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Comment Room Archive

Comments for the week ending October 31, 2005

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Re Shara's post below: I just want to go on record as saying that I'm thoroughly delighted with the way the fan-comic cover for "Silver Bullets" turned out. I thank Shara and her colleagues for using my story; it's obviously in very capable hands. Happy Halloween, everyone!

hey everybody, remember what Greg W said earlier this week and go post a review on Amazon. theres still only 20 reviews so write one if you havn't yet!
matt - [ewoks11@hotmail.com]
"Do not despise the day of small beginnings." -Zechariah 4:10

There's two more reviews by Todd Jensen now online at the GFW - and he only got 13 more episodes to go. And still, the Summaries of 6 Season 2 episodes and 7 Season 3 episodes are missing......
Guandalug la'Fay - [guandalug@gargoyles-fans.org]
It has been said that the world is a strange place. This is not true. The world is a VERY strange place.

Stephen R, Sobotka Jr.: All I have tosay to that is that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. The more counterfeits their are of anything the more valuble it must be!

Kris>Thanks. We have spent alot of time and money doing this but its a lot of fun.
I have found that this helps more then us running out and buying 2 or more dvd's. There are more people out there who loved gargoyles and if we can reach them all and let them know it's out on dvd and gregs comic is coming out you might get a bigger sales in dvds. I found many people at conventions would walk up to our booth remember the show and then get the dvd on there things to buy list. The fandom online is very small but if everyone who doesnt know about the online fandom etc buys a dvd the sales might go up alot. But anways. Bookmark the publicity site if you are interested in getting involved. We wont have anything up on that until january when the web layout is done. Right now we only go to conventions in california but the plan is to have a usa east coast team who promotes the show at cons back east. Maybe one in canada or over seas somewhere.

For anyone interested in the webcomic. THe cover for the october issue just went up. I should have all the kittens comic up before monday.


Shara - [jeanie54_2000@yahoo.com]

Harvester : I thought that daylight savings time was pushed back two weeks.
"Isn't it satisfying to watch your child grow up from a little tiny acorn into a complete nut?" - George Pickard

An ironic twist. With Halloween coming. Teletoon in Canada is running the Real Ghostbusters series for 13 days(personally, I wish they'd run it all the time, since it was one of the better 80's animated series IMHO-and Frank Welker was doing Slimer after all). This morining's episode had such a tie in with Gargs, I had to pass on the story line.

THe Episode "JAnine Melnitz, Ghostbuster" involved the city of new york being over run with ghosts... more so than usual-including Janine's apartment. When the Ghostbusters refuse to deal with her situation, she takes matters into her own hands and "borrows" one of their proton packs. In the mean time, The Ghostbusters themselves disappear after a battle with the possessed statue of Atlas at rockefeller Plaza(there is a point to this Garg Fans).
With some dumb luck, Janine and slimer manage to take care of the Ghosts at her apartment and discover the guys are missing-so Janine gets the idea of putting slimer into the containment unit to see if he can find out from some of the other ghosts what is going on and where the guys might be. Slimer finds out they're being kept at the (a)Erie building(To which there is a hidden 13th floor they discover). When they arrive Janine finds Ray, Egon, Peter & Winston trapped in a Mirror! (ok, now as a garg fan I'm starting to freak out). Then we find out that the head ghost/ is a primal god named(hold on to your hats) Proteus!! The ending is sort of anti climactic. but safe to say, all ends well.

I'm not sure what it was about the show, but despite the rathe jerky animation, I really liked the way the characters came off in the series. They sadly changed them towards the end. (changing Peter's voice from Lorenzo Music to Dave "full House" whatz his face was a mistake and toning down Janine's punk look was also sad in the last season, not to mention the cheapo "slimer" spin off series" but other than that, It was still one of my favorite series of the 80s's. I'm enjoying getting a chance to see it again.

Any thoughts?


Halloween is coming very close.. :D heheheheheeeee...
Demona May - [realdemona@yahoo.com]
The Living Insane One is still alive and kicking. ~!!!

Personally, I'm going to buy two copies for myself when the DVD set hits Tampa.

Though yesterday, I was at NecronomiCon and they had one guy that had a massive DVD booth set up in the dealer's room. He had a lot of stuff that was obviously bootleg, or fan-made films. Normally I don't give that sort of thing a second glance... but the dude had 12 copies of "The Complete Gargoyles" DVD; all of Seasons 1 and 2, and the Goliath Chronicles, for sixty-five bucks.

I basically frowned at him, and he said, "What's your problem?" I just replied, "Nothing, except that I support this show, and its first season is out on an OFFICAL DVD, and Season 2 starts shipping in December." Then I just walked away.

I have no trouble with sellers that sell the licensed stuff, but just seeing those DVD sets makes me wonder just who'd be desperate enough to want to plunk down nearly 70 dollars for those copies?

Well, that's all I had to say... Maintain and Check Six!

Stephen R, Sobotka Jr.

Shara >> I'd forgotten I'd read about you and other fans having Gargoyles booths to promote the DVDs, comics, and franchise in general. I think what you're doing is exactly what we need more of (while continuing to try to turn our non-Con-attending friends and family onto the show. It's hard, a lot of my friends and family members won't go near sci-fi, fantasy, animation, or all of the above. Some just lead way too busy lives that they aren't willing to sit down for TV-on-DVD. They either never watch TV as it is, or they have too many other shows on the go already). Are there people interested in doing similar things in other parts of the States, Canada, Europe, and everywhere else ? (did Gargoyles even get a release outside of Region 1?)

I couldn't help noticing the complete lack of Gargoyles DVDs at the Canadian Comic/Sci-fi/Anime Expo in Toronto this past August. The Expo doubled in size this year (at least in floor space, dunno about attendance). There were more places selling animation on DVD than ever...but most of it was anime. Many of these anime retailers had room for a few North American shows like the original Transformers, Batman, Spider-Man, the recently released He-Man, Thundercats, WildC.A.Ts, etc (usually only two or three of those properties per retailer. No one specialized in North American cartoons)...but I had to take a 20 minute walk away from the Metro Toronto Convention Center to find a DVD store to buy a copy of Gargoyles for Marina Sirtis to sign. It was the first day of the con too, but not a single copy of Gargoyles in the entire building? Ridiculous. SO many people browsing would've come upon it and been all, "Ah! I remember this!", and I imagine at least half of those rediscovering it would've remembered it was great enough to buy. So much of a potential audience missing out on Season 1 like that means less sales than we would've had for Season 2.

It sucks, 'cause there aren't any more major cons in Toronto this year that I'm aware of. I would've participated in a booth, helped rent one out, but I wasn't thinking about Gargoyles over the summer, I gotta admit (no, Firefly/Serenity was the property I was concentrating on helping make a success). If you know anyone in Ontario who'd be willing to help get the word out at shows in Toronto, lemme know 'cause I'd really like to do something more proactive than buy a DVD.

Kris - [plekopleko@hotmail.com]

Just wanted to say that I agree with Patrick. No one has to review the quality of the DVDs, but rather what's on them, since most of us know what's going on them.

Oh, and just in case I don't get a chance to say this later, since I'm driving up to Harrisonburg after work: remember that Daylight Savings Time ends tonight. Spring back, fall forward, everyone!

Harvester of Eyes - [Minstrel75@gmail.com]
"If God were a villain... he'd be me." -Charles Dance in "Last Action Hero."

Good point about what greg said. Last year with our sticker promotion at comic con. And anime expo and other small conventions in california we alerted and got many NON internet gargoyle fans to buy the dvd and get ready for the slave labor comic book. Many people said they did not know a gargoyle convention was around or that the show was on dvd. Many remembered the show and loved it but forgot about it.

We will be doing some convention runs here in california starting in january if anyone is interested in helping promote gargoyles at a booth at a convention.
The publicity site should be up fully by then.

Haha Latest on the webcomic. Will have kittens comic up fully for viewing nov 1st. THe holloween comic will be run next to the kittens comic all november since we ran a month late. THen from there forth the website will be updated once a month.

Publicity website if anyone is interested.


if anyone wants a preview of an inked cover.
Click the link below.

Shara - [jeanie54_2000@yahoo.com]

well put Greg, couldn't say it better myself, even though i said a lot of that myself a couple days ago...

: )

matt - [ewoks11@hotmail.com]
"Do not despise the day of small beginnings." -Zechariah 4:10

A few years ago in the other CR, someone came up with the idea of a "sarcasm smiley" that could be used in posts to let others know s/he was being sarcastic. Unfourtunately, I don't remember what it was exactly. I'll check my archives when I get back from work and let everyone here know about it.

Lord GargFan : You could always do what I do far the other CR. That is, save each week of the CR on your computer, and then use CRTL-F to have your own search engine for the archive.

Hey, a code that's all numbers. I think that's the first time I've seen that.

"Isn't it satisfying to watch your child grow up from a little tiny acorn into a complete nut?" - George Pickard

The first season (13 episodes) of Gargoyles was released on December 7th, 2004 and is still available. It's a two disk set.

The first half of the second season (26 episodes) of Gargoyles will be released on December 6th, 2005. It's a three disk set.

Whether the rest of the series will be released, will unsurprisingly be determined by the sales of these first two sets.

And although you didn't ask, I'm going to take this opportunity to clarify what I view as the fandom's role in making these sets a success.

Obviously, I'd like to think everyone'll want a copy.

But I've never wanted or expected individual fans to spend money they don't have or that they need for life's essentials. (Food, shelter, education, etc.)

If you can afford to buy only one copy, then that's all you should buy.

If you can't afford one copy, then don't buy one copy. Maybe over time, you could save up. Maybe not. But I'm not asking you to spend money you don't have.

If you happen to have more disposable income and can afford multiple copies -- well, frankly, I still don't know why you'd buy more than one for yourself.

But perhaps you have friends you could turn on to the series. Instead of buying them that fruitcake for the holidays, you might send them a DVD. Etc.

But spending money isn't really what I'm asking the fans to do here. As I've said before... if ALL the truly hardcore fans went out and bought ten DVDs a piece... and if that's all that we sold... we'd fail. FLAT OUT.

We need sales to pass beyond the hard core fan. And that's what I see the hard core fans doing for the property: SPREADING THE WORD.




GO INTO STORES AND ASK THEM TO STOCK THE DVDS. (You don't have to buy one.)

I don't view the hardcore fans as a wallet to tap. I view them as missionairies. That's what I need you guys for. Not for stuff that costs you money. But for reaching out and preaching the good word. Not to the already converted. Not just to each other. But to people who may not know us.

Remember, not a single penny from the DVDs goes into my pocket. This isn't about money to me. This is about the long term health of the property. Money talks to Disney, and that's about numbers... about increasing the overall size of the fandom. Some of those new fans won't be able to afford DVDs either. But some will. And if we grow enough, we've got nothing to worry about.

Anyway, that's it.

Greg Weisman
Greg Weisman

Christine, you're evil. :-P

Well, folks, after a year and a half, I've posted a new fanfic! "Only the Good, Part One" is now on my site. But do be warned, I won't be able to finish and post Part Two until probably after the first of the year, because I'm starting NaNoWriMo next week. This one's a killer! I don't think it ends on TOO unbearable a cliffhanger ... but then again, I'm a sadistic meanie who loves to hear people scream. Mature eyes only, please, due to violence, language and sexual content.

For the link and all the latest, click below or go to http://www.eskimo.com/~vecna/new_stuff.html

Happy Halloween, everyone!

Christine - [christine@sabledrake.com]

BISHANSKY - Yes, this is the big problem that I have with sarcasm in print; with no tone of voice accompanying it, it can't always be recognized as sarcasm. That's why I prefer the straightforward approach. (I'm not too keen on sarcasm anyway, but that's another story.)
Todd Jensen
"Gargoyles" - did for monstrous-looking statues what "Watership Down" did for rabbits!

MATT> I know, I know. But you never know when someone won't see sarcasm for what it is? Gods knows, I have that problem some times ;)

No, it wasn't Galvatron. Guy called himself Acheron. I think. Something like that. It was a long while ago.

Greg Bishansky - [<--- Clicky, clicky.]
I am so going to the Special Hell

Greg B> yeah, no kidding, thats why i said it wasn't realistic, did ya read that part?

you wouldn't be refering to Galvatron would you *shakes fist* man he bothered me.

matt - [ewoks11@hotmail.com]
"Do not despise the day of small beginnings." -Zechariah 4:10

Just to nip it in the bud, Disney would never, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever even think of selling the rights for "Gargoyles". It would just never happen.

I mean, they wouldn't when they weren't doing anything with the property, now they're making DVDs and licensing comic books and are very well aware of the fandom's collective wallets. It just ain't happening.

LORD GARG FAN> A few years back, there was this guy in here who would go on and on about his "brilliant plan" for the fandom to buy the rights to "Gargoyles", started flame wars with people who tried to point out that it would never happen.

Greg Bishansky - [<--- Clicky, clicky.]
I am so going to the Special Hell

Greg B.>We've had that discussion before? I'd like a date for that one. Or, Gore, if you're out there, how 'bout a search function on the archives? I know you said you wouldn't, but I cannot tell you how many times I've wanted to search.

Although, considering that Disney is who it is, and won't even do anything with Clarabella (sic?) Cow. Although, now that Iger is in power, who knows what can happen.

Lord GargFan
And now to your regularly scheduled non-lurker comments...

matt> <<maybe instead of buying DVDs we should all pool our money and try to buy Gargoyles from Disney! imagine that, a fan owned series! what a gift to Greg that would be!>>

Now, now, do we really want to start this conversation again? ;)

Greg Bishansky - [<--- Clicky, clicky.]
I am so going to the Special Hell

Spen> i knew that quote was originally from the book, but it was also from the movie so i put (book or movie), guess i meant (book and movie) or (book then movie).

buying multiple DVDs> i wonder if Disney or someone put out a DVD and only one person wanted to buy it, but that person was a millionaire and really wanted more DVDs of that series to be put out if he/she could buy the entire realesed stock of DVDs. stupid idea i know, just a thought. it'd probably be cheaper for the millionaire to just buy the property and do what he/she wanted to do with it... maybe instead of buying DVDs we should all pool our money and try to buy Gargoyles from Disney! imagine that, a fan owned series! what a gift to Greg that would be!
unrealistic i know, but fun to think about.

matt - [ewoks11@hotmail.com]
The secret of creativity is knowing how to hide your sources. - Albert Einstein

Just thought I should mention that "The Haunted Mansion", the first of Slave Labor's Disney liscense books, came out this week. It was pretty good, probably falling a little more along the lines of Slave Labor's normal output than "Gargoyles" will. It's kind of an anthology, with various stories about the different ghosts and other characters in the Haunted Mansion ride. I doubt sales on this book will have any effect on the fate of the "Gargoyles" comic. But it's out if you want to stop by your local comic store and check it out.
Grim grinning ghosts come out to socialize

I do wonder if the "buy multiple copies of the DVDs" urging doesn't feel just a bit like fearmongering, as if to say "Buy multiple copies or Disney won't do anything more new with Gargoyles!" We really ought to be above such tactics.

Not to mention that I also find myself wondering if the "one person buying multiple copies" tactic isn't also a little deceptive, almost like a person voting more than once in an election. I know that Disney isn't likely to care whether it's 16 people buying 16 DVDs or one person buying 16 DVDs so long as they get the money from those sixteen sales, but a large number of fans buying a DVD each seems like a more honest assessment of the size of the fandom than a few fans buying a lot of DVDs each.

Todd Jensen
"Gargoyles" - did for monstrous-looking statues what "Watership Down" did for rabbits!

"New York City proper comprises five boroughs: Brooklyn, the Bronx, Manhattan, Queens, and Staten Island, and all but Staten Island have populations exceeding one million."


The World Trade Center site is located near the south end of Manhattan Island. Long Island and Manhattan Island are not the same thing.

Re: DVD Reviews - The only case where it would be impossible to post a review in advance is in the case of "direct to home video" releases. Everything else that comes out on DVD has already been seen in theaters or on television, so why wouldn't it make sense for people who have already seen the movie or show to offer commentary?

40 days left until Gargoyles Season 2, Volume 1 comes to DVD.

"Look, you're British, so scale it down a bit." - Eddie Izzard

Problems with reviewing DVD:
Well, first, it sounds a bit off to review a DVD before it comes out, although disclaiming that you're talking about the eps. themselves takes care of that.

Second, the gushing becomes a bit of a turn off. When you, as an outsider, see the perfect rating and plethora of reviews before the DVD even hit the stores, you say to yourself "Hmm, these are just reviews from rabid fans. Not very likely to be too helpful."

Third, after 100 or so reviews, just what the heck is the point?

I can't even remember if I reviewed the first DVD or not. It seems so pointless after a while.

Greg's Comment>> I can see where you're coming from, Greg. Thing is, being urged to "Spend Spend Spend" money when you're not sure that it's wise to spend the little you have is a bit urking.

JJ Gregarius
Like the man said, "There are no problems; only solutions!"

Greg Bishansky> You are from New York, are you not? Good. Maybe you can answer me a question, then.

Forgive me if this sounds stupid, but...

Where is New York City? What is it? Is it Brooklyn, Bronx, Harlem, Queens and manhattan all toghether, or are all fo those separate cities? Whwre is Ground Zero? is that on Lond Island in Manhattan?

And what is a 'burrough'? Is that like a subburb???

I know it may sound dunb, but I've never beena ble to figure this out... thanks for any help...

Battle Beast - [Canada]
That is all I will say.

Matt : Actually, that quote was originally from the book.
"Isn't it satisfying to watch your child grow up from a little tiny acorn into a complete nut?" - George Pickard

has anyone else seen this at Ask Greg?:

Zel writes...
If a gargoyle's finger breaks off at night, and you hold it in place untill morning, what will happen? Will the finger remain stone? Will the gargoyle have an injured but attached finger, or will the finger be fully healed?

Greg responds...
Holding it in place, couldn't possibly help... you could never hold it steady enough. Magic of course, might help. Or some combination of magic and surgery. But mostly, I think it's gone. The finger would remain stone.

Response recorded on October 26, 2005

i would think that the Humility Spell would cause the finger to turn to stone since obviously the gargoyle would consider it his or her finger! but i agree with Greg that i doubt the finger could be salvaged, so it may turn to stone as property of the gargoyle, but not as flesh. very interesting question...

matt - [ewoks11@hotmail.com]
"I like half of you half as well as I should like, and I like less then half of you half as well as you deserve..." -Bilbo Baggins, Fellowship of the Ring (book or movie)

Heh, whereas I'm from New York, and Manhattan is my favorite hang out ;)
Greg Bishansky - [<--- Clicky, clicky.]
I am so going to the Special Hell

Matt : Tell me about it. There are only about 5000 people in this entire county. For someone like me, who dosn't like particuarly crowded areas, it's perfect. For someone who likes having a lot of people and places around, it's hell. Anyway, the Quad Cities are over 60 miles away from here. And Missori's even further. So, I'm fairly certain I'm the only fan around here.
"Isn't it satisfying to watch your child grow up from a little tiny acorn into a complete nut?" - George Pickard

HARVESTER - Yes, I'd forgotten about that. I doubt that Titania would have been behind that (it'd have been too counter-productive to her plan), but maybe Castaway hired some good lawyers and had the heavy artillery rigged up so that it would self-destruct in such a way as to leave no evidence of his existence - and perhaps also the government of the Third World country that he bought the artillery from was in the middle of very delicate negotiations with the U.S. government and Washington didn't want to antagonize it by jailing the guy that they'd been selling artillery to, and therefore put pressure on the local Manhattan government to let Castaway off with a slap on the wrist.
Todd Jensen
"Gargoyles" - did for monstrous-looking statues what "Watership Down" did for rabbits!

I hope the MGC got my artwork... I know I send it in.. ~~Sign~~~
Demona May - [realdemona@yahoo.com]
Real Liveing Insane One, Alive and still kicking!

I too would have to side with Greg on this one. I only bought one copy of the DVD last year, but that's a little moot, since he wasn't calling anybody a traitor.

Todd: I guess that would mean that Titania also made the charges against Castaway (from "For It May Come True") disappear, since I doubt that the TGC Staff had placed any sort of connection between the Illuminati and the Quarrymen.

Harvester of Eyes - [Minstrel75@gmail.com]
"Do whatever it takes to win. Nice guys finish last." -Leo Durocher

Spen> yikes that is a pretty vacant area... theres gotta be some fans in Quad cities though, and i know several people in Kirksville, Mo who are fans. guess thats what you meant when you said a 30 mile radius, lol.

so... anyone think gargoyles have to brush their teeth? maybe when they turn to stone with their mouths open that takes care of plaque and halitosis... must be weird to break out of stone in your mouth... hmmm
just trying to get a real conversation started.

matt - [ewoks11@hotmail.com]
"Do not despise the day of small beginnings." -Zechariah 4:10

Dee >> "mmm"

Heh, is your second post referring to the avatar you chose featuring the London clan threesome?

I bought two copies of Season 1. One I ordered the day of release from Amazon.com (even though it would've been a bit cheaper to buy from Canada's Amazon.ca, I wanted to help in boosting the Amazon.com sales ranking for that day. I hope we plan to do the same thing this year). The other I bought the day after from Zellers for really cheap. Haven't given away the second copy yet. It's either going to a friend (she bought my extra copy of Firefly after I lent it to her and she decided she wanted to own it. Plus she usually trusts my taste in TV when I try to get her to watch things that're new to her, so she's a pretty safe bet) or my 4 year old cousin when he's old enough to appreciate it (otherwise he's getting Volume 1 DVDs of Ducktales and/or Rescue Rangers this Xmas). Also bought a third copy when I went to the Comic/Sci-fi Expo in Toronto this past August and forgot to bring a copy from home. Needed somethin' for Marina Sirtis to sign and wasn't willing to buy a $15 Star Trek photo. So I've got three, yikes. I don't mind owning two, since the signed one can be kept for good and to pawn off if I'm ever in desperate need of cash, but I'll give the third copy to someone eventually.

I'm limiting myself to one copy for Season 2 Part 1, but if any diehard fans are stuck by December 6th (a couple people on this board so far have mentioned they might be), I'd be cool with sending a few sets out. You can consider them Xmas gifts (no one here's gonna be deprived of new Gargoyles DVDs this holiday season if I can help it), or pay me back eventually if you want. Don't have to though.

Might seem a bit weird to some that I'm offering to people I don't even know (and I've only been posting regularly for over a year, even then only once or twice a week, plus lurked a lot before that), but I may as well throw it out there anyway. I'm not registering for a con I'm not willing to make the trip for (damn, really should've gone when it was in Montreal), but I'll help in other ways if I can.

Kris - [plekopleko@hotmail.com]

Why the hell is everyone accusing me of saying that. I specifically DIDN'T SAY THAT! Nor would I EVER SAY THAT!
Greg Bishansky - [<--- Clicky, clicky.]
I am so going to the Special Hell

I would buy the DVDs; I can honestly afford them. But I have investments all over the place, and it's difficult to scrape a few dollars together for a desire. But when it all comes together, I am definitely going to track down and buy all the Gargoyles DVDs that are out.
Kyra Sorrows - [ksmanning@mechavalon.com.alt]


wow,as for me currently I can't afford the dvd let alone 3 copies does that mean I am not a true fan.

Matt : Southeastern Iowa.
"Isn't it satisfying to watch your child grow up from a little tiny acorn into a complete nut?" - George Pickard

Matt> Thank you. And I agree. Honestly, I would never make the "true fan" arguement. I've seen it get played elseware, and it's always idiotic.

That original post that has caused this controversy was really more along the lines of "The Governator is here to PUMP YOU UP! FOUR MORE YEARS!", nothing more than that ;)

Greg Bishansky - [<--- Clicky, clicky.]
I am so going to the Special Hell

ok, some of us can do more financially then others, let not get all pissy about that, its a fact. not everyone who is a "true member of the fandom" can afford a DVD. however, the fact taht someone can come in this room means somehow they have internet access, so theres no reason NOT to post a review.
Greg B, i know you didn't mean it that way, but i can sympathize with Jurgen on this. no, you didn't say "if you don't buy at least three copies of the DVD you are not a true fan" but between the lines i can see why some may take what you said that way. lets all just agree that we are all true fans (why else would we be in here) and some of us have the monetary resources to express that fanaticism and some of us don't. and thats fine. if you can afford 10,000 DVDs and want to buy them, excellant. if you can't even afford one DVd, don't worry about it, its not as important as bills or groceries, or as Spen said, internet access...

hey Spen, where in the heartland are you? there might be more fans around then you think.

matt - [ewoks11@hotmail.com]
"Boy, do I hate being right all the time..." -Ian Malcolm, Jurassic Park

Oops, another error, I meant "I have several" not "I have a several". And, sorry for the triple post.
"Isn't it satisfying to watch your child grow up from a little tiny acorn into a complete nut?" - George Pickard

I meant to say " make 'it' to LA", not 'I'.
"Isn't it satisfying to watch your child grow up from a little tiny acorn into a complete nut?" - George Pickard

Greg B. : Well, the reson I havn't gotten around to finishing my Amazon review is becouse I'm a bit of a perfectionist, and I wan't to make sure I say everything I want to say (hey, it's not like I get a "take two"). And as for buying multible copies of the DVD, for one thing, I'm the *only* Gargoyles fan in at least a 30 mile radius. (Let's face it, this area may be the "heartland of America", but it's definatly not the heartland of the fandom.) So, I'd just have a lot of extra copies sitting on my shelf. As Todd said, I only need one. As it is, I'm not sure if I'll be able to even get *one* copy this year. Fourtunatly, I have a several reletives that owe me a favor or two, and with Christmas just a few weeks after the DVD release, I might be able to convice one of them to get me a copy. As for registring for the Gathering, I know for certain that there is no way in frell that I could make I to LA. Heck, even if the Gathering was next door, (which would be practically impossible considering that there isn't a single hotel in this town) I *still* probably wouldn't be able to go (not without giving up internet access and eating for a while, anyway). So, I'm definatly not going to pre-register for something I can't go to.

Christine : You're going to write another fic? Horay! Well, I myself would advise you to wait till you've finished both parts. Unfourtunatly, I'm officially out of time, so I can't explain my reasons.

"Isn't it satisfying to watch your child grow up from a little tiny acorn into a complete nut?" - George Pickard

I bought a dozen copies of the DVD since it came out. ONE for myself and all the rest for presents. even that was over 10 months. And I'm not rich either. (Although I did save a bunch of money by switching to Geico). I killed to birds with one stone. And yah, it would seem silly having the same two or three DVDs on the shelf...

But were not saying spend hundreds on the DVD... Just $39.99 SRP.

Battle Beast - [Canada]
That is all I will say.

new artwork for the MGC.. :)~
Real Demona May
the One and only Real living Insane One!

JURGAN> Oh, believe me. That is not me being accusatory.
Greg Bishansky - [<--- Clicky, clicky.]
I am so going to the Special Hell

Bishansky: I believe your exact words were: "There are people working very hard for this fandom and the show, but not everyone is doing there part. Come on people, we all need to do it.

And, be prepared to buy multiple copies of the DVD again, I've pre-ordered three, and will probably buy more."

Sounds a bit accusatory to me. And I will write a review before the set comes out (of course, that seems a little odd to me as, though I've seen all the episodes, I can't really comment on the DVD's themselves).

Jurgan - [jurgan6@yahoo.com]

i can afford one copy, and thats all i'll be buying. i don't feel bad about that, and neither should anyone else who is only buying one copy or zero copies due to lack of funds. i mean when it comes down to a DVD or groceries/rent/medical bills/etc is there really a choice?
now, the comic i will probably buy 2 copies. one for reading and one to keep in plastic. i have every issue of the original garg comic and several duplicates in plastic, and comics tend to be a lot cheaper then DVDs so i can afford it. although, i wonder how much this comic will cost...

matt - [ewoks11@hotmail.com]
"Do not despise the day of small beginnings." -Zechariah 4:10

Count me as another person who isn't likely to go out and buy *three* copies of the DVD - not just due to budgetary issues, but also because I don't know what I'd do with the other two. I don't have any face-to-face friends here in St. Louis who would be likely to be that strongly interested in "Gargoyles", and it would feel wasteful to have an extra two DVDs just sitting on the shelf and gathering dust that I'd never use. One's all that I need.

On the side, here's another crazy little creativity demon that I recently had, a sort of revisit to the conclusion of "Angels in the Night". It turns out that the *real* reason for Castaway and his followers' attack on the passenger train, and then everyone on board the train (including Margot) eagerly accepting the gargoyles afterwards, is that Titania secretly magically manipulated them into doing so. Her reason is that she's increasingly concerned over how the Quarryman war on the gargoyles, and the way that the public supports that war in hating the gargoyles themselves even if they don't directly attack the clan, is endangering Fox and Alex (after all, it's the Xanatoses who are protecting the gargoyles and are in as much danger from both the Quarrymen and the general citizenry as the clan itself - Alex has already been kidnapped and Xanatos and Fox assaulted in their limo as a result of this racial conflict), and she's had enough of it. So she deliberately magically controls the Quarrymen into attacking the train (she can't get them to stop hating gargoyles, simply because their hatred is too strong for even her to counteract) so that the gargoyles can save it in front of all the people on board, giving her an opening whereby to zap Margot and the rest into accepting the clan. (The one difficulty here is in working out how Titania got around Oberon's Law in doing this - one possibility is that her loophole is that protecting her daughter and grandson from danger is not interfering.)

In such a scenario, it would certainly be interesting to have Goliath and his clan find out about it and confront Titania on the issue, protesting that she stripped these humans of their freedom (Goliath and Brooklyn would especially find themselves recalling the events of "Temptation" in an uncomfortable way) and Titania asking them if they'd really rather go back to being hunted like animals by these people.

Todd Jensen
"Gargoyles" - did for monstrous-looking statues what "Watership Down" did for rabbits!

Hey, folks! Hope everyone had a good Gargoyles anniversary! Eleven years ago, I was watching on the couch with a brand-new baby Becca in my lap. Where does the time go?

It's been pointed out to me that I ought to swing by and mention that after a long dry spell, I'm writing again and have a new fanfic in the works. It's going to be at least a two-parter, but with NaNo and holidays looming, I know I won't be able to get the second part done and posted until possibly the first of the year. So my question to readers is -- post the first one now, or wait on both?

Christine - [christine@sabledrake.com]

JURGAN> <<I'd rather people not insinuate I'm a traitor just because I'm strapped for cash.>>

And who's insinuated that you're a traitor?

Greg Bishansky - [<--- Clicky, clicky.]
I am so going to the Special Hell

Jurgan: Well said, my friend. However, posting a review on amazon.com (and telling your friends to do the same) doesn't cost much. And honestly, I think it's more than enough.
Harvester of Eyes - [Minstrel75@gmail.com]
"Space is what I need, what I feed on."

Last year I bought three copies of the DVD, despite being a bit strapped for cash. At this moment, I have no money in my bank account short of that set aside for my apartment bills (which I only have thanks to student loans), I am about $25 away from maxing out my credit card, and I just had to spend around $300 last week on medical expenses. So I'm a little irritated that people are suggesting that if I don't spend money I don't have buying multiple copies of the DVD (which will be twice as expensive this year) or registering for a convention I have no guarantee of being able to make it to, then I'm somehow "not doing my part for the fandom." Hey, I love Gargoyles and I want it to do well, but let's be honest, it's just a TV show, and not all of us have hundreds of dollars to spend on it. I'd rather people not insinuate I'm a traitor just because I'm strapped for cash.
Jurgan - [jurgan6@yahoo.com]

Yaye... new Amazon reviews. Now, think you can go pre-reg for the Gathering, if you haven't already of course ;)
Greg Bishansky - [<--- Clicky, clicky.]
I am so going to the Special Hell

Well, I just posted my review. I wonder myself why there haven't been that many reviews or Gathering reports lately. In the case of the Gathering reports, I wonder if a lot of the people who went were so tongue-tied by the event that they simply couldn't write about it. Or maybe there's an attitude of "Somebody else will do it, so why should I bother doing it?" I honestly don't know.
Todd Jensen
"Gargoyles" - did for monstrous-looking statues what "Watership Down" did for rabbits!

ok, you guys convinced me, i just posted a review on Amazon... now i get to join the others and say:

HEY! get off your @$$ and post a review! c'mon its not hard!

okie dokie... hey are we planning to buy all our copies on 12-6 like we did last time?

matt - [ewoks11@hotmail.com]
"Do not despise the day of small beginnings." -Zechariah 4:10

Yeah, I read Harvester's post, and I do agree with it. Really sad to say, but I think we have been slacking. Greg asked for 100 Gathering reports, I think there are only 25. We wanted to see 200 reviews before December 6th, so far we only have fifteen.

We got the first DVD, no reason to lower our guard now and blow it. We need to keep up the momentum.

If you haven't written a review for Amazon, go ahead and do so, ASAP. If you haven't registered for the Gathering, do so ASAP. Even if you're unsure you'll make it to the Gathering, register. It's good for the con, good for the fandom, and good for "Gargoyles" as a property.

I've been pimping the DVD and the con non-stop since... well, G2004. There are people working very hard for this fandom and the show, but not everyone is doing there part. Come on people, we all need to do it.

And, be prepared to buy multiple copies of the DVD again, I've pre-ordered three, and will probably buy more. As Greg said at the Gathering, the first DVD did okay, but was not a slam dunk, Disney needed to decide whether ir would be worth it to release the upcoming one.

We want them to make the third DVD set a priority. We want the comic to sell, and we want this years Gathering to be the biggest one yet. The TENTH Annual Gathering. Let's not drop the ball now.

Greg Bishansky - [<--- Clicky, clicky.]
I am so going to the Special Hell



Battle Beast - [Canada]
That is all I will say.

i just watched Awakenings 1-3 the other day, so i'll doubt i'll watch them again, but its a cool thought, almost nostalgic.

Santa Claus> yeah, it'd be campy if they had the traditional American cartoon Santa Claus, but give Greg some credit, there are lots of Santa Claus/Father Christmas/St. Nicholas etc myths out there and some are very cool. i highly doubt Greg would ever have the gargoyles save christmas...
think about it, the Loch Ness monster, Were-Fox/Wolf, Golem and Nokkar could've easily been campy too, but Gargoyles handled them great. in fact Gargoyles themselves could be quite campy, you only have to look at the original comedy version of the series or The Hunchback of Notre Dame movie to see that.
i suspect that the Santa in Gargoyles will most likely not even be refered to as Santa, and that the series will focus far more on the original story and myths originating in Europe, not the cartoony capitalist elf-owning Santa we all know and tolerate...

*steps down from soapbox*

matt - [ewoks11@hotmail.com]
"Do not despise the day of small beginnings." -Zechariah 4:10

Interesting, today is the anniversary of the premere of "Awakening Part One". And it's fallen on a Monday. So, if you want to re-live that week eleven years ago, pop your DVD of Awakening in, and watch that episode today, then tomorrow watch part 2, and then Wednesday, watch part 3.

I'm probably not going to do that. Am busy, but just an idea I thought I'd toss out.

Eleven years. Wow.

Greg Bishansky - [<--- Clicky, clicky.]
I am so going to the Special Hell

Todd> Having Santa Claus would probably force Greg to reveal him as a member of the Third Race. Or, like in Jackie Chan Adventures, have Santa be in danger from a dark threat, like Demona, who would hate to see humans feeling joy under any circumstances. Who knows? But it would probably be a little campy regardless of how it was done.
"As with all things, darkness falls for thee..."

The Sadistic Cow
Constant vigilance!

If all the world's a stage, please help me find my script.


The same week that the second Gargoyles DVD is coming out, a movie adaptation of "The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe" (co-produced by Disney) will be opening in theatres (the DVD comes out on December 6; the movie opens on December 9). Recently I was reminded of a certain crossover fic by Constance Cochran that seems all the more appropriate now, in light of this juxtaposition: click on my name to read it.

I had an additional little thought about the precise timing of the DVD; December 6 is dedicated to St. Nicholas, the historical original of Santa Claus, and that reminds me of Greg Weisman's mention of how he had at one time planned on doing a "Gargoyles" episode featuring Santa Claus. While I should probably wait until it's closer to Christmas before saying much about this, I still find myself wondering what that would have been like, simply because I have difficulties imagining Santa in a serious drama-adventure series (I can imagine him showing up in "Duck Tales" or "Chip and Dale's Rescue Rangers", but the much more somber tone of "Gargoyles" makes his presence a bit of a stretch). I hope that Greg will get to tell that story in the upcoming comics. (Another story that I hope he gets to tell is the odd little two-parter about the major characters all getting trapped in a performance of Shakespeare's "Macbeth" - that would definitely feel like Slave Labor meets Classic Comics!)

Todd Jensen
"Gargoyles" - did for monstrous-looking statues what "Watership Down" did for rabbits!

7 in the name of Hurricane Wilma, which I'm sitting through right now.

Everybody else in Florida, post if you can so we know you weren't blown away.

CKayote - [CKayote@gmail.com]
If all things are true, then someone is actually taking all my left socks!

Number 6!

43 days left until Gargoyles Season 2, Volume 1 comes to DVD.

"Look, you're British, so scale it down a bit." - Eddie Izzard

Kaylle - [kaylle at ladyavalon.com]
This be the Pirate Channel! All sales all the time!

4th in the name of insomnia...

can't sleep...

matt - [ewoks11@hotmail.com]
"Do not despise the day of small beginnings." -Zechariah 4:10

And I want to take a quick second to say that back at Labor Day weekend, I went to a minor league ballgame with my uncle. The team (the home team where my uncle lives, in Frederick, Maryland) was already in the playoffs. So basically, the game we saw didn't matter. And the team treated it as such. They only scored one run the entire game, compared to seven or eight runs scored by the visitors. Though it was never stated, we both assumed that the reason the Frederick Keys didn't try harder is because they were already going to the playoffs.

My point is, the release date for the Season Two DVD is coming close, and there are only fifteen reviews up on amazon.com. The fandom did such an awesome job last year. Let's not start slacking off just because Disney is finally starting to cast out some lines. Let's show them we mean business.

Unless most people are like me and put things off until the last minute. Deadlines...if they didn't exist, I'd never get anything done.

Harvester of Eyes - [Minstrel75@gmail.com]

I too have been three two times.
Harvester of Eyes - [Minstrel75@gmail.com]
"Harvester of Eyes, that's me! And I see all there is to see!"

Second in both CRs!!

You people are slow these days

