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just a grateful fan writes...

Hi Mr. Greg sir, this isn't so much as a question as much as a thank you for creating YJ and sort of an explanation as to why I love it so much.

I've always been a big fan of DC and specifically the non-main heroes (cuz we can't call them sidekicks here), and combine that with excellent writing and YJ was practically made for me to love it to pieces. It's just a phenomenal show, and so many plot things happen that I hope I can one day pull off with my own works.

But my experience in loving YJ is also a bit more personal for me.

I was in middle school when season 1 started airing, aka just about the age range of my favorite, Robin, and I remember looking forward to thursdays for new episodes of the show to come out. It was just such a big part of my life at that time, and it was overall pretty fun. And there were plenty of hiatuses which meant I would sort of get a little older and the characters wouldn't, but everyone was still in my age range so it was still possible for me to jump around perspectives.

Then there was a big gap between season 1 and 2 and by the time season 2 came out, WITH the time skip, I was 18, and well well look at that, the same age as Nightwing! AGAIN! While I know season 2 didn't focus on the OG team as much, it was still a really fun experience for me to be like "oh hey! I'm still in their age group!" unlike other shows where I eventually out-aged the characters.

Between seasons 1 and 2, my dad died, and while season 2 didn't deal too much with grief (although getting a new season from a show that was a big part of my life when he was alive was a great joy), when it was renewed for a season 3, season 3 did deal with grief, specifically Nightwing's arc which I related to more than I thought I would, once again it kind of felt like the story you were telling with YJ fell in line with my own life experiences, but now way more personally. But if that wasn't crazy enough, season 3 ALSO came out right around the time I started questioning my own gender identity. I had already been latching onto Violet as a new favorite, and then they said that line "I don't feel like a boy or a girl, I just feel like me!" and honestly, that was the first time in my life I felt like I understood how I felt about myself.

As of writing this, season 4 is still airing, and once again, I feel as though I have aged up with the characters as I continue to be in the same age range as them (mid twenties) and seeing them deal with grief once again, as I do too (2021 was a hard year for me) and also, Kaldur's arc which is airing right now, is painfully relatable to me.

I love YJ so much, not just because it's a spectacular story and writing, but because that I feel as if I truly grew up WITH these characters, and watching them go through the same struggles and journeys I do, albeit saving the world on the side, is just a big comfort to me. I'm sure there are many people out there who feel the same, especially as you continue. I really just wanted to thank you for giving this experience for me and to tell you that you've made a really good show. Whenever people ask me what my favorite show is, I always tell them "Young Justice".
(also thank you thank you thank you for throwing in legionnaires, the Legion of Superheroes is also full of favorites for me, and the 3 you've picked are actually some of those)

Sorry this got so long, you don't have to reply to it, I just wanted you to know that YJ has been a big impact and comfort in my life and I'm so grateful that you made it

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