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Anonymous writes...

In regards to Joan Garrick...

#1. What was the reason why she was hospitalized in the first place before she eventually passed away? Was it illness, or Jay found her collapsed on the floor at their home, or was there another reason?

#2. What was the decision to have pass away in Season 3 at the age of 96; as opposed to around or after the age of 100 (which is an age some people have reached in real life)?

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Anonymous writes...

Questions in regards to the Earth-16 version of Arrowette:

#1. Is her full name Suzanne "Cissie" King-Jones?

#2. Is her mother's name Bonnie King?

#3. How many years did she trained in archery before joining the Team in 2017?

#4. Is her father aware of her superhero activities?

#5. When she saw Green Arrow and Artemis again (presumably after many years), did she ever thanked them for saving her father's life?

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Steve Hockensmith writes...

When did Dudley take in Billy?

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Suzie writes...

I was wondering the way Conner and M'gann got back together... was that always how you intended for them to reconcile their relationship or did you have any other ideas in mind?

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Anonymous writes...

Doesn't the public find Lex Luthor and Godfrey to be hypocrites since they actively supported the Reach prior to their exposure?

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Suzie writes...

Why did you decide to break up Miss Martian and Superboy in season 2? Was this just to further challenge and strengthen their relationship. I can understand why since they are the main couple and have gone through more challenges and obstacles than any other romance on the show. Still I loved to know your thoughts about what you thought of the couple and their future at the time.

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Anonymous writes...

Why did Beast Boy choose Cassie to replace him as the leader of the Outsiders while he was on Mars and during his depression ?

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Anonymous writes...

1 What influenced your decision to make rictus female?
2 Does the light consider sportsmaster a target after attacking black manta?

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Iris writes...

Love young justice watched it since I was a kid.
Is Artemis’s dog named Brucley or Bruce Li cuz I feel like those names are easy for people writing Wikipedia pages to mix up.

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Kalito writes...

I know that before the events of the last episode of YJ Season 3 the Justice League got restrained in dealing with problems, even with helping with humanitarian efforts after disasters, thanks to restrictions placed by the United Nations ever since Lex Luthor became UN Secretary-General. But did the League ever think of trying to expose him for his criminal activities in the first place so that he can be removed from his position and maybe even arrested?

Note: I thought of this from that episode of Young Justice Season 2 called "Summit" in which the Reach finally got exposed for their evil nature after the young heroes got the evidence they needed to do so and it didn't take years to do that. Plus after remembering Benson Fuhrman (Who's real last name is Hairmore) from an episode of Scooby-Doo! Mystery Incorporated Season 2 called "Scarebear".

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Kalito writes...

Should there be a Teen Titans or Young Justice in the DC Extended Universe? Because I think it would be pretty interesting if either one of those young superhero teams were to appear in it.

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Anonymous writes...

How well does Superboy fight underwater?

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Anonymous writes...

1. Why didn't Superboy report Miss Martian's abuse of power in season 2 after they broke up?
2. When M'gann apologised to Conner on the Bio-Ship for what she tried to do to him was that the first time she apologised for what she had done. From the sounds of it it sure seems like it?
3. Are Hal Jordan and Carol Ferris a couple?
4. When M'gann and Conner eventually got back together when did they let everyone know? Was it right away or did they keep it a secret for while like when they first got together?

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Suzie writes...

When Artemis agreed to fake her death back in season 2 I keep wondering how and why would she agree to particate in that kind of mission, letting everyone. Friends, family, teammates etc think she was dead. What she said at the start of the episode, “I'm needed now”, she acted like this was a typical mission when it wasn't.

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Anonymous writes...

What are those rock display in the M'orzz home on Mars? Do M'gann's parents collect them and if so why? I always wondered about that?
Also is that the home where M'gann grew up and if so how did they managed to house at least 30 kids!?

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Michael Broder writes...

Who else attended Wally's funeral?
Was Beast Boy an actor yet?

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Anonymous writes...

Why do you decide to make Miss Martian bald in season 3?

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Anonymous writes...

1 - Where was Artemis when Dick was exposed to the X-Pit. Everyone went to the Premiere Building after learning the news, except Artemis? Where was she and why didn't she come?
2 - When news about the Anti-Light were exposed and M'gann and Conner were arguing what exactly were they saying?

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Anonymous writes...

How did Nightwing managed to keep everyone at bay in regards to Miss Martian's kidnapping? I'm curious that clearly everyone would want to rescue M'gann from Black Manta and she was held hostage for 2 months from April to the end of May. How could Nightwing handle the sitaution to those who didn't know the truth that M'gann was restoring Kaldur's mind without comprising the deep cover mission?

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Anonymous writes...

Did darkseid order granny goodness to become a member of the light or did she volunteer herself? If it is the latter then why?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

Assuming Metron considers the Fatherbox to be his "son" and the Motherbox to be his "daughter" due to regarding Cyborg and Halo to be his "grandchildren," then how old would both the Fatherbox and Motherbox be in terms of human biological years?

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Secret writes...

Was M'gann planning on taking Conner's last name once they were married? or was she planning to hyphenate? M'gann Kent or M'gann M'orzz-Kent?

Also is it the same with Lois? Is she Lois Kent, Lois Lane-Kent or just the same old Lois Lane?

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Anonymous writes...

Questions in regards to the Earth-16 version of Vandal Savage:

#1. Since he was born around 48,000 BCE, that would've during the time of the Late Stone Age (Upper Paleolithic), correct?

#2. Was he born in what would eventually be known as the Perigord Noir region of France?

#3. In regards to the cave bear that attacked him, is it from the same species of cave bear (Ursus spelaeus) that would become extinct in Europe by around 24,000 BCE?

#4. When the meteor that gave Vandal his immortality crashed on Earth, where exactly on the planet did this take place; assuming that it was not in the same region in which he was born?

#5. Just like in pre-Flashpoint DC Comics continuity (New Earth), was he a member of the Blood Tribe (even though the tribe would probably likely consist entirely of Homo sapiens on Earth-16; as opposed to Neanderthals, like in the comics), and did he inherit the name Vandar Adg after the death of his own father (who previously held the name)?

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Steve Hockensmith writes...

Has Jamie ever introduced Traci to Tye?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

In regards to the Light...

#1. I am assuming the "ancient" incarnation of "The Light" only consisted of Vandal Savage and any and all of his descendants of his bloodline over the millennia who willingly joined his cause?

#2. I am assuming that Vandal Savage (L-1) and Ra's al Ghul (L-2) became co-founders of the "modern" incarnation of "The Light" after their conversation with each other (which took place at some point between 2006 to 2007), and the other original members (L-3 through L-7) were then invited one by one in the years that followed?

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