-Force and D-08 would be Cyborg. Now that we know that Looker is D-16, that leads me to wonder if Windfall is D-15.

3) Did everyone who was visible on the screen when Superman and Black Lightning were discussing JL Reserves candidates ultimately accept the offer? I'm sure Mary Bromfield will get a NO SPOILERS, but maybe you could confirm the others (where applicable)...

4) It's interesting that Tempest is E-03. Are the JL Reserves designations ordered according to how long ago it was that the character first became active as a hero? If so, then perhaps E-01 is Zatara and E-02 is Red Arrow... but anyway, I won't get carried away in speculating which number applies to whom in this new category.

5) Finally, I noticed that Troia chose to sit alongside Garth at the wedding, even though she obviously could have sat with Cassie or anywhere else, really. They work together at the U.N., so I guess it's natural that they would be close, but I wonder if you could confirm whether this is the case, please? (Not asking you about anything too spoilery, like whether or not they are an item.)

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

What is the military rank hierarchy in Krypton's Military Guild? Aside from Dru-Zod (whose highest rank was General), where does his wife and the rest of his followers fall in this hierarchy?

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Anonymous writes...

Questions in regards to the Earth-16 version of Krypton:

#1. How big is the planet in comparison to Earth?

#2. How many moons does Krypton have and what are their names?

#3. How many continents and oceans does Krypton have, and what are their names?

#4. What form of government existed on Krypton?

#5. Was Krypton's red sun, Rao, named after the Kryptonian deity of the same name?

#6. Was the primary religion on Krypton known as Rao-orthodox Religion, or Raoism, for short?

#7. How long is a Kryptonian year in comparison to Earth?

#8. How many guilds existed on Krypton, and what are their names?

#9. Was Krypton's history divided into historic periods like Earth? If true, how many were there, what were their names, and how long did each historic period lasted?

#10. Aside from Rao, were there other deities that were worshiped by the people of Krypton? If true, what were their names?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

If Jonny Kent meets Kara Zor-El, would he likely call her "cousin Kara" OR "aunt Kara"?

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Madison writes...

1. Who has been your favorite Young Justice character to write for?
2. If you could write for any character in the universe who would it be and why?

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Rayk K. writes...

Hi! I’m sorry for disturbing u, I just have a few questions to ask and it won’t take much time.
a) I was just curious if it was a joke when you said that Klarion is 9 y.o. or was you serious? Fans of this character are in real shock (lol ahah) we all were sure that Klarion is physically older (like ~15) for a decade ahaha! Honestly, some of us thought that even Child was from 10 y.o. so now I’m clarifying this small detail on behalf of many fans

b) I am a big fan of the witch boy after YJ so there’s another question about him: if Dr. Fate has a tower of Fate, does Klarion has smth like that? “The place of power”, I mean

c) Will you show us smth about Earth 17? Or no spoilers? Or, on the other side, maybe we don’t need to attach great importance to small phrases XD

In any case, even if you won’t find these questions good and won’t reply, I want to say that I truly love Young Justice, I’m thanking you for YJ4 (it was awesome! ^з^) and we all truly hope to see YJ5 to admire the story!

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

When Miss Martian confronted Saturn Girl (when she appeared to defend Danny Chase) in the Season 4 finale, he identified her as a human. As such, should we assume that Saturn Girl is a 31st century descendant of humans who eventually colonized on Saturn's moon, Titan?

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Anonymous writes...

Questions in regards to the Earth-16 version of Lionel Luthor:

#1. When and where was he born?

#2. When did he get married?

#3. Was he an abusive father towards his two children, Lex and Lena? If true, why was this the case, and which one of his two children suffered the most from his abuse?

#4. When and how did he die?

#5. Where was he buried after he died?

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Anonymous writes...

What do The Light plan to do with the Kryptonians?

What does Ursa Zod plan to do on Daxam?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

1. Is the following familial relationships listed below true in regards to the Earth-16 version of Mary Bromfield?

Clarence Charles "C.C." Baston (Mary's biological father)
Marilyn Baston (Mary's biological mother)
William Joseph "Billy" Baston (Mary's twin brother)
Nicholas "Nick" Bromfield (Mary's adoptive father)
Nora Bromfield (Mary's adoptive mother)

#2. Is Freddy Freeman's full name Fredrick Christopher "Freddy" Freeman?

#3. Is Kit Freeman's full name Christopher "Kit" Freeman?

#4. Are Freddy Freeman and Kit Freeman brothers? Who is the oldest and who is the youngest? Are they twins; considering they were born in the same year of 2000?

#5. Are Freddy's and Kit's parents David Freeman (father) and Rebecca Freeman (mother)?

#6. Are Marilyn Baston and Nora Bromfield cousins; like in the pre-Flashpoint mainstream DC Comics continuity (New Earth)? If true, does that mean that Nick and Nora Bromfield are the biological maternal uncle and aunt of Billy and Mary?

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Nik writes...

Are there any plans currently to release the music of Phantoms physically, the way Outsiders got a CD release?

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Sam writes...

In YJ 4x03, Phantom Girl says that they're not supposed to intervene on anything except for "the one big thing". Was she referring to saving Conner? Or something else?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

#1. Aside from her brother (Billy Baston) and her mentor (Zatanna), who exactly/specifically are the peers that supposedly "betrayed" Mary Bromfield?

#2. Who specifically "betrayed" Kara Zor-El, and what exactly did they supposedly do to "betray" her?

#3. On a scale of 1 to 10, how deep are Kara's and Mary's respective hatred towards the people who apparently "betrayed" them?

#4. On a scale of 1 to 10, how badly do Kara and Mary desire to kill the people who apparently "betrayed" them?

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Anonymous writes...

If Sergeant Marvel perpetually appears as biologically 18 years old, then what about Black Mary?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

What exactly is the "Holy Balance" and why is it named as such?

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Adnan writes...

I recently knew that there was going to be season 3 of the spectacular spiderman. This piece of information was a relief after the cliffhanger season 2 ended with.

I believe fans would like at least to continue the story, even not animated.
Because like, what happens to all characters, you see. Thanks🥰

No need for more characters, just what happens to harry knowing his father, and Gwen and Peter, venom disteny.. I know there other things not finished but answer these please... 😭😭😭😭😭😭

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

#1. How old was the first Teekl; both in terms of human years and cat years?

#2. How old is the second Teekl; both in terms of human years and cat years?

#3. How old is Leroy the Lizard?

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Secret writes...

1. What year did Barbara find out Bruce Wayne was Batman and Dick Grayson was Robin/Nightwing?
2. What year did Wendy Harris find out the truth about her friends being superheroes?
3. Why was a Trogowog at M'gann and Conner's wedding?
4. Did Icicle Jr. get an A designation when he was invited to M'gann and Conner's wedding and if not how did he get there?

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Secret writes...

1. It was stated that Jason Todd joined the Team in 2013 and died that same year, what month did he join the team and what month did he die?
2. Did Jason and Tim know each other during that time?
3. What year did Tim Drake meet Bruce Wayne?
4. What year did Jason Todd meet Bruce Wayne?

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Anonymous writes...

Three questions in regards to the Earth-16 version of The Joker:

#1. Did his transformation take place at Ace Chemicals, a chemical manufacturing facility located in the heart of Gotham City's industrial district?

#2. Following his transformation, can it be assumed that he is no longer able to remember his true name?

#3. Whatever happened to his partner-in-crime, Harley Quinn (Harleen Quinzel) or Punchline (Alexis Kaye)?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

#1. Who are designations B-34 and B-35?

#2. If the E-series are for the members of the Justice League Reserves (in which 24 potential candidates were being considered during the events of Season 4), do you believe that this group should have its own separate page in the YJ Wiki?

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Impetuous_77 writes...

I got one question and one question only..

1. Who can twerk the best in the Justice League?

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Anonymous writes...

Did the forest hive(or at least a few of them) join mantis in siding with apakolips against New genesis?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

Does Alfred Pennyworth have any other family members in the Earth-16 universe besides his daughter, Julia Pennyworth; since the events of "Catwoman: Hunted" is "canon-adjacent"? Also, how old would Julia Pennyworth be in the Earth-16 universe as of the end of Season 4 of Young Justice?

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Flak writes...

Dear Mr Weisman,

I don't have a question but I would to express my feedback about Halo Young Justice.

As a Muslim, I'm happy that you're representing Muslims in cartoons but I'm disappointed/worried with how Halo's represention of Islam is handled, because Islam, you're can't be gay and Muslim. Because if you become gay then you're no longer Muslim, and in order to be a Muslim, you can't be gay, non binary or anything like that. It's one of the terms of being a Muslim.

I know you & your team mean no disrespect or offence to anyone, and that representing the LGBTQ+ community is important to you and everyone else. But please understand that in Islam, gender pronouns, gender transition and being is not allowed. It's just the way it is.

Please consider re-writing Halo's character or changing Halo's religion, because the Muslim community will take offense to it if you continue to represent Muslims as LGBT characters.

Kind regards,


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Anonymous writes...

1 Is m’comm still under darkseid’s employ after having been granted his world for A’ashenns?
2 grayven said Kara and Mary are apart of a New generation of furies. Is big barda also their leader?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

What are the chances that Tomar-Re's Green Lantern Ring (now worn by the female Forager) might somehow contain a pre-recorded message that can only activate in the presence of BOTH Kal-EL AND Kara Zor-El, and that message somehow explains the exact circumstances of why Tomar-Re was unable to save Krypton?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

I wanted to thank you very much for a very wonderful and exciting Season 4 of "Young Justice." It was a very strong season from start to finish and it exceeded all of my expectations. In regards to the Legion of Super-Heroes returning to the future, I sincerely hope that this is not the last time that we will see them, and I hope we will see more members of the team one day. In regards to the elements that you incorporated from "Green Lantern: The Animated Series," I hope that we will see more of that, and I hope that we will eventually see Aya again at long last (if that one episode from "Justice League Action" is any indication of hope of a reunion between her and Razer; even though she is currently in a different DC Universe). In regards to the post-credits scene in the Season 4 finale, I was happy that you fulfilled a long-awaited years-long wish (for me and presumably many other people) when you introduced THAT specific female character, and I can't wait to see what's in store for her journey from villain to hero going into Season 5 (which I personally suspect will be much darker than Season 4).

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Kyle writes...

So is Phantom Girl named that because of her connection to the Phantom Zone? Or is that just the biggest coincidence in the universe?

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SuperFan16 writes...

Just watched the finale of Phantoms, great job to you and the rest of the crew responsible. Quick question, how old is Brainiac 5 and is his name Querl Dox like the other continuities?

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Secret writes...

1. What year did Bear and Dreamer become a couple?
2. Is Zatanna currently dating anyone by season 4?
3. What year did Kaldur and Wyynde become a couple?
4. What year did Kaldur and Wyynde begin living together?
5. Have Kaldur's family adopted Delphis?

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Secret writes...

1. How did Conner's hair regrow in the last episode? Was it Zatann's magic?
2. Where are Conner and M'gann going for their honeymoon?
3. Are Garth and Troia are couple?
4. Has Superboy rejoined the Outsiders following his return in the finale?
5. Does everyone know that Mary has joined Darkseid and the Furies?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

On a scale of 1 to 10...

#1. ...how angry do you think Kal-El and Kon-El will be once they find out that Vandal Savage gave Kara Zor-El to Darkseid?

#2. ... how angry do you think the Justice League, the Team, and Outsiders will be towards Zatanna once they learn about the lengths she went to in order to get her father back (as depicted in her Season 4 story arc) and how Mary's turn to villainy is directly connected to Zatanna's actions?

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BatFan2099 writes...

When did Mal Duncan and Karen Beecher marry?

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Bionicblade2099 writes...

How do Hal, John, and Guy feel about Alan Scott. Did they approve of his actions as Green Lantern? Also do the Guardians know about Alan Scott and if so, do they condemn his actions? Last question, how did Guy get into a coma? I really hope I didn't ask for any spoiler questions

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

Are the Bio-ships on Mars supposed to the equivalent of Earth's whales? I swear that certain sounds they make are very similar to the sounds that whales make.

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Anonymous writes...

Dear Mr Weisman 1 Does Big Barda get along well with Super girl and Mary or are they both a bit to brash for her tastes ? 2. Does Lady Shiva occasionally wear a baseball cap when mentoring new members of the league of shadows ? 3 Besides Dubbilex and kraig did any other non Harper Genomorphs attend the wedding in season 4's final episode ?

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Ash writes...

First off I want to preface this with saying that I completely love what you've done with Khalid, how his story is interwoven into his magic style and even mannerisms like berating himself for missing Trogowog aftercare, how his faith has been integrated and everything he means to people.

That said I had some mixed feelings based on how he is as an adaption, and was hoping you could shed some light into the thought processes that were carried out when adapting him, to hopefully put those mixed feelings to rest.

1) So, the first question is about how his religion was adapted. But hopefully something a little different to what youve been defending ad nauseum. In the comics, Khalid isnt muslim, instead he doesnt really have a personal faith, but struggles due to the influences of his muslim father, christian mother and the Egyptian Gods who make themselves known to him and the role hes to play. And, with angels, jimm, and ofc Bast, looking over him ans his role. I have a particularly strong connection with the Egyptian faith, so that was a major appeal to me.

So my first question is why the decision was made to simplify Khalid's religious experiences for Young Justice as seems to be the case?

2)Speaking of Khalid's christian mother, in the original she is Elizabeth Nassour, with her connection to Kent making her a little more in the know to the entire sorcery elements including Bast's presence, while her occupation as an archaeologist not only fit well to the history of the Nelson family, but let her show her own personal strenth and specialication.

For YJ, it appears as though you have replaced her with Jane Nassour, who seems to have a very different approach to the Life, in spite of sharing Elizabeth's connection to Kent so seeming to be intended as the same character. I am curious to the reasoning on this change, particularly the name since that seems like an odd thing to change even irrespective of the other changes?

3) I had always gotten the impression that the Khalid Nassour Doctor Fate was largely created because someone wanted to do a story about Ibis, but DC wanted the bigger brandname; due to how the series retconned (which was retconned back) Nabu to simply be a priest of Thoth/Zehuti, with a perculiar staff akin to the Ibistick being instrumental in their arsenal, and the blood of the Pharaohs, that made him the candidate. The Ibis family, or at least the Ibistick, is commonly seen among Zatanna and Zatara's possessions.

So my third question is if this were a partial inspiration for the connection that you forged between Zatanna and Khalid?

4) I found the usage of water in Khalid's Test particularly inspired, given the way that death by drowning is treated in Islam. The comic had somewhat similar notions in the first story, with Anubis' floods and Mohammad Nassour trapped in it until being rescued.

I was curious if this particular element was inspired by the comics usage of water, or if MPAC and other resources lent towards this particular meaningful affect (or other reasons I am not considering of course)?

5) Khalid being from Egypt ethnically was a fairly significant point to his comic character, with a further struggle between the balance between Fate duties (to an Egyptian Goddess guardian), modern american med student life with his girlfriend, and his childhood friend with an unrequited crush trying to push him towards social activism against the atrocities being committed by the Egyptian government. Along with immigrant elements, with his father (which would fit quite well with Giovannis story).

So, my question is somewhat tangential to that. Egypt has a high proportion of Sufi Islam, which has elements of mysticism understood to come from Allah, which feels very reminiscent of how Khalid and Mohammed felt that his sorcery was a gift from Allah that needed to be used for his purposes. I was curious if this Sufi connection had been discussed with MPAC and integrated accordingly, or if it is just a happy coincidence?

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Jaime writes...

What are your favorite Gargoyles and spectacular Spider-Man episodes?

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Lee writes...

Is most of the human population of the 31-century meta human in young justice universe?

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Jimmy Struckman writes...

Out of all the semi-obscure comic characters to introduce into the show, why did you pick the Bad Samaritan (not a complaint, just wondering)?

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Streaky-L writes...

How old is Supergirl in "Death and Rebirth"?

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Anonymous writes...

Did Superboy ever tell Superman that he chose Conner Kent because of Kent Nelson and not Clark Kent? If so, what was Clark's reaction?

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Anonymous writes...

1 did vandal savage ego grew after he sucessfully managed to convince the lords of chaos to drop their support of child?
2 Was a part of the reason Why vandal savage thought the lords of order wouldn’t intefere with project thrinos because he thought he thought he managed to convince them and the lords of chaos to be on his side(or at least that they wouldn’t side against him) during child’s rampage?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

If Young Justice gets a fifth season, would you ever consider creating a funny situation in which Icicle Jr. becomes romantically interested in Supergirl, and then he asks Superboy to help him out in the same way he previously did for Marvin White and Wendy Harris in their own romantic relationship?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

Assuming that he is no longer identified as Kaizer-Thrall or Mother-Thrall now that he is rescued and among superhero friends, what superhero codename will Danny Chase call himself?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

This will likely have happened off-screen, but after Superboy and Miss Martian got married, where did they go to spend their honeymoon? Also, is Miss Martian now legally known as Megan Morse-Kent on Earth? Is she also now known as M'gann M'orzz-El?

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sam beckett writes...

Why Greg was part plot of young justice phantoms that black canary would no council beast boy on his depression before Perdita came to visit Garfield at the hub?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

Was Jonny Kent born in Metropolis General Hospital?

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Anonymous writes...

I noticed Perdita perhaps making eyes at Terra during the wedding. Am I looking too deeply into this, or is that who she moved on with?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

Now that the Season 4 finale officially confirmed that Jonny Kent's full name is Jonathan Samuel Kent, can you now confirm that his first name honors his adoptive paternal grandfather (Jonathan Kent) and and his middle name honors his maternal grandfather (Samuel "Sam" Lane)?

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Anonymous writes...

I know you've implied Traci is still LGBT+ in the show, but it's a bit disheartening to see a character who has canonically been a lesbian in the comics for years dating a guy with no mention of her sexuality. I still appreciate your dedication to portraying LGBT+ and particularly bi characters, though, and was very glad to see Harper and Violet get together. Are there any characters in the show that are lesbians or otherwise LGBT+ (besides Ed and [redacted character you haven't been allowed to make canon] that you can discuss? I've always gotten a feeling about Mist and Livewire, idk why.

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

I think I may be getting ahead of myself, but I suspect that when Kara sees Kal-El and Jonny Kent, I think that she will assume that the former is her uncle, Jor-El, and that the latter is her cousin, Kal-El; assuming she has already seen Kal-El as an infant prior to Krypton's destuction. I don't know what she'll think about Kon-El if she sees him, but I hope that she does not have a hatred for clones like her New 52 counterpart...

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Buell writes...

Perdita told Garfield that she has move on in episode 26 of young justice season 4 so why does Garfield Logan still have pictures of queen Perdita on is phone in Young Justice Targets comic issue 1?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

When Stargirl was interviewing Garfield in the Season 4 finale, he openly called her Courtney, and she clearly didn't react to that. As such, how long has the world known that Courtney Elizabeth Whitmore and Stargirl were one and the same person?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

Exactly how many years has Dudley H. Dudley been the legal guardian of Billy Baston?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

1. If Billy Baston and Mary Bromfield are biological siblings, will we get an origin story about them, and will that origin story somehow play a significant role in Season 5; considering that Mary has now become Black Mary and Billy currently has no idea whatsoever that his sister has become evil?

2. Does the Wizard know that Mary is now using the power of Shazam for evil, like Black Adam did before her?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

If Billy Baston and Mary Bromfield are biological siblings in the Earth-16 universe, does that mean they were born as twins (considering we only know they share the same birth year of 2000)? If so, then why is Mary Bromfield NOT Mary Baston? Also, when did Billy and Mary find out the truth about their relationship as siblings? Finally, if Billy and Mary are twins, who is the oldest of the two siblings?

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Marvelman writes...

1) The white martians are at the bottom of social ladder on Mars. Are they also at the bottom of the economic ladder? That is, do they do most of what we would call the "blue-collar" jobs on Mars?

2) If some or most of the White Martian workforce suddenly left Mars for Durla, what would happen to the Martian economy?

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Mike writes...

Have Will Harper and Lian Nguyen-Harper visited Geranium City? Do all Cadmus creations such as the Harper clones, genomorphs, and Superboy consider each other extended family in some way?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

According to Brainiac-5 (Querl Dox), he calculated a 99.84% likelihood that the timeline has been substantially restored. However, should we concerned about the remaining 0.16% that Chameleon Boy (Reep Daggle) mentioned, and could that small percentage have a possible effect on the events of Season 5 of "Young Justice"?

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Verdragon writes...

Did the OG Roy Harper getting his arm amputated have anything to do with the same thing happening in Justice League: Cry for Justice? Cry for Justice was published in 2009-2010, which would've been the window the first season was being produced, so was this coincidence, DC executive request, or inspiration?

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Vic writes...

Hi! Is Supergirls introduced as Kara Zor-El because she is a child or because it is more formal kryptonian naming? Ursa was introduced as Ursa Zod. Or is this a phantom zone translation fluke.

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

When Miss Martian angrily yelled at Lor-Zod to "Stop trying to kill my man!," was the reason because the Legionnaires had informed her off-screen that Lor-Zod was the one who tried to kill Superboy in the United Nations (in 2019) and on Mars (in early 2020); which in turn really pissed her off by the revelation?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

Will Season 5 of "Young Justice" continue with the story arc format of Season 4, or will it revert back to the story arc format of Season 3? Also, what subtitle names do you tentatively have in mind for Season 5?

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Kiawe writes...

Greg Weisman why was it part the plan of the young story that Garfield to meet fall in love and date Perdita if it never
intended be as part of the story of young justice that Garfield and Perdita would get married as adults?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

After the General Zod and the other Kryptonians were defeated, did Miss Martian informed her family that her brother was sent to the Phantom Zone (even though we, the viewers, know that actually didn't happen)? If she did, when did that happen, and how did her family react to the news?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

If I'm not mistaken, Black Canary's suggestion to the other heroes for a sanctuary is nod to the location of the same name which played an important role in the "Heroes in Crisis" event in the comics, correct? Will this location play an important role in Season 5 of Young Justice as well?

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mark writes...

will garfield and Perdita ever get back together or his garfield find new love

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

If Young Justice gets a Season 5, will see the magic school bus scene from Big Barda's point-of-view?

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Emmy the vampire slayer writes...

Hi, greg. How r u doing?

1) how do u deal with such negativity that YJ keeps getting? Like, you know the majority still likes ur show, but i still see ppl saying YJ isn't good since season 1 - but i also see ppl saying that but instead of 1 is 2. A lot of the bad things ppl say about YJ is so strange. I wouldn't be surprise if one person say they don't like the show because, idk, dick walks strangely (Just an example).

2) LOVED the fact that the ice guy went to the wedding and that you voiced that guy who marries them.

3) did dick grayson became nightwing as a teenager(since jason is robin in Team Year 3) or he had a normal life for a time and then he became nightwing?

4) in the reach apocalypse, how did bart know who the heroes were? (Their names). They formed a rebellion? If u could tell more about that timeline, pleaseeee say it. Probably i'll get a no spoilers, but still.

5) are there lgbt ppl in spectacular spider-man?

6) do u plan more than one big big story? - the darkseid one and another i mean.

Sorry for any mistake. And if you could skip at least 1000 years in the next season, it'd be nice :)

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

1. It was stated that Kara Zor-El was sent into Phantom Zone alone decades ago. Based on this statement, it sounds like that event took place prior to Kyrpton's destruction, and I strongly suspect that it was her parents' idea in order to save her. However, the one thing that confuses me is that if Zor-El and Alura-EL intended to sent Kara away, why put her in the Phantom Zone; as opposed putting her on her own ship and have it follow Kal-El's ship like in the comics (even though we would know she would have been delayed by decades due to unfortunate circumstances)?

2. It was stated that Kara Zor-El, like Mary Bromfield, was betrayed, but how is that possible? With Mary, I can understand because that's how she felt when Zatanna excluded her from the Doctor Fate rotation plan. With Kara, however, we've seen no evidence to suggest she suffered some kind of betrayal. Unless, perhaps, she met General Dru-Zod at some point and he told her lies about what her family, or maybe she suffered from Phantom Zone sickness during her time there...?

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Pyro writes...

Mr. Weisman,

Being a fan of such Daxamites like Lar Gand and Sodom Yat in the comincs, I had some questions about the planet and its people.

1) Do Daxamites of Universe-16 retain their species' signature weakness to lead?

2) Similarly, are they as isolationist and xenophobic as their Universe-0 counterparts?

3) What was Daxam's relationship with Krypton like prior to the latter's destruction?

4) Is Daxam a member of the United Planets in the 31st century?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

In regards to Lor-Zod's death (which was absolutely diabolically clever, if you ask me!), am I correct to assume that no one (except Metron) will ever know the truth of what happened to him; much like how none of the heroes will ever know the truth about what happened to the real Ocean-Master (who was killed by Lady Shiva)?

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Lieutinant Whoareyou writes...

Can you please describe Kryptonian naming customs in Young Justice? For Ursa Zod and Lara El, they seem to have taken the House names of their respective husbands, but Kara Zor-El seems to have the last name of her father. So do Kryptonian women take the surname as their father's name but then take the House name as a surname once they marry? Am I on the right track here?

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Lester writes...

Why Greg you make choice Garfield would remain single as an adult and not date another woman after his breakup with Queen Perdita for the rest of his life just as the dc comic book verson of adult Garfield remain single for the rest of his life after Tara dies in the comic?

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Lieutinant Whoareyou writes...

I have two question about the ending of Young Justice: Phantom's finale:

1) Are Robin and Spoiler now dating?
2) Are Halo and Harper Row now dating?

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Storyseeker writes...

I have to ask about Nightwing surviving the season 4 finale of Young Justice , because frankly I just find it all so hard to believe?

It just felt so unrealistic; first by willingly cutting himself to fake his death injury (as if anyone wouldn’t at least bleed after being thrown into a statue and then have the thing fall on top of you), and then slowing down his own heartbeat to a stop. No one can slow their heartbeat down to a full-stop, and it’s not as if someone with super-hearing couldn’t tell whether someone was really dead.

I'm sorry, but even now I'm still expecting Nightwing to turn around and suddenly reveal that he's either a ghost, an imposter or some other big shocker.

I was surprised at the ending, too. When they introduced Darkseid’s new furies, I was expecting them to be the Legionaires, as I thought Brainiac was an imposter who was sent to get them. Personally, I thought they should be killed, as it makes the future more interesting when you don’t know what’s coming. Granted, we were told the future was only about 99.84% corrected, so we don’t know what’s changed, but we know it must be good because of Brainiac’s presence…etc.

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Junya writes...

Why did you Greg decide as part of the young justice phantoms Garfield and Perdita would not resume their relationship in episode 26 of young justice phantoms?

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Rex writes...

In episode 26 of young justice season 4 Why did Queen Perdita choose to move on from Garfield and not give Garfield a second chance with her because she was knew that Garfield was under the influence of drugs when he said those hurtful words to her that broke her heart in episode 13 of season 4 of young justice?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

I have to be honest with you here; you gave me quite a scare in regards to Nightwing's head injury. The reason I say this is because I was afraid that Nightwing was going to end up becoming amnesiac and become Ric Grayson; which happened in the comics. Let me say now that I am one of (presumably) many people who hated the whole Ric Grayson storyline in the comics because he went through all kinds of hell before he finally got his memory back. When it was revealed that he faked his own head injury and still retained his memory in the Season 4 finale, I was relieved and happy that he was all right. As such, I wanted to thank you so much for NOT turning Dick Grayson into Ric Grayson.

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