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Obrien Riker writes...

In the dc comics miss martian and superboy had a romantic relationship but in young justice they did so why did you have beast boy suffer the lost of his romantic relationship with Perdita over drug use cause mental heath problems cause by beast boy believing he cause superboy to die on mars to be single just like his dc comic version after dc comic beast boy's time with dc comic Tara end to only show after that superboy is alive in phanothom zone and is renited with miss martian to miss martian and superboy get married at the end of season 4 of young justice?

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oskar writes...

Before wally west died on the mission to stop the reach weapon did wally believe miss martian would outlive all of her human teammates because wally knows martian's age slower than humans?

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Seabert writes...

If you got a season 5 of young justice made would you show more of vandal savages's past history in season 5?

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Gagarin writes...

If you can't get a anime season 5 for young justice made will you make a young justice season 5 comic series?

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Diania writes...

Is Marie Logan's son Garfield's y sperm come from vandal savage?

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Minami writes...

What is the relation between the monkey god and the lords of order in young justice?

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Lee writes...

Out of all humans of earth why did the monkey god choose garfield?

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Anonymous writes...

when zor-el was born

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Jan Rott writes...

In "City of Stone Part Three" there is a man on the 23rd Precinct who complains about the missing night and try the Weird Sisters to calm him down. Some people believe that this man is William Greene. What do you mean.

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Chad writes...

Is the monkey god that spoke to beast boy in outsiders episode nightmare monkeys one of the lords of order in young justice universe ?

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kim writes...

Is vandel savage still alive the future year were the young justice season 4 time travers came from?

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Jan Rott writes...

Hudson is already an old Gargoyle, the condition of his cells should also have an impact on his clone Burbank. So does Burbank have a shorter lifespan than the other clones?

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Storyseeker writes...

I was wondering if you had ever considered doing your own 'What If...?' comic series, for Gargoyles? I always enjoy watching/reading how things might have gone if things happened differently, and I am constantly wondering about what if, for example, Demona had succeeded in wiping out humanity in Hunter's Moon, what if the clan never met Elisa, what if Brooklyn had joined Demona in Temptation...etc? I think it would make a great comic series, as everyone loves a good What If! You only have to look up all the fanfiction online to see that.

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Steve writes...

Is vandel savage the biological father of garfild logan in young justice universe?

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Anonymous writes...

where Joan Garrick worked in her youth

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necro mage writes...

how highly influential do you have to be to join the light? would a powerful crime kingpin like black mask be considered to be to low level to join the light?

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Anonymous writes...

what Jay Garrick studied

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Josh writes...

Why did you choose to use still images to show Vangel savage's backstory history in young justice season 3 and season 4?

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Krinn writes...

Why do you believe it was not realistic for the outsiders not to ask beast boy what was wrong with him and why he was not going on missions with them when the outsiders realise there was something was wrong with garfield and get garfield help before Perdita came to see Garfield?

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Anonymous writes...

what is the earthly name
M'aatt M'orzz

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Anonymous writes...

Why did want to replace Garfield's love life of Perdida with Garfield's dog?

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Anonymous writes...

Just finished season 2 recently, love the show!

1. In the episode "Temptation" when Demona rips out a bunch of pages from the Grimorum, did she rip them out at random, or did she know where to turn in order to get those specific spells?

2. According to the different Gargoyles wikis, Demona used all of the spells she stole, save one. But why didn't she use that last spell? Was it a dud or was it going to be the plot of an episode, but then you had a change in plans?

3. I know the Archmage at the Grimorum (it still makes me laugh really hard) and now it's gone forever, but before that, it had changed hands several times, so is it possible that other pages were ripped out and saved by people before the Xanatos acquired it at the start of the show?

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Anonymous writes...

what is the earthly name
J'ann J'onzz M'orzz

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anon writes...

when Artemis visited Wally's parents in "Endgame", did they already know about his death? or was she there to break the news? if it was the latter, why was she the one to do it?

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Jose writes...

Why was there no statute of beast boy in the future year where the tine travelers came from seen in young justice season 4?

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