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Comment Room Archive

Comments for the week ending January 26, 2004

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Matt>Boidekka and Bronx, yea I have a story exactly about that! A romance wile they are on avilon tho'. But nice posibility for another story for Bronx and Boidekka like that. Intresting really.

Battle Beast>The poll worked out great. Thanks for brining that to us. It's asome.

And that is all I will say, for now!

BrooklynXT - [BrooklynXT@netscape.net]
Saturday, January 24, 2004 11:19:38 PM

Baen -- one of the biggest SF publishers out there -- has a number of texts available online, some FREE (by top authors, incidently -- Mercedes Lackey, Eric Flint, etc.) some for a fee that is much less than a print book AND you can typically buy an e-book before the print book hits the shelf.

And as a nice bonus for the authors, they get a bigger royalty on the e-book sales than they do on print book sales. (Somebody complained about the cost of print books. From what I understand, we're lucky it's not more -- there's not a lot of profit in book sales.)

Baen puts the e-books out there as *samples* and the writers involved report that once they put a book out in e-book form on the website, their print sales go up. Why? Because people want a hard copy of a book they like. :)

www.baen.comAs far as libaries vs. the 'net -- depends on what you want. My problem with libraries in MY area is that they tend to get rid of anything that doesn't get read regularly, everything they have in fiction is published within the last few years, and nonfic is very limited with only one or two comprehensive books (but not very detailed) per specific subject. i.e., you can find general books on, say, the civil war, or medieval history, or whatever -- but when I wanted a book on surgery in roman times, I had to buy it. They don't carry the esoteric stuff.

If I want detailed, comprehensive information on an esoteric subject (i.e., chicken egg shell and feather color genetics, ghost hunting, bigfoot, history or a particular mountain range in AZ, whatever it is I'm researching for a story) I either end up driving 80 miles to Phoenix' main branch library, buying the book online, or tracking down a bulletin board of like-minded people who know the topic in exhaustive detail and are thrilled to show off their knowledge for me. :):):):)

OTOH, the libraries in my area sell used books cheap. Paperbacks $.50, hardbacks $1-4 dollars. I get a lot of my reading material from the used books sales.


Saturday, January 24, 2004 09:21:30 PM

On the topic of video requests... Train's "When I look to the Sky" is begging to be made into an Elisa/Goliath video montage by someone who's not me.
Saturday, January 24, 2004 07:49:30 PM

Greg's video request>> I thought about it enough to make a rough outline about how I'd like the video to progress, but then I realized I'm about as far from a visual artist as one can become and abandoned the project.

Not much of a loss, though - I got a good CD out of it.

Alex Garg - [alex_garg@yahoo.com]
Saturday, January 24, 2004 04:42:36 PM

Hey, has anyone attempted the suggested Dido/White Flag video from the suggestion of it back in December?
I've been thinking of trying my hand at it...

Saturday, January 24, 2004 03:30:00 PM

VERY interesting poll! we should do polls more often since i have a feeling it could lead to some interesting discussion...

i'm surprised Reawakening didn't do better in any of the categories (paticularly Best Season 1 ep) i find that to be one of the best episodes of the series, but i know many disagree with me.

its interesting that the three most evolved characters are the three most popular.

Vendettas being unpopular was no surprise. i love every episode, even this one, but sometimes i wish they had done the World Tour Himalayan episode or another Bronx episode instead. bringing Hakon back seems to be anti-climatic after Shadows of the Past and making him related to Wolf comes off to me as forced, unrealistic, and corny.
Greg has said that Bronx was off having his own adventure during this episode. i think it would have been cool if they had had Boidekka left behind by Oberon in The Gathering and we could've had a romance between B & B, and maybe get Boidekka home some other way. *considers possibilities*

anyway, cool poll, thanks for bringing that to us, Battle Beast!!!

Saturday, January 24, 2004 08:03:10 AM

Interesting results on your poll, Battle Beast.
As near as I can remember, my votes ended up being in the winning results. Some of them weren't very surprising, were they? :)

Saturday, January 24, 2004 06:05:09 AM

ok, I'd like to explain one of my votes.

I voted for the Journey being Least Liked Episode, not because of the storyline, but because the animation was that off compared to the previous episodes. Yes, I do believe that horrible animation can ruin a good story and good animation can't make up for a bad story.

Saturday, January 24, 2004 12:54:12 AM

Ok, Ok. I give up. I am going to conclude the poll now. I am, only 8 away from my goal, but here goes, so bare with me:

I've split the series into four parts: Season 1, Pre-World Tour, World Tour and Post-World Tour. All 65 episodes were available to vote for in each respective catagory, including "The Journey."

As well, you could vote for "Best Episode," "Favorite Episode," (I hope people would vote accordingly... the best ep should not always be your favorite) "Most Evolved Character," "Best ALL AROUND Character," "Best Moment," and "Least Liked Episode."

All listings will be top 3; (# of votes, % of total)

"Best Season 1 Episode"

1) Deadly Force (25/92; 27.2%)
2) Awakening I (10/92; 10.9%)
3) Temptation (10/92; 10.9%)

All Season one episodes received at least one vote except for Awakening IV.

"Best Pre-World Tour Episode"

1) The Mirror (44/92; 47.8%)
2) City of Stone IV (9/92; 9.8%)
3) Eye of the Beholder (8/92; 8.7%)

Five episodes (Lighthouse, CoS III, Legion, Outfoxed, Protection) received no votes.

"Best World Tour Episode"

1) Future Tense (37/92; 40.2%)
2) M.I.A. (6/92; 6.5%)
3) Pendragon (6/92; 6.5%)

Four episodes (Golem, The Hound of Ulster, Monsters and Heritage) did not receive one vote. The first three placed 4, 5 and 6 in the top six least liked episodes.

"Best Post-World Tour Episode"

1) Hunter's Moon III (45/92; 48.9%)
2) The Gathering II (13/92; 14%)
3) Posession (10/92; 11%)

Vendettas, the most dis-liked episode, did not receive one vote. All other did.

"Best Episode"

1) The Mirror (21/92; 22.8%)
2) Future Tense (11/92; 12%)
3) Hunter's Moon III (11/92; 12%)

The four episodes that placed first in each series divison (Season 1, Pre-, World Tour & Post-) were the top four favorite episodes.

"Favorite Episode"

1) The Mirror (23/92; 25%)
2) Future Tense (8/92; 8.7%)
3) M.I.A. (6/92; 6.5%)

Over half the episodes got at least one vote.

"Least Liked Episode"

1) Vendettas (10/92; 10.9%)
2) The Journey (7/92; 7.6%)
3) The New Olympians (7/92; 7.6%)

"Most Evolved Character"

1) Xanatos (39/92; 42.4%)
2) Brooklyn (26/92; 28.3%)
3) Demona (8/92; 8.7%)

Notables include Dingo (2 Votes) and Lexington, Owen, Reynard and The Magus (1 each).

"Best All Around Character"

1) Brooklyn (23/92; 25.0%)
2) Demona (18/92; 19.6)
3) Xanatos (15/92; 16.3)

Notables include Vinnie (Good 'ole Vinnie!) & Coldstone (2 votes each) and Matt Bluestone, Fang and All (someone voted for ALL characters) at one vote each.

"Best Moment"

1) The last 1/3 of Hunter's Moon III (The Kiss, the final battle Scene, Xanato's promise) (27/74; 36.5%)
2) Owen reveals himself as Puck (Gathering II) (5/74; 6.8%)
3) The first Stone sleep awakening in N.Y. (Awakening I) (5/74; 6.8%)
4) When Elisa is first turned into a Gargoyle (The Mirror) (5/74; 6.8%)
5) Demona's password revealed to be "ALONE" (CoS IV) (5/74; 6.8%)

Other notables votes include: Brooklyn prooving himself a good leader (Kingdom; 4 votes) Vinnie's cream pie to Golaith's face (Vendettas; 2 votes); Elisa getting shot (Deadly Force, 1 vote; Is that a good or a bad moment?).


And so that's the whole poll.

You can see the full votes at:


Thanks to everyone who voted!!

Battle Beast
CanadaFriday, January 23, 2004 08:53:46 PM

CKayote>Yeap it would... Bronx a most evolved character hmmm. What a intresting idea, could work? But I never thought of a gargbeast to have character until now. I think we may over look Bronx because he is just a garg mut. But really he has more then we may realize if we were to look at his character more. Well I am the only one that I know of who has writen a few storys about him! Then again I have writin about most things gargoyle. Oh and I voted for Brooklyn to be the most evolved character in gargoyles.

And that is all I will say, for now!

Bronx says>Grrrrrr roar roar roar ROAR! Translating... Good night everyone. LOL.

BrooklynXT - [BrooklynXT@netscape.net]
Friday, January 23, 2004 06:50:14 AM

Hunter: Please read the big banner. And what Todd means is the communication here isn't real time. It's post and than check back tomorrow. Hope that helps.

BrookXT:That would be an interesting read.
I don't know why I'm including this; but for a moment I felt compled answer Bronx as the character who evolved the most on Battle Beast's poll. <snicker><snicker><milky way><twix>

CKayote - [CKayote@worldnet.att.net]
Orlando, FL
Friday, January 23, 2004 12:59:07 AM

HUNTER - I hope that this doesn't sound too snippy (we've had a lot of people with this misinterpretation), but this isn't a chat room. This is a comment room. (At least you didn't flood the room with a lot of "chat room" style posts.)
Todd Jensen
St. Louis, MO
Thursday, January 22, 2004 07:05:02 PM

Hi i'm new to this chat does anyone still like Gargoyles?
Hunter - [angelone44@westelcom.com]
Thursday, January 22, 2004 05:35:08 PM

Crichton.......very good reads.

Jurassic Park was my first read, loved it. So far, I have read these Crichton books: Jurassic Park, Lost World, Sphere, Rising Sun, Great Train Robbery, A Case of Need, Disclosure, and Timeline. Jurassic and Timeline being my favorites. Sphere is a distant 3rd. I have Airframe and Prey, but have not read them yet.

My other fav authors are Douglas Preston and Lincoln Child collaborations. The Relic was outstanding (although I thought the sequel stunk). Mount Dragon and .......the pirate treasure book....can't remember the title at the moment....anyway, both of those were superb as well.

Nickerous - [nickerous@yahoo.com]
Thursday, January 22, 2004 03:06:51 PM

books vs. internet> in many of the great sciences (pyshics, biology, anthropology, etc.) it is better to go to books because as you said, more authority is put into writing them, but with more specific or less 'important' sciences, the internet is the best place to go because there are few books on the subject and they tend to be outdated. for instance, i breed gerbils for different colors, etc, and if i go look at books at my local library on gerbils the books are either vague on information,lacking in knowlegde and often just plain wrong! if you go online you can find hundreds of websites dealing with gerbil breeding and these people who run these websites know gerbils better than the authors of Gerbil books, and they are willing to help answer specific questions too.
so, as you see, more obscure things are better left to internet research, broad subjects should be tackled at the library...
and if anyone is interested, i'm including a link to my gerbil breeding website, not much to it currently, but its a start!

Thursday, January 22, 2004 08:49:37 AM

I see now... I'll stop myself from ranting and manting about it from now on. Now can amybody tell me this. Has anybody in fan-fic ever souly wrote about Bronx? I don't know or have ever seen a author write about Bronx but their must be one out there, right? Can somebody please tell me were I can find these Bronx storys. Bronx is a cool gargbeast don't you all think? I do, he is my fav gargbeast besides the other one. Don't remember any others tho' man I need to watch Gargoyles more again.
BrooklynXT - [BrooklynXT@netscape.net]
Thursday, January 22, 2004 07:37:45 AM

I'd like to add something about the library vs tech topic.

It depends on what topic I'm after. When I want news and information about software and data standards, the Internet is the most reliable source of information -- if one knows how and where to access these things. On the other hand, more established subjects (like the sciences) are better read off books because of the fact that there is a certain amount of "authority" involved when publishing a book that enters a library. Libraries have a policy of picking up the best book for the buck, where the best book is based on the reliability and validity of the content and author.

In the Philippines, we've got a problem here called "funding". I'm sure it's a universal problem, but we've got a bigger problem when it comes to public and state-university libraries (alas, I fall under the latter). That means most of the stuff in our libraries are very dated. To compensate for the relative lack of incoming fresh resources, we have to consult the 'net for all things new.

Just my two cents.

BrooklynXT>I agree with zess. As long as people voice opinions on the topic, and not against the poster, it's a no-foul. :)
PhilippinesThursday, January 22, 2004 06:53:14 AM

I listened to "Airframe" on audio tape. Liked it quite a bit. There was a lot of tech, but that's practically a Crichton trademark (and my dad worked for Lockheed, so I wasn't _totally_ lost). I thought it was a good story, pretty tense, fast-paced.

I enjoyed reading "Jurassic Park" as well, though I didn't like the novel of "The Lost World" much at all.

Thursday, January 22, 2004 12:30:44 AM

zess> Jurassic Park is my favorite. I hate the movie, love the book. I have NO CLUE why Airfram grabs me; I like how it plays out I guess... I also like the characters. It pretty Suspenseful, I guess; It woulnd't make a good movie... too slow and dull for Hollywood. All the technical stuff would bog down the audiance.

I like the line, "You Dumb F***!"

(sorry for the profanity.)

I read the book in 1996 I belive, and I got hooked on it.
What did you think of it??

Anyone else read it?

And zess, thanks for getting me on to a Michael Chrichton kick again! I am going to read "Jurassix Park" tonight!!


That is all i will say.

Battle Beast
CanadaWednesday, January 21, 2004 08:11:21 PM

Brook-XT> At this point, I think people are just voicing their opinions on books/technology, not necessarily debating the issue...and I don't think that's something that has to stop. Yeah, it's not strictly on-topic, but so what? I get the feeling that you may be taking all of the posts on books as being directed specifically at you, and I don't think that's actually the case. Just a thought.
Battle Beast> Yay, Airframe! I finished that one a few days ago--very quick read...I really enjoyed it. I've been on a Crichton bender these past few weeks, actually...I thought Prey was okay. Good, but not one of his best. On to Sphere...

...and Gargoyles rocks. :D

Wednesday, January 21, 2004 05:35:44 PM

CKayote> I only need about 12 more. Soon now.

Books> I have found new books for great prices at the value-mart types places. No often, But I have. And sometimes in GREAT SHAPE. I found a copy of Michael Chrichton's AIRFRAME (GREAT read) for $2.00, hardcover, mint. I was extatic. But you are right... bookstores ARE faster.


That is all I will say.

Battle Beast
CanadaWednesday, January 21, 2004 04:09:50 PM

Alright, Todd's ramble on "Double Jeopardy" is the very next thing to be processed by Ask Greg.
Wednesday, January 21, 2004 03:44:28 PM

Battle Beast: You've finally got my vote in poll. How many more do you need?
CKayote - [CKayote@worldnet.att.net]
Orlando, FL
Wednesday, January 21, 2004 12:06:21 PM

Sorry for the 2nd post. But I have something to add too... I hate adds that just pop up too! Than there is the typo's and the slowness of my sucky comp. :P. But I have a pop up blocker, tho' it fails sometimes I like other comps but mine. Bad comp! :P...

So maybe as I think about it too. Books have thair good things too. They can't crash, freeze, shutdown, lockup, get viruses, or hackers. And to top that off get "C" drive formated!

So see you all are right. My 2nd oppinion, Hmmm because of my sucky comp... And I am done, for now!

BrooklynXT - [BrooklynXT@netscape.net]
Wednesday, January 21, 2004 04:48:18 AM

I think you all are right! I need to use my spell checker more and not post offencing things... I gess that would help, but my manners are fine... I was only posting my oppinion! I am not a bad guy and would like to call a truse about books. You all win, I give up. Let's all just get along and but this behind us about the books thing and talk about gargoyles like the fans we are of them. But yes I read more then you all may realize. I read alot of fan-fic and books I have around and from my friends! My spelling has always sucked. Unless I use a spell checker and we all are only human and have our own strong points and weak points. Mine is spelling and I am not a spell checker, Only human, Not a machine!

Sorry for the millionth and one time. But I don't like to fight about things pointless like this and it maybe my fault, but it's all of us that have let it get out of hand! So don't you all think we should stop? It's imuture... Yes I started it but do I have to be the one to stop it? I think thair is a lession to be learned here! But no hard feelings or worrys, right? It's only a post that got alittle out of hand... and I don't want to see a war come from it! So let's put this all behind us and just forget! ^^ Right? Nobody likes gruges... Right? I don't! Or even keep them for that matter.

And that is all I will say, for now! Good Night you all. ^^

BrooklynXT - [BrooklynXT@netscape.net]
Wednesday, January 21, 2004 04:29:13 AM

Battle Beast:I go used bookstore-diving too. But I prefer to pay rather than wait. And Bookstores have a better selection, which is key for me.
CKayote - [CKayote@worldnet.att.net]
Orlando, FL
Wednesday, January 21, 2004 12:23:11 AM

Sorry for the TRIPPLE post, but I have something to add.

gator.time> Yah, I HATE it with a passion. It is very annoying and pops up in the most innopertune times.

Pop up adds drive me crazy, but I downloaded the GOOGLE toolbar and it virtually eliminated pop ups for me. All I hear or see is a little hand cursor with an exclamatiion mark and a 'pop' sound. Very "handy" (pun intended).

More and more, websites are forced to have sponsors to pay for the hosting of the pages (Ie "free" sites). There is not a lot you can do. Free servers, my old host, had two options: an ad banner and no pop ups, or a pop up. Choose the former and you still get the latter. I don't honestly know why. False advertising, I think.

It looks as though we are stuck with 'em.


That is all I will say.

CanadaTuesday, January 20, 2004 11:38:38 PM

CKayote> *Books: Are expensive. $25 for new hardback, and $7 for paperback! Ugh!*

As opposed to free in a library Vs. monthly internet charges? Yah, you're right. Some books are very pricy, yes, but they pay for themselves over and over. I bought Jurassic Park for $2.00 at the Value Village, and I have read it about 20 times. (It's one of my favorite books).


That is all I will say.

Battle Beast
CanadaTuesday, January 20, 2004 11:32:53 PM

CKayote> *Books: Are expensive. $25 for new hardback, and $7 for paperback! Ugh!*

As opposed to free in a library Vs. monthly internet charges? Yah, you're right. Some books are very pricy, yes, but they pay for themselves over and over. I bought Jurassic Park for $2.00 at the Value Village, and I have read it about 20 times. (It's one of my favorite books).


That is all I will say.

Battle Beast
CanadaTuesday, January 20, 2004 11:32:52 PM

Books: Don't crash. Are portable. Are expensive. $25 for new hardback, and $7 for paperback! Ugh!
CKayote - [CKayote@worldnet.att.net]
Orlando, FL
Tuesday, January 20, 2004 07:38:27 PM

WHITBOURNE - Thanks for reminding me of other drawbacks of the Internet. Pop-ups can often be exasperating - the worst of the lot are the ones connected to that "gator.time" thing (I can't remember the precise name) that take a couple of minutes to appear. Thank goodness that books don't do that!

I still wish that people would think things out before submitting questions to "Ask Greg". Take the question about whether Jesus would have appeared in an episode. A little common sense could have answered that one without needing to submit it to the queue.

Todd Jensen
St. Louis, MO
Tuesday, January 20, 2004 07:27:55 PM

Libraries will always, always, always have the edge over the Internet. Why?
Let's leave aside the practicality of Internet research vs. hard copies. It's been my experience that the only reliable sources of information on the Internet for scholarly research purposes are pay-sites that have journals in electronic versions, but the only reason I can access these with the regularity that I do is that my school pays for its students to have access to a select few sites. Aside from that, while I find browisng the net for newspapers and a few pages with analysis and information, as a scholarly reference tool it's pretty useless, for the simple reason that it's so accessible. Anyone can post a website and say anything they want. While that's great, it's hard to verify. If you want to research things and have them taken seriously, you're better off paying the fare to get to the library and reading through the peer-reviewed and verified material. Citing something in a school paper with an Internet URL is still gambling with getting it handed back and being asked to check with a "real" source. Is that fair? I don't think so, and I wish that Internet sites could be used for scholarly purposes, but unless you have a way to verify what you read online (the only way to do so for sure, by the way, is by comparing it to the paper copy) then that's the way things are.
But even past all that...come on. Reading words on a screen compared to holding a book in your hand in a chair? There's a reason that we say characters "jump off a page", not "off of the screen". This is why used bookstores are the best stores of any kind in existence. This is why I have to buy more bookshelves just to store the books I've bought in the last five months. Like Todd said, you don't have to worry about the site crashing or the power surge - or worse, the way the internet's going, slogging through useless sites or private filters. You can flip back at leisure. You can mark the pages, write in the margins. Getting together with friends to discuss what you've read is easier with a trade paperback than a Toshiba. And bound, printed books just FEEL better. It's a cull of technology gone mad, a nod to how information was shared in ages past, a refuge for people who think that technology for technologies sake is not necessarily a good thing.
Online reading materials may be convenient, but the paper copies are good enough for me. And if paper publishing ever stops, then I guess I'll stop reading.

Tuesday, January 20, 2004 04:54:00 PM

Lynati > O, I know Philly has many libraries. I'm sure every City does, But since I don't drive If I want to get to get to one I have to walk over a mile, thats the only one is near to me. The colleges around me .. only 1, They ask for I.D. before you enter the gate. I goto the book store alot w/ my man, Barnes and Nobles is his Fav. Plus Oxford mall is across the street so we go shopping afterwards :).

Libraries charge way to much for coffee, I don't even drink it, but sometimes I get in the mood for it 4 bucks for a small and a mini cookie.

Ok enough rambling for me I have the flu and must go fill back up on drugs and get back to bed.

Philly, Pa
Tuesday, January 20, 2004 02:20:20 PM

Sorry! I couldn't resist sharing this :) I'm happy they're working on a DVD and all, but...
Watch the "Ice Escape" clip

Oh gads! I hope the DVD doesn't have the Toon Disney logo smeared all over it! A plug on the back (Catch more Gargoyles on Toon Disney) wouldn't be so bad but I'd hate to see a GIANT Toon Disney logo on the front.

IRC Goliath - [goliath1@pacbell.net]
Tuesday, January 20, 2004 11:56:17 AM

I'd like to thank again everyone who voted in the Gargoyles vote.

I still need 15 more votes, and time is running out to vote as the polls will be closing soon.

Please vote if you haven't yet!!


Battle Beast
CanadaTuesday, January 20, 2004 09:21:03 AM

BrooklynXT> i generally agree with most peoples opinions considering libraries versus online research, but i also think people are being overly critical. it looks to me like people are making a point to oppose you personally because some people have been offended by something you've said or people just think you need to read more books as evidenced by your poor spelling. i'm not meaning to be rude to you, i'm just saying that i can see why some people would want to really drive their point home to you.
maybe if you worked on your manners and your spelling, people wouldn't be so quick to disagree with you... or at least, they might not be so overwhelming in their opposition to you.

just my opinion, my apologies if i've annoyed anyone with this little rant... just callin' it how i see it...

Tuesday, January 20, 2004 09:08:02 AM

Hi you all... Is it just me? Or does any body think the same way about comp's as I do?! You all don't hate me do you all for me saying about the Library thing? Because i don't totaly hate books or anything! I just don't have access to them like I use to is all.

But yes a year ago when I was in school I would go to the library and check out books at my school but now I have no way to get there because it's too far away. And my famly uses the cars to go to work so I'm left in the dark with books and I don't have money like I use to, no job.

I love to read books when I can but I don't go to a book store much. I don't have a way to get there most of the time. That's why I can't and all that stuff. I just see with all the technology we have I think that way about paper and books because i grew up with comp's all my life and see in a way as books to be primitave in a way. But that's my oppinion and I grew up in a computer invierment more then a setting with paper and books 50% of the time. So you all see why now? It's just me. I gess! Or is it?

And that is all I will say, for now?!

BrooklynXT - [BrooklynXT@netscape.net]
Tuesday, January 20, 2004 03:03:18 AM

A few reasons why books have the advantage over the Internet:

1. A book's pages don't suddenly go blank because you lost your connection.

2. A book doesn't disappear because something went wrong with the server.

You never have to worry about a book disappearing into cyber-oblivion because of a technical glitch, indeed.

On another note (which I'll admit has nothing to do with this topic), there are times in your life when a forgotten chapter resurfaces in such a way as to make you think "I don't remember that!" That happened to me earlier today. I was talking to my mother on the telephone (she lives in Arizona), and she told me that I'd found a short story that I'd written back in 1975, when I was about eight years old. It was about a family of mice that lived in the Eiffel Tower. What amazes me is that I don't even recall writing that story at all. Fortunately, she's sending me a copy of it in the mail, so that I can see if that will jog my memory. But it's still very strange (even if it was about thirty years ago) that I can't remember writing anything about mice living in the Eiffel Tower.

Todd Jensen
St. Louis, MO
Monday, January 19, 2004 07:41:09 PM

Sheltie> Over due vidoes and DVDs are $1.00, Adult books are $0.25, and anything childrens is $.10

And basically, they HAD to introduce membership fees (overdue charges have been around for decades) because the the city was cutting back and taxes couldn't go up. Also, it brought in a lot more money to the Public Libraies, which enabled them to purchase more materials. And, most people didn't mind paying, as long as the libraries keept on providing excelent service.

And they do.

you can get almost any book your're looking foor (Even Mien Kampf and Catcher in the Rye, if that's your thing), almost ANY IN PRINT DVD or VIDEO, magazines, comic books, spoken audio tapes, back issues of 100's of magazines and news papers as well.

It's all worth it, IMO.


That is all I will say for now (it's supper time!)

Battle Beast
CanadaMonday, January 19, 2004 07:09:40 PM

Okay, back from school.....ya know, for some people it is quite difficult to get to a library. Some people don't live close enough to one to walk to, some people haven't got the money to take the bus to get there, and those who have the money sometimes don't have the time (working to get said money, going to school as well, etc). Libraries are school? They're good, very good, but the library at my college doesn't have the type of stuff I'm looking for. It's mostly, if not all, books that focus on the course(s) students are taking. Great source for information, but for the stuff I like (Stephen King, Dean Koontz, Michael Slade, John Saul, etc) it sucks.

I'm not going to say libraries are ancient history....because they're not. The library closest to me is four or five stories high, six if you want to include the first floor where the children's books are. There are literally thousands upon thousands of books there (and believe me, I've looked through my favourite floor many a time), and as great as it is, is still lacks. Can never find what I search desperately for. ^_^;

Ah well, enough of me. Off to write some more junk I call fanfics, and make some lovely beautiful coffee. ^_^

Ja ne!

Funkadelic Gnome - [funkadelic_gnome@hotmail.com]
Hammytown, Hell, Ca-na-DUH
Monday, January 19, 2004 04:02:18 PM

DPH> I haven't gotten to Gathering pt. 1 yet, although it is the next episode to covert. I noticed the most difference in a scene from Awakening pt. 1 that is also used in the show's opening theme. The part where all the vikings are coming towards the castle. The closest viking has a club in his hand and is yelling. I think that's how it goes anyway. That segment is much better quality than in my cd versions.

Basically, if I don't see any pixellation (sp?) on the image, then I consider it good quality. I am viewing these on a 13in tv and they look ok. I recently viewed a disc on my Mom's 65in tv and it looked spectacular. No distortion/quality loss whatsoever. The discs also look great on computer.

Nickerous - [nickerous@yahoo.com]
Monday, January 19, 2004 02:59:46 PM

Demona Taina: okay, let me amend that to "anywhere in the states". and yes, that sounds wrong to me. And while you can't easily get into your local library, the fact that one exists in your area backs up what I said. ;)

Babs: ...you live in Philly. I know for a fact that Philly has public libraries. That you don't know where they are does not negate the fact that somewhere within your city limits there is at least one. I'm betting several.

Pretty much all colleges have libraries, and most are accessible to non-students, too. Even if they aren't lending libraries, you can still go to them to do research, and when you do you will find that when it comes to detailed, solid works on a particular subject, the source material of an average library will beat the internet hands-down.

Monday, January 19, 2004 11:29:14 AM

Ooh boy - what have I started?

Maybe I should clear that up a bit.
I learnt to read very early on and have always loved books. (I only wish I had more time to read them these days) However, as far as my course is concerned, many of the books listed for use in assignments are either out of print or incredibly expensive. The shetland library - in Lerwick, which is about an hour away on the bus - is fine enough if you want to browse local history, or various novels. If you're wanting something more specific - an older title that's no longer available for example - you'll very often find yourself on a months long waiting list while they try and get it on request from larger libraries on the mainland. There is a library van which visits rural areas on a regular basis, but run by the shetland library they obviously have no greater collection.
It can be a very similar situation with the college library as well at times, as I already mentioned. Some lecturers have realised this and provide reading packs of the more important chapters from the less widely available texts, but others don't seem to have jumped on the bandwagon yet. We're fortunate in that our tutor is the lecturer for the majority of the archaeology related modules, and has an extensive collection of his own books which he is more than willing to lend out when we need them.
The course itself is delivered online, and lecture notes often include links to sites regarded as worthy by the lecturer (BritArch for example, or translations of norse poetry) and clear instructions on how to reference them properly. Other than that I would steer clear of anything other than say national news pages.

Battlebeast> Membership fees?! Library usage fell by more than half when they introduced fines for overdue books - needless to say, that system didn't last long. Membership fees would kill the place.

zess> well until last semester, the college was still actually using a card system! In fact, I think the library in town still does though they were in the process of changing that a few moths ago. Haven't been in for a while.

To sum up - you can't beat settling into a good book, but in certain circumstances (i.e stuck on islands in middle of north sea) the internet can be an absolute lifesaver when there's essays due.

Well at least it got the room talking.
I've gotta go to work now.

Shetland, UK
Monday, January 19, 2004 09:55:42 AM

Like XT I don't live near a library (atleast I dont think I do)ot have one in my house, though I did work at a book store for awhile and bought every garden, Steven king,Edgar Allen poe,and Garfield book I could get my hands on, Which was alot now that I think of it so I guess I do have a mini lib. in my house as soon as I unpack it all in about 60 yrs. I'll always read books give ya something the shows can't. Plus I'm writing a book so of course I'm going to give everyone one for them to read.
Ahhh Oregon Trail what pointless fun way for the teachers to keep us quite. Geez I hated school.
Damn you Eagles !

Philly, Pa
Monday, January 19, 2004 08:39:09 AM

Holy crap did I actually make it? Hahahahaha. *faints and then jumps off to scuttle off to school*
Funkadelic Gnome - [funkadelic_gnome@hotmail.com]
Monday, January 19, 2004 07:13:49 AM

Funkadelic Gnome - [funkadelic_gnome@hotmail.com]
Monday, January 19, 2004 07:12:51 AM

Lynati: Well, I have Internet access, but I don't access to a public library. There's only one here in my city and it's not very easy to get into. Sigh, Puerto Rico doesn't really value the power of the written word... Imagine, replacing a library with a THEATRE! A theatre! How wrong is that?

[ahem] And I claim... 9th!

Demona Taina
Monday, January 19, 2004 03:18:39 AM


I refuse to believe someone that has access to the internet doesn't have access to a public library.

And the number of actual BOOKS whose text is available online is incredibly *small*.

Monday, January 19, 2004 03:00:13 AM

Heh, I vaguely remember the card catalogue from elementary school, back when computer lab was time for Oregon Trail and Lemonade Stand.
But no matter how far technology goes, I'll always appreciate books. Someone mentioned the pleasure of holding a nice leather-bound tome in his (her?) hand…for me, there's that, and also the nice, fuzzy, secure feeling of knowing that no matter what plug I trip over, or what keys my cat steps on, whatever I'm reading won't disappear into that mysterious void of cyberspace, to which so many of my files escape. I guess, with books, there are still the matters of fire and spilled orange juice to consider, but I understand that stuff. My tech skills, however, are rudimentary--on particularly frustrating nights, I've been a prayer's breadth from resorting to ritual sacrifice in attempts to appease the mysterious forces that govern my computer. As for research, the internet can be a fine resource, but, in my experience, technology gets persnickety just when a deadline's approaching. There's also the question of bad information online, and I guess that's a risk with books as well, but it just seems that people generally have to jump through a few more hoops to get things published in a book than to put something on the web. Just my opinion. :)

Monday, January 19, 2004 01:54:10 AM

Monday, January 19, 2004 01:25:13 AM


Nickerous - Is the animation quality that bad for the Gathering Part 1 in the scene in Oberon's Palace? I could definitely tell the quality for that scene wasn't as good as other parts in the same story.

Monday, January 19, 2004 01:22:08 AM

Monday, January 19, 2004 01:00:15 AM

4th! (I think)

DPH> Well, I originally wanted more than 3 episodes per disc, but after converting all 5 parts of Awakening on one disc, I found that the quality was unacceptable. By going with 3 episodes per disc, I can max out the bit rate of each episode and make them look like dvds and not like vhs tapes. As it turns out, I have Eye of the Beholder and Vows on one disc, the first 3 parts of City of Stone on one disc, and all 3 parts of Avalon on one disc (I'm particularly proud of the Avalon disc....I put a slideshow of images from the miniseries, the Previously.. segments from the 2nd and 3rd episode, and the edits that ToonDisney made from the episodes). The only hiccups in this format is that The Gathering episodes are split over 2 discs, and, as it stands now, the last 2 parts of Hunter's Moon will be seperate from the first part. I'm going to change that tho.

The only reason that I may do the Goliath Chronicles different is because I really don't like those episodes and probably won't ever watch them. I don't know tho, I may change my mind before I get to those.

Nickerous - [nickerous@yahoo.com]
Monday, January 19, 2004 12:47:51 AM

And about the library thing... I don't have that lusery like some of you all do! I only live in a normal house and don't have a library... Or live by one! I wish I did yes but all i have is the net and TV to get my news but I well know not to beleave half the stuff on medea. However I am sorry I said tho's things, about Librerys.

Amd that is all I will say, for now!

BrooklynXT - [BrooklynXT@netscape.net]
Monday, January 19, 2004 12:03:53 AM


man, you guys are quick...

Monday, January 19, 2004 12:01:14 AM

Alex Garg
Monday, January 19, 2004 12:00:03 AM