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Michael Broder writes...

Why did Guardian bow to Dr. Desmond?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

In the current continuity of DC Comics (Prime Earth), the family members of Lucius fox are as follows:

Tanya Fox (wife)
Tamara "Tam" Fox (oldest daughter and 2nd child)
Tiffany "Tiff" Fox (youngest daughter and 4th child)
Lucas "Luke" Fox (youngest son and 3rd child)
Timothy "Jace" Fox (oldest son and 1st child)
Darcy Fox (niece)

As such, do these family members also exist in the Earth-16 universe and, if so, what are their current ages?

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Family writes...

Who attended Lois and Clark's wedding?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

If the Earth-16 version of Jonathan Samuel Kent had a Kryptonian name, would he be identified as Jon-El?

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TKM writes...

Hello Mr Greg,

I just wanted to say I really like Young Justice and think it is very cool. However, I do have one question/request. Whenever someone asks a question that is a spoiler you say "No Spoilers". However, I feel that this doesn't really roll off the tongue and it's acronym, NS, leaves something to be desired. Hence, I suggest using "Watch And Find Out" instead. It is a very cool phrase and its acronym, WAFO, sounds even cooler. Therefore it must be superior to "No Spoilers". Thank you


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Dean writes...

Why did Garfield want to rejoin the outsiders but not want to restart his relationship with Perdita by the time Garfield went to get council season within black canary in young justice season 4?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

Is it true that Supergirl and the Wonder Twins (Zan and Jayna) were considered to appear in Young Justice: Outsiders (a.k.a. Young Justice Season 3) before being scrapped due to a lack of relevancy within the plot?

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Anonymous writes...

I wanna thank you for offering us the best version of Nightwing ! It's a true pleasure for the DC fans because he's always getting nerfed in new DC animated movies, but he's actually the only Robin who is better than Batman at one skill.
Because Dick is an acrobat, Jason a fighter, and Tim a detective, but only Dick is a better acrobat than Batman.
And he can fight Batman too, btw, and even defeat him. And you just showed he's an impressive detective.
He's just the most incredible Robin ever.

Just a question : you've made him like in the comics, smart and strong and so many other character development qualities (and thank you so much for that), but if he is so smart, why is he trying to kick adversaries like Lobo or Klarion with mere sticks ? That's a bit ridiculous.

One scene I really liked is when he fought against Tommy Terror and used his skills to counter super-strength.
Genius idea !
So thank you so much for that Nightwing version !
And sorry, english is not my language.

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

In the Syfy TV series, "Krypton," Dru-Zod was depicted as the son of Seg-El and Lyta-Zod; thus making him the younger half-brother of Jor-El. As such, was the change to the Earth-16 version of Dru-Zod made to reflect this as well? If not, what was the real reason?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

If the Earth-16 version of Krypto the Superdog ever makes an appearance, would he look like Labrador retriever or a wolf?



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Morgan writes...

I don't really understand why you and Brandon decided to alter the naming customs for Krypton. You have stated that Kal-El's mother is Lara El (rather than the comics-appropriate Lara Lor-Van) and Ursa has been fully named Ursa Zod. In the comics, the last name for Kryptonian females is the father's full name and did not change even when married, and while it's not the most progressive or anything, it was still a neat way to differentiate Krypton customs from Earth's. And I know that you've thought about things like this because I distinctly remember you answering in an Ask about why you guys changed Hawkwoman's name to Shayera Thal and not Shayera Hol since she was married to Katar Hol, with you answering that Earth customs are not the same as Thanagarian customs. Given that, it just makes it all the more perplexing why you guys chose to backpedal the progress that was already comics-canon and make it less so.

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

Have you ever watched the cartoon series, "Justice League Action"? In episode 48 of that series titled "Barehanded," it seems that an amnesiac Aya exists in that universe as Space Cabbie's GPS. At the end of that episode she realizes that universe's Green Lantern is somehow familiar to her and leaves to search for "someone" (presumably Razer). Would this episode somehow potentially affect Earth-16's Razer's continuing storyline in a future season of Young Justice?

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L writes...

hey this isn't really a question just like,,,,, man EVERYTHING in season 4 has been pretty top-tier in every way (i keep changing my mind abt which arc is my favorite so far...it used to be Artemis's but now maybe rocket's????) but i feel like the fight scenes ESPECIALLY are remarkable this season--I'm thinking about that in-the-dark fight in artemis's arc, the final battle in raquel's arc, and the fight in the tower in the first ep of dick's arc which came out today. they were all so dynamic and exciting. huge props to you guys (especially the storyboarders, i guess? don't know a ton about animation). y'all just keep topping yourselves, it's the best. can't wait for the rest of the season! (and hopefully many more!!!)

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

Before Superboy revealed that Krypton was destroyed by its red sun, General Dru-Zod had assumed that Krypton's destruction was a result of an invasion by either New Genesis, the Daxamites, or the Green Lantern Corps. For each of those three, why did Zod thought they would invade Krypton?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

If you eventually reveal the Earth-16 version of Mon-El, would he be depicted as...

A. A present-day Daxamite named Lar Gand? This is assuming he is based on the Pre-Zero Hour version.


B. A 31st century descendant of the House of El named Mon-El; a human/Kryptonian hybrid born on New Krypton (also known as Jekuul; a planet residing in Sector 2811)? This is assuming he is based on the post-Rebirth version.

If it is the latter, refer to this link for the list of his relatives; which shows he is a descendant of the House of El AND the House of Zod.


I hope this was helpful.

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Mal writes...

Two quick questions:

1. You've mentioned in the past that Zatara is aging quicker because wearing the Helmet of Fate took a toll on him. Yet on the flip side, Kent Nelson seemed remarkably well preserved at 106 years old. I know he only wore the helmet for ~5 years (versus 10 for Zatara), but is there an in-story reason? Or just lucky genetics for Kent?

2. Jay Garrick's powers seem to slow his aging. Chronologically he celebrates his 102nd birthday in Season 4, but about how old is he biologically?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

In "Rescue and Search," Ursa made an indirect mentioning of Zor-El's daughter, Kara Zor-El. Now, I am hoping above all hope that this mentioning is not some mere coincidence, and that that this means that Supergirl will eventually make her Earth-16 debut.

If this ends up being true, I will like to admit to you that the one of the things that I personally hope you will explore with your version of Supergirl is her relationship with her "cousin" Superboy. When the Kara Zor-El version of Supergirl first appeared in the comics, one of my FAVORITE moments was when she had her first encounter with Superboy in Smallville. At the time when this encounter took place, Superboy was in a pretty bad place and wanted Supergirl to leave him alone. It resulted in a short fight in which Supergirl was forced to punch Superboy in the face and temporarily broke his jaw on accident. Supergirl then fixed it shortly afterwards; allowing Superboy to calm down and resolving the misunderstanding between them. However, before the two have a chance to start over, some of the Teen Titans attack Supergirl due to misinterpreting the situation. When Supergirl tries to leave, Superboy immediately came to her defense; stating that his fellow Titans should leave and that his "cousin" didn't have to leave. The jaw-breaking incident was later referenced during the crossover event, "Superman: Last Stand on New Krypton," during which there was a moment in which Supergirl misinterpreted a situation when she sees what appears to be Superboy holding her mother (Alura In-Ze) by the throat and preparing to punch her, and Kara punches him away despite him trying to tell Kara that the situation was NOT what it seem to look like. Fortunately, Superboy managed to save Kara and her mother from being killed by Brainiac's robots not long after, and soon after, Superboy remarked that Kara still had a mean right hook; even though Kara mentioned that she pulled her punch a little; making it nice callback to their first encounter.

I'm hoping that the Earth-16 version of the "cousin" relationship between Superboy and Supergirl will be similar to that seen in the pre-Flashpoint DC Comics continuity (New Earth). I do NOT like the post-Flashpoint DC Comics continuity (Prime Earth) interpretation of the first encounter between Superboy and Supergirl because the latter was hostile to the former upon learning he was a clone and, because there was a bad history on Krypton involving clones, she called him "Kon-El" because in The New 52, the name meant "abomination of the House of El."

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Anonymous writes...

I have 5 questions to ask.

1) During the events of the episode "Rescue and Search" why didn't Nightwing and Zatanna tell Megan Morse/Miss Martian that Conner is still alive, but is trapped in a Dimension called the Phantom Zone and about how they plan on rescuing him?

2) How come Nightwing, Zatanna, and the others didn't try calling any of the available members of the Team and/or Outsiders for help in their quest to save Conner?

3) Who is currently Nabu's host during the events of "Rescue and Search"?

4) How come Nightwing and Tigress never thought of asking Hawkman and Hawkwoman for some kind of Nth Metal weapons? You know since it's capable of harming magical beings.

5) If La’gaan knew that Conner is still alive would he be happy and use his chance to make amends with him?

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Anonymous writes...

I have 5 questions to ask.

1) During the events of the episode "Rescue and Search" why didn't Nightwing and Zatanna tell Megan Morse/Miss Martian that Conner is still alive, but is trapped in a Dimension called the Phantom Zone and about how they plan on rescuing him?

2) How come Nightwing, Zatanna, and the others didn't try calling any of the available members of the Team and/or Outsiders for help in their quest to save Conner?

3) Who is currently Nabu's host during the events of "Rescue and Search"?

4) How come Nightwing and Tigress never thought of asking Hawkman and Hawkwoman for some kind of Nth Metal? You know since it's capable of harming magical beings.

5) If La’gaan knew that Conner is still alive would he be happy and use his chance to make amends with him?

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Anonymous writes...

Does Nightwing have some kind of Winged Jetpack (Example: Something similar to the EXO-7 Falcon) and uses it only on occasion not repeatedly? Because it would be pretty cool if he did have his own Winged Jetpack.

I thought of asking this after remembering and rewatching an episode of The Batman (2004-08) called "The Big Heat" in which Batman used some kind of Batwinged Jetpack to fight against Firefly.

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Mohammad Reza writes...

Hello Mr.Weisman
1-could Martians density shift without changing their volume?
And if altering density is not possible without changing volume then how Martians turn intangible without increasing volume?
2-about the creature both Chameleon Boy and m'comm used, how does Shape shifting into that creature help them? They can't change masss so shape shifting into a bigger creature only causes density decrease which is not useful in a fight that super strength is required.

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Hayden Philyaw writes...

Hello, Me again! I am back with a few questions about the newest episode "Rescue and Search!"

1) The Creature that both Chameleon Boy and Ma'alefa'ak turned into, I'm going to take a wild guess that it's a type of Alien Animal, right?
2) If so what would this Animals name be?
3) Is it indigenous to Mars?
4) Would Beast Boy Shapeshift into that creature?

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Anonymous writes...

Dear Mr Weisman 1. How old is Soranik Natu and how long has she been a Green lantern? 2. Is Zatanna a Gotham Knights (baseball team) fan and has she ever worn a baseball cap to any of there games? 3. Are there any baseball teams Artemis is a fan of ?

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Anonymous writes...

Does every chaos lord wear a suit when they take on a mortal form?

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Matt Itelson writes...

Did Cyborg move out of the Premiere Building? If so, does he now live on the Watchtower, since he joined the Justice League? (I'm only asking cause in your reply to who's living at the Premiere Building by season 4, he wasn't mentioned)

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