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Anonymous writes...

Hi Greg! I had some questions about the Cosmic Treadmill in Young Justice.

1) What is it exactly and how does it work? In the comics it's used by speedsters to time travel, but that doesn't seem to be the case here. Am I correct to assume it's primary/only function was to super-charge Bio-Ship so she could fly faster?

2) Why did it take Bart, Saturn Girl and Chameleon Boy over three months to collect and assemble materials for it?

3) Who's idea was it to build a Cosmic Treadmill specifically? Bart's or the Legionnaires'? And where did the idea come from?

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Hayden Philyaw writes...

I have four questions.

1) If Batman is Tim Drake's Legal Guardian, does that mean Tim's real parents are dead?

2) Will we ever see Thymescira?

3) Has Cassie ever been to Thymescira?

4) Does Thymescira have mythological creatures? Like Griffins

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

#1. Did Alfred ever apologized to Bruce for not being a father figure to him as Bruce grew up, and did Bruce forgave Alfred for it?

#2. Since Alfred became a father figure to Dick Grayson, did he also do the same for Jason Todd and Tim Drake as well?

#3. Did Jason Todd and Tim Drake appreciate Alfred's fatherly-like love and support like Dick (presumably) did?

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Anonymous writes...

Is there a point when an Outsider is expected to “age out” of the Outsiders, since the goal of the Outsiders is to inspire meta-teens by showing the world public meta-teen superheroes? For example, Cyborg joins the Outsiders when he’s 18 and leaves to join the Justice League when he’s 19/20 years old. Virgil is around the same age and Jaime is already 21. Would they be expected to leave the Outsiders and join the JL soon since they’re already adults? Will Garfield be a 30 year old man leading a group of teens?

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John Paul Gontor writes...

How you plan or came up with ideas for your episodes?

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Sam writes...

I always had a question about the Grimorum Arcanorum. It's a book of spells but is the book itself magical? cant the spells be transferred to another book?

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Mark writes...

The plot of the Musicology 101 radio play had much in common with the then-unpublished Torch Songs comic.

Was Torch Songs already scripted and adapted into Musicology, or was Musicology adapted into Torch Songs?

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Mark writes...

At the wedding in Death and Rebirth, we hear Danny Chase speak. Previously he seemed dependent on a psychic link to speak, and could only "talk" in beeps in the real world.

Did Danny learn to project his thoughts? Or has he been fitted with a thought-to-speech device like Gar, the Brain, etc? Something else?

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Alex DeSantos writes...

Hi Greg,

You talked about how there's no viable way for Spectacular to come back due to Sony owning that version but not owning the right the TV Rights.

Sony however seems to have the right to make animated films (based on Into The Spider-Verse and the upcoming Across The Spider-Verse). And they still own the rights to the Spectacular version of the character. In theory, would Sony be legally allowed to put out an animated film in the Spectacular'universe?

I'm not asking if it's likely to happen, just if it's technically possible for them to do that.

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Sonickick writes...

Hi Greg and staff moderators!

I'm currently doing research on Young Justice Legacy for a video project I'm working on, and on the game's wikipedia page in the development section, this sentence was added sometime in 2014 after the game came out:

"Many of the initial delays resulted from production uncertainty. In its pre-production phase throughout late 2011 into late 2012, the development of the game shifted constantly between Little Orbit's in house development branch Game Machine, their contractor in Madrid Freedom Factory and a satellite Game Machine studio in Melbourne. Once initial quality issues and developer responsibilities settled, the game was able to be completed."

The sentence doesn't have a source or reference to it. Would you be able to verify any of this, like what time you and Brandon were initially approached by LittleOrbit/Warner Bros for the project, or was this possibly some misinformation that was just put on the page by a random editor?

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Suzie writes...

How long was Kru-El sentenced to the Phantom Zone?
how long was Non sentenced to the Phantom Zone?
how long was Jax-Ur sentenced to the Phantom Zone?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

There were two Superboy flashbacks in the Season 4 finale; one in which he meets Jonathan and Martha Kent for the first time, and the other in which he meets Jonathan Samuel Kent at some point after he was born. What the exact dates (mm/dd/yyyy) that these two flashbacks took place?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

Will Jonny Kent be the only child of Clark Kent and Lois Lane in the Earth-16 universe, or do they plan to have more kids at some point...?

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Anonymous writes...

whAt other animated superhero shows are you comparing the young justice viewing numbers against? the only other animated dc show in progress is harley quinn and on other platforms the only ones I can think of are invincible and marvel's what if...and were you looking at overall views or by week?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

By the time Beast Boy becomes an adult, do you think he'll rename himself as Animal Man; much like his "Titans Tomorrow" counterpart?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

Why does Chameleon Boy's Ma'alefa'ak design looks different in both the first Season 4 story arc (specifically, the third episode, when the Legion saved Superboy and Beast Boy) and the Season 4 finale (when he fought Miss Martian's brother); especially since the transformation during the latter looks more like Beast Boy's version?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

When was the Earth-16 version of Two-Face born?

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Anonymous writes...

Questions in regards to the Earth-16 version of Two-Face:

#1. Is his real name Harvey Dent?

#2. Did he used to be the District Attorney of Gotham City, and a close, personal ally of Batman? Also, how many years did he maintain the position of District Attorney prior to becoming Two-Face?

#3. What year did Harvey Dent become Two-Face?

#4. In regards to the person who threw acid and severely disfigured the left side of Harvey's face, was it Salvatore "Sal" Maroni (the second most powerful mobster in Gotham City after Carmine Falcone), or was it Erin McKillen (the head of the McKillen Crime Family, who represent the Irish Mob in Gotham City)?

#5. Is his wife's name Gilda Dent (formerly Gold)?

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Suzie writes...

How much does Conner know about M'gann's other siblings beside M'ree and M'comm?
When did Conner meet M'gann's parents?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

What is the name of the Old Promethean God who nearly reawakened due to Lor-Zod's actions on New Genesis?

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Suzie writes...

1. Is Conner getting therapy from Black Canary after his time trapped in the Phantom Zone?
2. Has Conner told M'gann about his experience trapped in the Phantom Zone or did she see everything after she restored his memories in the season 4 finale?
3. Are the martians planning to celebrate Conner's survival and truly honor him for saving their race?

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Jason writes...

Hi Greg. Just wanted to ask, although you have probably heard this a lot, are there any updates of YJ season 4 streaming stats? I know that it was widely publicized that the decision to be renewed was contingent on these stats so I just wanted to hear your personal opinion following the season's end. Also, thanks so much for creating this awesome show and for all you effort!

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

Did Wally West truly died in the Season 2 finale, or is only his physical body destroyed and he has turned into some form of multiple displaced energy particles (due to being struck multiple times by the chrysalis' energy) and his scattered particles needs to be gathered in order to restore his physical form?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

Does the entire world know that Beast Boy broke up with Queen Perdita? Did anyone sent or tweeted "hate messages" to Beast Boy in response to the break-up; presumably off-screen?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

After the events of Zatanna's Season 4 story arc, was Billy ever informed about what Mary did, and did he ever attempted to contact her to try to talk to her about what happened...?

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