A Station Eight Fan Web Site
Apparently 75 % of the Gathering attendees must not have Internet access. At least, I hope that that's why we've only had 25% of them send their Gathering journals to "Ask Greg". Only a little over 48 hours left to change all that, too - talk about cutting it close.
SIRYN - For that matter, "X-Men: Evolution" had its second season end with mutants being exposed to the world in the worst possible way, the X-Men's home being blown up, and one of the antagonists responsible for all the trouble being a blue-skinned red-haired female with offspring in the good guys' camp. (I still have the occasional creativity demon of Mystique and Demona angrily confronting each other and arguing over who's the original and who's the copycat.) And Frank Paur directed that story; I wonder if he experienced a sense of deja vu over it.
CKAYOTE - I've never come across that particular story about Excalibur before, although Geoffrey of Monmouth did claim that Julius Caesar had a magic sword called Yellow Death which he bore with him when he invaded Britain, but lost it in battle against Prince Nennius, the brother of Cassivellaunus the British king (Nennius died from the wounds that Caesar dealt him with Yellow Death, and the sword was buried with him). But no hint that it was Excalibur.
I watched my tape of "Eye of the Storm" today, but I'll save my comments (and there are a few new things about it that I noticed when watching it this time) for tomorrow, after the room's cleared.
Todd Jensen
St. Louis, MO
Sunday, August 29, 2004 06:32:43 PM
Nothing to sneeze at -- and with gratitude to those who have participated -- but right now, Todd tells me, we only have about 38 Gathering Journals posted at ASK GREG.
That's about 25%. I was hoping for at least FIFTY PERCENT cooperation. C'mon, guys. Put your keyboard where your mouth is!!
You only have until midnight on the 31st!!
Sunday, August 29, 2004 04:52:10 PM
Gorebash - I just read your Gathering journal, and I'm the guy who stole the Lexington part from you for the DVD guys! No hard feelings right :) ? And if it makes you feel better, being filmed back then made me so nervous I almost felt like quitting the auditions right then, but I'm glad I didn't!
Francois Ferland
Sunday, August 29, 2004 04:13:40 PM
Attendance was around 150 in Montreal. Close to 150 pre-registered, plus 15 walk-ins, minus about 15 who had pre-registered and didn't show up.
100 days left until the Gargoyles DVD is released on December 7, 2004!
3 days left to get your Gathering Diaries posted to Ask Greg!
Sunday, August 29, 2004 02:57:57 PM
Just came in to see if ya knew it was up!
DVD footage - thanks for the comments.:)
Jen and Syrin - well... I guess we can hope that there can be a documentary part 2 on the second dvd... Hope is a good thing! Someone pass THAT idea along!
Jade Griffin
Sunday, August 29, 2004 01:58:39 PM
I noticed there is a bit of confusion with putting up the Amazon.com Gargoyles DVD link on a few webpages.
Amazon.com has the series listed in TWO seperate pages. They have one that simply lists Gargoyles (1994) and mentions the DVD is not available yet, no release date, and to add your email so they can send you one when they do get a release date. Then there's the OTHER Amazon.com Gargoyles link that actually mentions the release date, Season 1, 2 discs, and price. Check your link to see which one it is. Click my name for the correct link so you can change you banners and links accordingly.
Sunday, August 29, 2004 01:50:21 PM
Todd: Well we're on 'combining mythologies' I thought you would find this interesting,
I read a couple years back that there was a legend that Excalibur was actually forged for Julius Caesar, and that it had properties similar to that atributed to the Spear of Destiny (Whoever posssess it will be an unstoppable conqueror, but if it is dropped in battle, the holder will suffer death and the loss of his empire).
One of the later Caesars brought it to England in the 2nd century, only to drop it in battle. He died and the Roman Empire went into decline right around then.
The druids or whoever it was that the Romans had been fighting placed it in the Stone of Destiny to wait for the coming of the next King of Kings.
DVD footage: I'd definately buy it as well, but I don't think it's going to happen.
CKayote - [CKayote@worldnet.att.net]
Orlando, FL
Sunday, August 29, 2004 11:34:33 AM
Gore> Re screenshots (sorry for the double post!)
I know of two 'Gargoyle spots'. I *SWEAR* Goliath is in Big 0 Ep #14. There's a shot of gargoyles on the building, and one of them looks like goliath in his normal pose.
Also, on Xmen evolution (which Frank Paur worked on), there's a episode involing Xavier's son. The background of the episode takes place at a scottish castle, which looks *VERY* similar to our beloved Castle Wyvern. :)
Sunday, August 29, 2004 11:07:31 AM
Gore> It's already been stated, but attendence for VA was about 150. (give or take 3 or 4 people) I can't recall directly offhand if that includes no shows or doesn't...but I think it doesn't include no shows.
I'm pretty sure VA was within the 140-160 area, but again not positive on that.
Montreal had over 15 walk-ins this year. (at least from the slips I had counted) There is a list of people who pre-registered in the programme. So you can use that too if you like? I don't remember the numbers, but it was still GOOD for con numbers.
Also, for the DVD, I doubt we're ever going to see footage on that. Remember that paper you signed?? You promised it was OK for Disney to film you, have you on camera, and make money using your image, nor can you ask for any sort of payment in return.
We're probably never going to see the footage..which sucks..but them's the breaks. :/ Unfortunately. I'm sure Dave & them have to hand over all the unused footage to disney once they've completed the project.
Siryn - [siryn7@aol.com]
Sunday, August 29, 2004 10:55:43 AM
Hello Again, here's the link to my VH1 "I Love the 90's" Post on Gargoyles. Keep it on the first page by replying with your support of getting it on "Strikes Back"!. UK fans can use the zipcode 97212 during registration. Here's the link:
Sunday, August 29, 2004 01:27:09 AM
Well, since your attention is here...
I would say that the chances of getting an extended Documentary of the Con are extremely low. Disney isnt paying these gentlemen to make a full documentary, just a mini one. I'm not sure they would even be allowed to get a snipit here and there for just individuals... remember, the footage belongs to Disney.
Jennifer "CrzyDemona" Anderson
Saturday, August 28, 2004 10:57:04 PM
Re: Getting a copy of the con footage - SAME HERE. Especially since Gorebash didn't get my entire skit with his video recorder... I really hope my skit is on the DVD, I thought it was damned funny. I'd sure as hell buy a copy. I sent an email to CrzyJen asking if she knew how I could get in contact with the people making the DVD, since she said she was talking with them about advertising. Alas, she did not deem me worthy of a reply ;)
Saturday, August 28, 2004 10:49:25 PM
"Has anyone thought of contacting the dvd crew and asking if they can offer a full cut of the con not associated with the dvd for us to buy if the documentary is gonna be so short? It'd mean great revenue!:) I'd buy!"
As would I. Hell, I'd buy the soundtrack too if they decided to release it, no matter what the cost was. (Which is ironic if any of you have seen my posts on the RIAA and their tactics on other boards I frequent...) My copy of the DVD is already reserved. :)
Saturday, August 28, 2004 10:04:27 PM
Todd's favorite word: "actually"
so, yeah i got the name messed up and the sex too, but that doesn't change my question. Banquo says "besides, youa rn't even armed..." and Hudson replies "wrong again". i know this is a very minor quibble, but why does Hudson say "again"? when was Banquo wrong the first time?
in other news, i was recently quite intoxicated at a bar with some friends and from what they tell me,i decided to tell all the occupants of said establishment how great Gargoyles is and also told them that its coming out on DVD soon... fortunatly the crowd was composed of mostly people 21-26 so i did get a few people tell me that they remember and really liked the show and its cool that theres still a fandom around. unfortunatly, my friends told me that i could not walk down the street asking people about Gargoyles.
all in all, it was a fun night, and i've got the hangover to prove it! i'm not a drunk or anything, but its funny to me to know that even when i'm not thinking clearly i'm still a big Gargoyles fan. who knows? maybe my little incident will result in another DVD sold or whatever.
we gotta make this thing sell well. i honestly think that the DVD will be our best and last chance to get the show back on the air. i can't think of anything else that will open Disney's eyes... except perhaps Demona's spell from "Temptations" lol
Saturday, August 28, 2004 08:51:57 PM
A little more about the Stone of Destiny. It's a real object rather than an invention of the series (and genuinely real in the sense that it does exist, although it doesn't talk, of course), better known as the Stone of Scone. It was used (as "City of Stone" and "Avalon" showed) for the crowning of the kings of Scotland until 1296, when Edward I of England captured it and took it to London, where he stored it underneath the coronation chair at Westminster Abbey. Oddly enough, the Scots never demanded it back; it is said that they believed that wherever the Stone of Destiny was, there a Scottish king would rule - and if that was indeed what they were hoping for, they got their wish three centuries later when James VI of Scotland became James I of England in 1603. The Stone was finally returned to Scotland in late 1996 (which slightly dates "Pendragon", therefore); it was briefly stolen in the very early 1950's as well, although I can't remember the precise date.
The origins of the Stone are uncertain, but it is said to have been brought over from Ireland to Scotland around the year 500 (the Scots were descended from Irishmen who settled in Scotland at this time; "Scot" was originally another word for "Irishman"); some say that, before that, the stone was originally the very stone used by Jacob as a pillow at Bethel (you can get the details in Genesis 28:11), though other legends make it native to Ireland, calling it the Lia Fail, on which the High King of Ireland was traditionally crowned.
There's nothing in any version of the Stone of Destiny legend about it being the stone that Arthur drew the sword from; that was Greg Weisman's idea entirely (fitting in with his fondness of combining mythical objects and beings, such as making the Weird Sisters the Fates, the Furies, and the Graces), though it fits with the Stone's kingmaking significance.
Todd Jensen
St. Louis, MO
Saturday, August 28, 2004 07:03:57 PM
Has anyone thought of contacting the dvd crew and asking if they can offer a full cut of the con not associated with the dvd for us to buy if the documentary is gonna be so short? It'd mean great revenue!:) I'd buy!
Jade Griffin
Saturday, August 28, 2004 01:46:04 PM
101 days left until the Gargoyles DVD is released on December 7, 2004!
4 days left to get your Gathering Diaries posted to Ask Greg!
Saturday, August 28, 2004 07:39:07 AM
BATTLE BEAST - Actually, that was the Stone of Destiny (also known as the Stone of Scone), which was identified in "Pendragon" as being also the stone that Arthur drew Excalibur from. More about that this evening.
Todd Jensen
St. Louis, MO
Saturday, August 28, 2004 06:47:12 AM
Just had a spark of creativity:
An online Gargoyles MMOG. Nothing on the scale of commercial games, nor of high quality. Something simple, like a glorified chatroom. Have a virtual city, most likely Manhattan, and each player's avatar is based on a mix and match set of known (and some new) body types, for instance Coldfire's "butterfly" wings and Delilah's browridge, with Demona's hair and skin color, with a mace-like tale (as seen on Little Anton). Some of the work could be based on the PC project Gargoyles: Rebirth
how complex it should be (having "crimes" to stop, or Quarrymen to evade)would be up to the programmer. Just a little brainstorm...
Saturday, August 28, 2004 02:42:39 AM
Here's my little addtion to article on Faires at Wikipedia. Anybody who thinks it needs work is welcome to go and update it. The URL is http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fairy#Fairies_in_visual_arts
''In the Walt Disney animated series Gargoyles the fey (along with many other mythological creatures) were featured heavily, especially in the second season. Anansi, Anubis, King Arthur, the Banshee, Cúchulainn, Coyote, Oberon, Odin, The Lady of the Lake, Puck, Raven, and Titania all made an appearance.''
Now to go and write my Gathering journal.
james_anatidae - [parshall@citcom.net]
Brevard, NC, USA
Saturday, August 28, 2004 02:17:20 AM
Hello Again, here's the link to my VH1 "I Love the 90's" Post on Gargoyles. Keep it on the first page by replying with your support of getting it on "Strikes Back"!. UK fans can use the zipcode 97212 during registration. Here's the link:
Saturday, August 28, 2004 02:13:25 AM
I NEVER liked widescreen before, but then I bought Star Wars Ep II (Full Screen) and saw VERY LITTLE of Yoda in the big fight at the end. I got VERY pissed off and Swore off Full screen FOREVER. (VHS tapes now just pi$$ me off.)
DEC 7> I plan to buy one copy on AMAZON, and
PENDRAGON> What was that Talking mailbox under tha chair, anyway? The one that led Arthur to NY?
I did like the Dragon, and the they way Macbeth was fit into the story. I thought it was well done. Two kings fighting for a common goal type thing. Net plot.
I also LOVED the way the NY clan got to meet Griff. I was waiting for that to happen for a LONG time. (Since Gol and Co. first meet the other Gargs.)
SIREN> I AM SORRY, but I had you Weird Al video yesterday, before I deleted my recycle bin... :'(
... ... ...
Battle Beast
CanadaSaturday, August 28, 2004 01:32:15 AM
Vash, Patrick, Gore: I've been trying to figure out actual attendance to the cons as well, based mostly off of the lists of people registered to attend at the time of the final cut-off date for pre-reg. I too remembered there being a list on the 2003 site, and had Winterwolf dig it up for me, and consensus was that much of the numbers were not correct. LA has had the largest number, and most people seem to remember it being no bigger than 220 people, so there is no way Orlando could have had over that number. Actually, since Jubilee handled reg for both 2000 and 2002, I was hoping to contact her to see if she had actual lists still on hand. Anyone have a current email for her? I know she disappeared form the fandom. …Or if anyone else happens to have said info, I could just take that. ; )
I talked to Siryn a while back, she says there was about 150 who showed up at VA, tops. New York had 131 pre-reg, and between the unlisted Dreamer clan members who came out of the woodwork to get in at a reduced rate for "helping" with the Consuite, the security staff, and the handful of walk-ins we did get (of which, unfortunately, there is also not a list of : \ ) NY's total numbers were probably around 160.
I'm not sure what Montreal's final tally was, but they had 146 as their last registration updated at the time they closed pre-reg, and WAY more walk-ins than NY. Having separate badges for walk-ins was an excellent idea, and I certainly saw quite a number of people sporting them. I'm hoping they kept records on those, it is certainly a useful thing to know. The number of attendees one can actually expect to register for a con directly impacts how the budget is handled, and I'd hate to think of what would happen for a con expecting to draw in over 300 attendees wound up with the true average being only half that.
Vashkoda, could you also send me the numbers you have, and any posted pre-reg lists you happened to have? I'd really appreciate it. Lynati_1@hotmail.com
Saturday, August 28, 2004 12:15:12 AM
Seth- don't forget, Greg said that there is actually going to be an advertising budget for the DVD, on both Disney and ABC. So that's promising.
Friday, August 27, 2004 10:05:57 PM
I don't know if this is a good thing or a bad thing for us. In one hand, this could INCREASE sales of Gargoyles as it would piggy-back on the release of other action cartoon shows like Batman Season 2 and Superman Season 1 for the Holiday Season...
On the other hand it could work against us as it's not gonna be advertised with these other releases and parents might end up spending all their money on Warner Box Sets instead of Disney...
Then again, THIS could hurt us too
IRC Goliath - [goliath1@pacbell.net]
Friday, August 27, 2004 09:27:09 PM
MATT - Actually, it's Banquo, not BLanque, and he's the male mercenary (Fleance is the female one).
As for why and how Excalibur arrived in New York (I won't say Manhattan, because it was the Brooklyn Botanical Gardens where it wound up), I suppose that that question would have been answered if the "Pendragon" spin-off had gotten made. (I suspect that the "why" part was connected to the fact that Arthur was meant for a different setting than Britain this time around.)
I forgot one other little bit (which I think we all knew was going to happen at some point in the series), when Lexington cries out "Brooklyn!" and then has to explain that he means the place rather than the gargoyle. There's the drawback of naming yourself after New York locations. :) (Of course, Fox also made use of the "double meaning" in her PSA in "Upgrade".)
Todd Jensen
St. Louis, MO
Friday, August 27, 2004 09:08:17 PM
Pendragon> a great episode. for me, it was Griff that made this one a favorite of mine. its also the episode i probably quote the most, particularly Griff's quotes including "in for a penny, in for a pound", "that just about tears it" and i LOVE the way he says "the names Griff... who're you?"
anyway, i was thrilled to see a garg from a different Clan again, just as i'd be thrilled to see the Avalon Clan again later as well.
Todd mentioned Blanque's line "besides, you arn't even armed" and after that Hudson says "wrong again" i've always wondered about that line, cuz what was she initially wrong about taht made her wrong AGAIN? *shrugs*
another more interesting but unanswered question is one that Arthur asks about Excalibur, "yes, but why here, why not in Britain?" we never learn why or how Excalibur came to the States and to me tahts one of the more compeeling unanswered questions in the series... right there with "what did Titania whisper to Fox?"
g'night everybody!
Friday, August 27, 2004 08:43:53 PM
I think that the movie in question was "Q", which involved a flying reptile modeled on Quetzalcoatl, the Feathered Serpent (incidentally, Zafiro's character design in "The Green" was based on the Quetzalcoatl legend). I've never seen it, but I've heard about it.
GREG - Yep, I didn't think that you had anything to do with Ellen's outfit (for one thing, you're generally on the writing staff rather than the animation staff), but just thought it worth mentioning. (Maybe whoever did come up with it was fond of "Gargoyles".)
I watched my tape of "Pendragon" today, an episode that I'm still very fond of. (I remain mildly disappointed that the spin-off never got made. It's a sad commentary on American animation that the "Pendragon" spin-off never got made, but the dreadful "King Arthur and the Knights of Justice" got two full seasons.)
Arthur and Griff team up, something that I've sometimes wondered what Leo and Una thought of. Actually, I doubt that it was quite as upsetting for them. For one thing, the big reason why they were so troubled over Griff's disappearance back in 1940 was that they didn't know for certain what had happened to him; they assumed that he was dead, but they never found the body, so they couldn't be certain. (Una's line to Goliath about "Now you will share the torment of not knowing" confirms this suspicion of mine.) We can safely assume, on the other hand, that Griff would have let Leo and Una know that he was with King Arthur and that they were going on a quest for Merlin. Greg said that he called them up long-distance, and for that matter, it's likely that Arthur and Griff might have visited the Into the Mystic shop at some point during their quest to do some research on Merlin (the shop would be certain to have quite a few books on the most famous wizard of all time) that would give them some ideas on where to look for him next.
Macbeth becomes Arthur's adversary again, appropriately (after all, they're both famous legendary kings); I liked the fact that the writers remembered the Weird Sisters' memory wipe on Macbeth and Demona and so had Arthur recognize Macbeth but Macbeth not recognize Arthur. Banquo and Fleance make their return as well (strengthening the link to "A Lighthouse in the Sea of Time", where the Arthurian elements first entered "Gargoyles" - they've even got those Harrier jets again). Two bits that stand out about them to me still is the fact that they know that Macbeth is *the* Macbeth, and the bit where they're huddled underneath their umbrellas while Macbeth is reading the Latin scroll, Banquo grumbling "He ain't paying us enough for this!"
There's some strong indications here about Greg's plans for Arthur's ultimate home base being somewhere other than Britain; it's repeatedly stressed that Arthur's search for Excalibur is taking place in New York rather than Britain, and the Lady of the Lake especially brings it up. "This is not Britain, but a larger stage. Still, the world doth need a leader...." "The world", note, rather than "Britain".
Some other bits that stand out to me.
Arthur, after seeing that the person confronting him in Westminster Abbey, says "Oh, a gargoyle. For a moment I thought I was in danger." Something that humans confronted by gargoyles don't say too often. And Griff isn't too pleased about that bit, either.
Hudson and the trio have clearly had contact with both Renard and Diane Maza, mentioning the reports of Goliath's adventures in "Golem" and "Mark of the Panther".
I really liked the bit where Macbeth, after drawing the faux-Excalibur out of the stone dragon, refers to himself as "Macbeth, son of Findlaech" - it's neat to have these reminders of the characters of earlier episodes. Even after his death at the hands of Gillecomgain in "City of Stone Part One", Findlaech still manages to make his presence felt in "Gargoyles".
Banquo comments, in facing Hudson, "You aren't even armed" - and chooses the wrong gargoyle to say that to, since Hudson's the one gargoyle in the clan who's got a weapon (and his sword comes in handy here again). I found that moment amusing this time around.
Fun episode (and I suspect that many "Gargoyles" fans, even the ones who weren't that interested in King Arthur, liked getting a glimpse of what Hudson and the trio were up to in New York while Goliath, Elisa, and Bronx were away). One that I still have a soft spot for, and I'm really looking forward to the day when Greg Weisman gets to do his ramble for it.
Todd Jensen
St. Louis, MO
Friday, August 27, 2004 07:32:43 PM
Matt- No, I think it was a horror, made in the 70s or 80s and took place in New York, or some big city.
Friday, August 27, 2004 03:40:57 PM
Anyone who emailed me about the gargoyles dvd postcards.. I will be sending them out on monday. Last call for anyone who wants one. I'm also going to put in some of the promo stuff I got from the gargoyle comics booth at san diego comic con.
Shara - [jeanie54_2000@yahoo.com]
Friday, August 27, 2004 02:55:58 PM
Ellen Yin - I haven't seen a color model of the character. If the colors resemble Elisa, it is indeed a coincidence.
Wide Screen - Gargoyles was NEVER made for wide screen. The thought of redoing the animation for a widescreen DVD release is beyond bizarre to me.
Gilly - Is indeed short for Gilgamesh. Robbins' novel was titled GILGAMESH THE KING.
Friday, August 27, 2004 02:36:43 PM
Todd>> Interesting. I had been under the impression that the dog's name was "Ghillie" and thought it a very fitting (and Scottish) name for a guide dog.
Alex Garg - [alex_garg@yahoo.com]
Friday, August 27, 2004 01:16:45 PM
Holy crap! I'll be getting RotK on the 7th of course, and I just got season one of Batman in the mail... I didnt know 2 was due out so soon! RAWK! So lets see, Probably $30 for RotK (just the DVDs), $30 for Batman, I preordered Gargs from Amazon ($24) - But I will ALSO buy it from the store (another $30). So I need $100 to blow on the 7th.
Friday, August 27, 2004 12:06:32 PM
Now with correct spelling of my own name! WOW! Act now, operators standing by.
Hey, anyone need/want a gmail invite?
gorebash - [gorebash@s8.org]
Friday, August 27, 2004 11:19:38 AM
Suilad, Hm, Giant Butterfly God, does Mothra ring any bells.
Matt Fews
Friday, August 27, 2004 10:33:32 AM
DPH: We're working on how to handle repeat questions. I'm going to start work on implementing a couple features for this purpose (on the admin side) this weekend. I was suppose to start earlier this week but between late-night outings with friends, and my playing Path of the Shell, well, I didn't have time for anything else.
As for the whole, click no and it sends you to the search.... OF COURSE. duh. I can do that. I'll see about adding that in this morning. It's real easy to do. Thanks for the suggestion.
BTW I have completed the path of the shell so I should be back to work on AG now. :)
Gorebahs - [gorebash@s8.org]
Friday, August 27, 2004 09:17:45 AM
Giant Aztec butterfly god? I think I saw a movie about that once (really)
suilad - [springsprite@email.com]
Friday, August 27, 2004 08:25:02 AM
DPH - Greg Weisman has hinted in his remarks about Jeffrey Robbins that Gilly/Gilgamesh was so called because one of Jeffrey Robbins' earlier novels (before he met Hudson) was about the original Gilgamesh. (It might even have been the book that he showed Hudson, the one with the muscular man with the sword on the cover.)
Todd Jensen
St. Louis, MO
Friday, August 27, 2004 07:29:39 AM
Gorebash - I loved the pleasant suprise that occured when I submitted a question to Ask Greg. Too bad there wasn't more choices where if you click "No", a search would come up to see if your question had been previously answered. :-)
Friday, August 27, 2004 01:44:55 AM
Todd - I didn't catch that Gilly was short for Gilgamesh until you mentioned it. All the same, that leads to an interesting question of why name the dog Gilgamesh. Of course, I can't say much about names for dogs; One of mine was Samburg. A pure-breed collie. Nose was so long that it entered the doghouse the day before he did.
Friday, August 27, 2004 01:35:56 AM
My website is back up and running. No new Garg videos. A few new videos for other movies, like Mononoke. I am putting any new Garg videos to be made on hold, so I can start on my long awaited Buffy vids. Watch the site for updates and when I start back on Gargs, I'll post the news here.
I'm excited as all heck for the DVD. It's about time!!! Hopefully the cover doesn't make the show look like something from Sesame Street, like the Heroes Awaken one ;)
Thursday, August 26, 2004 11:47:46 PM
"I'm just happy we're finally getting the DVD and the episodes will be commercial free and uneditted. I'm not going to hold it against Disney for not going back and refomatting the episodes to fit widescreen format..."
Oh, I don't hold it against them either. I'm quite happy we're getting them on DVD, its just that I wish that it had been released in WS. It just bugs me a little because the way some scenes in Awakening were framed, it looked like it was drawn in 16x9. (characters sitting half-way off-screen, etc)
"especially since I doubt it is even possible to do so if the original footage was not produced in widescreen."
Oh, it'd have to be re-animated all over again in order for it to be released in WS. Some scenes it would only require extending of the background (assuming the original frames were available and in 100% mint condition) but quite a few would have to be re-drawn.
"Personally, I dislike widescreen because the "letterbox" format you get on a regular TV means the overall image is that much smaller."
Again, this is all subject to preferences, but I honestly don't even notice the bars, even on my 25" TV in my bedroom. Of course, this is all moot once the big switch is thrown and everyone is forced to use HDTV which is widescreen.
At any rate, I've got two gmail invites left. If anyone wants one, send me an e-mail to md2389@gmail.com (hotmail and yahoo block invites) and I'll be glad to hook you up.
Thursday, August 26, 2004 11:09:09 PM
Thursday, August 26, 2004 11:03:14 PM
Thursday, August 26, 2004 10:43:09 PM
Hello Again, here's the link to my VH1 "I Love the 90's" Post on Gargoyles. Keep it on the first page by replying with your support of getting it on "Strikes Back"!. UK fans can use the zipcode 97212 during registration. Here's the link:
Thursday, August 26, 2004 09:43:27 PM
Of course, it's always possible that if you followed the butterflies, they might lead you to a gigantic butterfly. :) Come to think of it, I remember reading about a really unpleasant Aztec god who looked like a giant butterfly, although I can't remember his name. Maybe the butterflies would lead you to him.
Todd Jensen
St. Louis, MO
Thursday, August 26, 2004 08:07:17 PM
I re-watched "Mark of the Panther" at the Gathering a couple weeks ago. For some reason, as they were entering the abandoned village, I couldn't help saying "Follow the spiders? Why couldn't it be follow the butterflies!"
103 days left until the Gargoyles DVD is released on December 7, 2004!
6 days left to get your Gathering Diaries posted to Ask Greg!
Thursday, August 26, 2004 07:55:34 PM
Thanks for your comments about the Penguin, Greg. So it apparently was just a coincidence that the direction that the Penguin appears to be going in in "The Batman" was similar to that which you wanted to see him go in. (I'm definitely certain that Ellen Yin's outfit's similarity to Elisa's is coincidence, at least.)
DPH - Well, Gilgamesh has some significance in the Gargoyles Universe, given that Jeffrey Robbins' dog was named after him.
Watched my tape of "Mark of the Panther" today. Some comments on it.
Greg stated at "Ask Greg" (and so far I haven't found where he wrote it although I was searching the archives a little while ago before typing this comment) that one of the reasons why Disney heroines don't seem to have mothers around is that the mother would be able to straighten out the problems of the story, just like that. And here, Diane Maza, when she shows up, is able to play a major role in straightening out the problem of Goliath being unwilling to acknowledge Angela. I'm looking forward to Greg's comments on this one when he rambles on this episode at last. (I'm certain that he'll have much to say on the compare-and-contrast element with Elisa and Diane, Angela and Goliath, and Tea and Fara Maku.) Note, incidentally, that thanks to Diane, Elisa has challenged that stereotype about Disney heroines, in having an on-stage biological mother. (Now if she were to be Angela's stepmother, there'd be another Disney stereotype blown out of the water....)
My favorite scene with Diane, incidentally, is when she tells Goliath that she's able to look after herself, and Goliath (maybe thinking at that moment "like mother, like daughter") comments "Of course".
One of my favorite bits about this episode is the Panther Queen legend - to be precise, the way that the animation style alters during the story to look more like "African art".
I'm not as familiar with Anansi as I am with the European mythological figures in "Gargoyles", but I do know one thing about him that holds true in this episode; his schemes have a way of backfiring upon him. Which happens to him twice in "Mark of the Panther". First, after he becomes angry over having to turn the Panther Queen's son into a panther, he banishes everyone from Karadigi - but discovers too late that he's just sent away his entire hunting force and will now go hungry. Then, he feasts heartily from the food that Fara Maku brings him - but feasts too heartily, and winds up so fat and ungainly that once his web is cut, he's helpless. (Given how big he got, he should be glad that he's one of the Third Race - that's the only way a spider of that size would be able to survive.)
S&P clearly had their say in this episode, since both the dead panther (killed by Tea and the other poachers) and the Panther Queen bringing down an antelope for Anansi are carefully placed offstage (though we know that they're both there).
Elisa delivers a little barb at Marvel Comics when she nicknames Anansi "Spiderman".
Incidentally, I have a crazy little creativity demon about an alternate, and much, much shorter version of the Panther Queen legend, which goes as follows: "She mocked the hippo. She mocked the crocodile...." And then we see a crocodile walking about with the tip of a panther's tail protruding out of its mouth and strong indications that there's more inside.
Diane does a little Indiana Jones hommage with her "Why did it have to be spiders?" line.
Todd Jensen
St. Louis, MO
Thursday, August 26, 2004 07:10:35 PM
Todd - Ahh. Spending time with family is always extremely important. "A friend loveth at all times and a brother is born for adversity" really applies about the relationship between my brother and me.
Also, in my World Lit 1 class that I'm taking this semester, the teacher mentioned "Gilgamesh". Being about half-awake at the time, I thought the teacher was using the same name as our 1st Hunter.
Thursday, August 26, 2004 06:45:51 PM
Todd> Re: Penguin. You're giving me too much credit. I haven't written any Penguin episodes and had nothing to do with his development for the new "The Batman" series. Keep in mind that I'm just a hired gun there. This time around, The Batman is Duane Capizzi's baby. Duane's an extremely talented guy, and I'm sure he knows exactly what it takes to make a great villain.
For the record, I did work on the first (but not only) Mr. Freeze and Clayface episodes, so I had a bit more to do with their development, but real credit should still go to Duane.
Thursday, August 26, 2004 02:01:33 PM
Widescreen> I'm with Nickerous on this. A pan-and-scan version of a widescreen film is kind of the visual equivalent of the "Heroes Awakwen" cut of "Awakening". You still get something watchable, but it's not really the whole piece as the creators intended it. So when possible and appropriate, we watch our movies 16x9.
December 7 DVD Deluge> I think my wallet is going on strike.
Seriously though, I'm working on a plan to spread out the financial pain a little bit:
-preorder the Disney Treasures set, once I find it online for a good price.
-get some of the multiple copies of Gargoyles I will be buying online, especially ones that need to be shipped to other people anyway.
-On Dec 7, buy at least one copy of Gargoyles at a local store ( I want to support it at the brick-and-mortar level too) and one copy of Batman: Vol 2. I may preorder these at the store, depending on my mood.
-Wait on Superman. I like it and want to own it eventually, but it isn't as urgent a need as Batman or Gargoyles.
-Skip Return of the King. I did really like the Lord of the Rings films, but I don't need to own this. And since I haven't bought any of the others, it's kind of a no-brainer.
I hope everyone else weathers this big DVD day well.
Demonskrye - [demonskrye(at)aol.com]
Thursday, August 26, 2004 12:27:27 PM
Personally, I like widescreen better. I was one of the widescreen haters a few years ago, but after working in a movie theater, and seeing the kind of cuts that are made for a pan and scan release, I'll never buy another pan and scan (that's fullscreen if one did not know).
I plan on purchasing Gargoyles through Amazon, whenever the mass-purchasing thing is announced. Then, I can buy the other 3 releases with my paycheck. This is not Pokemon, but, "gotta have 'em all!". ^_^
Nickerous - [nickerous@yahoo.com]
Thursday, August 26, 2004 12:00:27 PM
Gore, didja receive my E-mail, cause I've a bunch of new pictures of everyone to send you including a tearful Demona from CoS 4.
Matt Fews
Thursday, August 26, 2004 10:38:44 AM
Scratch that! I had to go in a roundabout way, but I got all my files back and working!!! Everyone is here and accounted for!!! *kisses her computer*
Thursday, August 26, 2004 02:40:42 AM
I've been having a terrible time trying to get my webpage to work. One thing after another, long story and now I can SEE my files, I just can't download them. I am moving to a new server, but unfortunatly lost some videos on the way. If anyone has any of the videos listed below, PLEASE email them to me or upload them and let me download from your site!!!
All from Gargoyles...
Everybody's Fool
What's This?
I Think I'm A Clone Now
"The Massacre"/Boadicea
Thank you,
*runs off like a garg with her head cut off, trying to get her page working again*
Siren - [sirengarg@yahoo.com]
Thursday, August 26, 2004 02:02:02 AM
Random thoughts...
Do you think Lexington would have got Xanatos busted for mp3 download and bittorent leeches by now?
IRC Goliath - [goliath1@pacbell.net]
Thursday, August 26, 2004 01:40:02 AM
Hello Again, here's the link to my VH1 "I Love the 90's" Post on Gargoyles. Keep it on the first page by replying with your support of getting it on "Strikes Back"!. UK fans can use the zipcode 97212 during registration. Here's the link:
Thursday, August 26, 2004 01:30:53 AM
I have postcards from comic con at san diego california, of the dvd Releases if anyone is interested in having a kewl item for your gargoyles collection let me know. They where handing them out in bucket loads to promote the DVD.
So if anyone wants one agian let me know.
Shara - [Jeanie54_2000@yahoo.com]
Thursday, August 26, 2004 12:24:20 AM
I'm just happy we're finally getting the DVD and the episodes will be commercial free and uneditted. I'm not going to hold it against Disney for not going back and refomatting the episodes to fit widescreen format... especially since I doubt it is even possible to do so if the original footage was not produced in widescreen. Personally, I dislike widescreen because the "letterbox" format you get on a regular TV means the overall image is that much smaller.
Wednesday, August 25, 2004 11:47:57 PM
Vertigo> That read more like a demand than a wish. Only way to get widesceen out of it would be too chop up both the top and the bottom of the screen. I'd rather they not did that.
Greg Bishansky
Wednesday, August 25, 2004 11:44:30 PM
Patrick: There have been shows that air on TV in 4x3 but are released in 16x9 format in the past. (ie: Stargate SG-1) At any rate, you mis-understood my post. That was more of a wish than anything else. As if it wasn't abundantly clear in my last post, I don't really care for the 4x3 format since its a butchery of widescreen.
Wednesday, August 25, 2004 11:24:29 PM
Batman I'll be waiting a couple of weeks on, and Superman I have no desire whatsoever to own.
Greg Bishansky
Wednesday, August 25, 2004 09:29:13 PM
Not only ROTK:EE, but this afternoon Batman:TAS Volume 2 and Superman:TAS Volume 1 were also announced for December 7th.
Could anyone who has a copy of that press release forward it to my e-mail account? Then I can likely get it up at Toon Zone News. Thank you!
William C. Maune - [meteo@toonzone.net]
Columbia, Missouri, USA
Wednesday, August 25, 2004 09:12:44 PM
Won't be a problem for me. I didn;t even see Return of the King in theatres, so the desire to buy a DVD will be nil at best.
December 7th's all about Gargoyles, baby.
Wednesday, August 25, 2004 08:53:22 PM
DECEMBER 7> DARN! Now I will have to save up AT LEAST $500. You see, I need three copies of Gargs, Micky Mouse in Black and White Vol 2, The Complete Pluto, LOTR III EXT... that right there should run me $200, and there is a few more I DIDN'T mention...
That is all I will say.
Battle Beast
GO CANADA GO!!! , Canada
Wednesday, August 25, 2004 08:48:47 PM
<<If you ask me, it should've been released in widescreen and *only* in widescreen.>>
And how would you propose they do that, when it is a TV SERIES from the early 1990s that was formatted to be shown at the standard 1.33:1 television aspect ratio?
Sheesh. Get a clue.
Wednesday, August 25, 2004 08:39:40 PM
Hey, all.
I actually got around to writing a Gathering report this year, and I know some people collect links to such things, so I figured I'd post here rather than just letting people find it on Ask Greg. Just hit the link.
I had fun seeing everyone again. See y'all next year in Vegas!
Quindar - [quindar@backtick.net]
Wednesday, August 25, 2004 07:57:30 PM
Todd> Doesn't surprise me, I saw that coming.
I'll actually be picking up both. Well, three copies of Gargs, one for me, one for a friend, one for my cousin. ROTK I'll be getting just for me. Though I'll probably be buying more Gargs DVDs later also, I'll want a second to keep in the shrink wrap, and one for another friend at least.
Greg Bishansky
Wednesday, August 25, 2004 07:45:38 PM
DPH - Greg's away this week visiting relatives at Las Vegas (and maybe getting a general understanding of the town's topography for the Gathering next year). He should be back next week, I hope.
One piece of news that may or may not be of interest here. The Extended Edition of "The Return of the King" will be released on DVD on December 7. Let's hope that it doesn't upstage the "Gargoyles" DVD release (and I never thought that I'd be even marginally rooting against a Tolkien-related product before).
Todd Jensen
St. Louis, MO
Wednesday, August 25, 2004 06:48:11 PM
Is Greg Weisman back on vacation? I noticed because because I haven't seen any new responses this week and assumed Ask Greg was still operational.
Anyways, Gorebash, I have a relatively stupid question. Suppose you get somebody new in and he/she starts letting a flood of questions go through that could have been answered by quoting Greg. Is there some way to show a list of questions that have been approved vs those waiting in line to be approved?
Wednesday, August 25, 2004 06:41:39 PM
"DVD Aspect ratio: 1.33:1 (full-frame) formatted 4x3"
Let the universal booing begin. That is unless 4x3 was the original aspect ratio. If you ask me, it should've been released in widescreen and *only* in widescreen.
Wednesday, August 25, 2004 06:32:41 PM
Gargoyles movie> The sad thing is, it isn't a fake. The studio's official site is here (http://www.avriofilmworks.com/index2.html). I found other sites where they interviewed the crew, and on one they had samples of the sountrack (which was decent, at least. Wish I knew the same could be said for the movie). I put up a list of all known "gargoyle" movies made or in the works at GNC.
Con attendance> It's interesting that you doubt that the G2000 attendance was 225, Patrick, since your G2001 page listed that same number. I saved the stats from that page, which include the numbers of dealers and guests. I can send those to you too if you don't already have them, Gore.
Battle Beast> Tsk, Greg said that it was a mistake to include Spiner, since he doesn't appear until season 2, and now they make it worse by including Mulgrew! Hope they doesn't get sued for false advertising by rabid Trekkies. =P
Wednesday, August 25, 2004 01:51:02 PM
Available On December 7
BURBANK, Calif, August 24, 2004 - Enter the mythical world of "Gargoyles" with the
GARGOYLES SEASON 1 DVD COLLECTION. This special 10th anniversary, two-disc
DVD set features the complete first season of the action-packed show. Fans will discover a
bonus audio commentary from the filmmakers on the pilot episode, an original network affiliate
pitch with creator introduction, and "Gathering of the Gargoyles," a behind-the-scenes special
"Gargoyles" is the story of the fantastic, ancient creatures that once guarded a medieval Scottish
fortress, and who now come to life at night to protect the city of Manhattan from evil. Legions
of loyal fans continue to follow "Gargoyles," and the series features star voice talents including
"Star Trek: The Next Generation" stars Michael Dorn, Jonathan Frakes, Marina Sirtis and Brent
Spiner, and "Star Trek Voyager" star Kate Mulgrew. Available only on DVD December 7 from
Buena Vista Home Entertainment.
STREET DATE: December 7, 2004
Direct Prebook: October 12, 2004
Distributor Prebook: October 26, 2004
Suggested retail price: $29.99 (DVD)
DVD Aspect ratio: 1.33:1 (full-frame) formatted 4x3
Sound: Dolby® Digital 2.0
Rating: Not rated.
Bonus materials not rated and subject to change.
Battle Beast
CanadaWednesday, August 25, 2004 01:11:01 PM
Gorebash > There's no way there could have been 225 people at the 2000 con. I remember how those of us on the 2001 con staff went home from 2000 feeling really good that over half the people in attendance had pre-registered for 2001, and there were just over 80 pre-registrations.
Wednesday, August 25, 2004 12:28:23 PM
See my nick for a link into the Way Back Machine which has a page from the 2003 con listing some numbers.
Patrick: these match up pretty good with your numbers, except for the 2000 con. Since that was one of your rough estimates, and the 2002 & 2003 were also roughs, I'm going to try and seek out other sources to confirm the numbers for those cons.
So anyone working the 2002 or 2003 Gatherings remember the attendance? Can you let me know (via e-mail, or post to the CR) what the attendance numbers were? I'd appreciate that very much.
Beth: Hah! Not so fast dearie. I believe you have a con to attend in Vegas next year? THEN we'll see. Mwahaha.
Gorebash - [gorebash@s8.org]
Wednesday, August 25, 2004 11:46:42 AM
Ellen- I find your color perfectly readable, and appropriate for the picture :)
Wednesday, August 25, 2004 09:29:29 AM
Ever since I first posted here, I've used this image because it didn't appear to be used very frequently, because I'm a writer, and because the literary aspect of the series appeals to me. I use this color because I like it (although I may switch to a more readable hue). It never occurred to me to ask anyone before using either the color or the image, although I would have felt differently regarding the image if it had been more commonly used. Likewise, I don't care who else uses either this image or this color. My name is the only feature of my posts about which I feel at all proprietary.
Wednesday, August 25, 2004 09:23:01 AM
Ah, yes, I remember there being quite a flame war a long time ago when other people starting my signature pic which at that time was none other than Griff, coincidentally that was my handle as well.
Matt Fews
Wednesday, August 25, 2004 08:14:10 AM
Jumping back to my Phoenix Gate remark from yesterday - of course, the real fun in that would be to, after going into the future to see the movie, returning to the present to tell the movie production people all the details about the plot before they've worked out the story, so that they write the script for it based on the information that you gave them - thus starting off yet another time loop and driving people further up the wall in confusion.
And so far, nobody other than myself seems to have used King Arthur for a signature pic; if they were to do that, I'm not sure what my response would be.
Todd Jensen
St. Louis, MO
Wednesday, August 25, 2004 07:27:37 AM
I don't really mind if anyone uses this image, but anyone who does would just be a pale imitation since everyone knows that I am the original Puck. ;)
Beth > I believe it was closer to 80 people in 1997, and grew to about 100 in 1998. In 1997, the whole convention took place in a single meeting room.
Gore > I e-mailed you the numbers that we obtained in 2001 by way of best recollection and questioning of former staffers.
CKayote > No, you're DeLorean won't work... but that's because those cars are famous for never starting up when you need them to. ;)
104 days left until the Gargoyles DVD is released on December 7, 2004!
7 days left to get your Gathering Diaries posted to Ask Greg!
Patrick - [<-- please post Gathering Diaries to Ask Greg]
Wednesday, August 25, 2004 07:01:45 AM
okay this is just too freaky...I was planning a vegas trip myself with some friends around 2005 and now the gathering is happening out there, I've been away from the fandom too long
Shogun raptor
Wednesday, August 25, 2004 04:46:37 AM
Its just nice if people all use a different image. I only want to start using an image so I can find my last post in the sea of posts ^_- This comment room fills up pretty fast.
Wednesday, August 25, 2004 01:45:39 AM
Hello Again, here's the link to my VH1 "I Love the 90's" Post on Gargoyles. Keep it on the first page by replying with your support of getting it on "Strikes Back"!. UK fans can use the zipcode 97212 during registration. Here's the link:
P.S. Since the 2005 Gathering is in Vegas, doesn't that mean there might be some people who walk in out of curiousity? Also, who wants to place bets that the most popular costume for the masquerade will be Christine Morgan's Godiva? :-)
Wednesday, August 25, 2004 01:23:59 AM
I used to post wth this pic a lot. Maybe I'll start again. Pics are here for a reason.
<----- I make that smirk in real life all the time ;)
Greg Bishansky
Wednesday, August 25, 2004 01:02:46 AM
Todd: So my DeLourien won't work then?
CKayote - [CKayote@worldnet.att.net]
Orlando, FL
Wednesday, August 25, 2004 12:08:11 AM
image & color> as those of you with good memories will recall, when i first started posting here 4 years ago (wow, time flies) i used the Gabriel image with some light blue color or something because Gabriel is part of my middle name and i always thought gabriel was a cool character. taht all changed when Gabriel from Texas started posting here and started using the gabriel image. although he said we could share the image, i decided taht since Gabriel was his first name he should keep it and i'd start using a new image that no one else would be likely to use. so i started using the one have now. i like it cuz i always loved the "Hound of Ulster" episode and the multiple "Wizard of Oz" quotes and use of the word "cairn" reminded me of my dog, Gus, who is a Cairn Terrier and is descended from the dog that played Toto.
so to make a long story short, yeah, it would bug me if someone started using Cuchullin because i've become attached and think there are plenty of other unused images to choose from...
Tuesday, August 24, 2004 11:49:51 PM
By a show of "yays" and "nays," would do you get mad if someone else uses the image/color you use?
Just wondering.
Battle Beast
GO CANADA GO!!! , Canada
Tuesday, August 24, 2004 11:00:15 PM
PS, no one seems to use this picture. Which is odd to me, since I love the weird sisters. Unless of course, this isn't the picture I'm thinking of. Anyway, anyone mind if I grab it?
Tuesday, August 24, 2004 10:25:47 PM
I know *someone* has the numbers, because we'd posted them on the G2002 website. I'd only be guessing if I started reciting numbers, though.
Tuesday, August 24, 2004 10:22:50 PM
Gorebash - don't remember exact #, but I think about 100 people showed up in 97....now where are the Beth pics? :-)
Beth Maza
Tuesday, August 24, 2004 10:11:16 PM
PATRICK - [You can't have reviews for a film that hasn't even been made yet.]
Unless you've got the Phoenix Gate, of course. :)
Todd Jensen
St. Louis, MO
Tuesday, August 24, 2004 06:56:04 PM
Can anyone provide hard numbers for attendance at any of the Gatherings we've had thus far? Anyone *cough*Beth Maza*cough* from the early cons remember what the final # of registrations were?
I'd just like to get a perspective on things.
Also, I've got a feeling the 2005 con in Vegas is probably going to be huge. Given that the con itself will get its most widespread advertising ever in the form of the DVD.
Gorebash - [gorebash@s8.org]
Tuesday, August 24, 2004 06:00:16 PM
Hello Again, here's the link to my VH1 "I Love the 90's" Post on Gargoyles. Keep it on the first page by replying with your support of getting it on "Strikes Back"!. UK fans can use the zipcode 97212 during registration. Here's the link:
Tuesday, August 24, 2004 02:16:10 PM
A wise man once said 'Think not what your fandom can do 4 U but what U can do 4 your fandom' so here goes nothing.
It's the ultimate screenshot archive (in German of course)
Matt Fews
Tuesday, August 24, 2004 02:01:04 PM
Ack... somehow I neglected to set my color and image this morning.
CKayote > I've seen Stephen Sobotka in the chat room as recently as last night.
And while we're looking for people... has anyone heard anything from Kathy Pogge recently? She always writes a pretty nice Gathering Diary, so I'm hoping she gets her internet problems resolved before the Ask Greg deadline passes.
DPH > Do we really need fake reviews? How do all those "in production" movies ever get on to IMDb if reviews are needed? You can't have reviews for a film that hasn't even been made yet.
Coming this holiday season: Sean Connery... Adam Sandler... "007 Crazy Nights."
Tuesday, August 24, 2004 12:30:57 PM
Fake movies: Be fun to see where this one goes.
But on another note, I've just now gotten back internet access after Hurricane Charlie, and I'm wondering has anyone heard from Steven Spoboka(I can't spell his last name)?
CKayote - [CKayote@worldnet.att.net]
Orlando, FL
Tuesday, August 24, 2004 12:08:05 PM
Patrick - I'd try to pull my last April's Fool Day joke from the other cr which everybody caught onto as fake. I'd make the movie the introduction for a new series. Let's see, to pull off the prank, I'd probably need about 10 other people to wrote false reviews of the movie trailers and to keep it realistic 2 really bad reviews, 2 really good reviews, and the rest somewhere in between.
Hey, if it worked well, . . .
Tuesday, August 24, 2004 11:48:37 AM
Patrick, How about a Dragonheart/Anger Management spinoff called Dragon Rage.
Matt Fews
Tuesday, August 24, 2004 08:24:15 AM
DPH > I think I'd start by "casting" a very unlikely duo as the stars of my "movie"... like maybe Adam Sandler and Sean Connery. And then I'd need a title...
105 days left until the Gargoyles DVD is released on December 7, 2004!
8 days left to get your Gathering Diaries posted to Ask Greg!
Patrick - [<-- please post Gathering Diaries here]
Tuesday, August 24, 2004 06:52:51 AM
Patrick - let me know if the scam works. :-) I'd like to have a couple of false movies I'd love to see listed and might even see about getting fake reviewers of movie trailers from different people. I'd love to see a fake movie advertised, false good reviews about the movie trailer, and everybody starts hopping out wanting to see this movie - that wasn't even made.
ar, usa
Tuesday, August 24, 2004 05:04:10 AM
Just a repost to update that the journal is finished! Pics will be added after time but for now, the text is firm. Enjoy the memories, gang!
Jade Griffin
Tuesday, August 24, 2004 12:16:37 AM
PATRICK - Great creativity demon. Those jalapena peppers just keep on causing trouble. :)
Todd Jensen
St. Louis, MO
Monday, August 23, 2004 07:02:07 PM
Anyone got a collection of oddball screenshots from the show where, it would appear, the animator(s) had a little fun?
I found this one from Hunter's Moon part 1:
Now am I seeing things or is Brooklyn doing the ^_^ face?
Anyone got any others?
Monday, August 23, 2004 06:51:48 PM
Hello Again, here's the link to my VH1 "I Love the 90's" Post on Gargoyles. Keep it on the first page by replying with your support of getting it on "Strikes Back"!. UK fans can use the zipcode 97212 during registration. Here's the link to copy and paste:
Monday, August 23, 2004 03:08:25 PM
Lex: (excited) Hey guys, check out the stats about this new "Gargoyles" movie on IMDb.com!
Brooklyn: (confused) "Winged, fire-spitting creatures"? Where the heck did they get THAT from?
Angela: (glares at her mate) You see? This is why I told you not to keep snacking on those jalapeno peppers during our "60 Minutes" interview!
Broadway: (sheepish) Sorry.
* * * * *
You know... I'm beginning to suspect you can submit just about anything to IMDb and it will be posted. In fact, I am very tempted to just invent a totally bogus movie and give it a try.
106 days left until the Gargoyles DVD is released on December 7, 2004!
9 days left to get your Gathering Journals posted to Ask Greg!
Monday, August 23, 2004 12:38:31 PM
Thanks to everyone who wished me a happy birthday.
Another thought about what I'd read about "The Batman" in relation to "Gargoyles" - or, more accurately, to Greg Weisman (who mentioned working on it). In the "list of characters" that I've read for the upcoming series, the Penguin is described as a sort of "anti-Bruce Wayne", wealthy like Bruce, but unlike him, short and decidedly unimpressive in appearance, in a way that makes him appear in the eyes of those who know him almost ridiculous, and who is bitter towards Bruce for being everything that he isn't (in fact, unlike the other Gotham City villains, his feud is with Bruce Wayne in his Bruce Wayne persona, not Bruce Wayne in his Batman persona). I wonder if Greg could have had something to do with this take on the Penguin, since it strongly echoes a remark that he once made about him in a mini-essay that he did at "Ask Greg" some years ago about how the secret to making a great villain is to have him come across as a twisted echo of the hero, using Batman's antagonists to illustrate this:
<Penguin always stumped me until I saw the movie BATMAN RETURNS. Now, I didn't care for that movie much. I thought it was a mess. But the one truly brilliant addition to the Batman mythos was the notion that the Penguin was a monster. Batman has a monster inside him. And he puts on a monstrous aspect to give that monster reign. Tim Burton's Penguin was born to that misshapen life. Suddenly, the villain worked for me.>
Which does describe pretty well (in terms of the "misshapen" part) the Penguin as he's being done in "The Batman". I can't help but suspect that Greg Weisman may well have had something to do with that.
Todd Jensen
St. Louis, MO
Monday, August 23, 2004 07:25:41 AM
suilad - Ugh! Terrible!
Monday, August 23, 2004 07:12:07 AM
What the?
Oklahoma City
Monday, August 23, 2004 05:09:45 AM
Hello Again, here's the link to my VH1 "I Love the 90's" Post on Gargoyles. Keep it on the first page by replying with your support of getting it on "Strikes Back"!. UK fans can use the zipcode 97212 during registration. Here's the link:
Monday, August 23, 2004 02:35:43 AM
Eighth, man it's been years since I've been here
Shogun Raptor
Monday, August 23, 2004 02:27:01 AM
JJ Gregarius
Tampa, FL
Monday, August 23, 2004 01:38:05 AM
The Sadistic Cow
Monday, August 23, 2004 12:59:31 AM
Damn, you guys are fast!
D. Taina
Monday, August 23, 2004 12:58:52 AM
Greg Bishansky
Monday, August 23, 2004 12:56:38 AM
Monday, August 23, 2004 12:50:39 AM
#3!! (just following tradition, not spamming)
Monday, August 23, 2004 12:22:40 AM
Will finish this up shortly. This is what is up so far:
See ya soon!!
Jade Griffin
Monday, August 23, 2004 12:14:36 AM
Monday, August 23, 2004 12:11:48 AM