Warcrafter - [grafixfangamer1@sbcglobal.net]
"There's an evil monkey in my closet!"
posted @ Sun, Feb 19, 2006 11:59:44 pm EST from
A Station Eight Fan Web Site
Warcrafter - [grafixfangamer1@sbcglobal.net]
"There's an evil monkey in my closet!"
posted @ Sun, Feb 19, 2006 11:59:44 pm EST from
this is a test
Warcrafter - [grafixfangamer1@sbcglobal.net]
"There's an evil monkey in my closet!"
posted @ Sun, Feb 19, 2006 11:58:31 pm EST from
demonic lover - Please... dislike me. There's a huge club of people who dislike me, feel free to join their ranks. I promise not to shed a single tear. You are a liar and you are annoying. Why would I even WANT you to like me? (BURN!)
I'm know there are other Gargoyle Fans out there that like to make up fake lives and attempt to pass them off on us. ... most of them are FAR more convincing than you are, a few are just as bad (Demona May, anyone?). Perhaps they would enjoy listening to your stories from Make-Believe land and be your friend. I think you've fairly burned that friendship bridge here already since NO ONE BELIEVES A WORD YOU SAY. Time to look elsewhere.
One last thing, don't come here to beg artists to do FREE art for your fake book for your make-believe library. It's insulting (even though not a stitch of it is based in reality anyway).
Jennifer "CrzyDemona" Anderson
"My days of not takin' you seriously are certainly comin' to a middle" -- Captain Reynolds, Firefly
posted @ Sun, Feb 19, 2006 11:30:09 pm EST from
sorry for the double post. It's actually spelled *Jacques Doumani*
Warcrafter - [grafixfangamer1@sbcglobal.net]
"There's an evil monkey in my closet!"
posted @ Sun, Feb 19, 2006 11:13:06 pm EST from
The Character you are looking for is Ace Ventura, Pet Detective.
posted @ Sun, Feb 19, 2006 11:12:16 pm EST from
Well, no luck this weekend on trying to get people to buy a copy of S2 V1, I was busy with my bowling leagues and Yu-Gi-Oh! regionals along with a lot of schoolwork. Since I have no school tomorrow I'll make up for the weekend. Anyway, this really has nothing to do with Gargoyles but I have been accepted into this really good acting school, Jacquest Doumani, for six weeks and WHEN I pass the class, I can audition for commercials, then in the future tv shows, then possibly make it to the big screen. Who knows, maybe when I become a successful actor and if there's a Gargoyles movie, I'll have a part in it. :)
Name the Movie: The Waterboy
Name the Character: "Re..he..he.heeeeeeeeeeeeeeallyyyyyyyyyy" "Alllllllllllll riiiightyyyyy then"
Warcrafter - [grafixfangamer1@sbcglobal.net]
"There's an evil monkey in my closet!"
posted @ Sun, Feb 19, 2006 11:11:28 pm EST from
(in hopes of ending the week on relevant, productive note)
Personally, I'm disappointed with the news about the second of season 2. I haven't taken the time to watch all of vol. 1 yet (I'm bad on watching most things, so that isn't really a bad thing), but I enjoyed the commentary on "City of Stone". Loved the little insights into Demona and Macbeth as well as the other characters. Loving the better visual quality (and no commercials). I'm not too involved with online groups, so my little bit of news spreading will be slight. I'd like to think that the sales will pick up once the comic comes out. May not be in time to make a clear impression by the time of the Gathering, but it could help. Word of mouth can be a great thing, especially with a new project to go with it.
Just my two cents.
posted @ Sun, Feb 19, 2006 9:30:05 pm EST from
Hey jurgan,
Thnx for the compliment! (Not really!)
Demonic lover - [Broad23way@yahoo.com]
posted @ Sun, Feb 19, 2006 7:48:01 pm EST from
Speaking of horoscopes, mine, libra, mine said that regret doing or typing somthing stupid and immature, lose trust, friends, and interest in something that i love doing.
Alex garg, when i was reading that part of my signifficent other, i started thinking, Then it dawned on me, you were right all along! it was him that sent me those gifts! He was the winged something-or-other! I feel like such an idiot right now! And i understand that everyone hereis not cruel and heartless. So SRY! I just got those tips from avalon mists! But they came out crappy because of my printer! I hate it . Why it be one of those perfect ones?
Demonic lover - [Broad23way@yahoo.com]
posted @ Sun, Feb 19, 2006 7:34:49 pm EST from
DL-- Replied privately. There's been enough crap and drama here lately to last the rest of us a lifetime. Christ.
Alex Garg-- You are truly a bigger man than I for your inclination to patience and helpfulness after watching all of this. Hats off to you, sir.
Kythera of Anevern
"Live for glory, strength and fury; play your part in the greater scheme of life and nature" - Inkubus Sukkubus
posted @ Sun, Feb 19, 2006 7:33:00 pm EST from
I guess this won't mean much since I'd already gone onto pretty near lurker status, but I think I'm going to stop coming here for a while. As of late, it's just gotten annoying with certain people whose posts all seem to amount to "I don't care what u r talking about, pay attention 2 ME!", making up a large percentage of the posts and getting far more attention than they deserve. Most people seem to realize that the best way to make new friends on the internet is to politely introduce yourself, then participate in the discussion, rather than inventing stories about yourself and then launching into "Boo hoo, don't you feel sorry for me?" when people start pointing out that you can't even keep simple facts about yourself straight. (I also have problems with people who can't write coherrantly, but in this case, that seem like a more minor offense.) I'l probably check back here once the comic is out and hopefully real discussion starts to pick up again. Until then, best wishes to all the regulars and good newcomers. Even though I haven't had much to say lately, your thoughts were a pleasure to read.
posted @ Sun, Feb 19, 2006 7:30:45 pm EST from
That was beautiful, Bishansky. You are the wind beneath my wings.
DL: No, nobody believes that real gargoyles are after you, and your stalking story is dubious. Actually, I suspected at first that you were the author of the fanfiction you referenced and made up the stalking thing to get people to read it, but I couldn't find it, so I don't know. However, you should think about coming in here and acting like a moron, begging for attention, then blaming everything on how miserable your life is. You cause problems for other people, then insist it's not your fault. No wonder you like Demona so much...
Also, I'm not sure that trying to donate Gargoyles fanfiction to your library is a good idea. There are copyright issues involved, after all. Granted, no one's making any money off of it, but I'd still check with them first before you get to attached to the idea.
Jurgan - [jurgan6@yahoo.com]
"Anyone can read the news to you. I promise to feel the news at you." -Stephen Colbert
posted @ Sun, Feb 19, 2006 7:25:07 pm EST from
Obed: I think another thing that stopped Demona from engaging in a killing spree was because she knew that if she bided her time, she'd get an opportunity to wipe our entire species out at once. And she almost did.
Greg B: Do you think these Xenomorphs were sent by the Space Spawn? I think my horoscope mentioned them the other day.
Harvester of Eyes - [Minstrel75@gmail.com]
"The carpet crawlers heed their callers: 'We've got to get in to get out!'"
posted @ Sun, Feb 19, 2006 7:21:47 pm EST from
Oh, Alex Garg, Thank you soooo much for the costume site/tip! This dream is gonna becoma a reality! Oh don't worry, i am not going to jump off the roof of my house thinking that i can fly or glide!
Demonic lover - [Broad23way@yahoo.com]
Thank you soooooooooo much!
posted @ Sun, Feb 19, 2006 6:59:51 pm EST from
;Finishes sobbing, looks in a mirror, thinks' I need to stop becoming angered soooooo easily, fixes a fizzing raspberry( it is not alchoholic, just regular raspberry sherbert with sprite). Is there anyone that is great at drawing like kythera? I am starting a Serie on gargoyles about Goliath and Demona, When they first met. Its Starts out when Goliath is tired of being single and starts to envy garg couples and wishes that he had mate, he gets his wish, but has to work for it. I need someone to do illustrations, I am not paying you. I am doing this for charity at my public library. They really need some new books, Especially for teens that love scifi stories. I will take suggetions from anyone and please email the to me, i am not always on here every day. Did youknow that the corrs came out withanother album? They are my favorite band! Kythera, this is just the kind of band that is just as good as blackmore's night, plus that are celtic rockers with r&b and pop and rock! The are sooo great!
Demonic lover - [Broad23way@yahoo.com]
okay, i get the point, you don't need to hear about my sad pathetic real life.
posted @ Sun, Feb 19, 2006 6:55:31 pm EST from
matt: welcome back and congratulations on becoming an uncle! I just became an uncle myself.
Demonic Lover: I don't think anyone on here is a cruel and heartless person, but this room exists to talk about Gargoyles. I think it would be prudent on your part to talk about your personal problems elsewhere. Nobody wants to hear it and frankly, your credibility is ruined so don't expect anyone to even believe anything you say about your "real life" anyways.
Hey, does anybody else want to talk about Gargoyles?
Obed - [angelgear2000@yahoo.com]
posted @ Sun, Feb 19, 2006 6:26:48 pm EST from
Kythera, I was just asking you and the other garg fans on here a simple question. I have been betrayed by people for ever. I thought i could trust other gargfans! (sniffel, heart shattering, starting to break, now breaking in half like in jen's picture of Demona for valantines day!!!!!!!!!!!)
You don't know what it is like to live in my shoes! I used to have sooo many friends untill I moved out to New Carlisle. Now I have... ... ... hardly any!!!!!! i try to be perfect! ( sobbing profusivly, praying to find the meaning of happiness to heal a broken heart and live again. Losing all memories of happiness.)
My life isn't easy, i am sure yous isn't either. I try to find peace with myself. Perfection runs on my mother's side of my family. Everyone one that side is soooooo perfect that i envy them soooo much it drives me mad! They are always snotty with me at every family reunion a nd Christmas party. Always talking about how successful he/she is. I can't stand it!
Demonic lover - [Broad23way@yahoo.com]
I need friends, I need to work on one first
posted @ Sun, Feb 19, 2006 6:10:55 pm EST from
DL>> Because I try to be helpful before hurtful:
Good info on there for making gargoyles costumes.
Now, I've been watching this sad excuse of a farce long enough.
1. Nobody here believes gargoyles landed on your roof two weeks ago. This is because gargoyles, as flesh and blood creatures, do not exist.
No. They don't.
2a. Nobody believes that someone is trying to make you the unwitting main character in a reenactment of Donald E. Fleming's fiction. That you're volunteering yourself to be Blanche DuBois of "A Streetcar Named Desire" is far more plausible.
2b. If, in fact, you are receiving these gifts, allow me to offer an explanation.
You mentioned some time back that you had a significant other. Could it be, possibly, that he is the one sending you these presents? He might well be aware that you are a fan of "Gargoyles," that you read and enjoyed "Secret Admirer" - which, by the way, is also on the Gargoyles Fan Website fanfiction archives, fanfic.gargoyles-fans.org, to which many of the fictions on FF.net are crossposted - and is trying to replicate it.
3. Our asking your age was a legitimate question, because your behavior is terrible. Feel alone in being asked your age? I'll volunteer mine.
I'm 21.
That you thought you could get away with saying you're 23 just astounds me. I know some immature people of my age and much older, but you're beating them hands down. Like the gargoyles on your roof, nobody believes you're 23 (and if you are, that's frightening).
So, Kyt's question remains vaild.
Unlike Matt I don't think you need therapy, but I do agree with him that you need to stop whoring yourself for attention. So far you have contributed nothing to the purpose of this comment board, and that you go on the offensive to anybody who disagrees with you or points out your lack of contribution makes you unbearable.
Need help with a costume? We'll entertain those questions. Want to hypothesize on plot points or character development? We'll entertain those questions, too.
But this is not a rapid response line to help you, and we are not always going to agree with you.
Check yourself (burn!).
*leaves his food for the troll and resumes lurking*
Alex Garg
posted @ Sun, Feb 19, 2006 6:01:15 pm EST from
PGF> There is a Sales ranking for DVDs on Amazon. Right now the Gargs DVD is going back down, but there was a spike for the last few days.
Hopefully it's been selling in the stores also.
Greg Bishansky - [<------ Clickie clickie]
But remember parents, the lesson is, don't let your children go out on hunting trips with the Vice President. Because he will shoot them in the face.
posted @ Sun, Feb 19, 2006 5:48:14 pm EST from
Greg B: HAHAHA, I literally almost choked on the candy I was eating laughing at your post!!
and just curious, how can you tell on the Amazon site that more people bought the DVDs?
Purplegoldfish - [skydragonn@aol.com]
posted @ Sun, Feb 19, 2006 5:44:14 pm EST from
DL-- Don't flatter yourself... I neither know nor like you, so I don't want you cluttering up my friends list. The only reason I asked how old you were is because you type and act like a ten-year-old fitting for attention because that's the only way you know how to get it... which leads me to believe the age you have listed on MySpace (14) is more accurate than the age you gave us here. And for not trusting anyone, you sure come to us for an awful lot of help...
Kythera of Anevern
"Live for glory, strength and fury; play your part in the greater scheme of life and nature" - Inkubus Sukkubus
posted @ Sun, Feb 19, 2006 5:29:50 pm EST from
Guys, guys, you wouldn't believe what just happened in the parking lot of apartment complex.
A space ship crashed, and out of it, came these Xenomorphs... you know, the kind that burst out of people's chests. Anyway, I thought they were going to kill everyone, when a bunch of gargoyles swooped out of the sky and fought them... it was amazing.
And then, a convertable came speeding through being driven by drunk Ted Kennedy, plowing through the aliens with Dick Cheney shooting them in the face!
Wow! It will be all over the news. Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert came here themselves to cover it. THey're all outside now. I gotta go get interviewed.
I'm not lying!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Greg Bishansky - [<------ Clickie clickie]
But remember parents, the lesson is, don't let your children go out on hunting trips with the Vice President. Because he will shoot them in the face.
posted @ Sun, Feb 19, 2006 5:25:15 pm EST from
oh, i forgot to add that i need help on constructing wings for a garg costume, what do you guys prefer, plastic? or plastic with cloth? I need help on my costume really badly i am invited, and the guy has kids and they are huge garg fans, they would give anything for a 'gargoyle' to come.
matt, god make all children cute as hell, when he gets a lil' older, introduce him to gargoyles, we need more fans!
Oh, there is a band called gargoyles, just to let you know. I used to get very confused on that, figuring out which was they show or the band, haha!
Demonic lover - [Broad23way@yahoo.com]
I'll be bach, Arnold Schwarztenager
posted @ Sun, Feb 19, 2006 5:24:14 pm EST from
Kythera, The thing is that i don't trust anyone, especially anyone that asks about my age, myspace or here. Do like want me to post you on my friends list? If you are trying to ask me that, don't even bother.
Demonic lover - [Broad23way@yahoo.com]
I do not disscus my age.
posted @ Sun, Feb 19, 2006 5:15:26 pm EST from
DL-- I found your MySpace profile. Just have one question... were you lying about your age on MySpace or here?
Kythera of Anevern
"Live for glory, strength and fury; play your part in the greater scheme of life and nature" - Inkubus Sukkubus
posted @ Sun, Feb 19, 2006 4:59:09 pm EST from
Demonic Lover> we gave you advice last week, and you ignored it, so heres some more advice, listen really well, cuz i'm not gonna say this again.
we do not provide therapy for odd fans, and therapy is what you need. i suggest you find a therapist and pay him/her to figure out why a winged individual is stalking you.
until then, please please please, stop posting in here about it, cuz frankly, no one cares about this claim of yours. we don't believe you and we don't think its funny or even remotely interesting.
i'm trying to be nice, but you apparently don't care how we feel as long as we shower you with attention, and thats not a good way to make friends. i urge you to take a look through the archives at all the folks who came in here and acted just like you. see what happens to them. you are no different. you'll annoy us for a while until eventually you get tired of people ignoring you and then you'll dissapear and we'll never see you again. and you won't be missed. i'll put money on it.
btw, everyone, i'm back. my nephew is healthy and cute as hell. thanks for the well-wishes.
matt - [Cape Girardeau, MIssouri, USA]
"Let us all bask in television's warm glowing warming glow." -Homer Simpson
posted @ Sun, Feb 19, 2006 4:53:37 pm EST from
Jen, do you know how I personally fell about this, That person that sent me those could've been another garg's fan. Take that into consideration (burn!). And yes, I do have a myspace account, incase if you were asking. That guy or gal that was sending me those things could be a very nice person, don't be so quick to judge like 'Demona'. That person could also have been looking for a friend. I am starting to dislike you. I was just asking for some advice on stalkers, jeez, can i ask questions on here. And here's a question that is just for you, Is it a sin to breath and differently?
Demonic lover - [Broad23way@yahoo.com]
All i want is advice.
posted @ Sun, Feb 19, 2006 4:00:41 pm EST from
Greg Bishansky> What the diff between the two???
Battle Beast - [Canada]
posted @ Sun, Feb 19, 2006 2:10:49 am EST from
Well, I posted my pleading to Gargoyle fans far and wide online and I will buy an extra set this weekend just to add another number to the file.
posted @ Sun, Feb 19, 2006 12:10:51 am EST from
DL-- I kinda have to agree with Jen. Those are much better places to post these ...uh... "creative" rambles of yours, especially if you expect a reply within an hour of posting.
Kythera of Anevern
"Live for glory, strength and fury; play your part in the greater scheme of life and nature" - Inkubus Sukkubus
posted @ Sat, Feb 18, 2006 9:03:56 pm EST from
Preferably MySpace.
Greg Bishansky - [<------ Clickie clickie]
But remember parents, the lesson is, don't let your children go out on hunting trips with the Vice President. Because he will shoot them in the face.
posted @ Sat, Feb 18, 2006 9:02:24 pm EST from
demonic lover - Ever consider MySpace or Live Journal? ... just sayin'.
Jennifer "CrzyDemona" Anderson
"Well, my days of taking you seriously are certainly coming to a middle." -- Mal, Firefly
posted @ Sat, Feb 18, 2006 9:01:02 pm EST from
A lot of people seemed to be waiting for both sets to come out, but Greg's post was repeated across the internet, and I know it caused a spike in sales on Amazon. Peopled rushed out for it.
Hopefully more will. Personally, as I've said elseware, maybe here, I am confident we'll get the next set.
Greg Bishansky - [<------ Clickie clickie]
But remember parents, the lesson is, don't let your children go out on hunting trips with the Vice President. Because he will shoot them in the face.
posted @ Sat, Feb 18, 2006 8:58:23 pm EST from
Volume 2: I think another major factor here is that a lot of the more casual fans are waiting for the whole thing to come on DVD before they bother to buy them. One of my rl friends has this mentality even though I've told him he should buy them now *sigh*.
And I'm sure a lot of people would give the excuse of why should they bother to get one half of the season if the second half is not gauranteed. And frankly, there are some tv shows that I would feel the exact same way about if they came to DVD.
For the past month I have been watching the episodes in order, usually about two a night. I have gotten to my old cruddy tapes. *Sigh* It would be so sad to not be able to see such great episodes like Hunter's moon, The Gathering, and Future Tense without stupid logos, commerical breaks, and cuts. But Obed's right, we can't give up hope yet.
And I really am in such awe of those fans who go above and beyond and buy multiple copies. I think that it's really not fair that Disney is counting on us to sell it, it's their responsibility, not ours. Though I don't think we should stop trying.
Purplegoldfish - [skydragonn@aol.com]
posted @ Sat, Feb 18, 2006 8:42:36 pm EST from
I don't know if anyone here watches "The Batman", but in this morning's episode, the antagonist (Maximillian Zeus, a classical mythology-themed villain) was attacking Gotham City in an air fortress which he had named "New Olympus". Logical name for somebody with his modus operandi, but I can't help thinking, "First Ellen Yin's outfit, and now this...."
Todd Jensen
"Gargoyles" - did for monstrous-looking statues what "Watership Down" did for rabbits!
posted @ Sat, Feb 18, 2006 6:44:17 pm EST from
hasn't anyone read my last post? I need help! I have never been sooooooo scared and helpless in my entire life. And about the DVD's and comics? Don't worry about them soo much they should be the least of your wories. This really happened to me! I am not kidding around with this! The rest of you may think that I am Crazyer than Demona, but deep in my heart I know that I am sane.; Crzydem, That was a very nice picture of Demona, For next year, how about a picture that really shows love and deep emotion, such as Demona being held in a passionate embrace from Goliath. That would be exelant for valantines day. here's something for St patty's day, Demona killing leprechauns! That would be Hillarious.
demonic lover - [Broad23way@yaho.com]
Love is the strongest feeling that I know of.
posted @ Sat, Feb 18, 2006 5:21:52 pm EST from
Promotion> Just a quick reminder: when you hit the various message boards to promote the DVD and maybe explain the predicament of Season Two Part Two, don't forget to mention the comic. The time for people to ask their stores to order the first issue is coming up soon. While I agree that it's extremely important to get the second half of season two on DVD, the comic is currently our best hope for the future of the Gargoyles story. So we need to make people aware of the comic as well. If we want to know what happens to the clan for the years to come, we need to have good sales on the comic as well.
Have you found "Gargoyles"?
posted @ Sat, Feb 18, 2006 5:07:32 pm EST from
O my god! It is snowing like crazy here at my house! I am surprised that there isn't ant red snow... I love red snow! Somebody keeps sending me heart boxes of chocolate, I LOVE CHOCOLATE, but it is really getting on my nerves. This has been happening for 4 das strait! Now someone sent me a life size stuffed tiger, it goes reallly purrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrfect with my bed, the wierd thing is that on the tag it says, " from a winged friend". This is really #@$$ing me off! On www.fanfiction.net, there is this Gargoyles story called Demona's Secret Admirer. I am in the same situation she is in when she gets this box of chocolates and then she gets a stuffed tiger, then roses, and she is thinking,' who the @#$% is sending me these things?'
demonic lover - [Broad23way@yaho.com]
I think i have a stalker! And it is winged!
posted @ Sat, Feb 18, 2006 4:24:58 pm EST from
So, if I understand Patrick correctly, about the time the Gathering starts having 1000+ people attend, that's about the time they can afford to get Marina.
Interesting responses at Ask Greg, especially in regards to Titania knowing the truth about Owen.
Whatever happenned to simplicity?
posted @ Sat, Feb 18, 2006 2:24:48 pm EST from
so it's 3 in the morning, watching the Olympics, and I got to thinking...
I was thinking about the Gargoyles DVD thing. I briefly worked for a company that did marketing for other companies. They basically got contracts with other companies, and then marketed it without advertisement or anything like that.
You know those annoying solicitors that come and try to hawk their products at businesses and such. Well I did that for a while, kinda crappy if you don't like doing it, and sometimes you just feel outright rude...
But to the point...that fact is that in that setting, people will buy the most stupidest useless crap they don't need, and i've seen people sell their entire day's worth of units, just by going to businesses. Now I'm not suggested anybody actually do this, but the main thing i took out of that was that any exposure is good exposure, and a little investment can go a long way. So even a little bit exposure and word of mouth, can really add up.
Just some words of encouragement i suppose...not having the second half of season 2 would really suck, but i have faith that it will come! ^ - ^ (hopefully...)
Obed - [angelgear2000@yahoo.com]
posted @ Sat, Feb 18, 2006 3:37:20 am EST from
*thinks of futurama* might be interesting. XD
wow that would really piss her off. But then she could get this cool metal body and be like the cold trio.
Obed - [angelgear2000@yahoo.com]
posted @ Sat, Feb 18, 2006 1:49:35 am EST from
Also, if she does that and the humans capture, if we say cut off her head, and the weird sisters spell still aplies, living as a talking head, can't be that fun.
posted @ Sat, Feb 18, 2006 12:36:12 am EST from
OBED> Demona's smarter than that. I don't think she wants to advertise her existence to the world. So, she does that, say she gets stunned at some point, long enough to be locked up somewhere. And, it wouldn't accomplish much in the big picture.
Demona is a survivor.
Greg Bishansky - [<------ Clickie clickie]
But remember parents, the lesson is, don't let your children go out on hunting trips with the Vice President. Because he will shoot them in the face.
posted @ Fri, Feb 17, 2006 11:17:44 pm EST from
i don't see how any human could ever even have the opportunity to show her kindness...unless of course that human were perhaps suicidal.
Hmm, and here's a thought...what's stopping Demona from just going on a human killing spree? She basically did that in City of Stone, but of course she had to turn all the humans into stone statues. But I imagine it'd be difficult to stop an immortal gargoyle if she suddenly decided to mow down a few of them. Hell, she's pretty good at getting out of situations and laying low if she has to. And she's got the rage and impulsiveness to do it too.
Obed - [angelgear2000@yahoo.com]
posted @ Fri, Feb 17, 2006 11:14:47 pm EST from
And also, you're saying she has to change before a human can show her kindness, the question is can human kindness change her. She would need a change before the kindness could change her further.
posted @ Fri, Feb 17, 2006 10:51:00 pm EST from
HoE> You're comparing Demona in 1057 to 1994-96. She's had nine hundred+ years to really, really despise humanity and to rationalise her actions.
Greg Bishansky - [<------ Clickie clickie]
But remember parents, the lesson is, don't let your children go out on hunting trips with the Vice President. Because he will shoot them in the face.
posted @ Fri, Feb 17, 2006 10:44:01 pm EST from
#: But don't forget that at the time of her alliance with Macbeth, Demona hadn't accepted responsibility for what she'd done. My point was that Demona might be able to someday accept kindness from a human, but first she needs to admit her own guilt and stop projecting onto humans. Human kindness won't change her, but she can still change herself. Even though that's a distant hypothetical.
Harvester of Eyes - [Minstrel75@gmail.com]
posted @ Fri, Feb 17, 2006 10:41:42 pm EST from
I'd say the answer to the question is a great big HELL NO.
A human being nice to Demona is not going to change her. Hell, if by some miracle that human isn't lying face down in a pool of blood within two minutes, Demona would find some way to manipulate and use this human for some scheme, with most likely the intent to kill him/her after it was over.
Demona doesn't hate humans because she thinks they're evil, though I am sure she believes it. They are her scapegoat, and Demona is her own worst enemy.
Greg Bishansky - [<------ Clickie clickie]
But remember parents, the lesson is, don't let your children go out on hunting trips with the Vice President. Because he will shoot them in the face.
posted @ Fri, Feb 17, 2006 10:34:00 pm EST from
HoE:The question though was if Demona was shown geniune kindness and trust from a human would she changed her ways. Macbeth showed her that, and she didn't. So yes that question it's false, for the reasons I said, that she is xenophobic.
posted @ Fri, Feb 17, 2006 10:30:30 pm EST from
#: I wouldn't say that it's been proven false. I think that it is possible, but before Demona can really trust anyone again, she first has to accept responsibility for the gargoyle massacres that occurred in her past. Until then, she just continues to project onto all of humankind. I think even when she was allies with Macbeth, a part of her, in the back of her mind, was still thinking "all humans can't be trusted." This stemmed from her denial in the part she played that helped to bring about the death of her clan. To make matters worse, her actions ultimately get another clan of gargoyles killed. She betrayed the one man who would have defended her and her clan to the death, and aids a man who winds up stabbing her in the back (yes, I know it wasn't really her that got stabbed in the back, but you know what's implied). One more thing for her to duck responsibility for.
Harvester of Eyes - [Minstrel75@gmail.com]
"The carpet crawlers heed their callers: 'We've got to get in to get out!'"
posted @ Fri, Feb 17, 2006 9:38:06 pm EST from
Warcrafter : "my web browser is internet explorer." Okay, there goes that theory.
Kris : Holy carp, you haven't seen "Future Tense"? Ye gods, you haven't lived.
Obed : "Does anyone have any kind of idea how long before a decision IS reached about whether or not to release vol. 2?" IIRC from last year, sometime in April.
Greg B. : There's a slight problem with giving an extra copy to the library; my library doesn't accept DVDs yet. As it is, there aren't anymore copies around here. Apperently, the only copy sold was the one I bought, so they pulled it from the shelves.
I have more to say, but the oven is going off. I'll be back later.
"There are three kinds of people; those who can't count, and those who can." - Wilek Nereus
posted @ Fri, Feb 17, 2006 7:49:57 pm EST from
For Marina to be at the Gathering, enough of you would need to come for the con to be able to pay her standard $20,000 appearance fee and hook her up with a suite for the night. The current registration rate is $45, so I'll let you do the math.
And no, she won't come without being paid. There's a reason why she and Jonathan do not appear in the "Gathering of the Cast and Crew" extra on the Season 2, Part 1 DVD.
Patrick Toman - [<-- The Gathering 2006]
"This has been 'Reality Check' and we are through!" - Belma Buttons, "Mad TV"
posted @ Fri, Feb 17, 2006 7:43:58 pm EST from
I will ask Marina if she will and give her info about the Gathering. Maybe we can get her to go :)
posted @ Fri, Feb 17, 2006 6:18:25 pm EST from
DVD> Well, i got atleast five people this week to buy a copy of Gargoyles S2 V1. I believe that's a good jump start to make Gargoyles S2 V2 a reality.
Matt> I too hope all goes well for you Matt
Siren> Since Marina Sirtis is attending Mega Con, make sure to ask her if she can be a guest for the 2006 or any future gathering Siren.
Name the Movie: "Now that's what I call high quality H2O."
Warcrafter - [grafixfangamer1@sbcglobal.net]
"There's an evil monkey in my closet!"
posted @ Fri, Feb 17, 2006 6:07:44 pm EST from
Greg just answered some questions. Particularly some timeline questions.
We now know that Owen started working for Renard in 1989, and started working for Xanatos in 1991. And since Owen introduced Demona to Xanatos according to previous posts, we can safely say that happened between 91 and 94.
Which makes me wonder. Greg said, there was also some behind the scenes stuff going on with Brooklyn, Mary and Finella to make sure Demona and Xanatos became allies. If so, with only a few years before the clan awakened, and Brooklyn would pick up the Gate, I wonder if he'd be tempted to stick around, wait it out and return to the clan shortly after he "disappeared".
This also means, barring anything bad happening, if Mary and Finella stayed in the 90s, they'd be alive and well now. Hell, Tom is older than his mother now.
Greg Bishansky - [<------ Clickie clickie]
But remember parents, the lesson is, don't let your children go out on hunting trips with the Vice President. Because he will shoot them in the face.
posted @ Fri, Feb 17, 2006 5:41:17 pm EST from
Hope all goes well Matt! :)
posted @ Fri, Feb 17, 2006 4:12:35 pm EST from
I'll be attending Mega-Con next Sunday. I'll be dressing as a gargoyle and I'll bring some flyers about the DVD. :)
posted @ Fri, Feb 17, 2006 3:48:08 pm EST from
i'm outta here for a couple days guys and girls. my sister is giving birth and i'm driving back to St Louis to meet my nephew.
have a good weekend!
matt - [Cape Girardeau, MIssouri, USA]
"Kids are great. You can teach them to hate what you hate and, with the Internet and all, they practically raise themselves." -Homer Simpson
posted @ Fri, Feb 17, 2006 3:12:39 pm EST from
It's paradoxical to say Demona is "volatile" and in the same breath say she's incapable of changing. (Volatile - adj. Tending to vary often or widely; inconsistant.)
Re: Elisa's clothes - Hey, at least it makes her easy to shop for. And she cleans up pretty well when she goes undercover or to a masquerade.
Re: the DVD - Gripes about Disney's business practices would be more appropriately submitted by writing a letter to the powers that be at Disney. No one on this message board is a Disney executive or has the ear of one, and no one here is going to relay your complaint of "extortion" for you. I'm sure we'd all love it if Disney gave away the DVDs for free, or sold them for $5. Somehow, though, I doubt they'd stay in business very long if they did.
126 days until The Tenth Annual Gathering of the Gargoyles in Los Angeles. California!
Patrick - [<-- The Gathering 2006]
"It's four walls of madness in this house of cards." - Elton John
posted @ Fri, Feb 17, 2006 1:16:08 pm EST from
*imagines Hudson sitting in a stylist's chair at a hair salon. "just a wee off the top, lass."*
matt - [Cape Girardeau, MIssouri, USA]
"Kids are great. You can teach them to hate what you hate and, with the Internet and all, they practically raise themselves." -Homer Simpson
posted @ Fri, Feb 17, 2006 10:25:47 am EST from
Nikki:Actually that has already been proven false. She was shown kindness and friendship by MacBeth but her paranoia, her bitterness, and her general anger won out in the end, and she betrayed him. Demona is too volitalie of a creature, sure she has immortality and you would think long life would teach her patience but she is still a creature ruled by emotion who goes by kneejerk reactions based on her most primal xenophobic beliefs.
posted @ Fri, Feb 17, 2006 10:20:12 am EST from
I thought I posted last night, but I don't see it here. So trying again.
Costuem Changes> This is one of those advantages that comics has over television animation. A new look for a character in a TV show requires new model sheets that need to be sent overseas and distributed to all the animators who need it. It also needs to be clear which scenes the new costume is used in, as mistakes cost time and money. In a comic, the penciler just draws the new outfit, the inker inks what the penciler draws, and the colorist just needs to keep the colors on it consistant. I'm looking forward to some new Elisa costumes, but I'd be happy to see her usual outfit back as well, or the variation without the red jacket.
Promoting the DVD> I posted about the DVDs on a few boards I frequent and got some response. It was kind of disturbing to see how many people who had at least a casual interest in the show had no clue that the DVDs were out. Unless you're a pretty big fan, you read comics when Disney was putting ads in them, or Amazon happened to reccomend it to you, you'd be unlikely to find out about the DVDs. One guy said that he liked the show, but remembered that later episodes had a big drop in quality of animation and story. He was wondering if those were season two episodes and that might be why the second DVD set wasn't selling as well. Of course I told him he was probably thinking of the Goliath Chronicles. I wonder how much people remembering those episodes hurts our attempts to get them interested in the DVD?
Have you found "Gargoyles"?
posted @ Fri, Feb 17, 2006 9:51:21 am EST from
I actually quite like Elisa's usual outfit, looks quite cosmopolitan. I think she should only change her clothes to fit an event or storyline, like the beauty and beast costume. One character I'd like to see get a physical make over is Hudson. I think he'd look years younger (and tidier) if he ditched the beared and got a short back and sides haircut. This may happen though, as these are clear markers of his personality traits.
Also, I was wondering this. Do you think, if Demona was shown true kindness and affection by a human that she knew to be genuine, her hatred of humanity would ease a little. Or do you think she's a lost cause? I'd like to think the former. I would really enjoy to see Demona become a 'good' character. Maybe we'd see a bit of jealousy on Elisa's behalf if this happened.
posted @ Fri, Feb 17, 2006 9:46:36 am EST from
HARVESTER - I'd almost forgotten about that link - and yes, you're right, they ought to have gotten that straight. (Maybe they got it mixed up with the old 70's animated television adaptation, where Aslan is the one who gives the Pevensies their gifts.)
Todd Jensen
"Gargoyles" - did for monstrous-looking statues what "Watership Down" did for rabbits!
posted @ Fri, Feb 17, 2006 8:00:53 am EST from
I paid 16$ for season the first and only either 24 or 29 for 2.1 i would have paid 40-50 for all of season 2 together, and i thought the same as that other guy. but realistically, the casual buyer might not.. anyway, i am telling known fans they must buy or it may die ^.^
<3 gargoyles!!
My top Five-
Making Love
The Crimson Rogue - [pokechristian@yahoo.com]
posted @ Fri, Feb 17, 2006 2:48:30 am EST from
Ron: You have absolutely no clue what you're talking about. Season 1 had 13 episodes and cost about $20. Season 2 Volume 1 had 26 episodes and cost about $40. That's the same price per episode. If they'd released all of Season 2, they probably would have charged $80. Yeah, maybe they could have had a small price break. Maybe $70. But, as Bishansky pointed out, not a lot of of people would pick that up. More to the point, since they didn't gouge the price on Season 1, I doubt they're doing it for Season 2. No, the DVD's are not overpriced. They would have charged about the same rate if they'd released all of Season 2 in one set. The only difference is not as many people would have bought it, and that wouldn't help anyone. Next time, think about what you're saying before you start throwing accusations around.
Jurgan - [jurgan6@yahoo.com]
"Anyone can read the news to you. I promise to feel the news at you." -Stephen Colbert
posted @ Thu, Feb 16, 2006 11:41:24 pm EST from
Todd: I like that link that you've provided, although I do wish they could have gotten their facts straight. Peter received his sword from Father Christmas.
Harvester of Eyes - [Minstrel75@gmail.com]
"Earth is the only planet in the Solar System known to have large quantities of free water!"
posted @ Thu, Feb 16, 2006 9:26:53 pm EST from
Ron, I was lucky enough to get mine for $23.00 at Half.com I doubt I could've paid for the entire 52 episdodes at the time.. not to mention with the low availabilty in stores (or lack of knowledge on the stores/employees part)the sales might have been even lower.
Starlioness - [starlion3@yahoo.com]
posted @ Thu, Feb 16, 2006 9:13:19 pm EST from
Ron, how much do you think a six disk, 52 episode set would have cost? Maybe $70. I don't see the casual buyer picking that up.
And Disney bashing isn't going to help.
Greg Bishansky - [<------ Clickie clickie]
But remember parents, the lesson is, don't let your children go out on hunting trips with the Vice President. Because he will shoot them in the face.
posted @ Thu, Feb 16, 2006 9:09:47 pm EST from
here you go PGF:
starlioness - [starlion3@yahoo.com]
posted @ Thu, Feb 16, 2006 9:05:51 pm EST from
Just a thought on the Gargoyles low sales thing...maybe it would have sold better if they just put out the 2nd season like they did the first instead of breaking it into several releases per season so they can charge more.
As much as I like this series (yes I bought it), some of us get tired of the games the companys play to extort more money from us. Ive seen it on other series as well, and some of us are getting tired of it....as the lower sales reflect.
Pass that on to those in charge.
ron - [rivermyst60@hotmail.com]
posted @ Thu, Feb 16, 2006 8:55:12 pm EST from
Matt: Yeah, I never really understood why Elisa was in that gaurd uniform (and what was with the glasses? heh)
Do you have a picute of Elisa in the prostitue outfit???
It will be nice to see her wear some different clothes in the comic.
Hmm, slow week *yawns*
Purplegoldfish - [skydragonn@aol.com]
posted @ Thu, Feb 16, 2006 8:50:25 pm EST from
hey, don't laugh, she looked a lot better than those other two hookers on the street.
matt - [Cape Girardeau, MIssouri, USA]
"Kids are great. You can teach them to hate what you hate and, with the Internet and all, they practically raise themselves." -Homer Simpson
posted @ Thu, Feb 16, 2006 8:14:33 pm EST from
The old Marvel comic featured Elisa changing clothes a few time, including the hooker costume, which I find hilarious. She was seen with white t-shirts instead of black as well in some cases.
posted @ Thu, Feb 16, 2006 6:57:36 pm EST from
Greg B> thanks for reminding me of that. naturally, the moment i read it i got that "OH YEAH!" feeling. silly me for forgetting.
i watched The Mirror last night. three observations:
1. Elisa had a couple wardrobe changes in this one (Museum Guard, Gargoyle). having her wear the guard uniform and glasses seems strange to me. why the disguise? who were they thinking would steal the mirror, and why would that person care whether Elisa had glasses on or not?
2. as for the other museum guard, i wonder if Demona killed him. sure looks like it. i also wonder if Demona deactivated the security systems before running into the room with the mirror. pushing around all those artifacts surely should've set off an alarm, not to mention the dudes coming in from the ceiling...
3. Broadway as a human may have a bit of a gut, but hes obviously built as hell. he seems even more muscular than Goliath!
matt - [Cape Girardeau, MIssouri, USA]
"Kids are great. You can teach them to hate what you hate and, with the Internet and all, they practically raise themselves." -Homer Simpson
posted @ Thu, Feb 16, 2006 3:40:10 pm EST from
DOH! I meant to post my quick "Demona Valentine" sketch here. Hope everyone had a good Valentine's Day!!
Jennifer "CrzyDemona" Anderson - [<--- clicky the linky]
"I'd rather hunt with Dick Cheney than drive with Ted Kennedy"
posted @ Thu, Feb 16, 2006 3:25:04 pm EST from
I found an article about Slave Labor Graphics new line of Disney comics. It talks briefly about Gargoyles and says some nice things about the series.
Phil - [p1anderson@go.com]
posted @ Thu, Feb 16, 2006 10:07:31 am EST from
There's now a plug for the DVD on the main page at ultimatedisney.com, so maybe that can help us...
As fans we should do everything we can to get the sales up. In saying that, I don't mean everyone go buy two or three copies... I know we all can't (Heck, I barely could at the time), so spreading the word is the most easiest way to help out. If you CAN buy more, great!
But please, spread the word!!! It's the least, and easiest thing we can do right now!!!
Battle Beast - [Canada]
posted @ Thu, Feb 16, 2006 10:02:38 am EST from
There's now a plug for the DVD on the main p[age at ultimatedisney.com, so maybe that can help us...
As fans we should do everything we can to get the sales up. In saying that, I don't mean everyone go but two or three cop[ies... I know we all can't (Heck, I barely could at the time), so spreading the word is the most easiest way to help out. If you CAN buy more, great!
But please, spread the word!!! It the least, and easiest thing we can do right now!!!
Battle Beast - [Canada]
posted @ Thu, Feb 16, 2006 10:00:16 am EST from
I was amused by Greg's statement that they'll be giving Elisa more changes of attire in the comic book - and his reassurance that she'd also still have her familiar red jacket, black t-shirt, and blue jeans around in some scenes.
Though I suspect that the gargoyles will still be sticking with their loincloths....
Todd Jensen
"Gargoyles" - did for monstrous-looking statues what "Watership Down" did for rabbits!
posted @ Thu, Feb 16, 2006 7:57:27 am EST from
It is Eric Cartman who said that line.
Side bar discussion, on non gargoyle related topic: The annoucement of the sequal of Dark Crystal starting production. Good thing or bad? Does the pick up of one cult classic bring hope for others?
posted @ Thu, Feb 16, 2006 2:28:58 am EST from
Sorry for the double post....forgot this :)
Who Is It: "No kitty this is my pot pie. NO KITTY IS A BAD KITTY!!!!!"
Warcrafter - [grafixfangamer1@sbcglobal.net]
"There's an evil monkey in my closet!"
posted @ Thu, Feb 16, 2006 1:56:38 am EST from
I will do my part and try to buy some extra copies as well. I know a few more people who would like the DVD's. Also, I haven't received my free Gargoyles season 2 volume 1 DVD that I won from the Christmas fanfic contest on the Gargoyles comic fan site. I was told I won (three times) and somebody else too. Hm.......I wonder if the other winner received his/her copy.
Warcrafter - [grafixfangamer1@sbcglobal.net]
"There's an evil monkey in my closet!"
posted @ Thu, Feb 16, 2006 1:52:48 am EST from
No one is saying anyone should buy multiple copies. I happen to be doing it, but not everybody has to.
Whit, any boards you frequent where you can pimp the thing? THat helps
Greg Bishansky - [<------ Clickie clickie]
But remember parents, the lesson is, don't let your children go out on hunting trips with the Vice President. Because he will shoot them in the face.
posted @ Wed, Feb 15, 2006 11:40:19 pm EST from
And I recognize that, but I'm saying that I can't really justify to myself buying more than one copy of something when I wouldn't be giving a second copy as a gift. There's no one locally who would appreciate it who doesn't already have a copy of it, any my apartment already has too much stuff in it for me to be adding something that would just sit in it's package collecting dust since we already have a copy.
Honestly, the best way to support sales would be to target people who aren't already buying the thing, like the people who are pushing it at assorted conventions are doing. All this talk about getting people to buy multiple copies...well, for me, it isn't so much that I can't afford it as it is that I just don't see how my buying two copies would be more helpful than getting a different person who hasn't already bought it on board.
posted @ Wed, Feb 15, 2006 11:29:13 pm EST from
Whitbourne: The point is to support the fandom. Buying multiple copies probably does sound redundant, but since the sales of the DVD are important factors for getting the rest of the series released on DVD, every purchase matters.
Obed - [angelgear2000@yahoo.com]
posted @ Wed, Feb 15, 2006 11:18:08 pm EST from
We bought our copy of the DVD set when it came out, and honestly, I don't see us buying another one. There's no point in us owning more than one copy, and I don't know anyone who's into the show that I'd buy it for.
I really don't know what more I can say. I was a big fan of the show back in the day, and it's nice to have the DVD's and all, but I'm not all that fussy on going out to buy multiple copies of something that I already own.
posted @ Wed, Feb 15, 2006 10:53:32 pm EST from
matt> Elisa was undercover in the beginning. SHe wore the Salli wig, but different clothes.
Greg Bishansky - [<------ Clickie clickie]
But remember parents, the lesson is, don't let your children go out on hunting trips with the Vice President. Because he will shoot them in the face.
posted @ Wed, Feb 15, 2006 9:43:21 pm EST from
Greg answered a few questions in Ask Greg.
in one of them he mentions Elisa wearing a different outfit than usual in Hunter Moon, Pt 1. i have no memory of her being out of her standard wardrobe in that ep and i don't have that tape here with me to check. and its really bugging me. anybody want to help me out?
matt - [Cape Girardeau, MIssouri, USA]
"Kids are great. You can teach them to hate what you hate and, with the Internet and all, they practically raise themselves." -Homer Simpson
posted @ Wed, Feb 15, 2006 9:38:53 pm EST from
I put in a "plug" for the DVD at a message board dedicated to the old Dungeons & Dragons cartoon that Michael Reaves wrote for in the 80's - precisely because of the Reaves connection. I particularly stressed the fact that Reaves is one of the commentators for "City of Stone" on the DVD (alongside Greg and Frank Paur) - and billed "City of Stone" with the phrase "After seeing this one, you'll never view one of Shakespeare's best-known tragedies the same way again!" (I hope that that last bit piques the curiosity of those who read it enough for them to run out and buy a copy!)
Todd Jensen
"Gargoyles" - did for monstrous-looking statues what "Watership Down" did for rabbits!
posted @ Wed, Feb 15, 2006 7:09:36 pm EST from
Demona's armband> i always loved that they used that to get out of the cell. its kinda cool that there we've seen it on her for years (actually centuries) and she actually ends up doing something with it.
makes me wish Goliath's little pouch had been on him from the beginning. afterall, he had to keep his half of the Gate somewhere.
matt - [Cape Girardeau, MIssouri, USA]
"Kids are great. You can teach them to hate what you hate and, with the Internet and all, they practically raise themselves." -Homer Simpson
posted @ Wed, Feb 15, 2006 6:19:58 pm EST from
Greg B: I like that library idea. I think I'll order a DVD for my local library. Hell, I might order a copy of Season 1 for them while I'm at it.
Kris: You've never seen "Future Tense"?
Todd: I found another parallel between "Hunter's Moon" and earlier episodes of Gargoyles. In Part 2, when Goliath tells Elisa about the Hunters, right before he turns to stone he says "soon they will be the prey. My prey." It's very similar to one of Demona's lines in "City of Stone, Part One" (when she was speaking about the Hunter, actually). What makes it even more interesting is that I've been trying to compile reasons that Goliath and Demona might have fallen in love. What common ground did they originally have? Most of what I have I've gotten from "Hunter's Moon." It's not the first time we've seen the vengeful side of Goliath (in "Deadly Force," until Broadway admits his own guilt, Goliath is ready and willing to kill Dracon), but it's definitely when we see it at its most extreme.
I also noticed a minor technical detail. Usually the animation staff committed some faux pas when it came to Demona (such as having her tiara magically grow on her head when she turned into her true self in "Hunter's Moon, Part One."). But after she loses her armband in Part Two, we don't see it again for the rest of the series. So I'm wondering if in the comics, Demona will be drawn without an armband.
Harvester of Eyes - [Minstrel75@gmail.com]
"Earth is the only planet in the Solar System known to have large quantities of free water!"
posted @ Wed, Feb 15, 2006 5:45:06 pm EST from
Hey Guys.
I am sorry I have not done my part in keeping this going. I don't have the cash to spend on the Season 2 DVD. Hell I couldn't even get a hold of Season 1. I am sorry.
My story is a weird one. I have been a fan for years now, since the show's original air date. Oct 24th 1994.
Well in September of 2005, my mother passed away. This left me without family, one mile away from the nort end of town, roughly 12 miles away anywhere I could find a job. No car either. My little sister is at college, my older in Ireland and now we cant even afford to bring her home.
I have literally 5 cents that I can count. I am sorry. I would ask someone to purchase an additional copy in my stead. Not for me obviously, but JUST to get the numbers up. I swear I will do more when I can.
I am sorry.
Justin - [justin.lindley@gmail.com]
Justin M. Lindley
posted @ Wed, Feb 15, 2006 5:25:48 pm EST from
I'll pick up another copy or two. i ahve been buying them for friends and family's birth days, but I've only bought two. :( Not like the last one, of which I bought several copies.
The Olympics are on, so I will changes my sig.
Battle Beast - [Canada]
posted @ Wed, Feb 15, 2006 4:11:15 pm EST from
Hey, I hope that everyone had a grrrrrrrreat Valantines day, sry for not posting yesterday. I hope you did something with you angel of the night, I know i did, if you didn't read my last posts.
Crzydem, how the heck did you make your wings for your Demona costume? They must have taken you like... forever. I need to know how very badly. MY partner's brother is have a costume ball at this mansion on St patty's day and i need help! The rest of you can tell me hoe also. i need to know how asap.
Demonic lover
posted @ Wed, Feb 15, 2006 3:44:58 pm EST from
Greg B> good man!
for me, at this point, its either buy one more S2V1 DVD or eat for the next week and a half... and i like to eat a lot...
although, a friend of mine bought me a College Survival Guide book and one of the things in it is how to eat on a dollar a day. i think that chapter is focused on a typical student though, i work out a lot and burn a ton of calories, so i doubt i could pull a dollar a day. right now i figure i'm living on $3.50 a day, and that ain't bad.
matt - [Cape Girardeau, MIssouri, USA]
"Kids are great. You can teach them to hate what you hate and, with the Internet and all, they practically raise themselves." -Homer Simpson
posted @ Wed, Feb 15, 2006 1:27:29 pm EST from
Todd> Well, if by any chance you can get another, not asking you too, you could donate it to a library or something like that.
My local Best Buy still has three copies, and I'm going to grab them.
Greg Bishansky - [<------ Clickie clickie]
But remember parents, the lesson is, don't let your children go out on hunting trips with the Vice President. Because he will shoot them in the face.
posted @ Wed, Feb 15, 2006 11:53:10 am EST from
like Todd, i'm not sure what i can do to help. obviously i'll try to talk it up to my friends and stuff, but i don't have a lot of hope there.
maybe if we all sent 5 or 10 bucks into an account we could buy a bunch of copies even if i can't put down 35 dollars for a whole other copy. probably a silly idea, but i dunno what else to do.
matt - [Cape Girardeau, MIssouri, USA]
"Kids are great. You can teach them to hate what you hate and, with the Internet and all, they practically raise themselves." -Homer Simpson
posted @ Wed, Feb 15, 2006 8:30:10 am EST from
Not very good news to wake up to.
I wish that there was more that I could do to help out. The trouble is, I've already bought my copy, and there aren't any people in my neighborhood whom I know personally who seem that interested in this series. So all that I can do is to be supportive in a more subtle way.
I'm not so surprised at Disney putting in far more advertising for "Bambi II" than for the "Gargoyles" DVDs, I might add. "Bambi" (including the DTV sequel) fits the Disney mold of cute little furry animals running about in a forest; "Gargoyles" is a much darker series about bat-winged "monsters" in a modern-day city, which isn't the sort of thing that immediately comes to mind when you think of Disney. (Which could lead into the whole question of whether it would have been better for "Gargoyles" if WB's animation department had been the one to come up with a television series about living gargoyles rather than Disney's animation department, though I think that it's moot.)
Again, I hope that there's something more that I can do to help, but I'm not certain as to what it might be.
Todd Jensen
"Gargoyles" - did for monstrous-looking statues what "Watership Down" did for rabbits!
posted @ Wed, Feb 15, 2006 7:44:22 am EST from
Well that sucks. Does anyone have any kind of idea how long before a decision IS reached about whether or not to release vol. 2? Because maybe the comic book will help in that department, if it isn't too far off in the future.
Well I told a few people here and there, and everyone I know knows how much I love Gargoyles and I talk about it all the time...and I'll try to buy a few copies as soon as I can...so I'll be doing my part too.
Obed - [angelgear2000@yahoo.com]
posted @ Wed, Feb 15, 2006 12:51:38 am EST from
The only thing I can think of that might help sell several dozen more DVDs is to maybe rent a table at the Canadian Comic Book Expo in Toronto in August and set it up for Gargoyles promotion. Or maybe Disney-on-TV would be a better focus. Yeah, and then you could attract more people and, once you have their attention, slip Gargoyles into the conversation and talk it up as the pinnacle of North American animated cartoons.
If everyone else did the same at the anime, comic book, sci-fi, and/or fantasy-related conventions closest to them, we might up the sales considerably. Hearing about the efforts of the ladies in the fandom who set up at the Anime Con in LA and others really inspired...
Kris - [plekopleko@hotmail.com]
posted @ Wed, Feb 15, 2006 12:51:37 am EST from
Disney will waste money making horrible Direct to DVD/Video sequals like Bambi 2, but will not put out something people desire such as Gargoyles Season 2 part 2 or Gummi Bears, I would add Darkwing Duck to that list but they actually have plans to release that by the end of the year, so no need to complain about that one. The buisness end of the creative enterprise is purely migraine inducing.
posted @ Wed, Feb 15, 2006 12:50:25 am EST from
Warcrafter: "(I'm not in the mood right now to make a joke) :("
Why hold back? I believe Dennis Quaid said it best: "When things are at their darkest, pal, it's a brave man who can kick back his heels and party!"
Anyway, I just created a group on Facebook to help promote awareness. Anyone else who has a Facebook account, why not consider setting one up for your school?
Harvester of Eyes - [Minstrel75@gmail.com]
"Earth is the only planet in the Solar System known to have large quantities of free water!"
posted @ Wed, Feb 15, 2006 12:06:18 am EST from
I published a story about Greg's info on Toon Zone News. Hopefully that will get word of the situation out to a few thousand people. If you all can think of any other news sites to send the information to, do it!
William C. Maune - [william.maune@toonzone.net]
posted @ Tue, Feb 14, 2006 11:31:02 pm EST from
Broadway: This is BAD news...
BUT! we are not beaten yet. have faith. we'll get another DVD, we just need to push it.
Disney can't leave us hanging like this. i mean, how will we ever know if Goliath, Elisa, and Bronx get home!?
matt - [Cape Girardeau, MIssouri, USA]
"Kids are great. You can teach them to hate what you hate and, with the Internet and all, they practically raise themselves." -Homer Simpson
posted @ Tue, Feb 14, 2006 11:23:49 pm EST from
Man, this certainly does ruin valentine's day. I mean, we do all that we can to spread the word and it may not be enough? Well we can't give up. I'm sure there's a lot of people out there who love the show and don't even know the DVD's are out. (I told atleast 15 gargoyles fans who didn't know that) Maybe we'll make a big comeback at the gathering
(I'm not in the mood right now to make a joke) :(
Warcrafter - [grafixfangamer1@sbcglobal.net]
"There's an evil monkey in my closet!"
posted @ Tue, Feb 14, 2006 11:22:22 pm EST from
Yeah, I posted a rant about disney not advertising a few weeks ago. I had a bad feeling then, and I have a bad feeling now. I mean, we fans can only do so much, it's not really fair that they depend on us to sell this thing. I advertised a bit on a couple of Livejournal communities that could have ties to the show. I think it might be a good idea to note some prevalant garg artists on Deviantart to advertise in their journals.
*sigh* This totally puts me in a bad mood.
Way to ruin Valentines Day Greg ;)
Matt: Thank for taking the time to read through all those back logged weeks. I have fun reading about them :)
Purplegoldfish - [skydragonn@aol.com]
posted @ Tue, Feb 14, 2006 10:58:20 pm EST from
Ohhh, that would suck hugely if there were no Season 2 Part 2 release. 'Cause I was only ever interested in owning this on DVD, it's not airing anywhere in Canada that I can see, and even if it was I wouldn't tape it. It's gotta be DVDs. There are still episodes I haven't even seen. Big ones too (like "Future Tense").
Man, I bought three copies of Season 1 and one of Season 2 Part 1, wrote a couple Amazon.com and .ca reviews, talked it up a bit before each release...What more can we do? I know we've discussed advertising and the prohibitive costs of it before, but...can't help feeling that Disney could've put in just a LITTLE more effort.
Time to go to some favored message boards and do some Garg-supportive spamming disguised as reviews/topic-starting.
Kris - [plekopleko@hotmail.com]
posted @ Tue, Feb 14, 2006 10:42:31 pm EST from
I've never liked this calender day. This now makes it completely suck. And it already completely sucked. So now I'm thinking a black hole or similar rift in the fabric of space-time is about to open in my living room.
Does anyone know of any way of contacting people who used to be regular posters here, but have since been scarce for at least a year? I'm just thinking of ways to try and sweep the corners. I'd sincerely hate for the Gargoyles DVD experience to end with Brooklyn and Talon shaking hands.
Harvester of Eyes - [Minstrel75@gmail.com]
"Seems Helen of Troy has found a new face again."
posted @ Tue, Feb 14, 2006 10:20:53 pm EST from
OH NO!! This is not good!!! :*( Damn Disney, they should have advertised! I wish I could do something to help.
Purplegoldfish - [skydragonn@aol.com]
posted @ Tue, Feb 14, 2006 8:46:24 pm EST from
Greg Weisman just posted this in ASK GREG, I thought it was important enough to re-post.
Tough Love
I've been informed that the Season Two Volume One Gargoyles DVD has not sold as many units as the Season One Gargoyles DVD did. That's not particularly surprising, since it has a higher price point. But let's be honest, the lower sales are putting the release of Season Two Volume Two at risk.
To be clear, I'm not asking anyone to spend money they don't have and/or need for things like food, shelter, education, etc. But if you've just been lazy and have been putting off buying the darn thing... well, pal, help us all out by ponying up sooner than later.
It is NOT a given that Season Two Volume Two will come out!
Greg Bishansky - [<------ Clickie clickie]
But remember parents, the lesson is, don't let your children go out on hunting trips with the Vice President. Because he will shoot them in the face.
posted @ Tue, Feb 14, 2006 8:38:17 pm EST from
Matt explained:
"[Greg] says that we'll know its 1996, but hes not going to explicitly say it is. new viewers can assume its whenever they want 1996, 2006, whenever."
With all the skyline shots of New York, won't it be obvious whether it's pre- or post-September 2001 though? Or do you guys think Greg will simply instruct the artists to never draw that area of NY ?
With gadgetry advances and pop culture references to consider (if any--there were mercifully few pop culture jokes on Gargoyles and I loved that. It often worked and was funny on Buffy and other teen and/or fantasy/sci-fi programming, but I'm really glad Gargoyles took itself a bit more seriously than other `90s adventure dramas, for a change. When there WAS humor, it came more from the characters themselves, the occasional pratfall, Elisa's wry & dry wit).
Kris - [plekopleko@hotmail.com]
posted @ Tue, Feb 14, 2006 7:44:55 pm EST from
Battle Beast: I'm holding onto the tape that has "Vows" on it, simply because that one has the other ending. But eventually, that's gonna fall apart.
As far as the comic is concerned, I would be upset if they did try to move the time frame forward by ten years. Other than that, there's not much I can say that won't be repeating what others have said.
Harvester of Eyes - [Minstrel75@gmail.com]
"Seems Helen of Troy has found a new face again."
posted @ Tue, Feb 14, 2006 7:35:07 pm EST from
Todd> You aren't alone. Who would WANT to watch the dirty old tapes when we can watch the pristene DVDs???
Battle Beast - [Canada]
That is all I will say.
posted @ Tue, Feb 14, 2006 7:25:43 pm EST from
Today is not only Valentine's Day, but also the anniversary of Arizona's becoming a state back in 1912. In retrospect, I should probably have watched "Cloud Fathers" on tape today alongside my Valentine's Day perennial of "Sanctuary". But after seeing how my old tape of "Sanctuary" compares with the much cleaner Gargoyles DVDs that I've more recently bought, I didn't quite feel like seeing any more of the old tapes. I hope that they really will release the final half of Season Two later this year on DVD, to complete the series.
Maybe Demona wouldn't notice Valentine's Day (though it would require a lot of effort on her part, with all the store displays), but I still find myself imagining her opening fire on Cupid with her laser cannon.
I doubt that Alex is going to go through an "afraid of gargoyles" stage, not unless Xanatos and Fox make the same mistake that Prince Malcolm made and use the gargoyles as bogeymen to get him to behave. The gargoyles do seem likely to do far more interacting with Alex than they did with the 10th century humans of Castle Wyvern (I get the impression that they held themselves apart from the human population back then, except for Prince Malcolm and the Captain. That probably helped encourage the humans' coolness towards them).
Todd Jensen
"Gargoyles" - did for monstrous-looking statues what "Watership Down" did for rabbits!
posted @ Tue, Feb 14, 2006 6:58:49 pm EST from
2003, three years ago this week...
Spacebabie was 1st!
One of our slowest weeks ever, which is kinda nice 'cause some of these longer rooms take a while for me to go through. In fact, the room was so slow that that there were gaps of 12 hours between some posts! Naturally, the slowness of the Room was one of the topics discussed, but we also talked a little bit about Oscar nominations and the effects (if any) of the 1000 year sleep on the Clan and how certain damage of a stone gargoyle (like breaking, chipping or carving your name in them) would affect them when they awoke. Continueing a conversation from the previous week, we continued our criticism of Ask Greg and talked about certain good and (very) bad questions.
And this spot (seventh) is claimed in the name of the noble Sloths (surprise, surprise)." - Lord Sloth
i miss Slothy...
2004, two years ago this week...
Z was 1st!!
This was a very busy week, so busy that I theorize we were trying to make up for the slow week a year before...
There were so many topics discussed throughout this week that I'm not sure where to start. The previous week had discussed the Lost Race, and in this week the Lost Race discussion continued and led to talk about Atlantis which led to talk about New Olympus. Similarly, the previous weeks discussion of Mutates continued through this week and spun off conversations of what Demona thinks of the Mutates and why Derek hasn't killed Xanatos yet. How Brooklyn and other Clan members view The Magus was a major discussion. Choices made by Katherine and Tom also came up. The episode "Future Tense" was talked about a lot. Also, there was many comments about a possible hostile takeover of Disney (not by us, by other companies).
Overall, I think I'd sum up the week by saying almost everything we talked about centered around the topic of revenge. Interesting week, but a lot to read.
Quote: "Xanatos spends alot of time by that huge glass window. It should be fairly easy for a gargoyle or mutate to simply fly through it and kill him." - Talon
2005, one year ago today...
BrooksBabe was 1st!!!!
A somewhat busy week, slower than 2004, but still pretty busy.
While I could easily sum up 2004's comments into one theme, for 2005, we were all over the place. I'm not kidding, our conversations were all over the place. We talked about things from Valentine's Day to family deaths, dropping out of high school to Arthurian Legend, Nude Gargoyles Art to rare US coins. There were a lot of differing views, but no arguments or debates.
What a strange week, hopefully the quote below will give you a hint of how all over the place we were.
Quote: "How the hell do we know if Demona has outdone the mermaid couples and ninja turtles?" - Brian
matt - [Cape Girardeau, MIssouri, USA]
"Kids are great. You can teach them to hate what you hate and, with the Internet and all, they practically raise themselves." -Homer Simpson
posted @ Tue, Feb 14, 2006 6:28:02 pm EST from
I certainly wouldn't want to simply skip ten years of time in the gargoyles universe- as has been pointed out, just look at how much happened in two years! At one point, I considered the possibility that the time gap could be avoided by simply shifting the entire timeline ten years forward (though not the historical events in the tenth and eleventh centuries). So, have the gargoyles awaken in 2004 instead of 1994, be revealed to the world in 2006 instead of 1996, etc. That may mess up the math on the breeding cycles, though. In any event, it's not really necessary, as the plan Greg has now seems fine. Do we know, though, if Greg plans to eventually catch up to the present day? When the show was on TV, it took place in real time- the episodes that aired in 1995 occurred in 1995, and those in '94 or '96 took place then, as well. Now, since this will be a bimonthly comic (right?), we'll only get six stories a year. Maybe they'll have two per issue, though- I don't know. The point is, I'd rather it keep going with one year's worth of stories taking one year to put out in the real world. With the number of issues restricted, though, I don't know if that'll happen.
Jurgan - [jurgan6@yahoo.com]
posted @ Tue, Feb 14, 2006 5:50:05 pm EST from
You know I wonder if Alex might have a period in his young life where he comes to fear Gargoyles like Princess Catherine did? Might make a good episode, since Catherine was raised around Gargoyles as well.
Vinnie - [tpeano29@hotmail.com]
posted @ Tue, Feb 14, 2006 5:43:48 pm EST from
Honestly, I think the idea is moot, since we know there will be no time gaps.
Greg Bishansky - [<------ Clickie clickie]
But remember parents, the lesson is, don't let your children go out on hunting trips with the Vice President. Because he will shoot them in the face.
posted @ Tue, Feb 14, 2006 5:37:48 pm EST from
Honestly, I think the idea is moot, since we know there will be no time gaps.
Greg Bishansky - [<------ Clickie clickie]
But remember parents, the lesson is, don't let your children go out on hunting trips with the Vice President. Because he will shoot them in the face.
posted @ Tue, Feb 14, 2006 5:36:44 pm EST from
A comic gap can be done. Marvel did a 6 month gap with their X-men related titles. The titles then used the issue to explain what happened in those 6 months as Flashbacks, but did it slowly. DC comics is going to do a year a gap aftery Infinity Crisis is over, but their plan is to release a weekly coming showing what happened in that year. A gap can be done but it has to be well organized. I don't think the gap principle could work with 10 years, a year or two years is the largest time gap that would be possible, and not hurt readership.
posted @ Tue, Feb 14, 2006 4:45:13 pm EST from
Ten years later thing...having to cover all the events that could have possibly happened in 10 years is one of the difficult complications I was referring to. I wouldn't want to miss any of that either...I think a story like that could be done...but, perhaps it's too difficult in comic book format. I guess I was thinking from a writing standpoint. I always found non-linear storytelling really interesting, and I was thinking an approach like that could work to help at least make allusions to events that had happened in the interim. But even in that format, events that happened before the present wouldn't really be able to be covered as in depth as most people would like.
But whatever. I'm glad the comics are coming and telling the story they are.
Obed - [angelgear2000@yahoo.com]
posted @ Tue, Feb 14, 2006 3:57:52 pm EST from
*roasts Cupid with his flamethrower*
Who wants dark meat?
Anyway, I doubt Demona really pays any attention to holidays. They are human inventions, after all. And I know this is a late contribution to a discussion started towards the end of last week, about what would happen if she succeeded in her goal of wiping out humanity. It reminds me of an old episode of the Twilight Zone, where this rich guy invites three people he hates to this bunker that he's built underneath his building. Then he tricks them into thinking that World War III has broken out, and says that he'll let them stay in his bunker (where they'll be safe) if they all get on their knees and beg him. But none of them want to stay there, they all want to leave to see their families. It ends with this guy basically going insane, and thinking that the nuclear war really has broken out, when it hasn't. So he's walking down a normal city street that's bustling with life and all he sees are empty sidewalks and buildings demolished by bombs.
I don't know why I made that parallel. Perhaps because of what hatred is capable of doing to someone's mind. The guy in the Twilight Zone episode was hoping that three people whom he hated would look upon him as their savior, and when that didn't happen, his mind didn't know how to register that. I think what I'm trying to say is that I'm not sure that Demona's mind will be capable of registering the possibility of a world that is devoid of something she can hate. So if it ever does happen, she might be happy for a time, but then she might experience a similar psychotic breakdown.
*takes Cupid's eyes and puts them in his satchel, then spots another one hovering a few yards away*
Every year it seems like there's more of these bugs around. Ah, well, at least I'll meet my quota this month.
*grins devilishly and shoulders his flamethrower*
Harvester of Eyes - [Minstrel75@gmail.com]
"I am the wind to fill your sail, I am the cross to take your nail. A singer of these ageless times, with kitchen prose and gutter rhymes!" -Ian Anderson
posted @ Tue, Feb 14, 2006 1:13:00 pm EST from
Oh yeay, Valentine's Day *SIGH* I hope everyone with a special someone is doing something special today.
I don't think Demona would care either way about today, just another day for her. Maybe Lex and Hudson would feel a little sad, seeing as they would be surrounded by couples.
Comic book: I agree I wouldn't want the comics to be a ten years later thing. Though I suppose it could work if much of the book were in flashback,and it would be kind of cool to see the characters grown up (that's a lot of work for the artists though- a whole cast of new character designs!) But I'm happy with the way it's going.
"Who is it: GIT-R-DONE"
*vomits* HAHA! I totally agree! Larry the Cable guy *ughh*
Purplegoldfish - [skydragonn@aol.com]
posted @ Tue, Feb 14, 2006 12:49:52 pm EST from
Happy Valentines Day All! Hope you all got a little something :) I wonder if this would be the worst day on the calendar for Demona - not having anyone special, or to trust. Not to mention it's a human celebration. Bless.
posted @ Tue, Feb 14, 2006 10:42:49 am EST from
Warcrafter> "Who is it: GIT-R-DONE"
Todd> agreed, i just think it would be interesting to see what the characters look like after ten years, like Alex. i wouldn't want to miss those ten years though, and i certainly wouldn't want TGC as canon, so i'm happy where its picking up at.
i believe Greg said that with the DVDs out and all the information here on Ask Greg and other sites, that hes not too worried about catching new fans up on everything out there in the comic. and he says hes basically just gonna pick up after Hunter's Moon or The Journey. also, he says that we'll know its 1996, but hes not going to explicitly say it is. new viewers can assume its whenever they want 1996, 2006, whenever. thats a smart idea.
matt - [Cape Girardeau, MIssouri, USA]
"Kids are great. You can teach them to hate what you hate and, with the Internet and all, they practically raise themselves." -Homer Simpson
posted @ Tue, Feb 14, 2006 9:31:15 am EST from
I don't think that it would be a good idea to start up the comic "Ten Years Later", because, judging from how the Gargoyles Universe works, so much would have changed during those ten years that you'd have to start off with a lot of expositionary flashbacks. (In the gargoyles' first two years in the city, they were awakened, met Elisa, had to move out of the castle into the clock tower, took an oath to protect the city, gathered and lost the three great magical objects, discovered that there were other clans out there, were joined by Angela, were forced to leave the clock tower after it was blown up by the Hunters, got exposed to the public, and moved back in with Xanatos.)
The only way that a "ten years later" premise would work was if the comic treated the Goliath Chronicles, including "Angels in the Night", as canonical, with the assumption that, with the gargoyles having become (more or less) accepted by humanity and nearly all their enemies incapacitated (the Quarrymen in prison, Thailog turned to stone, etc.), nothing much happened over the next few years, just routine crime-fighting. But since most of us don't want to have the Goliath Chronicles treated as canon, that's not going to be a desirable solution.
A "ten years later" approach can work for somebody like Batman, who has no life outside of fighting criminals, but it wouldn't work as well with the clan, who have far more of a personal story.
Todd Jensen
"Gargoyles" - did for monstrous-looking statues what "Watership Down" did for rabbits!
posted @ Tue, Feb 14, 2006 7:23:52 am EST from
#> Note that I said it takes place after "Hunter's Moon".
I'm pretty sure it's going to be a re-telling, but Greg might surprise us with something else.
Greg Bishansky - [<--- Gathering 2006]
Come to the Gathering
posted @ Tue, Feb 14, 2006 12:58:57 am EST from
I thought I had heard the first issue of the comic would be a retelling of the Journey.
posted @ Tue, Feb 14, 2006 12:57:22 am EST from
OBED> The comic takes place shortly after "Hunter's Moon".
Greg Bishansky - [<--- Gathering 2006]
Come to the Gathering
posted @ Tue, Feb 14, 2006 12:36:09 am EST from
matt: Actually that is something I have been wondering...so the comic is going to be taking place in 1997, or is it just picking up from where the series left off story-wise?
It would be interesting if it did take place in current years, because it'd be cool to look in on these characters and the story from a perspective of 10 years down the road...I'm sure there would be lots of development...although i think it's obvious the difficulties that would entail...
Obed - [angelgear2000@yahoo.com]
posted @ Tue, Feb 14, 2006 12:22:13 am EST from
Its funny how many times you can watch gargoyles and still feel the same about it and love it. I never watched my season 1 dvd's have not even watched the season 2 ones.
finally got round to watching them tonight and I love the episodes , her brothers keeper and the ones where xantos gets derick to work for him.
posted @ Tue, Feb 14, 2006 12:06:31 am EST from
Spen> my web browser is internet explorer.
Purplegoldfish> DING, correct
Who is it: GIT-R-DONE
Warcrafter - [grafixfangamer1@sbcglobal.net]
"There's an evil monkey in my closet!"
posted @ Mon, Feb 13, 2006 11:39:17 pm EST from
i know the comic is more or less gonna pick up right after "The Journey", but i have to admit that it would be interesting if the comic started now. i thought of this cuz it occured to me that Alex Xanatos would be around 10 years old now and i think he'd be quite an interesting character. i mean, what would a kid who was one-quarter Third Race, three-quarters human growing up in a castle full of gargoyles, with Puck as his teacher and his father one of the world's richest men be like? i'm sure his life is never too dull.
i don't think Alex would be considered a member of the Clan, but growing up with them, well, hes gonna be pretty close to them i'm sure. i imagine that besides Lexington, he would also end up being close friends with Nashville and Tachi since they will be around his age. in 2006, Alex will be 10 years old and Nash will be 26 years old, or equivalent to about 13.
just a thought.
matt - [Cape Girardeau, MIssouri, USA]
"Kids are great. You can teach them to hate what you hate and, with the Internet and all, they practically raise themselves." -Homer Simpson
posted @ Mon, Feb 13, 2006 10:52:14 pm EST from
Harvester : I only have that problem with "Double Jeperdy" and "Upgrade". The other eps go right in after the intro.
Purplegoldfish : Heh, that's not as bad as me. I've watched them all about six times now. And I only got the DVD at Christmas.
Battle Beast, Warcrafter, and anyone else who hasn't been able to view the unaswered questions at Ask Greg : What web browser are you using?
"There are three kinds of people; those who can't count, and those who can." - Wilek Nereus
posted @ Mon, Feb 13, 2006 10:18:49 pm EST from
PGFish: I wouldn't exactly call working too hard a life. But for the next two weeks, I won't have that problem, since the polling center let me go today. Long story, and somewhat amusing. But I'll tell it later. And don't forget, there were a few details in the "Future Tense" vision that turned out to be wrong. Such as Thailog not dying.
Todd: That makes me wonder just what Xanatos's reason for helping Demona in "Reawakening" might have been. She clearly wanted to use Coldstone as a weapon against the gargoyles.
Harvester of Eyes - [Minstrel75@gmail.com]
"When Jesus was president, he ate babies all the time. Or Satan. One of them ate babies!"
posted @ Mon, Feb 13, 2006 10:07:52 pm EST from
Alex will likely be an ally and friend. Doesn't mean he'll be part of the clan.
Lex is friends with Alex. Close friends, but David and Fox are the ones raising him.
Greg Bishansky - [<--- Gathering 2006]
Come to the Gathering
posted @ Mon, Feb 13, 2006 9:26:03 pm EST from
I don't think they would consider alex as part of the clan. Sure lex is close to him...but that's a far cry from actually being part of the clan. Elisa was a friend of the clan for a long time, but of course she became considered part of the clan due in large part to her relationship with Goliath. I think even if Lex gets a very close relationship with Alex...I don't think the rest of the clan necessarily will, at least not as close as Lex. I don't know, it just doesn't seem like it to me.
Obed - [angelgear2000@yahoo.com]
posted @ Mon, Feb 13, 2006 9:23:17 pm EST from
Hmm, that is an interesting query about Alex. The kid will be growing up with a clan of gargoyles, regardless of who his parents are, and Lex has already taken a great liking to him. Would he be considered a part of the clan? (but not necessarily a child of the clan?) From what we've seen in Future tense, and what we know of 2198, Alex is certainly becomes the gargoyle's allies. I'm curious as to this would be handled.
Purplegoldfish - [skydragonn@aol.com]
posted @ Mon, Feb 13, 2006 9:15:49 pm EST from
Greg - But given that the gargoyles feel that way about David (and Fox), wouldn't that make Lex feel all the more paternal toward Alex?
L.T. Williams
posted @ Mon, Feb 13, 2006 9:03:42 pm EST from
Definitely, I believe to remember Greg saying that Thailog would have become on of the clan's biggest enemy if the show would have continued... maybe he will be in the comic.
Hardwing - [hardwing@web.de]
posted @ Mon, Feb 13, 2006 9:00:06 pm EST from
Does anybody besides me think that, in a sense, Thailog may make a better adversary for the clan than Xanatos does?
The one potential defect to Xanatos as the gargoyles' adversary is: what would he do with the gargoyles if he caught them? His original plan was to use them for personal henchmen, but obviously he can't dupe them into working for him a second time after "Awakening", and he obviously knows it. (And I doubt that Xanatos could simply force them into working for him; he also knows just how stubborn Goliath is.) Indeed, the fact that he was coming up with all those plans to create his own gargoyles (the Steel Clan, the Mutates, and Thailog) is sign enough that he was aware that the ship had sailed on that one.
We know, also, that Xanatos is a very practical man, who carries out his plans based on what concrete benefit they can provide for him. He's not going to go after the gargoyles to satisfy some personal feud with them, the way that Demona or the Pack or the Hunters would do. And he's not likely to try killing the gargoyles, simply because dead gargoyles have far fewer uses than living gargoyles do. (Unless, that is, the gargoyles started becoming such a serious problem to him that he concluded that he'd have to kill them as the only way to stop them from interfering in his goals and objectives - and even that decision he wouldn't make lightly, because killing them would still seem wasteful to him.)
"The Price" provided one exception, in giving Xanatos a convincing reason for wanting to capture a gargoyle; he needed a guinea pig for the Cauldron of Life. But for the most part, his schemes generally turned out to be not really aimed at the gargoyles so much as at something else (testing his latest technology, getting Fox out of prison, etc.). The series came up with some ingenious ways of having Xanatos clash with the clan even after the point when it became clear that he wouldn't accomplish anything useful to himself by capturing them, but it still isn't the same as directly targeting them.
Thailog, on the other hand, has a definite reason for hunting down the gargoyles and killing them if he catches them; his feud with Goliath. Thailog wants to prove that he's more powerful than his fathers, and to him, the best way of doing that is to kill all three of them (not just Goliath, but also Xanatos and Sevarius as well). So Thailog has a convincing motive for plotting directly against Goliath; his psychological need to be his own gargoyle, and not be in his father's shadow.
Todd Jensen
"Gargoyles" - did for monstrous-looking statues what "Watership Down" did for rabbits!
posted @ Mon, Feb 13, 2006 8:29:01 pm EST from
i forgot to add to that post that we're also goint to add lines.
Demonic lover
posted @ Mon, Feb 13, 2006 8:08:14 pm EST from
ye know, I never really cared much for the Avalon clan. Accept the fact That Angela is Goliath and Demona's biological daughter. What plans do you guys have for V day? Well, I am definetly going to treat my angel of the night to a 'night on the town' . Incase you are wondering about my age, I'm 23. Tomorro night we are going out as Demon ( Demona without the a) and Goliath. How romantic that is going to be! When we get back to my padd, we are goint to act out every episode script of gargs that has Goliath and Demona in it. To make that even more fun, we're going to take out and lines.
Demonic lover
he and i are one, now and forever- Goliath
posted @ Mon, Feb 13, 2006 7:40:03 pm EST from
LT> That would involve the Xanatos family being part of the clan. Which, well, I think we can safely say no.
Xanatos is their landlord. He is no more a part of the clan now than Prince Malcolm was.
Greg Bishansky
posted @ Mon, Feb 13, 2006 7:38:16 pm EST from
Delurking after catching up on the weekend to raise a point about clan-parenting that I was surprised no one else raised:
Does Lex think of himself as a Rookery Father to Alex?
L.T. Williams
posted @ Mon, Feb 13, 2006 7:11:18 pm EST from
Not much to add here,
Except that I can't believe Harvester just only recently watched the CoS commentary. I've watched it twice, and I've watched through the entire DVD set three or four times already. You should be happy you have a life...unlike me ;)
Matt: That Xanatos line went into my head immediately after I read you post.
Warcrafter: I believe the answer is Austin Powers Goldmember
Purplegoldfish - [skydragonn@aol.com]
posted @ Mon, Feb 13, 2006 5:26:34 pm EST from
HoE> I sort of have that same problem too. On the first disc, after selecting play all episodes and yes on the introductions, I can't here Greg's voice for about the first 4 seconds and I can't here the first 4 seconds for the beginning of "High Noon"
Name The Movie: "Would you like a shmoke and a pancake?"
Warcrafter - [grafixfangamer1@sbcglobal.net]
"There's an evil monkey in my closet!"
posted @ Mon, Feb 13, 2006 3:44:51 pm EST from
Thailog> ya know, i didn't realize it til after i had made my last post, but something about saying that Thailog wants to dominate humans seemed familiar.
then i remembered that in "The Edge" Goliath said "... because Xanatos doesn't want to destroy us. He wants to dominate us!"
i find it pretty interesting that Xanatos wants to dominate the gargoyles, and Thailog wants to dominate the humans. i guess its another of their interesting parallels.
HoEyes> i havn't had any issues like that with my DVD. keep in mind it could be your DVD player taking its time between segments. i don't know anything about DVD players, so its likely i'm wrong.
speaking of the DVD, i watched the "Avalon" triptych the other day. one of the best parts about having the show on DVD is being able to pause it and have a relatively clean picture. i swear, there are some cute pictures of Tom and Katharine with the gargoyle kids if you pause at the right time. also, during the initial battle with the Archmage flashback, you can pause it to see a lot of great screenshots of some of the Avalon Clan. i have no idea how to pull shots off my DVD and on to my computer, but it would be cool to go through and see how many different gargs you could find in the different Avalon eps.
i even saw that aquatic gargoyle in Avalon and i hadn't noticed him in this before, only in "Ill met...". its during the battle at the Palace in the flashback and someone blasts at one of the towers and the aquatic dude and another garg dodge the blast. hes a turqouise color and looks decidedly fishy, with webbed toes and fingers and a fluked tail.
wonder what his name is...
matt - [Cape Girardeau, MIssouri, USA]
"Kids are great. You can teach them to hate what you hate and, with the Internet and all, they practically raise themselves." -Homer Simpson
posted @ Mon, Feb 13, 2006 3:44:27 pm EST from
I finally got around to watching "City of Stone" with the commentary. Perhaps some of the most amusing moments were listening to Greg, Frank, and Michael just reacting to what they were seeing. I never really laughed at Bodhe advising Macbeth to slay Canmore, but I laughed at them laughing. Of course, I also had never really pegged Bodhe as a spineless wimp until I heard them talk about it. Something else that never clicked but should have was that at the end of Part One, most of the cliffhanger comes from the fact that Xanatos (one of the "villains") is in trouble, and yet we're still concerned about what happens to him. I just love it when a show can do that (the reason I can't believe it went over my head is because "Gargoyles" did that all the time). I had also never made the connection that Xanatos was expecting the spell to stop working when he terminated the broadcast. And I liked the little sales pitch from Greg at the beginning of Part Four.
One of the things that I wish they had talked about more was the real history behind the story of Macbeth. I did enjoy the remarks about how they explained a lot of the parallels between the real history and the alternate version in the gargoyles universe (such as Macbeth's father really being killed by Gillecomgain), but it's left me wanting to know a little more. I'm directing this question to everyone (though I already have an inkling as to who will have the answer), but does anyone know of any websites or literature that contain a more detailed account of the real Macbeth?
And a quick technical question: I've been watching the episodes with Greg's introductions turned on, but I'm noticing that there's a bit of a delay between the end of the intro and the start of the episode. The timer on my DVD player blinked for about 5 seconds the other night, and until the episode started, I was concerned that the disc might have a defect. Is anyone else experiencing that?
Harvester of Eyes - [Minstrel75@gmail.com]
"When Jesus was president, he ate babies all the time. Or Satan. One of them ate babies!"
posted @ Mon, Feb 13, 2006 2:52:47 pm EST from
i'd have to agree with you there, Todd. Thailog and Demona both don't care much for humans, but it seems Thailog wants to dominate us, while Demona wants to destroy us. big difference.
matt - [Cape Girardeau, MIssouri, USA]
"Kids are great. You can teach them to hate what you hate and, with the Internet and all, they practically raise themselves." -Homer Simpson
posted @ Mon, Feb 13, 2006 10:13:26 am EST from
One odd little thought linked to the discussion about Demona's attempts to wipe out humanity:
One gargoyle who'd be opposing Demona's genocidal attempts - besides Goliath and his clan - would, I believe, be Thailog. Yes, it seems incredibe at first, but his motives for stopping her would be strictly selfish: if all the humans are gone, the money that Thailog's accumulated through his scheming immediately becomes worthless!
Todd Jensen
"Gargoyles" - did for monstrous-looking statues what "Watership Down" did for rabbits!
posted @ Mon, Feb 13, 2006 6:36:59 am EST from
That's a moot point. He didn't, and the next time we see Vogel, Renard will probably be on his death bed.
Greg Bishansky - [<--- Gathering 2006]
Come to the Gathering
posted @ Mon, Feb 13, 2006 12:46:26 am EST from
Query: What is Preston Vogel's price? How much would it take for him to fully sell out Reynard? He came close at orders of Fox but pulled out at the last moment. Would he ever fully choose to sell him out?
posted @ Mon, Feb 13, 2006 12:38:12 am EST from
Spacebabie - [spacebabie@hotmail.com]
"People are like stars. There are bright ones, and then there are those who are dim." ~Hot Ice Hilda
posted @ Mon, Feb 13, 2006 12:34:48 am EST from
Whatever happenned to simplicity?
posted @ Mon, Feb 13, 2006 12:30:08 am EST from
Purplegoldfish - [skydragonn@aol.com]
posted @ Mon, Feb 13, 2006 12:23:21 am EST from
crap. make that Seventh!
posted @ Mon, Feb 13, 2006 12:07:01 am EST from
posted @ Mon, Feb 13, 2006 12:06:37 am EST from
Guess I'm sixth!
Warcrafter - [grafixfangamer1@sbcglobal.net]
"There's an evil monkey in my closet!"
posted @ Mon, Feb 13, 2006 12:06:36 am EST from
FIFTH!!! On behalf of Chameleongirl whose birthday is today (yesterday for her) and who is out of town today. ^_^
Kythera of Anevern - [kythera(at)gmail.com]
"Being normal is not necessarilly a virtue; it rather donotes a lack of courage" - Aunt Franny, 'Practical Magic'
posted @ Mon, Feb 13, 2006 12:04:11 am EST from
Greg Bishansky - [<--- Gathering 2006]
Come to the Gathering
posted @ Mon, Feb 13, 2006 12:02:55 am EST from
Obed - [angelgear2000@yahoo.com]
posted @ Mon, Feb 13, 2006 12:02:08 am EST from
posted @ Mon, Feb 13, 2006 12:01:24 am EST from
matt - [Cape Girardeau, MIssouri, USA]
"Kids are great. You can teach them to hate what you hate and, with the Internet and all, they practically raise themselves." -Homer Simpson
posted @ Mon, Feb 13, 2006 12:00:21 am EST from