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FTBM writes...

Why did Fox and/or Xanatos invite Dr. Sato to the Halloween party? That would not have been by accident.

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Lea writes...

In Young Justice, how did Lex Luthor react to Superboy's death? Does he really consider Superboy his son, or does he just call him "son" to irritate him?

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Anonymous writes...

When and why did Billy (in universe) start going by Shazam instead of Captain Marvel?

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Lea writes...

In Young Justice, where is Cyborg's mother? What happened to her?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

Are there any characters in the Earth-16 universe who are aware of the multiverse/multi-multiverse/omniverse?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

In regards to the children of M'aatt M'orzz and J'ann M'orzz, what is the chronological order from oldest to youngest child?

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Anonymous writes...

1. When Beast Boy is in animal form and somehow becomes unconscious, like passing out through inhaling gas or through a big hit on the head, would Garfield stay in the current animal form until he wakes up, or would he unconsciously change to another form?
2. If he unconsciously changes while he is unconscious, would he change to his preferred form (his human-monkey form in season 2, his human form in season 3-4) or his human form?

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Fallenlegend writes...

I got a question about making the green lantern TAS canon adjacent to young justice.

In the past, you and Brandon consiousoh avoided to be compared to other DC cartoons. Hence the reason you said you avoided casting people that had played the same roles before. Say you wouldn’t have casted Kevin Conroy as Batman.

You guys even had Beast Boys’s voice actor be the same as Teen Titans only because your original choice was not available anymore.

So…what made you change your mind and add a whole entire continuity, that being Green lancer TAS and make it canon adjacent to young justice?

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Matt Itelson writes...

How old was Orphan when she was sent to kill Joker?

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Family writes...

Who do you think is more villainous?

Helga Jace

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Loner writes...

1.What is up with the one shot in scene Cheshire fights Red arrow and spinkicks him and flips back? because wow it really got on tv lol. Also People keep asking are they ever going to do a shot or scene like that again
2.its cool the animation is mostly the same as s1 and even oh teen Titans was that intentional or just it looks cool. Also how many seasons do you think will happen? Sorry for the long question

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

If the relationship between Beast Boy and Perdita somehow ends up being confirmed as officially over (whether by the end of Season 4 or the "Young Justice: Targets" comics) even if Beast Boy's mental health improves, does that mean that Terra will end up becoming Beast Boy's new love interest?

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FallenLegend writes...

Just some questions regarding the kryotonian prisioners.

1.-Metron was worried they could endanger the galaxy, and Darkseid seemed to agree as he offered Lor-Zid same "winner takes all" deal he offered to Savage

But isn't that an overeaction? Sure thet would all have the powers of Superman and that makes them formidable. But your version of Superman is explicitly made much less powerful than most interpretations.

Simply put it seems like they would have zero chance agains the magic characters like Dr fate from the league, or Klarion as they are all vulnerable to magic, let alone the full justice league.

Dr fate alone could just use a portal and take them to space they couldnt breathe, like space.

Icon, Superman, and Savage could also match some of them and so on

And potentially the villains ,like Black adam or the light wouldn't be to kin on being ruled by them.

Child seems to be the bigger threat desoie her only being the mid season villain.

2.- I know power varies wildly between individuals. But, judging by the fight between Orion and Lor-Zod, is it safe to assume that new gods, and powered krypotnians are in the same ballpark regarding strenght and durability?

3.- If not, which race is stronger and more durable on average?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

Is the following quote from the comics also true in the Earth-16 universe in regards to the death of the Old Gods and the rise of the New Gods?

"There came a time when the Old Gods died! The brave died with the cunning! The noble perished, locked in battle with the unleashed evil! It was the last day for them! An ancient era was passing in fiery holocaust! The final moment came with the fatal release of the indescribable power â€" which tore the home of the Old Gods asunder â€" split it in great halves â€" and filled the universe with the blinding death-flash of its destruction! In the end there were two giant molten bodies, spinning slow and barren â€" clean of all that had gone before â€" adrift in the fading sounds of cosmic thunder... Silence closed upon what had happened â€" a long, deep silence â€" wrapped in massive darkness... it was this way for an age... THENâ€"THERE WAS NEW LIGHT!"

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Anonymous writes...

In the universe of HBO’s Veep, the history of the US presidency diverges from ours after the Reagan administration. Have you mapped out and can you share when the history of Earth-16’s UN Secretaries-General diverges from ours? Were there any fictional Secretaries-General before Tseng Dangun, Lex Luthor and Troia?

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Marvelman writes...

1) The alliance between the Justice League, Green Lanterns, and New Genesis... was that what Klarion referred to as the "opposition's new arrangements"?

2) What are the terms of the treaty? I'm guessing that New Genesis will still not directly fight Apokolips because of their PACT with Darkseid?

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M-12 writes...

Yo, Greg, how about we do another AMA on my Sub? I mean, shiiiiit, all I've been getting lately is posts from people complaining about how the show sucks because its woke shit, and I'm tired!! That's not the attention I was hoping for when I let in my house! I thought the Sub would get like 50x subscribers, but booking you wasn't as impressive as I thought it would. Quite UNDERWHELMING, really. My followers also didn't celebrate me as hard or for as long as I imagined neither..... Being this the last season of the show, my precious Sub will dry up more than AH's snatch (lol).

Come on, homie, throw me a bone here. Also, would you consider joining my awesome Discord channel?? Between our attention seeking virgins and mentally disabled retards, your dick would be sore from so much sucking lol. I promise I'll ban anyone who doesn't bend over!

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Ricky writes...

Hi Greg

a few questions then a thank you.

1) I read that Batman became Batman at the age of 21. Crazy young compared to other iterations of the character. What did his training look like before he became Batman? And was any of that training by Alfred?

2) How do you rate the combat prowess of Earth-16's Batman?

3) I absolutely loved your Nightwing & Roy vs Brick fight in S3. I always love seeing trained humans fighting metahumans.
How strong a metahuman can a well-trained human with standard vigilante gear defeat without relying on insta-win gadgets like red sun batons or kryptonite rings?

4)Would Nightwing have beaten Tommy Terror in a 1v1 if he wasn't focused on getting those kids out?

I want to start off by saying thank you. Thank you for bringing attention to minority groups that never get attention in mainstream media.
Not just having a cameo of the week to "celebrate our differences", but actually making these people main characters.

As a kid the only faces of heroes I've seen were white. Guys who looked like me were often racist caricatures with thick accents like Leslie Chow or emasculated nerdy losers.
Even the "heroes" like Jackie Chan or Jet Li were considered others, not a real American. For the longest time, I didn't think of being an Asian-American male as something to be proud of.
Even though I was born and raised in the states, it was pretty clear that there were many who considered me a perpetual foreigner.
And I know I'm not the only ethnicity that's experienced this. A lot of us are "Outsiders" if you will.

It really means a lot to know that it's not just white faces that get to be heroes.

So thank you for bringing non-traditional faces to the screen.

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Anonymous writes...

How many Teekls has Klarion been through?

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Anonymous writes...

Why did Nightwing at the beginning of Season 3 not want anyone to know that he was talking to Oracle?
At what point did other members of the Team (like Artemis as seen in Season 4) start talking to her?

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Alan Smithee writes...

I'm sorry in advance.

I was looking through the archives for gargoyle heights and came across some questions pertaining to human/gargoyle err, intimacy issues with incompatible equipment, which led to this.

If say, Goliath and Elisa received a magical talisman or something that allowed the wearer to match their partner's form (Goliath becomes a human or Elisa becomes a gargoyle) and it's all systems go. The lights are dimmed. The Berry White is playing. Even considering they will have nigh-endless encounters of a similar nature in the future, who changes their form FIRST? And do they volunteer or have to be talked into it?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

The little glowing green eye that Lor-Zod seemed to recognize and then grabbed is the Emerald Eye of Ekron, correct? I could've sworn that it was a lot bigger in the comics...

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Arstinos writes...

In the latest arc of Young Justice, there is a subplot about Rocket learning to understand her son's autism through her interactions with Orion. I personally was very disappointed with the way that this arc resolved, and it just seemed to fall into the basic "overcoming narrative" tropes that have been so harmful to the disabled community (especially autistic folk) in the past. The arc also largely focused on everyone else's perceptions of the neurodiverse characters without giving much voice to Orion or Amistad to talk about their own experiences.

I'm wondering if you had anyone who was autistic or at least a disabilities activist working on/reviewing these episodes? If not, would you consider hiring someone to work on future stories that touch on these subjects?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

In the Earth-16 universe, what was Ursa's original Kryptonian surname before she became the life-mate of Zod?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

Just so I can understand correctly, Dru-Zod and the rest of the Phantom Zone prisoners are from the present time, and they wouldn't know who the future Lor-Zod is even though Ursa would still be (presumably) one month pregnant with him right now. As such, should we assume that the future Lor-Zod will end up getting killed by his own father (presumably as a result of some kind of misunderstanding) and the present Lor-Zod will grow up to be a good guy instead...?

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Anonymous writes...

Dear Mr Wiesman 1. Did you plan For Pf ( My nickname for Female Forager aka Purple Forager to avoid confusion) to become a Green Lantern from the start or did the idea come up later? 2. How long has Isis (the heroine not the Deity) known Zatanna, Madame Xanadu Zatara and the rest of there friends? 3 How did Joker find out from Poison Ivy that He and the rest of the injustice league where being used as Puppets ? 4 Did Tomar Re ever blame himself for what happened to krypton and the El Brothers?

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Abdullah Khan writes...

George Eads voiced Flash in everything minus the finale and since Outsiders it has become clear James Arnold Taylor would now be his main VA.
Ariel Winter voiced Perdita in her first episode and the DC Showcase: Green Arrow short u wrote but is now recasted to Hynden Walch. I wanted to ask why these permanet recasts happened?

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Anonymous writes...

1 Orm recieved training under wotan in sorcery. How well did orm do in his magic training in wotan’s opinion?
2 did orm recieve training from just wotan or did the light also hire a few other sorcerers to help orm with his training?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

1. Is Vandal Savage the paternal or maternal grandfather of Arion?

2. What is the exact year that Vandal Savage (as Temujin/Genghis Khan) first encountered Darkseid?

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Marvelman writes...

Is "Mantis" a job/role in the hive, or is it a proper name? If it is the latter, why is that Mantis is the only bug with a name?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

The Earth-16 version of Superboy does not have access to all of Superman's powers apparently because of his half-human, half-Kryptonian DNA. However, if Superboy ends up in a position where he is in a critical condition that requires him to get a blood transfusion from Superman, would he be able to gain access to all of Superman's powers as a result? The reason I am asking this question is because I am aware that red shields only provided a temporary solution in Season 1, but caused him to be more aggressive with each use. As such, I have been wondering if there was a possible solution that is permanent but does not cause him to become aggressive?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

If Young Justice gets a fifth season, will we see any elements (costumes, storylines, etc.) incorporated from Infinite Frontier, Future State, Milestone Returns, and perhaps even The Wild Storm?

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Dylan writes...

Is there a chance that Kyle rayner is the 4th green lantern mentioned by Orin in the Atlantis arc?( great job this season by the way it’s been amazing)

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Anonymous writes...

1 The lord of chaos and order are aware of darkseid. Is darkseid aware of the lord of order and chaos?
2 If he is aware what does he think of these elemental entities. Does he consider them a threat?

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Enda McNabola writes...

Is the Mobius Dimension the same dimension Metron took Halo and Cyborg to back in "Overwhelmed"?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

Which individuals in the Kent family tree (as seen in the link provided below) also exist in the Earth-16 universe?


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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

If Lian Nguyen-Harper somehow manages to survive past the age of five (which was when she tragically died in pre-Flashpoint DC Comics continuity in 2009), will she eventually become the Red Hood (like her Earth-22 counterpart; an archer like her father, Red Arrow), or will she become the Cheshire Cat (like her Prime Earth counterpart; since she is revealed to be alive in the Infinite Frontier era)?

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Anonymous writes...

In the World of Catwoman: Hunted
1. What year did La Dama begin her criminal career?
2. What year was Doctor Tzin born?
3. What year did Doctor Tzin begin his criminal career?

That's all from me; sorry if this was total torture. Love YJ and love your writing. I look forward to whatever's next!

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Anonymous writes...

In the World of Catwoman: Hunted
1. What year did Boss Moxie begin his criminal career?
2. What year was Barbara Minerva born?
3. What year did Barbara Minerva begin her criminal career?
4. What year was Mr. Yakuza born?
5. What year was La Dama born?

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Anonymous writes...

In the World of Catwoman: Hunted
1. What year did Tobias Whale begin his criminal career?
2. What year was Morax born?
3. What year was Nosferata born?
4. What year did Nosferata begin her criminal career?
5. What year was Boss Moxie born?

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Anonymous writes...

In the World of Catwoman: Hunted
1. What year was Solomon Grundy born?
2. What year did Solomon Grundy begin his criminal career?
3. What year was Abaddon born?
4. What year was Julia Pennyworth born?
5. What year was Tobias Whale born?

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Anonymous writes...

In the World of Catwoman: Hunted
1. What year does the film take place?
2. What year was Catwoman born?
3. What year did Catwoman begin her costumed career?
4. What year was Black Mask born?
5. What year did Black Mask begin his costumed career?

If 'How old' is more applicable than 'What year' here, would you be willing to answer that instead with this set of questions?

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Owlman writes...

Hi Greg !
I've pretty surprised to hear in YJ the pronoun "they" to describe someone instead of him or her. I mean, why you, especially you, a writer, would you support the destruction of the language ?
Or maybe you think this is an actual progress, and in that case, I'm deeply worried about what you're gonna do next.
This could be the perfect show, if it wasn't for this silly woke ideology who comes and ruins everything, like a virus spreading inside a healthy body.
All right, maybe not the best metaphor here, but you got the point.
Just... WHY did you have to turn woke ? I find this to be an abomination and that has ruined a part of the show for me.
I mean, sure, you can be inclusive for those communities, but why this much ? It's like it's you're number one priority, and it's scary. We don't have a single episode with some woke allusions, and I'm really tired of it at this point.

I know that you moderators will be eager to delete this, so here's a message for you :
Before you do that, consider that this question, as unpleasant or offending (not my intend, really) as it might be, represents a lot of people who don't talk about this, but who nonetheless think the same way.
I think constructive criticism must be allowed, even if you find it personally unpleasant.
People have the right to be against woke ideology, as much as those who are supporting it.
If we hear only from one point of view, that's not fair, right ?

I'd just like to hear Greg's thoughts about that. That's an important subject that I think should not be putted aside, even if it's from the opposite opinion.

Thank you.

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Anonymous writes...

1. I just started watching the show and I am enjoying it quite a lot, so I know it's been a long time since you wrote the episode Denial but in this episode there is a line "Oh, no. Not me. I'm just an old coot/coat Fate used to put on." when I watched this on Netflix the subtitles said coat and I really like this line but on IMDb in the quotes section it says coot. I know it seems like a trivial question but if possible do check and let me know if you remember what you wrote granted it was 10 long years.
2. Also my friend who is caught up with the show told me to watch GLTAS since it's a somewhat shared world(not quite sure what he meant by this,said the same thing for Green Arrow Showcase the same shared world thing about that too and to watch it after s1 ep 20. and Catwoman Hunted after season 3) and said I can just watch it along with season 2 of young justice alternating between the two shows Or after season 2 and before season 3. What order would you recommend for watching GLTAS.

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Anonymous writes...

So about the quotation "There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you." You said "The quotation IS in I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings, but I didn't realize that it didn't originate there" so what chapter in I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings by Maya Angelou is this quote on I couldn't find it, do you happen to have a citation for this or the page number cause I can't find it.

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Flay writes...

Why did Garfield not love Perdita no more by the time of episode one of young justice phantoms?

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Anonymous writes...

1. What year was Lor-Zod born?
2. What year did Lor-Zod first travel back in time?
3. What year did Phantom Girl become a member of the Legion of Superheroes?
4. What year did Saturn Girl become a member of the Legion of Superheroes?

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Anonymous writes...

1. What year was Abra Kadabra born?
2. What year did Brainiac 5 join the Legion of Superheroes?
3. What year did Chameleon Boy join the Legion of Superheroes?
4. What year was Lightning Lad born?
5. What year did Lightning Lad join the Legion of Superheroes?

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Anonymous writes...

1. What year was Moonrider born? If not tracked, what is his age equivalent at last appearance?
2. What year was Orion born? If not tracked, what is his age equivalent at last appearance?
3. What year was Overlord created?
4. What year was Serifan born? If not tracked, what is his age equivalent at last appearance?
5. What year was Sphere created?

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Anonymous writes...

1. What year was Kalibak born?
2. What year was Kreetin born? If not tracked, what is his age equivalent at last appearance?
3. What year was Lashina born? If not tracked, what is her age equivalent at last appearance?
4. What year was Lightray born? If not tracked, what is his age equivalent at last appearance?
5. What year was Metron born? If not tracked, what is his age equivalent at last appearance?

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