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Max writes...

Hello, I’m a huge fan of young justice, and I’m just concerned it will be end and there won’t be any lingering content from it. Things such as Superboy and Miss Martian’s relationship aren’t really present in the comics. I love the world you’ve made with these characters and I want them to enter the more mainstream view of the characters similar to how the Teen Titans show solidified so many people’s views on who the characters are.I was wondering if you had any plans on ending the show or if there was news on it’s renewal?

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Anonymous writes...

Were there any purist beside danuuth who continued to serve ocean master?

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Myrdin writes...

1. Over at the Young Justice Wiki there is a question as to If the Justice League (or the associated under teams) get any sort of Wage. You have previously mentioned a 'stipend', but did not elaborate. Could it be considered significant enough to call a Wage?
2. Could you be persuaded comment on This question and maybe a few others) on the Wiki itself?

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Anonymous writes...

Why is Highfather in this universe called Iyaza, while in the comics he's called Izaya?
Was that a conscious name change for the character or was it an error to late to change?

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Anonymous writes...

FYI - just because someone is critical about how the show has changed to focus on social issues doesn't mean they're racist or homophobic. While there is a vocal minority that is just mad about seeing diversity in a superhero show, more often than not, what people mean is that the focus on social issues is coming at the expense of telling a good story and/or it feels like you're trying to address too many issues and it's coming off as performative.

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Michael Broder writes...

How old is Psycho-Pirate and what's his origin story?

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Matt Itelson writes...

Has anyone ever been benched from the Team before? (aside from Halo)

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

Is Superboy (Kon-El/Conner Kent) considered to be the second adoptive son of Jonathan and Martha Kent; presumably since in-between the events of Seasons One and Two of Young Justice?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

#1. What are the names of Perdita's parents?

#2. Just to confirm, Count Vertigo is Perdita's maternal uncle because he and Perdita's mother are siblings, correct? The reason I ask is because, in the Young Justice Wiki, Count Vertigo is referred to as Perdita's maternal uncle in his own character page, while Perdita is referred to as Count Vertigo's sororal niece on her own character page. I mean, what does that mean?

#3. When Miss Martian learned that Garfield and Perdita broke up, and Miss Martian talked to Perdita off-screen, did Miss Martian had to explain to Perdita that Garfield's self-destructive behavior was because of how badly he had likely been affected by Superboy's death on Mars (which I assume that Perdita was NOT aware of at all)? As such, do you think that Perdita would be able to forgive Garfield for his behavior if Miss Martian explains to her why he is acting the way that he is?

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Hayden Philyaw writes...

Does Gar view J'onn J'onzz as Family? If so does Gar view J'onn as an Uncle?

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Anonymous writes...

1 How did chian react when it was revealed Arion was really orm
2 Did ocean master desire his seat on the light back before his second death?
3 Was orm genuinely apologetic over his actions to the light?
4 Was the reason the light decided to resurrect orm for project thrinos because they have no other atlantean agent?
5 Was chian punished for supporting arion(orm) claim to the throne

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Anonymous writes...

Every enforcer of the light had no superpowers was this intentional or just coincidence?

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Karrin Blue writes...

1. Was part of the reason Gabrielle took the bribe from Bedlam that she wanted to help her family get out of Qurac faster? I know Halo said she didn't know what was going on, but from the little we know of her and her family, Gabrielle doesn't seem like the greedy type, and while I expect the King and Queen pay their people a decent wage it probably wasn't 'get visas and plane tickets for two people ASAP' money, and it seems like that'd be an easy way for someone like Bedlam to manipulate a scared fifteen year old.

2. Are there ground rules on things you keep to when adapting characters? I love seeing what changes YJ makes for its own versions of the characters, but it does make me wonder if there are any, if not official rules, then guidelines you guys stick to for what you do or don't change? Like, Delphis is Indian now, but still gets the white hair and blue eyes, or how Halo kept (more or less) both their names from the comics, but switched around. And on the other hand, Mist's name and appearance seem entirely new, as far as I can tell. In other words, how do you decide what can be changed and what has to be kept to keep a character connected to their counterpart? Is it case-by-case as characters turn up in the story?

3. And as a follow up, have you ever had DC look at a new version of a character and say that you changed too many things, or that you have to include some trait in particular that wasn't in the first draft? Aside from the obvious character-you-can't-specify who can't be made explicitly gay.

4. Did Psimon do any mental tweaking of Orm-in-Arion so that he'd be more agreeable and less likely to hold a grudge over being beheaded?

5. Not a question, but I'm numbering it as one to be on the safe side, but back in October you said "And as for Paula, at some point, I clearly had a reason to state that she was  biracial . I honestly don't remember why, but I reserve the right to remember again at a later date." It may have been to make Artemis' genetics work? Since blonde hair is recessive, she would have needed to get it from both of her parents, so Paula would have needed a blonde parent (or grandparent) to inherit the gene from. Or, anyways, that's what I figured when I saw the answer in https://www.s8.org/gargoyles/askgreg/search.php?qid=21311.

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Verdragon writes...

Just curious, what was your thought process on selecting the initial members of the Justice League for Young Justice? Were there any characters that you wanted to put on that initial League lineup but decided against?
Also, how were you able to resist the urge to add one extra member and make the League's starting roster the sacred 16?

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Anonymous writes...

When Lagoon Boy encounters Aqualad in the episode "Alienated", he is the only one who does not show him sympathy or try to reason with him because he believed that Kaldur was a lost cause who's beyond reason or redemption after believing that he truly had betrayed King Orin and the Team right?

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Annie Mouse writes...

1) Why is Catwoman: Hunted “Young Justice adjacent” and not set on Earth-16?
2) Is there any possibility of a direct to video Young Justice/Earth-16 movie?

(Loved Catwoman: Hunted btw!)

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Anonymous writes...

It's my understanding that Outsiders was meant to be an allegory for the Syrian refugee crisis. So can you explain your reasoning behind the choice to have Gabrielle take a bribe to let an assassin into the castle? A refugee that commits a crime, betrays the country that showed her mercy, and gets her benevolent white saviors killed doesn't exactly elicit sympathy for refugees (or immigrants in general.) In fact, it supports the case for not taking in displaced people by feeding into the false narratives surrounding people fleeing from Muslim countries.

Was the idea that Halo becoming a hero would make up for Gabrielle's actions? If that's the case, I don't think that works because Halo is not a refugee or Quraci or Muslim, so she does nothing to redeem those demographics in the audience's eyes.

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Anonymous writes...

Did either Spoiler or Orphan go by the Batgirl mantle before taking their current respective names?

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Fantomask writes...

Hi Greg ! Hope you're fine !
I recently discovered a post where you said you were thinking about including covid pandemic in YJ. Don't you think it would be impossible and illogical ?
Because in season 1, for instance, the team has created a vaccine that countered a starro-tech in some days. So whipping out a virus like that would take hours in YJ world...

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

Aside from taking on various aliases throughout history, did Vandal Savage also worked from behind-the-scenes and tried to secretly manipulate and steer numerous people of various expertise towards the direction of his grand vision for Earth in order to further advance/evolve the planet and fulfill his overall goal?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

If Vandal Savage was once known as Blackbeard the Pirate, then that would also mean that he would've been known by the other name Edward Teach, correct?

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Anonymous writes...

In regards to Vandal Savage's two sons, Jochi and Tolui:

#1. Is their mother's name Borte?

#2. What are their powers and how exactly do they work?

#3. Did they ever knew about their father's true name and his origins and millennia-long history, or did they only know him as Temujin/Genghis Khan?

#4. Aside from their encounter with the forces of Apokolips in which they clearly survived, did they live and die in a similar manner to their counterparts in our world? If not, what differences were there?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

#1. Is the full name of Raquel's son Amistad Augustus Ervin?

#2. Is Noble Davis the man that Raquel married during/after the events of Season Two?

#3. Why does Raquel not go by Raquel Ervin-Davis in the Earth-16 universe? I mean, what exactly happened between her and Noble?

#4. Considering their mentor-protege relationship, did Raquel ever named Icon (Augustus Freeman) as Amistad's godfather after Amistad was born?

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Family writes...

What day did Queen Bee's invasion of Qurac take place?

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Steve Hockensmith writes...

When was Robotman revived?
Did he join the Justice League? And if so, when?

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