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The Phoenix Gate

Comment Room Archive

Comments for the week ending January 6, 2003

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VAULT KEEPER - You wrote: [Ok that's good there Welsh Gargoyles now are there Irish?]

Basically the whole of the British Isles was filled with Gargoyle Clans until about the early Middle Ages when every one of them except for the Lock Ness Clan in Scotland and the London Clan in England got wiped out.

You wrote: [I can't believe that Macbeth was the only Scottish Monarch that colibrated with Gargoyles.]

By the time Demona was wandering around with her Patchwork Clan in the 11th century it seems that largely attitudes towards Gargoyles were completely negative. Joining forces with Gargoyles probably wouldn't have been any sort of an accepted approach. Macbeth allied with Demona mainly because he had past positive experiences dealing with her and because he was also desperate. He probably would never have openly allied with her if he didn't need her to first stay alive and then hold onto the power he gained. (And its questionable if he would have been been as positive in attitude towards Gargoyles and Demona if his father had lived. Isolation, struggle, and need shaped him to be more open minded about allies. He wouldn't have been that way if he had his father to look out for his interests throughout his childhood.)

Also as far as can be figured everyone at the time probably assumed that Demona's Moray Clan was the last Clan of Gargoyles in all of Scotland. (The Lock Ness Clan seems to have gone into hiding around this time and nobody seems to know that it exists anymore. Certainly Demona was convinced that only her Gargoyles were left.) Even in the off chance someone wanted Gargoyle allies, where would they find them if the only known Clan is already hooked up with Macbeth?

PYRO X - You wrote: [Did you all know that Toon Disney FINALLY aired Deadly Force???]

I knew that they introduced the TOON DISNEY version of it in their last GARGOYLES marathon but I wasn't sure if they were going to be showing it regularly again. Its good to hear that they've decided to leave it in the lineup even if it is edited.

MATT - You wrote: [afterall, i can't count how many other episodes Tonn Disney has butchere- i mean edited... :)]

26 episodes in the TOON DISNEY run have edits. The rest are completely untouched. I have an edits list compiled; I really should get it posted permanently somewhere. I used to post it to the Newsgroup but its been a while since the last time I did that. To be honest most edits are really minor; they tend to be annoying more than major content changes.

DPH - You wrote: [What Toon Disney did to Deadly Force was butcher it, pure and simple.]

On the bright side having an edited version in the lineup is better than them completly leaving out the episode as they had been doing for the 2 or 3 years before. And the unedited version is available on VHS unlike most of the other edited episodes which tend to be largely Season 2 episodes.

You wrote: [If you watch the Gathering Part 2, you'll find the scene when Petros Xanatos attacked Oberon with a harpoon to be butchered.]

That bit is terribly annoying! I wish that I could understand exactly how they decide on these edits. With DEADLY FORCE I could understand that they are trying to keep the blood out but the rest of the edits seem rather silly considering what they actually leave in completely unedited episodes. In CITY OF STONE 2 for example they cut one second in the final Gillcomgain/Demona battle where he hits her dead on but they leave him falling to his death pretty vividly. I'm glad they didn't go for the obvious edit but I do really wonder how they decide on these edits.

Airwalker - [airwalker9999@yahoo.com]
Brooklyn, NY
Sunday, January 5, 2003 02:14:59 PM

hey, TD did the same to other episodes as well. i know they took the word "terrorist" out of all episodes, and i distinctly remember that they censored/edited/mangled Princess Katherine's line about a sliver bullet being for vampires and weres in "Ill Met by Moonlight"...
i suppose we should be greatful they are playing the series at all, but still...

Sunday, January 5, 2003 01:26:30 PM

What Toon Disney did to Deadly Force was butcher it, pure and simple. If you watch the Gathering Part 2, you'll find the scene when Petros Xanatos attacked Oberon with a harpoon to be butchered.
Sunday, January 5, 2003 10:00:20 AM

Deadly Force> well, good for them, its about time they are showing it... and they should've just edited a long time ago if they felt it was neccesary. afterall, i can't count how many other episodes Tonn Disney has butchere- i mean edited... :)
Sunday, January 5, 2003 07:03:27 AM


Did you all know that Toon Disney FINALLY aired Deadly Force??? It turns out that they "zoomed" in on Elisa's face instead of showing the blood. It's a cheap way out but hey... at least they're showing it.


Pyro X
CanadaSunday, January 5, 2003 01:12:13 AM

Ooh, I almost forgot, Happy New Year everyone. Hope you all started it off on a better note than I did.
Saturday, January 4, 2003 10:48:10 AM

I think everyone is a little tense about the whole Ask Greg thing. At the first mention of anybody suggesting adding a FAQ to the questions being submitted everyone jumped to stop it. Tabron did the right thing by asking us first, I can only hope that future neophytes follow his/her example by asking questions in the comment room. I don't think Vashodka and Mooncat were trying to be mean either, they were just desperate to drive home the fact that there is an Ask Greg, the queue is obscenely long, and you should probably check the archives before you Ask Greg a question. Many fans are desperate to stop the cancerous growth of that question queue on Ask Greg.

In other news, I got in a car accident last night. Some guy on a motorcycle came out of nowhere and nailed me in rear left side. Apparently it was my fault even though driving in the dark wearing all black and without your headlights on as this guy was doing probably wasn't a bright idea on his part either. But I'm okay, he got off with a broken leg, (lucky considering he had no helmet). The only one who was damaged her seems to be my insurance record, and my poor Sentra who lost her rear bumper and has her undercarriage cover dangling. I was in such a good mood after having just seen Lord of the Rings too. Now every time I see my roommate's poster for the Two Towers I'm gonna remember that accident.

Saturday, January 4, 2003 10:45:56 AM

Vault Keeper> there was (according to greg) an Irish Clan at one time. and CuChullin was possibly in contact with them. the original Hound of Ulster was a member of this clan. (see The Hound of Ulster)

and while i'm here, i want to say that maybe Tabron should've looked around a little harder, but he/she did nothing wrong by asking the question here in the CR. i think Vash and Mooncat came down a little hard on Tabron. i mean, afterall we know this site and its problems quite well, but a new person is totally unaware. at least tabron had the sense to ask the question here and not pile it in the Ask Greg queue. this incident further proves that there are some major problems with the Ask Greg systema dn it needs an overhaul. once again i put forth the suggestion that we close down Ask greg until further notice and put up a sign that says "if you have to ask a question ask it to the people in the Comment Room and/or check the FAQ"
please can we do this soon!?!?!

Saturday, January 4, 2003 05:43:20 AM

Just a quick joke:

Q: What was the leading cause of death among Spartan boys?

A: The education system.

Saturday, January 4, 2003 04:14:59 AM

Its been slow in here for some time, yes I know everyone is hard at work with school and getting back ffrom the Holidays, its already Sat. and posting this message just knocked of Wingless' Message saying that she was number one for the week. :)
well whoever is hard at work in school, I hope you all pass and when all the test are done with take a long vaction :)
As for me Ive been to dizzy and sick even to get out bed since my birthday, and no I didnt drink to much.

O anyone hear a somewhat of a familiar voice doing some of the X-box live commercials.
Hope everyone had a good and safe New years
Well im off to play startcraft I just got and I have no clue what so ever how it works, Im used to Diablo. Havea good one all

Saturday, January 4, 2003 03:33:20 AM

Ok that's good there Welish Gargoyle now are there Irish?,

Also I got to wonder about Scottish Garoyles after Goliath's clan were frozen in stone, I can't believe that Macbeth was the only Scottish Monarch that colibrated with Gargoyles.

Don't worry I currently doing research on Scotland, Stuart royal line. And the battle of Bannocnburn,
Vault Keeper - [vaultkeeper@dupuis.shawbiz.ca]
Victoria, BC, Canada
Saturday, January 4, 2003 01:11:49 AM

opps, that should have been the Archives listed on the Ask Greg page, not on the links bar. I believe the link is under "previously asked questions" on the Ask Greg page.

Friday, January 3, 2003 05:33:40 PM

Airwalker, Tabron - No worries. I'm not upset, I'm just trying to emphasize the point that when a question is asked in a message board, it's a good thing to have gotten an answer to it at all, instead of being put out that it isn't Greg answering the question himself. Many time a question will get asked, and it simply sits unanswered and totally ignored. That happens only a few times in this room, as sooner or later someone is bound to say something, but it happens quite a lot elsewhere.

Sorry if I sounded a bit short. I am very much for a good fan being able to do the basics in research. Looking at the Links Bar at the top of the page for instance, for the one labled Ask Greg, is a good place to start. So is the one labled Archives.


Friday, January 3, 2003 05:31:19 PM

MATT - You wrote: [thats Loch, not Lock... no biggie but i'd thought i'd say something...]

Thanks. I realized my mistake after I posted it. Thats what I get for trying to type out a post, listen to music, and watch TV at the same time. :-)

You wrote: [I wonder if the Loch Ness Clan looks like him or if he is just a Wyvernish aquatic gargoyle and the Loch gargs look totally different...?]

Actually I figure that it could probably go either way; after all they would both be Scottish Gargoyles. I imagine though that they would probably be somewhere in the middle; they have to continue to resemble Gargoyles and maintain something along the lines of other Gargoyles or they wouldn't really be Gargoyles anymore.

I imagine that they would be more Lexington-ish in terms of wings and that they would be more aerodynamic in terms of build to be able to maintain a life in and around the Loch. But they would still be airbreathers and would still turn to stone; I figure them to be something along the lines of Gargoyle surfers and divers but not actually have turned into pure aquatic beings.

TABRON - You wrote: [Where did you get the info?]

This site has a section called ASKGREG where you can submit questions to Greg Weisman. In that section is an archive of Questions that he has already answered as well as a FAQ.

You wrote: [Sorry if this sounds offencive but i wasn't asking you...]

No problem. I'm not offended at all. I answered your questions for a few reasons:

1. Greg doesn't tend to answer Questions asked in this Comment Room; if you wanted it answered by him then you would have had to submit it to ASKGREG.

2. Your Question is a Frequently Asked Question so the existing answer that Greg gave to it (and which I basically paraphrased in my last post) is available for you. Someone just has to point it out and I figured that as long as I was posting I might as well point it out.

3. Even if you had posted your Question to ASKGREG the system there is currently a mess with a backlog that is something like 2 years long. You probably wouldn't have gotten an answer for a very long time and even then it would have been to point you to the FAQ and Archive. (We tend to debate the state of the ASKGREG system every week or two; I think we've been doing it for about a year now.)

Asking your question in here first gives you a chance to get a much faster answer from the rest of us and also helps keep the backlog in ASKGREG from getting any longer than it is.

MOONCAT - You wrote: [I'd thank Airwalker for taking the time and effort to get answers for you, instead of just ignoring you.]

I actually didn't even go into the Archive or do any work at all to answer his question; I've seen the answer to that Question enough times that I took the answer from memory. I actually consulted the Archive more for an answer to what Loch Ness Gargoyles might look like than for an answer as to why the show isn't having new episodes made.

I don't mind answering Questions like that; after all isn't that part of the solution we are suggesting for getting ASKGREG in order? I also didn't take Tabron's response as being ungrateful or insulting. His original question after all was directed to Greg. I just knew that Greg wasn't going to answer it here so I figured that I might as well say something. I was actually hoping that someone else might have posted something on it before I did but since nobody did, I figured I might as well do it. (The only good thing about unemployment is that it leaves you with a lot of time on your hands.)

Tabron most probably didn't know that the Questions was already answered or where he had to look to find the answer. After all the FAQ doesn't have a link on the main page of this site, only on the main ASKGREG page. Besides this is a good excuse to get used to Greg directed questions being asked in here - that will probably happen in the future if we ever do get around to getting ASKGREG in some sort of working shape. So we should get used to giving people the benefit of the doubt. No need to get upset. (You might not really be but your post does sound a lot like you are.)

Airwalker - [airwalker9999@yahoo.com]
Brooklyn, NY
Friday, January 3, 2003 04:58:50 PM

Vash> <Airwalker was answering your post because it would be VERY unlikely that Greg would have done so directly in the CR. He is very busy at the moment, and not even answering at 'Ask Greg', which is the *proper* place to submit your questions. In fact it is at 'Ask Greg' that Airwalker got the information he shared with you. Because of the delay in getting questions answered at 'Ask Greg', asking fans here in the comment room is actually a faster way of getting information than asking Greg, since we know the archives by heart and can tell you what he's answered in the past.> I didn't know. It's my first time here. Besides. I wasn't intending to sound mean. And I said I was sorry.

Mooncat> < Airwalker is giving you info that is in the Ask Greg archives, which has Greg's answers to a lot of the questions you are asking. Greg shouldn't need to answer the same exact questions over and over again if all you need to do is look them up in the archives.> Well I didn't even know that question was some where else... <No offense, but Greg has already done us a great service to have taken time from his busy and full schedule to have answered so very many questions in the first place, that it's the least a fan can do to check the archives when they want to know something.> Ok... And That don't offend me at all. <Greg isn't at our beck and call, and it could be a very long time before he can get a chance to answer any questions, even the ones not asked before. In fact there is a HUGE queue of questions already in place, waiting to be answered, more than a year's worth, probably two years or more.> Ok Ok Ok... You said there was a place already. <Airwalker was being kind enough to do the work for you by relaying the Archive info. This is an open comment room and questions asked here are answered by anyone and everyone as the mood strikes them... or not at all. I'd thank Airwalker for taking the time and effort to get answers for you, instead of just ignoring you.> ya. And I did. Hey. I'm new here. I don't know all the rules around here...

Friday, January 3, 2003 04:38:50 PM

Tabron - Airwalker is giving you info that is in the Ask Greg archives, which has Greg's answers to a lot of the questions you are asking. Greg shouldn't need to answer the same exact questions over and over again if all you need to do is look them up in the archives.

No offense, but Greg has already done us a great service to have taken time from his busy and full schedule to have answered so very many questions in the first place, that it's the least a fan can do to check the archives when they want to know something.

Greg isn't at our beck and call, and it could be a very long time before he can get a chance to answer any questions, even the ones not asked before. In fact there is a HUGE queue of questions already in place, waiting to be answered, more than a year's worth, probably two years or more.

Airwalker was being kind enough to do the work for you by relaying the Archive info. This is an open comment room and questions asked here are answered by anyone and everyone as the mood strikes them... or not at all. I'd thank Airwalker for taking the time and effort to get answers for you, instead of just ignoring you.


Friday, January 3, 2003 04:11:05 PM

Ah!!! it's so nice to see a lively dicussion in here. It brings back many memories!!!

LOCH NESS GARGOYLES> Did anyone ever play on (Game Boy Advance NOW or Super Nintendo before) A Link to the Past? or ZELDA 64?

In both games there were creatures called ZORAS who lived in rivers in Hyrule. Especially in ZELDA 64, these "ZORAS" look (in my opinion anyway) like what I think Loch Ness Gargoyles would look like, only without wings.

What do you think? Am I crazy or not too far off?



Pyro X
CanadaFriday, January 3, 2003 03:29:02 PM

Tabron> Airwalker was answering your post because it would be VERY unlikely that Greg would have done so directly in the CR. He is very busy at the moment, and not even answering at 'Ask Greg', which is the *proper* place to submit your questions. In fact it is at 'Ask Greg' that Airwalker got the information he shared with you. Because of the delay in getting questions answered at 'Ask Greg', asking fans here in the comment room is actually a faster way of getting information than asking Greg, since we know the archives by heart and can tell you what he's answered in the past.

Vault Keeper> You can judge for yourself who the best fandom artists are by going to the Monthly Gargoyles Contest and checking out past entries. http://mgc.gargoyles-fans.org/

Friday, January 3, 2003 03:05:37 PM

Airwalker> Ok. Thanks. But, Where did you get the info? Sorry if this sounds offencive but i wasn't asking you... but, O well. Thanks anyway.
Friday, January 3, 2003 02:16:00 PM

Airwalker> thats Loch, not Lock... no biggie but i'd thought i'd say something...
your comment on their aquatic features reminds me of a member of the Avalon clan that is totally aquatic looking, fish eyes, scales, gills, fins, even a blueish coloring, anyway, i wonder if the Loch Ness Clan looks like him or if he is just a Wyvernish aquatic gargoyle and the Loch gargs look totally different...?

Friday, January 3, 2003 01:55:10 PM

VAULT KEEPER - You wrote: [Were there more Scottish Gargoyle clans?]

There is supposed to be a Lock Ness Clan that exists in Modern Times although they didn't appear in the series when Goliath and Company actually showed up at Lock Ness. Presumeably they didn't run into Goliath because they were all looking for Nessie on the wrong side of the Lock. :-)

(I also do remember Greg mentioning that the Lock Ness Clan would have had a unique look of their own by taking on Aquatic features that would make them suited to liking in and near the Lock.)

Also there were supposed to be more Scottish Clans that existed in Medieval Times but that were wiped out. Wyvern was not the only Clan in Scotland although by 1057 most were probably wiped out. I think that Demona's Moray Clan was probably the last Gargoyle Clan in Scotland; it certainly was made up of survivors from other destroyed Clans.

You wrote: [Are there Welish Gargoyles?]

I don't think Wales was ever mentioned as having a Gargoyle Clan although it is possible that in late Ancient and early Medieval times there was a Clan there. There were more Clans in Medieval Times that Wyvern would have had some contact or at least knowledge of in the DARK AGES spinoff. But they were largely wiped out. In Modern Times the only Clans in Great Britain are London and Lock Ness.

You wrote: [Who are the best Gargoyle fan artists?]

There are way too many for me to list. I'll let someone else try to answer this question.

TABRON - You wrote: [Sorry for budding in here.]

No problem! Feel free to stop by anytime, ask Questions, and participate in discussions.

You wrote: [Why did the Gargoyle show just shut down if there were so many of us watching it?]

Basically the show had a good run (78 episodes is pretty long considering most shows only last somewhere in the area of 26 episodes) but despite great reviews and a solid and loyal viewership the ratings just weren't as good as Disney wanted them to be against shows like POWER RANGERS. The ratings were solid but not in the home run level and given that the third season, THE GOLIATH CHRONICLES, didn't do particularly well on Saturday Morning, they decided not to continue making more episodes of the show.

Airwalker - [airwalker9999@yahoo.com]
Brooklyn, NY
Friday, January 3, 2003 11:51:52 AM

Sorry for budding in here. I have a question for Greg. Why did the Gargoyle show just shut down if there were so many of us watching it?
Friday, January 3, 2003 11:30:57 AM

I need also to know who are the best Gargoyle fan artists?, please let me know.
Vault Keeper - [vaultkeeper@dupuis.shawbiz.ca]
Victoria, BC, Canada
Friday, January 3, 2003 03:37:40 AM

I need to some offical info about Gargoyles, were there more Scottish Gargoyle clans?. I can't believe that Goliath's clan, are there Welish Gargoyles?.
Vault Keeper - [vaultkeeper@dupuis.shawbiz.ca]
Victoria, BC, Canada
Friday, January 3, 2003 03:36:25 AM

I feel so honored. My post is next to Greg's. WOW.


Pyro X
CanadaFriday, January 3, 2003 12:47:42 AM

happy new year from a long since departed, and briefly returned soul.....hope all is well in comment-room land


Kevin C. - [kacdlh@netscape.net]
Thursday, January 2, 2003 10:14:27 PM

Thanks for stopping by, Greg!
Todd Jensen - [merlyn1@mindspring.com]
St. Louis, MO
Thursday, January 2, 2003 06:29:30 PM

Happy New Year, everyone!!
Greg Weisman
Thursday, January 2, 2003 04:27:23 PM

Happy New Year Y'all!!!!


Pyro X
CanadaThursday, January 2, 2003 01:04:12 AM

Didi I say it alreadu\y? I think I did. But wahtever...HAPPY NEW YEWAR PEOPLE AND GARGOYLES ALIKE!
Wednesday, January 1, 2003 12:13:50 PM

HAPPY NEW YEAR 2003!!!!!!!!!!!!
Demona May Stephens - [realdemona@yahoo.com]
The Insane One Lives On!
Wednesday, January 1, 2003 12:06:17 AM

all right, since i'll be passing out soon, and yes, i know i hardly say anything in here... :P

have a good one! :D

Tuesday, December 31, 2002 11:54:47 PM

Happy Hogmanay, everyone! (In light of just how many character in "Gargoyles" are Scottish or of Scottish descent, it seemed like the most appropriate form of New Year's Eve best wishes for the room).

I still have that little creativity demon about the trio and Bronx visiting Times Square on New Year's Eve to watch the ball drop, followed by the trio singing "Auld Lang Syne", while Bronx lifts his head and howls in accompaniment.... :)

Todd Jensen - [merlyn1@mindspring.com]
St. Louis, MO
Tuesday, December 31, 2002 06:26:27 PM

Laurence > The TGS comment room (click my name) might be a better place to ask questions about TGS and fanfic writing in general.

Happy New Year a few hours early!

Patrick Toman
Tuesday, December 31, 2002 05:23:37 PM

Ya. Happy New Year in adcance! Hope you have the best year ever. This year? Was my worse ever... *Sigh* O well I guess thre are meny more to come. And hopefuly for all of u too!
Tuesday, December 31, 2002 02:58:48 PM

May your worst day of 2003 be better than your best day of 2002.

Happy New Year

Old Kathy - [tgatekeeper1@yahoo.com]
Tuesday, December 31, 2002 02:12:38 PM

I'll be a little more specific in my post. What do people who are writing the new TGS episodes (authors and editors) think about when they are working on the continuity of the series? Are there any over-arching themes or "flavour" unique to the setting that you keep note of?
Tuesday, December 31, 2002 01:01:36 PM

I'm not sure if I'll have the time to stop by later in the day so I just wanted to pop in now and wish everyone a Safe and Happy New Year!
Airwalker - [airwalker9999@yahoo.com]
Brooklyn, NY
Tuesday, December 31, 2002 09:56:32 AM

Sorry 'bout the two posts...

But, Applause figs rock. Seriously. I just saw them. Wicked stuff!!!


Pyro X
CanadaMonday, December 30, 2002 02:44:27 PM

Pyro X
CanadaMonday, December 30, 2002 02:39:10 PM

I guess I'm on Cloud nine?
Spacebabie - [LadyAndromeda@smstars.zzn.com]
Orlando, Florida, U.S.A
Monday, December 30, 2002 01:01:18 PM

Monday, December 30, 2002 12:07:07 PM

Gabriel "gaygoyle"
Monday, December 30, 2002 10:03:04 AM

Airwalker - [airwalker9999@yahoo.com]
Brooklyn, NY
Monday, December 30, 2002 09:32:27 AM

am i 5th!?
Monday, December 30, 2002 08:42:06 AM

ok 4th, gee no glasses and having a few drinks really does mess up your eye site
Monday, December 30, 2002 02:21:25 AM

For I am 5th :)
Monday, December 30, 2002 02:20:37 AM

Third in the name of the Fay!


Monday, December 30, 2002 01:43:07 AM

Monday, December 30, 2002 12:23:09 AM

Let me be the "FIRST" ^_^ to wish U all a very happy new year to all of you. Hope 2003 is good to all U garg fans. *hugs & waves to everyone in the room and passes out noisemakers for the forthcoming new year's bash*
Wingless - [canclan@rogers.com]
Monday, December 30, 2002 12:09:00 AM