A Station Eight Fan Web Site
Sunday, March 30, 2003 11:57:01 PM
Sunday, March 30, 2003 11:55:47 PM
No I didn't see the episode... what was it about???
By the by, I have a new web site up if any of y'all are interested in Oscar winning movies.
it is: www.geocites.com/oscarmovs
I guess i'll have to repost that tomorrow... it IS Sunday, and the room will wipe soon...
Battle Beast
CanadaSunday, March 30, 2003 11:55:15 PM
Hey peeps,
I was wondering if anyone caught tonight's ep of Futurama. I found myself thinking of everyone here and wondered what others thought.
Taleweaver - [~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~]
Sunday, March 30, 2003 11:51:20 PM
Merlin:>Re Gargoyles MIDIs:
I made a midi file of the end credits theme for my web site (which at the moment is nothing more than a stone wall background and a logo) Problem with MIDI is the quality varies depending on the synth engine being used.
Click my name so listen.
Sunday, March 30, 2003 11:28:42 AM
Lynati>> Earlier this week I posted a question (in the interest of getting some discussion going): What character would you have either a)liked to see more of (a lot more of) on the show or b)would want to add to the show? So there's a topic to post about if you're still looking for one.:)
Sunday, March 30, 2003 09:00:29 AM
Oh, duh, there's that "Gargoyles music by Carl Johnson" link at the top of the page which I totally overlooked... :-)
Still, though, are there any Gargoyles MIDIs available?
Sunday, March 30, 2003 06:51:40 AM
Hi. Has anyone made MIDIs of Gargoyles music? Also, is a CD soundtrack for Gargoyles available? I think the music in Gargoyles is great... it would be so cool if they'd release a CD.
Midwestern United StatesSunday, March 30, 2003 06:48:45 AM
ooh, gasp, you think not?
a pendragon script was given for an arthurian contest, so if you combine logic with a sense of humor, it seems an obvious choice for an award for the lightbulb contest.
ie, it was meant as a joke.
Now, if someone will offer up a serious thing to converse about...?
Sunday, March 30, 2003 03:08:26 AM
<A lightbulb. >
I seriously doubt that.
The Question
Sunday, March 30, 2003 01:10:34 AM
well, no one else come up with an anwser during the previous ten hours, I just thought I'd give it a shot.
Saturday, March 29, 2003 11:20:30 PM
Ok sory for duble
Lynati:What the heck was the point of that post???
Saturday, March 29, 2003 11:01:45 PM
This may sound like a stupid question,But Its been a long time since I've been at this site and I kind of lost thek nowledge of where stuff is.
Can anyone give me the link or tell me how to get to the page where its says all the spells and information about them. This would be very helpful.Thank You
Sorry for my lacking of knowledge here
Gemini_Bloodian - [gemini_bloodian@battleancients.every1.net]
St. Paul, MN, USA
Saturday, March 29, 2003 10:57:23 PM
St. Paul, MN, USA
Saturday, March 29, 2003 10:55:26 PM
A lightbulb.
Friday, March 28, 2003 11:36:28 PM
Does anyone know what the prize was for the lightbulb contest?
The Question
Friday, March 28, 2003 01:48:31 PM
BATTLE BEAST - Actually, Greg Weisman had announced that the script for "Pendragon" would be the contest prize when he first launched it, a couple of years or more before I got the winning answer.
Todd Jensen - [merlyn1@mindspring.com]
St. Louis, MO
Thursday, March 27, 2003 07:57:28 PM
Todd> Did you get to choose that script or did Greg send you a random one? Or did he know you like the Arthurian stuff?
It's memorabilia I'd like to have.
I Never thought of Queen Mab as someone I'd like to see, but now that it's mentioned I think she would be a very cool character to have developed.
Battle Beast
CanadaThursday, March 27, 2003 07:53:04 PM
I thought Weisman mentioned that he intended on having Prospero and Caliban in the show or spinoff somewhere in the archives. Prospero seems to be a powerful sorcerer but Caliban was a moron in the play I saw in college. Then again, Weisman would probably think of something from the half-demon, son of a witch bit that Caliban has going.
Troy, NY, USA
Thursday, March 27, 2003 07:49:44 PM
Maybe things will pick up again next week. I suspect that most of the people who would usually be posting here are too busy with other things (such as school and work) to visit here. (The fact that there's a war going on probably isn't helping much either).
LORD SLOTH - Greg sent me a copy of the script for "Pendragon" (the episode).
Todd Jensen - [merlyn1@mindspring.com]
St. Louis, MO
Thursday, March 27, 2003 06:21:39 PM
Lord Sloth>>"Yeah that's about it, apart from Anansi, Anubus, Banshee, Coyote, Grandmother, Lady of the Lake, Odin, Raven, Sleiphnir, and the Weird Sissies" ok, I forgot about some of the fae, my bad. What I meant was that aside from Titiana, Oberon, Puck, and the Weird Sisters all the others only appeared in one or maybe two episodes. They weren't really recurring characters, so we didn't get to see them on multiple occations and in different settings like we did with Oberon, Titiana, Puck, and Weird sisters. Another thing is that they (the ones you mentioned) were almost (if not all) all figures from mythology, legends, stories, or something (basically they were already previously known somehow). When I said other fae I was thinking more along the lines of new fae that had never been heard of before in legends or mythology. I don't recall ever meeting an "average" fae. I think that would have been interesting to see.
Thursday, March 27, 2003 06:21:06 PM
Just a friendly reminder that this is a comment room and not a chat room, so asking if anyone is around right now doesn't go anywhere since no one is going to respond in the next ten minutes. If you just want to point out that that there's not much going on I guess that's fine I guess, but it can slow things down for slow internets.
"We saw Oberon, Titiana, and Puck but that was about it" -Enigma
Yeah that's about it, apart from Anansi, Anubus, Banshee, Coyote, Grandmother, Lady of the Lake, Odin, Raven, Sleiphnir, and the Weird Sissies, I don't know if you should count them as three or just one. Plus there's that Naught fellow, though none of us seem to know who the ell he is. But there's always room for more, and the ones who are there are all interesting and could use more screen time. In fact, I think the character I would like more of most is the Banshee, both in her current dilemma, and back in the time she is famous for. Sheena Easton has such a great singing voice; I can't get enough of her. And things are bound to get more emotional and complex when Rory meets Molly again.
At the same time, there are plenty of cool underused people who I want to see more of, such as Capt. Robbie, Halcyon Renard and even Preston Vogel.
As for a new character (from the master plan) I'd have to agree with Todd and go with Mr. (Fisher King) Duval. He has so much in common with Demona; he must be a sweet villain, bittersweet even. He's doing lots of evil for the greater good (or so he says), his present day foe was his past day leader and friend (much like Demona's relationship with Goliath) and he's immortal so he's more familiar with the modern world while Arthur is newly reborn and more naive. That last one might, at times, even make it seem that Duval is the one more fit to rule; we've seen Arthur briefly loose confidence in himself when it seemed that Mcbeth, whom he had not known that long, had control of Excalibur, so I bet the same thing might come up with his former knight. Hopefully Duval will have other strong characteristics as well that set him apart from Demona; like I'm sure he doesn't want humanity destroyed (in fact he's probably pro humanity, or perhaps pro all life on Earth) and he's probably a very religious guy (or used to be at one point), so I'm sure there's lots of stuff writers can work with to make him unique. I also like the sound of this following line from the Arthurian Survivors contest: "…uses the Holy Grail to maintain his youth, though at a very real physical cost, due to his, shall we say, sins." I smile when I read that.
BTW Todd, didn't you win that contest? I was just curious what Greg rewarded you with for that. What was it?
Another character I'd like to see in the show is Queen Mab! Good pedigree, a Hexadecimal type of personality and possibly being three inches tall equals one intriguing character!
I also like the sound of the Green Knight.
Lord Sloth - [spunkidge13@hotmail.com]
Oakville, ON, Canada
Thursday, March 27, 2003 05:35:40 PM
**Leo enters and listens to the crickets chirp.**
**hears one less cricket chirping.**
**Gives dead cricket to his cat to play with, then leaves.**
Thursday, March 27, 2003 05:31:31 PM
<Enters quietly.>
No one home...
<Quietly leaves>
Battle Beast
CanadaThursday, March 27, 2003 03:25:18 PM
***Enigma enters, looks around, and doesn't see anybody***
Hello? Anybody home? ***All she hears is the echo of her own voice. <<shrugs>> and exits***
Thursday, March 27, 2003 12:31:42 PM
Where is everybody? Ok, I thought about my question and have come up with an answer to the question I posed early. I would have liked to see more Fae on the show. We saw Oberon, Titiana, and Puck but that was about it. It would have been cool to see others. I also would have been interested in seeing more figures from Mythology. Chao!:)
Wednesday, March 26, 2003 10:27:06 PM
Well, one character whom I definitely would have liked to see on the show (and in some depth) would be Mr. Duval. There are a number of things that I'd like to know about him. For example, since he founded the Illuminati to "make things right", I found myself wondering how he views the Society's various anti-gargoyle schemes (particularly the Quarrymen), being organized crime's silent partner, the Hotel Cabal, etc. fitting into that. How does he justify them?
I did have a little creativity demon once as to why Duval might be going after the gargoyles. We know from Greg Weisman that King Arthur had an alliance with the local gargoyles during his original reign (and Duval, remember, was once one of Arthur's knights). I've speculated that one of the reasons for Camelot's fall in the Gargoyles Universe was anti-gargoyle attitudes, i.e., enemies of Arthur such as Mordred exploited the people's uneasiness about gargoyles to argue that Arthur should be deposed for making pacts with such monstrous creatures (much the same way that Canmore used Macbeth's alliance with Demona's gargoyles as propaganda to justify his invasion of Scotland). I speculated that Duval holds the gargoyles responsible for Camelot's downfall (in that, from his perspective, without the gargoyles, Mordred and his compatriots might not have been able to have turned the bulk of the Britons against Arthur) and wants them out of the way to stop them from "causing" further such tragedies. But that might be a little too emotional from the head of the Illuminati (and I got the impression that the Society is after the gargoyles more to control them than to destroy them - though that still raises the question as to why they set up the Quarrymen, since a whole bunch of gargoyles smashed to rubble in their stone sleep wouldn't be terribly useful to the Illuminati).
I've sometimes thought, by the way, of writing an independent (non-TGS) fanfic about Duval, somewhat along the lines of that episode of "The X-Files" which got into Cancerman's background (the one where it turned out that he was the one who assassinated John F. Kennedy and Martin Luther King, Jr.). It would start off with his "traditional" career as Sir Percival down to his becoming the Fisher King at Carbonek, then cover his setting up the Illuminati a hundred years after Arthur's "death", then go on down the centuries, particularly showing some noteworthy moments in "Illuminati history" (the Norman ambassador bringing Xanatos's message to the Illuminati in 975, Mace Malone having to disappear in 1924, Matt Bluestone getting inducted after the Hotel Cabal incident, and the deal with Castaway that led to the Quarrymen being set up), showing in the process how Percival/Duval becomes corrupted by a tone of "the end justifies the means" and Blanchefleur increasingly moving away from him. I don't know if I'll ever write it, but it could be interesting to do.
Todd Jensen - [merlyn1@mindspring.com]
St. Louis, MO
Wednesday, March 26, 2003 06:30:38 PM
When I talked about the link to Disney, I didn't mean that "I" would do something... I meant that sending them an email would do something.
It's too early...
Battle Beast
CanadaWednesday, March 26, 2003 10:09:54 AM
Yah, if we all send a message to Disney, I WILL do something.
That site again is
Or click my Name.
Who would I want to see in the show?
1) Merlin... The Magus REALLY intrigued (SP?) me; I like the spells and such, and I think the Merlin/Arthur/Griff plot would work well.
2) Ariel (from The Tempest).
Who would I want to see more of? Ooooo, toughie...
1) Probably Gargoyles comming to Manhattan. More new ones there, more eggs, more 20-something Gargoyles, more females.
2) The rest of the Manhattan clan meeting the other clans.
But no one in particular.
Battle Beast
CanadaWednesday, March 26, 2003 10:08:24 AM
Battle Beast>> Thanks for the link! I've been to the Disney site before, but I didn't know you could make requests. I just sent them a message and I asked for all the episodes on DVD.
Station 8 being down: I'm glad that it wasn't just my computer and I'm also glad that it's back up again.
Ok, I know that it's already Wednesday, but I'm going to pose a question and see if it generates any disscussion: Um...ok...let me think of one...got it! What character would you have either a)liked to see more of (a lot more of) on the show or b)would want to add to the show? I'll have to think about that one before I answer.
Happy, happy Spring Break!!:)
Wednesday, March 26, 2003 08:12:26 AM
Add this to your favorites,
if S8 goes down again use the above link to go to my chat forums.
~~Just trying to keep the chat alive~~
Grey Wolf
Tuesday, March 25, 2003 09:12:12 PM
Add this to your favorites,
if S8 goes down again use the above link to go to my chat forums.
~~Just trying to keep the chat alive~~
Grey Wolf
Tuesday, March 25, 2003 09:10:53 PM
s8.org heads up, we're on a new server and that includes new DNS information. no one should see a change. however there may be a period of time in the next 72 hours or so during which s8.org might be inaccessible. this is expected. s8.org should be accessible again (if it isn't) after that 72 hour period. if it is NOT, ugh. that's all. ugh.
Eric - [eric@s8.org]
Tuesday, March 25, 2003 08:03:06 PM
Rac> It's OK. Done it myself dozens of times. :)
Todd> Good one. :)
Battle Beast
CanadaTuesday, March 25, 2003 07:29:40 PM
Actually, that particular crossover isn't all that improbable. After all, the Goodfeathas do live in New York, and as pigeons, they'd almost certainly get involved with the gargoyles at some point. Maybe they need to perch somewhere else than the statue of Scorsese for a while (say, the sparrows drove them off of it), and they make the mistake of perching atop those gargoyle statues at the clock tower or the Eyrie Building - until the sun goes down and they barely manage to escape from an extremely hostile Bronx....
Todd Jensen - [merlyn1@mindspring.com]
St. Louis, MO
Tuesday, March 25, 2003 06:22:44 PM
Sorry for double post.
"Battle Beast" not Battle Beats
Note to self: Don't post when you're too tired to do anything but sleep. Don't want to inadvertently insult anyone.
Troy, NY, USA
Tuesday, March 25, 2003 05:34:53 PM
Yeah, I was getting worried about this site because I couldn't get access for the last couple of days. This isn't a long post because I don't have the brainpower to think of anything right now.
Battle Beats:
Thanks for the heads up. I'll post one as well.
Troy, NY, USA
Tuesday, March 25, 2003 05:31:51 PM
Glad it's not just my Computer. :)
Anyway, I was wondering through the Disney DVD website, and came across a video for "The Hero's Awaken."
They give you a link to a page where you can email Disney and tell them that you want this title on DVD. I E-Mailed them to say that I wanted the whole series on DVD, all 65 Episodes.
If we all did that, it might "stir the pot."
Click my name for the link.
Battle Beast
CanadaTuesday, March 25, 2003 10:50:00 AM
Aimee and Siryn left posts in their forums alerting people that their pages would be down over the weekend because the wyvernweb server was being switched over. I can only assume the same was true for the S8 pages.
Tuesday, March 25, 2003 10:39:31 AM
On the topic of level of interest in the series, the observations of some of the most experienced voices on this board regarding a feeling of completeness (I hate to use a term like "staleness" or "ennui") are entirely understandable. One would hardly be a living, sentient being if one's interest didn't shift or change to seek out new and fresh stimuli. Here, I guess, is where the value of someone essentially clueless like me comes in - someone who was oblivious to the very existence of this series until relatively recently. The "Gargoyles" phenomenon is still fairly new to me, and it'll be a while yet before my enthusiasm wanes. Granted, my interest hasn't stagnated, either; it has defined and focused itself into the area of writing fan fiction. But it's definitely a long-term fascination, and a cherished intellectual/adult diversion for this would-be novelist and stay-at-home mom.
Moreover, I very much agree with Gabriel and others who say that, every time they watch an episode, they notice something new and different. The episodes are often so dense and layered and subtle that I too find it impossible to catch *everything* the first time through - or even the second. Or the third. :)
On a second and more or less unrelated topic, I recall someone speculating on this board not too long ago about what Walt Disney's own opinion of the "Gargoyles" series would have been. Lately, our toddler has been on a "Fantasia" kick (old and new), which I'm more than happy to encourage, even though it means watching these videos more times than I'd ever bother to count. It occurs to me while I watch the video that, if Mr. Disney regarded the original "Fantasia" as the art that it was - fantasy, realism, surrealism, violence of the dinosaur fight, scariness of "Night on Bald Mountain" and all - not only would he have thought highly of the "Gargoyles" series, he likely would have chastised the studio executives for granting Greg Weisman and his crew the resources for only 22 minutes per week to carry out their vision, that it should have been enough for at least an hour-long slot per week instead.
Ellen - [efstolfa@aol.com]
Tuesday, March 25, 2003 08:14:53 AM
Phew! It's nice to have this place back up again. I was really spooked by Station 8 being down for two days. I wonder just what did happen to it (any hope of having Gorebash post some explanation of that here in the near future?).
Todd Jensen - [merlyn1@mindspring.com]
St. Louis, MO
Tuesday, March 25, 2003 07:04:12 AM
Tuesday, March 25, 2003 12:40:26 AM
numbuh 9 and feelin' fine!
shogun raptor
Tuesday, March 25, 2003 12:29:34 AM
Eight is great!
Monday, March 24, 2003 07:10:07 PM
Monday, March 24, 2003 02:52:49 PM
Hope Station 8 is fixed.
Monday, March 24, 2003 02:46:15 PM
Phil - [p1anderson@go.com]
Monday, March 24, 2003 12:16:17 PM
Fourth! Mwahahah!
Demona Taina - [demona3@hotmail.com]
Ponce, Puerto Rico
Monday, March 24, 2003 11:14:09 AM
3rd in the name of cute fluffy werewolf pups everywhere *does the wolfie dance of victory*
Monday, March 24, 2003 04:24:25 AM
2nd. What's the deal with s8 being down today?
Monday, March 24, 2003 01:41:38 AM
Gabriel "gaygoyle"
Monday, March 24, 2003 12:02:36 AM