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Comments for the week ending February 6, 2006

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Kyt... I could kiss you for that bit of important wisdom.
Jennifer "CrzyDemona" Anderson
"My days of not takin' you seriously are certainly comin' to a middle" -- Captain Reynolds, Firefly

#> I think treatment and attitude depends on how said "newbie" acts... like whether or not they try to go with the flow, or act like a know-it-all arse. ^_^
Kythera of Anevern - [kythera(at)gmail.com]
"Live for glory, strength and fury; play your part in the greater scheme of life and nature"- Inkubus Sukkubus

"I mean, she was the one who repeatedly told him it was a bad idea."

By "she," I mean Elisa. Sorry for the double-post, but I just read over my comment and realized how it might be confusing.

Harvester of Eyes - [Minstrel75@gmail.com]

Jesus tap-dancing Christ. I leave the CR for a few hours and it catches fire?

*notices that he's conspicuously holding a book of matches and a can of lighter fluid and quickly thrusts his hands behind his back*

Greg B: So I guess Derek DID listen to the tape Elisa gave him. I dunno, maybe he just wanted to prove to her that he could run his own life. But as far as him thinking that Elisa would help Xanatos... the only thing more ridiculous than that would be a one-night stand involving Demona and Jon Castaway (although in the mind of the average TGC writer, such a thing would not terribly farfetched). I mean, she was the one who repeatedly told him it was a bad idea. But then again, an excess of any emotion in the system impairs one's ability to think logically. This is why it's pointless to try and tell a rape victim that they brought it on themselves.

Harvester of Eyes - [Minstrel75@gmail.com]
"Only a human mind could invent something as insipid as love." -Agent Smith.

Wow. Looks like EVERYONE'S waiting for the room to clear this week.
"So they worship the everlasting Gobstopper?"

Wow, I've gotten so many compliments on here today! I think my ego's gonna burst :D

And thank you very much Matt, I'm honored *g* I haven't heard of the "favorite newbie awards" lol, is this a yearly thing here?
Though I don't think I'm as new as some of the others. I think I intro'd myself around Oct. of last year...but I'll have to check on that. Though I'm no newbie to the show, I've been watching since '95 :)
Anyway, Thank you! *takes cookie* (And I'll definitely stick around)
BTW, I'm a *she* ;)

Crimson Rogue: Nope, never been there.

Purplegoldfish - [skydragonn@aol.com]

Greg B>That is true, but sometimes forget that difference.

There's a difference between a Newbie and a n00b.
Greg Bishansky - [<--- Gathering 2006]
Come to the Gathering

Greg B. : Heh, I don't think #'s anywhere near as bad as Nathans. #'s worth listening to, even if I don't agree with him.

Matt : I agree with you there.

"There are three kinds of people; those who can't count, and those who can." - Wilek Nereus

Newbie...hmmm. Though I prefer not to be refered to by a derogatory such as "newbie", I'll admit that it is the privalage of regulars of a message board or chat room to use said term about people who are new to the site. As long as the discrimination that comes with term does not show as well.

Matt> I concur.
Greg Bishansky - [<--- Gathering 2006]
Come to the Gathering

Yowza... this is turning into one of the busiest days (most posts) i've ever seen in here. and the amazing thing is that nearly all the posters are newbies to the room! where'd all the regulars go? we've been usurped, LOL.

on that note, i know we are only at the beginning of Feb, but so far i'd like to nominate PurpleGoldFish for our favorite newbie to the room this year. even if you don't always agree with her(him?) she(he?) doesn't suffer from the usual newbie faults. she doesn't ask stupid questions, she doesn't change her avatar and color with every post, and she has not tried to make trouble or drama.

PGF, please stick around, have a cookie.

disclaimer> the other newbies reading this shouldn't feel offended, none of you are being "bad newbies", i was just particularly impressed by PGF.

everyone watching their clocks? 1 hour 18 minutes to go...

matt - [Cape Girardeau, MIssouri, USA]
"Getting out of jury duty is easy. The trick is to say you're prejudiced against all races." -Homer Simpson


**Pulls out some meathooks to drag away the dead horse before the poor thing is beaten into dog food**

Kythera of Anevern - [kythera(at)gmail.com]

Jesus Saves!

The rest of you take damage...

Adult Swim's on... nite friends

The Crimson Rogue - [pokechristian@yahoo.com]

Hey Purplegoldfish... uhm STRANGE question... you ever go to Palm Beach Atlantic College??
The Crimson Rogue - [pokechristian@yahoo.com]

Curious also, you ever read L'Étranger by Albert Camus?

Okay, just checking.
Greg Bishansky - [<--- Gathering 2006]
Come to the Gathering

Greg B>Honestly? I've played a demo, never got into it enough to buy the full version. I'm only a passive fan of turn based RPG's. The plot from what I heard sounded intresting enough.

#> What do you think of the videogame, Xenogears?

Just curious.

Greg Bishansky - [<--- Gathering 2006]
Come to the Gathering

If everyone agreed, their would be no point to debate.

But yes, I too am willing to end it with you believe he deserves pitty, and I believe he doesn't.


Well, we're obviously not going to agree with each other here, so I don't see any point in arguing about it anymore.
Purplegoldfish - [skydragonn@aol.com]

Purple>The result of their actions as far as they were told, was death of an opressive enemy, and a place in "heaven". Basically, a leader using spirtual doctorine, promised a reward for an action. Xanatos, a leader using charisma, promised a reward for an action. The only difference is the action.

Or possibly, take the discussion to the TGS CR? We could use the posts.

I'd get into the discussion, but it's dinnertime and I've gotta' run.

"There are three kinds of people; those who can't count, and those who can." - Wilek Nereus

No, I see no connection there, #. Regardless if they were manipulated or not, the Hijackers Knew that their actions would result in the deaths of many people. Thus they deserve no pity.
While Derek just took a (what he percieved) good job with a guy who his sister didn't like. He couldn't have forseen the consequences. HUGE difference.

Crimson Rogue: Yeah, Greg W. mentioned in his commentary of the pilot that Gummi Bears was a big inspiration for Gargoyles.

Purplegoldfish - [skydragonn@aol.com]

Purple>The 9/11 is a point that ignorance is an excuse for an action. That if you are manipulated into what you do as Derek was you deserve pitty. The 9/11 hi-jackers killed people, and they are responsible for their actions, but since they where manipulated just as Derek was, they deserve pitty.

Sarcasm noted. Maybe next time, you can throw in a "Yo' mama'", and a "F**k you, I'm leaving."

Christopher: Pleasure to meet you too, I'm Sarah :)

I'm not going to get involved in this Peace argument...
Derek: Yes, Derek is responsible for his own actions. No one said he wasn't. He does have character flaws, he is very stubborn, (as someone said before, the Mazas all seem to have that particular trait). He is responsible for being stubborn and not listening to his sister when he should have, and that's something he would have to live with for the rest of his life. But as Matt said, how can anyone have possibly seen the consequences of what would happen? At the time, it was perfectly logical for Derek to take that job, and Elisa did not offer any logical reasons why he shouldn't.
As for the tape: again, Elisa went about it the wrong way. She just handed it to him and stomped away. She should have tried again; sat him down with the gargoyles and have them tell their side of the story. I'm sure he listened to the tpae, but what's to stop him from thinking that it was a set up interview with an actress?
And really, I don't think 9/11 has anything to do with this. Those people killed thousands of people, and they knew the consequences of their actions. Derek was only hurting himself.

Purplegoldfish - [skydragonn@aol.com]

Can you guys please take it to e-mail?
Greg Bishansky - [<--- Gathering 2006]
Come to the Gathering

"Truly, you have a dizzying intellect." Cary Elwes as Wesley/Dread Pirate Roberts in the Princess Bride.

You are wonderfully brilliant and I only hope to achieve your level of understanding and open-mindedness one day. Thank you for educating me brother. I shall treasure this always. Peace be with you.

The Crimson Rogue - [pokechristian@yahoo.com]

TCR>I'm sorry if you see that way because I am just playing your game.
I can defeat your argument in a few steps if you like, what I was doing was giving you a benefit of the doubt, because I was hoping you would present a real argument. If you feel I haven't respected you, then please give me a real argument, give me a real a definition of peace, beside the removal of conflict.

And capitalization is not emphasis, is basically the equivalent in debate of talking louder to make yourself seem correct.


let's get back to silly talk then everyone....

anyone else here feel like the gummi bears might have been a kind of predecessor to the gargoyles??

The Crimson Rogue - [pokechristian@yahoo.com]

# -> your thoughts still dont connect, and you think they do.

btw.. capitalization is used to show EMPHASIS on a point, not bc it makes it "truer" the truthiness is not found in anything without a base understanding previously agreed upon.

we can not agree to set a base concept because you are too busy trying to play "one-up" and that's a stupid game.

whenever you wish to honestly debate, and not just "be right" let me know, until then i will regard you with the same respect reserved for those who do not respect me. it's the same everyone gets, because everyone deserves a chance at peace and education.

The Crimson Rogue - [pokechristian@yahoo.com]

*Fixes typos*

No, you are not listening, and captializing words doesn't make you more correct. Peace in its most purest form, most simple basic form, is the lack of conflict. Everything is in conflict, everything, it is the 4 forces, weak, strong, magnetism, gravity, working against and with each other. What you want is a conscious peace which is impossible, their is no way a person can be conscious of peace, it contradicts itself on the most basic levels. True peace is when no force works against each other, that includes forces of nature. The only way for that to happen is for non existence. It is a simple as if A is true when B is true, but B cannot be true as long as C exists.


TCR>No, you are not listening, and using and captializing words doesn't make you more correct. Peace in its most purest form, most simple basic form, is the lack of conflict. Everything is conflict, everything, it is the 4 forces, weak, strong, magnetism, gravit, working against and with each other. Want is a conscious peace which is impossible, their is no way a person can be conscious of peace, it contradicts itself on the most basic levels. True peace is when no force works against each other, that includes of forces of nature. The only way for that to happen is for non existence. It is a simple as if A is true when B is true, but B cannot be true as long as C exists.

# -> what is selfish about peace?

you keep putting thoughts together that ARE NOT connected... you claim logic, but are illogical

i said SACRIFICE of self for peace... universal peace is available to all creatures that's the meaning of peace

you make less and less sense each time you type, and type less and less... seems like you are trying to convince yourself of what you incompletely believe

The Crimson Rogue - [pokechristian@yahoo.com]

TCR>It doesn't matter if we personally have peace as a planet, but universal peace is only capable when non-existence happens. You want a selfish peace, even if it's a planet size selfish peace.

# -> to quote the old addage.... "If a tree falls in the woods and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?" now to me the answer to that is yes because sound is a wave of frequency, regardless if anyone recieved it. but if nothing exists, then there is NOTHING, not PEACe.. JUST NOTHING... no one has peace because no one exists.. which is why we can bring peace to earth
The Crimson Rogue - [pokechristian@yahoo.com]

TCR>I was makeing a general statement about Derek's absolution, a grouping of all the arguments. And I respect you guess on why we exist but that is all it is, is a guess. No one knows why we exist, no one, but a lack of existence is peace. It is a null, a void, a zero if you will. When nothing changes peace happens, that is what peace is, a stagnat, a place without change.

Obed>True, it is usually not enough for just to be told. And even with evidence he may have doubted it, including thinking, if he did listen to the tape, that Fox was lying but does the fact he is manipulated make him worth pitty? Are the 9/11 attackers worth pitty because their religon manipulated them into flying planes into a building?


# -> it is bad to put words in people's mouths

i actually NEVER said he was absolved from his mistakes. i said he has made his mistakes, has learned from them, and is doing the right thing.

and while i am MOSTLY buddhist, if the point of all things was to not exist, then why did it start in the first place? thus, the great flaw of that religion...

the point of all things is peace, and peace CAN be achieved in life, heaven is on earth, god is on earth, it is in us

all we need to do is live this truth, and peace will prevail

The Crimson Rogue - [pokechristian@yahoo.com]

#: what you say makes sense, logically, but there's so much more to any given situation than what may appear to be logical. Besides, logic itself is not infallible, especially when you consider that every person's perspective is going to be vastly different. So logic itself is relative, maybe not as fickle and arbitrary as emotions, but certainly there isn't one logic to apply to all situations. From Derek's point of view, what he did may have seemed logical to him, based on what he knew. From Elisa's point of view, it didn't. And just because someone is simply telling you something is true or not usually isn't (and shouldn't be) enough to convince you.
Obed - [angelgear2000@yahoo.com]

TCR>I am open to all things but I am also in disbelief of all things, that is called the great hypocrisy. Everything at any given moment is true and false, uncertainity principal in real world practice. And as for nothing existing without chaos you are totally right, and that is peace, the lack of existence.

Your arguments concerning Derek, would be a justification that ignorance is an acceptable excuse that "we were only following orders" is a defense. You are suggesting that Derek is not responsible for his actions, that because he was manipulated it absolves him of his mistakes. Derek made a choice of his own free will, he choose the path that Xanatos presented him.


TCR>Peace is only achieved by the total removal of chaos, and chaos is only totally removed at equilibrium, when all things are equal, and the only way everything will be equal is if we are broken down to sub-atomic particles.

uhmmm are you open to anything spiritual or deep? because peace is not achieved through the removal of all chaos.... without chaos, nothing happens. it is because of chaos that there can be peace, without chaos no one would stand up to what was wrong.

The Crimson Rogue - [pokechristian@yahoo.com]

TCR>Peace is only achieved by the total removal of chaos, and chaos is only totally removed at equilibrium, when all things are equal, and the only way everything will be equal is if we are broken down to sub-atomic particles.

# -> what you propose is emotion without logic... i say logic to prove the right emotion... im going to share something revealed to me in my meditation today, it may better explain my meaning.

Peace can only be achieved through the sacrifice of self for the peace of all.
Desire for peace above all desires, deciding not what is right, but what is peaceful.
Through peace, the right will reveal itself.

i hope that is more clear

The Crimson Rogue - [pokechristian@yahoo.com]

TCR>Logic can not go into emotion, but emotion can go into logic. Logic is the greatest gain, with the most acceptable lost. Killing ten thousand people, to save a million. If you get emotional, most people could not make that choice.

i tend to agree (again) with PGfish.

hindsight is always 20/20, if i had been in Derek's shoes i likely would have made many of the same choices. i mean, i don't see a point where he should've known he was making a mistake. like Diane Maza said "This job with Xanatos sounds like a great oppurtunity."

and Greg B, Derek DID say he couldn't believe Elisa was involved, but considering how much he was being manipulated and how pissed off he was i think i can understand why he jumped to that conclusion. he thinks Goliath is his problem and he knows Goliath and Elisa are allies.

matt - [Cape Girardeau, MIssouri, USA]
"Getting out of jury duty is easy. The trick is to say you're prejudiced against all races." -Homer Simpson

# -> i think he still thought she was nagging, when trying to prove a point, some people can be REALLY stubborn. look at you ^.^
The Crimson Rogue - [pokechristian@yahoo.com]

lol matt, you say that like it's a bad thing ^.^

# -> that sounds like a cop out answer... especially sense my EMOTION is backed BY logic

Purplegoldfish -> i swear, every time you type something new, it's like you were plugged into my soul... once again, i completely agree with you. my name is christopher and it is a pleasure to meet you

The Crimson Rogue - [pokechristian@yahoo.com]

Purple>But, at the end of the episode she presented him with the recording of Fox telling that Xanatos had the whole thing planned. We never found out whether he listen to it or not. He had a chance beyond Elisa's nagging, right there, to make a choice on if he would still follow Xanatos. Derek is not a victim, he is just someone who refuses to listen.

TCR>I do prefer logic over love but it does not mean, I am not capable of that emotion, I just feel there has to be a reason for me to feel it. I do not see one when someone makes their own bed and is forced to lie in it.

lordy, its becoming like a chat room in here.
matt - [Cape Girardeau, MIssouri, USA]
"When I held that gun in my hand, I felt a surge of power...like God must feel when he's holding a gun." -Homer Simpson

Crimson Rogue: Aw, thank you! *blushes* I guess great minds think alike, heh :)
And sorry to hear you got burned. Ouch, that sucks.

#: You are right about Maggie, but again, I think you are being too hard on Derek. He did not have the full knowledge of Xanatos' evil deeds. All he had was Elisa nagging at him about her "cop instincts" . In fact, I think if Derek is blamed, then Elisa should be partly to blame too. She strikes me as the type of sister who was always on his case when they were younger, kind of like a third parent.
Looking at it through Derek's point of view, I can understand why he took the job with Xanatos. To him, the only bad thing Xanatos did was receive stolen property, and in that same episode he saved Derek and Elisa's lives in the helicopter (or so it seemed). I think he also took the job in a sense to rebel against Elisa's naggings. (yes, that's immature, but nobody's perfect.) And Xanatos did offer him a boatload of money (It's extremely expensive to live in Manhattan ;P) I think that if I was in his position, I would do the same thing.
I also think that if Elisa told Derek straight out about Xanatos and the gargoyles before Xanatos got a chance to, derek would be more inclined to agree with her. (And as we'll find out later in "Revelations", Elisa has a bit of a selfish streak)(Btw, I love this about her character, she's not perfect either).

And concerning Derek not taking the job: I still lean more towards my theory that X would have found another way to get Derek, but I suppose it could work either way. I'll guess we'll never know. :)

Purplegoldfish - [skydragonn@aol.com]

# -> you're looking at it without true love in your heart my clan brother!

no one deserves MORE or LESS pity, EVERYONE who needs help, love, and support DESERVES help, love, and support

you see a drunk guy and his family, i see a guy who doesnt know himself and escapes in the bottle because he didnt have people to help him or BELIEVED he didnt

every mistake is a chance for hope, if their is someone with strength willing to give a hand

The Crimson Rogue - [pokechristian@yahoo.com]

TCR>Of a normal sibling closeness. I am not one to give pity so haphazardly as you are. Who deserves the pitty more, the man who's family is killed by a drunk driver, or the family of a drunk driver who got himself killed?

# -> yea, but how close were you to your sister, did you kind of already not like her? i am sure you love her, but like is different i love and hate every member of my family except for my grandmothers.. old people that still have their whole brain really tend to be some of the best people
The Crimson Rogue - [pokechristian@yahoo.com]

TCR>You would think so, but no, I wouldn't. My sister got herself knocked up by idiot, and while everyone blamed her boyfriend I blamed both of them. She is now a 23 year old mother of a 4year old, living at home, working at a supermarket. Like I said, I don't pitty ignorance, I reserve that for people who deserve. People who's families are slaughtered by despots, people who suffer natural disaters.

# -> i doubt you wouldn't pity a close family member who made a quick-action mistake and then looked like gross on an ugly fish for the rest of their life.

and though i can say, "Derek made the wrong choice and he has to live with his choice." i can also finish that statement with, "If only he would have listened to his sister. It is unfortunate, but he is a good guy trying to make it right again."

The Crimson Rogue - [pokechristian@yahoo.com]

TCR>That person sticking their hand in a camp fire also deserved to get burn. A lapse in judgment like that is still foolish. I do not take pitty on those who make their own mistakes. If it was maybe a baby burning, not a hot dog, I would give it to you, but that is not the situation. Derek's was told the fire was hot, Derek said I know better, jams hand in fire, burns hand, and now everyone pitties him.

Forgive my typos in my last statement.

Purple> Xanatos is a man of buisness, of logic. It can be argued that if Derek pulled out he could've found another way to get him, but also can be argued he would let him go if it proved that it would be too costly to get him back. Once Derek's loyalty was broken, he loses two things that made him desirable to Xanatos, loyality and the ability to be manipulated. Xanatos is a man of control, he likes his hands on the wheel. If a situation gets out of control, he makes the steps to return it to equilibrium, and if Derek choose to leave him, he might have let him leave.


# -> okay i will give you the touching the stove thing, but think about reaching into the fire and burning yourself almost to death... you see.. there is a measure of education and a measure of misfortune..... education is learning from the stove... but say someone doesnt apply the same principle @ a camp out and drops their hot dog and reaches in to catch it, they save it, but then their hair and clothes light ablaze and no one was around at the time and so they suffer just for a momentary lapse of judgment or misunderstood principle??

you see? a finger burn goes away quickly, i was accidentally burned from splashing oil about 3 weeks ago, one mark is gone, the other is almost

third degree burns make you look like freddy kreuger

The Crimson Rogue - [pokechristian@yahoo.com]

-> Purplegoldfish... lol how could you not be a genius, you think like me XD

seriously though, you are very smart, and i am glad to know you are on this forum

The Crimson Rogue - [pokechristian@yahoo.com]

Yes, maybe saying some one deserves getting raped is a little extreme, and I retracted that statement, but people who pity those lack common sense, are worse. Their are real people who deserve pity, Maggie Reed deserved it. She never knew the evils of a man like Xanatos, Derek was presented with this knowledge and didn't listen. He was told the stove was hot, and yet he still touched it.

I am a liberal, just not a bleeding heart one.


"Purplegoldfish is a genius">Haha, Thank you Crimson Rogue, though I wouldn't call myself that, you made my night ;)

Derek's outburst: This actually takes place just before Derek finds out the truth. And I agree with Matt. Derek was very upset and in a very unbalanced state of mind. People tend to say mean and nasty things that they don't mean, to people that they love when they're angry. I think almost every person is guilty of that. And Derek is not the only one. Remember how Goliath exploded at Elisa in "Enter Macbeth" after she told him she found the gargs a new home. So basically, I think that Derek really knew that Elisa would never do anything like that to him, he just used her as an outlet for his anger.

#: I'm sorry, but I totally disagree with you logic. NOBODY deserves to be raped, regardless of the circumstances.
And I disagree with your statement that Derek had the chance to get out of the situation. Remember, this is XANATOS we're talking about. He has contingincies. If Derek didn't take the job with him, I'm sure he would have come up with some other way to mutate him. Xanatos wanted Derek, and like Fox said, "Whatever David Xanatos wants, he gets."

Purplegoldfish - [skydragonn@aol.com]

# ... you are not seeing with your heart. NO one deserves rape, NO ONE!

no one deserves bad things, ever. i am not saying no one deserves to be punished, no one is accountable, or anything like that.

beating the bully up because he needs to be humbled is one of those things that may make you feel better, but so few people actually learn from their mistakes the first time, and when they do, it was an extreme mistake... which is why the lesson hits so hard. no matter how many people warn younot to do something, and while it may be stupid to ignore wise council, sometimes you cant see it for yourself until something smacks you in the face. do you DESERVE it? no... can it teach you something??? yes the difference is, someone raped is VERY different than a cartoon character (let's be realistic for a moment) and even if we assume the same situation happened, this is more like all of your parents telling you not to stick your hand in the garbage disposal and all of a sudden one day you do and you catch yourself or maybe you dont and you lose your hand and finger-bits.... were you stupid? yes.. did you deserve it? no

derek WAS stupid, but he LEARNED... no matter how STUPID he was, he did not DESERVE to be forever changed.

as for the episode the cage... that is MUCH later of an eppie

The Crimson Rogue - [pokechristian@yahoo.com]

I think Derek was going through a lot of mixed emotions and confusion, as well as not being sure who to trust at that point. Things were all warped and skewed in order to manipulate him, and i think he started becoming aware of that, and that's why the distrust of his sister emerged. There were so many things going on, it's understandable that he might feel deeply mistrustful of the right people, and quite frankly confused. The important thing is by the end I think he managed to sort out the truth, and realized that his own bad judgement was partly to blame for his situation. If you look at it like that, it doesn't really mean he was stupid. He was being lied to and manipulated, and sure, he DID make bad judgement calls, but it was based off of limited (and warped) information.

Another thing. Even though Elisa was familiar with Xanatos' shady methods, she couldn't have had any idea of what he had in store for her brother. The only thing she was saying was that Xanatos was a bad guy and it was in his best interest to simply stay away from him. At that point there just wasn't enough to make Derek leave. There really wasn't anything around that could directly harm Derek. All that tape showed was how scheming Xanatos was, and even if Derek listened to it and approached Xanatos about it, he probably found some clever explanation for it.

Derek partially was a victim, but as in all situations where some choice is involved, the person still needs to take some responsibility for what happened to them. I think when you look at the situation from Derek's point of view, he only did what perhaps seemed like the most logical thing to do.

Obed - [angelgear2000@yahoo.com]

About saying Derek is a victim, and the comparison to someone getting rape, the difference is and here's the point, Derek was told by not only Elisa but her father, implied if not seen on screen, that working for Xanatos was a bad idea. The correct comparison to the girl getting rape scenario that others presented is that a person is told repeatedly by many people that the person she is going out with it will rape her, and yet she still does it. In that case her lack of common sense makes her deserve getting raped.

I know that is harsh, but a victim is only a victim if they are not a fault, Derek is at fault here. He just had to walk away but his pride, his own stubborness, stopped him. He had multiple chances to leave, before he got mutated, yet he never took one.


TCR - No, that was "The Cage" which I believe is a part of this discussion.

Yeah, people aren't the clearest of thinkers when they're pissed off. But, at the same time, Elisa is his goddamn sister, and the feeling I got from their relationship prior to this was, Elisa being the big sister, she always looked out for him, and he always looked up to her. Even when he didn't want her looking out for him, he had to know she would never intentionally hurt him.

And yet, here we have him accusing Elisa of conspiring with Goliath and Sevarius in these Mutate experiments. I'm sorry, but being pissed off is no excuse for this. Derek was deeply stupid here.

I can excuse him choosing to ignore that tape Elisa handed to him, hell, it wasn't his fault he got shot with Sevarius's dart. The set up to frame Goliath was well done. But accusing Elisa like that... no excuse.

Greg Bishansky - [<--- Gathering 2006]
Come to the Gathering

Greg.. that was a later eppie....

by then, he had learned what the truth was... and then he misunderstood about elisa

The Crimson Rogue - [pokechristian@yahoo.com]

Derek was a bit pissed off when he said that, and people aren't the clearest of thinkers when they are pissed off... it doesn't make him stupid, he just jumped to a conclusion based on faulty information and the way things looked at the time. hardly makes him "deeply stupid".
matt - [Cape Girardeau, MIssouri, USA]
"When I held that gun in my hand, I felt a surge of power...like God must feel when he's holding a gun." -Homer Simpson

Yes, everybody makes mistakes, but I really don't think there's any excuse for:


I'm sorry, but there is no way to understand and justify that aside from Derek being deeply stupid.

Greg Bishansky - [<--- Gathering 2006]
Come to the Gathering

that's very true. and i don't think Derek ever really considered himself a victim. in the end he took responsibility for his own lack of judgment, so i think even if he was "stupid" he at least redeemed himself in the end.
Obed - [angelgear2000@yahoo.com]

PGfish is right, bad decisions do not justify being victimized. even if Derek was stupid, it doesn't make what Xanatos or Sevarius did right. even if Derek walked into an obvious trap, that doesn't absolve the trap-makers from blame.
matt - [Cape Girardeau, MIssouri, USA]
"When I held that gun in my hand, I felt a surge of power...like God must feel when he's holding a gun." -Homer Simpson

Purplegoldfish is a genius, and absolutely right. He made his mistakes, he made things right, and now he lives in harmony down below ^.^
The Crimson Rogue - [pokechristian@yahoo.com]

I have this whole Derek defense ramble in mind, but I think I'll save it till the room clears ;)

But in response to what #(What symbol do you use? lol) said about Derek deserving what he got...That's a very Demona-esque way of looking at things. Derek is the *Victim*. Yes, he made a mistake, he made a bad choice and bad judgements, but he's still a decent guy...He doesn't deserve to be turned into a winged panther against his will. That's like saying a girl who fools around with a dangerous guy against the better wishes of her family *deserves* to get date raped.

Purplegoldfish - [skydragonn@aol.com]

i dunno about stupid... gullible sure... maybe he just wanted a high-profile job.
matt - [Cape Girardeau, MIssouri, USA]
"When I held that gun in my hand, I felt a surge of power...like God must feel when he's holding a gun." -Homer Simpson

I agree, and expressed the same point, but did not wish to just come out and say stupid.

Well, in case none of you noticed, Derek is deeply stupid. He thought Xanatos was his pal until David pretty much told him "you got screwed over."
Greg Bishansky - [<--- Gathering 2006]
Come to the Gathering

Todd: I suppose that's why we got that look from Xanatos for a split-second at the end of "Metamorphosis" when he heard Elisa's declaration of war. Talk about backfires!
Harvester of Eyes - [Minstrel75@gmail.com]

Moral character? Sure, but gullible and desperate, also yes. When someone dangles the only chance to reclaim your normal life in front of your face, basically a cure for a disease, you will do what is needed to get it. As for the gullibility, he fell for all of Xanatos lies and with that Maza stuborness that seems to be a trait in all of them, he refuse to admit anyone else was right. The only factor that Xanatos should've worked out better was Servarius. He should've moved Sevarius to an out of town labratory, somewhere in the country where Derek would have no chance to find him. By not counting on that variable, while Goliath did, the plan fell apart.

It's odd that Xanatos would be naive enough to think someone with Derek's moral character would remain loyal to him for long. I think his money and time would have be better spent on making the Steel Clan less prone to flying headlong into buildings... and each other. :P

I also wonder what Peter and Diane's initial reaction was when Elisa told them that Derek had become a black panther.

138 days left until The Gathering 2006 in Los Angeles, California!

Patrick Toman - [<-- The Gathering 2006]
"With great power comes high electric bills."

Xanatos may be practical, but there is an old saying about having your cake and eating it too. He gets someone Elisa would not be able to hurt, a good leader, and at the time loyal one hundred and ten percent but he also gets to make the person, who put him into jail and essentially provide the catalyst that ruined one of his plots, suffer a little bit.

According to Greg Weisman, Xanatos indeed chose Derek for his Mutate project because he was Elisa's brother, but not out of payback (Xanatos is too practical to be interested in revenge). Rather, the reason why he chose Elisa's brother was as a means of neutralizing Elisa; she wouldn't be so likely to move against him if her brother was now one of his henchmen.
Todd Jensen
"Gargoyles" - did for monstrous-looking statues what "Watership Down" did for rabbits!

I think it is implied that Sevarius probably had more subjects that did not make it, probably a few humans and a few chimps as well. That's good moral-less science in practice. You need to experiment till you get the results you desire, no matter the cost.

Better question, how long was Xanatos considering using Derek? Was it not only for his skills as a cop and piolit, but also as Elisa implied just to get her. You have to figure that Xanatos probably has an extensive history of Elisa and her family in his files somewhere. He would've known about Derek for awhile, and though we think of Xanatos as a stratigist and not someone driven by emotions, he does pay "debts", especially if it gets him what he desires. So, the mutate program probably started while Xanatos was in jail. So while he was there he must have decided on Derek, least that is what I figured, as both payback and to reach his goals. 12 steps ahead as they say.


I don't have much to add to the mutate question other then if someone messes up their lives as a human or without power then they'll probably still mess things up in their lives. It is what's inside that counts after all!

You know what if instead of actually trying to kill each other Demona or MacBeth was a victim of friendly by their significant other. They'd still be dead only they would've been allies again if even for a brief time. What would everyone think of that type of death?

Vinnie - [tpeano29@hotmail.com]

makes me wonder a couple things. perhaps Sevarius coerced several more homeless people to be mutates and those were earlier test subjects who didn't survive the procedure. so Fang or Claw or Maggie was probably the first mutate to survive the procedure, with Sevarius perfecting the mutagenic formula with each trial so he was sure it wouldn't kill Derek.

i think Greg has said that Xanatos made Derek a mutate cuz though the others could be homeless people, he needed a strong leader for the Mutates.

matt - [Cape Girardeau, MIssouri, USA]
"When I held that gun in my hand, I felt a surge of power...like God must feel when he's holding a gun." -Homer Simpson

It is no problem, it happens with the way this room runs. Without the http:// to let the program know it is an off site link, it tries to establish it from the site.

oops...thanks for pointing that out! ^ - ^
Obed - [angelgear2000@yahoo.com]

Purplegoldfish : This CR died? Heh, check out the TGS CR. That place has completly died.
"There are three kinds of people; those who can't count, and those who can." - Wilek Nereus

On a sidenote, Obed your link does not work in any of your posts because you did not put http:// before the www.

Weren't most mutates taken from people who were homeless or something like that? I believe that was the premise, people who could be experimented on without really being missed. I'm pretty sure most of the mutates were already outcasts before they were mutated, those who were down on their luck and had nothing else going for them. Derek is an obvious exception to this, but I think it shows the kind of mindset some of the Mutates may have had.

Most of these people didn't have a "normal" life to return to anyways. Which is why people like Fang are the way they are. He probably sees his situation as actually better than the way his old life was, and chooses to exploit the opportunity his new powers give him.

Then there are those like Maggie, still clinging on to her old hopes of perhaps living a life better than she had, and only views her transformation as pretty much ending whatever hopes and dreams she had as a human. Fang views it as supreme gain, and Maggie views it as a supreme loss. And then Derek is probably somewhere in the middle, recognizing the usefulness of his new form and powers, yet still understanding all that he has been taken away from him in the process.

Now that I think about it, they did a pretty good job of showing various perspectives of different people being turned into Mutates on the show.

ramble ramble...

Obed - [angelgear2000@yahoo.com]

On the mutate discussion:
I think Derek got what he deserved. Sure Xanatos manipulated him, but he let himself get manipulated. He doesn't take any responsibilities for it. If he listened to Elisa about Xanatos in the first place, that would never happen.

Fang I'm guessing, the reason why he decided to stay a mutate was simply a lust for power. He seemed to desire the strength the power that it gave him. I'm guessing he was a petty criminal in life, possibly somewhere between bagman and goon. Probably large inferiority complex.


Adding my own little contribution to the Mutate discussion. I think it would basically boil down to free will. The Mutates, being originally human (and still human as far as the soul is concerned), have to make a choice. Granted, gargoyles have to make the same choice (and as we've seen, those who choose evil are usually exiled from the clan), but as Goldfish pointed out, they've got the instinct. Also, they were born what they are, while the Mutates were transformed, and suddenly had to deal with being different.

I think it helped Derek a lot that his parents so readily accepted him (but of course, they're both familiar with discrimination). I would like to know a little more about Fang's past, though. I mean, he wants to remain a mutate, and if given the chance to change back, probably would not take it. That means he's willing to accept the discrimination he'll get from most of the populace. But it probably helps that he does have the power to fry them, among other things.

Harvester of Eyes - [Minstrel75@gmail.com]
"To insult someone we call him "bestial." For deliberate cruelty and nature, "human" might be the greater insult." -Isaac Asimov

::Reads the post below::

Oh, I don't care about the Youth-In-Asia. They're conformists and they're Communists.

Greg Bishansky - [<--- Gathering 2006]
Come to the Gathering

I would love to post these as a question for Greg, but i would need to wait a long long time. Im not good for waiting :P. These is something that attempts against moral and rationality, depending from where you look at it. Let`s say Demona would have gotten suicide after what happened in hunters moon, Macbeth was already suicide, and they decide to finish it together.
Manhatan clan finds out and they go ahead and stop them, but they listen to the following argument: they would have been death long time ago, the SHOULD be death a long time ago, but because of magic, of unatural circunstanses, they are still alive. Death is never going to do it`s job with them, it`s up to themselves to do what must be done and have the final fall of every living creature...
So, we have morality: no one in his/her senses would want to die, someone that wants to die have problems and needs help.
But we also have a rational argument: if they are constantly stopped then when are they going to reach the rest that we all deserve?.
I would let them kill themselves, i mean, inmortality...no thanks!!. I know Elisa woudnt let them, considering how she react and accted in santuary. Goliath, i doubt he would just stand there and watch. Hudson...i think he would turn aroud and leave. About the others... i have no idea...maybe some idea about Bronx but...well


Purplegoldfish> Here you go...


Greg Bishansky - [<--- Gathering 2006]
Come to the Gathering

Firefly was Joss Whedon's attempt at a space fantasy television program. It was on Fox, then cancelled, the Sci-Fi channel brodcasted it for a while in syndication. It is currently on DVD and the move Serenity was made from the series.

Back to the mutate topic cause I'm bored (and procrastinating)..and the CR seems to have died..

Everyone has their share of problems. No one has a perfect life, and I think almost everyone can relate to wanting to be "bigger,better,more powerful" during bad times in their lives, for one reason or another.(I'm in a pretty big rut right now myself). But I don't think growing fur and wings and claws will solve any problems. Just think about how hard it is to be a *human* living in our society. I think becoming a "freak of nature" in the eyes of most of the populace will only make things worse.

In response to Obed's post: You're probably right in assuming that the pop. of NY would put the mutates in the same category as the gargoyles. But they differ greatly. The gargoyles have their own unique culture, so it is perfectly natural for them to be protective and go on patrols. But the mutates are just transformed humans, if they didn't have protective instincts in the first place, how would they use their powers? If I got turned into a mutate, I would probably end up living away from society, like Talon and the other did.
Meh, I'm babbling :)

BTW: I've noticed that a lot of Gargoyles fans also like this "Firefly" show. I've never heard of it. Is it on any tv stations?

Purplegoldfish - [skydragonn@aol.com]

I was reading the achives "gargoyles biology " and someone commented about the diference between gargoyles "the comic" and gargoyles "the animated series" asking greg wich one he prefered. Personally, i prefered both of them, depending on what i`m looking at. I love them both. BUT i think that i didnt like from the comic book was Demona. I`mean once of the best things the Demona of the animated series had was that Angel/demon parallelism. She had such an innocent face when she was not growling or rambling ( not usually i know) remarkable in episodes like Temptation. That`s something that, just because how the comics style is, Demona lost. Mmm , that`s just me of course.

I concur that Firefly was a very decent television program.

Jennifer -> Firefly is a fantabulous show!! I was sad during the movie though...
The Crimson Rogue - [pokechristian@yahoo.com]

Whoa... Wolfbane... I'd suggest you discover MySpace or LiveJournal. O.o
Jennifer "CrzyDemona" Anderson
"My days of not takin' you seriously are certainly comin' to a middle" -- Captain Reynolds, Firefly


Shara > the couches in this fandom tend to be less-than-normal *Eyes the Mini Clan couch fearfuly* :D

Mr Invisible > That is so cool :)

Chameleongirl - [<-- Come to the Gathering!]
Chameleon may change her spots, but she refuses to do plaid




matt - [Cape Girardeau, MIssouri, USA]
"When I held that gun in my hand, I felt a surge of power...like God must feel when he's holding a gun." -Homer Simpson

Shara -> great name and thanks... i think... lol

Matt -> lol, they arent that geeky yet to get on this board i dont think... but i have been wrong before...


The Crimson Rogue - [pokechristian@yahoo.com]

I would suggest not talking about that girl here if its possible she might pop in and see your comments about her.

but what the hell do i know.

matt - [Cape Girardeau, MIssouri, USA]
"When I held that gun in my hand, I felt a surge of power...like God must feel when he's holding a gun." -Homer Simpson

haha um make everyone come to the gathering. (P.s) dont poop a brick in here . Although I think someone set the couch on fire once in the chat room:P

well this seems like a fun night :D so guess what, the girl i am seeing has this friend who i get along with much better

and now this friend may want to come with us to the convention

i am about to poop a brick...

any suggestions?? lol

The Crimson Rogue - [pokechristian@yahoo.com]

if anyone's interested, here is a link for the Gargoyles Sega Genesis game to be played on a PC with an emulator:


type Gargoyles and select Sega Genesis from the drop down menu, you will get a list of results but they are all the same file, download the top 1(most popular)

then, you will need the Genesis emulator to play Gargoyles on your PC, go here;


select Kega Fusion (only 300kb, you don't need the bios or cd file for Gargoyles)

make a folder in your program files calles Sega Genesis, extract Kega Fusion to this folder
extract the game file into any other normal documents folder

in the Sega Genesis folder, double click Fusion.exe to run the emulator, then click File>Load Genesis/32X ROM then find the game file and open it
now, have fun!!

use arrow keys for direction and A, S and D for actions, enjoy

A Lex

thanks, Wolfbane. that was highly informative.
Obed - [angelgear2000@yahoo.com]

*repeatedly bashes head on desk*

Must... not... rant... must... contain... fit... of... annoyance.

*prays to the gods there's a hockey game to yell at*

"Stupid horse! It's a deer crossing!" -- Homer Simpson

hey, i know this has nothing 2 do with gargoyles but about 2 days ago my sci teacher asked us how many pounds of pressure does the air put on us per square inc.? i raised my hand and guessed wrong(i guessed 1 lb but now i know it's 14.7lbs) then my teacher, mr.ray, asked a guy(i don't know if the guy had his hand raised or not but) his name was russel, and he said "uhhh, i don't know. alot?" and mr.ray said," no. alot is what u build a house on." not everyone got it intantly, but they did sooner or later. so in about a 30 to 45 sec period u whould hear little giggles and ohhh i get its from random areas of the class room. also off gargoyles subject has anyone out there ever seen the movie about the rocket boy. u know "octbor sky". i love that movie. also right now im wacthing "spirited away" a love that movie 2. mizayaki's movie are all was good. i saw the new one u know "howl's moving castel" during the summer with my mom. i loved that one too. did u all know that gargoyles is still playing on the air. on channel 180 or toon diseny at 1:30am on sunday and monday morings. during the time it's jetix. u know nickoledon as nick@night, cartoonnetwork has adult swim, toon disney has jetix and jetix isn't a adult time on the normal channel like nick@night and adultswim. so. anyways, god i just love the part when the girl and boy in spirited away r falling and the girls tears r folting up.^_^ anyways. laterdays! heart WOLFBANE^_^
WOLFBANE - [lowman618@aol.com]

11 more questions until the 1st Gathering 2004 Journal. Last Gathering 2004 Journal is 157 away.

About being mutated - It depends. I imagine there are several people who would line up in a heartbeat to be given super-powers. Roughly 90+% would be want to be either heroes or villains with the rest doing it just to be cool. As for me, it would depend on what the mutation would do to my physical appearance. People haven't really gotten over the prejudice of judging things by appearances and won't really do so unless a reason exists.

Let's say we wake up and New Olympus declared itself on the map. I wouldn't place much faith in humanity doing the right thing anytime soon.

Whatever happenned to simplicity?

Being Different>> I recall a program on Discovery Health Channel about people who have altered themselves to look like animals.

One guy even got whiskers and I believe a full-face tattoo (perhaps the rest of his skin; I can't recall) to look like a tiger. He attracts attention (he wants to, I'd imagine!), but it's not bad enough for him to reverse his changes.

As long as it was obvious an altered human, and you weren't posing a threat to anyone, I think you could go mutate. You'd get looks, and probably lose the ability to do certain jobs, but you could do it.

On that note, sometimes I think the mutant cliché warps our perceptions, and prevents us from thinking of cool story ideas.

JJ Gregarius
Like the man said, "There are no problems; only solutions!"

that's true...fang loves being a mutate. I mean, everyone suffers for one reason or another.

If you became a mutate without your own free will...might as well make the most of it. Nobody says you have to fight crime. If the world won't accept you, you can either end up like fang or try to deal with it like the Gargoyles.

They basically have the same situation...I mean, to everyone else they're the same thing: monsters. I guess the main difference is that Gargoyles are simply their own species and don't have any identity crises about what they are. The mutates were forcibly mutated humans, who didn't choose to become what they did, which was drastically different than what they were. So internally it's a vastly different perspective, but on the outside, Gargoyles and Mutates potentially have the same hardships to deal with when it comes to relations with other humans.

I certainly wouldn't call the life of a Gargoyle living in Manhattan a torturous life. the mutates had to live in a similar way, hiding underground, out of the way of other people. but i guess if you simply have no choice then you must accept your current situation and adapt to it. To me, it's the same thing that the Gargoyles had to deal with when they first awakened in manhattan.

Not only that, but pretty much each Gargoyle had their opportunity to let the crappy situations they encountered drive them towards an evil path. For instance, Lex could have let his rage and hatred of the pack consume him, brooklyn could have let his score with demona consume him, and broadway could have let his grief and guilt, coupled with rage screw up his life too. Just like Demona let her life get totally screwed up because of her legitimate desire for vengeance.

I guess it all just depends on perspectives and who you are.

Obed - [angelgear2000@yahoo.com]

i would love it still, hardships and all. after my life, hardships arent that hard, they make me laugh
The Crimson Rogue - [pokechristian@yahoo.com]

Do we yet know Fang's background? Has Greg ever been asked that question? It would certainly make a good storyline to find out where he came from and how he landed up where he did. I imagine if Bad Guys ever got made we might have found that out. Claw would also have been an interesting story. Ah, but like the tootsie roll pop, the world may never know

Anonymous: Yes, I mentioned that Fang wanted to stay a mutate...but how do you know he wanted to become a mutae in the first place? We don't know the specifics of his transformation. And yes, it was his fault that he became the outcast, he was a jerk, but he was probably just as much of a jerk as a human too. He likes the power that goes with being a mutate, but what amount of good has it brought him? (as of the the end of the series, at least).
Purplegoldfish - [skydragonn@aol.com]

Fang built his own cage purplegoldfish. Originally he prefered being a mutate.

Mutates: While Kris makes some good points, I have to go with Matt on this one. I would not want to become a mutate. I think it would be a horrible life, especially if I was the only one. I would be kind of like Maggie, I would have no desire to go out and "fight crime." I have a feeling a mutate in today's world would be severely exploited. And I would have no desire to live in seclusion.

On a similar subject, however, I think it's kind of ironic that Maggie, the one most verbally against being a mutate, actually gained the most from becoming one. I don't think she would have lasted a long time on the street when she was human. Becoming a mutate gave her a love life with Talon, a place to live, and even a new purpose in life (taking care of the homeless and the clones). For the males, however, it wasn't so great. Poor Claw lost his ability to speak. Derek (even though he fell in love with Maggie)had a lot going for him as a human. He was a young, talented hot-shot pilot (I can't help wondering if he had a relationship with a woman while he was human) He seemed to be a social person. Now he has to be cooped up underground. And even though Fang expresses his desire to stay a mutate, he suffers as well. He's technically all alone, cooped up in a cell all day and night, with no one to talk to. At least if he was a human in prison, he could have friends. Yeah the mutates are powerful, but even in the show, it doesn't do them much good. They're not exactly crime fghters.

Sorry for the long post, but I've always been kind of fascinated by the mutates. I would like to see more stories about them in the comic.

Purplegoldfish - [skydragonn@aol.com]

Patrick> hahaa, great signiture.

Kris> you seem to suddenly think that everyone will just accept you if you were a Mutate. you'd write a book, sign some autographs, do a few (adult) movies and things would be fine. in the present or near future i can't see that happening. at best people would want you quarantined and studied, at worst they'd want you dead. i think Hunter's Moon was a very realistic portrayal of humanity's general reaction to strange winged creatures running (or flying) around. and i'm not so sure the fact that said creature was once human and even volunteered for the process would help it's case.
i think life as a Mutate would be a constant struggle. who would you trust? where would you get food? where would you live? what would be the point of your life? great, you have power, so what? what are you gonna do with it?

i think this is great. the Mutates are probably one element of the Gargoyles universe that we talk about the least.

matt - [Cape Girardeau, MIssouri, USA]
"When I held that gun in my hand, I felt a surge of power...like God must feel when he's holding a gun." -Homer Simpson

There's not many jobs out there for hairy, bat-winged, human-animal hybrid. At the turn of the last century, there were plenty of circuses and traveling freak shows where a mutate could make a good living. But these days, it's a little harder to get by just on looking weird.

140 days left until The Gathering 2006 in Los Angeles, California!

Patrick Toman - [<-- The Gathering 2006]
"With great power comes high electric bills."

Oooh, good "what if" topic.

Matt said:
"no offense, but i think you people talking about how you'd want to be a mutate are kidding yourselves."

Even having weighed all the risks and unavoidable changes to lifestyle, I'm sure a great number of people would jump at the chance to physcially alter and/or enhance themselves in some way. Whether it be something as drastic as a full on species shift, or maybe just a pair of wings (I know I wouldn't pass up the chance to have workable wings at least and wouldn't be scared to go through with just that), if there were a drug/therapy out there proven to work, lots of people would go for it. Superhero comics (and more recently, films) are popular for a reason.

"you might find the idea attractive, but if Sevarius was standing next to you with the needle to your arm, would you really go through with it?"

Heh, not if it was Sevarius of course. You'd have to value your life very little to put it in his hands. Maybe if you were at the end of your rope while suffering from a terminal illness, maybe then.

"i doubt it. you'd basically be starting a entirely new life."

Eh, change can be positive. I quit two jobs recently and lessened my hours at my third one, started going to the gym a month ago, and am thinking of going back to school. Practically feels like a new life some days. If it were more than a fantasy, I might try something as extreme as a small mutation as well (a therapy for significant life extension would be more appealing than superpowers though).

"you couldn't work or go to school."


Nah, you WOULD work. There'd be the potential to be huge in movies and/or TV (or if you're an exhibitionist, I have a feeling there'd be a niche market in the adult industry). Or you could just...I dunno, charge for photo ops. Do the even more cliched thing and write an autobiography.

If they wouldn't allow you into an actual school anymore due to being too much of a distraction, there'd still be correspondence courses and other activities to keep yourself occupied and learning.

"people would fear you."

Maybe at first, but not for long. I imagine you'd get sick of all the attention pretty quick. And if you were unique in whatever changes you'd aquired, I think many people would be more likely feel ENVY than fear, so long as the alterations weren't too horrific to the average joe.

"you could probably never have children."

Eh, there's always adoption. Or if not that, then you could always work WITH children, if you proved to the public eye that you were a friendly mascot-type. Personally I don't want kids anyway, so that'd be fine.

"what would you do with your power? fight crime?"

You'd get killed pretty quickly if you chose that option (and maybe end up getting others killed). Public and government aren't fond of vigilantes.

"if Spiderman has shown us anything it is that being powerful isn't all its cracked up to be."

Well...who knows, it's impossible to say how it would play out in real life. Spider-Man is a comic book in which the writers have to constantly come up with challenges in order to keep the book interesting. We love drama and need conflict in our entertainment, so of course a comic book character's life (more specifically a superhero's) is gonna be filled with more hardships and life lessons than the average real life person's. Who knows, being like that in real life and not becoming a crimefighter could lead you to live a fairly uneventful life once you get past all the inevitable media attention.

Kris - [plekopleko@hotmail.com]

crimson rogue: Yep, I sure did, I'll get a response to you about those as soon as i can. ^ - ^
Obed - [angelgear2000@yahoo.com]

Matt -> Actually, I wouldn't care. About the needle I mean. I don;t have any real family or friends for the most part. Not exactly sure why, and I have always been a free spirit anyway. Go to myspace and read my blogs and about me sections... you might be surprised with what you learn.

Obed -> i sent the sample chapters, did you get??

everyone else -> hi if you guys are awake

The Crimson Rogue - [pokechristian@yahoo.com]

Yeah...probably being a mutate, the way it's portrayed on the show, would suck...But having power in general, I think that's always a plus. I definitely agree, it all depends on how you use it. Some people (like myself) are ruthless and shrewd enough to know how to exploit such a situation. Heh. I certainly wouldn't mind NOT working or NOT going to school...and having people fear me sounds like fun. ^ - ^
Obed - [angelgear2000@yahoo.com]

But yeah, if given a choice. Definetly, definetly stay human.
Greg Bishansky - [<--- Gathering 2006]
Come to the Gathering

MATT> Well, depends on what you choose to do with that power. Look, I know myself well enough to admit that I'd be using any superpowers I had for profit, personal gain or a cause I believed in. I never claimed to be a great man.
Greg Bishansky - [<--- Gathering 2006]
Come to the Gathering

no offense, but i think you people talking about how you'd want to be a mutate are kidding yourselves. you might find the idea attractive, but if Sevarius was standing next to you with the needle to your arm, would you really go through with it? i doubt it. you'd basically be starting a entirely new life. you couldn't work or go to school. people would fear you. you could probably never have children. what would you do with your power? fight crime? if Spiderman has shown us anything it is that being powerful isn't all its cracked up to be.
matt - [Cape Girardeau, MIssouri, USA]
"When I held that gun in my hand, I felt a surge of power...like God must feel when he's holding a gun." -Homer Simpson

i would be a mutate if it was better than the first series... like maybe 5th or 6th gen when we started becoming really powerful lol
The Crimson Rogue - [pokechristian@yahoo.com]

being a mutate would suck. look at everything the Mutates had to give up! who would want to be an outsider like that. look how traumatic it was to Claw. like you said, it has made Maggie suicidal. it seems to me that Talon and Maggie can only stand being Mutates cuz they have each others support. Fang likes it, but i think in him its simply a power he can use to dominate others, same thing with Wolf.

no, being a mutate, even by choice, wouldn't make life easy.

matt - [Cape Girardeau, MIssouri, USA]
"When I held that gun in my hand, I felt a surge of power...like God must feel when he's holding a gun." -Homer Simpson

Just reminding everyone, this Feburary, Marina Sitis will be in Orlando, Florida at Mega-Con! Click my name or copy and paste http://www.megaconvention.com/

Remeber how the first four mutates all reacted in different ways to their predicament?

Claw has gone mute so we can never even articulate how he feels. Maggie would rather have died than lived as a monster, but she is able to accept it with Talon's emotional support.

Talon's reactions are puzzling - he tells Sevarius that he no longer cares about antidotes, and yet then tells Maggie that he couldn't live without her... was he lying to Maggie to make her feel better?
Fang prefers being a mutate.

How would you react? I think I might prefer being a mutate depending on the circumstances. The only drawback would be being so conspicuous.


This just in from the Gargoyles Fans Website: There's new content!

D. Taina delivered two summaries ('Ransom' and 'And Justice for All'), and Jurgan allowed me to publish his (now slightly updated) essay about 'Curses and Prophecies, Fate and Free will'.

Thanks, both of you. Without fan input, the fandom website cannot grow.

Guandalug la'Fay - [guandalug@gargoyles-fans.org]
It has been said that the world is a strange place. This is not true. The world is a VERY strange place.

Warcrafter: Sorry for your loss. I'll say a prayer tonight for you.
Battle Beast - [Canada]
That is all I will say.

Patrick: The concert would have been in 2004, as the birthdate of the Fender Stratocaster was May 15, 1954 (or at least that's when the first units were shipped). I'm afraid I don't know a great deal about Rutherford's band, so I don't know the last time he got them together to do something.
Harvester of Eyes - [Minstrel75@gmail.com]
"What is a man? A miserable little pile of secrets. But enough talk! Have at you!" -Vlad Tepes Dracula.

exactly, i totally agree with all of that. taking the castle should've left nothing more than a pit, and that is where Angela went.
the problem is that when Goliath looks at the cliff where Wyvern stood, the entire cliff face is gone leaving no pits or caves or anything. there was nothing there for Angela to stand on. i'll review the episode later this week when i have a bit more time, but i'm pretty confident that there is a discrepancy there.

matt - [Cape Girardeau, MIssouri, USA]
"When I held that gun in my hand, I felt a surge of power...like God must feel when he's holding a gun." -Homer Simpson

true, i haven't seen that episode in a while...but from what it sounds like, i gather that in the process of uprooting the castle from its foundations, the cave would have been destroyed itself...which makes sense, because the roof of the cave would be the foundations and ground of the castle...which would leave the remainder of the cave/rookery open to the sky. I remember in Awakenings part two (my memory of season one has been refreshed because of the dvd's XD), there was a lot of activity and machinery all over the site. I imagine that it would have all leveled out what remained of the rookery, leaving nothing more than a pit.
Obed - [angelgear2000@yahoo.com]

JJ Gregarius> yeah, the last couple questions submitted are from you about Bonkers, and i'm pretty sure the question you described was the last one submitted.

Rookery> well, i think you need to review "Shadows of the Past" if there was a cave below the castle that was the rookery it looks like it was totally torn out of the cliff along with the castle, but moments later Angela is apparently standing in the rookery, but now under the open sky. my problem is that the episode seems to show both the rookery as missing and still somewhat intact.

matt - [Cape Girardeau, MIssouri, USA]
"When I held that gun in my hand, I felt a surge of power...like God must feel when he's holding a gun." -Homer Simpson

Gore - Is there some OTHER e-mail address (perhaps less spam-infected) that I should be using to contact you?
Greg Weisman
Greg Weisman

Matt>> Last night, I decided to add a couple of questions I had been musing about concerning...

The last question dealt with Greg W.'s assertion that Bonkers/Miranda set a clear precedent for Goliath/Elisa. While I believe that he was merely thinking about pairing a non-human male with a human female as a crime-fighting duo, I keeping on wondering if there was anything else that I was missing.

I can't see the Unanswered Questions queue, so I'm not sure if my questions made it.


JJ Gregarius
Like the man said, "There are no problems; only solutions!"

matt -> Obed makes a pretty solid point i think.. anyone disagree??
The Crimson Rogue - [pokechristian@yahoo.com]

I'm guessing that the rocks that formed the rookery were only partially dismantled and brought along with the rest of castle, leaving behind the pit that was left of the rookery. I think the rest of the rookery cave may have simply been destroyed during the dismantling of the castle. As for the nests...it looked pretty artificial to me from Awakenings part one, so either the Gargs built it themselves or the human builders helped them out in that regard. It all looks pretty primitive, so the Gargoyles probably just built it themselves.
Obed - [angelgear2000@yahoo.com]

Crimson Rogue> nice to see another Missouri fan. Todd Jenson is in Saint Louis, in fact if you stick around and become a regular here, Missouri might even become the most represented state, though i could be wrong, not sure where everyone is from, but 3 from one state sounds like more than average.

Queue> well, it shut down sometime between 12:05ish AM and 7AM when i checked it this morning, of course, i'm on central time, so the queue would have closed sometime between midnight and 6AM eastern time.
just wondering why you are wondering about this...

i think this week needs a topic. i've been wondering a lot about gargoyle rookeries lately, specifically Wyvern's rookery. it seems they took a natural cave and carved out a stairway leading to the big door, but i wonder two things.
1. wasn't the rookery UNDER the castle? i mean, the rookery doors opened into the castle's courtyard, so certianly at least some of the rookery was beneath the castle. that being the case, we clearly have seen that most of the rock under the castle was missing when Goliath and Co return in "Shadows of the Past", and we can see a lot of rock under the castle in the Eyrie building, so is the rookery in New York now? did it survive intact the transfer across the Atlantic? and if the rookery was transferred, what exactly was that pit Angela discovered in Wyvern, and why did Goliath call it the rookery? did the rookery have several entrances?
2. also, did the gargoyles construct the pits the eggs were placed in in the rookery? was this, in effect, a stone nest?

*Mike Meyers impression* discuss...

matt - [Cape Girardeau, MIssouri, USA]
"When I held that gun in my hand, I felt a surge of power...like God must feel when he's holding a gun." -Homer Simpson

When exactly did the queue close? Midnight?
JJ Gregarius
Like the man said, "There are no problems; only solutions!"

Obed -> well I would be happy to run a game, go check gatheringofthegargoyles.com and it's lovely forum
i am asking people who would be interested in joining to tell me they are interested

The Crimson Rogue - [pokechristian@yahoo.com]

crimson rogue: Heh, that's very cool and creative. I'm still a very big D&D noob...my friend was trying to teach me. There's just not too many people I know that are into it. At least no one that can be a GM.
Obed - [angelgear2000@yahoo.com]

Obed -> I used Knowledge (Nature) and gave it to them as class.
DC 5 = Glide Down (150 Feet)
DC 10 = Glide 1/4 Mile / Glide Up (150 Feet)
DC 15 = Glide 1/2 Mile / Glide Up or Down (300 Feet)
etc... they can also take flying feats provided they have X ranks in Knowledge (Nature)

The Crimson Rogue - [pokechristian@yahoo.com]

crimson rogue: YES! Ya, i love RPG's. I think it should be a little more actiony though, especially with all the gliding and stuff. Kinda how like in spider man, he could swing all over the city...except in gargoyles, you'd need to pay attention to air currents, and that could change depending on environmental/weather factors. they'd be able to climb buildings and things like that. I also think the stone sleep should somehow be a gameplay mechanic as well.
Obed - [angelgear2000@yahoo.com]

Obed -> should be RPG but then I am a super dork.... I even made a d20 modern world based of the Gargoyles universe complete with gargoyle templates and additional classes and such
The Crimson Rogue - [pokechristian@yahoo.com]

warcrafter: I'm very sorry for your loss...I've always had pets my entire life, so I have some idea of how you may be feeling. It can be rough but I offer my consolations to you.

This has been bouncing around in my head for a while, but I was wondering what everyone thinks about a Gargoyles Video game? I know one was released long ago on Genesis, though I'm not too familiar with that. What does everyone think of the likelihood of a Gargoyles video game getting released, especially with the new comics coming out soon? Do you think something like that might be successful? Also, if there ever were a Gargoyles game in the future, what kind of game should it be, or what kind of gameplay should it have? As an aspiring game designer, I was interested to see what others think about that matter. I got some ideas, and I thought it'd be interesting to open up a discussion about it here.

Obed - [angelgear2000@yahoo.com]

matt -> oops... btw hey i live in missouri too, springfield area :D im christopher good to meetcha
The Crimson Rogue - [pokechristian@yahoo.com]

Hello everyone ^.^ Long time fan, first time poster, second time con-goer here.

I was wondering if this year The Gathering would be in the same hotel as the one @ 2001's 5th anniversary.

Also, if anyone wouldn't mind another friend, I would like to talk to more gargolites so please add me on myspace or via email. Thanks for all your help!


The Crimson Rogue - [pokechristian@yahoo.com]

two new guests have been added to the guest list on the 2006 gathering of the gargoyles
Warcrafter - [grafixfangamer1@sbcglobal.net]
"One must do what one has.......I suppose"

Tina: Turns out we have such wallpapers on this site. Here: http://www.s8.org/gargoyles/archives/wallpaper/

Google is your friend.

Jurgan - [jurgan6@yahoo.com]
"A preposition is something you should never end a sentence with. This is an affectation up with which I will not put." -Winston Churchill

Warcrafter: I'm sorry for your loss. I remember when my favorite pet cat was killed by a car. It was one of the hardest times of my life.

"creating human-animal hybrids...">OMG He actually said this?!? Hear that, EVIL MAD SCIENTISTS! Bush is on to you!! *rolls eyes*
If the gargoyles were real, I would feel so sorry for them while Dubbya is in charge.

Purplegoldfish - [skydragonn@aol.com]

hi i was wondering could anyone help me i'm looking for a web site where i can download walt dinsey's "GARGOYLES" desktop wallpapers because my boyfriend use to love watching that cartoon when he was growing up and now he's grow but where i live it comes on once in awhile so i wanted to find some wallpaper for i could downloaded to his computer i hope someone could help me thank alot my email is crystal281@optonline.net
tina - [crystal281@optonline.net]

Warcrafter: I'm sorry for your loss. I haven't owned a pet in almost ten years, but I know it's hard.

Patrick: Actually, now that you mention it, I don't know if any mechanics other than Paul Carrack were present. I do remember that the last song of the set was a rendition of "I Can't Dance" (Carrack might have sung it better than Collins), which surprised me. I thought it was a general rule that Genesis songs were off limits during solo gigs. Well, a general rule among Banks, Collins, and Rutherford for anything written from 1978 onward. Steve Hackett still plays songs like "Blood on the Rooftops" when he tours. But I didn't get a year for this thing. I'll find some websites on the Fender Stratocaster and see what year it turned 50.

And President Bush strikes me as someone who would initially judge by appearances and assume gargoyles are agents of Lucifer.

Harvester of Eyes - [Minstrel75@gmail.com]

Anyone catch this in Presiden't Bush's speech last night?

"Tonight I ask you to pass legislation to prohibit the most egregious abuses of medical research -- human cloning in all its forms, creating or implanting embryos for experiments, creating human-animal hybrids..."

That's bad news for Dr. Anton Sevarius. It's not so good for Elisa and Goliath, either. And Furries of the world... you're on notice! :P

Kris > It's the other way around. Disney bought Pixar.

Warcrafter > Sorry for your loss.

HoE > I didn't know Mike and the Mechanics were still together and performing. Was that a recent concert, or older footage?

142 days left until The Gathering 2006 in Los Angeles, California!

Patrick - [<-- The Gathering 2006]
"They've got no horns and they've got no tail, they don't even know of our existance..." - Genesis, "A Trick of the Tail"

hey all, just poping in to link/pimp the new topic and voting over at MGC. ^_^
kess - [<updated!]

WARCRAFTER - I'm sorry to hear about your loss as well. I remember my grief when my old cat Merlin passed on a year and a half ago.
Todd Jensen
"Gargoyles" - did for monstrous-looking statues what "Watership Down" did for rabbits!

It's funny that Matt brings up the talk from two years ago about Disney/Pixar splitting, since there was the news this week or last that they just merged (or Pixar bought out Disney or some damn thing). Didn't someone mention recently that Pixar guy Steve Jobs is a big fan of Gargoyles? If true, it's too perfect a set-up to not get a little hopeful--the series is almost complete on DVD, the comic is coming this June...C'monnn series revival/continuation!

Warcrafter >>> Sorry to hear about your dog. When pets of mine have died in the past, it's hit me harder than losing relatives. Take care man.

Kris - [plekopleko@hotmail.com]

Warcrafter> sorry to hear about Mickey. my dog, Gus, is so special to me, and hes my first dog ever and i'm terrified of him dying one day cuz i'm not sure how i'll handle it. so, what i'm trying to say is, i can't entirely relate to how you are feeling, but i'm sure its not fun. my condolences.
matt - [Cape Girardeau, MIssouri, USA]
"When I held that gun in my hand, I felt a surge of power...like God must feel when he's holding a gun." -Homer Simpson

I'm sorry to hear that, Warcrafter. I remember when my dog died a few years ago. I was torn-up too, and I also went online looking for good thoughts, so I don't think you're doing anything wrong by bringing it up. I don't know if there's anything I can really say, except that I trust you'll get through it, and good luck.
Jurgan - [jurgan6@yahoo.com]
"A preposition is something you should never end a sentence with. This is an affectation up with which I will not put." -Winston Churchill

I know this has nothing to do with Gargoyles but I was wondering, if anyone can take the time to remember my dog Mickey who sadly passed away today. He will always be remembered in my heart. Mickey "Mouse" Osborne Mar 1996- Jan 2006
Warcrafter - [grafixfangamer1@sbcglobal.net]
"One must do what one has.......I suppose"

PGFish> yes, i was just coming to that.... so, without further ado:


2003- three years ago, this week.
Gabriel "gaygoyle" was 1st!
An average week when it comes to number of posts. tpics included the possibility of Gargoyles on DVD (and when this might happen), Demona's use of time travel to change history and save her Clan, and the Marvel Gargoyles comic series. most of the talk, however, was focused on griping about Ask Greg, and suggestions on what to do about it. Greg Weisman himself briefly discussed his Six-Point Plan for the Ask Greg issues.
the week ended on a sad note with the Space Shuttle accident capturing the news. the last few posts of the week were esspecially touching.
Quote: "Is it really that time of the month again? You know, where we sit around talking about ways to deal with the ASKGREG backlog and never doing anything about it?" -Airwalker

2004- two years ago this week
Alex Garg was 1st!
a somewhat busy week in the room. bad winter weather around the world was discussed. Gargoyles music videos and Lord of the Rings: Return of the King were also topics of conversation. in the days before Gore added a search feature on this site, using Google as a search engine for Ask Greg was discussed, and not surprisingly, this led to further complaining and suggesting when it comes to the Ask Greg problems. also, the future of Disney was briefly talked about after the Disney-Pixar split.
Quote: "With the low Canadian dollar, you'll be able to spend less and get more!!" -Battle Beast

2005- a year ago this week
Leo was 1st!
a very busy week following the previous week full of argument and discord. many, many posts were made apologizing for things said and done the previous week and many, many people expressed their gratitude that the week of fighting was over. the topics of this week were much less controversial than the proceeding one, which everyone seemed grateful for. how Mutants and Mutates would be seen in human society was a topic toward the beginning of the week, but most the week was focused on the spam-incidents in the room and the future form of Gargoyles (whether CGI, novels, comics etc. would be most likely). nice to know that both these things have been resolved since we have the new code to post a comment and the Gargoyles coming in comic form!
Quote: "lets hope this week is quieter than last week..." -matt

back again next Tuesday, suggestions and comments always welcome.

matt - [Cape Girardeau, MIssouri, USA]
"When I held that gun in my hand, I felt a surge of power...like God must feel when he's holding a gun." -Homer Simpson

<<(It seems they strip her after they rescue her on the beach)>>

"I wonder if Natsilane does that to every unconscious woman who washes up on the beach. :P"
Hehe, interesting way to find a girlfriend.
Natilane>"Elisa, I er, swear I didn't touch them...I didn't even LOOK at them! So Umm, Ahem, How about thos Yankees huh?" ;P

Matt: Are you planning on talking about the previous CR topics again? I rather enjoyed that :)

Purplegoldfish - [skydragonn@aol.com]


everyone> Im thinking of choosing an avatar so i dont feel left out, but i dont know which one is perfect for me :)

Warcrafter - [grafixfangamer1@sbcglobal.net]
"One must do what one has.......I suppose"

Patrick: Wow. I was just listening to that song in the car. As you've probably seen, I like to quote Genesis because the lyrics usually stand their own well enough without the music (which is the same reason I also quote the Talking Heads a lot). Incidentally, I recently saw Mike and the Mechanics on a program on one of the HD Channels at my uncle's house. It was a concert for the 50th Anniversary of the Fender Stratocaster, and the Mechanics were one of the bands performing. Unfortunately, I missed the middle of the set because the first song they performed was "How Long." This, of course, led to everyone hounding me to get on the web and find out what band Paul Carrack was with when he wrote "How Long". I was the youngest one present, and therefore the most computer literate. The answer is Ace.

As far as "Heritage" is concerned, I imagine that it was probably pretty cold, too cold for anyone to be swimming in that water. And leaving that person's wet clothing on once they're exposed to the air only serves to aid hypothermia. I imagine anyone who lives up north knows that. The fact that the patient was a sexy lady was just an added bonus, like purchasing an NFL raffle ticket from the Knights of Columbus, putting it in your desk drawer and forgetting it's there because you don't like football all that much anyway (and just bought the ticket because they were rasing money for some charity), and then receiving a $400 check in the mail several months after the fact, because for some reason, your teams all won the week of December 7th.*

But then again, I haven't see the episode in a while, and haven't gotten to the third disc on the DVD yet, so I can't honestly say what time of year they did go to Canada. But I think they set out for Avalon in November or December (gut's leaning more towards December, and even though it's irritated because of my Crohn's, I still trust it).

And I am going to get around to e-mailing you, one of these days. Should be easier to find time once I quit my current job (ETD on that is February 17th).

*The second half of that simile is a true story.

Harvester of Eyes - [Minstrel75@gmail.com]
"...We've got everything, we're growing everything. We got some in, we got some out, we got some wild things floating about!"

HI U 2!!!! I HEART LEAVEING COMMENTS!!!! LOL!!!!!!!!!^_^
WOLFBANE - [lowman618@aol.com]

Hi WOLFBANE!!! Hi Thunderhawk!!!! haven't seen u 2 sences.... we got off the bus a few min. ago!!! LOL!! ^_^
3 14 years olds have'n fun!!!!!

Brooklyn's hot! he soo rocks!!

i was look at the comments posted the other day and i was looking a little on the conversation on hudson's scar. see heres what i always thought it was a scar that was made by a magic attack. so i thought that it wouldn't heal because it's like harry potter's scar, instantly setting, brought by magic, no real blood shed like a scar from a cut, and probly very painful. lol. so anyways thats what i thought. maybe wrong but, it's what i thought. heart WOLFBANE^_^
WOLFBANE - [lowman618@aol.com]
LIGHTING STARKE!!!!(translation of the magic spell)

I expect Xanatos could stretch a dollar better than Maggie Reed could!

Remember kids, tonight at midnight is the deadline to hand in your January AMGC entries, so don't delay.


Aaron - [amgc_art@yahoo.com]
Jack of all trades, Master of porn

Ask Greg> has anyone else been reading the latest questions being asked?
do these people even read the "please read the FAQ" notices everywhere? do they even bother to do a tiny bit of research themselves? do they even bother to come in here and ask us?
no, of course not. so inconsiderate.
the biggest Max Steel fan doesn't even know if the episodes are on DVD, give me five minutes on google and i could tell you, instead he/she decides to clog the queue with it and wait years for an answer (but probably not).
who is the garg-beast in the Avalon Clan? what is her name? are you freaking serious?! theres no one in this CR who couldn't answer that, plus i'm sure its in the archive/FAQ.
will Lex's GIRLFRIEND be taller, shorter or the same height as him? this question is stupid on so many levels.

sorry folks, had to vent, hopefully the queue shuts down after today. *sigh*

matt - [Cape Girardeau, MIssouri, USA]
"When I held that gun in my hand, I felt a surge of power...like God must feel when he's holding a gun." -Homer Simpson

Patrick: Wonder If Xanatos Invested in Apple Like Forrest Gump did.
Battle Beast - [Canada]
That is all I will say.

PATRICK> Yeah, Xanatos had to have invested that money wisely.

As for his college education, he probably got loans and scholerships. Xanatos is a smart guy, and Dartmouth a great school.

Greg Bishansky - [<--- Gathering 2006]
Come to the Gathering

<<(It seems they strip her after they rescue her on the beach)>>

I wonder if Natsilane does that to every unconscious woman who washes up on the beach. :P

In "Vows," Xanatos says: "That envelope contains one of the coins Prince Malcolm gave me earlier. It's practically worthless now in 975 AD, but by 1975, it will be worth about twenty grand."

In 1975, $20,000 might have been enough to cover four years of college. Seems more likely, though, that Xanatos took at least part of that money and made some clever investments. If he had the foresight in the late 1970s to buy stock in companies like IBM and Microsoft, that could help explain how he came to have so much money to burn on silly things like putting castles on top of skyscrapers.

143 days left until The Gathering 2006 in Los Angeles, California!

Patrick - [<-- The Gathering 2006]
"We're happy as fish and gorgeous as geese, and wonderfully clean in the morning..." - Genesis, "Supper's Ready"

Hey. I'm back from la la land. Tired. Very tired. I'll catch up on the last week when I can. That Animation Cell is still available at Disneyland.
Battle Beast - [Canada]
That is all I will say.

Wow. Puck must have really swept all the corners with that spell.

Anonymous: It was also in "Vows." He said that he had given the Society two envelopes. The second one contained instructions to himself and was to be delivered twenty years after he received the coin. He got it the week before his wedding.

And I imagine that there were some things Xanatos was just born with, such as a high IQ, an inventive mind, and good communication skills. The coin probably just provided him with something solid that could be used as a launch pad.

Harvester of Eyes - [Minstrel75@gmail.com]

I did wonder whether Xanatos has the equivalent of GCSEs, SATs or any professional qualifications. I would have imagined this to be necessary to get on the business ladder, although I don't see how training as a fisherman could include it.

In which episode did it say that he had received instructions from his future self? In Vows I only remember him saying that he received an envelope containing the coin from himself.


hahaa, well, hell, if magic can compensate and allow Demona to get pregnant who knows what it can do for Macbeth...
matt - [Cape Girardeau, MIssouri, USA]
"When I held that gun in my hand, I felt a surge of power...like God must feel when he's holding a gun." -Homer Simpson

I have just been informed that I misused the word conceive in regards to Macbeth. So, I'll correct myself.

According to Greg Weisman, Macbeth ain't firing blanks.


Greg Bishansky - [<--- Gathering 2006]
Come to the Gathering

"According to Greg Weisman, both Demona and Macbeth are still capable of conceiving."

Really? Wow. There must be something about Macbeth we don't know, if he's capable of conceiving.

Patrick Toman
"He... look-a... like a man." - Ms. Swan

LOL @ Matt! :D
Purplegoldfish - [skydragonn@aol.com]

LOL, figures, the moment i hit submit i realize "epitome" is the correct spelling. boy, do i feel better... for those of you who are curious, when Xanatos used it he meant "embodiment".

ok, you can continue with your normal CR banter, crisis averted...

matt - [Cape Girardeau, MIssouri, USA]
"When I held that gun in my hand, I felt a surge of power...like God must feel when he's holding a gun." -Homer Simpson

"We need to wake up this CR"
*yawns*... five more minutes... *rolls over*

seriously though, i'm about to go insane. in "The Gathering" Xanatos says a line to Oberon right before he starts shooting: "taking a child from his parents is the (blank) of interfering in human affairs." what the hell is that (blank) word, and how do you spell it? ipidomy? epitomy? apedomy? i'm trying to figure out how to spell it, and spent ten minutes searching the dictionary and no luck, so help me out. i'll do a spell check on this post... nope, no luck.

matt - [Cape Girardeau, MIssouri, USA]
"When I held that gun in my hand, I felt a surge of power...like God must feel when he's holding a gun." -Homer Simpson

That is very weird, about Demona. Or maybe not so weird if you consider that the whole thing is a magical transformation. Maybe if she did conceive, perhaps the child would be magically affected as well and transform along with her. Which is still weird...since it's all magic I guess anything might be possible.
Obed - [angelgear2000@yahoo.com]

<<(It seems they strip her after they rescue her on the beach)>>

And the fact that she's naked in a bed for her next two scenes kinda proves that ;)

As for the gun. They probably assumed she was an American ;)

Greg Bishansky - [<--- Gathering 2006]
Come to the Gathering

Yeah, Greg did say that Demona is capable of having children:
I think this is a little...strange myself, I would think that she would have a miscarriage, but I guess whatever Greg says, goes, when it comes to this show.

Just a random thought for the day: In the episode, "Heritage", I wonder what Grandmother and Natsilane think when they find Elisa's gun on her. (It seems they strip her after they rescue her on the beach). Remember, she lost her badge on the beach.

More randomness: Right before I typed this, I watched the beginning of "There's something about Mary." Keith David plays Mary's stepfather. He's got one the best and most memorable line in the movie: "Is it the franks or the beans?" LOL!

We need to wake up this CR :)

Purplegoldfish - [skydragonn@aol.com]

Anime LA. Much fun. Much publicity. Got one or two people signed up for the gathering. Got many people interested in MGC and other fan websites. Got many people interested in the gathering and dvd.

Pictures coming soon.

Shara - [Jeanie54_2000@yahoo.com]

According to Greg Weisman, both Demona and Macbeth are still capable of conceiving.
Greg Bishansky

Patrick> excellant point about Demona. since she wasn't in a fertile period when the spell was cast and she doesn't age, she can't become fertile either as a human or a gargoyle.
matt - [Cape Girardeau, MIssouri, USA]
"When I held that gun in my hand, I felt a surge of power...like God must feel when he's holding a gun." -Homer Simpson

Patrick: That's an interesting thought that never entered my mind, that Demona never has a fertile period because her body doesn't age. Hmm..Though I do think she is capable of being fertile.

Obed: Hi! Nice to see you come out of the woodwork ;)
Hudson's eye: Yeah, I suppose it was a bit of a cheat, but it still kind of works. The blast that hit Hudson must have scarred his eye beyond repair. And Like IRC Goliath says, once a body part is rendered useless (like a finger being chopped off), that's it, it's gone.

Although: I recall Goliath getting holes right through his wing a couple of times.(ie: M.I.A) So I wonder how those holes closed up if that section of wing membrane was blasted away. Hmm...Did he have a chance to sew it up? (Or maybe Elisa or Angela did)

Purplegoldfish - [skydragonn@aol.com]

Wow! A lot of newbies lately.

That's a good thing... I guess.

Phil - [p1anderson@go.com]

Hi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:) ummm,,,,,..... I HEART LEXINGTON!!!!!!!!!!!!^_^


HI!!!!! ok for starters i just got word that 10th gathring is happening(or going to)! ive never been but i want to go. anyone out there ever been? i hear they're the coolest!!! anyways i also just got the 2nd season voulme 1 on dvd and finally they(mom & grandma) have found season 1! i got it 4 x mas and have watched it like 8 million times! and now im getting my friends into it. i haven't got them crazed too but, it's just a matter of time, he he he. anyways im 14. people ask me about that alot so. and as soon as i get unworkloged im going to start writeing and posting fanfic. so look out 4 wolfbane fanfics! anyways, ttyl! laterdays!!!^_^
WOLFBANE^-^ - [lowman618@aol.com]

Hey gang! There is a Grgoyle cell on main street, USA, at the art store... it is of Demona and Goliath. $500... if you live in the anaheim are...

had blast, comming home now...

Battle Beast - [Canada]

"Her internals must be different, there's a lot more to account for. Tail, wings, etc." - For the skeleton and musculature, that would be true. For the general position of the major internal organs, however, we can infer that gargoyles are probably very similar to humans.

Demona's body does not age, so I suspect that the question of whether she can become pregnant is rendered moot. As long as the physical body is not aging, she is never going to enter a fertile period as either a gargoyle or a human.

Even if a gargoyle-human hybrid was genetically possible, its needs as an embryo are likely to be so unique as to make a normal human pregnancy or gargoyle egg-laying and incubatioin impossible. Besides... would Elisa really want to be pregnant for 10 years, even if she could? :P

144 days left until The Gathering 2006 in Los Angeles, California!

Patrick - [<-- The Gathering 2006]
"Dive to the bottom and go to the top to see where they have gone..." - Genesis, "Ripples"

I'm assuming the "magical" part applies more to the scar than the eye. Obviously, in this case, it applies to the eye as well but my point is... if a gargoyle had a finger chopped off, it's not going to grow back while they sleep during the day. So even if the scar managed to heal, I'm pretty sure Hudson's eye would have been gone either way.
IRC Goliath - [goliath1 [at] pacbell [dot] net]
"Just dreaming... old dreams"

Huh, so it didn't heal because it was a magical injury? Is that the gist of it? I just assumed that the concrete-cure-all wasn't perfect. If the gargoyle is seriously injured several hours before sunrise, it seems like it might set in so deeply that stone wouldn't cure it.
Jurgan - [jurgan6@yahoo.com]

Hudson's scar>> http://www.s8.org/gargoyles/askgreg/search.php?qid=39

Anonymous>> Qualifications for...? He got wealthy at a young age (at least for a person of that age), received instructions from a 20-years older than himself... himself and went off to Dartmouth; throw in some ambition, he's qualified to do just about anything.

Alex Garg - [fiatnox@gmail.com]

Does anyone know what Xanatos' formal qualifications are?


Obed > Welcome! You're not alone in wondering that. It's something that has always peeved me a little. Hudson gets hit and falls, when he gets up his eyes is scarred. It doesn't look injured, he's jsut instantly scarred and blind.
Yeah, I know. Kiddies cartoon = suspension of disbelief, but they could have done it a little better.

Course, this has probably been discussed and answered somewhere, I just haven't noticed :)

Chameleongirl - [<-- Come to the Gathering!]
Chameleon may change her spots, but she refuses to do plaid

Hi there ya'll. I've been lurking for a little while now...but now I have a legitimate question! It's so off topic...but it's been bugging me since I recently saw season 1 on DVD. I searched around the Ask Greg archives and such, but I wanted to know if there was any particular reason why Hudson's eye didn't heal from stone sleep. I understand if he lost it, but it looks like it was only injured.
Obed - [angelgear2000@yahoo.com]

HoE> i agree with you totally about Demona getting pregnant, but quickly losing the baby. if she was human and was fertilized by a human, the baby would be very unlikely to survive the transformation at dusk, and vice versa. gargates and mammals are just too different physiologically. i mean, even if there was a human who transformed to a chimpanzee for half the day, the embryo would probably not last that long, theres too many hormonal and anatomical differences.
just an interesting fact, even in developed countries, half of all fertilizations do not result in a live birth. some zygotes don't implant and many miscarry throughout the pregnancy. so pregnancy is a tricky enough without twice daily species changes...
and i was joking about Demona being too old, i know that she could technically breed, minus the human change thing...

Top Ten> didya see how close i was! look at the last post of last week! one second.... ONE SECOND! argh... thats two weeks i've been foiled by mere seconds...

Greg B> yeah, you were eighth, despite all the top-ten people reposting... i counted...

whoever is next is 9th. god forbid we don't get a top ten this week.

matt - [Cape Girardeau, MIssouri, USA]
"When I held that gun in my hand, I felt a surge of power...like God must feel when he's holding a gun." -Homer Simpson

Harvester: I don't blame you- 7 was probably asking for it. He's an unfriendly number. Try dividing a number from 1 to 6 by 7, and take a look at the crazy number that pops up. No other number makes it that complicated- 7 just likes to be difficult.

Hmm... well, I'm up, and I haven't seen The Reckoning in a while- might as well, though I didn't expect to watch any more eps. not on DVD. I'm currently watching Double Jeopardy to prepare- it's the first Thailog ep, after all, and The Reckoning is the last (so far).

Jurgan - [jurgan6@yahoo.com]
"A preposition is something you should never end a sentence with. This is an affectation up with which I will not put." -Winston Churchill

Toon Disney: It appears it will be playing every day, weekdays and weekends. I could only look through the schedule for next week however.

Greg: I think you are eighth ;)

Purplegoldfish - [skydragonn@aol.com]

Rar rar rar
Rar rar rar
Rar rar rar

Um, 10th?

Greg Bishansky - [<--- Gathering 2006]
Come to the Gathering

Matt: Normally, the gametes of a human would not be compatible with a gargoyle, for the obvious reason you stated. Gargoyles are oviporous, humans are not. However, male gametes are capable of surviving in a woman's body for up to five days. So, I don't doubt that Demona might have a chance of getting impregnated when she turns into a human. Assuming she were making love to a human, which I don't think would never happen. If anything, it would be with another gargoyle. However, I'm inclined at this point to believe that the transition back into human during at sunrise would probably abort it (I doubt Puck was being that detailed when he cast the spell). And I think Greg said that biologically, Demona is 35 in gargoyle years. So she might still be able to get pregnant. Whether or not the embryo would survive past sunset, however, would be another story.

And I can't help but wonder what she'd do if she knew we were discussing this. ( ;

Warcrafter: That's a long, sordid tale that I don't feel like getting into right now. I've provided a link in case you're curious. It involved something that I unwittingly unleashed in the TGS Comment Room last September and went on for a couple weeks. As far as I know, he's still dead there.

Harvester of Eyes - [Minstrel75@gmail.com]

There's a new schedule? oh man and it's going to be on at 5:00 a.m. Oh man, that means that for me, it will be on a 2:00 a.m. And will it be still on the weekends or will it be Monday through Friday. (Wow, three posts in less than an hour, sorry)
Warcrafter - [grafixfangamer1@sbcglobal.net]
"One must do what one has.......I suppose"

Harvester of Eyes: Yeah the Reckoning plays tonight at 1:30, but the new 5:00 a.m. schedule starts on Tuesday with "Posession." I likely won't be up to be watching these anymore, oh well, Thank God for Tivo! :D
Purplegoldfish - [skydragonn@aol.com]

(wakes up) uh.............what is Harvester of Eyes problem? (no im not eighth)
Warcrafter - [grafixfangamer1@sbcglobal.net]
"One must do what one has.......I suppose"

*warily keeps his gun trained on Seven*

Just stay where you are. I've no desire to do here what I did in the TGS CR. Well, sort of.

Seven again.

Harvester of Eyes - [Minstrel75@gmail.com]
"Pleased to meet you, hope you guess my name."

huh...........6th......i guess that's all right.........i guess....yeah....so happy.....(falls unconcious from doing homework all night
Warcrafter - [grafixfangamer1@sbcglobal.net]
"One must do what one has.......I suppose"

Ah, fifth again
Purplegoldfish - [skydragonn@aol.com]

"There are three kinds of people; those who can't count, and those who can." - Wilek Nereus

Hopefully third. At least top ten!

[Points at Matt and adopts Nelson Muntz voice]: Ha, ha!
Jurgan - [jurgan6@yahoo.com]
"A preposition is something you should never end a sentence with. This is an affectation up with which I will not put." -Winston Churchill

damnit... second... again...
matt - [Cape Girardeau, MIssouri, USA]
"When I held that gun in my hand, I felt a surge of power...like God must feel when he's holding a gun." -Homer Simpson

FIRST in the name of clock-watching!!!!
matt - [Cape Girardeau, MIssouri, USA]
"When I held that gun in my hand, I felt a surge of power...like God must feel when he's holding a gun." -Homer Simpson

Sunday night, and getting late,
We gather around to wait,
Filled with eagerness fit to burst,
To see who shall claim first.

(First in the name of bad poetry! And having absolutely no life whatsoever!)

Jurgan - [jurgan6@yahoo.com]
"A preposition is something you should never end a sentence with. This is an affectation up with which I will not put." -Winston Churchill