man, that sucks about S2V2. Hope it does come out eventually. Glad I taped them off of TD a few years ago...
Nickerous - [nickerous@yahoo.com]
posted @ Sun, Jun 25, 2006 10:30:52 pm EDT from
A Station Eight Fan Web Site
man, that sucks about S2V2. Hope it does come out eventually. Glad I taped them off of TD a few years ago...
Nickerous - [nickerous@yahoo.com]
posted @ Sun, Jun 25, 2006 10:30:52 pm EDT from
Harvester of Eyes -
Yeah, I'm trying to promote anywhere I can... which, unfortunately, is limited. I haven't got many friends 'round here, and I don't get out much; and what few friends I do have only one would be interested in the DVDs, though he's not as big a fan as to buy them.
My resources for spreading the word are pretty limited... aside from attempting to coerce him into buying them, I've already made a few posts on the forums I frequent so I'm basically all out of ideas.
Do people often do that? Buy first issues because they are collectors? I'm not much into the comic book scene (I just buy Nextwave and now, Gargoyles) so I have no idea. ^^;
The Sadistic Cow - [midnightfantasia [at] hotmail.com]
"I hate girls." "General Anger?" "Girls have soft bits. Agents of H.A.T.E. shouldn't have soft bits. They should have hard bits. Muscles and stuff. I have hard bits." "Yes, General Anger." "I do. Lots of them...... I think I'm having a nervous breakdown." "Yes, General Anger."
posted @ Sun, Jun 25, 2006 8:32:25 pm EDT from
Well, I hope the people at the Gathering are having some good weather. We've been getting a lot of rain all weekend.
The Winged Vampire: You called?
Scott: Thanks for the links. I don't think my local comic store knows what they're doing. Next weekend, I'm going to check out a store in Aquia that gets SLG titles to see if I can reserve Issue #2 with them. But for now, I placed an order at mycomicshop.com
TSC: Taina told me the same thing. Right now, I'm trying to think of a way to alert people in my area about the DVD. The comic has sold out at my local stores, and I'm wondering just how many of these people know about the existence of the DVD. Of course, I'm also a realist, and am wondering how many of these people are just collectors who are turning out to purchase a #1. Hopefully, not many.
Gorebash: Next time you're in here, I'd like to hear more about this idea you shared a few weeks ago. A few months ago, I got a friend of mine to buy the DVDs for both Season 1 and Volume 1 of Season 2. He loved Gargoyles back when it was on Disney Afternoon and didn't know the show was out on DVD. Makes me wonder how many more there are out there.
Harvester of Eyes - [Minstrel75@gmail.com]
"Explain to me again how we were going to conquer the Earth with a white Michael Jackson?"
posted @ Sun, Jun 25, 2006 7:48:39 pm EDT from
I bought two copies of the comic; one to read and one to keep... I love it. it's AWESOME!
AND I Bought the last TWO copies, which means that the store was sold out.
There are only two things I dislike about the artwork: The midgit Xanatos as he's watching TV; Brooklyn with his wings folded under his arms. Other than that, and the fact the it's issue one and I know the bugs are still being worked out, I'm psyched. it's awesome!
Battle Beast - [Canada]
that is all I will say.
posted @ Sun, Jun 25, 2006 4:52:26 pm EDT from
The Winged Vampire - [The_Winged_Vampire@hotmail.com]
posted @ Sun, Jun 25, 2006 3:39:16 pm EDT from
I haven't poked in as often as promised, but it appears I tuned in just in time to see that the comic just came out on Wednesday. I shall keep an eye out for that. I trust a good sum of you are at the gathering at this time and arrived safely. I hope you all have a god time.
The Winged Vampire - [The_Winged_Vampire@hotmail.com]
posted @ Sun, Jun 25, 2006 3:38:30 pm EDT from
I ordered my copies of the comic from http://www.scifigenre.com. It's a very easy site to use. So I hope it's a good alternative for those of you who were unable to find your copies. You can also order copies from http://www.mycomicshop.com. Only thing is, you have to pay shipping. But, well, if you don't and the comic doesn't sell, it could get cancelled, so pick your poison.
Scott Iskow - [smiskow@lycos.com]
posted @ Sun, Jun 25, 2006 3:05:00 pm EDT from
I am currently working on 3 Demona music videos. I am using both Season 1 and Season 2/Pt 1 DVDs for them, however, I need the episodes Hunters Moon 1-3 and Sanctuary to complete them. If anyone has these episodes on their computers and are good-great quality, please email me. With or without audio, doesn't matter to me, since I'll be slicing the audio away for the videos.
Siren - [sirengarg@yahoo.com]
posted @ Sun, Jun 25, 2006 2:10:04 pm EDT from
I searched Gargoyles on youtube.com and watched some of the videos. I found another one by the guy that reviewed the comic, in which he showed a French comic of the Awakening five-parter. Awesome art! I did a search and found a scan of one of the pages.
I hope that rumor of the S2 V2 dvd not being released is false. How do they expect the comic to do well if people can't buy the episodes that lead up to it? >=(
Makhasu - [aknellthatsummonsthee@yahoo.com]
Shave my chest and call me baldy!
posted @ Sun, Jun 25, 2006 4:45:25 am EDT from
A Fan got a small revelation: Owen actually lives in the castle with David Xanatos. He found out because he asked Greg Weisman if Owen called in sick the day after the events of The Mirror. Talk about one question leading to another question.
dph of rules
Whatever hapenned to simplicity
posted @ Sun, Jun 25, 2006 3:21:59 am EDT from
Addendum - It'll really suck for me, since I haven't even got ANY VHS copies of any episode from Season Two... I haven't even got any VHS copies from Season One. Or any copies at all, aside from the first two DVDs.
That, and I also don't have the necessary channels to tape them myself.
*wants to cry*
The Sadistic Cow - [midnightfantasia [at] hotmail.com]
Can you hear how the children weep? Chills of fear like a sawblade cutting deep... - Lordi
posted @ Sat, Jun 24, 2006 11:42:07 pm EDT from
Stormy - "Clarify for me. Because Season One Volume One didn't sell well enough, or because Season TWO Volume One didn't sell well enough? You wrote the first, but the second makes more sense."
.... you have discovered my secret. I can't type worth beans.
*remembers the Coldstone/Coldsteel typo I made to DT a few days ago* >.<
Yes, I meant Season Two Volume One has had poor sales, so Season Two Volume Two may not be produced. I am really, really hoping that there's no reason to worry, but the worry is still there... and I have my doubts that what I was told was incorrect.
So, if it's true, and S2V2 may not be coming out..... what do we do? Promote harder? Spread the word more? Pimp it wherever we go? I mean, really, there's not a lot we can do except promote our butts off and spread the word like the plague. And, ya know, hope old (and new) fans with enough spare cash purchase it.
The Sadistic Cow - [midnightfantasia [at] hotmail.com]
Can you hear how the children weep? Chills of fear like a sawblade cutting deep... - Lordi
posted @ Sat, Jun 24, 2006 11:40:03 pm EDT from
I sure hope that the rumour about V2 part 2 is a just that - a rumour :(
Well, my weekend is sucking more than ususal. Not only am I missing the Gathering, I have a nasty cold :(
I got an email from Kyt - apparently things are going well :)
LW > If you want to write fanfiction, just go ahead and do it. You don't need fan approval.
Chameleon may changer her spots, but she refuses to do plaid.
posted @ Sat, Jun 24, 2006 11:22:35 pm EDT from
Cow: Clarify for me. Because Season One Volume One didn't sell well enough, or because Season TWO Volume One didn't sell well enough? You wrote the first, but the second makes more sense.
Argh, I really need S2 V2 so I can get rid of some of my VHS cassettes...
My dad has S1V1 because I'm on it, but he never got S2V2... Zodiac and I have our own copies of both, and I've bugged my friend to get them both and he has...so there's not much more I can do to help out there....but hope that Disney decides to complete the set.
They might as WELL...I mean, how much does it cost them to do? They've already made the show.
I hope it goes. I'm buying the Tale Spin V1 that's coming out in August--they'd better release all of that too...
Stormy - [decepticoncommand@hotmail.com]
posted @ Sat, Jun 24, 2006 10:46:51 pm EDT from
TSD: I hope it's not true.. I was just watching Gargs on Toon Disney and thinking how cool it would be to be have it on DVD if anything you wouldn't have to deal with those darn commercials and logos *grumbles*..
posted @ Sat, Jun 24, 2006 10:44:16 pm EDT from
Hi again like I stated in pervious posting that I've read the SLG Grargoyle comic at my local comic shop, but I've got one question it's about Goliath Daughter will she fall in love with the same person as she did in the so called uncannon Third season if not how about her following the same path as her Father being in love with a Human.
Now the reason I still need a forum is that I want to pitch my idea for a race that like the Gargoyle that interact with Human cultures and history, however this race is new and so far isn't related to the Garoyles this race was inspired by the movie Kingdom of Heaven. In the movie during the battles they showed the catapults and ballistas being used and I wondered how they were built and mantained, then I theroized what if during the First Crusade the Europen Human armies they met a Race living the middle East during that timeframe. A Race that can help build and repair castles, weapons and siege equipment they also medical skills as high as the arabs and the Chinese of that time period.
LWhitehead - [luke.whitehead@hotmail.com]
posted @ Sat, Jun 24, 2006 7:41:54 pm EDT from
SADISTIC COW - I'm sorry to hear that. I hope that it turns out to be inaccurate.
Todd Jensen
Gargoyles - did for monstrous-looking statues what "Watership Down" did for rabbits!
posted @ Sat, Jun 24, 2006 7:37:45 pm EDT from
Breaking news - I think.
According to the grapevine, which happens to start at Leo, go to Demona Taina and then to me, it seems as though Greg Weisman reported during opening ceremonies that the Gargoyles Season Two Volume Two DVD may not be released, due to poor sales of Season One Volume One.
Since I didn't attend this year and this is not based on what I saw for myself, only what was reported TO me.... I really can't say. But this is disheartening news. If it does end up being true, then I think that we need to step up our efforts to get Season Two Volume One promoted anywhere that we can, and hopefully get people to buy.
o.O;; I'm really hoping that the information on this is incorrect, but... gah!
The Sadistic Cow - [midnightfantasia [at] hotmail.com]
Can you hear how the children weep? Chills of fear like a sawblade cutting deep... - Lordi
posted @ Sat, Jun 24, 2006 6:22:10 pm EDT from
Taking a moment to cool off. Here's what's going on. First a list of guests who couldn't make it this year: Ed Asner, Jeff Bennet, Cree Summer, Tom Wilson. But Brigitte Bako is here! Jim Cummings will also be here AND I scored the last spot on the mug-a-guest signup for him. Woo! Monty F'ng Jack, whose favorite cheese, as we all know, is Brea '86.
Radio Play is tonight. I'll try and get that taped to put online. I auditioned earlier in the day and taped the audition so anyone who hasn't tried the radio play auditions can get an idea of what it's like and maybe see it's not so bad after all. I did get a spot on the cast for the radio play, which will also include Keith David, Thom Adcox, and Crispin Freeman.
Dan Vado and Dave Hedgecock are here. SLG has a booth stocked full of Gargoyles books along with other SLG publications. I definately recommend checking out "Wonderland".
I guess there was a panel earlier today titled "Dude looks like a lady". Apparently I was one of the panelists although I didn't realize that and sort of skipped it. That's pretty sad. I apologize to anyone who went to that panel. There'll be a internet panel tomorrow I'll be on and should actually attend.
The Kim Possible people were cool. They showed some story boards and clips from the show and chatted up with everyone.
I've given my digital camera to a friend to take pics of since I can't seem to remember to do it myself. I've got some video clips that I'll share at some point, but I haven't got much yet.
Went out for lunch at Charley's Grilled Subs with Marty Lund and Lexy. Charley wasn't there, but I did get a fine sub. Grilled.
Although Sunday appears to be the big autographs day there are already a ton of people swarming the guests. There's a table outside one of the main ballrooms we're doing panels in with a bunch of names like Frank Paur, Tad Stones and Boyd Kirkland signing stuff left and right.
No official # on attendance yet but I'm pretty certain we've broken 300 and probalby 350. I saw a bunch of walk-in registrations and I think I heard that pre-reg was near 300 anyways, so we've almost certainly set a record attendance for any gathering.
so far soo good. Got radio play rehersals later. Gonna chill for a bit until that.
posted @ Sat, Jun 24, 2006 5:49:42 pm EDT from
Wingless: You're welcome :) I'm glad you got a laugh out of it. You can check for new stuff on youtube.com and put gargoyles in the search engine- there's a few nice garg music videos on the site as well. I don't the guy's going to do another review until the third issue though.
Anyway I would have liked to go to the Gathering too, so I know how you feel-though I've never met any fans in person yet.
Purplegoldfish - [Skydragonn@aol.com]
posted @ Sat, Jun 24, 2006 4:15:42 pm EDT from
*snugs for Wingless*
WINGLESS: Email me...I can't remember your address again...
Gathering: Yes, I also wish I could've made it this year. In the good news, I have a job now, and if it goes full time in the fall, I have reason to hope that next year's Gathering /might/ be affordable.
I'm looking forward to hearing comments on the Grimorum anthology. I think that's what I missed most about last year--never getting to hear any feedback about the Eye of Odin anthology.
Stormy - [decepticoncommand@hotmail.com]
posted @ Sat, Jun 24, 2006 9:11:18 am EDT from
Vinnie - I read the archives of Ask Greg fairly thoroughly before I ask questions. Mine aren't repeats of stuff that's been answered a million times.
Makhasu - [aknellthatsummonsthee@yahoo.com]
posted @ Sat, Jun 24, 2006 4:51:56 am EDT from
Makhasu - <ASK GREG IS OPEN AGAIN! YAY! I've got dozens of questions I've been waiting to ask...> Why wait for ask Greg? There are people who frequent this CR who can answer your questions much faster then he can. In fact, why don't you ask them here right now and help stop the clutter at AskGreg?
Vinnie - [tpeano29@hotmail.com]
Remember the old Gargoyles comics!
posted @ Sat, Jun 24, 2006 4:45:49 am EDT from
Purplegoldfish- *is in stitches* LoL I so needed that. Now there's someone with too much time on there hands. I loved it! Please keep posting links to it if new ones come up. I've been so down this week about not being able to make the Gathering-among other things - that's the first real laugh I've had in a while. ^_^. Thank you for sharing that.
Gore-damn, sorry to hear you got there late. Seems something always happens in your travels to the gathering - often like my disastrous return trips. Make sure you get alot of video clips for us non attendees.
Well, the sun is coming up, I guess I should be off to bed.
Crinkle, crinkle, crinkle
posted @ Sat, Jun 24, 2006 4:38:51 am EDT from
The Gathering is going on right now and I can't be there! This is the best one yet, too. I'd really have loved to get a sketch of Demona from Hedgecock. I can't even console myself with the comic since my comic book store ran out... *bawls*
Purplegoldfish - That video was... odd. O_O
Will Terrell - Great job on the coloring! I've really liked what I've seen so far!
ASK GREG IS OPEN AGAIN! YAY! I've got dozens of questions I've been waiting to ask...
Oh, is anyone interested in avatars and signatures promoting the comic? I can make a few of those if anyone wants to use them on the other forums they visit or on their own websites. I'm pretty handy with computer graphics.
Makhasu - [aknellthatsummonsthee@yahoo.com]
posted @ Sat, Jun 24, 2006 4:27:31 am EDT from
So the plane landed at 3:40. Took a shuttle to the hotel. Shuttle promptly gets on the 405 during afternoon rush hour. Took a little over 2 hours to get to the hotel. So I missed opening ceremonies, which sucks. Hopefully I'll get to see everyone tomorrow.
posted @ Fri, Jun 23, 2006 11:21:02 pm EDT from
TSC: LOL! me too "I'm turing to stone! Crinkle, crinkle crinkle"
Purplegoldfish - [Skydragonn@aol.com]
posted @ Fri, Jun 23, 2006 10:43:04 pm EDT from
Purplegoldfish - OMG, it's him again! I saw his last video, too.
"I'm a gargoyle, RAAAR!"
He kills me. He really does. XD
The Sadistic Cow - [midnightfantasia [at] hotmail.com]
Can you hear how the children weep? Chills of fear like a sawblade cutting deep... - Lordi
posted @ Fri, Jun 23, 2006 10:34:37 pm EDT from
*Snicker* I just had to share this:
Don't watch if you don't want to know anything about the comic (though there's not much spoilers) and don't watch if Canadian guys in their skeevies frighten you 0_o
Purplegoldfish - [Skydragonn@aol.com]
posted @ Fri, Jun 23, 2006 10:10:35 pm EDT from
Well, I found an Canadian online store that carries the comic-so Irdered it(actually-3 copies!). The up side is they take paypal. The downside is they're out of stock and it's backordered. 2-4 weeks! *sigh* volumne 2 will be out before I get volume one 1 :-( Between that and Gathering withdrawl it's not a going to be a good weekend.
posted @ Fri, Jun 23, 2006 8:32:11 pm EDT from
HARVESTER - Yes, I'm wondering myself when it's going to fully sink in at Amazon.com that the comic came out two days ago rather than next week.
Todd Jensen
Gargoyles - did for monstrous-looking statues what "Watership Down" did for rabbits!
posted @ Fri, Jun 23, 2006 7:56:56 pm EDT from
hmm.. I just got mine today at Zanadu comics.. which is the closest SLG carrier in Seattle.. I called Wednesday too see if it come in . the guy said at first that they didn't have it only to call back 3 seconds later to say that they did *sigh*.
anywho, the comics great, there are some things fixed in the comic that were problems in the preview..
but, I'm not spoiling anything right now.. except I love some Vinnie goodness, can you believe it? :P
anyway, it looks pretty good, can't wait for VOl 2!
posted @ Fri, Jun 23, 2006 6:36:22 pm EDT from
Well, I've decided that the comic stores in my area don't have the first damn clue what they're doing. The store that I thought I was placing my order at said that they didn't carry Gargoyles, it was their location farther down Route 1. He also said that they had sold out. So it looks like until I can get their number and figure out if my order was even processed, I have to wait for amazon.com to get THEIR shit together.
Harvester of Eyes - [Minstrel75@gmail.com]
"Harvester of Eyes, that's me! And I see all there is to see."
posted @ Fri, Jun 23, 2006 6:03:01 pm EDT from
Hey all, just a reminder to enter MGC (and AMGC!) if you can! The Gathering always puts artists in a time crunch, and so the number of entries is super low! It's a fun topic this month, so check it out and doodle something up! ^_^
kess - [< MGC!]
posted @ Fri, Jun 23, 2006 4:32:05 pm EDT from
Welcome LW! :D Yes, the comics are considered to be the canon third season of Gargoyles, instead of the awful Goliath Chronicles. It will probably be pretty slow here for a few days though because of The Gathering.
None of the book stores around my area has the comic(the only places that might sell it around here) I guess the only stores that carry it are specialty and novelty stores.
That's not too good...I think sales might be considerably better if it was available in places like Borders, Waldenbooks, and Barnes and Noble. Oh well.
Still eagerly awaiting my comic from Amazon...and it hasn't even been sent out Arghh!!! They're usually very good with this sort of thing.
Purplegoldfish - [Skydragonn@aol.com]
posted @ Fri, Jun 23, 2006 2:23:27 pm EDT from
Hi I was wondering I need to pointed to a Gargoyle forum that is favored by the legions of fans, it's for the simple reason I need to show my ideas to them. Also just finished reading issue One of the new comic great but does follow the Third Season or is this the new series offical cannon?,
LWhitehead - [luke.whitehead@hotmail.com]
posted @ Fri, Jun 23, 2006 1:20:43 pm EDT from
Greetings from Germany!
The comic finally arrived to good old europe and I have to say it is great. The graphic is wonderful all in all and the comic is really cheap for such good work, not at last through the good exchange rate.
It makes me hope for more.
Hardwing - [hardwing@web.de]
posted @ Fri, Jun 23, 2006 11:45:14 am EDT from
Leaving for the airport now. Should be a fun weekend.
Will, great to hear from you! The book looks great! Can't wait to see more. Hope to see you around here from time to time.
posted @ Fri, Jun 23, 2006 7:25:03 am EDT from
Wow, I thought the comic wasn't coming out for another week or so. I've put in my order. With a 5-8 week wait on Amazon.com and a further 9-36 days for international shipping, I guess I can expect to be reading it any time from the beginning of August to the end of September! I guess avoiding spoilers once #3 comes out is going to be harder than I suspected. Still, can't wait for it to arrive.
Congratulations and thanks to Greg, Greg, David, Will, Kaioto and everyone involved! :) Fingers crossed for those sales...
posted @ Fri, Jun 23, 2006 6:07:22 am EDT from
Enjoy the Gathering!
Hope everyone has a blast Friday and Saturday...I'll be there with friends on Sunday...have to finish my costume first XD
Looking forward to it all!
Trickster - [scruffyrebel@yahoo.com]
posted @ Fri, Jun 23, 2006 3:36:03 am EDT from
Hey Everyone. My name is Will Terrell and I'm the color artist on the new Gargoyles comic book series. I hope that everyone enjoys the book. We all worked very hard on it and put a lot of heart into it. Hopefully it shows.
Today I did a store signing in Lubbock, Texas where I currently live and the book was very well recieved. We easily sold 30 copies out of the 35 the store owner had ordered. Hopefully we'll hear lots more examples like this around the country.
I hope the Gathering this weekend is a blast, and I look forward to working on lots more Gargoyles stuff in the future. Thanks Ya'll.
Keep Smiling!
--Will Terrell
Will Terrell - [william_terrell@hotmail.com]
posted @ Fri, Jun 23, 2006 2:08:03 am EDT from
BB> yes, you did say it last week...or someone else said the exact same thing.
Well I'm still at home, not taking a plane since driving to the gathering will only take about an hour from where I live. Wow, how lucky. XD
Warcrafter - [grafixfangamer1@sbcglobal.net]
If George Bush had Dick Cheney's first name, his name would be Dick Bush, and I'd tell you I'd listen to a lot more of his speeches.
posted @ Fri, Jun 23, 2006 12:13:02 am EDT from
Just letting you guys know, in LA and seriously jetlagged. Going to crash soon.
Asatira - [gostowl@yahoo.com]
posted @ Thu, Jun 22, 2006 11:48:28 pm EDT from
"DO NOT TAKE FOR GRANTED that the book will just be an ongoing thing. If sales on the first couple issues suck then don't assume that there will be an issue #3. (That's how we got into the dilemma we're facing with the DVDs.)"
Battle Beast - [Canada]
that is all I will say.
posted @ Thu, Jun 22, 2006 11:06:58 pm EDT from
Greg, Marty, Dave Hedgecock, guys... congratulations on getting issue 1 out the door! This is epic!
posted @ Thu, Jun 22, 2006 2:02:43 pm EDT from
I'll be at the con as well. I should be getting to the hotel around 5ish if all goes well. Maybe just in time to catch the typical group of oddballs lingering around the lobby. I'll bring along my video camera along and, if the wireless in the rooms really is free, I'll post them online while the con is happening to keep those of you not at the con in the loop.
I see on the con site that the reserved block of rooms for the con have been sold out. I hope that's a sign we'll have high attendance this year.
Got my hands on the Gargoyles book today. I dig it. Couldn't help but put character voices and even background music into my head while I was reading it. I wonder how the Vinnie angle will play for anyone new to Gargoyles. Hopefully issue #2 won't be the last we see or hear from Vinnie.
There's a sweet Ask Greg plug in the back of the book. Maybe we'll get some new, adventurous types to head over and check it out. I hope the overall response, not just from those hardcores who will be at the con, is really good. I can't wait to see how things go once we hit new territory with issue #3.
posted @ Thu, Jun 22, 2006 2:00:55 pm EDT from
Well, if Lexy gets out of work early like we're hoping, I'll be starting the long, forsake drive from Phoenix to Valencia sometime early tomorrow afternoon. This'll be about 70 miles longer than the drive up to Montreal from Massachusetts.
The long drive isn't nearly as intimidating as the prospects of having to deal with traffic on the outskirts of LA to get to Valencia. Going to have to dump off I-10 to I-5 to use I-210 to skirt the city before hitting I-5 again to get into Valencia. Probably won't save me from any of the traffic either.
So I'm planning on getting in late Friday night.
See you there.
Marty "Kaioto" Lund - [creaturecomics@comcast.net]
posted @ Thu, Jun 22, 2006 2:00:23 pm EDT from
16 hours and 40 minutes until I get on a plane for beautiful Valencia, CA! Yatta, yatta! And, thanks to time zones, I still get there before noon (maybe, depending on how LAX treats me). My only regret is that I'm only staying until Sunday morning, but if we're flying across the country, we're doing more than just going to a con.
And we just watch Hunter's Moon last night. My gf had yet to finish the series, but I insisted that we watch it all before going to The Gathering, so we only just got through with it yesterday. Well, I'll see all of you tomorrow!
Jurgan - [jurgan6@yahoo.com]
posted @ Thu, Jun 22, 2006 1:23:41 pm EDT from
The convention kicks off at NOON tomorrow, Pacific time, a little less than 29 hours from now. This will probably be the last you see of me in here before then.
1 day left until The Gathering 2006 in Valencia, California!
Patrick - [<-- The Gathering 2006]
"And now let's get things started / Why don't you get things started? / It's time to get things started..."
posted @ Thu, Jun 22, 2006 10:07:50 am EDT from
Well, off I go to the airport now.
See some of you guys in Valencia. *waves*
Look for my con report in my LJ and on Ask Greg when I get back home. :-)
KingCobra_582 - [KingCobra_582@hotmail.com]
posted @ Thu, Jun 22, 2006 4:02:09 am EDT from
Chameleongirl> Well, of course you're green, reptile girl! :P
KingCobra_582 - [KingCobra_582@hotmail.com]
posted @ Thu, Jun 22, 2006 2:06:53 am EDT from
Everyone who is off to the Gathering - have heap of fun!
I'm green with envy and wishing I was there :D
Chameleon may changer her spots, but she refuses to do plaid.
posted @ Thu, Jun 22, 2006 1:03:38 am EDT from
Excuse me Patrick for saying your thing but I can't hold it in. ONE MORE DAY till the gathering 2006. Can't wait to finally meet you guys that are going.
Warcrafter - [grafixfangamer1@sbcglobal.net]
If George Bush had Dick Cheney's first name, his name would be Dick Bush, and I'd tell you I'd listen to a lot more of his speeches.
posted @ Thu, Jun 22, 2006 12:28:15 am EDT from
Siryn> "KingCobra> Well then you should definately go."
I'll be there. Assuming my plane doesn't get hit by a meteor, lightning, another plane, or just plain has problems, I'll be all right to fly. Nervous, but all right.
KingCobra_582 - [KingCobra_582@hotmail.com]
posted @ Wed, Jun 21, 2006 10:50:38 pm EDT from
Comic- Glad to hear of all the sell-outs (sort of). Hearing a lot of this which is good and bad. Just make sure you ask your comic shoppe to RE-ORDER the book. Don't let a full service comic shoppe tell you they can't get you a copy because they can. Retailers need to know they can sell a LOT more copies of this book.
Gathering- If you've already bought a copy of GARGOYLES #1, bring it to the show. I've got 3, very limited, sketchcards that I'm bringing with me to do sketches on. If you buy a comic at the show or bring one you've already purchased I'll give you a sketchcard with an original drawing of the Gargoyle of your choice on one side (the other side will be the full picture of the avatars that I've donated to this site). I've only got a couple 100 of these sketchcards so you may want to find me early.
Thanks again to everyone for their support. You're all in for a great ride.
Hedgecock - [roosterpress@cox.net]
posted @ Wed, Jun 21, 2006 10:05:29 pm EDT from
KingCobra> Well then you should definately go. :D I live in Ohio too (at least..this month. O.o) So I'm not letting a silly thing like location stop me. :D
I've been to 9 out of 10 gatherings (and the only reason I wasn't allowed to go to the first one because I was a minor.)
Anyways, should be fab, great, fun, and can't wait to see people there!
Siryn - [siryn7@aol.com]
posted @ Wed, Jun 21, 2006 9:26:21 pm EDT from
Stormy: "I have a friend who doesn't drive and here in Nova Scotia, he was able to get an "identity card." You get it in the same place as a driver's license, and it looks like one, except without the "able to drive a car" part. It's how he is able to travel, go to bars, etc, since he has no driver's license and isn't a student."
Oooh... o.O That actually sounds like a good idea. I'll look into it and see if they got that stuff over here in Ontario. It would be perfect for me.
"For the record, apparently in a year or two it WILL be mandatory to have a passport to go to the US, and I can say I get a lot less pain in-the-arse from border guards now that I have one. Since it can take quite some time to get--perhaps months, depending on where you live, I really recommend that all Canadians start the process ASAP, so it doesn't interfere with future trips."
*nods* Yeah, it might be safer for me to actually get one, so I can avoid less hassling at the border. Even though the only reason I'll ever go to the States again is to go to the Gathering (I just don't go see my "family" down there as much as I used to. Not that it was often, anyway. And not as though they make any attempts to stay in touch. XD), that's about the only use I'll have for a passport, as I don't see myself traveling very much.
Still... if it'll save a possible hassle, then I suppose I might as well.
The Sadistic Cow - [midnightfantasia [at] hotmail.com]
Can you hear how the children weep? Chills of fear like a sawblade cutting deep... - Lordi
posted @ Wed, Jun 21, 2006 9:06:20 pm EDT from
Oh boy, we got a non-scolding post from Greg! ( ;
I usually ask most of my questions in the comment room. I can't remember what my last search in the ASK GREG archives was for, just that it yielded 3,000 responses. So I made it more specific, and incredibly, the number of responses INCREASED. The comment room is much easier, because I know some people here are better than navigating ASK GREG than I am.
Wow. The comic is selling out at some places? And here I am still waiting for some word from my store. I might just pay them a visit tomorrow. I wonder if any of these people who seem to be coming out of the woodwork for the comic know about the DVDs. I liked the idea that Gorebash came up with for spreading the word. I'd like to find out more about it, but he hasn't responded to my inquiry.
Demonskrye: <I'm also fairly sure the TV episode did not include Elisa nearly being called something very rude by an attacking Quarryman.> Meh. Different medium. You can get away with more.
To the Gathering 2006 goers, I usually don't like quoting the Star Wars prequels, I'll make an exception because it's the best thing that sums up my feelings right at this moment (especially because I too would love to see a third issue of the comic): "Do what must be done. Do not hesitate. Show no mercy." Rock and roll, my friends.
Now if you'll all excuse me, I have to go crash because I need to be up at four for a licensing exam.
Harvester of Eyes - [Minstrel75@gmail.com]
I don't care if Delaware has tax-free shopping, the very fact that I have to be up in seven and half hours to drive up to DC to take an exam to be licensed to handle its insurance claims just pisses me off. But at least I get profit-sharing.
posted @ Wed, Jun 21, 2006 8:35:29 pm EDT from
Comic> I was apparently lucky as my store still had a number of copies left (though the owner did say something about forgetting to pull a few). So, I got mine pretty easily. My opinions on it, first read (for some reason, I read comics pretty fast the first time through, wait a day or so and re-read it and take things in better): Story, is of course, good. Had a moment of synopsis during the synopsis, but not overly bad when there aren't many other ways of getting that important information out. I liked how I got a better impression of fear in the community, and alienation, especially in regards to Castaway (I picked up on that, which I don't think I got when I saw it animated. Course, I didn't know he was Canmore either, at the time). Artwork is the sticking point then. It's pretty good, overall. I agree, the main problem with Hedgecock's work is its inconsistency. Some of the facial expressions are kind of exagerrated (like Brooklyn's) or sort of sleepy-eyed (namely in the Nightwatch segments at the start). The biggest gripe I have is on the coloring: I admit, the series takes place largely at night, so a darker palette is needed. But there are places where it is too dark, and it interferes with the reading, especially in the action scenes. The paneling in those parts are kind of hard to follow, kind of busy IMO. Summary, coloring is a minus, but will wait to see how it improves over next few issues.
Meanwhile, getting things packed and figuring out how much art supplies to take that I'll realistically use. Plane leaves tomorrow afternoon. See you guys there!
posted @ Wed, Jun 21, 2006 8:24:32 pm EDT from
Hi all - a little game of "Good news/Bad news" for ya.
Good news - I totally ordered my comic ahead of time
Bad news - The folks at that particular store insisted until they were blue in the face that Gargoyles was not released today.
Good news - I found a store that did exist in our reality and had copies of Gargoyles
Bad news - I use "had" in the very past tense; they were sold out when they got there
Good news - They were sold out and had ordered more for next week!
Hope y'all going to the Gathering have an awesome time.
Alex Garg
I almost died for your precious comic book.
posted @ Wed, Jun 21, 2006 7:57:54 pm EDT from
Thanks for the stop-by, Greg Weisman. And to everybody at the Gathering 2006, have a great time!
(I'm one of the ones who isn't attending, but that's all right; my mother and stepfather are visiting St. Louis this week-end, so that means that I'll be here to see them, which I wouldn't have gotten to do if I'd headed off for Valencia instead.)
I've done a little spreading the word just now, when I stopped by a message board dedicated to the Dungeons & Dragons cartoon from 1983-86 (which had Michael Reaves as one of its writers, incidentally) and made a post about it, alerting them to the release. I hope that it leads to more people finding out about the comic.
Todd Jensen
Gargoyles - did for monstrous-looking statues what "Watership Down" did for rabbits!
posted @ Wed, Jun 21, 2006 7:19:30 pm EDT from
Sadistic Cow: I have a friend who doesn't drive and here in Nova Scotia, he was able to get an "identity card." You get it in the same place as a driver's license, and it looks like one, except without the "able to drive a car" part. It's how he is able to travel, go to bars, etc, since he has no driver's license and isn't a student.
For the record, apparently in a year or two it WILL be mandatory to have a passport to go to the US, and I can say I get a lot less pain in-the-arse from border guards now that I have one. Since it can take quite some time to get--perhaps months, depending on where you live, I really recommend that all Canadians start the process ASAP, so it doesn't interfere with future trips.
Stormy - [decepticoncommand@hotmail.com]
posted @ Wed, Jun 21, 2006 7:15:43 pm EDT from
Marty Lund - "Birth Certificate, Social Insurance Card, and some form of Government Issue Photo ID should get your through just fine. I got into Canada with no hassels when I brought by Birth Certificate, Social Security Card, and Drivers License going to the Montreal Gathering and back."
Oh, that's good. Because the only indentification I actually have are my birth certificate, SIN card, and health card... no driver's license, unfortunately, since my eyesight (and other things) render me unable to operate a vehicle. o.O;; That can be a pain sometimes, since when buying cigarettes or going to a liquor store or bar/club, people don't like accepting photo health cards as ID up here.
To be on the safe side, I may attempt the written test for driving a vehicle, so while I never actually will drive, I'll have another form of ID. Which could be useful.
Thank you so much for giving me that link and answering my questions! ^_^ It's helped me a great deal.
The Sadistic Cow - [midnightfantasia [at] hotmail.com]
Can you hear how the children weep? Chills of fear like a sawblade cutting deep... - Lordi
posted @ Wed, Jun 21, 2006 6:41:14 pm EDT from
Sadistic Cow >> Birth Certificate, Social Insurance Card, and some form of Government Issue Photo ID should get your through just fine. I got into Canada with no hassels when I brought by Birth Certificate, Social Security Card, and Drivers License going to the Montreal Gathering and back.
Marty "Kaioto" Lund - [creaturecomics@comcast.net]
posted @ Wed, Jun 21, 2006 6:25:55 pm EDT from
Comic> Well, I've been stuck home all day waiting for the electrician to stop by and make our dryer and our outlet learn to live together in harmony. But my honey pie still made our Wednesday comic book store run and picked up my reserved copy, which I just finished reading.
I'll throw in a spoiler warning for good measure, though as I suspected, this is really nothing much new to anyone who saw "The Journey" or at least knows the plot. But just in case...
Cover: While it's generally good, the colors are maybe just a bit too dark overall. I'm squinting at it right now and it pretty much disaapears into shadows except for a few lighter details. Some of the poses are a tad stiff too. Like I said, it's still pretty good and Brooklyn looks especially sharp. I just kind of wish the next cover had been the first one, as I think it's going to jump out at people on the shelf a little more.
Story: My best advice is, if you are expecting to issue #1 to make you feel the way you did when you first saw "Awakening, Part 1" (or whatever episode it was that made you fall in love with "Gargoyles", you should really try to dial down your expectations. Not because the story is bad; it's just one we already know. With all the story morsels we've been given in the years between the show ended and now, we may have some unconcious unrealistic expectations for the start of the comic. So remind yourself that it's just the beginning and, hopefully, there is more to come.
The writing is a s solid as you would expect. It's very tough NOT to hear the characters voices in your head as you read. The dialogue feels just right and the story moves along at a good clip. One of the downsides of having "Gargoyles" as a comic is that you can't fit as much into one issue as you can into one comic. As expected, we get about halfway through "The Journey" with issue #1. There are a few new additions, though my lack of real familiarity with "The Journey" means I may be missing some. There are a few scenes that I believe are new, including a 2 page "Gargoyles 101" where Goliath reminisces briefly on his clan's history. I'm also fairly sure the TV episode did not include Elisa nearly being called something very rude by an attacking Quarryman. We don't get too much time with the rest of the clan just yet; what we've seen in the preview pages s pretty much it for Hudson, Angela, Bronx, and the trio. I aimgine this is to keep new readers from feeling to overwhelmed and I'm betting we'll see more of them in issue #2.
A minor note: the written grunts and groans need punctuation. "Oof" and "Uhh" just don't have quite the same punch as "Oof!" and "Uhh....". You wouldn't think it would matter, but it kind of does.
Art: Holding judgement until you have the book in hand is probably a wise thing, as the art does actually look better on the printed page. The issues a lot of us have been having are still valid, but there's something I can't quite put my finger on that makes it work a little better. Hedgecock's visual storytelling is fine; there were very few places where I was confused about the panel layout or what I was looking at. But the fact that I was confused means there is still room for improvement. I really wish that Hedgecock had an inker. There are a few instances where scanned pencils look fine, but here I think they're getting lost in the coloring and they need that extra thich and thin definition to make things clearer. there's a panel toward the end where I actually had to sit and look at it for a good few minutes to sort out Goliath's hand from his arm and his arm from hi chest.
That being said, Hedgecock is not bad, he's more inconsistant than anything. Taking Elisa as an example, there are times when she looks pretty near spot on. And there are times when she looks a little bit off. And there are times when...well, she looks like the first panel of tha preview page. The same thing goes for most of the other characters. Goliath's muscles don't always look off, just sometimes. I'm going to take Mr. Hedgecock at his word and hope that the third issue is going to show more of the solid drawing and less problems.
The coloring is okay, but it's kind of overdone in a lot of places. Skin, human or gargoyle, is often too shiny. The shading is sometimes too much; we really don't need every one of Goliath's muscles to look quite so round and defined. I think this may be the result of an attempt to give the linework more definition, which (again) wouldn't be as necessary if there was an inker on board. Still, there are places where the gradients are more subtle, and Goliath is never pink or anything.
Extras: No commentary track here, but there are bios of everyone who worked on this issue. Greg's bio is embellished with some character pictures that we've seen before. (Like maybe alongside of this post?) Greg also wrote up a nice history of the TV show and its life after cancellation. He mentions - with links - CreatureComics.com, the Gathering, and something called "Ask Greg". :)
Overall: Concerns aside, I think the first issue came out pretty well. If you can get past the fact that this is both a story for new readers to get accquainted with the property and a retelling of material we've already seen, you'll probably enjoy seeing the clan back in action. I guess my real biggest gripe is that it's going to take a while (every two months, was it?) for issue #2 to come out and even longer for the real new stuff to hit. But barring any unforseen shifts in my personality or living situation, I'll be continuing to pick up the comic at my local shop as long as it keeps coming out.
Oh fine, I'll say it: "The spell is broken, and we live again!!!" (Sounds way better coming out of Keith David.)
posted @ Wed, Jun 21, 2006 6:12:30 pm EDT from
Marty Lund - "However presentation of a Canadian passport, birth certificate, Naturalization certificate or other supporting documentation will facilitate the inspection and is strongly encouraged."
Thanks for the link! :)
I'm not entirely sure what supporting documentation would be, though, aside from a birth certificate (which I have) or a passport (which I don't have). Would a Social Insurance Number and/or health card from the province I'm in (which includes photo, address, and personal information) count as supporting documents, seeing as they are official government identification? And do I need just one of these things (birth certificate, for example) or all of them?
Me = utterly clueless. XD
The Sadistic Cow - [midnightfantasia [at] hotmail.com]
Can you hear how the children weep? Chills of fear like a sawblade cutting deep... - Lordi
posted @ Wed, Jun 21, 2006 6:11:20 pm EDT from
ASK GREG will be opening up again tomorrow so that questions and especially G2006 CON JOURNALS can be posted. We'll stay open at least until the end of July.
In addition, Gorebash has been working on the site to allow Todd to answer some frequently asked questions for me by searching the archives. We haven't totally got the new system up and running, but the long awaited upgrade to ASK GREG is on the verge of reality here. REJOICE!!!
This should help us get through the queue MUCH faster.
But another thing that would help is still a bit of common sense on the part of posters. Try to search the FAQ or the ARCHIVES first. Ask your question here in the comment room. (And, gang, be nice to the newbies, ignorant or not.) Keep the queue as clean of garbage as possible.
And POST THOSE CON JOURNALS. Cut and paste them! It's important!!!!!
Also, post comments and questions about the new comic book that hits the stores TODAY!!! Copies of the first issue ("Nightwatch") WILL be available at the Gathering this weekend, but as Marty said, anything that can be done to encourage sales at local stores is essential.
This isn't simply about you guys buying a bunch of copies yourself. If EVERYONE who normally posted in this room bought ten copies, our sales would still, frankly, suck. Yes, I'd hope you guys supported the book with cold hard cash (though as always I'd never ask you to spend money you don't have and/or need for food, shelter, education, etc.), but what I'm really COUNTING on you guys to do is spread the word. EVERYWHERE. We need to bring in a much larger crowd than simply the hard core fans. Word of mouth to individuals is great, but try to brainstorm ways to reach a lot of people on the net, at conventions, etc. Look at other rabid fandoms that might like Gargoyles, and LET. THEM. KNOW what they're missing! (Let them know.)
DO NOT TAKE FOR GRANTED that the book will just be an ongoing thing. If sales on the first couple issues suck then don't assume that there will be an issue #3. (That's how we got into the dilemma we're facing with the DVDs.)
Finally, for those of you attending the Gathering this weekend in Valencia: please come up to me and say hello. Many of you know me already. Some of you have met me briefly. Some of you are strangers. I'll admit in advance that though I am fearless when I'm "On Stage," ironically I get very shy trying to conduct "small talk". So be patient with me. It usually takes me two cons to remember names and three to really get to know a person. But keep trying. I have made so many great friends at these conventions, and you could be one of them. I really do want to know you all.
It's a very exciting con this year. We've got so many great guests and events planned. Panels with the creators of Kim Possible, Talespin, Darkwing Duck, Ben Ten. Jim Cummings, the voice of Dingo, Don Karnage, Darkwing Duck, Pete, Winnie-The-Pooh, Tigger, etc., etc., etc. will be there. Voice directors, background artists, character designers, film editors, music editors, sound effects editors, storyboard artists, and tons of VOICE ACTORS. Nearly the entire writing staff and Voice cast of WITCH will be there. (And I hope you've been watching the episodes of WITCH that I produced which have been airing on Toon Disney and ABC Family's Jetix blocks.) Frank Paur will talk about Spawn, Iron Man and Dr. Strange. Tad Stones will talk about Hellboy. Keith David, Thom Adcox and Crispin Freeman will all BE IN THIS YEAR'S RADIO PLAY!!! Brigitte Bako, the voice of Angela, is attending her first convention EVER!! (So be extra nice to her.) I'm even doing a seminar on time travel.
So stop by, have fun, enjoy... and SPREAD THE WORD. (Have I mentioned that yet? SPREAD THE WORD!!!!)
Gargoyles is BACK!!!!
Greg Weisman
posted @ Wed, Jun 21, 2006 5:39:40 pm EDT from
KingCobra >> Do you know if they were sold out, don't carry SLG comics, or simply didn't order Gargoyles?
Sold Out >> Ususally that's what we want to hear on release day, I'd think. :) Though, it did seem like the pre-orders for Gargoyles were a bit light. Hopefully local shops that go through their stock too quickly will be willing to take a pre-order for another shipment. There should be plenty of opportunity to get more in next week if folks take the demand seriously.
Sadistic Cow >> "Generally, Canadian Nationals must show ID but are exempt from passport and visa requirements. However presentation of a Canadian passport, birth certificate, Naturalization certificate or other supporting documentation will facilitate the inspection and is strongly encouraged." - U.S. Customs and Border Protection Web site: http://www.cbp.gov/xp/cgov/travel/vacation/kbyg/documentary_req.xml
Marty "Kaioto" Lund - [creaturecomics@comcast.net]
posted @ Wed, Jun 21, 2006 5:35:51 pm EDT from
TSC> Well, U.S. Citizens would need a passport to travel out of country. I imagine it would be the same for Canada as well, though I could be wrong.
Comic> Ugh, I stopped by this local comic shop while out doing errands and the place didn't have ANY Gargoyles comics. At all. Crud.
KingCobra_582 - [KingCobra_582@hotmail.com]
posted @ Wed, Jun 21, 2006 5:03:43 pm EDT from
DPH >> S&B Website? *Checks* Not sure what the B means, but I get the picture. That's not good. Next time warn me the links aren't exactly worksafe. Oi. Thank goodness for Tab'd browsing.
Yeah, I called Jen over at SLG just now and let her know. They're on fixing that.
Thanks for the catch. I ran into an ugly situation once on a job where some executive sent down a list of URLs they'd entered by hand and not cut directly from browsers. Let's just say that when you take various health and human services acronyms and either misspell them or add .com and .net where .org or .gov ought to be, things get ... ugly.
Marty "Kaioto" Lund - [creaturecomics@comcast.net]
posted @ Wed, Jun 21, 2006 4:43:41 pm EDT from
I went in bright and early, and they sold out while I was in the store (he ordered 20 copies). I got my copy. Pretty damn good, of course it's 90% old material... issue three is what I'm really waiting for :)
Greg Bishansky - [<---- The Tenth Annual Gathering of the Gargoyles]
"Plato once said that for everything that exists, there is a perfect form of it somewhere. A perfect human being, a perfect chair, a perfect stick, so that everything is a shadow of that one perfect form. Now, if we follow that train of thought, that means that somewhere in the universe there exists the perfect form of the absolute and complete idiot and he left here an hour ago." - Matthew Gideon
posted @ Wed, Jun 21, 2006 4:35:17 pm EDT from
AARGH! I got to my local comic book store, a rather large one at that, a few hours after it opened and Gargoyles was already sold out! They won't be getting any more issues until next week. *sobs*
Makhasu - [aknellthatsummonsthee@yahoo.com]
posted @ Wed, Jun 21, 2006 4:28:19 pm EDT from
Comic: I'm no going to be able to fetch my copy of the Gargoyles comic until the 28th... but that's a choice I made, since I want to pick up Nextwave: Agents of H.A.T.E. at the same time I pick up Gargoyles, and I don't want to make two trips.
Me = lazy little git. XD
Spoilers - I don't mind 'em that much. It doesn't bother me much when people talk about what happens, and I haven't yet seen it myself. Not sure why that is; though I suppose it gives my imagination something to wonder about until I actually get a chance to see it, and even though I already know what happens it's still fun to watch it unfold. *shrugs*
"If you're not going, you'll be missed...and start saving your pennies NOW fo 2007!"
I've got a tidy little sum saved up already insofar. XD Though right now it'll only cover the cost of registration, I don't mind - I figure if I do it one at a time as opposed to all at once, it ought to be easier.
Of course, the plane ticket thing is really going to slap me... I've never flown or ordered tickets before, so it's going to be strange for me.
Which brings to mind something else... I do have a question for you guys. Since I'm in Canada, am I going to need a passport in order to travel into the United States? I'm just wondering since as yet, I haven't got one and if I need one I'd like to know ahead of time so I can actually get it done and not encounter any trouble at the border by not having one, and then being told I need it. o.O; (Besides, if I do need one I need to factor it into the expenses, and figure out a way to put some money aside for that as well.)
The Sadistic Cow - [midnightfantasia [at] hotmail.com]
Can you hear how the children weep? Chills of fear, like a sawblade cutting deep... - Lordi
posted @ Wed, Jun 21, 2006 3:38:49 pm EDT from
Not that I'm complaining, but in my city, the closest thing we have to a comic book store is a few shelves in a bookstore to buy college textbooks and I could fit the comics in there inside a small hotel room.
Marty "Kaioto" Lund - You guys need to pass the word to Slave Labor Comics about updating their website. The url listed for their retailer in Conway, AR takes a person to a s&b website and I can't find that retailer in the online yellow pages. I tried calling the number listed, waited for 15 rings, and found no answering machine. There is an older listing for November 2005 that says that phone number belongs to a person, not a company.
Whatever happenned to simplicity?
posted @ Wed, Jun 21, 2006 3:20:30 pm EDT from
Siryn> " start saving your pennies NOW fo 2007!"
Heh, if my companion and I decide to go to G2007, it's a little more in driving distance then L.A. is, living in Ohio and all.
Denis> "You just can't help it"
No, I guess I really can't. Who knows? Maybe I'll be one of theose people who are terrified at first, but quickly start to enjoy it.
KingCobra_582 - [KingCobra_582@hotmail.com]
posted @ Wed, Jun 21, 2006 3:10:44 pm EDT from
Gahh I have to start coming back here more often again...Gathering time makes me sentimental and I miss people. O.o (That and I end up plotting with people on stuff...)
Anyways, I'm going to be at the gathering, so to everyone who is going, AWESOME, can't wait to see you there. (It's going o be fab!) If I don't talk at first, it's only cause I get mega shy for the first few hours or so. @.@;;
If you're not going, you'll be missed...and start saving your pennies NOW fo 2007! ;D
PS. As far as I know, there WILL be Gargoyle comics for sale at the gathering, SLG has a table in the dealer's room, plus they'll have a lot of their other stories too! (I can't wait to pick up wonderland & haunted mansion series myself)
Siryn - [siryn7@aol.com]
posted @ Wed, Jun 21, 2006 2:49:13 pm EDT from
KingC >> Comics are supposed to be on racks today, and last I checked with Dan Vado, the plan was to have issues available to sell at the Gathering as well. It is ultimately SLG's call and I can't speak for them, but they've got some pretty sharp knives in that drawer and magic 8-ball says "Signs Point To Yes."
How's that for a combination of "positive" and "non-commital"? :)
Don't let that probability distract you from picking up a copy locally, though. Good sales at Retail Stores are the key to driving the success of the comic over the short and long term. Higher in-store sales encourage shops to reorder, put the comic out on prominent display, talk about the book, and generally create positive spiral effect on comic sales overall.
That's why I strongly suggest hitting your local comic shop to buy off the rack and / or order through them as your most preferred option of purchase - your dollar goes the furthest there in terms of encouraging there to be more stories published.
Marty "Kaioto" Lund - [creaturecomics@comcast.net]
posted @ Wed, Jun 21, 2006 2:08:14 pm EDT from
In a little more than 12 hours my flight is taking off. LA, Here I come!
King Cobra: Even after eight years of travelling across the Pond, and the nervousness is always there. You just can't help it
Hedgecock> Welcome aboard! I'm looking forward meeting you. Don't worry about the comics. From what I've seen it's awesome. It's got its own feeling, And that's what matters.
Denis - [d.deplaen@lft.be]
Fear is the mind killer. Fear is the little death that brings the ultimate destruction. I will face my fear. I will let it pass through me, and turn my inner eye to where it's passed. And there will be nothing, only I remain
posted @ Wed, Jun 21, 2006 1:29:29 pm EDT from
TSC> "Er.... I meant that if you jumped (as in, up and down, or tried to create a one-man mosh pit) in an elevator whilst I am on it, I will hurt you. o.O;; That really wasn't intended to come off as, "If you and I end up in the same elevator, I will eat your face." :P"
LOL! Why do I have a weird image of myself jumping on an elevator and slam-dancing? Strange.
Hedgecock> See you there. BTW, will there be comics available for sale @ The Gathering? I assume so, but verification would be welcomed.
Tomorrow morning, I will be on (my first) plane to come to California. I'm both psyched and slightly nervous. In the sense that I'm sure most people are, when they do something the very 1st time.
KingCobra_582 - [KingCobra_582@hotmail.com]
posted @ Wed, Jun 21, 2006 1:20:11 pm EDT from
2 days left until The Gathering 2006 in Valencia, California!
Patrick - [<-- The Gathering 2006]
"We have so little to do and so much time! Wait. Scratch that, reverse it." - Willy Wonka (Gene Wilder)
posted @ Wed, Jun 21, 2006 11:34:03 am EDT from
Wee! Last day and tomorrow, I'll be heading to LA. Will pick up my copy tonight, and may post first impressions. May not be able to do too much until Friday. For those who'll be at the Gathering, can't wait to see you!
posted @ Wed, Jun 21, 2006 10:18:01 am EDT from
Comic Discussion> Also, at this point, there may not be too many real plot spoilers, since we've been told that this and I think issue #2 are going to cover material based on "The Journey". And since even those of us who never saw that particular episode (like me) know the plot, there may not be much new under the sun (moon?) until we get to issue #3.
Still, just to be on the safe side, spoiler warnings where appropriate shoud suffice.
posted @ Wed, Jun 21, 2006 10:06:45 am EDT from
Post a Spoiler Warning. That's good enough.
Greg Bishansky - [<---- The Tenth Annual Gathering of the Gargoyles]
"Plato once said that for everything that exists, there is a perfect form of it somewhere. A perfect human being, a perfect chair, a perfect stick, so that everything is a shadow of that one perfect form. Now, if we follow that train of thought, that means that somewhere in the universe there exists the perfect form of the absolute and complete idiot and he left here an hour ago." - Matthew Gideon
posted @ Wed, Jun 21, 2006 9:20:48 am EDT from
So what are the guidelines for discussing the comic? I'm picking it up tonight after work, so I'll be ready to discuss it tomorrow, but I don't want to spoil it for anyone who can't get theirs right away. (Also, if someone were to pick it up this morning, I wouldn't want them to spoil it for me by posting about it this afternoon before I get my own copy.)
How long should we wait?
Phil - [p1anderson@go.com]
posted @ Wed, Jun 21, 2006 9:19:56 am EDT from
MAKHASU - It's probably also because a lot of people are en route to the Gathering and excited about it as well.
Todd Jensen
Gargoyles - did for monstrous-looking statues what "Watership Down" did for rabbits!
posted @ Wed, Jun 21, 2006 6:40:23 am EDT from
BattleBeast>>My condolences over the Hurricane Edmonton weathered. (I'm referring to losing the Stanley Cup finals, folks.)
Markhasu>> I guess everyone realizes that this the key moment in the development of the franchise. If the comic book goes bad, I'm afraid this saga is as dead as, say, TaleSpin.
Speaking of TaleSpin.
Jim Cummins is supposed to be at the Gathering, and I once read that he considered the air pirate Don Karnage to be one of his favorite roles; I gather he sees a lot of himself in that swashbuckler. If I were going to the Gathering, I would love to ask him:
*Whether he thinks that Karnage has the capacity to love anyone besides himself. In particular, it seemed that before the series Karange acted fatherly towards Kit Cloudkicker. Could Karange have ever really loved him?
*Whether he thinks that Kit could ever have loved Karnage.
He's not a writer, but obviously he worked heavily with the character, yesno?
I apologize for being OT. It's just that I find the, shall we say, *relationship* between Kit and Karnage has a fairly strong personal significance. Try not to read too much into that though, or you could get some rather wrong ideas about me ;-) It's a private thing I fear I can't explain.
JJ Gregarius
posted @ Wed, Jun 21, 2006 3:00:46 am EDT from
EEEeee! Gargoyles #1 comes out tomorrow! I'm practically hyperventilating over it. I'm bewildered by some of the lackluster responses to the series continuing. People just seem kind've... pleased but uninterested. I would've thought that the room would be buzzing about it.
Hedgecock - The biggest problems with your art is body proportions and consistency. If you could just work on those two things... the art would be so much better.
Whitbourne - "Even I, who hears that something is so many "heads high" and wonders what strange form of language that is." Every humanlike body is proportioned in art by how many heads high it is. Here's an example - http://www.polykarbon.com/tutorials/body/stick.htm
Makhasu - [aknellthatsummonsthee@yahoo.com]
"Shave my chest and call me baldy!" - Wolf
posted @ Wed, Jun 21, 2006 2:13:15 am EDT from
Greetings to everyone here. Thanks for having me.
I've been reading everyone's comments on the art side of the comic book issue. Thanks for the criticism and the kudos. I'm reading and paying attention and I want you all to know I'm dedicated to making this a book that Gargoyle fans want to pick up.
Believe me when I say that the Greg's don't let a page go by without comment and we're all working to make this a product that everyone will enjoy. Give me and Will (my amazing colorist) three issues. I swear we know what we're doing (sort of) and, along with the Greg's (who definitely know what they're doing) we're going to make you all happy fans.
Thanks again for having me. Looking forward to meeting a lot of you at the GARGOYLES CONVENTION this weekend. And don't forget-
GARGOYLES #1 is in comic stores TOMORROW! (6/21/06)
Hedgecock - [roosterpress@cox.net]
posted @ Tue, Jun 20, 2006 9:59:59 pm EDT from
Maybe Hedgecock just needs to develop a flow. A looooong time ago, back when I was reading X-Men, I do remember that they picked up one artist whose style was terrible for the first two issues, and then he got better. Let no one count their gargoyles before they're hatched.
Harvester of Eyes - [Minstrel75@gmail.com]
"It seems to me the only thing you've learned from my class is that Caesar is a salad dressing dude."
posted @ Tue, Jun 20, 2006 8:25:20 pm EDT from
King Cobra - "Okay, I guess I deserve that. Elevator, You, Me, avoid-ey.
But what happens if you get on an elevator that I am already on?"
*blink blink*
Er.... I meant that if you jumped (as in, up and down, or tried to create a one-man mosh pit) in an elevator whilst I am on it, I will hurt you. o.O;; That really wasn't intended to come off as, "If you and I end up in the same elevator, I will eat your face." :P
Whoopsie. XD
The Sadistic Cow - [midnightfantasia [at] hotmail.com]
Can you hear how the children weep? Chills of fear, like a sawblade cutting deep... - Lordi
posted @ Tue, Jun 20, 2006 7:49:59 pm EDT from
Shara> Thanks and ditto.
KingCobra_582 - [KingCobra_582@hotmail.com]
posted @ Tue, Jun 20, 2006 7:45:34 pm EDT from
KingCobra_582>*L* your going to have alot of fun. Its like a big family and this is probally to me one of of my fav conventions. I like comic con because you get free junk, however the gathering was my fav due to the fact everyone is nice and knows everyone and your never without a friend. Cant wait to meet you.
Shara - [jeanie54_2000@yahoo.com]
posted @ Tue, Jun 20, 2006 7:30:20 pm EDT from
Tomorrow the first issue of the comic comes out - and let's all hope that David's artwork won't give it a premature death.
Todd Jensen
Gargoyles - did for monstrous-looking statues what "Watership Down" did for rabbits!
posted @ Tue, Jun 20, 2006 7:22:01 pm EDT from
Have fun at the Gathering everyone! I wish I could have gone...
Purplegoldfish - [Skydragonn@aol.com]
posted @ Tue, Jun 20, 2006 6:54:19 pm EDT from
TSC> Okay, I guess I deserve that. Elevator, You, Me, avoid-ey.
But what happens if you get on an elevator that I am already on?
KingCobra_582 - [KingCobra_582@hotmail.com]
posted @ Tue, Jun 20, 2006 4:43:07 pm EDT from
Yay, I'm done with school today and my summer starts off with the gathering, this is gonna be great
MDY> That sux. Is it possible for you to get a refund. I remember I had tickets to an Angles game and than I couldn't go. (Damn, they were good seats too)
TSC> Not that I need to know but, what exactly happened to you in an elevator if you don't mind me asking.
Warcrafter - [grafixfangamer1@sbcglobal.net]
If George Bush had Dick Cheney's first name, his name would be Dick Bush, and I'd tell you I'd listen to a lot more of his speeches.
posted @ Tue, Jun 20, 2006 3:59:48 pm EDT from
King Cobra - With or without warning, if you jump in an elevator with me AT ALL, I will hurt you. Your shins will feel much pain. :P Or, you know, I could be really secretive on where I will actually strike, so you'd be on your toes about just what part of you I will be targeting.
Neener, neener, neener. :P
The Sadistic Cow - [midnightfantasia [at] hotmail.com]
Rock 'n roll angels bring thine Hard Rock Hallelujah! Demons and angels all in one have arrived. - Lordi
posted @ Tue, Jun 20, 2006 3:18:48 pm EDT from
TSC> Remind me, if we ever meet at the same Gathering, not to jump in an elevator with you w/o warning. :P
Shara> Heh, I wanted to go to the Vegas one, but my scumbag roomie at the time had to hoard all my money. *growls and eyes flare* This year's is gonna be my first Gathering, and I'm looking forward to A) all the neat people I'm gonna meet, B) Doing all the fun stuff I plan to do (MGT3K, and Radio Play, among others), and C) Meeting/getting pictures taken with at least some of the big names there, i.e. Greg, Thom, Jeff, and Keith.
Bought a notebook last night to keep a detailed account of my Gathering experience which I will be re-writing word-for-word when I get home, in my LJ, my website, and (obviously) Ask Greg.
Boy, are my fingers gonna hurt. :)
KingCobra_582 - [KingCobra_582@hotmail.com]
posted @ Tue, Jun 20, 2006 2:09:04 pm EDT from
Whoohoo - have found a UK online shop that will order me the comic :)
Boohoo - we bought tickets for this years Gathering at last years con in Vegas - only we can't afford to actually get there :(
Ah well - just the way things work out sometimes..
posted @ Tue, Jun 20, 2006 1:22:47 pm EDT from
Patrick>Hehe welcome to the land of craziness *points at california* :P
KingCobra_582>Hehe my first gathering was last year at the vegas one. I had so much fun. It was as much fun as ridding a water buffalo naked. Ok ive never done that *L* but yes I had a huge amount of fun.
Shara - [jeanie54_2000@yahoo.com]
posted @ Tue, Jun 20, 2006 12:45:36 pm EDT from
Yes, I have arrived in beautiful, um... :: looks out the window :: ...hazy Southern California.
3 days left until The Gathering 2006 in Valencia, California!
Patrick - [<-- The Gathering 2006]
"We have so little to do and so much time! Wait. Scratch that, reverse it." - Willy Wonka (Gene Wilder)
posted @ Tue, Jun 20, 2006 10:39:16 am EDT from
King Cobra - "How much fun was it for you at your 1st Gathering?"
F is for Fantastic. U is for Underestimating the neat stuff. And N is for Not knowing wtf to do half the time and Not knowing where the hell I was going, thus following a select few people around like a dog.
Though when I think about it, I could have done without Leo jumping in the elevator. I think next year I am finally going to kick him in the shin for that. :P
(Fair warning to you, Leo... you have ALL YEAR to anticipate my vengeance. Muahahaha. ;) )
The Sadistic Cow - [midnightfantasia [at] hotmail.com]
Rock 'n roll angels bring thine Hard Rock Hallelujah! Demons and angels all in one have arrived. - Lordi
posted @ Mon, Jun 19, 2006 9:54:04 pm EDT from
TSC> 4 days to go, and counting.
How much fun was it for you at your 1st Gathering?
KingCobra_582 - [KingCobra_582@hotmail.com]
posted @ Mon, Jun 19, 2006 9:14:17 pm EDT from
Warcrafter - *looks around warily* Best not to tempt the fates, my dear. They can be finnicky.
(Though as the tale goes, Kevin got banninated. And whilst I like the comfort of having faith in the Admins/Powers That Be, I ain't gonna say nothin' further on this just in case Fate, or Karma, or the weird way people show up just after you mention them decides to slap me in the face for it later.)
I wanna go to the Gathering! >.< But, as they say, patience is a virtue - I can wait for next year, when I'll actually have the funds to be able to go. Provided, of course, that I can keep my itchy fingers from touching the money I am putting away for it. *gets out a ruler, just in case*
Hope everyone who goes this year has a blast.
The Sadistic Cow - [midnightfantasia [at] hotmail.com]
Rock 'n roll angels bring thine Hard Rock Hallelujah! Demons and angels all in one have arrived. - Lordi
posted @ Mon, Jun 19, 2006 9:09:59 pm EDT from
Todd: A bit late now, but for some reason, as I was reading the "Narn I Hin Hurin" while I waited for two hours at the DMV, that line really jumped out at me. Perhaps you've pointed out the reason for that. I like that parallel better than the Demona/Darth Vader parallel (namely doing what you thought was right, but your actions bringing about what you tried to prevent). Mainly because I don't like it when things remind me of the prequels.
Warcrafter: I think mentioning a troll's name like that is worse than saying Egon Pax. Egon Pax. ( ;
Patrick: I take it then that you arrived in California without incident?
Harvester of Eyes - [Minstrel75@gmail.com]
"It seems to me the only thing you've learned from my class is that Caesar is a salad dressing dude."
posted @ Mon, Jun 19, 2006 9:01:51 pm EDT from
PATRICK - Thanks. So they're named more after the fishing technique (though the other original meaning of the word obviously helps here).
Todd Jensen
Gargoyles - did for monstrous-looking statues what "Watership Down" did for rabbits!
posted @ Mon, Jun 19, 2006 8:15:24 pm EDT from
Speaking of "troll", has anyone else noticed that Kevin hasn't made a post in a while like he did none stop. Hm...maybe I shouldn't of mentioned this.
Warcrafter - [grafixfangamer1@sbcglobal.net]
If George Bush had Dick Cheney's first name, his name would be Dick Bush, and I'd tell you I'd listen to a lot more of his speeches.
posted @ Mon, Jun 19, 2006 7:54:05 pm EDT from
Todd - read here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_troll
Patrick - [<-- The Gathering 2006]
"We have so little to do and so much time! Wait. Scratch that, reverse it." - Willy Wonka (Gene Wilder)
posted @ Mon, Jun 19, 2006 7:48:08 pm EDT from
This is off-topic, but is there any reason why the specific term for a poorly-behaved person on the Internet is "troll"? As in, what specific reason is there for their being called trolls as opposed to something else (aside from the fact that the original trolls of legend were also unpleasant and unpopular)?
Todd Jensen
Gargoyles - did for monstrous-looking statues what "Watership Down" did for rabbits!
posted @ Mon, Jun 19, 2006 7:05:00 pm EDT from
Three long days, and I'll be heading to California. Need to start figuring what supplies I should take and how to pack my stuff.
posted @ Mon, Jun 19, 2006 6:51:14 pm EDT from
Gore/Seth/Wingless> on the off-chance any of you spot this post, please send me an email ASAP. Thanks!
Vashkoda - [vashkoda@glaringdream.org]
D2 <can I have it?>
posted @ Mon, Jun 19, 2006 12:28:58 pm EDT from
"please don't disregard the art of a comic book as trivial or unimportant."
I don't... I mena, I can't stand the look of the Original X-Men comic, but I read it because it's interesting, old-school and camp.
Battle Beast - [Canada]
posted @ Mon, Jun 19, 2006 9:53:36 am EDT from
I'm heading to California today. Let the last-minute chaos begin!
4 days left until The Gathering 2006 in Valencia, California!
Patrick - [<-- The Gathering 2006]
"We have so little to do and so much time! Wait. Scratch that, reverse it." - Willy Wonka (Gene Wilder)
posted @ Mon, Jun 19, 2006 5:46:06 am EDT from
And away we go!
Vinnie - [tpeano29@hotmail.com]
Remember the old Gargoyles comics!
posted @ Mon, Jun 19, 2006 4:27:21 am EDT from
10th in the name of good stepmothers!!
Whatever happenned to simplicity?
posted @ Mon, Jun 19, 2006 3:31:42 am EDT from
Ninth! Woo!
Christine - [<--- pre-order the Grimorum Anthology here!]
posted @ Mon, Jun 19, 2006 2:11:44 am EDT from
Harvester : Now you're the one creeping me out. I was just re-reading the Narn three days ago, and was considering using that line as my signature.
Why do people always use sports metephors when they want you to do somthing stupid? - David Swaine
posted @ Mon, Jun 19, 2006 1:31:30 am EDT from
Seventh! ^_^
"Why does he have to kill them to prove his point? Can't he just show them a pie chart or something?" --Tom Servo
posted @ Mon, Jun 19, 2006 1:01:44 am EDT from
Makhasu - [aknellthatsummonsthee@yahoo.com]
posted @ Mon, Jun 19, 2006 12:15:14 am EDT from
Fifth, in the name of me and Chameleongirl! ^_^
Kythera of Anevern - [<-- New Art]
I do not suffer fools, gladly or otherwise.
posted @ Mon, Jun 19, 2006 12:07:02 am EDT from
posted @ Mon, Jun 19, 2006 12:04:41 am EDT from
Warcrafter - [grafixfangamer1@sbcglobal.net]
If George Bush had Dick Cheney's first name, his name would be Dick Bush, and I'd tell you I'd listen to a lot more of his speeches.
posted @ Mon, Jun 19, 2006 12:01:19 am EDT from
damn, alright 2nd i guess, you got lucky
Warcrafter - [grafixfangamer1@sbcglobal.net]
If George Bush had Dick Cheney's first name, his name would be Dick Bush, and I'd tell you I'd listen to a lot more of his speeches.
posted @ Mon, Jun 19, 2006 12:00:58 am EDT from
Wingless beat me! XD
Second then. :P
The Sadistic Cow - [midnightfantasia [at] hotmail.com]
Rock 'n roll angels bring thine Hard Rock Hallelujah! Demons and angels all in one have arrived. - Lordi
posted @ Mon, Jun 19, 2006 12:00:53 am EDT from
The Sadistic Cow - [midnightfantasia [at] hotmail.com]
Rock 'n roll angels bring thine Hard Rock Hallelujah! Demons and angels all in one have arrived. - Lordi
posted @ Mon, Jun 19, 2006 12:00:31 am EDT from
It's been a while
posted @ Mon, Jun 19, 2006 12:00:15 am EDT from