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Anonymous writes...

How long exactly did it take for Miss Martian to restore Aqualad's mind? Like how many days or weeks did it take before it was fully and completely restored?

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Jason R Carter writes...

1. In "Ego and Superego," when Zatanna offered the Trowogs Nightwing's SUV, he protested, "I'm not Bruce Wayne!" What is Dick's source of income? I mean, he's not sponging off Bruce, is he?

2. Kind of an overdue question I'm just now asking: I noticed watching "Agendas" that Blue Devil wore a badge on his utility belt. Did Earth-16 Dan Cassidy ever work in law enforcement?

3. Was it your intent to make fans want to see Ma'alefa'ak die a slow, agonizing death? If so, mission accomplished.

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

Were you ever tempted to use "Ride on the Magic School Bus" theme song from "The Magic School Bus"/"The Magic School Bus Rides Again" TV Series for season 4 of "Young Justice" due to significance of the school bus' role?

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Matt Itelson writes...

Which of M'gann's hairstyles is your favorite?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

Out of curiosity, why have the Earth-16 versions of Bernadeth, Mad Harriet, and Stompa not made any appearances; considering they are considered to be three of the five core members of the Female Furies in the comics?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

1. In regards to the truce between New Genesis and Apokolips in the Earth-16 universe, even though the details are unclear/unrevealed, is it safe to assume that the pact between the two worlds was sealed with the exchange of Orion (son of Darkseid and Tigra) and Scott Free (son of Highfather and Highmother) to New Genesis and Apokolips; respectively?

2. When Big Barda was introduced in Season 3, is it correct to assume that she was at the point in her life when she was not yet the wife of Mister Miracle (Scott Free)? Also, because Superman clearly risked his own life to save her, is this the turning point in her life that will start her on the path of becoming a hero?

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Michael Broder writes...

My apologies if I wasn't specific enough with my request about the names of the guards at Belle Reve, but here's the question again: What are the first names of Biggtz, Banks, Hart, Hauser, Ripley, Riker, and Wilcox? (Cooper's first name has been confirmed)

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Hafiz writes...

How can new gods exist in 3d plain because in the comics they can't so that. As you know the fourth world is a different plain. His mere physical existence will destroy the universe. Does it stand true for earth 16 new gods as well?
for more info:

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Hafiz writes...

no question Zenith and Abyss was awesome

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Caleb writes...

Hey, Greg! Loving Phantoms.

In Zenith and Abyss, when Orion arrives on the Watchtower, he is accompanied by both the Boomtube sound and a Zeta designation. Was that just an oversight, or does the Watchtower have a mechanism for identifying Boomtube arrivals and verifying they aren't intruders?

Also, how did Green Lantern Forager and the Kaizer-Thrall arrive at the Watchtower? Ring power, Boomtube, Zeta beam? A minor point, but I'm curious.

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

It was honestly shocking that the true identity of the Kaiser-Thrall is an 11-year-old boy named Danny Chase. As such, this is the Earth-16 version of Daniel W. "Danny" Chase, the nephew of Adrian Chase/Vigilante?

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X writes...

Where is Danny Chase from? He has a pretty clear southern accent, can you tell us what state he's from? <3

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

Phantom Girl clearly has an accent when she speaks, but what is Earth language equivalent for her accent?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

For those Earth-16 characters who can fly and/run at super speed, what are their top speeds in terms of mph (miles per hour)?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

How come Earth-16's Phantom Zone does not negate Zatanna's magic, Aqualad's hydrokinesis, and Rocket's inertia powers? The reason I am asking this is because I remember Earth-12's Phantom Zone does negates all powers; as depicted in the "Justice League Beyond 2.0" comics.

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Young Justice fan #1 writes...

When did Beast Boy adopt Wingman?

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Vi writes...

Hello Greg, big fan of the show here and what you've been doing with Halo's character especially. But I admit, as a nonbinary person myself, it hurt to hear them be misgendered in YJ420. I did see and appreciate your twitter apology, but I wanted to ask if it was possible to re-record those lines with the proper pronouns? You may consider the damage already done, but it will not only improve rewatches of the show, but also save people from the misgendering if they discover the show later in its run. It's better late than never, and I've even heard it be done by other shows in the past (foreign dubs of The Owl House on Disney with their nonbinary character for instance, correcting the lines with neopronouns when the language didn't have a default gender neutral like we do). It would mean a lot if you could show us how important this is to you and to their character. I already watch the show with someone who misgenders Halo, and it's more difficult to correct him when the show itself still gets it wrong and makes him doubt whether their pronouns matter.

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Suzie writes...

Questions about the Zenith and Abyss episode

1. Why wasn't the Team more emotional after finally reuniting with Conner? For months they thought he was dead only to learn he's alive and after finally meeting him again, no one even cried?
2. How did the Team learn how to use telepathy in the Phantom Zone? They'd only been in there less than 2 days?
3. What happened to the Team's space belts they were wearing when they first entered the Phantom Zone?
4. Why didn't anyone think to prepare medical supplies for Conner? They knew he was injured and yet they didn't bring anything to help with his injuries?

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Susan Salvatore writes...

I keep hearing discrepancies on the scale of the Green Lantern Corps. I know the show itself is set in the Milky Way, but the range of the Corp’s jurisdiction is still confusing to me. Tomar-Re said they had an entire “galaxy” to police and that statement implies the Corps is limited to just one galaxy, but in the comics the Corps jurisdiction is universal hence the Guardians being called the Guardians of the Universe. My question is: which is the Corps jurisdiction? Just the Milky Way Galaxy, or the entire universe as a whole.

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Anonymous writes...

Dear Mr Wiesman 1. How old is Tomar Tu and how long has he been a Green Lantern? 2. Is Tomar Tu a scientist like his late father or does he just work as a Prison guard? (at lest for now anyway) 3. I noticed that Danny chase had a southern accent to his voice. What state, in the south, did he hail from and was he going to Markovia before his space trip began?

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Yojimbo writes...

1. In "Rescue and Search," at around the 7:18 mark there is security footage of Bart, Cham, and Imra shopping (the time stamp on the feed was 15:31:01:07) and at the 10:52 mark, the Watchtower footage of Bart swiping supplies at super speed (the time stamp on the feed was 01:32:10). What day did these two events take place on? August 27?

2. At the end of "Ego and Supergo," during the end credits, who said "About time!" and who said "Ha ha , very asterious!"?

3. At the start of "Zenith and Abyss," was that a Guardian of the Universe Kilowog was speaking to in the background while Tomar-Tu spoke with Lor-Zod?

4. Also at the start of "Zenith and Abyss," was the Green Lantern that flew across the room supposed to be Malet Dasim or was that Galet Dasim from the trial in Invasion on Rimbor?

5. In "Zenith and Abyss," Phantom Girl exclaims, "Thank Bgtzlqwar!" Is Bgtzlqwar an existing DC character or just something made up for the episode?

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Bobbi writes...

In season 2, Mganns telepathic range was mentioned a few times (during her kidnapping and searching the war world). By season 4, how far is her range? Miles?

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Lea writes...

In Young Justice, what happened to S'yraa S'mitt following her arrest

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henry writes...

How was it possible for Rocket to get a phone signal on her phone from earth when she was on the planet new genies in young justice season 4? How was beast boy able to get his dog wingman threw a zeta tube when garfield travel to therapy season with black canary with the outsiders in young justice season 4?

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Anonymous writes...

Would you consider Lois Lane, Jonny Kent and M'gann M'orzz members of the House of El since Jonny is Superman's son, Lois is Superman's wife and M'gann is Conner's fiancee/hopefully soon to be wife?!?!

Does Jonny Kent have a kryptonian name too? and is it Jon-El?

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