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The Phoenix Gate

Comment Room Archive

Comments for the week ending March 15, 2004

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Hi as you know bout the writing contest the one dealing with stories mentioning or dealing with the P Gate, sorry I can't spell the first part off my head right now. well here some food for thought that the Gate is a Scotish Royal Treasure, I bet that fact didn't cross Greg's mind. Which means that the Gargoyles and Mr Z didn't have legal claim to the Gate.

Vanguard - [conklin@shaw.ca]
Victoria, BC, Canada
Sunday, March 14, 2004 09:35:15 PM

Vanguard> HELLO!!! Welcome, Canuck friend!! Have a cookie. ;)

That is all I will Offer.

Battle Beast
EDMONTON, Alberta, Canada
Sunday, March 14, 2004 03:54:17 PM

Well, I was hoping the ABC Family airings would be uncut, but, like I figured, they are not. Oh well. At least they are on another channel besides ToonDisney.

I caught the promo for the show on ABC and was not happy at all. There is virtually no audio from the episodes (there may be some explosions or other sound effects, but no voice) and the one line that is used does not sound like Brooklyn at all. Color me unimpressed.

Nickerous - [nickerous@yahoo.com]
Sunday, March 14, 2004 03:44:01 PM

Hey Guys. :)
I'm Going to be Patrick's little Gathering pal here and plug the Gathering Art Show and the Phoenix Gate Anthology!

Both the anthology and the artshow need your submissions! Especially the Anthology! We are looking for some wonderful black and White art that will be published in a small booklet and sold at Gathering. Its a GREAT way to both Show your love for the show and get your work seen.
The deadline is creeping up so the sooner the better!
Also, The Gathering artshow is a GREAT way to get your work seen by the Gargoyles comunity. I'm coordinating the artshow this year and would love to see all of you enter. There's a TON of opportunites to win prizes and sell your art. We're offering a lot of catigories to Enter so it's going to be fun. Not to mention its always great to see new blood (And old alike) paticipating
You don't have to attend gathering to enter the artshow, but it would be great if you could!
If you have any questions please contact me at artshow@gatheringofthegargoyles.com

Please Sign up for the show!

Eden - [artshow@gatheringofthegargoyles.com]
Sunday, March 14, 2004 03:24:12 PM

Yeah, I noticed a scene that was a couple of seconds longer. (and I'm glad the TD logo isn't there taking up a fourth of the screen)

And the picture does look kind of clearer.

Okla. City
Sunday, March 14, 2004 12:20:08 PM

Um if Gargoyle series is coming on DVD will be original and uncut?, I mean the sometime when the release an old cartoon series on DVD they edit out some bits from it.

Vanguard - [conklin@shaw.ca]
Victoria, BC, Canada
Sunday, March 14, 2004 03:45:31 AM

I heard not that long ago that there weren't truly going to be any Gargoyles on DVD. Not even the first season, I dont think. I remember reading this at one of the Gargoyle fansite links on Station8.

So you never can really tell.

Sunday, March 14, 2004 01:55:49 AM

Hey Vanguard, and welcome.

As it stand right now, there should be a Gargoyles DVD of the first season coming this fall( no exact dates have been mentioned yet). The rest of the episodes will follow depedning if the first dvd sells well. And if all the dvd's sell well, who knows...

If you have other questions about Gargoyles, feel free to ask in the comment room and/or check out the Ask Greg archive for in-depth info on the series.

Troy, NY, USA
Sunday, March 14, 2004 01:51:20 AM

Um hi is there any plan for the Gargoyle cartoon be made on DVD?, if not then why not?.

Vanguard - [conklin@shaw.ca]
Victoria, BC, Canada
Sunday, March 14, 2004 01:17:12 AM

<In regard to the continuity of THE BATMAN....it is essentially a re-launch>

Yes we've been told that many times.

< so it has its own continuity. Its not likely that it will crossover with anything else. >

Says you. There is nothing preventing a crossover from happening seeing how WB owns all the properties involved including DC itself.

Besides in Superman they had Nick Fury, the FF and the rest of Kirby's characters appearing in Aporklips Now and WB didn't even own those characters..

Sunday, March 14, 2004 12:00:11 AM

Actually Rac, thats the same material that TD airs.

Speaking of Gargoyles, TD is going to start the cycle all over again tomorrow.

Atoka, TN, USA
Saturday, March 13, 2004 10:13:39 PM

I thought a few sound effects were soften or muted a bit. Only scene that pops out is when Tom was running up to call out to goliath, his yell "Goliath!" got chopped a bit. Otherwise, I don't think it was edited much at all, much less chopped to hell.

Can't believe they still let the hell line through and showing blood from Goliath's hand. Perhaps they will show Deadly Force after all. But I'll have to wait and see...

Troy, NY, USA
Saturday, March 13, 2004 06:34:22 PM

I watched the pilot episode as I had to go out and take care of a few things. They didn't even do the annoying voiceover on the credits! The only real turnoff is the stupid banner at the bottom that lasts for 5 seconds. I'm just glad the DVDs are coming out this fall.

btw, did anyone notice the first episode was just a LITTLE bit longer here and there?

Atoka, TN, 38004
Saturday, March 13, 2004 06:14:00 PM

Re: Gargoyles on ABC Family Channel (That's the "U.S." Family Channel, not the "Canadian" Family Channel. Sorry, those of you above the 49th. - but hey, you USED to get it on that channel a couple years ago(and with NO COMMERCIALS) so they may renew their licence.)



The picture was very clean. Could it be possible that ABC Family is using an advanced copy of the DVD for broadcast?

Saturday, March 13, 2004 03:27:11 PM

Well, did everyone watch the ABC Family airings this morning? I did not, but I did tape them (the tape is running as I type). I was hoping to see unedited episodes, but then discovered that Awakenings pt. 3 is the first episode listed as being edited (at least the first that I have). I guess I'll find out tomorrow. Still, it's nice to see Gargoyles without the ToonDisney logo in the bottom corner. The abcfamily is quite a bit smaller.

The last two Goliath Chronicles episodes will air tonight on TD, so i can finish my series once I get those. I started working on a Demona music video, but have let it simmer for a while before getting back to it. Hopefully, I'll be finished before the entry deadline....

Nickerous - [nickerous@yahoo.com]
Saturday, March 13, 2004 12:10:43 PM

Holy steadily decreasing numbers, Batman! It's time for the end of the week countdown again.

19 days left before Gathering 2004 pre-registration prices increase.
20 days left to submit artwork and stories for the Gathering Anthology (deadline is April 1).
50 days left to submit entries for the Gathering T-shirt contest (deadline is May 1).
111 days left to submit entries for the Music Video contest (deadline is July 1).
116 days left to reserve your hotel room at the Delta Centre-Ville (deadline is July 6 at noon).

And most important of all...

146 days left until The Gathering 2004 in Montreal, Quebec!

Click my name to register and view the latest updates, which this week includes the full convention schedule.

Saturday, March 13, 2004 08:21:56 AM

In regard to the continuity of THE BATMAN....it is essentially a re-launch, so it has its own continuity. Its not likely that it will crossover with anything else.
Saturday, March 13, 2004 03:04:36 AM

In regard to the continuity of THE BATMAN....it is essentially a re-launch, so it has its own continuity. Its not likely that it will crossover with anything else.
Saturday, March 13, 2004 03:04:35 AM

Okay, Gargoyles will finally air on a non-premium channel later this morning. Hopefully lots of people will watch them so it can get good ratings and convince a few executives. Here's our chance so let's not blow it!
Troy, NY, USA
Saturday, March 13, 2004 01:38:36 AM

912 days, actually. There was a leap year in there. Coincidence? Yeah, probably.

147 days left until The Gathering 2004 in Montreal, Quebec!

Friday, March 12, 2004 09:25:11 PM

PATRICK> No, I mean I am going on a trip in November and it's eating all my cash up, so I can't go to the gathering. It's one or the other.

That is all I will say.

Battle Beast
CanadaFriday, March 12, 2004 08:39:23 PM

Hey all.

I know you've heard of the train bombings in Spain, and that they happened on march 11, but did you ALSO KNOW that from 9/11/01 to 3/11/04 is EXACTLY two and one half years, or NINE HUNDRED AND ELEVEN (911) DAYS?

What do y'all think of this?

That is all I will say.

Battle Beast
CanadaFriday, March 12, 2004 08:37:40 PM

I knew I could count on the poeple in here...

Thanks Abby! That's what I suspected.

Friday, March 12, 2004 05:23:26 PM

Vash and matt: The Brazilian rainforest petition looks like a hoax. Check out www.snopes.com/inboxer/petition/brazil.htm#add (or click my name). Apparently there was a petition before the Brazilian congress in 2000 to reduce the percentage of rainforest private landowners had to preserve on their properties (from 80% to 50%), but it was shelved in May of that year. The site also has a link to the text of an email describing this victory for the preservation of the forest. The snopes site does mention that the rainforest is still being cut down, just not in the way this petition describes.

I seem to get a lot of emails with some pretty amazing claims, and www.snopes.com is my favorite place to check it out (there are other sites, like www.urbanlegends.com, too).

Eagerly awaiting the Gargoyles DVD release...

Minneapolis, MN
Friday, March 12, 2004 02:40:36 PM

The only real way to deal with spammers is to fix SMTP giving it actual security protocols (possibly requiring users get a PGP key) and institute a white-list system. Then institute big ass fines ($5 million per spam mail) against those that send out massive e-mails per day relating it to a "Denial of Service Attack". My mother gets HUNDREDS of spam mail per day and quite frankly, its a pain in the ass to sort out the legitimate from the spam, even with the most anal retentive filters I can come up with. (no, Outlook is banned from this house so its not that. :D)
Atoka, TN, 38004
Friday, March 12, 2004 02:02:16 PM

Vash> why would Brazil want to clear half of its rainforest? what could they possibly want all that land for... i mean, thats about a third of the continent we are talking about! are you sure this thing is accurate? sounds like it might be a hoax to me...
Friday, March 12, 2004 01:25:28 PM

Patrick: I read the story about German guy too. What a laugh. It would nice if people were a little more sane though.

Todd: Eating the spammers wouldn't make them stop. More would rise to take their place (like the undead, or lawyers). I'm from Boca Raton Fl, spam capital of the world; I know, it's very easy money.

Best way would be to place a limit on the amount of email any one person could send in a 24-hour time period. It would of course involve very technical definitions of what constititutes the same person (online). And there would of course be ways the tech savy would get around it.
But making it 'harder' to do would discourage casual spammers out for the easy buck.

CKayote - [CKayote@worldnet.att.net]
Orlando, FL
Friday, March 12, 2004 01:10:53 PM

Did anyone else get the petition email in protest of the plan going through Brazilian congress to reduce its rainforest by 50%? I'm just wondering how current it is, as these chain mail-like things sometimes take a while to spread over the internet, and sometimes pop up again long afterwards. Plus I'm not sure if it's real or not, so I was curious whether anyone knew more about it.

If anyone would like me to send them a copy of the petition, you can email me. The copy I got was in French (whether it was originally or not I don't know, but I've since added a translation).

Vashkoda - [vashkoda@glaringdream.org]
Friday, March 12, 2004 01:08:44 PM

<Actually, I'm wondering how this "The Batman" series will fit into the existing continuity on the Kids WB. "Static Shock" has already had a crossover with "B:TAS" so that rules out a crossover over there so it looks like this new series will be completely in its own universe.>

I just had a thought wouldn't it be interesting if they had a crossover with all the different incarnations of batman from the 90s animated version, the future version with Terry, the new prequel Batman, the 60s or 70s version that we saw once in a TAS episode and the Miller version which appeared in that same episode.

Friday, March 12, 2004 06:10:37 AM

For those interested on more info for 'The Batman' cartoon, you can check out this site. There's great pics of Batman and JOKER

Friday, March 12, 2004 01:13:50 AM

One Day until Gargoyles on ABC Family!

The news that Greg landed a gig working on The Batman is pretty awesome. This is arguably the biggest new cartoon in the next year! I wonder if this is the project that he couldn't say much about last October other than the fact that he was working with Duane Capizzi on it.
William C. Maune - [Meteo@ToonZone.net]
Columbia, MO, United States
Friday, March 12, 2004 12:36:28 AM

Todd > Well, there's one guy in Germany... and Hannibal Lector...

Battle Beast > November? The Gathering is in August.

Thursday, March 11, 2004 10:18:59 PM

QUESTION - Yes, I didn't have any "continuity restart" problems with "X-Men: Evolution" (though it probably helped that it had been a few years since I'd last seen the FOX animated "X-Men" when "X-Men: Evolution" premiered and it was thus rather vague in my head).

Here's a fresh bad creativity demon (though not Gargoyles-related). After reading in the paper this morning about all the lawsuits being planned against spammers, I found myself envisioning or maybe re-envisioning spammers being subjected to a "let the punishment fit the crime" - being hauled off to a meat plant and converted into spam in the original sense (though I doubt that too many people would want to eat that).

Todd Jensen
St. Louis, MO
Thursday, March 11, 2004 08:35:02 PM

Actually, I'm wondering how this "The Batman" series will fit into the existing continuity on the Kids WB. "Static Shock" has already had a crossover with "B:TAS" so that rules out a crossover over there so it looks like this new series will be completely in its own universe.
Thursday, March 11, 2004 07:56:58 PM

<(though I suspect that many folks here might have some difficulty adjusting to it in light of it being a different continuity from "Batman: TAS"). >

It would be no more difficult than people had adjusting to X-Men Evolution, which was also in a different continuity, and look how well it did.

Thursday, March 11, 2004 07:43:28 PM

Well, now we know what project Greg Weisman's working on for WB: their "The Batman" series. That makes it a bit more interesting (though I suspect that many folks here might have some difficulty adjusting to it in light of it being a different continuity from "Batman: TAS").
Todd Jensen
St. Louis, MO
Thursday, March 11, 2004 07:22:33 PM


You know what? The Gathering is my own country and I CAN'T GO. Why? I have to go on a trip to stupid New Orleans and Flordia in November.

I said it last year, too: Maybe next year. *SIGH*

That is all I will say.

Battle Beast
CanadaThursday, March 11, 2004 06:56:34 PM

While we've all got our calculators out, let's figure out how much time it would take to just delete all the obviously stupid questions. Assume it takes 0.2 seconds to read a word, an average of 5 words to betray stupidity, 0.5 seconds for the brain to process the recognition of stupidity and direct the finger to press the delete key, and 1.5 seconds for the computer to complete its processing. Please show your work, and round you answer to the nearest integer.

And now for some easier math...

If "yesterday's countdown" = X
And "today's countdown" = Y

Y = X - 1 = 148 days left until The Gathering 2004 in Montreal, Quebec!

Thursday, March 11, 2004 12:56:02 PM

Courtesy of a friend:

MIXED MEDIA: Keith David says he was more than happy to reprise his role as the head of the CIA in "Agent Cody Banks 2: Destination London" premiering this Friday (3/12) since the first film opened up a whole new group of younger fans for him. "I greatly appreciate that," says the actor better known for the very intense characters he's played in such films as "Platoon," "Requiem for a Dream" and "Barbershop." "There's not enough stuff you can just go as a family to," adds David, who has two children, ten and 2 ½ and a baby due the end of April. "And that's the one thing I love about the 'Agent Cody Banks' films."

David - who also reprises his role as the Moslem cleric from "Pitch Black"
in the upcoming Vin Diesel prequel, "The Chronicles of Riddick."-- is getting to use his comedy acting chops on the small screen in ABC's new series, "The Big House," debuting April 2. "This is my first sitcom and it was a lot more difficult than I thought it would be," says the Juilliard-trained actor. "You have several entities to deal with-everybody's got opinions and sometimes they're in conflict. But ultimately we're the ones who have to execute it and try to find that balance in making everybody happy." In the sitcom based on comic Kevin Hart's real life experience of growing up in Malibu then having to go live with relatives in the 'hood, David plays a no-nonsense patriarch who teaches Hart what real family values are about.

Thursday, March 11, 2004 09:08:59 AM

*DPH decides to roll up his sleeves, revealing that, in fact, he did have something up his sleeves.*

I started working on a card game for gargoyles, something similiar to what I have seen of Yu-Gi-Oh. I am asking for help in putting together the card game. I am aware that attempts at making a gargoyles card game have been done in the past, but I plan on keeping this game as relatively simple as possible. I have started on the basic deck for the game [which is based on all the canon episodes of Gargoyles] and once the basic deck is complete, I plan on working on expansion decks that use characters from various Gargoyle fan-fiction stories.

To subscribe to the group that I am using to work on this project, visit http://groups.yahoo.com/group/garg-card-game/ or click on my name. I hope to have something of the game ready by the Gathering.

DPH - [<--Click here for the link]
Thursday, March 11, 2004 02:40:35 AM

I do want to give Greg Weisman a hand, no, that isn't adequate, a great big thank you for the patience he has in handling our questions. I know some of them drive him up the wall (some of mine probably have) and at times I wonder if I haven't shown him enough respect.
Thursday, March 11, 2004 01:35:29 AM

Holy crap, thats alot of submittions....

I'm just glad he takes time to answer questions period. I've got alot of respect for someone that takes time to interact with fans. :)

Atoka, TN, 38004
Wednesday, March 10, 2004 10:16:11 PM

Matt - Sorry, but after the 1st hour or so, it becomes difficult to be polite with responses. The most questions I would expect Ask Greg to process in one day is several posts that string together to form a single Gathering Journal.

Even if Greg Weisman spent thiry minutes per day answering questions at an average rate of 1.5 minutes per question (that's 20 questions per day), it would take him slightly over 41 days to clear the backlog. That would be 8 weeks, 2 days. But I think that's too short of time. If 30 minutes per day with an average rate of 2 minutes per question (15 questions per day), that's slightly over 55 days or 11 weeks and 1 day.

Wednesday, March 10, 2004 12:19:28 PM


if Greg wanted to answer every question in the queue in one day he'd have to answer nonstop for 24 hours reading and responding to a question every *pulls out calculator* minute and 45 seconds or so... not likely... :)

though how cool would that be?

Wednesday, March 10, 2004 09:37:10 AM

DPH: I don't know, the second and fourth one up look pretty inane to me.

And yeah, I know it's imprecise but it's quick and relatively accurate. You know you're getting a pretty good ballpark figure.

Wednesday, March 10, 2004 02:03:51 AM

[ I don't see too many 'stupid' questions approaching for a while.]
except for that "Nosferatu" one...

Wednesday, March 10, 2004 01:49:36 AM

Ed - I already have the total number of questions counted, thanks to some search and replace. Your method has a flaw because you can quote "Received from" in your post. Here's the file I'm using to get my count from: http://www.cei.net/~dphofrules/questions1.html

The good news is it won't be too long before another one of my questions comes up.

I'm asking for the system to keep a visible track and put that number on the submit button page so that when you submit a question, you know how many questions are in front of it.

I almost feel sorry for the guy who wanted his question answered the same day that he submitted it.

Just glancing ahead, I don't see too many 'stupid' questions approaching for a while.

Wednesday, March 10, 2004 12:48:24 AM

DPH: Easy way to count the posts: select the queue and copy it to Word. Do a find a replace on "received from", which is on every post. It will tell you how many replacement it's made. With a bit of leeway for people using "received from" in their posts, that's how many questions are in the queue.
Tuesday, March 9, 2004 08:58:54 PM

With the Gathering rapidly approaching (thanks to Patrick constantly reminding us), is another forum being set up to receive the 2004 Gathering Reports (later episode rambles) and only the 2004 Gathering Reports?

My current count has 827 questions in the current backlog at Ask Greg and I'd hate to have the existing backlog get significantly worse by reopening the submission button just to receive Gathering Reports and get a fresh batch of previously answered questions.

When the system gets redone, might I suggest adding a question counter to the Ask Greg system so easy to keep track of the number of questions in backlog as well as listing that number on the submission page?

Tuesday, March 9, 2004 08:08:19 PM

I'm sorry to hear about Paul's passing also. Greg Weisman did a great obit for him at "Ask Greg", by the way.

I remember his portrayal of Jeffrey Robbins fondly; Robbins was one of my favorite "bit characters", especially in "A Lighthouse in the Sea of Time".

Todd Jensen
St. Louis, MO
Tuesday, March 9, 2004 06:50:11 PM

Sad news about Paul Winfield.

He'll be deeply missed. :(

Tuesday, March 9, 2004 05:46:56 PM

I LOVED "City Confidential." Paul's voice made the shows. Damn, that is sad. :(

That is all I will say.

Battle Beast
CanadaTuesday, March 9, 2004 05:15:23 PM

Aww damn, I liked that dude too!



Atoka, TN, USA
Tuesday, March 9, 2004 01:43:50 PM

A crappy way to start the day, or "Darmok, his eyes closed."


Paul Winfield, aka Jeffrey Robbins, died today. He also did a few bits on Star Trek:TNG (as well as appearing as Captain Terrell in Star Trek 2). TNG fans know him as the alien who Picard had to try and communicate with using analogy to bits of the alien's history.

Damn sad.

Tuesday, March 9, 2004 09:16:16 AM

Quote: "Any thoughts?" -- William C. Maune.

Mr. Maune, at this time the legendary words of college football announcer Keith Jackson come to mind: "WHOA, NELLY!" :)

Tuesday, March 9, 2004 09:01:49 AM

:: rides in on a skateboard ::

Don't have a cow, man! There's still 150 days left until The Gathering 2004 in Montreal, Quebec!

Tuesday, March 9, 2004 06:57:37 AM

I'm sorry to double post, but I think you won't mind this news! I just received the ABC Family schedule through March 28th and check this out:

Saturday March 27th at 11:30 AM - Deadly Force
William C. Maune - [Meteo@ToonZone.net]
Columbia, MO, United States
Tuesday, March 9, 2004 01:09:58 AM

4 Days until Gargoyles on ABC Family!

It may not be until a few weeks afterwards, but I should be able to provide ratings information for the Saturday airings of Gargoyles. We generally have Saturday mornings ratings info for all the major kids blocks at Toon Zone, although sometimes ABC Family does not provide complete information.

That's won't be for awhile from now though. For the moment all we can look at is, What is Gargoyles up against?

Kids WB is the current network heavy-hitter on Saturday mornings. At 11 they air mega-success Yu-Gi-Oh and at 11:30 they air the surprising smaller success, Mucha Lucha.

Then you have ABC Kids (the current name of network ABC's Saturday morning line-up). For them at 11 is Kim Possible (another series Greg has written for) and at 11:30 is an hour of Power Rangers (It's 1995 all over again!), however those are episodes that already aired on ABC Family the previous Saturday. Furthermore, this hour is often preempted by other ABC programming and thus it may be a nonfactor.

The final network concern is the Fox Box (on Fox) at 11 they air Ultimate Muscle and at 11:30 AM is their second episode of Kirby: Right Back At Ya of the morning.

CBS and NBC still have Saturday morning blocks, but they are pretty much nonfactors in the ratings at the moment. CBS aims at the pre-school crowd with Nick Jr. programming and NBC's Saturday morning block is produced by the Discovery Channel.

Kids WB may be the biggest network threat, but it is actually Nickelodeon who dwarfs everyone else in the Saturday morning ratings these days. From 11-12 is an hour of Jimmy Neutron. While this still produces huge ratings, at least Gargoyles is not up against the powerhouse two-hour block of Spongebob Squarepants and Fairly Oddparents that airs from 9-11.

The Disney Channel does not seem to have a true Saturday Morning block per se, but they do air programming that targets the same demographic. From 11-12 they have an hour of Recess.

Finally, we have Cartoon Network. From 11-12 they show Johnny Bravo and Duck Dodgers. While neither brings in the ratings of Nick's or Kids WB's Saturday mornings, I believe the Johnny Bravo episodes are repeats of the previous night's premieres and Duck Dodgers is currently one of the new big things at Cartoon Network. Season 2 arrives this summer and episodes will premiere in that slot.

Finally, there is Toon Disney, but if people actually got Toon Disney a lot more of us here would be watching a lot more Gargoyles.

All of that is pretty much the competition we are looking at. Any thoughts?
William C. Maune - [Meteo@ToonZone.net]
Columbia, MO, United States
Tuesday, March 9, 2004 12:43:18 AM

Is Hellboy's hand actually made of stone? Makes me think of Owen, though personally I don't consider having a stone hand as a kind of 'super power'.

Lucky 13! Now let's see if I actually make it into the Wow beta....

Monday, March 8, 2004 08:25:22 PM

Monday, March 8, 2004 03:27:20 PM

lucky number 11....

i'm back from my week in Seattle. loved it and had a lot of fun. i'm really excited about this news of Gargoyles on ABC Family, its really great!

Monday, March 8, 2004 07:14:44 AM

Square root of one hundred!

151 days left until The Gathering 2004 in Montreal,Quebec!

Monday, March 8, 2004 06:56:52 AM

I call 9th!
Shetland, UK
Monday, March 8, 2004 05:16:40 AM

William C. Maune: I've been lurking for a while now, and I've been reading your posts. Thanks for keeping us posted! You've no idea how happy you've made us with this news. And yes, it's wonderful that Disney is finally starting to give Gargoyles the respect it deserves. Let's hope that Disney takes notice of the ratings and the fandom and gives us what we all want: Gargoyles back in some shape or form. I still have faith that the show will come back, someday.

It's a shame I don't get the ABC Family channel, though. I only get ABC. [mutter, mutter] There I was, hoping that they were the same channel, but noooo. So, you taped the promos? What are they like? I'm curious!

Demona Taina - [demona3@hotmail.com]
Monday, March 8, 2004 04:47:37 AM

The fanbase is strong...

Our news story at ToonZone.net announcing Gargoyles on ABC Family has been viewed over 3,700 times now. That number is one of the highest of any of our stories in well over a week. In fact, the only stories in that time period with more views are related to animated DC shows. Whereas a large portion of Toon Zone's content is based around animated DC shows, Gargoyles nontheless also remains one of the top stories even though they closest thing we have to Gargoyles content is a Disney message board.

Let's hope for big numbers in the ratings in the coming weeks!
William C. Maune - [Meteo@ToonZone.net]
Columbia, MO, United States
Monday, March 8, 2004 02:16:12 AM

sorry for the double...that was me. :D
Monday, March 8, 2004 01:11:28 AM

sorry for the double...that was me. :D
Monday, March 8, 2004 01:10:57 AM

numbaaah 6
Monday, March 8, 2004 01:10:25 AM

Fifth! I think...
Funkadelic Gnome - [funkadelic_gnome@hotmail.com]
Monday, March 8, 2004 12:57:19 AM

The definite integral of f(x)=2xdx evaluated from 0 to 2 (that's four for you laymen) in the name of lurkers!
Jurgan - [jurgan6@yahoo.com]
Monday, March 8, 2004 12:49:54 AM

And the number of the counting shall be THREE!
Monday, March 8, 2004 12:30:29 AM

I claim the number 2, being one of my favorite numbers.
Monday, March 8, 2004 12:24:20 AM

First? wow
Houston , TX
Monday, March 8, 2004 12:12:10 AM