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Mike writes...

With the recent comic news with Dynamite Comics, is there a chance for a Gargoyles crossover with other franchises licensed by Dynamite or would Disney nix any chance of them happening?

Like crossovers with Ash/Army Of Darkness, Zorro, Highlander, and/or Stargate?

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Jordan writes...

Hey Greg
I have seen a lot of people ask this question on reddit and stuff so it got me curious as well
1:Are Dick and Babs still in a relationship together in S4 I think most people were just unsure because we didn't see them interact like in S3 also I think because Dick and Zee seemed very flirtatious with each other which brings me to my second question
2:Is there perhaps still a candle lit between the two of them Dick and Zee I mean

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Anonymous writes...

Dear Mr Wiesman 1. What are Cassie Sandsmark Cissie king Jones and Stephanie Brown's respective majors in college and do all 3 girls own and were baseball caps from time to time ? 2. Is the universe !6 version of Hercules a supportor of mankind like Zeus is or does he have a differing opinion on Mankind in earth 16?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

In the fourth issue of "Batman/Superman: World's Finest," Batman and Superman temporarily merged together and became an extremely powerful individual. The image in the link provided below shows what the merged being looks like:


The merged being's strength is so powerful that he easily defeated mind-controlled members of the Justice League and the Teen Titans; even though his existence had a short time limit. Just for fun, I would like you to answer the following three questions:

#1. What do you think would be a good superhero code name for this merged being?

#2. As this merged being is part-Superman, what do you think his Kryptonian name should be?

#3. Which would be a good secret identity name for this merged being: Clark Wayne, or Bruce Kent?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

In the DC Universe, Martha Wayne was born as one of five siblings in her generation of the Kane family tree. The other four siblings are her brothers Nathan, Phillip, Jacob (the father of Batwoman), and an as-of-yet unnamed man (the father of Bette Kane). In the Earth-16 universe, what is the order of the five Kane siblings from oldest to youngest child of their generation? Please also include the birth year for the Earth-16 versions of Martha's brothers, if possible. Finally, in the Earth-16 universe, did Martha have a positive or a negative relationship with each of her brothers, and why?

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Anonymous writes...

When Conner and M'gann arrived in their home in the limos/bio-ships for the wedding where exactly where they coming from?

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Anonymous writes...

Have you ever considered making people log in with a username or password so it’s easier to ignore trolls who keep bringing up the same issues over and over again simply because they’re not satisfied with your responses (while also clogging the queue, which currently has almost 2000 unanswered questions right now)?

Thank you for answering fan questions despite the downsides of it all.

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Anonymous writes...

I was wondering if a shapeshifter stands infront of a Zeta Tube, could they fool the system into thinking they are a different person, i.e. posing as Batman to gain access to league secrets via entry in the watchtower.

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

At any point in time while it was still active, was the Earth-16 version of the Justice Society of America also called the Justice Battalion; like in the comics?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

Will we ever see the Earth-16 versions of DC Comics characters who were originally introduced during the comic book line, "The New Age of DC Heroes"?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

1. Was the Earth-16 version of the All-Star Squadron alternatively known as "The All-Stars"?

2. Did a version of the Seven Soldiers of Victory (alternatively known as "Law's Legionnaires") exist in the Earth-16 universe? If so, who were the members of this group (and please include their full names, along with their middle names and nicknames; if applicable)? Finally, did they fought alongside the Justice Society of America/All-Star Squadron during and after WWII?

3. Did Franklin Delano Roosevelt (the 32nd president of the United States of America) played an instrumental role in the formation of the Earth-16 version of the Justice Society of America/All-Star Squadron. If this is true, how exactly did this happen?

4. Is the Earth-16 version of David Reid the great-grandson of Franklin Delano Roosevelt; like in the comics? If this is true, is this relationship on his paternal or maternal side of his family?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

What are the full names (which also includes middle names and nicknames; if applicable) of each member of the Earth-16 version of the Justice Society of America/All-Star Squadron?

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Master Chief writes...

Is there a New Rome out there, or plans to make one? I imqgine the fear of railgun-toting legionaries would justify even more New Olympus misanthropy.

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

Was Abigail Mathilda "Ma" Hunkel a member of Earth-16's Justice Society of America (presumably as the first Red Tornado), or was she the caretaker of the JSA headquarters (which I will assume was located in a brownstone building somewhere in Civic City, Pennsylvania; like in the comics)?

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Kendrick Cannon writes...

I just watch Spectacular Spider-Man and wow this is the best version of Spider-Man i've ever seen. Why don't they continue it as movies or comics?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

Where are the Earth-16 versions of Darla Dudley, Eugene Choi, and Pedro Peña?

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Anonymous writes...

Apparently you asked why you can’t use non human characters as diversity when there are white non human characters….well the answer is because…POC have been already been DEHUMANIZED in western media for CENTURIES with harmful caricatures…have you ever been outside? Plus, if you only have ONE Arab woman in a cast full of white blondes then it’s not exactly an equal situation, is it? Do you seriously not understand this very basic concept or do you just not care because you know you have an army of loyal stans?

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Algae writes...

Hi Greg,

Just wanted to congratulate you on the new Gargoyles comics coming out later in the year. It's been a long time coming but well worth the wait.

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

There are two adjectives to describe anything associated with Apokolips; this being "Apokoliptian" and "Apokoliptan". Are one or both of these adjectives correct in the Earth-16 universe?

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Anonymous writes...

i am desperate to know what the relationship is between bruce and tim on earth-16, i know you don’t like to give things away but i’ve been patient since season 2 and tim has been in the show less and less, most of his tenure as robin as a teenager has been skipped over, i feel like it’s pretty clear he’s not going to be explored anytime soon if at all. i loved seeing the father son relationship between dick and bruce in season 1 and really wanted to see something like that with tim. can you please at least tell us if they’re also father and son or if he keeps tim at arms length? is tim’s dad still alive?

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Anonymous writes...

Is Halo Muslim rep or not? Because it seems like they are when you get praise but whenever someone tries to criticize the character, then all of a sudden they don’t count as Muslim rep so everyone needs to shut up. You cannot have it both ways buddy.

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Anonymous writes...

When was Bart officially declared missing? Did Jay get back from New Genesis and go around asking when people saw him last only to realize no one had heard from him in like a week? Had anyone noticed or gotten worried before then?

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Anonymous writes...

we saw Dick and Zatanna doing detective work when Bart missing, and i wanted to ask if the Outsiders and other heroes were doing their own investigating when Bart went missing and we just didn't see it?
i was also curious if Dick, Zatanna and the others shared what they'd found to do with Bart specifically after "Rescue and Search" or if, as Dick put it, trusting Bart on his choice extended to his choice not to tell anyone what he was doing?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

1. The Legion of Super-Heroes revealed in the 2nd half of "Young Justice: Phantoms" that Superboy is destined to do something on May 14th, 2030, that will go down in history and that will eventually inspire the creation of the Legion in the 31st century. As such, my question to you is this: Is that specific date meant to be the end point for the "Young Justice" animated series, or will the series continue beyond that date?

2. The entirety of the "Young Justice" animated series appears to set up Darkseid as the overarching main antagonist. However, in the comics, there are other supervillains in the DC Universe who are just as bad or potentially worse than Darkseid. As such, once Darkseid is ultimately defeated, who is going to step up and take his place as the main antagonist?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

1. Exactly how tall were the Old Gods in the Earth-16 universe?

2. What is the exact length of the Source Wall in the Earth-16 universe?

3. When exactly was the Source Wall created in the Earth-16 universe? Also, who was responsible for its creation, and why did they create it in the first place?

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The Dynamite Comics

Gargoyles Comic from Dynamite

The story of Gargoyles continues in the comic book series Gargoyles and Gargoyles: Dark Ages published by Dynamite. Available online or at your local comic book shop.

The NECA Figures

Gargoyles Figures by NECA

NECA has produced a line of Gargoyles figures which continues to grow. Available through online and department store retailers.

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Gargoyles Season 1 DVD Cover

Includes episode commentaries by co-creator Greg Weisman, interviews with the cast, and a documentary on the fan convention.

Season One
Season Two, Volume One
Season Two, Volume Two