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Kevin writes...

1. If Ocean Master had succeeded as becoming King of Atlantis as Arion would he have been accepted back into the Light as part of the main council or just a high ranking associate like Count Vertigo Wotan ect...
2. In Atlantis they were five statues one of Arion and Vandal Savage with three others? Were the other three Garn Daanuth, Wyynde the First for lack of a better term, and Lady Chian as she is connected with Arion in the comics?
3. Is Chian a descendent of Lady Chian like Wynnde and Daanuth are descended from their ancient namesakes?
4. Could more humanoid for lack of a better term Atlanteans sorcerers like Kaldur or Wyynde achieve Lagaan's puffer fish extra strength magic skill? Would it manifest a less dramatic way such as increasing their muscles but not as extreme as Lagaan's or is it a case by case basis?
5. Is the Trident of Neptune also called the Trident of Poseidon? Typically Greek goes before Roman is there a reason you's didn't go that way or is all of this just aesthetics?

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Jack R. writes...

Hi Greg,

In regards to Spectacular Spider-Man, I understand the legal issues are a bit confusing and you very likely don’t know all the details.

However, it was revealed a while back that Sony still holds the rights to make Spider-Man Animated Shows as long as episodes are over 44 minutes. Knowing this:

1. Based on your understanding of the legal issues the show faces, is this a way it can be revived by Sony without input from Disney?

2. If so, would you be willing to do something like that if given the opportunity?

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B writes...

What tips Orin off that "Orm" is a clone is that he remembers prison visits that didn't happen, because he was implanted with an approximation of the real Orm's memories after the time he was jailed based on the Light's best guesses. This would have made sense on its own. But in the last episode of the arc, it turns out that the Light had the real Orm's brain all along after he was decapitated and put it in a cloned Arion body. So shouldn't they have had access to the real memories of that time? Why then wouldn't they implant those memories as well? Or at the very least, ask Orm-in-Arion's-body for description of what happened? He'd have been able to tell them that Orin never came to see him.

Or is Orm-Arion a complete fake as well, not Orm's actual brain, even though Vandal addresses him as if he's the real thing in contrast to the clone Orm? Is Vandal just letting him think he has the real Orm's brain? But he seems to remember having been killed, since Vandal asks him if he understands now why it had to happen, and he remembers being "out of control".

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Anonymous writes...

How does superman view match?

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Garrett writes...

Does Ollie consider Roy and Will as his sons? Does he acknowledge them as such?

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Red writes...

Is clayface a part of the Arrowfam now? Does he go on patrols with them?

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BlueFan4799 writes...

Was Jason the first Team casualty?

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Jody writes...

How did lagoon boy fell about Garfield Logan dating a royal person who was Queen Perdita? This before Garfield broke up with Perdita.

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Anonymous writes...

Hi Greg !

1) Why did you put the Batgirl/Orphan’s flashbacks on Artemis’s arc ? Im sorry but it kind of felt out of place since we never ever have seen Artemis and Barbara interact before that episode. And there wasn’t any foreshadowing for the flashbacks.
2) Why didn’t you put them on Nightwing’s arc instead ? It would have blended in better.
3) Why choose to develop characters like Orphan when you had characters like Arrowette and Arsenal that are more related to Artemis and also needed screen time and character development ?

Thanks for your time and answers !

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

According to Saturn Girl and Chameleon Boy, the time-traveling saboteur attempted to kill Superboy the first time in 2019 when Superboy was in the United Nations. Assuming this does not get answered by itself before the end of Season 4 (or possibly ever) how exactly did that guy originally planned to kill Superboy back then, and how exactly did the Legion of Super-Heroes managed to miraculously stop him and caused him to retreat until his second assassination attempt on Mars?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

After Orin placed Arion's Crown on Mera's head, the crown glows along with Mera's tattoos. Does the crown's glow (despite it being drained of its power) means that the Lords of Order accept Mera as the current user of the crown?

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just a grateful fan writes...

Hi Mr. Greg sir, this isn't so much as a question as much as a thank you for creating YJ and sort of an explanation as to why I love it so much.

I've always been a big fan of DC and specifically the non-main heroes (cuz we can't call them sidekicks here), and combine that with excellent writing and YJ was practically made for me to love it to pieces. It's just a phenomenal show, and so many plot things happen that I hope I can one day pull off with my own works.

But my experience in loving YJ is also a bit more personal for me.

I was in middle school when season 1 started airing, aka just about the age range of my favorite, Robin, and I remember looking forward to thursdays for new episodes of the show to come out. It was just such a big part of my life at that time, and it was overall pretty fun. And there were plenty of hiatuses which meant I would sort of get a little older and the characters wouldn't, but everyone was still in my age range so it was still possible for me to jump around perspectives.

Then there was a big gap between season 1 and 2 and by the time season 2 came out, WITH the time skip, I was 18, and well well look at that, the same age as Nightwing! AGAIN! While I know season 2 didn't focus on the OG team as much, it was still a really fun experience for me to be like "oh hey! I'm still in their age group!" unlike other shows where I eventually out-aged the characters.

Between seasons 1 and 2, my dad died, and while season 2 didn't deal too much with grief (although getting a new season from a show that was a big part of my life when he was alive was a great joy), when it was renewed for a season 3, season 3 did deal with grief, specifically Nightwing's arc which I related to more than I thought I would, once again it kind of felt like the story you were telling with YJ fell in line with my own life experiences, but now way more personally. But if that wasn't crazy enough, season 3 ALSO came out right around the time I started questioning my own gender identity. I had already been latching onto Violet as a new favorite, and then they said that line "I don't feel like a boy or a girl, I just feel like me!" and honestly, that was the first time in my life I felt like I understood how I felt about myself.

As of writing this, season 4 is still airing, and once again, I feel as though I have aged up with the characters as I continue to be in the same age range as them (mid twenties) and seeing them deal with grief once again, as I do too (2021 was a hard year for me) and also, Kaldur's arc which is airing right now, is painfully relatable to me.

I love YJ so much, not just because it's a spectacular story and writing, but because that I feel as if I truly grew up WITH these characters, and watching them go through the same struggles and journeys I do, albeit saving the world on the side, is just a big comfort to me. I'm sure there are many people out there who feel the same, especially as you continue. I really just wanted to thank you for giving this experience for me and to tell you that you've made a really good show. Whenever people ask me what my favorite show is, I always tell them "Young Justice".
(also thank you thank you thank you for throwing in legionnaires, the Legion of Superheroes is also full of favorites for me, and the 3 you've picked are actually some of those)

Sorry this got so long, you don't have to reply to it, I just wanted you to know that YJ has been a big impact and comfort in my life and I'm so grateful that you made it

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

After Kaldur'ahm passed on the leadership of the Team to Nightwing and took a leave of absence to find answers following the death of Tula and the revelation that Black Manta was his biological father, exactly how much time passed before he eventually came back to create the undercover infiltration plan with Nightwing? Also, given what happened in the Season 2 finale once the Justice League returned and met up with the Team at the ruins of Mount Justice, had Batman already figured out on his own that Kaldur'ahm had been in undercover to infiltrate the Light?

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Anonymous writes...

Does Psy-Back stand for Psychic Back-up?

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Secret writes...

1. Are Kaldur and Wyynde living together?
2. What is the name and gender of La'gaan, Coral and Rodunn's newborn baby?
3. Was La'gaan's grudge against Conner over the fact that M'gann and Conner got back together not long after she broke up with La'gaan?
4. What year did La'gaan begin a relationship with Coral and Rodunn and what did they get married?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

In regards to the Earth-16 version of Black Canary's father, his full name is Lawrence "Larry" Lance, correct?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

I'm guessing the Leviathan creature that attack Kaldur'ahm and his group is the Earth-16 equivalent of the real-life prehistoric Livyatan? Also, what is the name of the giant crab-like creature that also attacked them?

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Joseph Dixon writes...

Hi Greg, this is my first time asking a question from you so I'll keep it simple, are Violet and Harper a couple or are they just extremely close?

P.S I'm Loving Phantoms so far!

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Explorer writes...

1) Is Dolphin now dating Kaldur and Wyynde? Or is she just staying with them?

2) Is Kaldur going to keep the beard? Will La'gaan grow one? Can he even grow one? There's just something right with an Aquaman having a beard.

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Matthew writes...

Hello Greg, have to say Kaldur's arc in season 4 is my favorite (thus far). "Downtime" was one of my favorite episodes and it's always such a treat to return to Atlantis.

Anyway, the geopolitics of Atlantis is rather fascinating and the differing problems and the wealth disparity between the kingdoms makes for an intriguing bit of world-building.

It actually reminds me of the conflict between the various city-states of Renaissance-era Italy. So if this doesn't fall under spoilers I have to ask, what were the influences for the geopolitics of Atlantis? Did you try to stay close to the comic's own take of Atlantean politics or did you find inspiration from real world history?

In any case, congrats on Season 4 and here's to four more seasons!

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Wiesman,

Just so I can understand what happened to Orm (whose mind was in the body of a cloned Arion), the moment he put on the crown, the Lords of Order sensed that he was an imposter posing as Arion (or maybe they knew all along), and then, through the power of the crown, they proceeded to violently tear Orm apart; destroying the cloned Arion's body and killing Orm, while taking back the power of the crown and Arion's magical essence. Am I correct in this interpretation?

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Jordan writes...

Did Lex Luthor and Vandal Savage knew each before the formation of the Light?

Did Ra's Al Ghul and Lex Luthor knew each other before the formation of the Light?

Did Vandal Savage and Ocean-Master knew each other before the formation of the Light?

How did Vandal Savage knew about Queen Bee was she already activate as a supervillian before the formation of the Light?

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Anonymous writes...

What's the name of Coral's son?
Who is its bio father?

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Serious Star Solstice writes...

I've been watching and LOVING YJ S4, but I do have one question. If Arion, the son of Vandal Savage (not the clone), was truly immortal, then how is it that he was able to be killed when the statue fell on him? I believe that Vandal himself survived a similar crushing when Klarion was killing him for entertainment.

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Artistic Wonder writes...

Hey Greg! I have been typing a series of questions for you to look over when you have the time. It's okay to read all or none of them, but for this one I hope you will take the time answering especially because I don't think anyone has asked you questions about the mental issues on your show Young Justice.

1) What inspired you to give Beast Boy PTSD? As someone who had to suffer anxiety over loss I really appreciate you doing this instead of making BB not have any mental repercussions at all.

2) As a psych major I appreciate the hard work you put into making mental health issues an understandable topic for your audience. I wish more people could have reached out to me the way Beast Boy's family did when I lost my loved ones. I would like to know did you talk to anyone from the APA or other mental health institutions about how to portray mental health treatment in the show?

3) I believe I understand why you killed Superboy in this season and that is because his death was what needs to get all of these characters to deal with their phantoms. But like real people who die they don’t come back, do you believe that bringing Superboy back will undo all the character development these heroes had to go through?

4) What do you hope your audience gets out of YJ Phantoms when they watch these heroes battle with their phantoms?

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