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Paul writes...

I've just checked the Archives and I couldn't find the answer to this question... Which year did Steve Dayton take custody of Garfield Logan and cause him to leave the Team? Was it Team Year Six, or Team Year Seven?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

I have read on the internet that you also want a fifth season of "Young Justice" and you are encouraging the fans to rally in order to save the show. However, what if that is NOT enough? Let me give you two examples of similar situations:

Example #1: Ruby Rose, who portrayed Kate Kane in the now-canceled CW TV series, "Batwoman," left the show after its first season. Caroline Dries, the showrunner, initially wanted to recast the character, but then she decided NOT to after she received some advice from Greg Berlanti. Fans demanded that Kate Kane be recasted, and then they became upset when Kate Kane was replaced by an original character named Ryan Wilder. This action caused Kate Kane fans to believe that Caroline Dries was disrespecting the Batwoman source material. Kate Kane would eventually revealed to be recast midway through the show's second season, but by the end of the second season finale, she left again; much to the disappointment of the Kate Kane fans. Essentially, had Caroline Dries listened to the fans and recast Kate Kane right away (as opposed to replacing her with an original character), the show would not have been so terrible and would not have ended up being canceled after its third season.

Example #2. After Chadwick Boseman died in 2020, Kevin Feige announced that he would NOT recast T'Challa in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Those who wanted the character recast started an online petition which gathered a very large number of signatures. However, when the first trailer and the movie synopsis for "Black Panther: Wakanda Forever" came out during Comic-Con 2022, it was revealed that T'Challa was permanently killed off. I have seen some very angry reactions on Twitter as a result of this. The idea of T'Challa being killed off in the MCU is utterly ridiculous/disgraceful because it robs us of watching his further character development and the relationships/connections that he made with the other characters in the MCU.

The point of me addressing these examples to you is to clearly show that ever since COVID-19 hit the United States, I have observed that people in the movie and television industries do NOT appear to listen to the comic book fans at all; since they cannot go outside and publicly protest on things such as this. These days, such people appear to stick by their decisions and don't seem to care what other people think. As such, I fear that HBO Max will be just the same, and "Young Justice" will likely be officially canceled; despite the efforts of the fans.

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Anonymous writes...

Quick question regarding the Genomorphs: I know Superboy, Red Arrow, and Guardian were created using the DNA of Superman and Speedy respectively, but what DNA was used to make the other six Genomorph types, such as the G-Goblins, G-Gnomes, G-Trolls, G-Elves, G-Dwarves, and G-Sprites?

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SuperFan writes...

I have a few questions regarding Clark and Lois’ relationship:
1. When did they first meet?
2. When did Lois learn Clark was Superman?
3. When did they get married?
4. When they got married, is Lois’ surname Lane, Kent, or Lane-Kent?

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Family writes...

Who's your favorite Zod?


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Anonymous writes...

Why was Queen Perdita allowed to use the zeta tubes to travel? What year did Perdita start using the zeta tubes to travel in young justice universe?

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Secret writes...

Why is it that Miss Martian's bridesmaids dresses are all red but yet they aren't wearing the same kind of dress compared to Superboy's groomsmen who are all wearing identical suits to that of the grooms? Is it to kinda represent the bride and groom in a way, considering how Conner doesn't wear anything else besides his usual clothes and almost nothing else?

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Anonymous writes...

I only recently noticed the tag necklace around Tye Longshadow’s neck. Does it have any significance and if so, where did Tye get them from?

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Leyla writes...

Hi Greg !
1. Has Shiva ever tried to kill Barbara, or hurt her in any way for taking her daughter away from her ?
2. Is Zatanna dating someone ? Or is she interested in someone ?

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Verdragon writes...

How long on average is the script for an episode of Young Justice (in pages)? Also, out of curiosity, how long was the script for an average episode of Gargoyles?

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Gargoyles Figures by NECA

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