/me tries something new
Um, zeroeth?
Vid the Kid
Does this font make me look fat?
posted @ Sun, May 6, 2007 11:59:32 pm EDT from
A Station Eight Fan Web Site
/me tries something new
Um, zeroeth?
Vid the Kid
Does this font make me look fat?
posted @ Sun, May 6, 2007 11:59:32 pm EDT from
I think in a lot of the fights, the Gargoyles get lucky because the bad guy isn't the smartest or makes a mistake.
TiniTinyTony - [tinitinytony at hotmail dot com]
"My strength has never depended on brute force, but on true friends. - Goliath
posted @ Sun, May 6, 2007 11:58:58 pm EDT from
Actually, I've always thought the fights were a little biased, towards making the opponents in battle against the gargoyles weaker. The only reason that the steel and iron clans don't beat the gargoyles is the intelligence issue. In a one-on-one battle, if an steel/iron clan robot was actively guided by remote control and fought against a gargoyle, depending on the experience level of the person using the remote control, I would say the fight would be even or the advantage would be given to the robot. In the fight between Dingo in armor vs Goliath, hands down, Goliath should lose. Same thing with Jackal. Hyena's insanity might be enough to cause her to make mistakes in fighting Goliath so that he might win.
As far as Demona goes, given her years of experience, if she could keep a cool head throughout a battle, she shouldn't lose or even tie in a fight against Elisa. An interesting fight would be Hyena vs Demona.
Whatever happenned to simplicity?
posted @ Sun, May 6, 2007 11:14:03 pm EDT from
HoE: i was never very satisfied with fights between gargoyles that we have seen so far. Maybe, without the restrictions of disney and tv rules, Greg can do a gargoyles fight so much better. Demona is too fierce she HAS to spread some blood with those claws and fangs of hers ...yeah im a bloody girl.
Pero vooo so loco vite?
posted @ Sun, May 6, 2007 9:18:03 pm EDT from
Keith David spottings: Narrator for "Comic Book Superheroes Unmasked" on The History Channel; playing an Army drill instructor in the coming to theaters and then going directly to discount DVD flick "Delta Farce" will Bill "Here's your sign!" Engvall and Larry the Cable Guy.
47 days left until The Gathering 2007 in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee!
11 days left until Gargoyles #4 is available.
Patrick - [<-- The Gathering 2007]
"When you work with handcuffs as long as I have, you pick up a few tricks." - Elisa Maza, "Double Jeopardy"
posted @ Sun, May 6, 2007 7:35:21 pm EDT from
Demon@: If Greg could find a way to make it interesting, yeah. We've already seen them spar before.
Harvester of Eyes - [Minstrel75 at gmail dot com]
"But see? That's what I'm talking about. Now Venture will send Samson after the rest of us and he'll go totally sickhouse on our asses! I like my ass, gentlemen." -The Monarch
posted @ Sun, May 6, 2007 7:30:28 pm EDT from
Oh, a nice fight between Demona and Thailog would be awesome
Pero vooo so loco vite?
posted @ Sun, May 6, 2007 6:16:51 pm EDT from
Matt: I kinda like that idea. Thailog strikes me as being practical, if nothing else. And he did invest quite a bit in the clones. Just like he invested quite a bit into forming Nightstone. And both are too useful to abandon completely.
Harvester of Eyes - [Minstrel75 at gmail dot com]
"But see? That's what I'm talking about. Now Venture will send Samson after the rest of us and he'll go totally sickhouse on our asses! I like my ass, gentlemen." -The Monarch
posted @ Sun, May 6, 2007 1:54:31 pm EDT from
*Chirp, chirp, chirp, chirp*
Vinnie - [tpeano29 at hotmail dot com]
Remember the old Gargoyles comics!
posted @ Sun, May 6, 2007 12:35:40 pm EDT from
Thank you, TTT. Boy do I feel silly.
Greg B. > I can't find the Gargoyles series or Gargoyles pages on the Wiki. All I can find are episode descriptions. Is that what you meant, or (as it is more likely) am I just incapable of finding the pages? Thanks for your help.
Samuel - [AnglOfHellO at AOL dot com]
"Like we breathe." -Hudson
posted @ Sun, May 6, 2007 12:54:39 am EDT from
Anyone know what Amanda Conner and Grant Miehm are up to nowadays?
posted @ Sat, May 5, 2007 11:43:23 pm EDT from
Todd, here's another question that's already been asked:
<<Jonny Modlin writes...
Hi Greg,
When will Buena Vista Home Entertainment/Walt Disney Home Entertainment inform the sales for Gargoyles Season 1 and Season 2, Volume 1 on DVD to see if they will release Season 2, Volume 2 on DVD that I waited for a long time, so that I can complete the entire series? When will Buena Vista Home Entertainment/Walt Disney Home Entertainment announce the release of Gargoyles Season 2, Volume 2 on DVD? On Monday, April 9, 2007, Amazon.com has sold out the copies of Gargoyles Season 2, Volume 1 on DVD and it says ships within 6-9 days because the Gargoyles fans spread the word to other fans about buying the currently available DVD's. Can you please ask Walt Disney Home Entertainment/Buena Vista Home Entertainment to take a look at the numbers for Gargoyles Season 1 and Season 2, Volume 1? Has Gargoyles Season 1 and Season 2, Volume 1 sold well on DVD now for them to release Season 2, Volume 2 on DVD that I am waiting for a long time to complete the entire series of Gargoyles? Thank you.>>
And here's an answer Greg has given:
<< I'd love to get at least the second half of Season Two. But right now, I don't even have a liason at BVHE . (There's been quite a bit of turnover there over the years.)>>
And here's another answer you could use, this one was even in response to the same guy:
<<Guys, don't you think I'd tell you (SCREAM IT LOUDLY) if I had ANY news at all?
I don't have a phone number either, believe it or not. At the moment, I don't even have an e-mail address, because my previous contact on the project at BVHE has been reassigned, and she hasn't been able to tell me who has taken over. I'm glad you've been patient, Jonny, but believe me, I have NOT been patient. But I've made no progress. I'm hoping that will change. But I have no new info at this time. I promise to keep everyone posted, both here and in "ETCHED IN STONE".>>
Vaevictis Asmadi
posted @ Sat, May 5, 2007 11:28:59 pm EDT from
I'm on my sister's computer so forgive the appearance of this response, but Todd hasn't answered and the question was driving me crazy so I looked up the answer in the archives: "Demona is Hudson's ROOKERY DAUGHTER. They're not biologically related (or if they are it's pretty distant). Angela is Hudson's rookery granddaughter. No biological relationship there either. Broadway is both Hudson's rookery son AND his biological son, although the latter relationship is of no import to anyone except gargoyle fans. Therefore no biological relationship between Broadway and Angela."
posted @ Sat, May 5, 2007 11:08:18 pm EDT from
Say, Todd:
Here's a question in the Queue which has already been answered, that you could take care of:
<<Anonymous writes...
Since Hudson is the father of both Demona and Broadway, wouldn't Broadway and Angela's relationship be incest?>>
Vaevictis Asmadi
posted @ Sat, May 5, 2007 6:54:56 pm EDT from
Maybe Thailog wants and needs his clones to use to retake Nightstone from Demona...
Matt - [St Louis, Missouri, USA]
"Let this mark the beginning of a Golden Age, between all our clans, both Human and Gargoyle!!!" -Macbeth, "City of Stone"
posted @ Sat, May 5, 2007 4:49:24 pm EDT from
Thailog> I'm glad that Thailog's been slated for issues #3-9. Hmmm, I'm intrigued as to what Greg has planned for him beyond issue #6. It would be interesting to see his fact view on the Quarrymen; I'm sure he could and will find a way to work their threat to his advantage. I doubt that they would give destroying him a second thought though - a gargoyle is a gargoyle to them regardless of whether he is a clone or not.
What I would like to see is how Thailog deals with Demona and his half of Nightstone. I would have thought getting Nightstone back in his hands would have been his no. 1 priority as opposed to collecting his clone army and concubine. If he's collecting the clones because he views them as his property then shouldn't Nightstone be his property that he should be collecting too?
I feel kinda silly asking this but...
On page 10 of issue 3 in the second panel, Goliath says "I know you have been reluctant to have this conversation"
But who is saying "Because I didn't want to hurt you"? Is it Elisa? At first I thought that Goliath said it (which didn't really make any sense to me) but upon recent readings I been starting to think that Elisa is saying it.
********end spoilers*********
Brigadoon Traveller
posted @ Sat, May 5, 2007 4:24:06 pm EDT from
Yes, I agree. Do you think that we won't see the Quarrymen at all for #4 - #9? We saw them in #1 & #2, and their leader in #3, so what do you think?
TiniTinyTony - [tinitinytony at hotmail dot com]
"My strength has never depended on brute force, but on true friends. - Goliath
posted @ Sat, May 5, 2007 2:58:18 pm EDT from
TONY> Thailog would team up with the Manhattan Clan if it benefitted him. Not just for a shallow team up story. He's not a fool.
But keep in mind, Thailog, not the Quarrymen, is the main villain for "season 3". I think Thailog is more likely to figure out a way to use the Quarrymen threat to his own advantage.
We'll see.
Greg Bishansky - [<---- The 11th Annual Gathering of the Gargoyles]
"Star Wars is adolescent nonsense," - Harlan Ellison
posted @ Sat, May 5, 2007 11:59:07 am EDT from
I guess "became good" was a bad word choice. What I meant is that Xanatas became kind towards the Manhattan Clan. I was suggesting a hypothetical below wondering if Thailog has the capacity, because of his intelligence, to become kind towards the Manhattan Clan. I think it would be cool to see them team up against some Quarrymen.
TiniTinyTony - [tinitinytony at hotmail dot com]
"My strength has never depended on brute force, but on true friends. - Goliath
posted @ Sat, May 5, 2007 11:53:56 am EDT from
Ooops, I mean he *now* "feels kindly" toward the Clan, and won't actively harm them.
But Greg has said he has no intentions to take the character in the same direction that TGC did.
Vaevictis Asmadi
posted @ Sat, May 5, 2007 11:46:15 am EDT from
Xanatos hasn't become "good." As Greg has stated in his responses, Xanatos not "feels kindly" toward the Manhattan Clan and isn't interested in hurting them anymore, but he feels free to use them and isn't about to stop any of his other scheming.
Vaevictis Asmadi
posted @ Sat, May 5, 2007 11:44:58 am EDT from
Tony> Xanatos never "became good". Ending his feud with Goliath is not the same as becoming "good". That's a rather two dimensional way of looking at things. This isn't Star Wars where characters are either good or bad, this series is full of shades of grey. Xanatos's shade is still darker than most.
He's still a ruthless, amoral industrialist. He's still after immortality, and, you watch, he'll still use the gargoyles to his own advantage.
"Plus shouldn't Thailog hate Quarrymen too because he's vulnerable during the day? As they say, my enemies' enemy is my friend..."
Who says he doesn't?
Greg Bishansky - [<---- The 11th Annual Gathering of the Gargoyles]
"Star Wars is adolescent nonsense," - Harlan Ellison
posted @ Sat, May 5, 2007 11:44:47 am EDT from
Harvester of Eyes> I agree that Lucas didn't do much to give his characters depth. He has said himself that he's a visual storyteller and has been quoted in just telling the actors to "act" with little direction. So whatever depth that was brought to the screen was done so by the actors, that's why Hayden Christensen gets so much flack because Lucas didn't give him much to work with, and he came off very bland to say the least.
Anyway, enough of Star Wars, concerning Gargoyles I'm glad to hear about Thailog's involvement and I can't wait to see what motives are driving him. Since Xanatas isn't really the main enemy anymore, it's good to see that someone with his intelligence level is. Plus he has Goliath's strength which also makes him bad ass. Eventually Xanatas became good (which may be an act for now), will Thailog ultimately realize that he may want to be good too?
Plus shouldn't Thailog hate Quarrymen too because he's vulnerable during the day? As they say, my enemies' enemy is my friend...
TiniTinyTony - [tinitinytony at hotmail dot com]
"My strength has never depended on brute force, but on true friends. - Goliath
posted @ Sat, May 5, 2007 11:35:01 am EDT from
Tony: <the story of the fall and eventual rise of the Jedi along with the fall and eventual rise of the Republic is a great story, told a million times by millions of different people in different cultures just in this instance it's being told from a different perspective from a different galaxy far far away.>
Yeah, but they're generally told by people who can give characters depth instead of just slapping broad archetypes on everything. I know that archetypes are in every story, but one can still give their characters depth. And they're also done by people who know how to motivate actors and aren't writing scripts with dollar signs in their heads.
I am seriously interested in hearing why feel the plot to Episode I is so solid. My cousin and I can never agree on this. He defends the prequels vehemently, always has, always will. Feel free to e-mail it to me if you want.
Greg B: Do you have a link to any articles where Sam Raimi discusses his dislike of Venom? I'd like to check one out.
Harvester of Eyes - [Minstrel75 at gmail dot com]
"And he's ridin' around on that glider thing, and he's throwin' that weird pumpkin bomb. Yes, he's wearin' that dumb Power Rangers mask, but he's scarier without it on!" -Ode to a Superhero (sung to "Piano Man")
posted @ Sat, May 5, 2007 9:51:24 am EDT from
(Adored Spider-man 3. That is all.)
I can't decide if I like Thailog or not. I hate how ubersmart he is, villains that need to show how bad-ass they are by making other villains look dumb bother me... but he's sort of interesting in a way I suppose. I guess I came to like Elisa and Goliath, so I suppose Thailog might grow on me as well.
posted @ Sat, May 5, 2007 2:43:23 am EDT from
Greg B> Patrick Starr is Bill F's character on Spongebob.
KingCobra_582 - [KingCobra_582 at hotmail dot com]
'Ignore Me!' - Venture Bros.
posted @ Sat, May 5, 2007 2:12:03 am EDT from
B&CF> Who's Patrick Starr? I never heard of him.
And Greg never said any movie would only have one gargoyle, just that there were treatments for the movie years ago that only had one gargoyle.
Greg Bishansky - [<---- The 11th Annual Gathering of the Gargoyles]
Scientology, you may have won THIS battle, but the million-year war for Earth has just begun! Temporarily anozinizing our episode will NOT stop us from keeping Thetans forever trapped in your pitiful man-bodies. Curses and drat! You have obstructed us for now, but your feeble bid to save humanity will fail! Hail Xenu!!! -- Trey Parker and Matt Stone, servants of the dark lord Xenu
posted @ Sat, May 5, 2007 2:02:01 am EDT from
re: Movie
I thought it was pretty much a given that to make the movie feasable, we would only see one gargoyle--Goliath. Didn't Greg Weisman himself say that?
G. Bishansky> "We love Thom, Jeff, Bill and the rest, but most of the general public has no idea who they are." Lots of people, and especially those that would go to see a Gargoyles movie, know who Bill Faggerbakke is, or would easily pick out the voice. Hello? Patrick Star???
As for "big names", we're not talking a franchise like Batman or Superman, etc. I seriously doubt they would sink a ton of money into getting several big names. And look at the Pixar films. Outside of these movies, off the top of your head name another role John Ratzenberger (who I believe has had a role in every one) has played other than Cliff Clavin. ((Interesting. As an aside, he was in the TV movie "Goliath Awaits" (1981). And was in Empire Strikes Back--I did not know that))
Blaqthourne & Crimson Fury
Music Selection: Star Trek III The Search for Spock OST
posted @ Sat, May 5, 2007 1:28:48 am EDT from
Harvester of Eyes> I know every ones disdain for the prequels, and I respect your opinion. I'm also not above taking criticism for my likes and dislikes, and I usually laugh when other people make fun of Star Wars. That link was quite humorous, and if I drank to get drunk then I'd definitely play. Maybe if I was still in college I'd bring it up as a possible thing to do one night.
On a side note, in college, my friend hated listening to Jar Jar so during Episode 1 I would mute the TV whenever Jar Jar spoke. And at the end where the piece droid get tangled with Jar Jar's foot, I "muted" so well that you heard all three blasts from the gun, but you didn't hear Jar Jar as he tried to break free. Jaws dropped. Some would view that as sad. I take pride in it.
And I won't defend Lucas to the death. There are a lot of things that he did I was disappointed in. I look at some of the lightsaber duels and then I look at some of the stuff they pulled off in "FFVII: Advent Children", and I wish the choreographer for that could have given Star Wars's Nick Gillard some tips.
But all lightsabers aside, the story of the fall and eventual rise of the Jedi along with the fall and eventual rise of the Republic is a great story, told a million times by millions of different people in different cultures just in this instance it's being told from a different perspective from a different galaxy far far away.
The lessons to be learned in all six films are pertinent today as they were 30 days go, 30 weeks ago, or even 30 years ago. These movies are timeless even though we may not always agree at the approach that was taken to tell them. May the force be with you.
TiniTinyTony - [tinitinytony at hotmail dot com]
"My strength has never depended on brute force, but on true friends. - Goliath
posted @ Sat, May 5, 2007 1:14:16 am EDT from
Tony: <My thoughts on Ep VI ROTJ: It has been labelled a muppet movie my most, but I enjoy it for two reasons, a) Luke is the closest thing to a Jedi that we get for the original movies, and b) it ties up all the loose ends where Anakin brings balance back to the force, Han & Leia get together, and peace is restored to the galaxy. It's the needed bookend to the solid plot of Ep I: TPM.>
On that last remark, I just have to say: it's clear from the get-go that in Episode I, George Lucas spends most of the movie appealing to the Lowest Common Denominator. Hell, he destroys the spirituality of the Force. It's caused by a parasite in your blood. Darth Maul... was there to sell tickets. Qui-Gon... was there to be arrogant and die. Jar-Jar was an embarrassing stain (and amazingly, George Lucas can't understand why everyone utterly loathes Jar-Jar). The Podrace was there solely for Lucasarts to make a game. The script to that movie was driven entirely by merchandising.
And if by solid plot you mean rehashing what he did in Episode VI (simultaneous lightsaber fight/space battle/gun battle), then yeah. The plot was very solid. The whole Trade Federation blockade thing was so solid, George Lucas didn't lift it out of my 8th Grade History book. I especially liked how George Lucas deliberately tried to be clever (such as when Palpatine tells Anakin, "We will be following your progress with great interest").
Tony, I'm doing this because I want to help you. Please accept this gift:
Harvester of Eyes - [Minstrel75 at gmail dot com]
"I've never won an Oscar." -George Lucas
posted @ Fri, May 4, 2007 11:10:30 pm EDT from
Spider-man 2 had a better balance and was a true superhero movie -- Peter Parker's inner battle, which was a joy to watch as well as the action.
Spider-man 3 had every ones inner/outer battles with themselves/each other and like you said in your review was probably too much for one film. I thought three bad guys in one film was going to be good, but then again like I said, it didn't live up to the hype.
TiniTinyTony - [tinitinytony at hotmail dot com]
"My strength has never depended on brute force, but on true friends. - Goliath
posted @ Fri, May 4, 2007 9:19:27 pm EDT from
Your complaint was that the movie was too crowded, not too deep. And you're right, it was too crowded.
But, I will take deep over shallow any day. The Spider-Man comics have always, at their best, been more about the character drama than the "slug fests".
Greg Bishansky - [<---- The 11th Annual Gathering of the Gargoyles]
Scientology, you may have won THIS battle, but the million-year war for Earth has just begun! Temporarily anozinizing our episode will NOT stop us from keeping Thetans forever trapped in your pitiful man-bodies. Curses and drat! You have obstructed us for now, but your feeble bid to save humanity will fail! Hail Xenu!!! -- Trey Parker and Matt Stone, servants of the dark lord Xenu
posted @ Fri, May 4, 2007 9:06:34 pm EDT from
***Possible Spider-man 3 Spoiler Discussion***
I know the movie is rated PG-13 and intended for 13 year olds and above. But you're talking about multiple characters deep overwhelming desires and not making the movie entertaining enough. Peter's desire to put MJ first, but also wanting to be the hero, but then he does a 180 when affected by Venom, and then back to where he started after he saves the day; Mary Jane's desire to be with Peter, perform on stage the rest of her life, and live in balance with Peter; Harry's desire to avenge his father, and be with MJ, but then all of sudden his desire goes 180 to the good side, and he dies for it; Sandman's desire to get money to save his daughter, but also the desire to kill Spider-man to do so, even though he's supposed to be a good guy and killed Ben by accident; Venom's desire to kill Spider-man/Peter and practically commits suicide (whether he survives I guess will be seen if a 4 is made); and finally and least importantly, Gwen's desire to hot shit.
So you have ALL that going on, which covers most of the drama. Now it's Raimi's job to try to make the movie entertaining with action, adventure, suspense, humor, web swinging, sand storming, hoverboard flying, and his own personal style.
So the drama was easy to follow but I think it was too deep and overwhelming to be able to enjoy the rest of the film.
I thought it was a good film overall, but there wasn't a good balance of character desire, and the desire to entertain.
***End Spoiler Discussion***
TiniTinyTony - [tinitinytony at hotmail dot com]
"My strength has never depended on brute force, but on true friends. - Goliath
posted @ Fri, May 4, 2007 9:01:23 pm EDT from
PATRICK> Trust me, I'm not complaining. Greg always said Thailog was going to be the next Big Bad... yet, for some reason, some people assumed the Quarrymen were his next Big Bads. Well, it's Thailog. Can't wait.
Greg Bishansky - [<---- The 11th Annual Gathering of the Gargoyles]
Scientology, you may have won THIS battle, but the million-year war for Earth has just begun! Temporarily anozinizing our episode will NOT stop us from keeping Thetans forever trapped in your pitiful man-bodies. Curses and drat! You have obstructed us for now, but your feeble bid to save humanity will fail! Hail Xenu!!! -- Trey Parker and Matt Stone, servants of the dark lord Xenu
posted @ Fri, May 4, 2007 8:29:54 pm EDT from
How many consecutive issues did Lex Luthor appear in "Superman"? The Joker in "Batman"? The Green Goblin in "Spiderman"?
Bet the answer to one or more of those is more than seven.
Patrick - [<-- The Gathering 2007]
"I am Lord Vader, and I do not need a tray to kill you." - Eddie Izzard
posted @ Fri, May 4, 2007 8:27:21 pm EDT from
TONY> What do you mean, "too deep"?
Greg Bishansky - [<---- The 11th Annual Gathering of the Gargoyles]
Scientology, you may have won THIS battle, but the million-year war for Earth has just begun! Temporarily anozinizing our episode will NOT stop us from keeping Thetans forever trapped in your pitiful man-bodies. Curses and drat! You have obstructed us for now, but your feeble bid to save humanity will fail! Hail Xenu!!! -- Trey Parker and Matt Stone, servants of the dark lord Xenu
posted @ Fri, May 4, 2007 8:17:27 pm EDT from
Under Features at the bottom of the page, click Release Schedule. Above is the direct link to that page that I have bookmarked.
Spider-man 3 was a good movie, but didn't live up to the hype. It was almost too deep to enjoy completely as an action hero movie.
TiniTinyTony - [tinitinytony at hotmail dot com]
"My strength has never depended on brute force, but on true friends. - Goliath
posted @ Fri, May 4, 2007 8:16:25 pm EDT from
Greg just revealed that Thailog is set to appear in issues three through nine. Seven issues in a row, that's a lot of Thailog.
Samuel> I don't understand what you're talking about, the comic and the show both have separate pages on the GargWiki.
Greg Bishansky - [<---- The 11th Annual Gathering of the Gargoyles]
Scientology, you may have won THIS battle, but the million-year war for Earth has just begun! Temporarily anozinizing our episode will NOT stop us from keeping Thetans forever trapped in your pitiful man-bodies. Curses and drat! You have obstructed us for now, but your feeble bid to save humanity will fail! Hail Xenu!!! -- Trey Parker and Matt Stone, servants of the dark lord Xenu
posted @ Fri, May 4, 2007 8:14:50 pm EDT from
Gr. I must be suffering from some kind of mental deffeciency, because I am completely unable to find the release date for G4 on slgcomic.com. Their "Upcoming Products" page lists one item, and when I did a search for Gargoyles #4, it only showed me the first three. Can someone explain to me how to navigate their site so I can see the upcoming release dates?
Also, on the GargWiki, I think the cartoon series should have its own page, as well as the comic series. For people who aren't as familiar to the series, it may prove more welcoming. Nothing super-detailed, just something like: /Gargoyles/ was a cartoon series in the mid '90's .... blahblahblah. Y'know? Or does that just seem like a waste of time?
Samuel - [AnglOfHellO at AOL dot com]
"Like we breathe." -Hudson
posted @ Fri, May 4, 2007 8:09:11 pm EDT from
I just read the FireFox News article that... (someone) posted. (sorry, I can't remember who...) It was good. I had no idea that Gargoyles had been continuously on the air since its premiere. That's amazing.
Matt: I can't wait for number four either. Or the Gathering location. If it's close enough to Maryland, I might be able to go! That would be exciting. :)
Samuel - [AnglOfHellO at AOL dot com]
"Like we breathe." -Hudson
posted @ Fri, May 4, 2007 7:37:13 pm EDT from
*twiddles thumbs and patiently waits for Gargoyles #4 and the Gathering '08 announcement...*
Matt - [St Louis, Missouri, USA]
"Let this mark the beginning of a Golden Age, between all our clans, both Human and Gargoyle!!!" -Macbeth, "City of Stone"
posted @ Fri, May 4, 2007 6:20:37 pm EDT from
Non Garg news: Disney has announced release of Darkwing Duck-Vol.2. another 27 episodes on 3 discs. Due August 7th. Here's the lowdown and list of episodes:
That's all for now.
posted @ Fri, May 4, 2007 3:27:22 pm EDT from
**Quote from Interview with Greg Weisman**
But if you're asking will we eventually, again, given enough issues, as long as SLG or someone else keeps me going, then eventually, I'll just keep on going. Eventually we'll do Gargoyles 2198, we'll do Dark Ages, we'll do New Olympians, we'll do the Banshee spin-off.
This quote is from an older interview:
However, with the success of the new Gargoyles comic, the spinoff has a breand new shot at life. If it sells, then Gargoyles: Pendragon is next in line, followed by Gargoyles: Timedancer. Longtime fans are already drooling. For those new to the fandom, Pendragon follows the adventures of King Arthur in the modern world, while Timedancer is the story of a gargoyle lost in time who finds himself along his journey.
Interesting stuff
**End Quotes**
I got a call from Acxiom this morning about employment. I really hope it pans out.
Whatever happenned to simplicity?
posted @ Fri, May 4, 2007 11:26:28 am EDT from
Well, I figure since Greg is now working on Spider-Man, this isn't completely off topic. My review for the third movie.
Spider-Man 3... Peter Goes Emo
Yup, Peter went emo. Even parted his hair to get that emo look. You'll know it when you see it, and you will laugh and laugh and laugh.
First off, I'm going to say this. The audience I saw this with completely ruined it. They wouldn't shut up. Now, I'm not adverse to getting up and getting in someone's face at a movie... but, it wasn't just a group. It was groups. Plural. Ruined the movie. At some point, I'll see it again, hopefully during the day with less drunk stoners surrounding me.
The movie itself.
*** SPOILERS ***
I've got so many problems with it, maybe it was the audience, I don't know. There was way, way, way too much crammed in there. If three villains sounded like too much to you, well, you were write. There was one that needed to be cut, and well, it was Venom. I know he's the one the audience wanted, but he was too much. More on him later.
Harry/Green Goblin II (I refuse to call him "New Goblin"): I feel bad, he got the shaft. They were building up to him at the end of the first movie, and through the entirety of the second movie. He was vengeful, he was smart about it, he was vicious. So much potential there, but he got the shaft, because ever since the first movie, people were demanding a certain fanged menace.
Sandman: I liked him a lot more than I thought I would. I never cared much for him in the comics. His story was compelling, it worked for me. I didn't care for the revelation that he actually shot Uncle Ben, at first I thought it absolved Peter of all responsibility for letting the Burglar go. I figured it had to be a set up, the only word we got was that he confessed it to his cell mate. I figured there would be a little twist, the cell mate trying to testify to get parole or something. Nope, Sandman did it. Accidently... it was the Burglar's fault... but it didn't sit right with me. Nor did Peter forgiving him at the end of the movie. But, he was very well done. The fight scenes were very suspenseful... too bad his story never quite finishes.
Venom: Alright, fanboys. You wanted Venom. You begged, you screamed, you cried, you threatened. Sam Raimi gave him to you. I hope you liked him. Oh, I can already hear the whining now... "He wasn't in it enough!" That's right, Eddie Brock only becomes Venom in the third act of the movie, but you know what? That's all he needed. It's all he deserved. More than he deserved, in fact. Venom is a one note character, he always has been. A glorified stalker with sharp teeth. He was never anywhere near the villain that Norman Osborn, Dr. Octopus, the Hobgoblin and Harry Osborn were. This movie is epitomizes this. He stole Harry's thunder. Thanks a lot, fanboys. In all fairness, yes, he did look cool... but then, he always did look cool in the comics. Venom is eye candy, and that's the nicest thing I can say about the character. Well, Topher Grace did do a good job as Eddie Brock, but that's to be expected. Loved him in "That 70's Show"... I wanted to shout "Dumbass!" when he died, but didn't... too bad, he did have a real dumbass death.
As I said, it's obvious there was more planned for Harry, before Venom was forced into the movie... Raimi has gone on record in the past saying that he did not want to use Venom... and did it show. He gets the suit, and what does he do? He kidnaps Mary Jane and forces Peter into a fight... that's all. That's it. Harry attacked Peter emotionally first. Much more effective than anything Venom could have done. Venom can kill Peter, yes. But only Harry could hurt him. And, Harry could have still had his dramatic, emotional death scene.
Oh, and I hated Jimminy Cricket the Butler. So, you cleaned Norman Osborn's wounds, it was obvious he died by his own hands, and you didn't tell Harry this two movies ago. You knew that Norman Osborn was the Green Goblin, and didn't make millions writing the tell-all book. You give the moral speech which convinces Harry to help Peter... weakest scene in the entire movie. Utterly contrived.
Honestly, Peter himself was the best part of the movie. Tobey Maguire never convinced me that he was Peter Parker in the previous two, but he did here. Before Topher Grace was cast as Eddie Brock, I used to say that he should have been Peter. But, I did like him as evil Peter. I'm sure some people missed the psycho body builder, but I liked him as the evil Peter Parker.
I know I'm complaining a lot, but I liked it, I really did. The damn audience just really hurt the experience. I will go see it again, and hopefully I'll have a better time.
Greg Bishansky - [<---- The 11th Annual Gathering of the Gargoyles]
Scientology, you may have won THIS battle, but the million-year war for Earth has just begun! Temporarily anozinizing our episode will NOT stop us from keeping Thetans forever trapped in your pitiful man-bodies. Curses and drat! You have obstructed us for now, but your feeble bid to save humanity will fail! Hail Xenu!!! -- Trey Parker and Matt Stone, servants of the dark lord Xenu
posted @ Fri, May 4, 2007 11:17:50 am EDT from
Battle Beast> I don't mind Bumblebee not being a VW bug, but I was disappointed not to have Welker. I'm optimistic about the film, but still skeptical. And that's all I'm gonna say until I see the film.
posted @ Fri, May 4, 2007 10:42:26 am EDT from
Merlin Missy> There is a name I haven't heard in half a dozen years!
TiniTinyTony> Yes, you are correct. The movie will be good. But the fact that Bubmble Bee is not a VW BUg and Frank Welker is not Doing Megatron's voice... I don't know... It should still be pretty good.
Battle Beast - [Canada]
That is all I will say.
posted @ Fri, May 4, 2007 10:15:51 am EDT from
*pokes head in*
We've got a new interview with Greg up at Firefox.org (Leva's site). Nothing groundbreaking, but still fun. Click my name for the link.
Merlin Missy
posted @ Fri, May 4, 2007 9:49:03 am EDT from
Leo > I know there's nothing rich people would like better than to own a million dollar timeshare within screaming earshot of an amusement park. "New York style" is a good thing when talking about pizza, but "Vegas style" is never a good thing, ever.
49 days left until The Gathering 2007 in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee!
12 days left until Gargoyles #4 is available.
Patrick - [<-- The Gathering 2007]
"Before Stonehenge, there was Woodhenge and Strawhenge, but a big bad wolf came and blew them down." - Eddie Izzard
posted @ Fri, May 4, 2007 7:03:52 am EDT from
30 questions left and counting.
If we were going to have a gargoyles movie made, I would rather it involve a spin-off. I'm against seeing it as a live-action movie. Maybe a movie involving the bad guys or new olympians would be a good idea.
I did notice that Greg Weisman indicated geography plays a big role in determining the size of a 'normal' gargoyle clan. So much for consistency.
Whatever happenned to simplicity?
posted @ Fri, May 4, 2007 1:25:51 am EDT from
Would a movie really fulfill our dreams, or would it go the way TGC went, with Greg pulled from the project and lots of people writing the stories, etc with minimal regard to the Masterplan. And would we fans than have enough power to convince the powers that are of the necessity of Greg. Back to the Transformers example, while we didn't get Frank Welker (a real shame, but he is in the video game to the movie) we get Peter Cullen (Optimus Prime). They apparently wanted someone else, but the fans made such a rucus that Peter Cullen got at least a shot at the thing. (Jury still out on wether I'll go our not, never seen a Bay movie, but this looks as over the top as the trailers to the others did. I think I'll wait to see what people think who have seen the movie. Seeing Optimus Prime again would be nice.)
To little attention isn't good, to much might not be good either.
posted @ Fri, May 4, 2007 12:58:07 am EDT from
::Looks at comment before mine::
"I miss you more then Michael Bay missed the mark
When he made Pearl Harbor
I miss you more than that movie missed the point
And that's an awful lot girl
And now, now you've gone away
And all I'm trying to say is
Pearl Harbor sucked, and I miss you
"I need you like Ben Affleck needs acting school
He was terrible in that film
I need you like Cuba Gooding needed a bigger part
He's way better than Ben Affleck
And now all I can think about is your smile
and that shitty movie too
Pearl Harbor sucked and I miss you
"Why does Michael Bay get to keep on making movies?
I guess Pearl Harbor sucked
Just a little bit more than I miss you."
Greg Bishansky - [<---- The 11th Annual Gathering of the Gargoyles]
Scientology, you may have won THIS battle, but the million-year war for Earth has just begun! Temporarily anozinizing our episode will NOT stop us from keeping Thetans forever trapped in your pitiful man-bodies. Curses and drat! You have obstructed us for now, but your feeble bid to save humanity will fail! Hail Xenu!!! -- Trey Parker and Matt Stone, servants of the dark lord Xenu
posted @ Thu, May 3, 2007 9:59:20 pm EDT from
Transformers The Movie is gonna rock!
TiniTinyTony - [tinitinytony at hotmail dot com]
"My strength has never depended on brute force, but on true friends. - Goliath
posted @ Thu, May 3, 2007 9:41:08 pm EDT from
Scott: No, he wanted revenge against the Emperor. Lucasarts is currently making a game called "The Force Unleashed," that takes place between Episodes III and IV. The plot is that Vader is secretly training an apprentice with the ultimate purpose of challenging the Emperor. Hell, in the expanded Star Wars universe (most notably the novel "Shadows of the Empire") this was always Vader's motive. That's why he was relentlessly pursuing Luke. Besides, look what he says in Episode V:
"Luke. You can destroy the Emperor. He has foreseen this. It is your destiny. Join me, and together we can rule the galaxy as father and son."
No, I think his heart was very much in it. Everyone except George Lucas sees that.
Greg B: Voice-wise, the only animated character I'm overly picky about is Batman. Kevin Conroy ruined me for everyone else.
And if Hollywood has taught us anything, it's that even if a movie is bad, there's always plenty of people who'll still support it. ( ;
Harvester of Eyes - [Minstrel75 at gmail dot com]
"What is a man? A miserable little pile of secrets! But enough talk. Have at you!" -Vlad Tepes Dracula ("Castlevania: Symphony of the Night")
posted @ Thu, May 3, 2007 8:39:41 pm EDT from
Greg B> Unfortunately, the comp I'm on ATM (we have more then one) is too slow for YouTube.
What's that link you posted?
KingCobra_582 - [KingCobra_582 at hotmail dot com]
'Ignore Me!' - Venture Bros.
posted @ Thu, May 3, 2007 7:16:30 pm EDT from
KC> Tom Cruise as Lex... ugh, Tom Cruise as any body... Ugh.
I'm sorry, I don't want to think of Lex jumping on couches; brain washing poor, idiotic women into believing Xenu is out to eat their soul or something; and being complicit to a huge global scam.
Lex does strike me as a sci-fi junkie, but here's hoping we one day here him say L. Ron Hubbard was full of crap... of course, then, he'd likely find himself on the receiving end of a multi-million dollar lawsuit, with the Church of Scientology accusing him of pedophillia or something.
... tune in for the next exciting episode of "Greg Bishansky's Controversal Opinion!
Greg Bishansky - [<---- The 11th Annual Gathering of the Gargoyles]
Scientology, you may have won THIS battle, but the million-year war for Earth has just begun! Temporarily anozinizing our episode will NOT stop us from keeping Thetans forever trapped in your pitiful man-bodies. Curses and drat! You have obstructed us for now, but your feeble bid to save humanity will fail! Hail Xenu!!! -- Trey Parker and Matt Stone, servants of the dark lord Xenu
posted @ Thu, May 3, 2007 7:13:46 pm EDT from
Greg B> "I'd love Thom to come back, but, and I'm basing this on the realities of the film industry, what if the studio wants to go for a bigger name?"
Well, you have a good point there. I wasn't thinking in those terms. I was thinking along the lines of 'He doesn't have as much of a career as the others, unfortunately, so he would have more time and energy'.
Now that I think about it, though, the way you reasoned it makes more sense. Hollywood probably would go with a bigger name.
I just hope they wouldn't decide to cast someone like Tom Cruise or Keanu Reeves. No disrespect to those actors, of course, but can you just imagine Lex sounding like one of them?
KingCobra_582 - [KingCobra_582 at hotmail dot com]
'Ignore Me!' - Venture Bros.
posted @ Thu, May 3, 2007 6:58:03 pm EDT from
KC> Um, trust me, availability would be the least of our concerns when it comes to getting the voice cast to reprise their roles.
"We'd most likely get Thom back."
I'd love Thom to come back, but, and I'm basing this on the realities of the film industry, what if the studio wants to go for a bigger name?
For example, the Transformers movie coming out this summer (which I refuse to pay money to see because it's being directed by that hack, Michael Bay) they cast Hugo Weaving to voice Megatron in it. Frank Welker was Megatron's original voice actor, he did audition for the role again... but, they decided Hugo Weaving was a bigger name, so they gave it to him instead... personally, I liked David Kaye the best.
Based on the hard realities of the business, Keith David and Ed Asner (assuming he's still alive and working at the time) are the only ones I'd put money on seeing them reprise their roles. We love Thom, Jeff, Bill and the rest, but most of the general public has no idea who they are. Marina is up in the air for reasons that should be obvious in my next paragraph.
I'm a film student, and I will admit, I have often day dreamed about getting my degree, making this movie (with Greg as involved as possible) and even in my head, I was thinking about what would need to be altered due to the harsh realities of the film industry. Elisa, for example, would most likely need to be re-cast, because the studio would want A. a bigger name, and B. I feel bad for saying this, someone younger. Of course, if I had to do this, I would still give Salli a cameo somewhere as a tribute... if I had my way.
Just saying, if this Touchstone movie ever happens, be prepared for this. But, at the same time, try to keep an open mind.
Greg Bishansky - [<---- The 11th Annual Gathering of the Gargoyles]
"If you want to be picky, we won't get anywhere. Let's and focus on the big picture, Goliath." - David Xanatos
posted @ Thu, May 3, 2007 6:50:12 pm EDT from
TiniTinyTony> "Is it too much to hope that the voice actors would be the same? Thoughts?"
We'd most likely get Thom back.
Hopefully the others (Keith, Ed, Jeff, etc.) would be available too, but as much as I'd like to see EVERYONE back myself, they all have big careers, so who can really say?
KingCobra_582 - [KingCobra_582 at hotmail dot com]
'Ignore Me!' - Venture Bros.
posted @ Thu, May 3, 2007 6:37:56 pm EDT from
I know it's wishful thinking that the movie would be canon, but just like the comics, I'll take what I can get. Is it too much to hope that the voice actors would be the same? Thoughts?
I can't believe none of the four comic places that I've called haven't received Gargoyles #3 yet. I hope SLG ships more #3s out with #4.
TiniTinyTony - [tinitinytony at hotmail dot com]
"My strength has never depended on brute force, but on true friends. - Goliath
posted @ Thu, May 3, 2007 6:20:22 pm EDT from
Greg Bishansky> But, even if for us, it sucked, it would still be a good thing. Want the rest of the series out on DVD? With a live action movie, the rest of the series would be a priority. Want the comic to get more press? A movie would raise the visibility of the comic. Want Greg to be able to publish his encyclopedia? Again, movie.
On that note, if the frachise was to get a great boost in popularity, would they probably consider reprinting those Disney Adventure Gargoyles comics as a Tokyopop Manga? I heard they did so for Disney Adventures Lilo & Stitch.
Antiyonder - [antiyonder at yahoo dot com]
posted @ Thu, May 3, 2007 5:08:09 pm EDT from
Greg B> Now if Disney could/would just find a nicely tuned script, we'd have another medium for us fans to enjoy.
Has anyone here considered writing a script themselves and sending it to Disney? It may or may not put us a step closer to a actual movie, but has there been any effort?
KingCobra_582 - [KingCobra_582 at hotmail dot com]
'Ignore Me!' - Venture Bros.
posted @ Thu, May 3, 2007 4:26:08 pm EDT from
"Gargoyles Movie" > All those who would want it in canon. Not going to happen. The chances of that are so low, it's in the negatives. There would be changes, even with Greg involved. A change in mediums requires looking at a property through a different eye. I've taken classes on adaptations, trust me, I know this.
But, even if for us, it sucked, it would still be a good thing. Want the rest of the series out on DVD? With a live action movie, the rest of the series would be a priority. Want the comic to get more press? A movie would raise the visibility of the comic. Want Greg to be able to publish his encyclopedia? Again, movie.
If a movie was made, and even if it sucked, there would be so much stuff coming out that we would enjoy, it would more than justify a bad movie's existence.
Greg Bishansky - [<---- The 11th Annual Gathering of the Gargoyles]
Fidel Castro dressed up like Marilyn Monroe and gave JFK a case of syphilis so bad it eventually blew out the back of his head.
posted @ Thu, May 3, 2007 4:21:08 pm EDT from
I finally got Gargoyles issue 3 today and I really enjoyed it, i'm so excited that I have to read it again now.
Vicky82 - [Vickyfanofwwe at aol dot com]
posted @ Thu, May 3, 2007 4:16:05 pm EDT from
It's me,Blis.
WARCRAFTER> I am a girl, just to let you know.
All> I thank you for your dedication,
but I never have a lot to say, like comic books
(which I don't have and maybe never will).
You have had practic to talk to friends like this
and not like a chat. I sense that I will return
when I think I am ready. So who so ever wants to
talk to me, talk in the chat or wait for me when
I'm ready which will probably be about 4-5 years.
lovely and romantic but evil dwells
posted @ Thu, May 3, 2007 2:07:22 pm EDT from
From "Ask Greg: his Day in Gargoyles History">
"Ultimately, Goliath and Dingo enter the Dreamtime and convince the Matrix to abandon its pursuit of a pristine and orderly universe to seek out "Law and Order" instead."
The particular capitalization in there makes me think Dingo and Matrix are gonna be spending a lot of time watching cable TV.
posted @ Thu, May 3, 2007 10:46:41 am EDT from
Patrick> Re: Coney Island
From http://www.reuters.com/article/bondsNews/idUSN0130170420070401
<"Developer Thor Equities plans a $2 billion amusement, retail and residential project along the boardwalk. The plan, which some reports have characterized as "Vegas-style," includes more than 20 new rides.
Besides amusements, it envisions entertainment, what it calls a "family hotel" and indoor water park, retail spaces and residential condos and hotel timeshares.">
... My brain is struggling with "amusement park" and "timeshares" being in the same sentence.
<<..iconic Coney Island sites will remain. In addition to the roller coaster, the Wonder Wheel Ferris wheel and the Steeplechase parachute jump that, while no longer operational towers over the playground, are all protected from the wrecking ball by their U.S. national landmark status.
But other hallmarks like the Astro Tower observation ride and Dante's Inferno, immortalized in a Spencer Tracy film of the same name, will be torn down">>
I'm sure the tower's going because the condos and timeshare hotels will probably be as tall as the tower, so there won't be any view. *sigh*
posted @ Thu, May 3, 2007 10:24:41 am EDT from
Harvester said: So when he learned his son was alive, he saw a second chance to kill the Emperor. I still haven't watched "Jedi" with the commentary, not that I'm in any hurry. I'm not counting on George Lucas to explain why he abandoned that thread, anyway. 'Cause, you know, he shits gold and such. ( ;
I always assumed that Vader was trying to keep his son from turning to the Dark Side, and that was why he "protected" the Emperor. Sure, he was saying things like, "If you will not be turned, then you will be destroyed," but I'm sure his mechanical heart wasn't in it.
Scott Iskow - [smiskow at gmail dot com]
posted @ Thu, May 3, 2007 9:35:51 am EDT from
I doubt that Thailog's seriously looking for payback, anyway; he probably shares Xanatos's attitude that it's not very practical.
Todd Jensen
Gargoyles - did for monstrous-looking statues what "Watership Down" did for rabbits!
posted @ Thu, May 3, 2007 7:13:23 am EDT from
If there's anyone Thailog should be looking for to exact some payback, it's Demona.
On tangentially related note, the setting of the climactic battle in "The Reckoning" will soon be facing the wrecking ball in real life. This season will be the last for the amusement park at Coney Island. Next year, a developer plans to demolish it to make way for new construction. Only the Cyclone roller coaster and one or two other things that are on the national historic register will survive.
50 days left until The Gathering 2007 in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee!
13 days left until Gargoyles #4 is available.
Patrick - [<-- The Gathering 2007]
"I'm from Europe, where the history comes from... You tear your history down, man. Fifty years old? Let's smash it to the ground!" - Eddie Izzard
posted @ Thu, May 3, 2007 6:58:22 am EDT from
I don't know... we do know that their programming is simple, and they were programmed to obey. How quickly do you think something like that can be undone? I don't think Thailog was underground that long (not literally, anyway).
Harvester of Eyes - [Minstrel75 at gmail dot com]
"I've never won an Oscar." -George Lucas.
posted @ Thu, May 3, 2007 6:51:00 am EDT from
In #4, I don't think the clones will go with Thailog. They think he died so they are going to be surprised mostly, and their new clan leader is Talon. So they will probably defend their clan.
But in a future issue, I think it's 6, someone is telling Thailog a story about Goliath's World Tour, and I think that person is that mysterious girl in the Labyrinth that hasn't been fully introduced yet. So maybe he's there for her or he ends up just taking or, who knows. I am expecting a lot of action in those first few pages.
TiniTinyTony - [tinitinytony at hotmail dot com]
"My strength has never depended on brute force, but on true friends. - Goliath
posted @ Wed, May 2, 2007 11:52:40 pm EDT from
A little something for those addicted to youtube:
Trailer for 300.....PG edition!
"I can't believe how hard it is to blow up a room full of gasoline!" - Adam Savage (Mythbusters)
posted @ Wed, May 2, 2007 11:11:13 pm EDT from
I think Thailog is there for all the clones, not just Delilah... And I think he is going to take them with him, or rather, they are going to go with him. Then I think he and the clones are gonna crash the Masque party. Thats just my hunch, I could be wrong.
*****END SPOILERS*****
Matt - [St Louis, Missouri, USA]
"Let this mark the beginning of a Golden Age, between all our clans, both Human and Gargoyle!!!" -Macbeth, "City of Stone"
posted @ Wed, May 2, 2007 10:10:04 pm EDT from
Potential Spoiler Warning - Discussing possible #4 situations> I'm guessing that Thailog is there just to cause grief like always, but if Delilah left with Goliath for the party, and if he's there looking for her, then we definitely know where he's going to crash next.
Samuel & Antiyonder> If you like Science Fantasy and a great storyline, then I would definitely recommend checking out Star Wars.
TiniTinyTony - [tinitinytony at hotmail dot com]
"My strength has never depended on brute force, but on true friends. - Goliath
posted @ Wed, May 2, 2007 9:00:57 pm EDT from
I haven't seen Star Wars either.
Antiyonder - [antiyonder at yahoo dot com]
posted @ Wed, May 2, 2007 4:07:09 pm EDT from
I'm curious as to where everyone learns so much random information. I think it's possible that collectively this entire room has a basic comprehension in most feilds of knowledge.
Am I the only person in the room who hasn't seen Star Wars?
(SPOILERS... kinda) So. Does everyone think that Thailog is going after all the clones, or just a specific one?
Samuel - [AnglOfHellO at AOL dot com]
"What sorcery is this?!"
posted @ Wed, May 2, 2007 2:49:01 pm EDT from
I don't want a 3D or real action movie, I want a 2D movie in the style of the series with a wise use of computer graphics if needed. The whole movie could be computer animated, but one shouldn't see it, usually CGI looks cold and soulless unless it is just used as substitute for cel animation and doesn't feature all these fancy effects the tech guys like to gloat about in the commentaries.
I think a Gargoyles movie could work, although it may be better, if it using a story from the "present time". Maybe they could use a story from the middle ages or even earlier or inbetween then and now. It would require less understanding by the viewers, that don't know so much about Gargoyles and the background, it could serve as an entry point into the universe without being faced with all the things that happened since the Gargoyles awoke in New York. It would probably also satisfy the fans more as the chance is less that our beloved characters are portraited wrong or important parts of canon are changed to accomodate the lowest common denominator and studio desires.
But for now I'm happy about the comics and will hope that we'll see the second part of season 2 on DVD some day.
posted @ Wed, May 2, 2007 2:39:03 pm EDT from
Demon@ >> Pumas/cougars/mountain lions scream, they do not roar.
<<Actually Vaevictus, some big cats can purr-
"Purring is a unique vocal feature in the domestic cat. However, other species in the Felidae family also purr: Bobcat, Cheetah, Eurasian Lynx, Puma, and Wild Cat (Complete list in Peters, 2002). Although some big cats like lions exhibit a purr-like sound, studies show that the Patherinae subfamily: Lion, Leopard, Jaguar, Tiger, Snow Leopard, and Clouded Leopard do not exhibit true purring"-from here:>>
That's what I was saying. By "big cat" I mean pantherines only. Pantherines cannot truly purr. They "chuff" as you said.
Vaevictis Asmadi
posted @ Wed, May 2, 2007 12:33:27 pm EDT from
I think that when someone goes to se a movie based on something else (ie a book, a comic, a tv show) has to be very open minded and have that "based on" very present. It can be very much as a huge fanfiction. I learnt that after seeing x-men3. Not a bad movie, but well...
Pero vooo so loco vite?
posted @ Wed, May 2, 2007 11:56:07 am EDT from
Gargoyles Movie> At this point, I don't think that I'm in favor of the idea, especially if Greg is not guaranteed to be in charge. There are too many franchises (especially comics or TV series) that get movie treatment that doesn't live up to (or worse, butchers) the original source. It may generate interest in the property, but at what cost?
Gargoyles is an intricate and wide ranging tapestry that would have to be simplified to make a viable movie, but any simplification would tear wide swaths from that tapestry. Because Gargoyles builds upon its past, any seemingly minor change to that foundation has far reaching effects. (I feel like I'm beginning to ramble, so I'll stop now.)
This Day in Gargoyles History> I've been wondering about the tidbits that Greg has chosen to reveal lately. What's the significance of the Paris catacombs, and why should we care about Philibert Aspairt? However, with the most recent rambles about the Matrix, I've made a connection: "Bad Guys". Matrix is part of that team, and Greg has said that the Redemption Squad is based in Paris. I suspect that even Greg's mention of the Bavarian Illuminati may have something to do with "Bad Guys". Suddenly, what had been apparently trivial historic events have sparked a whole new level on interest for me.
Phil - [p1anderson at go dot com]
posted @ Wed, May 2, 2007 9:40:49 am EDT from
Quick point of clarity: I meant to say that "anyone who wants specifics can e-mail me." Must... get... more... coffee...
Patrick: Sadly, the 2004 DVD of "Jedi" dashed my hopes that the Empire shut the Gunguns up in a gulag and just left them there.
Harvester of Eyes - [Minstrel75 at gmail dot com]
"I've never won an Oscar." -George Lucas.
posted @ Wed, May 2, 2007 7:07:33 am EDT from
I'll take Ewoks over Gungans to help me fight an intergalactic war any day of the week.
51 days left until The Gathering 2007 in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee!
14 days left until Gargoyles #4 is available.
Patrick - [<-- The Gathering 2007]
"It's no fun being an illegal alien." - Genesis
posted @ Wed, May 2, 2007 7:01:53 am EDT from
A friend and I recently had some time to go over this in great detail while driving down Jefferson Davis Highway. I'll leave the bulk of what we discussed out (anyone who wants specifics), but the bottom line is: the Jedi were idiots, and the Sith were idiots. Granted, the Sith were smarter than the Jedi, since one of them managed to chair the Senate for ten years without the Jedi knowing (and they were constantly in the same room as him), but the Force makes people idiots.
And I guess this is to segway into what Matt said: I have no problem paying money for things Gargoyles-related. The story is more interesting and less formulaic, the characters are more interesting. And the writing itself is better. Plus, we're only one issue into the new material, and already Greg is showing that he's not shooting for the Lowest Common Denominator. No, I've got no problem shelling out money for it.
Harvester of Eyes - [Minstrel75 at gmail dot com]
"It's the nexus of the crisis, and the origin of storms. Just the place to hopelessly encounter time and then came me." -Blue Oyster Cult ("Astronomy")
posted @ Wed, May 2, 2007 7:00:17 am EDT from
I love to see a Gargoyles movie but I don't want to see it all CGI, I like to see it as live action but the Gargoyles CGI.
Vicky82 - [Vickyfanofwwe at aol dot com]
posted @ Wed, May 2, 2007 6:16:55 am EDT from
I'm sorry, but I love the Ewoks. I don't love the attempts by Lucas to make them cutesy teddy bear merchandise sellers, but I think thats besides the point. In the grand scheme of the movies, I think it was important to show a more primitive species, one without a lot of nifty gadgets and stuff, and show that they too could fight (and die) for the struggle against evil. Greg B, you want to know where the heroes in RotJ are? They are the Ewoks who risked and often lost their lives when they didn't have to because they knew it was the right thing to do.
Thats just my take on Ewoks, of course, and I'm not so blind as to say that they were not introduced, in part, to make money, but what does that prove? All the Star Wars films, including ESB were made to make money. Entertainment is seldom free. Should we refuse to buy the Gargoyles DVDs and comics because someone is pocketing our money in the end? The Ewoks appealed to children, sure, but so did spaceships, walkers, lightsabers, blasters, speeders, etc.
Matt - [St Louis, Missouri, USA]
"Let this mark the beginning of a Golden Age, between all our clans, both Human and Gargoyle!!!" -Macbeth, "City of Stone"
posted @ Wed, May 2, 2007 6:10:10 am EDT from
Greg B., HoE and all others: thanks for the insight on RotJ. I see your point(s).
As a side-note to all who watched George Lucas's DVD commentary: notice how he quantifies quite a lot, how strong Vader would be with limbs, how strong he'd be compared to the emperor etc.? Makes me glad and understand why Greg refuses to give these kinds of numbers. (This comment is not off-topic, yay me!)
Gerin - [malte dot ressin at gmail dot com]
posted @ Wed, May 2, 2007 4:36:03 am EDT from
TiniTinyTony> Freddy Vs. Jason took 10 years to make due to a lack of quality scripts. As much as I hate this thought, 'Gargoyles: The Movie' may go down the same route or even take longer.
Mildly Off-topic>Star Wars> Anybody catch George Lucas' appearence on Conan tonight?
KingCobra_582 - [KingCobra_582 at hotmail dot com]
'Ignore Me!' - Venture Bros.
posted @ Wed, May 2, 2007 2:33:22 am EDT from
Warcrafter> Did you ever get my email? If the question you wanted to ask is what I think it is... No, I have not received them.
Star Wars> Anyone else remember the C3P0 breakfast cereal?
Blaqthourne & Crimson Fury
Music Selection: Close Encounters of the Third Kind OST
posted @ Wed, May 2, 2007 12:12:37 am EDT from
Blis> This comment room isn't the best place to get attention. I would check out yahoo chat rooms. Those are pretty kicking, except the spammers trying to get you to watch their webcam shows. I like going to TheForce.net. The JCC community is always going and you can talk about whatever you want (unfortunately Gargoyles doesn't seem to be a hot topic over there.)
All> I think it would be cool if they did a Gargoyles movie, as long as it was canon. But as the article discussed, they are having trouble finding a script they like and there is no guarantee that Greg Weisman will be involved.
My thoughts on Ep VI ROTJ:
It has been labelled a muppet movie my most, but I enjoy it for two reasons, a) Luke is the closest thing to a Jedi that we get for the original movies, and b) it ties up all the loose ends where Anakin brings balance back to the force, Han & Leia get together, and peace is restored to the galaxy. It's the needed bookend to the solid plot of Ep I: TPM.
So you can debate it until the cows come home, but you either like it or you don't. I love Star Wars, even the less than stellar prequels, for the storyline, action, drama, and lore...pretty much all the reasons why I like Gargoyles as well.
TiniTinyTony - [tinitinytony at hotmail dot com]
"My strength has never depended on brute force, but on true friends. - Goliath
posted @ Wed, May 2, 2007 12:05:46 am EDT from
Warcrafter- I didn't feel ignored when I first came here. That's probably because I had legitimate things to add to the current conversations. If you come in just to garner sympathy and attention than most likely you will be ignored- That's what Myspace and Livejournal are for.
No offense Blis, I'm sure you're not really an attention seeker, but you are coming across that way.
And I think we've all made posts in here that have been totally ignored, even the older regulars. I've never been insulted if no one responds to one of my posts-sometimes aggravated-but never offended, and I don't take it personally. If no one has an opinion on the post, they won't respond. That's why I think it's important to give your input on a post or discussion that you have a strong opinion about.
Purplegoldfish - [skydragonn at aol dot com]
"Whoa, Tiny, you mean there's more than one of you?" "My name is not Tiny! I am Goliath!" - Elisa and Tiny
posted @ Tue, May 1, 2007 11:54:07 pm EDT from
If Blis doesn't show up anymore because he thinks he is being ignored, I remember I could relate to that when I first came here. Infact, I gotta say, sometimes I still feel that way. But, as long as it's nothing like "never existed" then it's alright with me here. (If this offends in any way then I am sorry)
Greg Weisman interview> So, if I understand correctly, Greg is trying to get Touchstone Pictures to get back into development on the gargoyles movie. Wow, that would be so cool if it happened and even cooler if the movie did get made.
Warcrafter - [grafixfangamer1 at sbcglobal dot net]
The pink elephants tell me to tell the flying monkeys to tell the orange goobers that I'm in my own little world right now!
posted @ Tue, May 1, 2007 11:23:40 pm EDT from
Actually Vaevictus, some big cats can purr-
"Purring is a unique vocal feature in the domestic cat. However, other species in the Felidae family also purr: Bobcat, Cheetah, Eurasian Lynx, Puma, and Wild Cat (Complete list in Peters, 2002). Although some big cats like lions exhibit a purr-like sound, studies show that the Patherinae subfamily: Lion, Leopard, Jaguar, Tiger, Snow Leopard, and Clouded Leopard do not exhibit true purring"-from here: http://www.loc.gov/rr/scitech/mysteries/catspurr.html
Other big cats who don't purr can make a purr-like sound, called chuffing.
I wouldn't think gargoyles possess the same ability to purr as a housecat-but I think they may be able to make purr-like sounds-probably sounding more like a low growl.
Purplegoldfish - [skydragonn at aol dot com]
"Whoa, Tiny, you mean there's more than one of you?" "My name is not Tiny! I am Goliath!" - Elisa and Tiny
posted @ Tue, May 1, 2007 10:09:09 pm EDT from
Vaevictis Asmadi: i think you call it Mountain Lion? Here we call it puma. It "roars" just like the female gargoyles we have seen so far do, and it also purrs. Its the biggest feline that can do that.
Its true that other animals roar (or whatever you want to call it) and do not purr, i just thought that as those gargoyles do a similar sound their vocal cords may be adapted to make some other sounds tipical of them.
Pero vooo so loco vite?
posted @ Tue, May 1, 2007 9:50:47 pm EDT from
VA: Seriously? None of the Big Cats can purr?? Weird . . . guess you learn something everyday, huh?
Alex Garg: I may not have been a poster back then, but I was reading ASK GREG and occasionally the CR comments and oy do I remember THAT fiasco . . . .
Phoenician - [theoneandonlyphoenician at yahoo dot com]
"The Suspense is Terrible . . . I Hope it Lasts" -- Willy Wonka
posted @ Tue, May 1, 2007 9:37:54 pm EDT from
Gargouille/Gargoyle/Headache>> Gargoyle comes from the 13th century Old French "gargouille," which is only barely tied to Latin by its use (albeit vague) of "gula," which means "throat," e.g., juGULAr.
If you want the specifics of my case, it's in the comment room archives: http://www.s8.org/gargoyles/comment/archive/index.php?archive_date=2006-06-05
And that's as much as you'll hear me say on the matter.
Alex Garg
posted @ Tue, May 1, 2007 8:59:25 pm EDT from
Comic > It is listed on the SLG website.
<<All female gargs roar like panthers. All felines that roar that way can also purr.>>
No, actually, there is no cat species which can both roar and purr. Leopards, Jaguars, Lions, and Tigers cannot purr. All other cat species cannot roar. This is because the throat tendons which are used for roaring, are hard like bones, while throat tendons used for purring are soft. There's only one set of hyoid tendons, so they can't be soft and hard at the same time.
Humans have soft hyoids, anyway, and can't purr, probably because our hyoids are configured to allow us to talk. Gargoyles obviously can talk, but that doesn't mean they can't roar. Many animals roar, though, and only cats purr. It is specific to cats. So no, I don't think gargoyles can purr. They aren't cats, they aren't even mammals.
And I don't think Una whinnys either. She only looks horse-like, she's not actually anything like a horse.
Vaevictis Asmadi
posted @ Tue, May 1, 2007 8:37:28 pm EDT from
:: runs in between thunderstorms ::
52 days left until The Gathering 2007 in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee!
15 days left until Gargoyles #4 is available.
Patrick - [<-- The Gathering 2007]
"If frogs could fly... well we'd still be in this mess, but wouldn't it be neat?" - Drew Carey
posted @ Tue, May 1, 2007 8:03:53 pm EDT from
HoE: but i think it was for the sound a gargoyle made when the water comes down its throat. Like gargles
Pero vooo so loco vite?
posted @ Tue, May 1, 2007 8:00:37 pm EDT from
Demon@-that's an interesting question-I know a lot of fanfiction authors have the gargoyles purr (male and female)-usually when they're in romantic setting with their mates. I don't know if they woul purr like a cat does for prolonged periods of time. But I can see them making purr-like sounds when content-probably sounding more like the deep chest growls they make.
-random stupid fact about me; I can make a purring sound with the back of my throat and my tongue-I used to creep my cats out with it hehe. So if a human can do it, I'm sure a gargoyle can ;)
female gargoyle roars-I think Angela puts a lot more of her speaking voice into her roars, like Goliath does. I remember Delilah had a pretty cool screeching roar in The Reckoning.
Blis-No one wants you to leave for good-but seriously, turn the drama down a notch huh? If you have something to add to the current topic or have a question or comment concerning Gargoyles, we'de be happy to discuss it with you.
#4 coming out the 16th- So has this been confirmed? Where is the website that lists the date?
Purplegoldfish - [skydragonn at aol dot com]
"Whoa, Tiny, you mean there's more than one of you?" "My name is not Tiny! I am Goliath!" - Elisa and Tiny
posted @ Tue, May 1, 2007 8:00:36 pm EDT from
Demon@: I was under the impression that "gargoyle" was derived from "gutter," because many of them were part of the system for ferrying rainwater off of rooftops.
According to wikipedia, the term originates from the French "gargouille," meaning throat or gullet, due to the fact that they were the waterspouts on a lot of the old gutter systems.
Harvester of Eyes - [Minstrel75 at gmail dot com]
"It's the nexus of the crisis, and the origin of storms. Just the place to hopelessly encounter time and then came me." -Blue Oyster Cult ("Astronomy")
posted @ Tue, May 1, 2007 7:48:06 pm EDT from
I do understand where Blis is coming. When I first started posting messages on the comicboard page (1999), I would feel like I was being ignored when someone would respond to my message. In those cases I felt a small response would have been better than no response. I'd even post the subject in all caps to get attention.
Antiyonder - [antiyonder at yahoo dot com]
posted @ Tue, May 1, 2007 7:43:02 pm EDT from
Matt: I dont see her whinnyng like a hoarse either, doesnt sound very intimidating :P But the two females of the mayan clan and Desdemona roar like panthers as well, but sometimes so does Lexington. Maybe the question could be if some gargoyles purr.
I mean, the word gargoyles comes from the word gargle (the latin word or french i think?) the true gargoyles must have some kind of noice to inspire humans name them that way.
Maybe Demona was purring while shattering those status back in CoS and we coudnt hear it :P
My only clan is the eco and darkness
posted @ Tue, May 1, 2007 7:41:01 pm EDT from
Greg B: If you had a trip to get ready for, I could have fielded this. Ah, well.
<When did Darth Vader become such a... wuss? Wasn't he plotting to overthrow the Emperor in the last movie? What happened to that? Why hand Luke over to the Emperor?> Better yet, bring him to the Emperor, and then drop the suggestion again, with the Emperor in the room. This time, Luke, seeing his allies being massacred in the vacuum of space, actually entertains it. *sigh* Instead, Vader protects the Emperor.
Funny thing about that is, Lucas even says in the commentary for "Empire" that Vader had wanted to kill the Emperor for the last twenty years. Ever since the end of Episode III. He just couldn't do it himself because his own body was so ravaged, and his power was a fraction of what it had been. So when he learned his son was alive, he saw a second chance to kill the Emperor. I still haven't watched "Jedi" with the commentary, not that I'm in any hurry. I'm not counting on George Lucas to explain why he abandoned that thread, anyway. 'Cause, you know, he shits gold and such. ( ;
My own theory, and this is tying into Episode VI being like Episode IV, is that maybe Vader has a thing for taking orders from old guys who look half-dead.
Blis: Um, you seem to feel very strongly about this, so I'm sure you have your reasons. Um... bye?
Harvester of Eyes - [Minstrel75 at gmail dot com]
"It's the nexus of the crisis, and the origin of storms. Just the place to hopelessly encounter time and then came me." -Blue Oyster Cult ("Astronomy")
posted @ Tue, May 1, 2007 7:10:08 pm EDT from
Keep in mind that the two female gargoyles we've seen, or more to the point, heard the most are Angela and Demona. They are very closely related and it is quite possible that the similarities in their roars, etc is due to genetics. Afterall, can you see Una making the panther-like sound? Maybe she does, but we don't know.
Matt - [St Louis, Missouri, USA]
"Let this mark the beginning of a Golden Age, between all our clans, both Human and Gargoyle!!!" -Macbeth, "City of Stone"
posted @ Tue, May 1, 2007 6:57:09 pm EDT from
Demon@: Well . . . maybe. But having the chance of only seeing two female gargoyles extensively, and one of them is an immortal human-shapeshifting raving lunatic sorceress, so we've haven't really had the chance to see either of them "purr." (maybe when Angela's with Broadway -- Oooo, way weird).
Of course, when they are happy, they mostly laugh, from what I remember.
What say everyone else??
"The Suspense is Terrible . . . I Hope it Lasts" -- Willy Wonka
posted @ Tue, May 1, 2007 6:48:07 pm EDT from
All female gargs roar like panthers. All felines that roar that way can also purr. Do you think female gargoyles Purr too?
My only clan is the eco and darkness
posted @ Tue, May 1, 2007 6:23:29 pm EDT from
Does anyone have any idea where I can get a Gargoyles patch, like to sew on to something?
Do they sell these at the Gathering maybe?
Matt - [St Louis, Missouri, USA]
"Let this mark the beginning of a Golden Age, between all our clans, both Human and Gargoyle!!!" -Macbeth, "City of Stone"
posted @ Tue, May 1, 2007 6:07:03 pm EDT from
*comes in, sees what's going on*
Blis> Why do you think you need to leave? You're as welcome here as anyone else.
Well, except for Arlo.
KingCobra_582 - [KingCobra_582 at hotmail dot com]
"Ignore me!" - Venture Bros.
posted @ Tue, May 1, 2007 2:36:01 pm EDT from
Blis, nobody has asked you to leave. There's no reason why you should go. You don't have to leave at all.
Vaevictis Asmadi
posted @ Tue, May 1, 2007 2:26:58 pm EDT from
I am going to tell you one thing and I'm gone forever. This Friday I am going to Dallas for a school band trip and am going to be gone for 2 days! GOOD-BYE FOREVER!
" Death comes at you faster then life."- Blis
posted @ Tue, May 1, 2007 1:55:44 pm EDT from
Actually, the Michael Reaves interview piece is legit and kind of nice to watch. Very short, only a couple minutes, but he mentions the episodes he really liked such as Awakenings and Shadows of the Past. Always cool to hear from people involved in the show.
The direct link to the Gargoyles piece is:
Gorebash - [gorebash at s8 dot org]
posted @ Tue, May 1, 2007 12:44:46 pm EDT from
Interview with Greg Weisman at the link.
Scott Iskow - [smiskow at gmail dot com]
posted @ Tue, May 1, 2007 9:55:23 am EDT from
*peeks in for bi-monthly link drop* Hey all, new topic is up at MGC, and voting has started on the April topic, of course! Head on over and check it out. ^_^
kess - [< MGC]
posted @ Tue, May 1, 2007 9:43:58 am EDT from
I should be getting ready for a long drive right now.
GERIN> "Jedi" is viewed by many as a bad movie, because, well... it is. To answer your question, here's why I viewed it as a bad movie.
1. The Ewoks. I hated the little fur balls. Hated them. They were forced into the movie for no other reason than to sell merchandise. The previous movies had a lot of merchandising, but nothing was tossed in for the express purpose of merchandising. That was until the Ewoks marched on screen. Wookies, as the original script called for, would have made more sense.
2. The Idiot Emperor. Greg Weisman summed this up well. No offense meant to Ian McDiarmid, who gave a great performance, but the Emperor was an embarassment. Too stupid to win.
3. Leia is his sister. Um... okay. I still refer to this as the worst plot twist ever put to film. It was an obvious last minute change, to tie up the love triangle fast, and because Lucas decided not to do the sequels (a separate character was supposed to be the sister). "Leia, Leia is my sister!" "Your insight serves you well, Luke." "That, and she's the only female in these movies."
4. The whole thing was a re-hash of the first movie. We've seen the Death Star before. We've seen most of this. It was just... unoriginal. This was a terrible follow up to "Empire". We should have been given something new instead of "take out the Death Star's main reactor" again. The first movie was fresh, exciting, we've never seen anything like it before. Then along came "Empire" and the darkness fell, we saw just how powerful and well done a movie set in this universe could be. "Jedi" came next and offered.... nothing. It was a dud.
5. No dramatic tension. I'm sorry, but one of the main characters should have gone out a hero. Han most likely, would have brought his character arc to a good conclusion (Harrison Ford lobbied to have it happen). Or even Lando. This was the battle to end all battles, and it ended like a Saturday morning cartoon. War has cost, and it has to be painful. Otherwise, it's not real. That's why Greg killed off the Magus in "Avalon" Part Three. I mean, the Empire was defeated, and there wasn't a single casualty. I'm not asking for "Saving Private Ryan", but look at other epic tales "Star Wars" borrowed plot elements from. "Lord of the Rings" killed off Boromir and later King Theoden... hell, even Denethor's death is tragic (Sauron drove him mad).
6. When did Darth Vader become such a... wuss? Wasn't he plotting to overthrow the Emperor in the last movie? What happened to that? Why hand Luke over to the Emperor? Why not at least once, try to get Luke to assist him in his planned overthrow of the Empire? Nope, it was all "Yes, my master." "I must obey my master." "Master, part of your ass is still visible when you sit down, may I kiss it?" This was of course a prelude of things to come.
Not to mention the script wasn't great, the directing uninspired... all and all, a pretty bad movie. Don't even get me started on the prequels.
Of course, that is just my opinion, I may be wrong.
Greg Bishansky - [<---- The 11th Annual Gathering of the Gargoyles]
Fidel Castro dressed up like Marilyn Monroe and gave JFK a case of syphilis so bad it eventually blew out the back of his head.
posted @ Tue, May 1, 2007 8:18:10 am EDT from
I'm very interested why "Jedi" is viewed as such a bad movie. Any articles/reviews that care to explain why? Just out of curiosity.
Gerin - [malte dot ressin at gmail dot com]
posted @ Tue, May 1, 2007 7:51:47 am EDT from
So, Charles never lived to see "Jedi" get released. Lucky bastard.
Harvester of Eyes - [Minstrel75 at gmail dot com]
"I don't understand the modern world at all, obviously. I'm living back in the twentieth century, when psychoanalysts made people less prone to stress." -Philip K. Dick ("The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch")
posted @ Tue, May 1, 2007 6:40:29 am EDT from
Oh, ok. Since you didn't specify, I mostly read that whole page of posts. Am I the only one who didn't know about the Team Atlantis story? I guess so. Thanks rules. You rule(s)!
TiniTinyTony - [tinitinytony at hotmail dot com]
"My strength has never depended on brute force, but on true friends. - Goliath
posted @ Tue, May 1, 2007 3:56:15 am EDT from
TiniTinyTony - I was providing you with the link to the section of Ask Greg devoted to Team Atlantis and Team Atlantis is where "The Last" comes from.
Whatever happenned to simplicity?
posted @ Tue, May 1, 2007 2:59:56 am EDT from
Greg B.>Thanks for clarifying that. I guess since I'm making it up just for fun, let's assume that the Canmores' are scouting out France for "demon" sightings and they happen to catch a flick while there. (Because I don't know the release date for "Empire" in Scotland. :P)
dph_of_rules> What am I to read? There are 53 records listed on the link you provided. Which one should I pay interest to? I'm assuming the one in the big green section?
TiniTinyTony - [tinitinytony at hotmail dot com]
"My strength has never depended on brute force, but on true friends. - Goliath
posted @ Tue, May 1, 2007 2:13:52 am EDT from
TiniTinyTony - Check out this link: http://www.s8.org/gargoyles/askgreg/archives.php?lid=115
Issue #4 - Yea. That means Disney must have just approved it.
*looks at Ask Greg backlog and compares it to release date of issue 4* It looks like the backlog won't be too bad, right now there's only 45 questions left. ~14 questions left until a certain question comes up.
Whatever happenned to simplicity?
posted @ Mon, Apr 30, 2007 11:01:05 pm EDT from
The Canmores are from Scotland, not France.
Greg Bishansky - [<---- The 11th Annual Gathering of the Gargoyles]
Fidel Castro dressed up like Marilyn Monroe and gave JFK a case of syphilis so bad it eventually blew out the back of his head.
posted @ Mon, Apr 30, 2007 10:38:46 pm EDT from
Thanks for all the quick responses. I'd love to come to The Gathering 2007, but I can't afford it. Hopefully, next year if the location is a little closer to PA.
Phoenician> The Canmore's are from France, correct? In USA, Empire was released in May, but in France, Empire came out only a month and eight days before Charles died, so for fun...
August 20
This day in Gargoyles' Universe History....
August 20...
After a long day of training, Charles Canmore decides to relax and take his three children to the opening day release of Star Wars - Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back.
TiniTinyTony - [tinitinytony at hotmail dot com]
"My strength has never depended on brute force, but on true friends. - Goliath
posted @ Mon, Apr 30, 2007 10:36:57 pm EDT from
Ouch, beaten to the punch.
Jurgan - [jurgan6 at yahoo dot com]
"[George Bush] has created so many disasters, I'm not sure he knows which is which anymore. He walked into Walter Reed and said he wanted to have it ready for next year's Mardi Gras." -Bill Maher
posted @ Mon, Apr 30, 2007 10:23:43 pm EDT from
Tony: Back around 2001 or so, Greg and others were working on a TV series based on the movie "Atlantis: The Lost Empire," known as "Team Atlantis." The show was ultimately canceled before ever airing, but not before getting well into production on an episode called "The Last," which was in fact a Gargoyles crossover. In it, the Team Atlantis heroes meet up with Demona and Fiona Canmore, one of the Hunters, in Paris. Demona uses the Praying Gargoyle to bring lots of stone gargoyles to life and wreak havoc, but is ultimately defeated. Greg has said that this episode is canon to the Gargoyles universe, and that the Praying Gargoyle was created on Atlantis, but it's a bit confusing as to how much of the Team Atlantis is part of Gargoyles. Not a lot, but that episode is at least mostly in. They actually did a full voice recording of the episode, with Marina Sirtis reprising her role as Demona. There was no video to go with it, but fans have been working for years to create a rough animated version. Come to The Gathering and you can see what they've done so far.
Jurgan - [jurgan6 at yahoo dot com]
"[George Bush] has created so many disasters, I'm not sure he knows which is which anymore. He walked into Walter Reed and said he wanted to have it ready for next year's Mardi Gras." -Bill Maher
posted @ Mon, Apr 30, 2007 10:22:54 pm EDT from
Antiyonder> I can't say for sure as I've only seen one radio play, but sometimes there are different versions of scenes presented in the radio play version of the episode than the one that aired. I know for G'06, the radio play was "The Mirror", and the biggest difference I recalled was a scene where Bronx was racing through the city: it helped to clear up how he got back with the rest of the clan towards the end.
TiniTinyToni> "The Last" was an episode written and actually recorded for the never really finished animated series version of "Atlantis: the Lost Empire" (if you've ever watched Atlantis: Milo's Return, you've seen three "episodes"). It's unique in that it is an episode with a lot of cross-over with the Gargoyles universe, but neither is really canon to the other. The events within that episode are considered canon for the Garg universe, but everything else Atlantis related is not really canon. It gets complicated. Summed up, the Atlantis team are in Paris, and one half meets with Demona, while the other half, namely Sweet, meets with a member of the Canmores. You have reference to gargoyles (as gorlois), and the Hunters' history, and the appearance of the Praying Gargoyle, but no direct connection other than that to the Gargoyle universe. A bit of fun fan service for the Garg fans, but not required to enjoy the episode.
posted @ Mon, Apr 30, 2007 10:19:59 pm EDT from
Hunter: you killed my father!!
Demona: oh yeah, and your grandfather as well and your grandgrandfather and your grandgrandgrand father and your grandgrandgrandgrandfather...oh and you should check on your sister...
My only clan is the eco and darkness
posted @ Mon, Apr 30, 2007 10:04:21 pm EDT from
Also, are these radio plays recorded in the past? If so, where can I download them to listen to? If not, can someone record them this year and have it hosted on this site. Some Q&A podcasts from The Gathering 2007 would be cool to listen to, especially for those who a) live outside the country and b) those who can't afford to go.
And what is "The Last"? I searched the archives to learn of the radio plays you all speak of, but couldn't find anything on "The Last". Thanks
TiniTinyTony - [tinitinytony at hotmail dot com]
"My strength has never depended on brute force, but on true friends. - Goliath
posted @ Mon, Apr 30, 2007 10:02:58 pm EDT from
Charles Canmore: "You killed my father!"
Demona: "This ISN'T Star Wars, you know . . . "
(Couldn't resist -- hey, Empire Strikes Back DID come out just a few months before Charles died . . . .)
Phoenician - [theoneandonlyphoenician at yahoo dot com]
"The Suspense is Terrible . . . I Hope it Lasts" -- Willy Wonka
posted @ Mon, Apr 30, 2007 9:54:34 pm EDT from
So the radio plays at The Gathering, are the additional scenes, deleted scenes from the episode or were they added for the radio play scripts?
Antiyonder - [antiyonder at yahoo dot com]
posted @ Mon, Apr 30, 2007 9:45:40 pm EDT from
Better yet, a Hunter corners Demona and shouts about how much he wants revenge upon her. Demona impatiently asks him what this is all about and who he is underneath that mask.
THE HUNTER: You killed my father!
DEMONA: Do you have any idea how little that narrows it down?
(And yes, I'll admit that that line was borrowed from "Batman Beyond".)
Todd Jensen
Gargoyles - did for monstrous-looking statues what "Watership Down" did for rabbits!
posted @ Mon, Apr 30, 2007 8:56:17 pm EDT from
Harvester of Eyes - [Minstrel75 at gmail dot com]
"Have you ever stood in an April wood and called the New Year in? While the phantoms of three thousand years flies as the dead leaves spin..." -Ian Anderson ("Beltane")
posted @ Mon, Apr 30, 2007 8:36:37 pm EDT from
An announcement of the location for The Gathering 2008 will be coming soon.
Maybe Charles Canmore should have had a snappy line to introduce himself to Demona. "Hello, my name is Charles Canmore. You killed my father..." :P
Patrick - [<-- The Gathering 2007]
"Have you been chasing me your whole life only to fail now? I think that's the worst thing I've ever heard. How marvelous." - Count Rugan, "The Princess Bride"
posted @ Mon, Apr 30, 2007 8:30:28 pm EDT from
So... does anybody know how to contact Gorebash?
Patrick, have they announced yet the location for Gathering 2008?
Vaevictis Asmadi
posted @ Mon, Apr 30, 2007 8:19:30 pm EDT from
"Patrick the Gathering Guy" -- consider it as an honor, I guess. :P
Catacombs: I've simply shrugged the recent revelations as a way to appease those who know we won't get so many "Ask Greg" spoilers as we once did. One of the reasons why I like the occasional "This Day in Gargoyles history . . ."
But if it involves Demona and the Canmores, hey, cool!
Side Note: Owen's such a great right-hand man -- two days down and he's already ordered the basic defenses for the Eyrie Building. But seriously, wouldn't Xanatos have noticed some construction going on in HIS home??
Comic #4: GREAT NEWS! Reminding/Confirming with my comic guy right now . . . .
Phoenician - [theoneandonlyphoenician at yahoo dot com]
"The Suspense is Terrible . . . I Hope it Lasts" -- Willy Wonka
posted @ Mon, Apr 30, 2007 8:19:24 pm EDT from
And, part of "The Last" takes place in the Paris catacombs. That's where Demona finds the Praying Gargoyle.
Greg Bishansky - [<---- The 11th Annual Gathering of the Gargoyles]
Fidel Castro dressed up like Marilyn Monroe and gave JFK a case of syphilis so bad it eventually blew out the back of his head.
posted @ Mon, Apr 30, 2007 8:16:20 pm EDT from
Patrick: I thought you were a Pisces. ( ;
Todd: I remember discussing that version of the episode with someone. They said, and I agreed with them, that what got into the actual television episode still worked just as good: Demona beating Charles one-handed after he trains his whole life. Sometimes less is more.
And before I forget, since I forgot last year, I always have to quote the greatest band ever on this day.
Harvester of Eyes - [Minstrel75 at gmail dot com]
"Have you ever stood in an April wood and called the New Year in? While the phantoms of three thousand years flies as the dead leaves spin..." -Ian Anderson ("Beltane")
posted @ Mon, Apr 30, 2007 8:11:47 pm EDT from
So now I'm "that Gathering guy"? I guess that's better than other things I've been called. :P
53 days left until The Gathering 2007 in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee!
16 days left until Gargoyles #4 is available.
Patrick - [<-- The Gathering 2007]
"I want to walk in their footsteps. And their footsteps were like this: 'Aaaaaah! Aaaaaah! I'm covered in bees!'" - Eddie Izzard
posted @ Mon, Apr 30, 2007 7:49:17 pm EDT from
BLIS - I think that the problem here is this. According to Internet etiquette, if somebody asks a question in a comment room, message board, newsgroup, etc., you only answer it if you know the answer. Posting to say "Sorry, I don't know" isn't considered the right thing to do. Of course, here the problem was that nobody knew the answer, meaning that nobody posted, and so it seemed as if everyone was deliberately ignoring you.
DPH - In the radio play version of "Hunter's Moon Part Three", Demona wound up killing Charles Canmore in the Paris catacombs (the fight begins at Notre Dame as in the television episode, but Charles pursues her underground instead of falling to his death from the top of the cathedral). That might have inspired the 1804 post.
(As a side-note, there's always something particularly tragic about a guy who dies in a maze just a few feet away from the exit - that sense of "He was so close....")
Only 16 days away from the publication of #4? That really is good news!
Todd Jensen
Gargoyles - did for monstrous-looking statues what "Watership Down" did for rabbits!
posted @ Mon, Apr 30, 2007 7:27:28 pm EDT from
Woot! 5/16! Only two weeks and two days, maybe that Gathering guy Patrick can add a Gargoyles #4 countdown to this already in progress countdown. Or would that be a faux pas?
TiniTinyTony - [tinitinytony at hotmail dot com]
posted @ Mon, Apr 30, 2007 5:22:20 pm EDT from
They must have *just* updated it.
#4 is scheduled for 5/16/07.
Vaevictis Asmadi
posted @ Mon, Apr 30, 2007 4:30:15 pm EDT from
Do we have a release date for Masque yet? Is it still on schedule?
Samuel - [AnglOfHellO at AOL dot com]
"What sorcery is this?!"
posted @ Mon, Apr 30, 2007 3:36:35 pm EDT from
DTaina -- thank you!
Bliss -- There's no reason why you should leave the Comment Room. If there was a confusion between you and others about how "chatty" people usually are here, it was only a misunderstanding. Certainly nobody wants you to leave.
posted @ Mon, Apr 30, 2007 2:52:50 pm EDT from
gxb - thx.
Whatever happenned to simplicity?
posted @ Mon, Apr 30, 2007 2:32:28 pm EDT from
Vaevictis: I don't mind at all if you use my images. I made them for the fans, so they can use them for whatever they want. You don't need my permission.
Have fun with the avatars! :P
D. Taina - [dtaina (at) aol (dot) com]
Look! Up in the sky!
posted @ Mon, Apr 30, 2007 2:19:08 pm EDT from
I'm sorry, Jregen. Maybe I shouldn't come here anymore. If anyone knew or not a comment would be a very nice thing to do. At least to let me know that someone saw it.
posted @ Mon, Apr 30, 2007 1:55:57 pm EDT from
DPH> We add new dates to the wiki as Greg reveals them.
As for the dates in "The Reckoning", those come straight from the Gathering 2003's Radio Play script, which was "The Reckoning".
So, "Vendettas" and "Turf" took place while Demona was locked up in the Labyrinth. My guess is, Goliath or Hudson were pulling guard duty the night Wolf and Hakon attacked them.
Greg Bishansky - [<---- The 11th Annual Gathering of the Gargoyles]
Fidel Castro dressed up like Marilyn Monroe and gave JFK a case of syphilis so bad it eventually blew out the back of his head.
posted @ Mon, Apr 30, 2007 1:31:07 pm EDT from
Anybody read "Today in Gargoyles Universe History" for today?
Any ideas on why the event in 1804 made the gargoyles universe timeline?
I want to thank the people working on the gargwiki, especially those working on the timeline, but I have some questions about entries on the garg wiki timeline:
October 31st. Goliath defeats Fox and takes the Eye.
Xanatos and Fox are married; they use the Phoenix Gate to time travel back to Scotland in 975 with Goliath and Demona. Demona's "City of Stone" scheme ends her alliance with Xanatos; the Weird Sisters use Demona and Macbeth to steal the Grimorum Arcanorum, Eye of Odin, and Phoenix Gate to give to the Archmage. Goliath saves Fortress Two from Fox and meets Thailog for the first time.
December 22nd. The Archmage attacks Avalon.
Was there an accidental ommission for listing the events of Upgrade from the middle entry?
I noticed several dates of events in "The Reckoning" are in the timeline, but not revealed in Ask Greg. Am I to assume those dates are accurate?
Whatever happenned to simplicity?
posted @ Mon, Apr 30, 2007 1:21:34 pm EDT from
Are there any guesses as to the significance of the Paris catacombs? And why Greg has been revealing tidbits about them lately?
Phil - [p1anderson at go dot com]
posted @ Mon, Apr 30, 2007 1:15:43 pm EDT from
Lynati >> Thank you! :)
DTaina >> My question was whether you would give me permission to use some of the character images you supplied to the Gargwiki to create some more avatars for this Comment Room. I still haven't got contact with Gorebash about actually putting anything on the site yet. But supposing I do get his permission, is it OK if I use some of the screencaps you made, please?
Vaevictis Asmadi
posted @ Mon, Apr 30, 2007 9:48:17 am EDT from
KingCobra-heh, it's not hard to get hooked on youtube. There's a pile of fun stuff on there. The novelty will wear off eventually, not to worry. Still, it's not a bad place to kill time if you have it. I like to explore old cartoon & TV themes. There are even old cartoons on there I've only ever read about. BTW, if anyone wants to check out a warped cartoon, check out "the Mighty Heroes" on there. "Strong Man! Cuckoo Man! Rope Man! Tornado Man! & Diaper Man! Now that's warped.
posted @ Mon, Apr 30, 2007 8:34:31 am EDT from
Crud. I watched some Gargs music videos on YouTube over the weekend, and now I think I'm addicted to YouTube. Damn. What can I do about this?
And if anyone asks, NO, I have not watched any actual eps on YouTube, nor do I plan to. I have the DVDs/Videos for that.
KingCobra_582 - [KingCobra_582 at hotmail dot com]
"Ignore me!" - Venture Bros.
posted @ Mon, Apr 30, 2007 5:43:16 am EDT from
Vaevictis Asmadi: Yeah, sure. I wish I could say "wait a day and I'll make you a clean copy of what you want" but I don't have the free time any more. : P Also, some eps aren't out on DVD to capture from and the quality that is up is the best there is available.
posted @ Mon, Apr 30, 2007 4:26:49 am EDT from
Check out a great interview with Michael Reaves talking about his career and writing on Gargoyles...
peter hyoguchi - [dahgooch at yahoo dot com]
posted @ Mon, Apr 30, 2007 2:25:49 am EDT from
And me makes 15.....I think :)
Warcrafter - [grafixfangamer1 at sbcglobal dot net]
Humans are such easy prey for a gargoyle!........oh, and my new gamertag on xbox live for 360 is "I am Goliath"
posted @ Mon, Apr 30, 2007 1:11:56 am EDT from
Guess I'm seventh starting this new weeks comments. Greg B., thanks for the sales figures of the Gargoyles comic last week. The drop doesn't look as bad as someone stated Dan Vado told them in an email. Your right its quite clear the book is SLG's best selling title for them. I finally got the Previews, and saw the listing for #6, interesting. Is this really Greg W.'s original intended story for the Marvel Gargoyle comic, and as someone posted, so soon he's giving us this? Cool.
Now did anyone notice in Previews' Disney Press' listing? It was SLG's The Haunted Mansion graphic novel/paperback. It seems to indicate its the first 4 issues of that series being collected. Now this tells us it will be Disney themselves that will, I assume eventually do a possible Gargoyles collected comic book. As mentioned by someone here weeks ago, Dan Vado (from a convention) said Disney had first publication rights to any collected books of their comic book properties. He said SLG would do graphic novels if Dinsey doesn't take their first rights option. After seeing the Haunted Mansion book listed by Disney, I think they'll be doing Gargoyles' trade, not too far away. Take note, Haunted Mansion's printing size was listed as "6X9". I believe its smaller than a regular comic book by inch all around. Kind of sucks that it wouldn't be the same size as its actual original comics. Anyone else think I'm right about this possibility?
posted @ Mon, Apr 30, 2007 12:57:52 am EDT from
(Confusion in the Top 10 this week, no?) :P
Phoenician - [theoneandonlyphoenician at yahoo dot com]
"The Suspense is Terrible . . . I Hope it Lasts" -- Willy Wonka
posted @ Mon, Apr 30, 2007 12:35:09 am EDT from
Oh wait no, I am sixth...okay, I can't even count now. I think it's time for bed ;)
Purplegoldfish - [skydragonn at aol dot com]
"Whoa, Tiny, you mean there's more than one of you?" "My name is not Tiny! I am Goliath!" - Elisa and Tiny
posted @ Mon, Apr 30, 2007 12:12:02 am EDT from
Lol seventh
Purplegoldfish - [skydragonn at aol dot com]
"Whoa, Tiny, you mean there's more than one of you?" "My name is not Tiny! I am Goliath!" - Elisa and Tiny
posted @ Mon, Apr 30, 2007 12:10:26 am EDT from
err, ok sixth
Purplegoldfish - [skydragonn at aol dot com]
"Whoa, Tiny, you mean there's more than one of you?" "My name is not Tiny! I am Goliath!" - Elisa and Tiny
posted @ Mon, Apr 30, 2007 12:10:07 am EDT from
posted @ Mon, Apr 30, 2007 12:09:28 am EDT from
Purplegoldfish - [skydragonn at aol dot com]
"Whoa, Tiny, you mean there's more than one of you?" "My name is not Tiny! I am Goliath!" - Elisa and Tiny
posted @ Mon, Apr 30, 2007 12:09:26 am EDT from
First time I've been able to do this in a while. Now that school's done, I don't have to get up early Monday, though.
Jurgan - [jurgan6 at yahoo dot com]
"[George Bush] has created so many disasters, I'm not sure he knows which is which anymore. He walked into Walter Reed and said he wanted to have it ready for next year's Mardi Gras." -Bill Maher
posted @ Mon, Apr 30, 2007 12:09:12 am EDT from
"I can't believe how hard it is to blow up a room full of gasoline!" - Adam Savage (Mythbusters)
posted @ Mon, Apr 30, 2007 12:05:15 am EDT from
Let's all be red this week in the top 10.
posted @ Mon, Apr 30, 2007 12:04:47 am EDT from
Wow. I'm up late enough on a Sunday to have a spot on the Top Ten. I'm gonna regret this tomorrow. Think I'll fall asleep on my keyboard now.
Harvester of Eyes - [Minstrel75 at gmail dot com]
"Every time God masturbates, I kill a puppy."
posted @ Mon, Apr 30, 2007 12:02:12 am EDT from
Greg Bishansky - [<---- The 11th Annual Gathering of the Gargoyles]
Fidel Castro dressed up like Marilyn Monroe and gave JFK a case of syphilis so bad it eventually blew out the back of his head.
posted @ Mon, Apr 30, 2007 12:00:59 am EDT from