A Station Eight Fan Web Site
Yes "Buffy" Wesley is a great comparison for Owen...and now I'll probably never be able to watch him in Buffy or Angel without thinking of Owen, lol. But he does evolve quite a lot in Angel, so much as to not really be a good comparison for Owen anymore...unless Owen started showing feeling suddenly or something...and that would be freaky.
A loved the Once More With Feeling musical episode of Buffy, the soundtrack is great :)
A Gargoyles musical? That would be fun to see...I bet courtesy of everyone's loveable trickster!
Sunday, October 3, 2004 09:59:26 PM
More comparisons...
Fox and Giles.
Both changed into a different creature (Fox into the werefox, and Giles into a demon) and no one realized it was them (except Xanatos for Fox).
Elisa and Buffy.
Both change into what their potential lover is (Elisa became a gargoyle in the Mirror and Buffy was a vampire for the last few minutes of the S1 episode Nightmares) Although Buffy hates vampires (except Angel) and Elisa likes gargoyles. But yeah...
Spike and Xanatos.
Both were evil at first, but eventually helped out the good guys. Spike gradually started to in Season 4 with the chip; Xanatos after the gargoyles saved his son.
Wesley and Owen
They're both snobby (BtVS Wesley - I haven't seen much of "Angel" but I understand he's evolved). And they wear glasses. Tee hee.
I can't think of anymore at the moment. But I just had a funny thought - they had a musical episode for Buffy. If (I mean WHEN) Gargoyles returns, they should make a musical episode! That'd be hilarious!
Kristen - [zzilly14@yahoo.com]
Virginia, USA
Sunday, October 3, 2004 08:33:42 PM
How about Elisa and Jason/Buffy and Riley?
In each case we have a couple who are attracted to each other. Secretly, both members of the couple are leading lives interacting with mythical beings; furthermore, the female member of the couple is aware of the male character's alter ego's organization (the Hunters in "Gargoyles", the Initiative in "Buffy"), but doesn't know that the male character (whether Jason or Riley) is part of it. Likewise, the male character doesn't know that the female character is involved in the same "hidden world" as he is. (The biggest difference is that Buffy and Riley were both fighting the vampires and demons, while Elisa was on the side of the gargoyles that Jason was seeking to kill.) And then, in a dramatic moment, they discover each other's secret lives (more completely in "Buffy"; Jason doesn't learn that Elisa is on the side of the gargoyles until the day after he rescues her from the bombing of the clock tower).
Todd Jensen
St. Louis, MO
Sunday, October 3, 2004 07:18:42 PM
I noticed something on Amazon as I was browsing...
I was looking at some Buffy, Batman:TAS, My Little Pony, and X-Men DVDs and under "Customers Who Bought this DVD also bought:" Gargoyles is listed everytime :D
Sunday, October 3, 2004 06:36:57 PM
Yes, this Buffy thing is fun. Great comparrisons guys
Hm...Coldstone and Spike. Both had voices in their head that drove them insane now and then. Both defeated the voices in one way or another. Coldstone with Puck and Alexander's help to put the other voices in new bodies. Spike by fighting back against the First and his misfiring chip.
Coldstone and Adam are both cyborgs. Both lost in what their new purpose in life is.
Goliath and Buffy have both passed through portals to other dimensions and times. Buffy with the first Slayer several times, in the hellish dimension in "Anne". Goliath with the Phoenix Gate and Future Tense.
Future Tense and Xander's "future" in Hell's Bells
Goliath saw his own personal hell in Future Tense. Xander had his own, seeing himself turning into all that he feared. Anya and him fighting. Him drinking and not taking care of his family. And even one of the children certainly didn't look anything like Xander, more like Clem, so Anya was seeking emotional and sexual needs elsewhere. lol
Goliath saw Demona with Brooklyn. Watched Broadway die. And found out Lexington was the cause of all of it.
Also at the end of both episodes, we find it was all an illusion. Puck made Future Tense and an old victim of Anya's made Hell's Bells. But Goliath fears it will come true. And Xander feels it will come true. Goliath wants to rush home to be sure it hasn't. And Xander leaves Anya at the alter to make sure it doesn't happen.
Warren and Lexington
Both are whizs with technolgy and later use it against those who oppose them.
Sunday, October 3, 2004 06:14:51 PM
ooo, Buffy and Gargoyle comparisons...spiffy.
And yes Siren, please make another one!!! I can't wait to see what your second trailer looks like.
Sunday, October 3, 2004 05:32:46 PM
Anybody read Ask Greg recently? I thought the response of why there is no snow on Avalon to be interesting, implying that the climate/weather on Avalon is decided by somebody, probably Oberon.
Sunday, October 3, 2004 03:15:49 PM
I thought of more!!! LoL.
Brooklyn and Xander in the Romance Department
It's kind of a stretch maybe. But whenever Brooklyn looks for love, he gets rejected (Maggie, Angela). Whenever Xander looks for love, he finds a demon (Mantis-lady, mummy, Anya, Ashanti in season 7). They have bad luck when it comes to love. My heart goes out to those two fellas :(
Willow and Demona
They're redheads!! LoL. They've both also killed people. They both have gotten to the dark side (although Willow's time there was a MUCH MUCH shorter time than Demona's, and Demona still hasn't gotten on the road to redemption yet). And they both can do magic (Demona in Temptation with the Grimorum).
Willow and Lex
They're both computer nerds :) And both gay (Lex will be according to Greg's master plan)
Giles and Hudson
Both have accents unlike everyone else. Both don't understand modern stuff (computers, television, etc.) And they're older than everyone else. LoL.
Kristen - [zzilly14@yahoo.com]
Virginia, USA
Sunday, October 3, 2004 03:09:37 PM
Interesting comparisons, Siren. I love Buffy a whole lot!! I currently have seasons 1-3 on DVD, and am looking forward to *hopefully* getting the rest of the series on my birthday and Christmas (I'll probably at least get 4 and 5, but 6 is my fave!)
Anyway, hehe. Hmm, more comparisons to Gargoyles?
*thinks for a few minutes*
Oooh just thought of one!!!
Giles/Ethan and Demona/Macbeth
Giles and Ethan Rayne are former friends from their younger days, and are bound together by that god they called so they could get high (those tattoos they have, although Ethan got rid of his in "The Dark Ages"). They now are bitter rivals.
Demona and Macbeth used to be allies back when they were "younger" (in the Middle Ages) and are bound together by a spell. They are now bitter rivals.
Kristen - [zzilly14@yahoo.com]
Virginia, USA
Sunday, October 3, 2004 02:59:27 PM
Random thought:
With all this gearing up for the show, I was thinking of a group of people who may not know Gargoyles, but probably love it. Buffy fans. Both shows are similar in make-up. Much better then the over-used and less comparative then Batman:TAS
Gargoyles protect.
Slayers slay.
Both are born to do what is instilled in them. They can't help it. It's like they breathe. Even Demona. Though she doesn't protect humanity, she protects her species.
Buffy has tried not to slay, but no matter what she does, even running away in "Anne", she can't get away from slayage.
Angel and Buffy/Elisa and Goliath
Obvious here. Buffy is a human and a Slayer. It's her job to slay vampires. Angel is a vampire with a soul. If Buffy were to remain with him all her life, many of her dreams wouldn't come true. Mainly the thought of having children one day. Also, how would they live normally?
Elisa and Goliath the same. They can't have children naturally. And even if they could, what would that mean for them later. As much as they'd want to say they didn't care what the world think, they'd have to care, because their lives would be in danger from those who hate gargoyles and hate the idea of a human and gargoyle together. Elisa wants to get married, have kids, live a normal life. Goliath can't give her that. And Angel can't do the same for Buffy.
Demona and Angel.
Both are characters torn by their own crimes. Demona subconciously realizes she is her own worst enemy. City of Stone's password, "Alone". Why choose "Alone"? And the Weird Sisters and Goliath helped her realize all the pain she caused. As well as Angela rebuffing her motherly "advice" and going so far as to "hate" her.
Angel was cursed with his own soul and has to live the thoughts and memories of his terrible crimes. No matter what, he's still a vampire, he can't change that. But his soul reminds him what a terrible monster he really was.
Xanatos and the Mayor
Both like control. And when something gets in their way, they usually hire someone to get rid of it. For the Mayor, it was getting rid of Buffy, Angel, and the rest of the Scoobies. For Xanatos, the gargoyles.
Hate and The First and Demona
There is a lot of prejudice in Gargoyles. Humans fear and sometimes hate gargoyles. Demona wants to destroy all humanity because she hates it. The First wants to destroy all humanity so that evil can take over the world. Demona wasn't to destroy all humanity so gargoyles can reclaim the world. By the end of both series (not including TGC), major events happened. In Buffy, it was the total destruction of the entire town of Sunnydale. In Gargoyles, the destruction of the clock tower and the event of all of the world knowning Gargoyles exist. In all liklihood, more people knew of the Slayers' existance. The goverment already knew, due to Maggie Walsh and the Initutive. The Potentionals that survived and all those Slayers that came to be with the spell now know what a Slayer is or are at least getting an idea. With that many Slayers and Potentionals, I doubt it could be kept a secret that much longer. I can imagine someone finding on of Andrew's tapes and selling it over the internet ;)
Thailog and Goliath/Faith and Buffy
Though Faith isn't a clone, she is another Slayer. Because of CPR, something obviously not possible on other Slayers (mostly since other Slayers worked alone), we have 2 Slayers at any one time. Faith is the polar opposite of Buffy. She embraces Slayerage. Not because she has to, or wants to, but because she all out enjoys the adrenaline rush. The feeling of control of another's life or un-life. At one point, Faith tries to take back Angel's soul, so SHE can have him. Not because she loves him, but because he loves Buffy and she knows it would drive her crazy. Thailog likes this control too. He also has no problem with killing. And he ends up convincing Demona he loves her, and then has no problem showing it off to Goliath.
Both shows also had interesting humour. "I don't remember any explosions in Bambi." is one of my favorite funny lines from the show. And "Do you even know how to laugh menically?" It wasn't slapstick. It wasn't fart and burp jokes. Nor did they talk down to you. Both shows have a great sense of humour.
On other smaller points.
Goliath and clan had to defeat a "god" several times. Oberon.
The Scoobies had Glory.
I welcome more comparisons. :)
Sunday, October 3, 2004 01:53:39 PM
I had so much fun making it, I'm gonna make another one, lol :D
I thought about it last night. There were some concepts I dropped while making this one, and there is enough ideas to make a second. Reveal more storylines mostly. This one I kept somewhat mysterious. If you didn't know Gargoyles, you might wonder about the spell, how they got to NY, what happened to them, etc. I'll reveal more storyline in the next.
Sunday, October 3, 2004 12:10:25 PM
SIREN: AWESOME AWESOME commercial!!! Well done! I'm getting more and more excited about the DVD with each day that passes, and this commercial furthered the excitement :) :) It is definitely TV-worthy :)
Kristen - [zzilly14@yahoo.com]
Virginia, USA
Sunday, October 3, 2004 11:47:16 AM
Siren>> One word to describe your commercial/trailer: WOW!!
OK, OK, I need more than 1 word:
I have to agree with Victoria - It belongs on TV! Great job with the text and transition effects! Extremely high quality. You also told a great story and built up a lot of excitement & anticipation with the clips you used and where you placed them. Outstanding!!
Dunstan - [gargoyle@netnet.net]
Sunday, October 3, 2004 09:31:33 AM
"Demona's nonchalance and *joy* at smashing human statues was terrifying. What's even scarier is that by the end of City of Stone, it's so easy to sympathize with her. This is the only marina Sirtis role I like . :) Well, and Margot.... ;)"
What was really scary is that Demona never took care of that poor woman with those shopping bags. I'd hate to be her to suddenly wake up with no arms. I was really suprised that she wasn't there at the quarryman rally in "The Journey". That would've been a nice touch given all the other characters that re-appeared in that episode.
Sunday, October 3, 2004 02:34:37 AM
Greg B.>I did toss around the idea of putting up Salli and Ed. Both are excellent actors and obviously more pivotal in the series then say Coldstone and Macbeth. What won out was popularity. Though I certainly made the video for us as Gargoyles fans, I mainly want non-Gargoyle fans to view it and think about buying it. With Lord of the Rings being so big, I thought it best to add Macbeth to try and chase after their coattails abit. And Star Trek, well, it's Star Trek. And Michael Dorn has a big following. Ed Asner is certainly known, but I doubt those who are not part of this fan base will jump as quickly when they see Ed Asner, opposed to Star Trek and LOTRs. Don't get me wrong (I know I sound totally wrong), Salli and Ed are way up there for me. I love Elisa and Hudson is one of my favorites. So cutting them was not the fun thing to do for me. I had planned to add them, but by the time I got to Macbeth, it started looking like the end credits. I do plan to attach one more thing to the end of the video. A thanks to Greg, Frank and Carl Johnson, as well as the cast, in which case, I will add Salli and Ed.
Victoria>Thank you. My idea was to start the video like any other episode of Gargoyles but suddenly turn it into something different then just the opening credits. I also wanted to keep it drama-action-drama-action. Rather then show just the humour aspect and make it look like a kiddie-show like some past commercials have done to it. And yes, I did like how the "I lived for my clan" line worked with that scene too :) I guess my favorite part was when Goliath is doing his mega-roar with Elisa standing behind him. Oh Goliath, so much pain and mental anguish ;) After that, I kinda want to ask, "Do we have your attention?"
Sunday, October 3, 2004 01:53:06 AM
Bravo Siren!
Wow I wish we could actually seen that on regular television, that was such an awesome commericial/trailer you made! I love the quotes you chose and especially the part around where you hear Goliath say "I lived for my clan". Great job hon, I've already watched it four times in a row, it's just so fun!
Sunday, October 3, 2004 01:31:43 AM
Siren> Very nice trailer, though I think Salli Richardson and Ed Asner should have been credited along with Keith, Marina and the rest.
Looks great though.
Greg Bishansky
Sunday, October 3, 2004 12:42:56 AM
Siren>Kewl video :)
Shara - [Jeanie54_2000@yahoo.com]
Sunday, October 3, 2004 12:36:42 AM
Leo>I will take your advice and try that.
EEP...LOL, I mispelled Frakes name...Jonthan instead of Jonathan...lemme add that to the top of my list ;)
Siren - [Click my name for Gargoyles trailer]
Sunday, October 3, 2004 12:26:38 AM
Siren: That is a nice little commercial. Great job.
"I wanted their voices to be over the music, not under. So I do see some disortion."
I don't know what program you're using, but I might suggest resampling the Dialogue/Effects track at a lower level to avoid the "clipping." You can also fade the music track volume down a bit (not compleatly)when there is dialogue and back in when there's just action.
Overall it's a nice job. :-)
Sunday, October 3, 2004 12:13:29 AM
There are two 'll's in "will", though one disappears for a second.
Coldstone and Brooklyn's dialoge is rough a bit. It had a lot to due with the background music from those scenes. When I lowered the volume of them, they were too low. I wanted their voices to be over the music, not under. So I do see some disortion.
Also with Xanatos, his "S" drag a bit. I will wait a day or two and find out any other info from others and see about tweaking before I post it officially on my weppage.
Siren - [Click my name for Gargoyles trailer]
Saturday, October 2, 2004 11:45:51 PM
The commercial looks great. I'd say you did a pretty good job of beat matching the different music. Especailly since you were trying to match your bed with the show's audio.
Mistakes, On my monitor, at the very end where the white credits say "...Gargoyles Season 1 will be..." It looks like there's only one L in will. The audio, particularly dialogue sounds distorted after the intro segment. Perhaps the file got corrupted during download. Does it sound that way on your system?
Saturday, October 2, 2004 11:34:36 PM
My friend just told me today that during the garg marathon today there was a verbal ad for the garg dvd! Awesome. Anyone see it?
Jade Griffin
Saturday, October 2, 2004 11:05:54 PM
Well then, my computer actually decided it would work today and didn't freeze up on me every couple of minutes. I actually got the commercial done tonight, but I have been working on it since 4 today. General stuff was done about 3 hours ago, I've just been going over it with a fine tooth comb, in my own nitpicking manner. I originally said Sunday to mid-week due to comp problems. I seriously doubted it would have worked for me and allowed me to finish it THIS soon.
I am sure you all are disappointed that it's done already ;)
First of all, I love to hear what others think of it. Good or bad. Because by hearing the bad stuff, I can make it better. So if you feel there are flaws, please tell me.
It is in WMV format and should take about 27 minutes for someone on a 56K modem just to give an idea on length.
I originally was looking to keep it 2 minutes long, but it's only 20 seconds over. So it's more a trailer then a commercial :)
I ended up opting not to use the other commercials' audio. It just didn't look and sound right. I am pretty proud of the finished product though. What made me tear my hair out with this one was the audio. Listen carefully. I spliced together a lot of music. And that's a big thing for me since I had no audio editing equipment to use for it. I did use the commercials as a starting point. Inspiration and ideas.
And I also capitalized on the voice actors being from Star Trek and Lord of the Rings. And no, I didn't give Brent Spiner any credit :P If this commercial gets one person to buy the DVD then my job is done. If this commercial gets 100 people to buy this DVD I will....Well, I can't say it here ;)
Anyways, click my name or copy and paste http://www.sirens-grotto.com/gargoyles.wmv
Oh, and it's REALLY loud sometimes, just to warn you. Least on my computer, I about blew my eardrums out.
Saturday, October 2, 2004 10:56:02 PM
Hey gang,
MGC voting time! (Ignore the front page, the site is updated..I'm haivng computer problems again.. -_-;;) Everyone please vote for the most artistic and most creative of the entries! (Only one vote per person, and please put in your email addy, or the vote won't count!)
Also, if anyone has seen lain, could you have her email me? (I keep forgetting her email address! ^_^;;;) I wanted to speak with her and lyanti about something, and it's slightly a little urgent. :)
Siryn - [siryn7@aol.com]
Saturday, October 2, 2004 08:02:51 PM
One other note about pre-Gargoyles portrayals of Puck; this isn't in "A Midsummer Night's Dream", so far as I know, but many artistic depictions of Puck have done him as looking like a faun. (I even saw an animated special on CBS a little over twenty years ago that portrayed Puck as looking like that; it had him and a young human be assigned to save the faerie world from Oberon's shadow, which he (Oberon) had magically brought to life but which had broken away from him and was plotting to conquer all of Faerie. Oberon was depicted in it as an elderly, worn-out dwarf-like figure - though he perked up considerably after his renegade shadow was finally defeated.)
Todd Jensen
St. Louis, MO
Saturday, October 2, 2004 07:57:01 PM
Whether they are human, gargoyle, or fay... I think Puck just loves to mess with people's heads.
Just get your kicks on Route...
66 days left until the spell is broken and they live again! Gargoyles Season One comes to DVD on December 7, 2004!
Saturday, October 2, 2004 04:36:54 PM
James> Actually Deadly Force already aired on Tuesday. Chronologically we're already on Reawakening (which would have aired on Friday but will air tonight instead). The good news is they WILL be reairing Deadly Force next Friday October, 8th.
It looks for Fridays they're taking a break in and doing arch themes and then resuming the chronological airing of the seasons on Sat - Thursday.
IRC Goliath
Saturday, October 2, 2004 04:00:36 PM
At ultimatedisney.com, Gargoyles in number 12 for Diney DVD preorders. YaY! Lets get it up to Number 1!!!
That is all I will say.
Battle Beast
CanadaSaturday, October 2, 2004 11:17:32 AM
Who was the genius who came up with this Friday Nights of Fright theme???
At first I was annoyed they skipped Deadly Force, but then I saw they were showing City of Stone, and said 'Ahhh...' I tell you, if they're going to skip Deadly Force this is about the only reason I'd accept. :)
I finally noticed the horrible, horrible animation on Enter Macbeth. It's a good thing i like that episode so much. Goliath's face was so often a horrible, horrible casualty.
Demona's nonchalance and *joy* at smashing human statues was terrifying. What's even scarier is that by the end of City of Stone, it's so easy to sympathize with her. This is the only marina Sirtis role I like . :) Well, and Margot.... ;)
Saturday, October 2, 2004 08:48:36 AM
BattleBeast & Siren> I've wondered that very thing myself lately. I had never before thought of Puck in AMSD having known exactly what Oberon wanted but played around a bit until I read an article somewhere mentioning Puck's role in a different light. And then when I thought about it, it fit in more with being a trickster, in having some fun with the order.
At the same time, is there really any valid backing for that, or just personal interpretations that certain people prefer? I really hoped to address that somewhere in my own paper, but I wanted to have perhaps some hard facts to go with.
I mean, I definitely prefer to see Will's Puck not as having made a mistake in putting the potion on Lysander's instead of Demetrius' eyelids, but as having intentionally doing it wrong to have a bit of fun for himself. Otherwise Puck always seemed like a bit of a dolt to me then, to have made a silly mistake like that and then later claim that mortals are fools. Granted that line encompasses alot, but still it helps define my point, hopefully.
I need to take a closer look at those specific scenes, but can anyone think on whether or not the text really supports the idea that Puck knew what Oberon wanted but had a bit of fun with it?
And thank you two, and Gantros, for your helpful comments thus far!
Siren> That scene always seemed odd to me too. I agree he must think them both loons, or is part of Xanatos' payroll somehow.
Saturday, October 2, 2004 01:06:55 AM
Sorry again for the double post, but I noticed something tonight while recording the episodes.
At the end of Thrill of the Hunt, Owen is visiting Xanatos and talking candidly about the gargoyles, and The Pack, and the plans on why Xanatos made The Pack. The whole time, there is a prison guard standing right there. Wouldn't that raise a few eyebrows? Perhaps the guard might think they both belong in the looney bin. More then likely, he is either one of Xanatos' regular goons who moonlights as a guard or Xanatos paid him off to keep his mouth shut. The scene just suddenly looked odd to me, lol.
Saturday, October 2, 2004 12:56:44 AM
Yes, I agree. Pucks plays with confusion.
"Did you say that HUMAN or THAT human?", he doesn't bother to wait for an answer and starts the spell anyways. And then he pretends he misunderstood Demona when he really was just screwing with her. I love Puck for that, LOL
Saturday, October 2, 2004 12:06:17 AM
BattleBeast> Being a trickster, couldn't Puck be loyal to his master but interpret his orders so that he could have the most personal enjoyment? Take the "Athenian garb" reference, You said that Puck was "easily confused". Being a clever trickster, he probably knew exactly who Oberon had in mind and decided to capitilize on the vague description given to him to have fun. When Oberon found out the error, Puck could use confusion as an excuse.
Saturday, October 2, 2004 12:01:49 AM
Victoria> Or why isn't it NOVEMBER 25th yet, so *I* can be 21??
VICTORIA> I LOVE AMSND. In fact, I seen it twice, nad I hope to see it many more times!
Will's Puck> He is a character who is loyal to his master and can follow instructions, but he gets confused as to whom his prey is because he is given a vague description. "A mortal in Athenian garb" is pretty generic.
Greg's Puck: His is a trickster always looking for a good time. He can't (or won't) follow orders. He genrally wants to please his mster, but would rather please a mortal.
"Captian of out fairy band, Helena is here at hand, and the youth, mistook by me, pleading for a lover's fee; will we there fond pageant see? Lord, what fools these mortals be!"
Wills Oberon: We don't know a lot about him, but he seems to be more laid back than Greg's Oberon.
Greg's Oberon: He is more strict than the other. His word is law, and GOD help you if you cross him. "If you don't listen to me, I will clasp you in irons and throw you into a bottomless pit for all eternity!"
Just my 2¢.
HUNTERS MOON> I didn't know what to make of this ep. If was definatly different. I kinda got the feeling that all those three new faces were the three hunters (Mainly because my friend made the connection: "Three new people, three huinters..." and it seem logical.)
Also, I found it funny that Jason was made to be this (as my cousin once said) extremely cute hunk. Of course Elisa is going to fall for him.
***Robyn gives as her past references Edinburgh, Florence, and the Sorbonne. The three flashbacks at the beginning of the episodes are set in Scotland, Florence, and Paris.***
I got this... but not at second or even third. It hit me the last time I watched them all.
Don't you think FOUR Gargoyles could take Demona?
That is all I will say.
Battle Beast
CanadaFriday, October 1, 2004 11:31:56 PM
Sorry for the double post
Kristen>It was a mistake for the colors to be off. Originally, I saved them as Quicktime (.mov) videos. But when I redid my page, I converted them to Windows Media (.wmv). It caused some changes in color. And I couldn't redo them at the time because I had already deleted all the episodes from my computer. Like I said, I can't wait till I have the crisp official DVDs and be able to redo all the videos to make them look MUCH better.
Friday, October 1, 2004 11:12:47 PM
Thanks Victoria
Working on it right now. Re-recording the first season to the computer. I got halfway through Awakenings when I noticed it wasn't recording the audio correctly. So that set me back a hour or so.
Unfortunatly, I don't have the right voice for narrating any part of the commercial, but between Station 8 and Avalon I found a lot of commercials and audio that will come in VERY handy. Also watch for bits and pieces of the commercials that were included on the Heroes Awaken VHS :)
I hope to have it done by Sunday. If not, mid-week. But I was to finish it ASAP and get it out to fellow fans and webpages to be used. Believe me, when it's done, that sucker is gonna be uploaded and posted on my page and here pronto. As well as a few other forums.
My garg music videos are some of my earlier work. I was apprehensive at using too many of the FX. My videos for Mononoke and Gimmie (from Bedazzled, check Misc page) are my most recent and most experimental. As well as the Haunted video for Last Unicorn. By far, this trailer for Gargoyles will be my most experiemental. A lot of editing and use of FX I predict.
Friday, October 1, 2004 11:10:14 PM
Siren: I've only seen two videos just now ("I Think I'm a Clone Now" and "My Beloved Monster") and they're AWESOME!!! Really cool! For some reason the colors are off, though. Are they suppoesd to be?
Off to watch more videos.
54 reviews for the DVD on Amazon.com and counting!!!!!
Kristen - [zzilly14@yahoo.com]
Virginia, USA
Friday, October 1, 2004 11:09:02 PM
Siren> WoW! I hadn't seen any of your music videos until tonight, when I decided to click your name and see where it would lead. They were all so awesome, and it was definitely the best break inbetween studying that I could ever have! A good 20-30 minutes well spent enjoying those wicked cool music videos.
After having seen them, I myself am now thrilled that you're going to tinker around and do a commercial for the DVD's for people to use.
Friday, October 1, 2004 10:49:11 PM
Dunstan>Thanks! I can't WAIT till I have all the Gargoyles episodes on DVD. When that happens, I shall redo every Gargoyles video so that they get the crisp video they deserve. As can be seen on my videos, you know which episodes I watch the most ;)
My official VHS tapes of the first season are in great condition still. So I plan to use them for the commercial. It will be more of a trailer because I plan for it to be several minutes. I want to make something that people can use to help advertise for the DVD :)
I think I'll have a LOT of fun with this one :D
Friday, October 1, 2004 09:53:46 PM
Siren>> I can't wait for your commercial! I have watched a number of your music videos and they are great!!! Very creative. My favorites are Bronx (Superbeast) and How Demona Sees Goliath (Everybody's Fool).
Dunstan - [gargoyle@netnet.net]
Friday, October 1, 2004 09:42:43 PM
Vash, remember Brooklyn's mate is Katana in Greg's stories.
JJ Gregarius
Tampa, FL
Friday, October 1, 2004 08:51:29 PM
Jimmy> As I recall as in written in the Archives, the name came from both things...though I'm not sure which was more the influence.
Friday, October 1, 2004 07:44:54 PM
<Someone into Psychology might be interested to know that 'Thanatos,' the Greek god of death after which Xanatos is named,>
I thought they just looked it up in a book.
Friday, October 1, 2004 07:12:47 PM
Due to computer problems and my arm still being somewhat injured, I've fallen behind a lot on my video making. I just started getting my stuff together to start some Buffy videos but with the upcoming DVD for Gargoyles on the horizon, I had an epiphany. Watch in the next few days to weeks for a brand new video to celebrate the DVD. A commercial actually :D
And all will be welcome to add it to their webpages to advertise for it. As soon as it's done, I'll post it. I am so excited to do it, lol, I need a life.
Friday, October 1, 2004 02:51:34 PM
Or why isn't it December 6th yet, so I can be 21 already :p
For those that enjoy Shakespeare, or at least have read MSD - what were your impressions of his Puck?
I'm starting to work on a research paper for my Shakespeare course this semester, and I'm mostly wanting to focus on Puck, his portrayal in MSD and his general history in folklore and in Gargoyles. But first I was interested to see what other people thought about him first. Any or all comments are appreciated, especially if you wanted to connect your thoughts with Mr. Weisman's versions of Puck, Oberon or Titania.
Friday, October 1, 2004 02:28:43 PM
Don't forget--the Toon Disney Gargoyles Marathon starts tonight!
Jon> What do you have against "The Journey"? Forget prettying up old eps, I'd want Greg to continue with the stories he had planned for season 3:
The Journey - keep as is but fix a few mistakes
Ransom -> Trickster/Alex ep
Runaways -> Timedancer intro ep
Broadway Goes Hollywood -> Ultrapack ep
A Bronx Tail -> better Bronx ep (with Cagney?)
The Dying Of The Light -> keep as is but fix a few mistakes (I like this one actually)
And Justice For All -> better trial ep
Genesis Undone -> Halloween double date ep
Generations -> better Demona/Angela ep
For It May Come True -> magical fantasy ep (play re-enactment?)
To Serve Mankind -> better Illuminati ep
Seeing Isn't Believing -> better Proteus episode
Angels In The Night -> forget the premise completely, though Greg helped keep this ep from being even worse. It would have to have some sense of conclusion, obviously. To bring it full-circle with the first ep, maybe they visit Vinnie and Sata's modern clan in Japan, and trigger Yama's joining the Redemption Squad (as 'Bad Guys' was the next spinoff to be released). Or maybe another showdown ep with Castaway, perhaps involving Jason and Robyn (maybe triggering Robyn's joining the Squad).
Friday, October 1, 2004 01:45:53 PM
Why isn't it December 7th yet?
IRC Goliath - [goliath1@pacbell.net]
Friday, October 1, 2004 12:46:48 PM
Thanatos> Someone into Psychology might be interested to know that 'Thanatos,' the Greek god of death after which Xanatos is named, was the name Freud gave to a boy's hostility toward his father as a result of his feelings of sexuality toward his mother. When you consider Xanatos' relationship with his father, you can't help but wonder if the writers intuited the very same idea that inspired Freud to name his complex after 'Thanatos,' or if one of the writers was a closet Freud fan.
What if> What if you could exchange the thirteen episodes of The Goliath Chronicles for thirteen additional episodes of the original series, that, magically, might have been produced instead, but not to exceed Hunter's Moon, Part III? The rules are that for each of thirteen slots, you have the choice of the following substitutions: (1) story overhaul; (2) animation face-lift; (3) new episode; (4) an extra part to be addd to a story, making one episode a two-parter or a two-parter a three-parter, etc. or splitting one episode into two autonomous ones.
My list would be:
(Story Overhauls)
1. Monsters
2. Turf
(Animation Face-Lifts)
3. Enter Macbeth
4. Metamorphosis
5. City of Stone, Part I
6. Sanctuary
7. The Reckoning
(New Episode)
8. The 'Coldstone/World Tour' story Greg has mentioned
(Episode Extensions)
9. Vows, I and II
10. Avalon, Parts I - IV
11. Vinnie's Revenge + Wolf's Revenge
12. Puck trains Alex + ColdTrio gets their own bodies
13. The Reckoning, Part I and II
Jon Cotleur
Friday, October 1, 2004 02:21:26 AM
Whitborne> Dang, dude, that is the coolest article pertaining to Gargs I've ever seen! We need to circulate that one:) *lol and amazed all in one go*
Jade Griffin
Friday, October 1, 2004 01:58:56 AM
I wonder what non-Garg fans would think if they knew my wardrobe was sometimes inspired by an animated series...
I wore part of my Anastasia outfit today around campus for the heck of it :) The green dress, chain belt and matching necklace...though I was sans the pearl necklace and opted for a suede brown jacket instead of the lab coat or blue coat she normally has on.
And you wouldn't believe how many compliments I got! I was so amused by it. I haven't received so many compliments, from peers and older adults, on my dress style in awhile now.
Funny all the uses there can be for this show ;)
Thursday, September 30, 2004 11:55:42 PM
The sad thing is that in general, people as a whole are not very observant. We are often to engrossed with our own worries and lives to notice things that aren't thrust in our faces or blaring at high decibels. This is probably why things like Demona transforming in her office window or the Hunter ship wouldn't be noticed, unless someone were observing Demona specifically. As for the Hunter ship, with things like Fortress 2 and other CyberBiotics hovercraft flying around, seeing a flashy hovercraft probably wouldn't be so unusal that it would attract many eyes. Let me ask you this for those of you who live in big cities, do you always look up when you hear a low flying aircraft?
Now, I admit that people who were in the immediate vicinity of the clocktower would have known that it wasn't gargoyles who destroyed the clocktower. At the very least, they would have seen the connection of a hovercraft pointed at the now smoldering tower. But as for the rest of the city who had not witnessed the event, John Canmore could have easily influenced those people into a mob, which he did.
Thursday, September 30, 2004 11:48:08 PM
Vinnie, Mr. C, and Birthday cakes>> I hope Vinnie didn't light the candles! o_O
Hunter's Moon>> New Yorkers show an acute ability to be unobservant during the "Hunter's Moon" eps. (Demona transforming in front of a window, the Hunters using a rather flashy mode of trasnportation -- no one even noticed that *they* fired on the building??? -- and so on) I figure the writers were rushed at this point.
JJ Gregarius
Tampa, FL
Thursday, September 30, 2004 11:22:11 PM
Gantros> So Jason's kind of like Elisa's rebound from a relationship she never had. ;)
Greg Weisman did say at some point that Elisa had already aknowledged (to herself) her growing feelings for Goliath and come to the conclusion that it could never work by the time "The Mirror" rolled around. So you've pretty much got it exactly. And I agree with your theory about why she's attracted to Jason. Seeing a lot of the qualities she admired in Goliath (including strong convictions, though they turned out to be on the wrong side for a while) probably helped her to think that they could make it work. And if the script for the double date stays true to the plan, we can assume that she's still attracted to these qualities in him, and perhaps additionally, his ability to admit when he's wrong and change course.
Demonskrye - [<---Jim Hill Media]
Thursday, September 30, 2004 10:53:33 PM
You know, I kinda had a thought that Elisa may have been attracted to Jason because he appeared to share some of Goliath's qualities (that he presented in his role as a police officer, anyway). That and the fact the Elisa kept telling herself throughout the series (with the various denials and hesitation) "Why do I feel this way about Goliath, it'd never work..." is practically screaming from her interactions post-"The Mirror".
Then along comes Jason, who is probably the closest human to match Goliath's physical build and personality (again, based on his role as a police officer). Elisa probably couldn't help but be drawn to him, if only for the practicality of having a relationship with Jason over Goliath.
Thursday, September 30, 2004 10:30:39 PM
Watched my tape of "Hunter's Moon Part One" today, nearing the end of the second season (and of "Gargoyles" as we knew it).
As has been noted here before, one of the great aspects of this three-parter is all the echoes of "Awakening" in it, plus a few from other early episodes. In Part One, we have:
Goliath and Elisa rescuing the yuppie couple from the three street thugs again (and this time rescuing a few other New Yorkers, such as Billy and Susan's mother, Art and Lois, and a guy wearing a hard hat whom I think is the worker in "Vendettas" who thought that Goliath and Hudson were a side effect of his medication). And as before, the civilians act in such a way as to indicate that they'd rather have the street thugs. (Come to think of it, that also echoes the gargs saving Castle Wyvern from the Vikings at the start of "Awakening Part One" and again getting very little gratitude. Brooklyn even gets a mild injury to be healed by his stone sleep the following day, just as Goliath did in the first battle with Hakon and his men.)
The trio start another fire (this time at Xanatos's warehouse) and are left wondering what to tell Goliath. (I think that the response to Brooklyn's "Well, who's going to tell Goliath about this?" question would have been funnier if it had been not only Broadway and Lexington looking at him accusingly, but Bronx as well.)
Also there are a few echoes of other parts of the first season. Elisa once again gets teamed up with a new partner on Chavez's orders, initially against her will - but warms to Jason a lot quicker than she did to Matt. The attempted robbery of the DI-7 by Demona's goons takes place on the docks in almost the exact same place that Tony Dracon stole Xanatos's particle beam guns in "Deadly Force". And there are mentions of the Daily Tattler and of the urban myth of alligators in New York's sewers, both of which were originally mentioned in "The Thrill of the Hunt". Another echo from "The Thrill of the Hunt" comes when Angela reminds Hudson that he'd told her not to believe everything that she saw on television.
We start off with a flashback of Gillecomgain getting his face scratched by Demona and vowing revenge (I wonder how many people remembered this guy at this point in the series?). We also learn what a jerk his father was - which makes it not so surprising that Gillecomgain went to the extremes that he did, in vowing to punish not only Demona for the act, but also every other gargoyle in the world.
(Come to think of it, between this and Jason Canmore taking the same attitude in the present day, it becomes clear that the Hunters are the perfect counterpart for Demona. Demona believes that because a few "bad apple" humans such as Hakon and his Vikings have persecuted and murdered gargoyles, the entire human species should be wiped out. The Hunters believe that because a "bad apple" gargoyle such as Demona has murdered humans, the entire gargoyle species should be wiped out.)
Elisa wears her blonde "Salli" wig again for the street thug bust; I must admit that, the first time that I saw this episode, I didn't recognize her in it initially.
I still get a kick out of Margot's line during the robbery: "Great idea, Brendan! Ride the subway, meet interesting people!" (Well, they did get to meet a *lot* of interesting people, many of whom have wings.)
I wonder which city Jason had been in prior to coming to New York, since he mentions having been in a much smaller town in his conversation to Elisa.
Ironic that Elisa and Jason should jokingly compare each other to Bonnie and Clyde after catching Demona's thugs, since they're on the opposite side of the law (or Elisa is, at least) from those two.
There's a neat bit in Demona's interview with Robyn Canmore. Robyn gives as her past references Edinburgh, Florence, and the Sorbonne (which is in Paris). The three flashbacks at the beginning of the episodes of "Hunter's Moon" are set in Scotland, Florence, and Paris. I don't know how many people caught this, but I find it amusing.
I wonder a little whether "Dominique Destine" ought to be chewing out people in public; one of the key elements to having a double identity is to deliberately act as little like your alternate persona as possible. As in (something that I recently mentioned in the TGS Comment Room) nobody ever suspects that Bruce Wayne and Batman are the same guy because Bruce Wayne's public persona is that of a lazy, not terribly bright, playboy who doesn't seem to have the drive and ability that Batman clearly has. Of course, when I brought this up here a couple of years ago, somebody pointed out that Demona's henchman was spilling the beans about an illegal enterprise in front of Robyn before Demona knew how Robyn felt about stealing things from rival companies, which would give her some reason for disapproving of his behavior.)
I noticed that Demona was transforming from human to gargoyle in front of an open window. Hopefully it was specially designed to be one-way (as in, you can look out, but others can't look in). Or maybe it was high enough above ground that you'd have to be a window-washer or in a helicopter to spot the transformation. (I hope, also, that she normally changes into her gargoyle attire before the transformation takes place; otherwise, she must spend a lot of money on new outfits.)
Xanatos is as fun as ever when dealing with visits from both Matt Bluestone and Jon Canmore. (Last episode he alludes to "Bewitched"; this time, he alludes to Mr. Rogers when he says to Alex "Can you say 'harassment'?" and when Alex replies with a little "Goo goo", "I knew you could.")
I wonder if a piece of gargoyle stone skin could last so long at Castle Wyvern; usually, they seem to fall apart pretty quickly.
I really like the Hunters' robotic falcon. A pity that it only showed up in Part One.
I definitely remember my initial response to the end of Part One of this story. I felt an absolute chill when Goliath vowed to search for the Hunters and kill them. In fact, I was far more worried about that than over whether Angela would live or die. I wanted to yell at Goliath, "No, don't do that! Don't go down that road!" It's certainly one of the most unnerving moments in the series.
Todd Jensen
St. Louis, MO
Thursday, September 30, 2004 06:59:55 PM
Leo > Sorry! thanks for the info on the aim icons! Poop on AOL!
Victoria > Sorry! Thanks for the info. In the previous post, read that one!
Sorry for the 2x post.
Lord GargFan
Thursday, September 30, 2004 05:47:02 PM
Leo > I've read that article and I was wondering if the person who made the "fold and cloak" wings put any instructions up (I believe it was some "Dreamie") or anyone could give me directions.
Lord GargFan
Thursday, September 30, 2004 05:44:42 PM
In addition to the Amazon reviews reaching 50, I'm VERY happy to announce my first article on Jim Hill Media! It's about UPA's "The Tell-Tale Heart", a very stylish and moody animated version of the Poe story from the 1950s. And even better, Mr. Hill seems very enthusiastic about my idea for a piece on "Gargoyles" to tie in with the DVD release/ So please support my continued presence on the site. It doesn't cost anything, just stop by and take a look. And anyone who's remotely curious about what my real name is can find out.
Click my name or just go to www.jimhillmedia.com. I'm the only new article today, so it's not hard to find.
Thursday, September 30, 2004 05:14:13 PM
50 reviews on Amazon!
That is really cool beyond words...even more awesome if we make it to 100 and beyond. There are still over two months left till the DVD's release, and the midpoint for the 100 has been reached, definitely something to be cheery over!
Thursday, September 30, 2004 04:43:56 PM
Happy Belated Birthday Greg AND Vinnie!!
Odd Thought Of the Day: Imagine if Greg was served a cake and Angela or Demona popped out....I don't think Vinnie would have liked a cake like that ;)
Thursday, September 30, 2004 01:31:17 PM
MATT FEWS> Karine has your information, but she is currently very busy. Please STOP HARASSING her.
Greg Bishansky
Thursday, September 30, 2004 01:25:39 PM
Whitborne - interesting story. I hope the lady gets her gargoyles back!
49 reviews on Amazon.com! Almost to the halfway point of our goal :) Go review Gargoyles Season 1 on DVD!!! Now!!! (unless you already have *smile*)
Kristen - [zzilly14@yahoo.com]
Virginia, USA
Thursday, September 30, 2004 12:54:52 PM
sorry if this was already discussed....
I just read that Batman: TAS volume 2 and Superman: TAS volume 1 have been pushed back from 12/7/04 to 1/25/05. Just more room on that new release section for Gargoyles!
Thursday, September 30, 2004 12:44:20 PM
Todd, in that scenario, what would the other characters be?
Jen, Karin, here's my E-mail addy again, in case you missed it the 1st time.
Matt Fews - [mfews@d-directe.com]
Thursday, September 30, 2004 08:11:20 AM
Everybody wants gargoyles, it seems.
Thursday, September 30, 2004 07:23:47 AM
JADE GRIFFIN - I always thought that the name "Bronx" was chosen for the character because it sounded like an animal's growl (or closer to an animal's growl, at least, than other New York place names).
I've occasionally speculated over what sort of names the gargs would have borne if they'd been awakened in London rather than New York (being the Anglophile that I am). Thames for Hudson, obviously. Maybe Fleet Street for Lexington. And Isle of Dogs for Bronx?
LORD GARGFAN - According to Patrick's countdown, we're almost at the "65 or 66 days to go" mark, but if we adopt your suggestion, somebody else will have to be the reviewer, since I'm almost done with the run. And I appointed myself for the reviews rather than being appointed by somebody else to do it.
Todd Jensen
St. Louis, MO
Thursday, September 30, 2004 07:14:11 AM
"Possession" set a record for the most soul-swapping within a 30 minute period that stood unchallenged until the first Scooby Doo movie came along. Combine clips from this episode with Billy Joel's "It's All About Soul" and that would make for a pretty fun music vid. ;)
68 days left until the spell is broken and they live again! Gargoyles Season One comes to DVD on December 7, 2004!
Thursday, September 30, 2004 06:52:47 AM
Cool dvd icon!!
Matt Fews> I believe the name Bronx reflects the Bronx Zoo, naturally, so Bronx's counterpart would be named after a famous CA zoo. Perhaps San Diego or some such, even though that sounds kinda dumb. But you get the idea. Hey, it's better than Seaworld *lol*
Jade Griffin
Thursday, September 30, 2004 12:18:19 AM
Happy Belated Birthday,
To a man who is really special, unique, and gave us a whole
new perception of the Gargoyles Universe.
Happy Belated Birthday Vinnie!!!
Oh yeah, and you too Greg! ;D
Wednesday, September 29, 2004 11:23:12 PM
Possesion> one of my most favorite episodes. it bring together so many elements from the series all into 22 minutes! the Coldtrio are free finally, Alex gets his first lesson from Puck, the Broadway/Angela/Brooklyn love triangle takes its first major step and we get a ton of character development here esspecially from the Trio and Angela, and the Coldtrio.
one of my favorite lines and one taht i use most often (in Michael Dorn's voice nonetheless) "Wouldn't you like to know." love it.
poor Lex, hes getting the $hit beat out of him in the episode and hes confused nearly the entire time, lol. i like Lex's line about Alex, "He had a little help."
and speaking of Alex. tahts one talented baby, must be his magical blood coming through. i do think its cool that the only words he speaks in this episode are the words of a magic spell. its like Alex can't speak yet unless its magical. pretty cool.
the whole episode was pretty damn cool, if you ask me.
Wednesday, September 29, 2004 11:09:57 PM
Lord GargFan> Siryn's page on costumes has great links for that: http://avmists.gargoyles-fans.org/803/costume.html
Well I made my first animated gif a little while ago. It's so much fun! Thanks to a friend of mine giving me a basic gif animation program and Vertigo1 for the IrfanView program, I've been tinkering with it all afternoon....homework, what homework?
The icon is 100 x 100, so best for Live Journal's if anyone wants to use it. Just click my name to see it, if Geocities is being nice tonight, that is.
Wednesday, September 29, 2004 10:50:26 PM
Lord GargFan:
RE: AIM Icons
Not all icons that work with the AIM (Stand alone version) can be seen by the AIM integrated with AOL. The "AOL" version can only see (and use) "officially licenced" icons.
Wednesday, September 29, 2004 09:44:01 PM
Kristin > I'm just having trouble getting other people to SEE them. I didn't know if you had any experience with AIM icons. Has anybody else had this problem??
Does anybody have any links for "fold and cloak" wings instructions for a cosume? I'm trying to do a Halloween Project.
Lord GargFan
Wednesday, September 29, 2004 09:36:41 PM
LordGargFan: I'm the Livejournal icon person. You can call me Kristen :)
Okay... umm, I've never tried making an AIM icon, but I could try. Just tell me pixel size.
I'm using a 60-day trial version of Jasc Paint Shop Pro. I had the animation shop, but the free trial ran out, so no animations for me :(
Kristen - [zzilly14@yahoo.com]
Virginia, USA
Wednesday, September 29, 2004 09:30:15 PM
I greatly enjoy reading your remarks on the episodes, Todd! It's definitely something, as a newer poster around here, to look forward to catching from time to time.
"Posession" was an awesome episode. I mostly love it and focus on it because it has Puck, but it really is also a wonderful episode for Othello/Desdemona fans as well as Brooklyn, Broadway and Angela fans.
And I never even thought about something so important, yet perhaps subtle, as the voice changes when body's are switched about. Now that I think about it, Ra's Al-Ghul's voice coming out of Talia's body in the BB ep was always creepy and random to me, and the way the voices were handled in Posession was something that made that Gargoyles episode just that much more interesting, better, and fun.
The subterfuge line has always amused me because you can bet younger kids watching the show hadn't a clue what that meant...great way to educate the young!
Wednesday, September 29, 2004 07:26:57 PM
Just out of curiosity,
Todd Jenson > Did someone appoint you to do your reviews or did you volunteer? Could anyone review the episodes in order at their own leisure?
The LiveJournal Icon Person > Sorry, I can't remember your name! But can you make AIM icons? If so, could you give me some tips? I'm having troubles with people seeing them. I'm using Jasc Animation 3.
An idea: Someone could review all the episodes in order when we get to day 65 or 66 on the DVD countdown.
Lord GargFan
Wednesday, September 29, 2004 07:25:59 PM
There's also Martinmas, named after St. Martin of Tours, on November 11 (now heavily overshadowed by Veterans' Day).
As for whether Michaelmas or Christmas was more prominent in medieval times, I honestly don't know at present.
Watched my tape of "Possession" today. One thing that's worth remarking on is that this episode defied (and in a good way) the customary practice in animated cartoons of handling "body-switch" situations. Usually, if Character A gets transplanted in Character B's body, then we have Character A's voice coming out of Character B's mouth, no matter how physically improbable or impossible it is. (For example, in the episode of "Batman Beyond" about Reis el-Ghul returning in Talia's body, we heard Reis's voice coming out of Talia's mouth in the climactic moments - impossible, of course, but I didn't object too much since you've got to hear David Warner's excellent performance somewhere in an episode involving Reis.) "Possession" instead had the regular voice actors play the characters' bodies, but simply altering their style a little based on who had taken over the character; thus, when "Othello" and "Desdemona" are inside Broadway and Angela's voices, their lines get read by Bill Faggerbakke and Brigitte Bako rather than by Michael Dorn and C.C. Pounder, but Bill and Brigitte modify their performance to the rhythms of "Othello" and "Desdmona", for example. I very much liked that. Pity that they don't do it more often in animated series.
The opening of the episode, of course, took on new significance after we learned that Greg Weisman had been planning to do a story about Goliath and Co. running into Coldstone in the Himalayas during the World Tour for the comic book, before it (the comic book) went under.
The first time that I saw the episode, I initially thought that what Xanatos and Owen were attempting unsuccessfully to do was to reassemble Coldstone; the second time around, of course, knowing the full story, I got what was going on.
Xanatos displays his usual sneaky sense of humor in saying to Coldstone, while the latter's head has been separated from his body "Chin up" - and Coldstone is not at all amused. (He also makes a "Bewitched" reference in his suggestion to Owen that he turn back into Puck and "wiggle your nose".)
The story plays fair with the "soul transference has to be voluntary" in who gets taken over. Broadway and Angela's case is obvious. Brooklyn leaves himself open for Iago to move in when he says "Me three" before remembering that they only need two gargoyles - but it's too late to retract it by then. Alex is able to house himself inside Lexington when Lex mutters that he "could use a little help here".
Puck has a ball as usual, whether voiced by Brent Spiner, Keith David, or Michael Dorn. My favorites include (as Coldstone) "Naughty, naughty, sneaking up like that on Uncle Coldstone" and (when Iago-in-Brooklyn's-body asks him "But if we're all out here, who's in there?") "Wouldn't you like to know?", and as himself "I live for subterfuge!" not to mention tossing Goliath the oversized watch. You can just tell that he's really going to enjoy tutoring Alex. Whether those around him are going to enjoy it as much is another story entirely....
The building from "The Silver Falcon" gets a brief cameo when Puck brings Alex there at the end of Act I.
I still smile at the sight of Alex's winged "teddy-gargoyle".
And so we wind up with the episode having not only wrapped up the Coldstone story (for now - though not quite, since Coldsteel's still a menace) but also having impacted the main characters, with Broadway and Angela being brought closer together, and Lexington beginning his rapport with Alex.
A little light-heartedness before everything gets darker in "Hunter's Moon", coming up next....
Todd Jensen
St. Louis, MO
Wednesday, September 29, 2004 06:47:21 PM
*blinks numerous times*
Okay. Remember a couple days ago I talked about Spike? Well, we haven't had a dog since he died (three years ago??), and my parents weren't ever thinking of getting one in the near future. (Anyway, we have two cats)
Just a few minutes ago my dad IM'd me and said there was a new family member. He rescued a stray dog at work and brought him home. His name is Roscoe and he's a Beagle. About 5 months old. Aww!
I'm so excited, and my dad said the cats are not too happy, LoL. And my fall break (a 4-day weekend) is not this weekend but the following, so I can meet him in a little over a week!!!! *grins*
Wanted to share the good news. And it's so interesting too, because I only thought about Spike in the past few days, and that's when my family gets a new dog... should be an interesting experience, re-learning living with a dog. (but a fun one at that!) :)
Kristen - [zzilly14@yahoo.com]
Virginia, USA
Wednesday, September 29, 2004 05:28:20 PM
Bronx clone name> How 'bout Compton?
Wednesday, September 29, 2004 05:15:04 PM
Victoria: Yeah I'd appreciate if you credit me with the icon. Glad you liked the Owen one!
And everyone else: If you want me to make you a LJ icon (100x100) or just an icon for a forum or something (let me know the size) to promote the DVD release on December 7th, just tell me who you want on there (and if you have a pic you want used, even better!) and I'll make it for ya!!!
Take care guys! *hopes this cold gets better quick*
Kristen - [zzilly14@yahoo.com]
Virginia, USA
Wednesday, September 29, 2004 05:12:23 PM
BRONX> Diego? Lynwood? Anaheim? Frisco? Oakland? Vallejo?
I especially like the line, "That tin can won't save you!" "Aw, but it's a very clever tin can!"
I don't know why, but this is one of my favorite episodes. It's just really cool. *Shrugs*
That is all I will say.
Battle Beast
CanadaWednesday, September 29, 2004 04:52:48 PM
Bronx Clone Name>Anaheim (sp?)
And I'm still having AIM icon troubles!! :(
Lord GargFan
Wednesday, September 29, 2004 04:52:35 PM
Bronx Clone: "Northridge" ?
Wednesday, September 29, 2004 04:23:04 PM
Bronx - How about "South Central"? ;)
Jennifer "CrzyDemona" Anderson
Wednesday, September 29, 2004 02:22:50 PM
I've only been browsing some fun sites online and could be so completely off the mark, but in response to Patrick's question, Michaelmas was perhaps more important, wasn't it Todd?
Depending on the period and region I would assume its importance changes. I had read somewhere that Michaelmas was considered much more important a celebration in (West) Scotland than Christmas was.
Isn't there Marymas on August 15th?
*goes back to her paper on phonology...wooo for words*
Wednesday, September 29, 2004 02:16:56 PM
A Bronx clone would likely have been named Buck... oops, wrong set of clones ;)
Hmm, maybe Bel-Air ;)
As for an Angela clone, according to Greg, Demona didn't want a clone of Angela and thus didn't release a mosquito when Angela was guarding her.
But if you want Angela clones, Christine's Ventura is the way to go ;)
Greg Bishansky
Wednesday, September 29, 2004 01:26:26 PM
In keeping with the west coast theme, a clone of Bronx might have been named Compton. :P
It's interesting, too, that Angela didn't get cloned, either. Of course, who knows what the future may have held. We know Sevarius had already taken a DNA sample because he told us so in "Monsters."
The clone lab in "The Reckoning" always inspires my creativity demons of Anton prancing about in fishnet stockings and a leather bustier, singing to Thailog and Demona... "In just seven days... I can make you clan!"
So out of curiousity, Todd, which holiday was bigger on the medieval calendar - Michelmas or Christmas? And did any other figures from Christianity have a "-mas" holiday?
Wednesday, September 29, 2004 12:30:53 PM
If Bronx did get cloned, what do you think its name would be.
Matt Fews
Wednesday, September 29, 2004 10:40:53 AM
Today, September 29, is also known as Michaelmas, a major holiday on the medieval calendar, and the date that Constantine had set for his intended marriage to Princess Katharine in "Avalon Part One". In other words, two days with "Gargoyles" significance in a row.
ANONYMOUS - I still wonder sometimes why people post here under that name. If you don't want to use your real name, couldn't you just use an alias?
At any rate, Leo already answered the Sevarius question before I could, and correctly as well. As for the Bronx suggestion, I still prefer the notion that the "five clones" implied in Sevarius's line is a foreshadowing of Delilah. It simply makes better sense that way.
A few more thoughts on "The Reckoning".
When Goliath heads back to the clock tower to fetch the rest of the clan, Talon tells him in a sharp voice, "Feel free to hurry back." This not-too-friendly tone towards Goliath fits in with Greg's remark that Talon would be the member of the Maza family who'd have the biggest issues with Goliath and Elisa's relationship. (When I first read that remark of Greg's, I started getting creativity demons of Talon indignantly saying, "No sister of mine is going to marry a bat-winged freak", and then stopping short as he realizes that the description of Goliath that he just stated could also be used for himself.)
This is the only episode between "The Gathering" and "Hunter's Moon" where we see Goliath and Elisa in the same place at the same time; Elisa's absent from "Vendettas" and "Possession" and Goliath shows up only at the end of "Turf" in a non-speaking role. (And Elisa apparently only shows up in the Labyrinth so that one of those robot mosquitos can get a bit of her DNA to use in creating Delilah.) I recall that there was an interesting theory posted here a few years ago about Elisa deliberately distancing herself a little from Goliath after the World Tour because she'd become increasingly aware during that time of her feelings about him but was reluctant to do anything about them yet, and so was simply keeping her path from crossing with his as much as possible. It's an interesting speculation, although it could also be that it's just a coincidence that we don't see any serious interaction between them after the World Tour until "Hunter's Moon" comes along.
Todd Jensen
St. Louis, MO
Wednesday, September 29, 2004 07:18:24 AM
It only makes sense that Disney's going to promote its other feature film to DVD releases on a feature film DVD before they promote stuff that's TV to DVD. Heck... the two areas are probably controlled by totally different departments, just as they are on the animation and production side.
Dominique Destine and Andrea Calhoun have called long distance from their ficverse and told me this is their favorite day of the countdown. You can make of that what you will, as there are now...
69 days left until the spell is broken and they live again! Gargoyles Season One comes to DVD on December 7, 2004!
Wednesday, September 29, 2004 07:04:13 AM
Jay: Dress up as Broadway, huh? I don't know if Photoshop can help you out with that one! :)
Kristen: Wonderful icons. The Hudson and Bronx one was cute. I can only imagine the conversation that commercial would start in the castle! :)
Wednesday, September 29, 2004 03:59:10 AM
Verigo1> Not sure if I should be thanking you or cursing you...the program is awesome but now it's all I want to work on instead of a paper for my Linguistics class, lol.
Okay, I guess I'll thank you :) This program is so much fun and easy to use! I've been making little avatars nonstop since I downloaded it!
As it so happens, I agreed to help out one of my professors for some extra credit safety points. And wouldn't you know it, it's for the debates on Thursday night....so, I wonder if I have the guts to wear my mock-up Anastasia outfit to the event and take a couple DVD flyers with me...
Anyone got a spare pouch of adventurous spirit handy?
Wednesday, September 29, 2004 02:33:45 AM
*pelts Greg W. with chocolate truffles for his birthday, but only in the nice friendly manner, like when clanners smack each other upside the head with salmon as a greeting* .... :) ..... *whistles out*
Jade Griffin
Wednesday, September 29, 2004 01:46:10 AM
Sorry for the double post...
Victoria: Actually, you can resize multiple images in a batch with a program called Irfanview. Its free to boot. :)
Wednesday, September 29, 2004 01:44:30 AM
Happy Birthday Greg!
I know this isn't exactly the best of presents, but I honestly don't know what your tastes are so this will have to do. :)
Don't know what your desktop resolution is, so I hope this is large enough to fill it without stretching. (1280x960, 460kB) I know its got nothing to do with Gargoyles, but its something I'm working on, and I felt like sharing. :)
Wednesday, September 29, 2004 01:38:29 AM
I posted more in the last week or so than I ever did the last year.
Kristen> I love your icons! I snagged one (with credit) and pimped the link on my friends list. Hope you don't mind.
Wednesday, September 29, 2004 01:19:38 AM
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birhtdya to Greg
Happy Birthday to yooou!!
This is as close to singing in public as I get, be sure to thank you ears.
Wednesday, September 29, 2004 01:10:54 AM
****A cake appears on the banquet table in a puff of smoke. The candles light themselves as Blaise's voice reverbrates throughout the Comment Room.****
****A rousing chorus of "For He's a Jolly Good Fellow" (sung by many disembodied voices) follows Blaise's well-wishing. Eventually the voices fade away to silence.****
Wednesday, September 29, 2004 12:23:17 AM
It looks as though GARGOYLES WILL NOT be promoted on the forthcomming ALADDIN PLATIMUM EDITION DVD. :(
"Disc 1 opens with a brand new spot for Bambi's DVD debut (March 1st next year), a trailer for Pooh's Heffalump Movie (coming to theaters next February), and a promo to complete your Aladdin Trilogy with The Return of Jafar and Aladdin and the King of Thieves, debuting on DVD in Region 1 next January. Finally, there is an animated promo for the "Make a Wish" foundation featuring Genie.
The Sneak Peeks menu adds previews for Mulan Special Edition (just a few weeks away!), Mary Poppins 40th Anniversary Edition and Mulan II, plus ads for JETIX programming on ABC Family and Toon Disney, and Disneyland Resort."
That is all I will say.
Battle Beast
CanadaWednesday, September 29, 2004 12:20:12 AM
Actually I went ahead and did it myself, lol. I managed it well enough on my basic paint program since you already had the images at 100 x 100. I redid the font but kept the image. If you'd like me to credit you in my signature at the forums I post at as well, just let me know!
Tuesday, September 28, 2004 11:56:44 PM
Kristen> haha, awesome! The Owen one is quite amusing, and the Bronx/Hudson TV screen on is so cute. I'll be adding the Owen one to my icons as well to be sure! I've already got one of the original three you did set as my default icon.
Is it possible to do any of those icons at a size of 75 x 75? I'm a poster/moderator over at some large forums (ToonZone) and I'd love to change my avatar for the next few months to something promoting the DVD release.
Tuesday, September 28, 2004 11:39:51 PM
Kaylle>> First, let me admit that I probably don't know as much about gargoyles (fan fictions or show) as anyone else in this room.
That being said, I'd love to read the fan fiction that you described. In my (humble) opinion, half the fun of some fan fictions is that they can stray a bit from the actual show.
If you do want to keep it true to the show, the best I can do is to direct you to the "Ask Greg" FAQs. #10 & 11 seem to deal with what you are asking and may provide some inspiration/answers.
Dunstan - [gargoyle@netnet.net]
Tuesday, September 28, 2004 11:20:35 PM
Kathy - if you're having problem with yahoo groups, I can point you to somewhere to ask for help: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/EmailList-Managers/
It's a yahoo group for list-owners/managers. Yes, I'm a member of that group, mainly to learn and it's best unofficial source of information about problems at yahoo groups. There is NO official yahoo groups to get help.
Oh yea, the most important thing: Happy Birthday Greg Weisman.
Tuesday, September 28, 2004 11:17:39 PM
Happy Birthday Greg Weisman !!! And tonight is a FULL MOON *^_^* eeek!!!
*goes back to reading Incubus Dreams by Laurell K. Hamilton*
Tuesday, September 28, 2004 11:02:01 PM
I made three more LJ icons promoting the DVD. Click on my name to see all seven (and I'll make more if you'd like - just let me know who/what you want on it!)
And Victoria: One of them is an Owen icon. Hope you like it!
Credit me as zilly14 if you use them. Thanks!!!
Kristen - [zzilly14@yahoo.com]
Virginia, USA
Tuesday, September 28, 2004 10:48:16 PM
Thanks for the help, Siryn! I'll put up the links asap. I had some sort of weird glitch this weekend in the Windows Firewall that comes with SP2 where it decided to block communications with my webhost, and it took me a few days to sort it out... sigh. I hate computers <g> (Why am I a CS major?!)
To the room in general, I wanted to ask a completely un-DVD-related question. I've been working off and on writing an Elisa and Goliath in which they talk about the limitations of their physical relationship. I'm not sure how far the conversation is going to go yet, but I do want them to at least have a mature discussion about it. Now, a friend of mine has been betareading it for me, and he's a fan but he doesn't read Gargoyles fanfic. He has a hard time imagining that it's physically possible for Elisa and Goliath to have any meaningful sort of intimacy without intervention from Puck, magic, etc. We disagreed good-naturedly about it for a couple of hours last night, but we didn't really get anywhere. I wanted a second (or third or fourth or fifth!) opinion, so I thought I'd ask you all and see what the general consensus is. I'm trying to keep this in the most generic and PG-rated terms as I can, and I appreciate everyone else's discretion.
The arguments against, paraphrased as objectively as I can:
(The size difficulties are obvious, but ignoring that and remembering "there are a lot of ways to make love," the following still apply.)
- Goliath's skin is tough enough to allow him to punch his talons into solid stone and not cut himself. He catches Hakon's sword with only a superficial wound. This would mean his skin is so thick that a gentle touch probably wouldn't register at all. Also, it might mean his skin is so rough (ie, sandpaper) it probably wouldn't be comfortable for Elisa to touch him anyway.
- His talons are essentially knives. He shreds stone with them all the time. Trying to do anything "delicate" with them would be difficult, and one wrong move could be dangerous and/or fatal. And in the throes of passion it would be very easy to lose control even slightly and inflict a lot of damage.
The arguments for:
- Goliath touches Elisa all the time. He touches her hair, her face, holds her hand, etc. He reads books from the library, apparently without shredding them to pieces. He's had a whole lifetime of experience in using his talons. (I'm not certain about them being as sharp as knives, either; couldn't something duller punch through rock if there was enough force behind it?)
- If running one's talons through another's hair is the gargoyle equivalent of a kiss, wouldn't the talons have to be sensitive enough to feel that touch? Otherwise there doesn't seem to be much point.
- Even if the skin on his fingers is particularly callused, the rest of his body wouldn't necessarily be so roughened. And we've seen her touch him before, too; we see her lay her head on his chest (I know she does this in HM1, and I think there are other times?). Hard to imagine her doing that if the skin on his chest were like sandpaper.
Now, honestly, I'm obviously on one side. But I'm aware that part of the reason is that I'm a romantic and frankly I can't stand the idea of them not being together at all. So I'll admit my arguments are colored <g>. Does anyone else have any thoughts?
Kaylle - [kaylle@ladyavalon.com]
Boston, MA
Tuesday, September 28, 2004 10:35:16 PM
Anonymous (Gantros?): RE: "when his name should be SERVARIUS, as written on his briefcase in "The Cage""
Greg said in his ramble on "The Cage" that the animators messed that up. It SHOULD have been "SEVARIUS."
Click my name for the full ramble.
(Look under "FLAWS" ;-) )
Tuesday, September 28, 2004 10:25:43 PM
Oh yeah forgot to add. HAPPY B DAY Greg, and sorry about the doggie im a vet tech and I know how hard it is to deal with that.
To everyone in the comment room: It's really nice to see such great people who enjoy animals. :)
Shara - [Jeanie54_2000@yahoo.com]
Tuesday, September 28, 2004 10:13:56 PM
Oh hey thoughs are really neat. I like the lexington one.
Animagic: Anyone going to animagic I will be helping to run the art show there too. Bring your artwork with you to hang up and win stuff and show it off to people attending.
Email me for more info.
Shara - [Jeanie54_2000@yahoo.com]
Tuesday, September 28, 2004 10:11:26 PM
Kristen> Neato hon! Those are really cute, and I'll be sure to start using one right away! A Puck one would be cute too maybe, :p
Tuesday, September 28, 2004 08:39:26 PM
Third time's the charm?
If not go here:
Sorry for the triple posting!!!!!! :(
Kristen - [zzilly14@yahoo.com]
Virginia, USA
Tuesday, September 28, 2004 08:26:06 PM
Ooops the link didn't work! (too bad you can't edit your previous posts!!!)
Hopefully it'll work now. Click on my name and it should bring you to it. *crosses fingers*
Kristen - [zzilly14@yahoo.com]
Virginia, USA
Tuesday, September 28, 2004 08:25:03 PM
For those of you with Livejournals, I've made four LJ icons advertising the Dec. 7th release of Season 1 on DVD. (I personally think the best one is the first one, dvd4.jpg)
If you'd like to use them feel free, just please credit me in your keywords (as zilly14). Thanks a bunch, hope you like them!
http://img65.photobucket.com/albums/v197/zzilly14/disneyicons/gargoyles/dvd/" TARGET="_top">Kristen - [zzilly14@yahoo.com]
Virginia, USA
Tuesday, September 28, 2004 08:23:16 PM
Todd> It could be considered that when Sevarius commented on "Three down, two to go," He could have included Bronx in that equation. And why is it that all fans refer to Sevarius as SEVARIUS, when his name should be SERVARIUS, as written on his briefcase in "The Cage"
Tuesday, September 28, 2004 08:19:19 PM
To celebrate Greg Weisman's birthday, I watched my tape of "The Reckoning" today. A few comments on it.
There's a neat bit which subtly foreshadows Delilah in a way that shows that the writers were playing fair with the audience. When Sevarius is extracting Lexington's DNA from the robotic mosquito, he comments "That's three down, and two to go". Five in all, in other words - the four clones of the trio and Hudson, and Delilah. I wonder how many first-time viewers picked up on that when, after Sevarius's words, we first see just four clones working for Demona and Thailog - and then the fifth finally shows up. (I'm afraid that I missed it the first time, however.)
Incidentally, the first time that I saw this episode, I got the wrong impression initially from Sevarius's little quip about bioengineering being a growth industry and thought that he was planning on creating giant insects. (I'm glad that he didn;t; overgrown bugs always freak me out, even in animation.)
Fang displays his usual comic relief role with such lines as "Some of my best friends are half-human half-gargoyle babes with bad attitudes" and "You chicks are better than soaps". Not to mention his remark, after seeing Demona turn into a human, of "Kinky" - it's a good thing for him that Demona wasn't in the same cell as he when he said that!
The names of the Clones suggests that Demona must have spent some time in Los Angeles. (Incidentally, the Clones themselves remind me slightly of the four mutant frogs that Shredder created in an old episode of "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles" that he named after Attila the Hun, Genghis Khan, Napoleon, and Rasputin, in a twisted parody of Splinter naming the turtles after his favorite artists of the Italian Renaissance.)
I could say a few more things about the episode, but it'll have to wait until tomorrow morning.
Todd Jensen
St. Louis, MO
Tuesday, September 28, 2004 07:58:23 PM
Happy Birthday, Greg!
Saw The Batman's first episode with Joker, this afternoon.
I loved it!
gonna call it a night, now. almost two in the morning
laters, guys!
Denis - [I hate being sick! ]
Tuesday, September 28, 2004 07:52:07 PM
I'm still working on that AIM icon, but I'm having troubles getting people to see it!!! Any suggestions, or do I have to make the file smaller (it's 6.7 kb now).
Cover art>Beautiful
Happy Bday Greg!
Lord GargFan
Tuesday, September 28, 2004 06:23:31 PM
Kathy > Please see my message on the TGS board. That Yahoo list is still perfectly functional, and you're going to lose touch with almost 500 fans by tossing it aside.
Tuesday, September 28, 2004 06:17:07 PM
I was born on the 9th of December
Tuesday, September 28, 2004 04:37:32 PM
Happy Birthday Greg!
Best of luck on your Calculus test DianaT! *dances for not needed math classes any longer*
Of course I need some of that luck myself - I have a paper on poetry due in an hour...gods help me.
I wonder what other December babes we have around here. I joined the world on the 6th of that month, and I'll be 21 this time around. My mother and older sister keep wanting to take me to Vegas...I'm such a dud though, I don't like alcohol and I like keeping money, ha!
Tuesday, September 28, 2004 04:17:42 PM
Thanks, everyone. For the condolence AND birthday wishes. Life mixes the bitter with the sweet, but all your posts help keep things balanced.
Greg Weisman
Tuesday, September 28, 2004 04:14:56 PM
Work on the G2005 website is coming along nicely with all modules to be posted soon.
In the meantime, please stop by and register so that you can receive the latest information via the newsletter!
The first one will be released on Friday so tell your friends and get them to register too. (The Yahoogroups newsletter you may have been subscribed to has under gone some kind of data corruption, so you need to re-register at the website to get the updates. )
In the meantime, we are indeed having a costume contest! Click the link or go to the Contest page at gathering.gargoyles-fans.org for all the information. Send us your pics and we'll post them for all to see.
Bonus points if your photo depicts you promoting Gargoyles at a public event!
kathy - [Visit the website and check out the contests!]
Tuesday, September 28, 2004 03:42:44 PM
Happy Birthday Greg. Sorry to hear about your dog. About two years ago, my Shitzu of 14 years died. So as not to make this a sad day: it does get better over time.
Re: costume photos> Sure photoshop can make you look lighter, but can it make me look several hundred pounds heavier? I might want to dress up as Broadway.
Tuesday, September 28, 2004 02:16:59 PM
Happy birthday Greg! I wish you joy despite these difficult times (I'm sure Norman would have wanted you to be happy).
Si> yep, the image is still there
Tuesday, September 28, 2004 02:10:32 PM
Greg: Happy Birthday! (This year, there's a bonus: the Harvest Moon is today. BTW, next month's Hunter's Moon, on October 27, features a total lunar eclipse).
Please accept my condolences on the loss of your beloved pet. Some years ago we lost our 17-year-old dachshund. My brother flew halfway across the country to be here when we put him to sleep (the dog was his, but was too old to make the move to Seattle). And as you observed, we missed the little things for a long time.
DVD: I'm eagerly awaiting this release, and I have spread the news to friends and co-workers.
Minneapolis , MN
Tuesday, September 28, 2004 01:25:11 PM
DVD Cover art: Yes, it's very nice. Sort of has a Medieval touch to it, wouldn't you say?
Costume Contest: They might judge it by having you send in a digital picture of yourself. If that be the case, Photoshop comes to mind.....one could make themselves look several pounds lighter in the picture. :)
Mr. Weisman: Happy Birthday!
Tuesday, September 28, 2004 01:12:11 PM
D. Taina: Yep, I turn 20 on December 12th! *grins excitedly* I won't be a teenager anymore... but won't *quite* be an adult until I'm 21.
Yay for December 12th!!!! :)
Kristen - [zzilly14@yahoo.com]
Virginia, USA
Tuesday, September 28, 2004 12:48:59 PM
Hey, can you believe it? It's Greg Weisman's birthday here. Happy birthday, Greg!
The DVD > I find abscence of Marina's name from the DVD promotions quite odd, too. You would think she and Frakes would be the two big names they'd promote since Xanatos and Demona are big players in Season One and "ST:TNG" lives on in syndication and still has a pretty large following.
Halloween > Costume contest? How would that be judged?
70 days left until the spell is broken and they live again! Gargoyles Season One comes to DVD on December 7, 2004!
Tuesday, September 28, 2004 12:33:51 PM
Greg W. > happy birthday from the Morgans!
Tuesday, September 28, 2004 12:02:48 PM
Happy Birthday, Greg!
Alex Garg - [alex_garg@yahoo.com]
Tuesday, September 28, 2004 11:45:09 AM
Hey! I think the official DVD cover art being announced for Greg's birthday (okay it was really the day before but don't ruin the moment) is a pretty awesome present!
Happy Birthday Greg :D
IRC Goliath - [goliath1@pacbell.net]
Tuesday, September 28, 2004 11:34:16 AM
Happy Birthday, Greg Weisman! :D And I'm so sorry to hear about Norman. It's always hard to lose a pet, especially when they've been with you for so long. Just remember that he's in a better place now. :)
Kristen: Is your birthday on December 12th, too? If so, we have the same birthday! Weee!
Wish me luck on that Calculus test I have later today...
D. Taina - [<-- 43 reviews and counting! ]
Tuesday, September 28, 2004 11:25:01 AM
*switches to Vinnie voice*
So yeah, it your birthday, would ya believe it, I got you a cake.
*lifts Mr. Carter and fies a Cookies and Cream ice cream cake at Greg*
Happy Birthday!
Houston, tx
Tuesday, September 28, 2004 10:51:06 AM
Happy Birthday Greg.
Tuesday, September 28, 2004 10:44:06 AM
Happy Birthday, Greg!! (Also, I'm sorry to hear about your beloved dog.) <:)
Noel Leas - [nleas@hotmail.com]
Bethlehem, PA, USA
Tuesday, September 28, 2004 10:36:51 AM
Here's hoping that there'll be a preview for the DVD on the upcoming Aladdin DVD.
Matt Fews
Tuesday, September 28, 2004 10:33:06 AM
Happy birthday Greg!!!
Kristen - [zzilly14@yahoo.com]
Virginia, USA
Tuesday, September 28, 2004 10:31:02 AM
HAPPY BIRTHDAY GREG!! I'll see you this afternoon, would you prefer whipped cream or chocolate sauce? >:)
Jennifer "CrzyDemona" Anderson - [crzydemona@gmail.com]
Tuesday, September 28, 2004 10:20:29 AM
Tuesday, September 28, 2004 10:01:23 AM
Happy Birthday, Greg, and bazillions more. Here's wishing you a pleasant, cheerful, spirit-rebounding day. At the very least, remind yourself of how well the Dodgers are doing.
Tuesday, September 28, 2004 09:03:46 AM
Happy Birthday, Greg!
Tuesday, September 28, 2004 08:47:02 AM
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe that today (September 28) is Greg Weisman's birthday.
(Kind of sad, when you think about it, that Norman should have died so close to it. Losing a beloved pet is bad at any time - but just before your birthday is truly hard.)
Todd Jensen
St. Louis, MO
Tuesday, September 28, 2004 07:39:12 AM
Losing internet for half a week not good. -_-;;;
Kaylle> Good job. I actually was planning on doing something similar to that but no need. ^_^;; I have a link button you can use though. It's on the front page of MGC *points to link* You can also use the promotional postcards for the gathering/dvd I did as well if you would like.
Lord Gargfan > I sent a scan of the postcard to Vash from GNC (Gargoyles News Central). She put it on the site for quite a bit. :) It may still be there?
I like the DVD coverart, it mentions the fandom, it mentions the gathering, and it doesn't suck. Yay. <:D
And I totally forgot what else I was going to say...and I need to get to work.. -_-;;
Siryn - [<--MGC...ENTER! (please?)]
Tuesday, September 28, 2004 06:47:56 AM
Blaq&CF> Good to see you're still around! Actually, Dorn voices Coldstone, who appears in the last ep of season 1, "Reawakening".
Tuesday, September 28, 2004 04:16:23 AM
Sorry for the 2x post.
Of course I meant the VA's from Star Trek that were in season 1.
Blaqthourne & Crimson Fury
Tuesday, September 28, 2004 02:43:53 AM
Re: Mention of Brent Spiner in ad
Neither does Micheal Dorn show up until season 2. Surprised Mirina Sirtis wasn't mentioned. Would I be wrong to say that Nichelle Nichols would be more recognized than Micheal Dorn? I think I hit all the VA's that appeared in the Star Trek franchise.
Blaqthourne & Crimson Fury
Tuesday, September 28, 2004 02:40:25 AM
Chameleongirl> That's actually what got me asking, hon! I saw that small blurb on the 2005 Gathering site and it got me to thinking if there was anything I can do on Halloween that was remotely Gargoyles themed. I pretty much figured I had nothing, until I remembered I had an old green dress I love, and a lab coat from a biology course last year...and it went from there! I can't wait to see what other people do.
Jade> Ahhh, I remember the Gummi Bears! Way cool, and her site is indeed very awesome! That's so cool she put up the DVD banner.
Gantros> Charming story. As Hudson always proved, old age is nothing, you can still be of use! My kitten is only four years old (so yes technically she's a cat) and I guess caught a lizard a day or so ago. I was very surprised by this, even though she is incredibly quick and has her claws, because she takes forever to attack! Most times she freezes, wriggles her butt and waits...and waits....and waits....and more often then not her prey (my foot normally) leaves or she falls asleep! Good thing she's an indoor cat or she'd never last too long outside.
Tuesday, September 28, 2004 02:38:06 AM
Since the subject seems to be about pets, I think I should tell this incredible story that happened TODAY. My aunt, who lives in the same house as us (she lives in the remodeled basement), has an old cat. This cat, named Al (short for Aladdin), is VERY old. He's at least 14 years old, has been declawed, and is essentially skin and bones (and a very large stomach that almost touches the floor).
Earlier today, my aunt yells from the basement that she needs my help (I'm pretty much the handyman of the house). I come done and she says Al caught a bird outside. I go out the basement door and there is Al with a morning dove in his mouth. This old cat caught a healthy bird without any claws, and at his age. I forced his mouth open and the bird, still alive, took off. Needless to say, Al was very angry after losing his prey. But I think it just goes to show you that age doesn't keep you from enjoying things you liked when you were younger, like an old cartoon you watched as a kid, ;)
Tuesday, September 28, 2004 01:41:48 AM
Hehehe... Check this out, gang. I got it down in some heavy cross-crafting. I got a gummi fan to put up a gargs dvd banner and she has a sweet site! Go, us!!
Jade Griffin
Tuesday, September 28, 2004 01:41:06 AM
Victoria> "So, Halloween is slowly creeping up - anyone got anything fun planned, dressing up as anything Gargoyles related?"
If you head over to the new Gathering site there is a competition up concerning a Hallowwen Gargoyles costume competition. Not a great deal of info has been released, but enough to get people started if they want to enter. Click my name for the contest page.
Greg> It's been months now, but I still expect to see our little dog everywhere. It'll get better, slowly but surely, but you'll never truly forget.
Tuesday, September 28, 2004 01:24:44 AM
Greg Weisman - My condolences. As I said a few weeks ago, I had a pure-breed collie named "Samburg" quite a few years ago. I can joke about his nose entering his doghouse the day before he did, but he was cute. Now, I've named one of my cats around my house "Hunter" - because she does fit the profile. Once, she stole a mouse from a snack.
Tuesday, September 28, 2004 12:27:57 AM
Oh gosh, I just read the new ramble Greg has up and it just about broke my heart, it was so touching!
*runs off to huggle her kitten*
So, Halloween is slowly creeping up - anyone got anything fun planned, dressing up as anything Gargoyles related?
I'm thinking of dressing up as Anastasia in her Walkabout outfit for the fun of it, and mostly because I have the entire outfit already without having known it!
Monday, September 27, 2004 11:08:04 PM
Jade > heh, yes quite!
For those that have Toon Disney, don't forget the Gargoyles Friday Night of Fright! That's starting this Friday, isn't it?
Monday, September 27, 2004 10:32:17 PM
Victoria> Yes, we are a special breed, aren't we? *hugs her closest Rookery Sis and Bro*
Jade Griffin
Monday, September 27, 2004 10:10:30 PM
It's really touching to see how all of us seem to adore pets to a very great deal and what a special place they have in our heart and lives. I've only lost one pet (A german shepherd/collie mix name BJ) so far, back in elementary school, but I was very very attached to her. My older sister and I got another dog of the same mix type about half a year later because we missed having a dog so much. Charlie (also a girl), I swear, is like a second version of our first dog in so many ways and made the transition to a new dog a little easier. I also have a Bengal kitten whose always on sugar. I have a very strong attachment to her, especially since she was very fond of my father and I felt so sorry for her when my dad suddenly wasn't coming home anymore. So all extra affection has gone to me and she's always following me around, talking to me and sleeping on my legs. I know I have another decade to look forward to with her around, and after that I'll miss her so terribly.
But right now she's about to attack the furniture and I'm suddenly trying to remember why she's so cute, haha.
And hey, I don't know if there are any SW fans around here, but I'll be at CIII with my girlfriends in April, it'd be cool to see a fellow Gargs fan there!
43 reviews at Amazon and going strong!
Monday, September 27, 2004 09:30:21 PM
KRISTEN - Yes, that's how it seems to be when you lose pets. I went exactly through that sort of thing when Merlin passed on.
I'd had him for almost sixteen years. He was a happy, active cat until August 2004, when he began to meow in a sad, plaintive way. Very late in August, he was suddenly no longer able to jump up onto my bed (something that he liked to do a lot). I would gently pick him up and place him upon it beside me. When he walked, he would half-drag his hind legs as if he was having difficulty using them. Finally, on the evening of September 3, while he was lying near the bathroom door, he began to cough a little. I thought that he might be hungry or thirsty and picked him up to gently carry him over to his food and water dishes, in case he was having trouble walking. When I placed him down on the floor, he simply flopped over so that his head landed in the water dish. I picked him up at once, thinking that maybe he'd simply gotten too weak to stand, but when I saw that he wasn't moving, his eyes were wide open, and his mouth contorted in an odd grin, I realized what had happened. It was one of the darkest moments of my life.
I wrapped him up in a towel, placed him in his cat-carrying case, and the following morning, took him down to the Cat Clinic (fortunately, on the same block from my apartment, only a few minutes' walk) to be cremated. When I returned to my apartment, it felt empty. I kept on half-expecting him to show up and greet me when I walked in. I half-expected to find him napping by the toilet when I entered the bathroom. I would catch myself about to tell him to be good when I left the apartment. It was a very sad experience.
At least Obie healed the pain a little after I adopted her. Once again, there was a cat who would greet me when I came home, and whom I had to watch when I left so that it wouldn't rush out with me. I still miss Merlin a little, but Obie has proven a good successor. But adopting a new pet so soon after the death of the old one may not be for everybody.
Todd Jensen
St. Louis, MO
Monday, September 27, 2004 09:14:07 PM
Greg: I didn't get the chance to comment before concerning your Norman. It can be devastating to lose a pet.
Our family has lost a couple of pets before (since I've been alive). But the most recent loss was a few years ago. His name was Spike, our large black German Shepherd. He was a funny dog. He had a huge bark but was in fact a big baby (when it came to thunder storms and our cat C.K.)
And he always followed my mom around - whether she went upstairs or downstairs or in the kitchen or in the living room. And he thought he was a lap dog, so when my mom or dad would sit in their recliners Spike could only put his front half of his body on their laps (he was too big!!!!) And during dinner, he was big enough to rest his chin on the table when he wanted something to eat. I'll never forget him drooling when I ate ice cream, and afterwards I'd let him lick the bowl.
He had lots of health problems, but we had to put him to sleep for something else. His back feet started to drag (his claws always made funny noises against the carpet), and it just got worse and worse. He couldn't feel his back feet to lift his legs up high enough. It was hard for him to go upstairs.
One night he had a seizure. My parents decided it'd be best to put him to sleep the following week (another factor was my great grandma was planning to come live with us, and a big dog could cause her to fall - unfortunately she ended up not coming). My mom, brother and I went with Spike when it happened. My dad had gone through this before with our dog Bruno and didn't want to go through it again.
It's always hard to lose a pet. They're a part of your family. Then one day they're gone. It was weird to not hear Spike whining when he wanted to go out. Or not hear him running down the stairs. Or watch him chase C.K. (and vice versa) around the house.
You're right, Greg - it's the small things you miss. Now it's been a few years, and although it's hard to remember Spike being around, I can still see his goofy happy face, his tongue hanging out, his unconditional love for all of us in the family.
You and your family are in my prayers. :) God bless.
Kristen - [zzilly14@yahoo.com]
Virginia, USA
Monday, September 27, 2004 08:41:21 PM
Todd Jensen>You could be right: however at comic con disney did show some peeps a dvd collectors box which means they probally already have marketed season 2 but won't release it for sometime. You guys definatly need to make it to that con next year. It's amazing.
Shara - [jeanie54_2000@yahoo.com]
Monday, September 27, 2004 08:32:42 PM
Demonskrye - I like your idea if making the DVD case look like the Grimmorum. Maybe they'll use it for a Season 1 special collectors edition when the regular Season 1 release sales fly through the roof. One can only hope...
Dunstan - [gargoyle@netnet.net]
Monday, September 27, 2004 08:24:22 PM
thanks for the link Phil... geeez, its really incredible seeing an actually advertisement for Gargoyles like that. i mean its real, but it doesn't feel real, lol. it feels like a hoax, but i know it isn't. i suppose so far this is the closest we've come to the feeling we will have when Gargoyles comes back with new episodes. and it feels great!
Monday, September 27, 2004 08:20:53 PM
The art for the DVD cover looks good, but I'm a bit concerned over their mention of Brent Spiner as among the Star Trek voice talent. After all, he doesn't show up until Season Two, so his being on the list could be considered false advertising.
Todd Jensen
St. Louis, MO
Monday, September 27, 2004 07:10:40 PM
Battlebeast: If that's all you had to say, why say it three times? :)
Kenya: Hi! I don't understand you, but hi!!! (I wonder if your owner has any pics of you???) *grin*
Kristen - [zzilly14@yahoo.com]
Virginia, USA
Monday, September 27, 2004 04:32:16 PM
*nods head in aprooval*
Now, my one year old Sprite (neutered femal Ferret) Kenya wants to say hi.
b rt"OP:'/.;b];.)76- /zm, msxde r
So there you are.
That is all WE will say.
Battle Beast
CanadaMonday, September 27, 2004 04:29:30 PM
*nods head in aprooval*
Now, my one year old Sprite (neutered femal Ferret) Kenya wants to say hi.
b rt"OP:'/.;b];.)76- /zm, msxde r
So there you are.
That is all WE will say.
Battle Beast
CanadaMonday, September 27, 2004 04:29:13 PM
*nods head in aprooval*
Now, my one year old Sprite (neutered femal Ferret) Kenya wants to say hi.
b rt"OP:'/.;b];.)76- /zm, msxde r
So there you are.
That is all WE will say.
Monday, September 27, 2004 04:28:41 PM
At home we have satellite - so during the summer I'd turn the channel to Toon Disney at 11:30 (11:00 for the last half of summer) and get to watch a full hour of Gargoyles. I happened upon it randomly one evening and got re-hooked to the show. I was "happy as a clam," as my psych professor likes to say. Especially when I *finally* saw Hunter's Moon part 3, which I had never ever seen before or ever knew what happened until this summer *grin grin*
Then I came back to college. Here we have cable (once you go satellite, its hard to go back). Anywho, THERE'S NO TOON DISNEY! I was sad. But then I thought, "ooh, I remember hearing they air it on ABC Family!"
But just as I realize this, I find out they STOPPED airing it.
Boo on ABC Family. (Although you play Whose Line almost every night, so you're not extremely terrible.)
So yeah. There's my mini-rant.
At least the DVD for Season 1 is coming out soon. But I'm more psyched for Season 2 (which better come out too) because there's more eppies and more Goliath/Elisa stuff.
I'm begging my parents to get the DVD for me, because my birthday is five days after the release, and then there's Christmas soon after. I really hope they give in, although they think it's silly I like the show (LoL, I love my parents but they're so silly themselves sometimes! I bet they think it's silly just b/c it's a cartoon!)
Alrighty. I've spoken enough. *glides away to do schoolwork*
Kristen - [zzilly14@yahoo.com]
Virginia, USA
Monday, September 27, 2004 03:16:57 PM
Wow, the cover does look nice. Certainly alot better than "The Heroes Awaken" cover. Got a copy reserved for myself, and my 5 year old nephiew (whom absolutely LOVES the show). This is the first show he'll actually sit down and WATCH in its entireity.
That being said, ABC Family is no longer airing Gargoyles. They cut it off at Hunter's Moon, part 2. :( Talk about bad timing...they cut it off right before the "big finale"!
Monday, September 27, 2004 02:15:33 PM
The cover art looks sweet.
As to why seven is a lucky number? With a pair of die (dice), more combinations of numbers add up to seven than any other. God bless Mr. Wizard.
We're back to the first season of the series on Toon Disney, cool.
Monday, September 27, 2004 01:51:20 PM
The cover looks awesome! But why didn't they use the original promo poster, the one with Goliath watching over the city? That one's the BEST. I'd rather they used that one. But well, the one we do have looks great!! It's not The Heroes Awaken! I still can't get over the shock!
D. Taina
Monday, September 27, 2004 12:53:55 PM
The cover isn't bad. I think it could look better, but I agree - it's a lot better than the "Heroes Awaken" cover!!!!
I can't wait till December 7th!!!! Whoo!!!
Kristen - [zzilly14@yahoo.com]
Virginia, USA
Monday, September 27, 2004 12:44:05 PM
Hooray for "Gargoyles" DVD cover art that does not suck!
One of my favorite movies, "The Shawshank Redemption", is being released on DVD on October 5. I'll be picking that up, too, so I can finally see it without edits for content. Why am I mentioning this hear, you ask? Well, there IS a "Gargoyles" connection, because Clancy Brown - the voice of Haakon and Wolf - is in it. So there you go... "Gargoyles" to any other movie with Morgan Freeman or Tim Robbins in one simple step. ;)
71 days left until the spell is broken and they live again! Gargoyles Season One comes to DVD on December 7, 2004!
Patrick - [<-- the official Gathering of the Gargoyles gateway]
Monday, September 27, 2004 12:43:01 PM
Re:Dvd Cover. Personally I like the Dvd collectors box they showed us at comic con better then the dvd art. The dvd art just looks like the promotional cards they gave us.
Shara - [Jeanie54_2000@yahoo.com]
Monday, September 27, 2004 12:33:10 PM
Re: DVD Cover.
No hot pink Goliath!!! LOL
Monday, September 27, 2004 11:53:16 AM
ooo, very nice cover! I'm quite pleased as well, especially since I think we all know how easily covers can really be a peice of crap sometimes. This cover art is definitely nice. Yay
Monday, September 27, 2004 11:35:32 AM
Cover> Well that's pretty good. I was personally hoping for something that looked like a leather and metal bound book (like the Grimmorum) with the Goliath in a circle logo on it. But this is far better than the "Heroes Awaken" cover and is not the white cover Disney Adventures illustration. So we're doing all right.
Monday, September 27, 2004 11:32:14 AM
WOW, the cover art is fantastic! My wish has been granted! WOO HOO! Thanks for finding it! ^_^
Too bad I actually have to go ONE class at USF in Tampa because thats the only college foolish enough to be open in the entire central part of the state effected by the hurricane. I hope I dont encounter any sink holes or flooded streets. :P Just my luck too.
Still the cover art made my day! Now I can make fliers to advertise at my water logged campus! ^_^
Wesley Chapel, FL, Swimming in the Streets
Monday, September 27, 2004 11:03:47 AM
Yeah! Cover doesn't suck.
CKayote - [CKayote@worldnet.att.net]
Orlando, FL
Monday, September 27, 2004 10:26:11 AM
Yeah at last we get to see what the DVD cover art looks like. Not bad is all I will say; not too cartoony like the "Heroes Awaken" cover art. I'm so excited.
I too will soon get my review up at Amazon.com within the next few days.
Monday, September 27, 2004 09:56:24 AM
I've never tried posting a link before, so here's hoping this works. I've found a site that posted a scan of a magazine ad for Gargoyles, which includes the cover art.
Phil - [p1anderson@go.com]
Monday, September 27, 2004 09:12:09 AM
Newbie for 11th!
By the way, if Amazon.com reviews keep coming in at the rate they are now, we will have 112 by the release date!!!!
Dunstan - [gargoyle@netnet.net]
Monday, September 27, 2004 07:56:58 AM
boy, filled up quick this week!
Monday, September 27, 2004 03:08:14 AM
Patricia Lovelady - [sabre0link@hotmail.com]
Montevallo, AL, USA
Monday, September 27, 2004 02:59:31 AM
8th, and time for another of my infamous polls!
Since Christine Morgan has announced her retirement from writing Gargoyles fanfics (sad, but true), what would you like her last few fanfics to focus on, if you had any say in the matter?
Personally, I'd like some more detail on story 7 Vials, The wherabouts of Xanatos and Fox post-2010, and some farflung "epilogue" which may or may not include the Space Spawn, Nokkar's Race, and perhaps something completely different.
On a lighter note, I'd like to see a final story on Wcky and Tora (The women who kidnapped Jericho in "Revenge of the Amazon Women"), in which their escapades have an unforeseen consequence which turns out to be beneficial to the gargoyles (try and decipher THAT one, non-CM readers!)
Also, here's the link to my VH1 "I Love the 90's" Post on Gargoyles. Keep it on the first page by replying with your support of getting it on "Strikes Back"!. UK fans can use the zipcode 97212 during registration. Here's the link:
Please send a reply.
Monday, September 27, 2004 02:08:23 AM
........................Lucky number 7. Why it's lucky, I'll never know, unless someone tells me.
Monday, September 27, 2004 01:02:34 AM
#6!! Wow, fast top ten this week.
Monday, September 27, 2004 12:40:01 AM
Monday, September 27, 2004 12:27:30 AM
...I am so easily amused by this!
It tickles me to no end how people can be together, all of different ages and backgrounds, and have such fun in who posts first through third of comments of the new week.
I wish my Linguistics paper was tickling me, but it's stabbing me if anything...
Monday, September 27, 2004 12:15:55 AM
3rd in the name of the Fay *^_^*
Monday, September 27, 2004 12:10:53 AM
Monday, September 27, 2004 12:01:50 AM
That is all I will say.
Battle Beast
CanadaMonday, September 27, 2004 12:00:05 AM