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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

If a Kryptonian absorbs enough yellow sun radiation after a certain number of years in the Earth-16 universe, will they become completely invulnerable to the effects of kryptonite? The reason I'm asking this question to you is because this actually happened to the Superman of the Kingdom Come universe (Earth-22) when he was temporarily in the pre-Flashpoint mainstream DC Comics universe (New Earth).

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Anonymous writes...

Since Catwoman: Hunted is "canon adjacent" to YJ, and, as you say, some events happened similar in Earth-16, what Team Year would you say the events from the movie take place in?

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Anonymous writes...

More Legionaire questions
1. Did they ever follow Conner and M'gann when they went on dates?
2. Were they ever almost caught by Wolf or Sphere?
3. What the Legionaires think of Superboy and Miss Martian's romance?

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Anonymous writes...

Since the Legionnaires were following Conner for a whole year...
1. Where did they sleep?
2. Where did they live?
3. Did they keep constant surveillance on his and M'gann's home in Happy Harbour?
4. Did they ever go inside the couple's house/apartment?

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Dentrisen writes...

Hi Greg ! I suppose we'll never get to see season 5, given the actual world situation. Even if you started it right now (and you won't), that'll probably never happen. So I wonder : are you sad you couldn't develop more Nightwing's character ? You had a golden opportunity to develop his relation with Batman, father and son. That could have been a great moment in the DC universe and now it'll never be realized. Do you have planned to leave your untold stories for people to read them after you know you won't be able to tell them ?

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Secret writes...

What's the situation with Lia? Was she a runaway too and if so why did she leave? Is she in contact with her parents?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

As of the time of this posting, DC Comics has introduced a new character who also happens to be Black Adam's successor and descendant. The young man's name is Malik White; although he has also been addressed as Malik-Adam by Black Adam. Also, from what I read on the internet, once he is given Black Adam's powers, Malik will go by the monkier "Bolt" when he transforms; wearing a white version of the Black Adam costume while sporting a red cape. As such, Do you think that we'll ever eventually see the Earth-16 version of Malik White?

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Anonymous writes...

Let me get straight...you claim that ONE Muslim woman of color told you there was nothing wrong with Halo and MPAC didn't come in until season 4 so they never said the original concept was okay. Meanwhile COUNTLESS amount of fans have been telling you there is an issue since 2019 with multiple people saying the exact same things over and over and over...and you STILL think that you're right? You've never once considered that maybe you're missing something Are you really that arrogant?

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Patrick writes...

Hey Greg, in YJ season 4 what was the total number of Kryptonians that were trapped in the Phantom Zone including the ones that were named (Zod, Ursa, Non, etc.)?

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Anonymous writes...

Up until now Miss Martian never really called Mars as M'arzz so why the change?

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Anonymous writes...

Hi Greg! I had some questions about the Cosmic Treadmill in Young Justice.

1) What is it exactly and how does it work? In the comics it's used by speedsters to time travel, but that doesn't seem to be the case here. Am I correct to assume it's primary/only function was to super-charge Bio-Ship so she could fly faster?

2) Why did it take Bart, Saturn Girl and Chameleon Boy over three months to collect and assemble materials for it?

3) Who's idea was it to build a Cosmic Treadmill specifically? Bart's or the Legionnaires'? And where did the idea come from?

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Hayden Philyaw writes...

I have four questions.

1) If Batman is Tim Drake's Legal Guardian, does that mean Tim's real parents are dead?

2) Will we ever see Thymescira?

3) Has Cassie ever been to Thymescira?

4) Does Thymescira have mythological creatures? Like Griffins

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

#1. Did Alfred ever apologized to Bruce for not being a father figure to him as Bruce grew up, and did Bruce forgave Alfred for it?

#2. Since Alfred became a father figure to Dick Grayson, did he also do the same for Jason Todd and Tim Drake as well?

#3. Did Jason Todd and Tim Drake appreciate Alfred's fatherly-like love and support like Dick (presumably) did?

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Anonymous writes...

Is there a point when an Outsider is expected to “age out” of the Outsiders, since the goal of the Outsiders is to inspire meta-teens by showing the world public meta-teen superheroes? For example, Cyborg joins the Outsiders when he’s 18 and leaves to join the Justice League when he’s 19/20 years old. Virgil is around the same age and Jaime is already 21. Would they be expected to leave the Outsiders and join the JL soon since they’re already adults? Will Garfield be a 30 year old man leading a group of teens?

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John Paul Gontor writes...

How you plan or came up with ideas for your episodes?

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Sam writes...

I always had a question about the Grimorum Arcanorum. It's a book of spells but is the book itself magical? cant the spells be transferred to another book?

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Mark writes...

The plot of the Musicology 101 radio play had much in common with the then-unpublished Torch Songs comic.

Was Torch Songs already scripted and adapted into Musicology, or was Musicology adapted into Torch Songs?

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Mark writes...

At the wedding in Death and Rebirth, we hear Danny Chase speak. Previously he seemed dependent on a psychic link to speak, and could only "talk" in beeps in the real world.

Did Danny learn to project his thoughts? Or has he been fitted with a thought-to-speech device like Gar, the Brain, etc? Something else?

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Alex DeSantos writes...

Hi Greg,

You talked about how there's no viable way for Spectacular to come back due to Sony owning that version but not owning the right the TV Rights.

Sony however seems to have the right to make animated films (based on Into The Spider-Verse and the upcoming Across The Spider-Verse). And they still own the rights to the Spectacular version of the character. In theory, would Sony be legally allowed to put out an animated film in the Spectacular'universe?

I'm not asking if it's likely to happen, just if it's technically possible for them to do that.

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Sonickick writes...

Hi Greg and staff moderators!

I'm currently doing research on Young Justice Legacy for a video project I'm working on, and on the game's wikipedia page in the development section, this sentence was added sometime in 2014 after the game came out:

"Many of the initial delays resulted from production uncertainty. In its pre-production phase throughout late 2011 into late 2012, the development of the game shifted constantly between Little Orbit's in house development branch Game Machine, their contractor in Madrid Freedom Factory and a satellite Game Machine studio in Melbourne. Once initial quality issues and developer responsibilities settled, the game was able to be completed."

The sentence doesn't have a source or reference to it. Would you be able to verify any of this, like what time you and Brandon were initially approached by LittleOrbit/Warner Bros for the project, or was this possibly some misinformation that was just put on the page by a random editor?

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Suzie writes...

How long was Kru-El sentenced to the Phantom Zone?
how long was Non sentenced to the Phantom Zone?
how long was Jax-Ur sentenced to the Phantom Zone?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

There were two Superboy flashbacks in the Season 4 finale; one in which he meets Jonathan and Martha Kent for the first time, and the other in which he meets Jonathan Samuel Kent at some point after he was born. What the exact dates (mm/dd/yyyy) that these two flashbacks took place?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

Will Jonny Kent be the only child of Clark Kent and Lois Lane in the Earth-16 universe, or do they plan to have more kids at some point...?

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Anonymous writes...

whAt other animated superhero shows are you comparing the young justice viewing numbers against? the only other animated dc show in progress is harley quinn and on other platforms the only ones I can think of are invincible and marvel's what if...and were you looking at overall views or by week?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

By the time Beast Boy becomes an adult, do you think he'll rename himself as Animal Man; much like his "Titans Tomorrow" counterpart?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

Why does Chameleon Boy's Ma'alefa'ak design looks different in both the first Season 4 story arc (specifically, the third episode, when the Legion saved Superboy and Beast Boy) and the Season 4 finale (when he fought Miss Martian's brother); especially since the transformation during the latter looks more like Beast Boy's version?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

When was the Earth-16 version of Two-Face born?

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Anonymous writes...

Questions in regards to the Earth-16 version of Two-Face:

#1. Is his real name Harvey Dent?

#2. Did he used to be the District Attorney of Gotham City, and a close, personal ally of Batman? Also, how many years did he maintain the position of District Attorney prior to becoming Two-Face?

#3. What year did Harvey Dent become Two-Face?

#4. In regards to the person who threw acid and severely disfigured the left side of Harvey's face, was it Salvatore "Sal" Maroni (the second most powerful mobster in Gotham City after Carmine Falcone), or was it Erin McKillen (the head of the McKillen Crime Family, who represent the Irish Mob in Gotham City)?

#5. Is his wife's name Gilda Dent (formerly Gold)?

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Suzie writes...

How much does Conner know about M'gann's other siblings beside M'ree and M'comm?
When did Conner meet M'gann's parents?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

What is the name of the Old Promethean God who nearly reawakened due to Lor-Zod's actions on New Genesis?

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Suzie writes...

1. Is Conner getting therapy from Black Canary after his time trapped in the Phantom Zone?
2. Has Conner told M'gann about his experience trapped in the Phantom Zone or did she see everything after she restored his memories in the season 4 finale?
3. Are the martians planning to celebrate Conner's survival and truly honor him for saving their race?

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Jason writes...

Hi Greg. Just wanted to ask, although you have probably heard this a lot, are there any updates of YJ season 4 streaming stats? I know that it was widely publicized that the decision to be renewed was contingent on these stats so I just wanted to hear your personal opinion following the season's end. Also, thanks so much for creating this awesome show and for all you effort!

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

Did Wally West truly died in the Season 2 finale, or is only his physical body destroyed and he has turned into some form of multiple displaced energy particles (due to being struck multiple times by the chrysalis' energy) and his scattered particles needs to be gathered in order to restore his physical form?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

Does the entire world know that Beast Boy broke up with Queen Perdita? Did anyone sent or tweeted "hate messages" to Beast Boy in response to the break-up; presumably off-screen?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

After the events of Zatanna's Season 4 story arc, was Billy ever informed about what Mary did, and did he ever attempted to contact her to try to talk to her about what happened...?

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Blake writes...

Hi Greg I'm currently working on a new and upcoming animated series project about a vigilante/anti-hero but I have a bit of a problem which is how can I write an original origin story that hasn't been done before?

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Hafiz writes...

What are the E-series for?

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Suzie writes...

How was Lor-Zod originally planning to kill Superboy outside the United Nations?

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Jordan Briskin writes...

Shalom, Reb Weisman.

I was first introduced to GARGOYLES through the condensed VHS release of "Awakening" about 20 years ago, and I finished watching the entire canonical series (as well as reading the sequel graphic novels) online shortly after the pandemic started. After delving into the lore behind the series (and falling in love with it), there are several things I'd like to ask and put forth observations about.

My first question: The episode "Grief" is puzzling to me as an amateur Egyptologist, as it portrays only Anubis as one of the Third Race. What does this mean that his fellow gods -- both his immediate kin (Ra, Shu, Tefnut, Geb, Nut, Isis, Nephthys, Set, Osiris, and Horus) and all the rest (Bastet, Sobek, Hathor/Sekhmet, Thoth, Taweret, Ptah, et al)? Are they part of a separate magical race, or is there some other reason?

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Anonymous writes...

1. Is anyone on the League suffering from diabeetus?
2. Is Superboy a toilet?
3. Which STD does Superboy have?
4. Since Superboy is suffering from IBS, has his rectum torn in half yet?
5. Do ya like jazz?]

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Anonymous writes...

1. Who has the worst diarrhea on the Team?
2. Does Superboy suffer from IBS?
3. Does Jay Garrick have Hemorrhoids?
4. Which leaguer has a known STD?
5. Does anyone on the League, Team, and Outsiders have Gonnorhea?

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Anonymous writes...

Why does M'gann not have freckles at her and Conner's wedding?

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Secret writes...

Why did Conner arrive in Bio-Ship at the wedding and why did M'gann arrive in Baby? I would have figured it would have been the other way around?

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Anonymous writes...

1. Did Conner go back to the Phantom Zone to release the kryptanian prisoners with the rest of the heroes or he did refuse to go with them?
2. Does everyone feel bad for not uncovering the truth sooner into Conner's disappearance since he suffered so much whilst trapped in the Zone?
3. How did the rest of the Outsiders find out Superboy is alive?
4. How did the rest of the Justice League find out Superboy is alive?

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Yair writes...

Why did Garfield still see the other outsiders as his friends after they did not get Garfield help from black canary before queen Perdida visit Garfield at the hub? If they did Garfield and Perdita would still be together.

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Anonymous writes...

1. How old is Miss Martian in human years? She is chronically 16 in season 1, but how old would you say she is in season 4?
2. What year did Superboy start wearing gloves and a long sleeved shirt as his primary mission outfit?
3. Do the original team know Conner was not at fault for his actions while under Zod’s control and do they learn about Zone-Sickness?

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Suzie writes...

How old is Mary Bromfield by 2020?
How old is Billy Baston by 2020?

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Suzie writes...

How would you describe M'gann's current state in July to September 2020. She was still obviously mourning Conner, but how would describe it? Had she improved over the last 3 months until she found out Conner was still alive or was she just putting up a front and tried to look strong in front of others?

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Jasmine writes...

my sentences may be a bit meaningless and misspelled. This question may have already been asked, but I couldn't find it.
My question is related to the song "The Will to Love" from
WITCH . Even though more than 14 years have passed, I wanted to ask you for the sheet music for the 7th verse, if I may.
I want to note that in no case (if not) I will not post anything related to this on the Internet.

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Brody writes...

Why did Garfield choose to stay and attend miss martian and superboy's wedding after peridia said to Gaffield that she has move on in episode of 26 of young justice season 4?

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Paul writes...

Hey Greg!

1) CONGRATULATIONS! You added Troia and Sergeant Marvel to YJ! Finally, after missing out on putting them in season 2, you've managed to include them. How does that feel?

2) Do you have further plans for both of those characters, in the event that you get one or more season(s)?

3) Why the white and gold costume for Sergeant Marvel? (Not complaining at all - just curious, as she also has a red costume in the comics!)

4) No sign of Lieutenant Marvel. Do you have any plans - any at all - for Lieutenant Marvel (Freddy Freeman)?

5) I love that the show bounced around in time in the episode "Og Htrof Dna Reuqnoc!" I also love that the Invasion tie-in comic did this (between December of Team Year Zero and December of Team Year Five). Is this a narrative approach that you could potentially see yourself taking again in any future seasons of the show?

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Anonymous writes...

1) How old is Denny?

2) How old is Malet Dasim?

3) What was the general public's perception of the JSA like compared to the Justice League?

4) How do the Genomorphs feel about Match's abduction by The Light?

5) Are The Brain and Mallah in love with each-other like they were in the comics?

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Anonymous writes...

Hey, Greg,

I just noticed this while reading the first issue of Young Justice Targets, but isn't Stargirl's mole on the right side of her face? XD It's on her left side, but the show has it on her right side.

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Paul writes...

Is Oracle a member of the Team? Or is she considered to be a non-member who's around to provide tech support, like Mal Duncan in the first half of Invasion?

It's unclear in the show itself, which is why I'm asking. She has certainly provided support to the Team, most notably in "The Lady, or the Tigress?" and "I Know Why the Caged Cat Sings".

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Anonymous writes...

Hi, Mr. Weisman,

With Disney doing many revivals or continuations of a lot of their old popular shows (Boy Meets World > Girl Meets World, That’s So Raven > Raven’s Home, The Proud Family, and there were also talks of other revivals for certain shows like Lizzie Maguire that fell through) for the last few years, do you think we have a good chance to a Gargoyles revival in the near future?

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Anonymous writes...

Hi Greg, I loved watching YJ when I was younger and I'm really excited to binge watch S3 & S4. I was wondering if you are planning to add in Starfire and Raven in Young Justice?
Thanks and I hope you have a great rest of your day!

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

What type of material is the Legion ring made of; considering it did not melt at all when Phantom Girl put her hand in the lava in order to save Superboy and phase him?

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Anonymous writes...

Hi sorry I got a little confused.

Jason Bard said when he introduced himself to Jade that he was set up with Artemis by his ex when she left him for her ex.
I think you already confirmed (one of) his ex-girlfriend was Barbara.
1. Is Jason referring to Barbara ? Or another ex?
2. If he is talking about Barbara. Would that mean her and Dick broke up after Season 3? But are currently (YJP) dating?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

Between May 15, 2020 and September 17, 2020, was Mary essentially missing on Earth for five whole months? If true, did her adoptive parents (Nick and Nora Bromfield) reported her missing to the police? Did the Justice League, the Team, and the Outsiders also realized she was missing and did they even bothered trying to find her?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

In the Earth-16 universe, when did Krypton first come into contact with New Genesis and the Green Lantern Corps?

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Anonymous writes...

Quick question about the Sentinels of Magic, what year did each of them start training with Zatanna?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

#1. Durla is the home planet of Chameleon Boy (Reep Daggle) in the 31st century. With Ma'alefa'ak and his fellow White Martian followers now living in 21st century Durla, does that mean that the 31st century Durlans are descendants of the 21st century White Martians? If not, does this account for the 0.16% probability of the timeline NOT being fully restored; something that Chameleon Boy was rightfully concerned about?

#2. Is Durla located in Space Sector 700 in the Earth-16 universe?

#3. Which Space Sector is Bgtzl located in the Earth-16 universe?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

Now that Zatara will only become Doctor Fate on a rotational schedule, will he now have time to fix his hair and shave his mustache and beard so that he will look similar to how he was back in 2010?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

If the saying that the deceased watch over their loved ones in Heaven is true in the Earth-16 universe, do you think that Sindella would be disappointed by her daughter's actions in Zatanna's season 4 story arc?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

#1. I know this sounds somewhat silly, but when the school bus returned back to 2010, did Penny Randall actually managed to get to the bathroom on time?

#2. Since Black Canary mentioned that Penny Randall wanted to build safer bridges (presumably due to her own personal experiences), will we eventually see if her work has ultimately proven successful?

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Sam writes...

1) Are Conner and M'gann planning to have kids?

2) In Emergency Dive Orin asks "How long have you hated me" what would the real Orm have said to that

3) How would you describe the relationships between the members of the light in season 1. Allies, friends, or co-workers

4) I understand Ras leaving the Light but why turn over control of the Shadows to them?

5) Did the Light ever try to break Ocean Master out of prison?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

In the Earth-16 universe, who discovered the Phantom Zone and gave it its name? When did this happened in the Earth-16 timeline?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

In the Zatara flashbacks during the Zatanna story arc, what exactly were the mechanical monsters that Superman defeated? I mean, who created them and for what purpose? Also, since they were not visually seen, please describe what the mechanical monsters looked like? Finally, when was the exact date the news segment of Superman took place on TV during that time?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

When Zatanna's mother passed away in 2008, did she ever wrongfully got angry at her father for not being there to say goodbye to her mother before she died; since he was away working at the time?

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Sam writes...

1) What was Katherine's plan for the Eggs when she got to Edinburgh?

2) Did Gargoyles ever have their own language before adopting human ones?

3) Are there any examples of Gargoyle architecture?

4) How large was the Scone clan by 994 AD

5) What would Katherine have thought of Maol Chalvim overthrowing their cousin Kenneth?

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Kevin writes...

1. What are the main differences between a Motherbox and a Fatherbox, is it just an aesthetic difference since they have Mobius tech/operating system or is there something only or the other can do that the other cannot?
2. Out of universe why wasn't Spectre and the Golden Age Hawkman part of the Justice Society of America on Earth 16? Not asking if they exist on Earth 16 only what made you decide not to use them as members of the JSA in this iteration?
3. On Earth 16 what does the Courage of Achilles and Stamina of Atlas do for the Marvels? Sometimes one provides invulnerability over the other and vice versa, so what are the main powers that they provide?

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Anonymous writes...

This is something that confuses me but basically The league of shadows have had a contract on Jade ever since she betrayed them to save Red Arrow(also said in young justice phantoms Artemis arc), now this happens as per Red Arrows Journal happens around May 26 team year 4 yet in young justice legacy 17 February team year 5 Cheshire is working with the League of shadows and even telling them to keep digging so did she just rejoin the league of shadows and betray them once again and the league of shadows just allowed her to rejoin them after her first betrayal so easily seems weird to me.

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Anonymous writes...

1) So in Secrets Mgann is dressed as a zombie and Superboy is dressed as a mummy wearing bandages is this an intentional reference to season 3-4 that is Miss martian embracing her white martian status and Superboy getting burns due to the lava.
2) If this true can I expect Wally to return as a werewolf.

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Anonymous writes...

1) So at first I thought it was a coincidence since English isn't my first language but Talia's accent in Catwoman Hunted and Young Justice Phantoms seemed different to me, Then I even checked with the Young Justice wiki page and they had a similar conclusion. So are the accents for Talia different or are we just reading too much into it since in Catwoman Hunted she sounds like she has a middle eastern accent.While in Young Justice Phantoms she has a british accent.
2) Is there a reason why the two accents were different was it to demonstrate that Catwoman Hunted is canon adjacent.
3) I have always wondered like when you make things that are Canon Adjacent why not simply make them canon it doesn't seem like it would be a particularly difficult task like I get Green Arrow Showcase is pre young justice so When you tabulated the young justice timeline you saw that more elements had to be at play and changed the version of events that happened on earth 16 or GLTAS which you didn't work on so you wanted the freedom to pick and choose the elements you wanted from it. But why make Catwoman Hunted canon adjacent instead of making it canon, I mean there are a few things that are difficult to place in earth 16 timeline since by the time Batwoman becomes active Cheshire has already betrayed the League of Shadows. So why make these decisions you could just as easily altered the story ever so slightly to make it canon, I mean you are the sole writer for it I think. This is not really a criticism since I loved Catwoman Hunted but something that I found curious nonetheless.
4) Also in case we get a 5th season and I really hope it does, you will hit the episode 100 milestone, hope that episode is celebratory.

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

#1. What year was Sindella Zatara diagnosed with cancer?

#2a. Using the link provided below, what type of cancer did Sindella Zatara have?


#2b. If the cancer she had consists of multiple stages, which stage was her cancer in?

#3. After she died, where was Sindella's funeral held, and where was she buried?

#4. Did the Earth-16 version of Zachary "Zach" Zatara (Giovanni's and Sindella's nephew, and Zatanna's paternal cousin) attended Sindella's funeral?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

I may be getting WAY ahead of myself by asking this question, but if "Young Justice" get renewed for another season, will there be at least one scene involving a special family bonding moment between Jonny Kent and Kara Zor-El?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

Just so I can understand this correctly, Clark knew that Conner's burn wounds were still healing, and the reason why he asked Jonny if he wanted to see Conner because he was worried that Jonny would've freaked out (or something) at the sight of Conner's appearance at the time? And then, when he realized how excited Jonny was at seeing Conner again on the video screen, Clark then realized that there was nothing to worry about after all?

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Jordan writes...

Was Lex Luthor and Superman ever friends or were they enemies from their first meeting?

Were any of the villains hesitant about joining the Light when Vandal sent out the invitations?

How come Black Manta and Brain haven't told Waller about the Light?

Did the average supervillian knew about Lex Luthor's shady dealing prior to season 3 was it a pretty open secret?

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Anonymous writes...

So when Klarion is searching for the Heroes as a bus he also ends up at Apokolips a year later was this because Klarion rightly sensed the presence of Mary Bromfield there now that she and Supergirl are the next generation of Furies.

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

#1. Was all the damage inside the Fortress of Solitude repaired before or after Superboy's and Miss Martian's wedding?

#2. Even though it was not seen, is Superman's ship stored somewhere inside the Fortress of Solitude?

#3. How come the Fortress of Solitude does not appear to have any Kryptonian service robots (like Kelex) for internal security and other purposes?

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Matt Zimmer writes...

I'm looking through all these questions and answers and it's kind of troubling me a bit. I can't tell anyone else how to write (and you have been doing it far longer and more successfully than I have) but part of me disapproves of answering all these questions.

Granted, a lot of questions on this site are amazing and deserve to be acknowledged. I just recall how David Lynch responds when a fan demands an explanation for what they just saw: "What do YOU think happened?"

I guess my question boils down to are there any plot points you don't know? Not because they haven't been written or decided yet, but because you believe its ambiguity should be kept up for debate? When I write, I have a bunch of opinions about my story and what my characters are thinking. But for most of it, I like to pretend I could be wrong, and that a reader's different interpretation could be more on-the-ball than my own.

Are there any mysteries in your stories (Gargoyles, The Spectacular Spider-Man, Young Justice) that you want to leave up to the fans to draw their own conclusions? Something you could offer your OWN opinion on, but that opinion is not canon or official? If you'll indulge me, could you also give me a couple of examples of your unsolved / undecided mysteries (if they even exist)?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

Will we ever see animated cameos of yourself and Brandon Vietti on "Young Justice"?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

In the post-credits scene of the "Young Justice" Season 4 finale, Grayven told Darkseid that Mary Bromfield and Kara Zor-El were the next generation of Furies. Given this statement, does that imply/suggests that there will be more new Furies in Season 5 who will also join Kara and Mary?

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Kevin writes...

1. What is the chronological age of the Phantom Stranger?
2. What was the biological of Arion when Atlantis fell?
3. What age was Arion in his clone body?
4. Would Orin Orm, and Artur descendants of Arion and thus Vandal Savage?
5. Did the throne of Atlantis draw claim from being the heir to Arion or was it based on something else?

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Verdragon writes...

Since you've written for the setting, what's your favorite Ravnica Guild, and which do you find the most interesting, assuming it isn't also your favorite?

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Anonymous writes...

How is Danny able to communicate now without Motherbox?
What is going to happen to Danny now? Will he join the Team and how will the Justice League help with his situation?
Why did Danny run away from home?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

If "Young Justice" gets a Season 5, will there be a story arc that addresses the consequences of Superboy's actions from when he temporarily sided with the House of Zod? I can't imagine that the entire world would've easily forgive him; even if it was somehow explained to everyone that he was not in his right state of mind when it happened, and I suspect there will likely be people who are likely still afraid of him and don't trust him anymore.

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Secret writes...

During the first episode in Zatanna's arc there was a moment where she bumped into a kid who was wearing a Superman S T-shirt. Why didn't you use that moment as an opportunity to show Zatanna's grief over Conner's death? Zatanna was really the only member of the original team who didn't have a scene where she grieved or took a moment to mourn Conner unlike everyone else? I know in the end her arc played an important role in Superboy's story, but still I'm curious why didn't you give Zatanna a moment to show her own feelings over losing Conner? A lot of fans were hoping for some insight into their friendship.

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

#1. What exactly is M'ree M'orzz's job position at Star Labs, and what exactly does she do? Also, during the four to five months she been doing the job, has she truly enjoyed working there?

#2. Aside from her work at Star Labs, did M'ree M'orzz learn anything interesting during her time on Earth?

#3. What made M'ree M'orzz decide to go back to her original name by the time of the Season 4 finale? I mean, it sounded like she put a lot of thought into this decision, but I'd still like to know the reason why.

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NoOneSpecial writes...

1. Is there any significance to the fact, out of M'aatt and J'aann's 29 children, only 2 of them are A'ashenn and the rest are G'arruunn? Is that a common occurrence amongst mixed families? Would another couple that is A'ashenn and G'arruunn have a majority of children with the one skin color?

2. Why do female Martians specifically need to ask the blessing of their mate's parents?

3. Would the gene bomb have killed any Y'ellonn Martians if they were A'ashenn or G'arruun originally?

4. Mars have issues with prejudice, but generally speaking, how do they take LGBT relationships? Would a Martain who is LGBT face anywhere near the level of prejucie if they were A'ashenn?

5. Is Ma'alefa'ak (animal) a natural predator of Martians or is it just a dangerous, wild animal, e.g like a bear or wolf? Why are Martians so particularly scared of it? When Beat Boy becomes a Ma'alefa'ak, the Martians quickly brain blast him out of fear. I know Beast Boy was particularly vulnerable to such an attack, but would a brain blast be just as effective against a genuine Ma'alefa'ak?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

Was the reason you made Perdita move on from Beast Boy because you wanted to show the severity of the consequences of his own actions, and also show how there are some things that can never be fixed once they are broken...?

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Anonymous writes...

What year did Orin and Mera meet?
what year did Orin and Mera begin a relationship
What year did Orin and Mera get married?

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Anonymous writes...

1. How did Conner feel about the fact that he was naked for most of the season?
2. How many years did Lagoon Boy hold a grudge against Superboy
3. Did Lagoon Boy hold a grudge against Conner because Miss Martian broke up with him to get back together with Superboy?
4. What is the temperature like in the Phantom Zone? Is there no heat or cold?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

Ever since it was revealed in Season 2 of "Young Justice" that Queen Bee was responsible for the death of Beast Boy's mother, I have been waiting each season for the villain to be brought to justice for this crime. As such, my question to you is this: When will that day finally come?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

As you've mentioned before, Beast Boy's Season 4 storyline revolved around him suffering from post-traumatic stress. However, if his Season 4 storyline had instead been written out with the focus being on suicide prevention instead of post-traumatic stress, would HBO Max have allowed it to be shown, or would that have likely been too graphic and dark for a DC Comics character of his young age...?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

Has Mary Bromfield ever considered having her last name legally changed from Bromfield to Baston?

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Anonymous writes...

Are Jason Bard and Artemis still dating by the end of Young Justice Phantoms?

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Godzilla hero writes...

Why didn't black canary not apologize to queen peridia for not counseling Garfield before the breakup of Garfield and peridia after peridia was rescue in 2020? back canary might think if she council Garfield before peridia visit Garfield at the HUB Garfield and peridia might still together.

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

Out of curiosity, why did the heroes only appear AFTER the conflict with the House of Zod and Miss Martian's brother had ended?

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Anonymous writes...

1. When did Ed start dating his boyfriend?
2. When did Bart start dating the person he’s seeing?

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