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Comment Room Archive

Comments for the week ending May 14, 2007

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Has the schedule for the Gathering been finalized yet or is it still tentative?
Matt - [St Louis, Missouri, USA]
"Let this mark the beginning of a Golden Age, between all our clans, both Human and Gargoyle!!!" -Macbeth, "City of Stone"

Samuel> G4 is a entertainment channel, with shows like 'Cops' and 'Jamie Kennedy Experiment'. It also has some video-game oriented programming like 'X-play' (my favorite. It's a fun show.) and 'Attack Of The Show'.

And of course they have the original 'Star Trek' too. :)

KingCobra_582 - [KingCobra_582 at hotmail dot com]
'Ignore Me!' - Venture Bros.

Something tells me Disney isn't going to release an entire half-season of episodes on iTunes.

40 days left until The Gathering 2007 in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee!
Gargoyles #4 becomes available this Wednesday.

Patrick - [<-- The Gathering 2007]
"I want to walk in their footsteps. And their footsteps were like this: 'Aaaaaah! Aaaaaah! I'm covered in bees!'" - Eddie Izzard

Who knows?
Monstruocity is the culmination of beauty and ugliness extended to the sublime

Hey, since Greg isn't taking questions right now, I thought I would throw this out here.

Why doesn't Disney release season 2 volume 2 on iTunes. They already release things there and it would save them some expenses and keep there from being tons of unbought DVDs sitting around. Then people could download it for like 10 dollars or somthing, and everyone would be happy.

Thadd - [tjn2104 at columbia dot edu]

Warcrafter: lol No, sorry, I was too lazy to type out Gargoyles #4. :) I don't have cable, so I don't even know what the G4 channel is.
Samuel - [AnglOfHellO at AOL dot com]
"I'm going to get what I want."

re: restroom> Was it just a CR idea that the gargoyles' wastes make up the stone skin that they shed?

TTTony> "I guess mythological animals mate with what they can to stay alive and propagate their species. Don't ask me to explain how, but I guess it can happen." It was from those run-in's with Xanth.

Gerin re: Angela> Hopefully it wasn't for fanservice.

Vaevictis> Since we DO go by the action figure, Bronx is actually fuschia, Hudson is a semi-transparent blue, and Brooklyn is really bleach-white. :P Speaking of which, what was up with that near-cadaver-grey Goliath?

G. Bishansky> My bad. I guess I misinterpreted your reason as to why you haven't watched movies rated PG or G in a while.

To those who replied, thanks for the feedback regarding online games.

Blaqthourne & Crimson Fury
Music Selection: Kikujiro no Natsu OST

Samuel> Do you mean G4 the channel? Because if you did, then you will be excited. Also, anyone else here who has G4 going to watch the special "Star Wars at 30" thing?
Warcrafter - [grafixfangamer1 at sbcglobal dot net]
Humans are such easy prey for a gargoyle!........oh, and my new gamertag on xbox live for 360 is "I am Goliath"

Since I probably won't be in the CR tomorrow, I just wanted to wish all the mothers that post here a Happy Mother's Day! And a Happy Mother's Day to all the mothers of the sons and daughters that post here as well!
TiniTinyTony - [tinitinytony at hotmail dot com]
"Are you sure it was a book? Are you sure it wasn't nothing?" - Brian Griffin

ANTIYONDER> What we think does not matter. We can't really speculate. At this point, let's hope the sales rise, then worry about whether there's a chance it can go monthly. I'm more worried about the license being renewed right now.
Greg Bishansky - [<---- The 11th Annual Gathering of the Gargoyles]
"The people who really need therapy are little kids in Afghanastan who are having their legs blown off, not some guy who feels bad because his mother served him the wrong kind of cutlets." -Tony Soprano

Happy belated birthday, Matt. :)

I'm so excited for G4. But I don't think I'll be able to get it until Friday or Saturday. So I'll probably avoid the room for a while. (because I'm always here anyway)

Samuel - [AnglOfHellO at AOL dot com]
Noodles, anyone?

Think Gargoyles will become monthly when the sales go up? Does SLG have any monthly comics?
Antiyonder - [antiyonder at yahoo dot com]

Can't believe Gargoyles #4 is really looking like it will come out this week. That is the shortest time between issues. Hopefully this will stay in this trend permanantly. Oh, someone actually posted Gargoyles #5's cover on Wikipedia. I saw it briefly, 'cause it ain't there anymore again. Wicked cover, will Disney actually let that be approved? Guess we'll see.

I turned 25 -7 years ago :)
Warcrafter - [grafixfangamer1 at sbcglobal dot net]
Humans are such easy prey for a gargoyle!........oh, and my new gamertag on xbox live for 360 is "I am Goliath"

I turned 25 over seven years ago. :P

41 days left until The Gathering 2007 in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee!
5 days left until Gargoyles #4 is available.

Patrick - [<-- The Gathering 2007]
"I was a physical education major with a child psychology minor at Temple, which means if you ask me a question about a child's behavior, I will advise you to tell the child to take a lap." - Bill Cosby

It seems to me that the *real* target audience was 13-15 year olds ;)
I think I was about 14 when I started watching the show-I didn't see it from the beginning though-I think I started getting into it during the long world tour reruns, so I saw a lot of the world tour stuff before seeing "Awakenings"

Purplegoldfish - [skydragonn at aol dot com]
"Whoa, Tiny, you mean there's more than one of you?" "My name is not Tiny! I am Goliath!" - Elisa and Tiny

I turned 26 on February 14th. It's pretty neat that we're all around the same age.
TiniTinyTony - [tinitinytony at hotmail dot com]
"Are you sure it was a book? Are you sure it wasn't nothing?" - Brian Griffin

I turned 25 back in January
Vicky82 - [Vickyfanofwwe at aol dot com]

Look at all you young pups. I feel like an old man. I turned 27 last month.
Adam - [carl006_1999 at yahoo dot com]

Matt, Justin> We're all getting old. I also turn 25 this fall.
KingCobra_582 - [KingCobra_582 at hotmail dot com]
'Ignore Me!' - Venture Bros.

Sorry to say this so late compaired to everyone else, but happy birthday Matt.

Since we're on the topic of age, I'm 26 and will be 27 in September... god I feel old.

Ozzie Arcane - [ozziearcane at wowway dot com]
"Hello Booby, this is a trap!" - Eggplant Wizard from Captain N

I know you guys don't know me, but I've been lurking here for a few years and I'm looking for Gargoyles help and this is the best place to find it. I want to do something for Gargoyles, as it's done so much for me. I can't think of a better way to promote both the DVDs and the comics than through a podcast. I've been researching what will go into creating the podcast and I realized as much energy as I'm willing to put into this myself, it wouldn't be as good as it would be with the help of others.

So I'm asking for help. Right now I'm not so worried about the fine details just yet, what I need help with is the technical side and then I'll go from there. I would like to host (both the show itself and pay for the hosting of the podcast/website). So here is a list of what I need right now (though if you have any skills that can help don't hesitate to let me know):

-Help with the editing of the show, both in the levels (sound quality) and editing the content content.
-Web design for the accompanying website (I know HTML but I'm know there's people that are more creative than I am).
-Co-hosts for the show
-Someone to help with the scripting/format of the show, including segment ideas as well as the format that will be followed from show to show)

I know this is a huge undertaking and will require a decent chunk of time for those involved, but I really believe in this fandom and its willingness to help promote Gargoyles.

This is my short-term goal: to produce one podcast before the Gathering, and hopefully one to be created (at least partially) at the Gathering. Anybody attending the Gathering that wishes to help, it would be greatly appreciated. My long-term goal is to promote the continued interest and sales of both the Gargoyles comic and DVD. Wouldn't it be great to garner enough interest from listeners to boost the sales to get S2V2?

I really am very nervous and hope I get a response from at least a few willing to help out, but I am very excited about the possibilities. I know many others feel as passionate about the show as I do (and I know many are bigger fans than I am!). I believe this could be a success, and I hope others feel the same. I've been reading up on the process of podcasting and listening to many podcasts to get ideas. If anyone has any questions or offers of help, please email me at my address below or contact me at on AIM SN babyfey. I really appreciate any help!

Also, for anyone having a hard time obtaining the comic as it comes out, I'd suggest www.comichole.com. I personally have a great little local comic book shop, but for the people that don't, I know that they do a good job with shipping (no bent comic books), they put a discount on every comic, and the shipping costs aren't too bad either. I believe you can make a subscription too so that you don't have to order it each time.

Kristen - [kristenallison AT cox DOT net]

Vaevictus Asmadi > "And of course I don't mind, but as you can see, it did not work."

Yup, it's that old age kicking in. I had a senior moment and forgot to select an avatar.

Good points about variations in skin and hair color - not only changing conditions "in universe" but differences in animators and how our TVs are set will change what we see.

It is interesting how there are so many 25 year olds here. Happy belated birthdays to you!

Tony mentioned a break on your car insurance rates when you turn 25. I have it on good authority the same thing happens at 50. ;-) *feels really old*

"Boy, the city sure is different when it snows." "Yeah. It's colder." - "The Price"

It's hard to use the cartoon as good basis to compare the characters. I know it's all we have, but what you had was the guys, Greg W. and his team, wrote the episodes. Then Disney sent it overseas to the Korean animators, or whoever drew the show, and you got what you got back. Some animation looked really good in some episodes, i.e. the animation of Jason and Elisa when she unmasked him, and you have really crappy animation, i.e. when the floor crumbed away and Goliath's eyes did not glow in the last chapter of City of Stone.

So you get a mixed bag. And if when you're watching it on your TV, and your tint, brightness, contract, etc are on different settings than someone else's, then your opinion is also going to be different when comparing hair color, and skin color etc.

Therefore, I believe the odds are against you when arguing skin tone, skeptical structure, height, weight, etc., but don't let me discourage you.

TiniTinyTony - [tinitinytony at hotmail dot com]
"Are you sure it was a book? Are you sure it wasn't nothing?" - Brian Griffin

mine will be later but I turn 25 Novemeber 19th

It is strange that so many of us are 25 right now, or soon will be.

And Othello is not gray, he is blueish. Coldstone is gray because he is coldSTONE. Gabriel's skin coloring is a bluish with a bit of the brown tones from his mother. His hair coloring and horns are his mothers. His wings are another combination of his parents wings. He has spikes on his tail, weird brow ridges and chin horns which neither parents has, though Othello does have a small club on his tail.
Gabriel has a mix of his parents traits, plus some traits that are new mutations or perhaps from a grandparent. Angela favors on parent, but with the others coloring. Broadway seems to have some features from each parent, though his horns are likely a mix from both. With gargoyles offspring can be very diverse, this probably contributes to the reason that rookery parents often cannot figure out whose hatchling is whos, even if they tried, which they likely wouldn't.

PS Part of my boyfriends birthday present to me was to pay for all my hotel fees for the Gathering, even though he won't be able to go with me this year because of work. He's sweet.

Matt - [St Louis, Missouri, USA]
"Let this mark the beginning of a Golden Age, between all our clans, both Human and Gargoyle!!!" -Macbeth, "City of Stone"

Happy birthday!! ...a few minutes later, but well...
I never said they have fur or scales, im just refering to their skeleton structure, but im sure thay cant mate with the animals they have similarity with.
But anyway, you guys are on these from a long time and i read your theorys Matt, they are awesome. So i guess you are right
Demona´s hair is red, what are we talking about!!

Pero vooo so loco vite?

Kaylle> Just stumbled onto the interview. Thanks for putting it up. I was wondering if Greg did consider writing at Marvel or if DC was his preference.
Antiyonder - [antiyonder at yahoo,com]

It seems to me that Angela looks like a young Demona from "Vows" but has the coloring of Goliath. Gabriel on the other hand, doesn't really bear a strong resemblance to either Othello or Desdemona. He has Desdemona's hair color and horns, but he does not have the coloring of either of his parents. Gabriel is more of a green while Othello is gray and Desdemona is almost a peach color. I wonder what Angela and Broadways kids will look like and what Brooklyn's kids look like. And how about the rest of the gargoyle pairs that we know about from Guatemala and Leo/Una.
Adam - [carl006_1999 at yahoo dot com]

Happy Birthday, Matt! I hope you did something fun today :)

And 25 is a popular age among us; I turned 25 in February. I guess Gargoyles was popular with 12-13 year olds...


Matt> Meant to type this sooner, Happy 25th Birthday. I recently turned 25 as well (last month).

Harvester of Eyes> Between #4 coming out, as well as the possibility of a live action Justice League movie and the additional possibility of Ghostbusters 3. The end of the world is upon us. Well, at least we'll go out feeling entertained.

Antiyonder - [antiyonder at yahoo,com]

Thanks for your concern, PurpleGoldfish & Vaevictis Asmadi, but I think dph_of_rules was just joking. But if he was serious, I better make this good since I only can do this a maximum of one other time today. And by his screen name, he makes the designated posting hours_of_rules or something.

Matt> Now that you're 25, you get a break on your car insurance. If you are self insured call your provider, tell them that you turned 25, and they should call you back or mail you your new quote, which will be lower. If you're under your parents or significant other's insurance, have them call, inform them of your age, and watch the savings flow in. Even if you're in the middle of your term, they will prorate it. When I turned 25 they mailed me a check, and then when I renewed it was also cheaper. I saved $150.

TiniTinyTony - [tinitinytony at hotmail dot com]
Invention, my dear friends, is 93% perspiration, 6% electricity, 4% evaporation, and 2% butterscotch ripple. - Willy Wonka

Matt: Have a very happy birthday!

Hair: I would have been the person to argue that Goliath MUST have black hair -- until I realized that yeah, Elisa's IS darker. So good thing I didn't bring up this discussion.

But I do think I'll have to check my DVDs to see the red tint in Angela's hair . . . .

Off Topic: WOW, five posts in the Unanswered Questions. Guess we'll be having another empty queue in time for Issue #4!!

Phoenician - [<---My Kinda Useless Blog]
"The Suspense is Terrible . . . I Hope it Lasts" -- Willy Wonka

B&CF> I did not say that.

Matt> Happy Birthday! I remember when I turned 25, it was nine months ago ;)

Greg Bishansky - [<---- The 11th Annual Gathering of the Gargoyles]
"The people who really need therapy are little kids in Afghanastan who are having their legs blown off, not some guy who feels bad because his mother served him the wrong kind of cutlets." -Tony Soprano

Oh, yeah, I forgot to give Matt best wishes this morning.

Matt: <For some reason turning 25 seems more poignant than turning 18 or 21> Maybe it's because you can rent a car now. Ten more years, and you can run for president.

Harvester of Eyes - [Minstrel75 at gmail dot com]
"Your psychotronic profile indicates hgih levels of destructive impulse, which might be why I find you so much fun to keep around. My own psychotronic profile is... well, never mind about that now." -Durandal

I second PurpleGoldfish -- dhp, tell us you aren't serious!

Wingless >> But if we went by the action figures, Brookly must not have a neck! :p

Abby >> Thank you. And of course I don't mind, but as you can see, it did not work.
I've got more time than I expected, since I'm staying at school all afternoon and evening for a party. So there will be a few more avatars than I initially told you.

Vaevictis Asmadi

Wingless> You and me both...
Matt - [St Louis, Missouri, USA]
"Let this mark the beginning of a Golden Age, between all our clans, both Human and Gargoyle!!!" -Macbeth, "City of Stone"

Not that it's anything to go on, but many of the Goliath action figures have his hair as brown. Wish I had hair like that.
*feels his ever so quickly receeding hairline and sighs*


dph- Are you serious? There's no rule that states we can only make a certain number of posts each day. Tony is contributing to the room-he's not spamming or being a troll...if we discourage people from posting here, there will be no one left to post. :/

hair- I have noticed Angela's hair has a more reddish cast-but it does sometimes vary from episode to episode. The characters' hair and skin color seems to change a lot-I guess because of lighting-or colors used by different artists. Goliath's hair is midnight black and Elisa's is bright blue in some scenes-which I chalk up to wrong color choices.

Also, Goliath's skin seems to change color a lot in the series-sometimes it's more purple, and sometimes it's more blue/gray. It's okay, skin and hair doesn't stay the same color in different lighting.

Purplegoldfish - [skydragonn at aol dot com]
"Whoa, Tiny, you mean there's more than one of you?" "My name is not Tiny! I am Goliath!" - Elisa and Tiny

Goliath and Angela's hair are dark brown, if they are in complete darkness there hair will look black but if any light like moonlight ect it would make there hair a little lighter. My hair is dark brown so I know my hair does get lighter in the light, when I wash and then blow dry my hair I get a reddish tint in it.
Vicky82 - [Vickyfanofwwe at aol dot com]

Great job on the new avatars, Vaevictis Asmadi! I especially like the one of Turquesa. (I hope you don't mind if I use it just this once, to see how it looks next to my post).

Happy birthday, Matt! Here's to a great year. (My 25th was a couple of decades ago ;-) ).

A few comments have come up on hair and skin color during our DVD marathons. Goliath's hair seems very dark, though Elisa's is much closer to black. And we've noted the reddish tint to Angela's hair (though there seems to be some variation in hair and skin colors among the different episodes).

"Boy, the city sure is different when it snows." "Yeah. It's colder." - "The Price"

Goliath and Angela always appeared to have brown hair to me.
Greg Bishansky - [<---- The 11th Annual Gathering of the Gargoyles]
"In these days of widespread illiteracy, functional illiteracy... anything that keeps people stupid is a felony." -Harlan Ellison

Thanks, Todd.
Matt - [St Louis, Missouri, USA]
"Let this mark the beginning of a Golden Age, between all our clans, both Human and Gargoyle!!!" -Macbeth, "City of Stone"

Happy birthday, Matt, from one St. Louis Gargoyles fan to another!
Todd Jensen
Gargoyles - did for monstrous-looking statues what "Watership Down" did for rabbits!

Thanks for the B-Day wishes everyone! For some reason turning 25 seems more poignant than turning 18 or 21... I'm having a good one though.

Battle Beast> Well, I worked today which was a lot of fun actually and tonight my boyfriend and I are going to dinner with mom. Not doing anything too crazy or fun cuz I'm getting old and I have to work early tomorrow morning.

PGFish> Yeah, I was gonna say that Goliath's hair was "blackish", but I was afraid someone *coughsdphcoughs* would reprimand me for my alleged oversight or something. I have also noted the distinction in hair color between Elisa and Goliath, though I've never noticed the reddish tint to Angela's hair. I'll have to watch for that.

Matt - [St Louis, Missouri, USA]
"Let this mark the beginning of a Golden Age, between all our clans, both Human and Gargoyle!!!" -Macbeth, "City of Stone"

There are a few questions that I keep forgetting to put in the backlog, but then again, I think it's a good thing that I don't flood it. I'm probably going to make CoS the center of my next set of non-review questions. *light bulb clicks as he realizes how to ask a certain question without presenting an idea* I do like the idea of posting potential AG questions here to see if they have been answered.

Battle Beast - <How long for Issue #4?> Wednesday.

*makes mental note to call the local comic book store to confirm his order for issue #4*

TiniTinyTony - Yesterday, I counted that you made 5 posts to the this cr in 1 day. Could you try to keep your total number of posts to this cr down to 1-2 per day?

Matt - happy birthday.

*goes off to fix something of his own creation*

Whatever happenned to simplicity?

Also regarding your second question:

Gerin> Thus on one subconscious level there was an awareness of time.

Antiyonder - [antiyonder at yahoo dot com]

Happy birthday Matt! I turn 25 in three months.

"Goliath has purpleish hide, not scales. He also has black hair."--
Actually I've always kind of seen Goliath as having dark brown hair-kind of like a muddy brown. Elisa has bluish black hair and it's darker than Goliath's. whe you see them standing together the difference is obvious-his hair is not black. ( I know Greg W. once said Goliath's hair is black--but he also said once he thought goliath was blue and not lavender). Angela's hair is similar to Goliath's though it seems to have a more reddish tint to it.

Yes, I'm anal ;)

Purplegoldfish - [skydragonn at aol dot com]
"Whoa, Tiny, you mean there's more than one of you?" "My name is not Tiny! I am Goliath!" - Elisa and Tiny

Happy Birthday Old man Matt! ^_~ Just kidding. Have a super day. Enjoy your youth. To be 25 again...that was 16 years ago for me.

Happy Birthday, Matt!
Phil - [p1anderson at go dot com]

Happy birthday, Matt!

Happy birthday Matt!

Maybe the #6 cover will be Coldstone half in shadow, seeming to menace Goliath and Elisa, so that those who don't recognize him will wonder it he's attacking.

Vaevictis Asmadi

Hi all I had this idea all week and wondered what 1 on 1 fights would you like to see in the Gargoyles comic books. I would love to see Angela vs Demona and Broadway vs Brooklyn and one fight I love to see but doubt it will happen unless they were under a spell is Angela vs Elisa.

Also what does anyone think who will be on the cover of Gargoyles issue 6 I think either Goliath, Elisa, Angela and Bronx or Coldstone

Vicky82 - [Vickyfanofwwe at aol dot com]

Happy Birthday, MAtt! A quarter Century. Wow. How do you feel?

What are ya gonna do for the big occasion?

Anyway, have a good day and don't do anything stupid!!!

Battle Beast - [Canada]
That is all I will say.

Demon@ > Greg has explained that gargoyles and garg-beasts belong to their own biological class which he calls "gargates." They are neither mammals nor reptiles. And as far as I know, there's never been any evidence that they have scales. I don't see why they would. There's also no indication that Una or Leo have fur. Leo looks vaguely lion-like, but they are gargoyles, they are not related to lions or horses. As Greg said, "Leo is more closely related to Goliath than to a lion." The varied appearance of gargoyles is only skin-deep, it is what Greg calls "chameleon genes."

To me they look more mammalian than anything else, especially since the females have boobs and nurse their children with milk. That plus the hair and ears, they must be closely related to mammals. But they are not actually mammals, nor reptiles.

Gerin > One of those questions has been answered. Greg has said that they dreamed during that time, but probably didn't remember the dreams. When they woke up, it was like the massacre had been just yesterday.

Vaevictis Asmadi

Sorry for the double post. I just needed to adjust my avatar setting on this computer.
KingCobra_582 - [KingCobra_582 at hotmail dot com]
'Ignore Me!' - Venture Bros.

lkb> How should we know? :P

Gerin> Eh, it was just Goliath being Goliath. He was using that talk to try and reason with her. Obviously, he failed, but at least he tried.

Matt> Happy birthday.

KingCobra_582 - [KingCobra_582 at hotmail dot com]
'Ignore Me!' - Venture Bros.

What color are my PJs?
sdifu miosdjf

Seeing that the backlog of Ask Greg will soon be up, there are a few questions I would like to ask once it's possible again. Some of these seem so straightforward and obvious to me that I was surprised nobody else seems to have asked them before. At least I did not find them in the archives. But maybe I looked for the wrong search terms or whatever, so just to be on the safe side, I would like to ask you if you remember having seen those before:

1) In the final showdown in Awakening Part V, Goliath tells Demona: "There is good and evil in all of us, human and gargoyle alike. You should know that more than anyone."
That sounds as if Goliath was refering to a specific incident that should have taught Demona this. Now, I just watched all episodes again, but I can't figure out what Goliath is refering to with this sentence. Is it a story that's never been told, or what is Goliath talking about?

2) Greg has stated before that during the day, when the Gargoyles are stone, they experience something akin to dreaming. Did they also dream during the magically induced 1000 years of slumber? Was it a nightmare?

3) Why was the decision made to make Angela in the comic visually different from Angela on the show? (bare midriff vs. single-part suit)

One last question that I'm obviously not going to ask Greg, but maybe you can help me out here: Greg finishes many of his reviews with "that's my ramble, where's yours?". As a non-native speaker, I wonder: does he really ask for rambles, or is it more of a rethoric question, the same way as people who ask you how you are don't really expect long stories about your well-being?

Vaevictis: cool new avatars, thanks!

Gerin - [malte dot ressin at gmail dot com]

Matt: <Una cannot mate with a horse however. Nor can Leo mate with a lion or Zafiro mate with a snake or Lexington mate with a flying squirrel.>

Well, they COULD, but it wouldn't produce anything. And the real question is, would they want to?

Harvester of Eyes - [Minstrel75 at gmail dot com]
"Your psychotronic profile indicates hgih levels of destructive impulse, which might be why I find you so much fun to keep around. My own psychotronic profile is... well, never mind about that now." -Durandal

Happy Birthday, Matt.
Gerin - [malte dot ressin at gmail dot com]

First of, gargoyles are a single species. They show remarkable diversity, true, but there are numerous biological and cultural theories as to why that might be. A species is defined as a group of individuals that can interbreed and produce viable, fertile offspring. Zafiro could mate with Una, Lexington could mate with Turquesa, Kai could mate with Demona, Griff could mate with Sora, etc. and all would produce viable eggs that would hatch into fertile hatchlings. Obviously, these pairings are extraordinarily unlikely, but the point is that gargoyles from around the world can interbreed.

Una cannot mate with a horse however. Nor can Leo mate with a lion or Zafiro mate with a snake or Lexington mate with a flying squirrel. Despite physical similarities, there is no close genetic relationship with these animals.

Also, gargoyles, all gargoyles, have hide. Some have areas that are covered in hair and feathers and scales, but the bulk of their outer coverings is hide. Goliath has purpleish hide, not scales. He also has black hair. Zafiro has red hide, not scales. He does have tannish scales on his abdomen and white hair and whitish feathers on his wings however. Una, Leo and Griff do not have fur. They have white, tannish, and brown hides. They also have hair and feathers. I see no evidence to suggest that feeling the skin of Goliath's, Leo's, Jade's, or Yama's arms would be an entire different covering. All four have hide, not scales or fur.

Oh yes, and today is my 25th birthday.

Matt - [St Louis, Missouri, USA]
"Let this mark the beginning of a Golden Age, between all our clans, both Human and Gargoyle!!!" -Macbeth, "City of Stone"

Greg W: The next issues are going to be pretty damn exciting. Issues three to five tell a complete story. Six has a quick, exciting little story. <<And the story arc in issues seven to nine: I hope it's really going to blow the audience away.>>

Hmmm... I can't wait! How long for Issue #4???

Battle Beast - [Canada]
That is all I will say.

VA> Thanks, I pretty much thought I knew that but threw the other one in just to cover all bets. Thanks for the clarification.

Aldrius: they ARE really similar, there are some differences, of course, Angela is not a clone and Demona is older, but the ARE very similar.
Maybe a whole new order of creatures should be apply for the gargoyles. They have a little of every other order of animals, reptils, insects, mammals. And they are very different from each other. Una may look like a horse, granted, but she has a skull of a horse, and Zafiro has, from chest down, the structural skeleton of a snake.
Maybe we could say there are birds, mammals, fishes, reptil, amphibious and gargoyles. And gargoyles have a lot of species.

espero que goste

Pero vooo so loco vite?

Yes, there are obvious visual flourishes that each clan has. I could tell an Ishimura gargoyle from a Mayan one or a Mayan gargoyle from a wyvern gargoyle very easily.

But the London Gargoyles are especially distinct in relation to Guetamala, Scottish or Ishimura gargoyles. Heck, look at the Loch Ness clan, they're probably the most distinct of the clans and yet they live in the same country as the Wyvern Gargoyles. It is a little strange. The other three clans all have very set features. They all have scales, they all have the same kind of (/similar) horns, they all have claws and wings. The English Gargoyles have these too, but they're VERY different. For one thing, they've got fur and feathers instead of scales. But eh, I dunno. It's impossible to analyze because it's really more of an art thing, the look really suits English Gargoyles doesn't it?


DPH> Well, duh, obviously Desdemona is Gabriel's mother, but I was talking about relatives that havn't been confirmed yet. Geeez.

Anyway, I think you guys are crazy. Show me a gargoyle from Scotland, Guatemala or Japan and no matter what clothing they are wearing I'd be willing to bet I could tell where they came from. There are very obvious visual cues, once you know what to look for. I've never understood the whole lumping togather of the Scottish/Mayan/Japanese clan looks. I think most people think the English stick out so much because their eyes are trained to see a lion or a horse or a bird more than a completely fictional scottish or mayan or japanese gargoyle. I'm sure the gargoyles from other clans will be equally distinct.

Matt - [St Louis, Missouri, USA]
"Let this mark the beginning of a Golden Age, between all our clans, both Human and Gargoyle!!!" -Macbeth, "City of Stone"

The SLG blog just linked to an interview with Greg. I can't remember if it's been mentioned in here or not, so I figured I'd pass the link along in case it hasn't. Click my name or visit:



Demona and Angela never looked very much alike to me. Even their body shapes are pretty different. Their body-types are similar (Demona's more muscular though), but the subtleties of their figures (their brow-ridges, facial structure, bone-structure) and of course their hair and skin colour are completely different.

Desdemona is completely different from both of them. Different horns, different colour, COMPLETELY different facial, wing and bone structure. Similar body-type, though.

Though I agree with purplegoldfish. Would be nice to see some prettier-looking male gargoyles, and some more stocky female gargoyles.


Yes, Patrick: HOW many days till Issue #4 comes out?? (Don't you just love those kids in your class that ask questions after they've ALREADY been answered??) ;)

"Maybe its a Pangea thing" -- ROTFL! Tony, next time someone I know is stumped with a question, guess what answer I'm going to pull out! :P

But hey, maybe that WAS the case . . . you never know.

Phoenician - [<---My Kinda Useless Blog]
"The Suspense is Terrible . . . I Hope it Lasts" -- Willy Wonka

I would imagine that Elisa goes to the restroom the same way any other woman does. Any more silly questions?

43 days left until The Gathering 2007 in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee!
7 days left until Gargoyles #4 is available.

Patrick - [<-- The Gathering 2007]
"I was a physical education major with a child psychology minor at Temple, which means if you ask me a question about a child's behavior, I will advise you to tell the child to take a lap." - Bill Cosby

Justin > Greg has stated that the gargs did not evolve to resemble mythical creatures, the myths were inspired by the gargs.

I think Una's feet are pretty weird, but everything else about her is gargoylean. Well, her tail is unique, but we've seen gargoyles with fur on their tails, and a short tail isn't that odd. Bronx has a very short tail, and Boudicca has a long one.

When asked about Zafiro, Greg said "You haven't seen Zafiro's skeleton." Which makes me think he must have vestigial legs under the skin and muscle. Really, anything less would make him a different species.

The London gargs do look very different from the Scottish ones, and it is odd. Greg has said migration may be the cause, and I think that must be it. Griffin legends originated in West Asia and from there spread to Greece, East Europe, Egypt, and Italy, and later to central and western Europe. They also spread northeastwards, into Central Asia. So I think the ancestors of the London clan must have migrated from south or east Europe.

The feathered wings are the only thing I find strange about Leo and Griff, and Zafiro also has them. But I think that the underlying bone structure must be the same as in other gargoyles. Look at them on this page:
and the bottom of this page:

See how they cape their wings? The wings drape over their arms like towels. A bird can't bend their wings that way. Bird wings have only three joints: shoulder, elbow, and wrist. But the London gargs bend their wings below the wrist, where other gargs have their wing-finger bones. So they can't have bird-like wing bones. The bones must be essentially bat-like, like the other gargoyles.

Vaevictis Asmadi

Maybe it's a Pangea thing.
TiniTinyTony - [tinitinytony at hotmail dot com]
Invention, my dear friends, is 93% perspiration, 6% electricity, 4% evaporation, and 2% butterscotch ripple. - Willy Wonka

I echo Todd's comment. You'd expect more diversity between two groups very far apart (like English/Scottish and say Guatemalan or Japanese), not so much within the same island. But I'm sure there are cases where there a species can have very distinctive physical differences (like melanism)

What's really weird is that the English gargoyles look far more different from Scottish gargoyles than Japanese or Mayan gargoyles do - and Japan and Guatemala are a lot further away from Scotland than England is.
Todd Jensen
Gargoyles - did for monstrous-looking statues what "Watership Down" did for rabbits!

Matt - <As for Desdemona, I don't think she is very closely related to anyone we've seen among the Wyvern/Avalon/Manhattan Clan.> I hate to argue with you, but you're wrong. Gabriel's parents are Othello and Desdemona. Here's the proof: http://www.s8.org/gargoyles/askgreg/search.php?qid=7839
Whatever happenned to simplicity?

PurpleGoldFish< I don't know. To me they both look un-gargoyle. Still they are gargoyle so they must have a reason for being so odd.

The English Clan I think is a differnt sub-species then the other kinds of gargoyles. They look so diffrent that they must have been separated from the other lines for some time.


sorry for the double post

Tony: I certainly hope gargoyles didn't mate with horses and snakes...0_o

Phoenician-Ooh, I have both the coldstone and the fire storm goliath-thought they're missing some pieces unfortunately. The coldstone figure is really cool-it's got a screen in its chest with the three gargoyle souls and xanatos. you pull a lever and you get an image at random. The fire Goliath makes no sense-though his wings are cool.

Purplegoldfish - [skydragonn at aol dot com]
"Whoa, Tiny, you mean there's more than one of you?" "My name is not Tiny! I am Goliath!" - Elisa and Tiny

Tiny Tiny Tony: What we see here isn't gargoyles and mythological animals mating. We have here what Greg W. called a "chameleon mutation gene"

It is theorized that gargoyles over time will evolve characteristics that resemble creatures of myth to the humans they live near. Or perhaps creatures of myth were introduced after seeing these gargoyles. Either way, its a chicken and the egg thing.

Justin M. Lindley

hmm, I forgot about Una. To tell the truth, I don't really like her design too much-she just doesn't seem gargoyle to me-more like an anthro pegasus woman. I think she should at least have a tufted tail, like Leo's and Griff's. Zafiro is strange too, but for some reason I can see him as a gargoyle, but not Una. I guess it's just really hard for me to envision a winged horse popping out an egg...
Purplegoldfish - [skydragonn at aol dot com]
"Whoa, Tiny, you mean there's more than one of you?" "My name is not Tiny! I am Goliath!" - Elisa and Tiny

Tini< I don't think so..I think their genes are purely gargoyle...
But maybe by magic they did mix...but it would not have been a normal mating and it would be spread through all gargoyle just not expressed.


Phoenician> I've seen the Coldstone figure. I actually own it somewhere in one of my boxes in storage.

Rosanna> Gargoyle + Unicorn = Una, Gargoyle + Snake = Zafiro
I guess mythological animals mate with what they can to stay alive and propagate their species. Don't ask me to explain how, but I guess it can happen.

TiniTinyTony - [tinitinytony at hotmail dot com]
Invention, my dear friends, is 93% perspiration, 6% electricity, 4% evaporation, and 2% butterscotch ripple. - Willy Wonka

Okay yes...I think I read that. Still she is a stange one..
And next in line or before her come Zafiro...what's with the snake body?...no legs!?


Greg has confirmed that Una indeed has an actual horn.
Matt - [St Louis, Missouri, USA]
"Let this mark the beginning of a Golden Age, between all our clans, both Human and Gargoyle!!!" -Macbeth, "City of Stone"

Una is a strange one. Her feet are hooves and her tail looks like it might not be able to bend. Her tail might be horse-like, so could bend some, but not like normal gargoyle's. And her face is strange. Must be the beak thing. I wonder if she has a horn on her head or if the metal is just a head-dress of some kind. Her hands are the only normal thing. Makes you think if she is strange in England or just for non-mammal/bird type gargoyles. If she is not an oddity then gargoyle genes can really get wild.

I've never confused Desdemona with Demona or Angela (who are supposed to look a tad alike).

Maybe its the horns.

Anyways, sorry to go off topic, but a friend of mine just recently posted some Gargoyle action figures he found at a store (he live in Manchester). Now I've NEVER seen a ColdStone action figure so I was wondering what you guys think about it.

Phoenician - [<---Gargoyle Action Figures]
"The Suspense is Terrible . . . I Hope it Lasts" -- Willy Wonka

Una is quite different from other female gargoyles we've seen. I'd say a lot of the genes that are responsible for giving gargoyles beaks are at work on her face as well.

As for Desdemona, I don't think she is very closely related to anyone we've seen among the Wyvern/Avalon/Manhattan Clan. Maybe a distant relative of Hudson or Brooklyn, but thats a stretch.

Matt - [St Louis, Missouri, USA]
"Let this mark the beginning of a Golden Age, between all our clans, both Human and Gargoyle!!!" -Macbeth, "City of Stone"

I brought the cousins discussion up earlier...No one responds to meeeeee ;) j/k

Matt: I think you're right-I never noticed before but Iago and Goliath could very likely be related-the two couldn't be more different though. And I do think Othello is related to broadway as well. Any theories about Desdemona? Actually, all the female gargoyles in the show kind of look the same to me physique wise and face wise. I would love to see some short or chubby females, or maybe one with more exaggerated featrues such as a beak.

Purplegoldfish - [skydragonn at aol dot com]
"Whoa, Tiny, you mean there's more than one of you?" "My name is not Tiny! I am Goliath!" - Elisa and Tiny

Scott> Yes, it sorta is, or at least the same story idea, if not the same script.

Jack> As Phil said, Othello and Goliath can't be biological brothers because a mated pair only produces one egg in a generation. Twins seems to be possible, however, Greg says that it is so unlikely (if it's possible) that it is hardly worth mentioning. As Adam pointed out, Goliath and Othello could be cousins, they are from the same Clan afterall. However, I think if anyone is Goliath's cousin it is Iago. They have the same black hair and ears, both have purpleish coloring and their brow ridges are not all that different. Othello looks as if he could be a cousin of Broadway. I have all sorts of possible genealogies in my head actually. Some of you may recall the gargoyle of the Avalon Clan that tried to attack the enhanced Archmage with a spear, I feel very confident in my guess that he is also related to Broadway on Broadway's mother's side. I know, I know, I'm crazy.

Matt - [St Louis, Missouri, USA]
"Let this mark the beginning of a Golden Age, between all our clans, both Human and Gargoyle!!!" -Macbeth, "City of Stone"

Anonymous> Directly from Greg concerning bathrooms (just search the archives):

Greg responds...
There's a bathroom in the clock tower. But I've never checked to see if it's been used.

TiniTinyTony - [tinitinytony at hotmail dot com]
Invention, my dear friends, is 93% perspiration, 6% electricity, 4% evaporation, and 2% butterscotch ripple. - Willy Wonka

Q> Does anyone know how the gargoyle go to the restroom? Or even Elisa?

A> I'm sure they do, they just don't animate/draw it. Wouldn't you hate to be driving in your car when Goliath, flying overhead, decides to relieve himself?

Scott> Thanks, yeah that was posted last week sometime.

TiniTinyTony - [tinitinytony at hotmail dot com]
Invention, my dear friends, is 93% perspiration, 6% electricity, 4% evaporation, and 2% butterscotch ripple. - Willy Wonka

I think the best that Othello and Goliath could be is cousins. I maybe wrong, but if there biological parents were rookery siblings, then I think they would be cousins.
Adam - [carl006_1999 at yahoo dot com]

Does anyone know how the gargoyle go to the restroom? Or even Elisa?

Jack> They can't be biological brothers if they're rookery brothers of the same hatching year. Gargoyle couples only produce one egg every twenty years.
Phil - [p1anderson at go dot com]

So, I know this is a really random question, but please indulge me. Has Greg ever said if Goliath and Othello are BIOLOGICAL brothers? I know they're rookery brothers, but I was curious if they were related by blood.
Jack Pumpkinhead - [jtjgundam at hotmail dot com]

Comic > Sorry if this was already posted, but I found the solicit for #6:

What promises Yetis, monks, deadly archers and long-lost cyborg-zombie rookery siblings with multiple personality disorder? That's right, it's "Clan-Building, Chapter 6: Reunion." Thailog's new executive assistant keeps him busy with a tale of World Tour's past, as Goliath, Angela, Elisa, and Bronx journey to Tibet and encounter an old friend… or perhaps a foe.

So it looks like the script Greg did for Marvel has finally found its way to print.

Scott Iskow - [smiskow at gmail dot com]

Todd> ...almost exactly the response in the film.

All> Looks like they don't have the option to make the "Bad Guys" comic color inside. I'm not a huge fan of black and white, and I'm sure it will have shades of gray, but I'll keep my fingers crossed. I'm just more excited for Gargoyles EVERY MONTH!

TiniTinyTony - [tinitinytony at hotmail dot com]
Invention, my dear friends, is 93% perspiration, 6% electricity, 4% evaporation, and 2% butterscotch ripple. - Willy Wonka

*reads Tony's latest signature quote *

But that comes to 105%.

Todd Jensen
Gargoyles - did for monstrous-looking statues what "Watership Down" did for rabbits!

It's a real quote alright just follow the link or click the link:


The guy just wont stop embarassing himself. Everything from Indy4 to new Clone Wars animation. Be Warned it's Fow News!

Vinnie - [tpeano29 at hotmail dot com]
"People thought 'Star Wars' was silly, too," he added, with a wink. "But it wasn't."- George Lucas

Yeah, too many Lucas quotes!
TiniTinyTony - [tinitinytony at hotmail dot com]
Invention, my dear friends, is 93% perspiration, 6% electricity, 4% evaporation, and 2% butterscotch ripple. - Willy Wonka

I saw Spiderman 3 last friday. I greatly enjoyed it. Some of the seens were over the top, but I generally don't listen to critics anyway. I was just quoting what the two papers I read gave the movie. I am sure that some critics will say the same thing about Shrek 3, Pirates 3, and Transformers. Critics generally don't like big budget movies that aren't based on novels (like Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings).
Adam - [carl006_1999 at yahoo dot com]

(Dazed and confused with so many wardrobe changes, but enjoying them all the same!!)

Adam: Three Stars in Chicago? Hmm . . . Phoenix's Bill Goodykoontz gave Spidey 3 Four Stars, saying (I'm paraphrasing here) that while there are some holes, its a summer film and you'll enjoy it regardless.


And I've yet to see it (kinda necessary if I plan to critique it, right?), but I DO plan to . . . hopefully this weekend (or the next).

And seriously, are there really THREE George Lucas quotes in the CR right now?? Man, the guy has got to stop giving interviews . . . .

Phoenician - [theoneandonlyphoenician at yahoo dot com]
"The Suspense is Terrible . . . I Hope it Lasts" -- Willy Wonka

vertigo: Thks! i will be sending them then :)
Pero vooo so loco vite?

Yes, but mine's more fresh.
TiniTinyTony - [tinitinytony at hotmail dot com]
"People thought 'Star Wars' was silly, too, but it wasn't." - George Lucas

My George Lucas quote's better.
Harvester of Eyes - [Minstrel75 at gmail dot com]
"I've never won an Oscar." -George Lucas

If it ain't broke, don't fix it. Sticking with the phoenix gate, because I wish I had one.
TiniTinyTony - [tinitinytony at hotmail dot com]
"People thought 'Star Wars' was silly, too, but it wasn't." - George Lucas

Ok, instead of posting words that don't mean anything, I'm going to look at the pictures using this as a model - http://www.s8.org/gargoyles/images/gargs/_____.jpg
TiniTinyTony - [tinitinytony at hotmail dot com]
"People thought 'Star Wars' was silly, too, but it wasn't." - George Lucas

Crap, I've seen both of those below before. Trying one more, then I give up.
TiniTinyTony - [tinitinytony at hotmail dot com]
"People thought 'Star Wars' was silly, too, but it wasn't." - George Lucas

I don't think the avatar is new, but if I haven't seen it, it's new to me! Trying another one I haven't seen. I don't see any X-wings. :(
TiniTinyTony - [tinitinytony at hotmail dot com]
"People thought 'Star Wars' was silly, too, but it wasn't." - George Lucas

Trying a new avatar like everyone else.
TiniTinyTony - [tinitinytony at hotmail dot com]
"People thought 'Star Wars' was silly, too, but it wasn't." - George Lucas

But if fareness to George, Spidey 3 has been the least favorite of the Spidey movies to the critics. In the Twin Cities papers, Spidey 3 only got 3 and a half stars for both papers. I happen to dissagree with them, but that was there oppinion.
Adam - [carl006_1999 at yahoo dot com]

Is it me, or has Johnny Modlin submitted the exact same question, with the same wording, three times in two months?

Re: George Lucas >> Did we need any more evidence that the man has no taste?
Still, I can't believe he said that. Well, I can, because it's George Lucas, but wow.

Aldrius: I can deal if I have to share my avatar with somebody, but my font color?? No way!!
Just kidding.
Hmm, I think I like the Turquesa avatar more than Obsidiana.

Vaevictis Asmadi

Patrick: Walking is still useful. As soon as I figure out where Jack Valenti is buried, I'm going to plan a pilgramage to piss on his grave.

Matt: George Lucas is a douchebag. End of story. Someone once told George Lucas how much they loved "THX 1138," to which Lucas replied: "Why? It didn't make any money." That pretty much says it all.

Harvester of Eyes - [Minstrel75 at gmail dot com]
"This is private property. Unlike the opposition, I don't have any obligation to forgive trespassers." -Lucifer

Boo, World of Walking. Hooray City of Heroes!

44 days left until The Gathering 2007 in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee!
8 days left until Gargoyles #4 is available.

Patrick - [<-- The Gathering 2007]
"Before Stonehenge, there was Woodhenge and Strawhenge, but a big bad wolf came and blew them down." - Eddie Izzard

I dunno. I like WoW, but I think it could be better. Especially in regards to the very, very stagnant storyline... =\ A disgrace to the beauty of WarCraft 3's storyline.

HA! Did George Lucas really say that?! Oh man, now I get why he doesn't understand why no one likes JarJar.
Matt - [St Louis, Missouri, USA]
"Let this mark the beginning of a Golden Age, between all our clans, both Human and Gargoyle!!!" -Macbeth, "City of Stone"

Since everyone is trying out a new look then I think I will as well.
Vinnie - [tpeano29 at hotmail dot com]
It's silly. It's a silly movie. There just isn't much there. Once you take it all apart, there's not much story, is there?- George Lucas on Spider-Man 3

VA: The new avatars look great. I especially like Turquesa.
Samuel - [AnglOfHellO at AOL dot com]
"What sorcery is this?!"

Anonymous > I wasn't really saying Final Fantasy XI sucked or anything like that. But I think anyone who considers playing it should know what the downsides are to it. It's also hard to explain how LOTR's plot is so much more detailed, when you do a story mission you're pretty much involved in a plotline the whole way through the mission where in Final Fantasy XI for most the story missions it's just a regular quest where you do something specific but at the end you get a cutscene.

There's still no denying that it's dumb that people will yell at a summoner if they actually use their summons for anything other then casting a buff spell and then desummoning them. I'd tried on 3 seperate occassions to get into this game and I just couldn't do it past a certain point. The cookie cutter community and long party waits killed it for me. Yes there are worst MMOs out there but most people who play FFXI play it simply because it's Final Fantsy and have never played anything else to see if it's better.

Ozzie Arcane - [ozziearcane at wowway dot com]
"Hello Booby, this is a trap!" - Eggplant Wizard from Captain N

Just out of curiosity, does anybody recognize the ip address of the Anonymous poster? If it's somebody new, we won't bite you, but we would like to know what to call you besides Anonymous.
Whatever happenned to simplicity?

Nothingmuch to say honestly. Just curious about the new avatars. I thin I'll porbably stick with Othello and Desdemona though. It's a really nice image with both characters very well drawn and on model.

Uh... I don't OWN the avatar, anyone can use it... but I know people who pick avatars try not use ones others use... you know what I mean right?
Battle Beast - [Canada]
That is all I will say.

Matt> Yah I was. Back in my younger days ^_^'

Brooklyn is popular; I think I took him from another who used to use him, and I got to keep him all these years. I don't know if I'd ever give him up, but... right now, I thought I'd try one of the new ones to see what it looks like.

Anyway, cool avatars, V. Thanks so much!

Battle Beast - [Canada]
That is all I will say.

Hmm.. Chicago. I have distant relatives there but I don't know them all that well, so that part is probably out of the picture. We'll have to see, since it's a lot farther for me than Tennessee.

VA> great work on the avatars.


Chicago sounds like a good place for a Gathering - lots of wind for wings to glide on ^_~

Couldn't resist.


Christine: Sorry, but I've been fighting the lure of online gaming with non-conventional weapons for some time now. I've seen the effect that a few of those games have had on friends of mine. Of course, they are attempting to convert me. I just bought a backup computer from one of them, and he left the graphics card, the wireless internet adaptor, and the files for WoW on there. Told me he was doing that, too. I don't know, I might just be old-fashioned.
Harvester of Eyes - [Minstrel75 at gmail dot com]
"This is private property. Unlike the opposition, I don't have any obligation to forgive trespassers." -Lucifer

I assume that the choice of Chicago for next year's Gathering has absolutely nothing to do with that rejected ending for "Angels in the Night" with Goliath and Elisa relocating there. :)

(And I hope that that remark of mine doesn't lead to the 2008 Gathering having to be frantically relocated somewhere else. :) )

Todd Jensen
Gargoyles - did for monstrous-looking statues what "Watership Down" did for rabbits!

It takes a certain type of person enjoy FFXI. I for example am not interested at all in WoW or EQII, even my computer could play them, but FFXI always enthralled (even the six frustrating times we died to the final boss of CoP, but doing it together with the group I had done the five chapters before the end and then finally standing together at Blueblade Falls (from you can see the place of the intro movie) watching the final cutscene with all the NPCs that had been alongside us on our Journey, listning to Distant Worlds, it was well worth all the legwork, preparations and frustration.

I don't know when you played, but the economy isn't any worse than it ever was. We had hyperinflation during Christmas 2005, but now we are getting back to "normal" prices. And it actually didn't matter much how high the prices were because about x stacks of Beehive Chips still translates to one Scorpion Harness, no matter how the actual numbers are. A new player can afford the same things they could always afford, the problem is that many new players seem to only want to reach level 75 and End Game as fast as possible and miss out on all the interesting things in between. In FFXI the Journey is just as, if not more, interesting than the destination.

Yes, it is a very time consuming game and best if one can set a few hours aside, but than the question is, can you be contend with leveling on weekends, when you may have more time (and one can accomplish many things even while seeking), and reaching Level 75 in 3 months but rather in a year or two. There even some players who have been playing for three or more years and not yet reached level 75, because they found so many other things to entertain them, that level 75 just didn't seem that important, who also weren't sucked up in all that drama.

Which other RPG has a story line like LotR, since nothing short of that epic story seem sto satisfy you? And who do you know FFXI's story won't the detailed level of LotR? The game is not yet finished, we haven't seen everything of this world yet, LotR wasn't invented in one day, neither was Vana'diel. And I'd call it pretty detailed and thought out, when the introduction movie foreshadows an expansion that made an appearance two years later. And did LotR ever tell you about the little, normal people and how all the things going on affected their lifes?

FFXI isn't for everbody, but I think it is wrong to totally discard it, because you didn't like it.
It is the first and only MMORPG I have ever played, the only one to really garner my attention. It wasn't difficult to get into the game (after all I read the manual and official website, instead of just jumping in and not even listening to the game when it explains the optional tutorial quest) and the economy today has even lower prices than it had when I started.


Howdy, folks!

Just wanted to delurk long enough to brag some ... I have a new book coming out this month! TELL NO TALES will be released on May 23rd. Which also happens to be Tim and my 15th anniversary ... eek.

Anyway, here's the linkies:

Read all about it! http://www.christine-morgan.org/tell_no_tales.htm

Download the first two chapters! http://www.christine-morgan.org/tell_no_tales_demo.pdf

See Stephanie Lostimolo's fabulous cover! http://www.christine-morgan.org/tell_no_tales_cov_med.jpg

On another note, like Kyt said, I play City of Heroes / City of Villains. Quite a lot. On many servers. Hope to run into more of you around Paragon City and the Rogue Isles!

Christine - [christine at sabledrake dot com]

SWEEEET! Chicago is even closer than TN! Looks like Matt is gonna make it to the Gathering two years in a row! Thanks for the update Patrick and big thanks to the staffs (staves?) of both the G'07 and G'08!
Matt - [St Louis, Missouri, USA]
"Let this mark the beginning of a Golden Age, between all our clans, both Human and Gargoyle!!!" -Macbeth, "City of Stone"

Demon@, e-mail it to me and I'll convert it.


"I can't believe how hard it is to blow up a room full of gasoline!" - Adam Savage (Mythbusters)

Hmm . . . Chicago. It's closer than Tennessee . . . but I have more time to prepare this time . . . oh there's some SERIOUS hope for me this year!!

Thanks for the news Patrick!!

(Rushes off to TVRage to announce the news over there . . . .)

Phoenician - [theoneandonlyphoenician at yahoo dot com]
"The Suspense is Terrible . . . I Hope it Lasts" -- Willy Wonka

Harvester> I have a cousin who lives in Chicago.

Unfortunately, Vid The Kid and I may not be able to crash at her place whilst we are there.

So much for saving $$$ on a hotel room.

KingCobra_582 - [KingCobra_582 at hotmail dot com]
"Ignore me!" - Venture Bros.

Yay for Chicago.

I have an uncle who lives outside of Chicago. I'll have to see how much vacation time I can hoard.

And on another topic, I feel like I've stumbled into Bizarro Universe or something. Issue #4 is coming out on time and we haven't had any "doom and gloom" talk. I hope this doesn't mean that an evil me with a goatee is back in the normal universe, getting me fired from my job and posting in my Livejournal about how much he likes Demona/Elisa femslash.

Unless I'm the evil one. In which case, he's probably making tea and smores for an animal shelter or something. Either way, I must find a way back to put a stop to his nonsense.

Harvester of Eyes - [Minstrel75 at gmail dot com]
"We should have cloned twenties. Jackson wouldn't have given a shit." -Frylock

Gathering 2008> Cool.

Chicago in '08. Once again, a location that will be within driving distance for us and, thus, will be more affordable.

KingCobra_582 - [KingCobra_582 at hotmail dot com]
"Ignore me!" - Venture Bros.

SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT - The Gathering 2008 in Chicago!

The Gathering of the Gargoyles Bid Committee and The Gathering 2007 staff are pleased to announce the winning location for The Gathering 2008. Mark your calendars now, and get ready to come glide with all your friends next summer in the Windy City when the Gathering of the Gargoyles comes to Chicago, Illinois! Convention Co-Chairs Susan Leonard and Ellen Stolfa have stepped up to the plate and delivered a grand slam proposal for our Twelfth Annual convention, currently scheduled for the weekend of June 27-30, 2008.

For questions, suggestions, and offers of assistance, the Co-Chairs can be reached at EFStolfa@gatheringofthegargoyles.com. As always, the Gathering of the Gargoyles web site will continue to be the official source of information about current and future conventions. The Gathering 2008 staff is already hard at work on their part of the site, and we will announce the URL just as soon as it's ready to go live.

- The Gathering of the Gargoyles Bid Committee / The Gathering 2007 Staff

45 days left until The Gathering 2007 in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee!
9 days left until Gargoyles #4 is available.

Patrick - [<-- The Gathering 2007]

Antiyonder, I knew you were joking. So was I. But more options is still always nice.

Back on the topic of MMORPGs, a couple people have brought up Final Fantasy XI. FFXI is not a game for a person to just now starts playing, the player economy which you have to buy all your equipment from is so out of whack it's not funny. A new player can not possibly hope to afford much of anything they need unless they have friends already on the server. Not only that, the game is the most time consuming of all online games. If you're not a white mage, you can end up waiting hours just to get a group when you basicly have to group past level 10. If you only have a few hours a night to play, that means you could end up using your entire gaming time trying to find a group.

Don't even get me going on the entire cookie cutter mindset of the playerbase. They decided the best way for each class to be played and if you don't play that way you're not going to get a group. Summoners aren't even allowed to use their summoned monsters, they're expected to sub white mage and just heal because using their summonings is considered a waste of mp. As for the plotline that everyone claims is so great, Lord of the Rings Online's plotline is alot more detailed.

Also someone pointed out that Final Fantasy XI doesn't force you to make seperate characters to play seperate classes, while that's true they also charge you extra money if you want more then one character.

Ozzie Arcane - [ozziearcane at wowway dot com]
"Hello Booby, this is a trap!" - Eggplant Wizard from Captain N

cool new avatars, Vaevictis :)
issue 3 spoilers*

anyone notice how quickly Goliath healed from issue 2 ? that stone sleep must be something.

8 more days till Issue 4!


Greg W> Hope you have a nice time there.
KingCobra_582 - [KingCobra_582 at hotmail dot com]
"Ignore me!" - Venture Bros.

Yeah yeah, I'll get working on GNC as soon as I graduate. In terms of priotities, however, I need to edit the Team Atlantis video before the con. Should be some nice additions this year.

MMORPGs> I remember back when WoW was being beta'd, and a friend of mine was playing FFXI, and I argued WoW was going to be so much better, based on what I saw of him playing FFXI (seeing a level 75 char fighting a bee or a crab isn't all that impressive, even if it's a mega-bee that just happens to only *look* just like the monster you killed when you were level 1. I had other arguments for why WoW was going to be better, but that's the one that sticks in my mind). Anyway, as it happened I never got to play WoW, so I played FFXI instead, and now almost 4 yrs later, I finally quit. I don't think I will ever allow myself to play such a game again, as it is a major time sink, but it is undeniably a lot of fun. FFXI encourages more interaction with others in the game than WoW (you can almost solo WoW, but unless you play the only real soloable job in FFXI, which is pure masochism, you cannot get beyond level 25 out of a possible 75). And being such a social game, players are very focused on their status, joining 'elite' guilds and fighting rare monsters that take at least 18 people to kill and which drop even rarer loot that you then have to figure out how to split among the group (this leads to an almost sickening amount of 'drama' that drives some people away from the game). Rather than competing with everyone on the server for these special monsters which might only appear once every 5 Earth days, WoW has dungeons that can reload every time someone enters, basically allowing everyone to have their very own version of the monster to kill, instead of competing for the same one. FFXI does have more 'end game' activities than WoW, however, and a more involved plot (multiple storylines, in fact, which tie into each other and the history of the world. This is mostly what kept me going for 4 years). Also, FFXI allows you to basically raise one character that can change jobs and allegiances at will, and still remain the same character and use the same items and resources that you've built up over time. WoW forces you to choose a job and allegiance and stick with it for the whole game. Also, from what I understand, WoW has more issues with preventing real-money-traders from ruining the economy of the game, and problems with frequent patches to their system. I guess I'm a bit more biased towards FFXI, but I'd say WoW is an easier game overall, just maybe not as much fun.

Vashkoda - [my name goes here at gmail dot com]
D2 <Can I have it?>

You're welcome, guys!

The next ones I have planned are Oberon, Morgan, Macbeth, Vinnie, and Burbank. If I have time for one more, it will be the Archmage.


Vaevictis Asmadi

WHY can't I be in Chicago??? (sigh)

Anyways, great job on the Avatars, VA! They really add some new color to the CR!

Phoenician - [theoneandonlyphoenician at yahoo dot com]
"The Suspense is Terrible . . . I Hope it Lasts" -- Willy Wonka

Hey gang,

This coming weekend, May 11-13th, I'll be in Chicago attending AnimeCentral.

Check out their website: http://www.acen.org/

And if you're in the area, please stop by and say hello. It's a big con, but I may get lonely...

Greg Weisman
"How could I not believe in animism? Every time I get on my bathroom scale, proof is there before my eyes of the sentience (and perversity) of all things."

Yay! Yama.

I like Yama. He's one of the better looking males on the show I find. =x

I think I found my new avatar. :D


I think i will stay with Boudicca
Humm, i have been trying to upload a file on the wiki about a silly parody i made of the gargoyles a few months ago :P but its not letting me becuase its a flash file. Anyone know how to make it compatible?

Pero vooo so loco vite?

*tries a new avatar just for a change of pace and to see whether he'd like it*
KingCobra_582 - [KingCobra_582 at hotmail dot com]
"Ignore me!" - Venture Bros.

Not planning on switching avatars, but wanted to have a look at the new ones. Anyone else wanna try out the others? I don't want to quadruple post...

Kudos Vaevictis. It is really fun to see some new faces in here so to speak.

Matt - [St Louis, Missouri, USA]
"Let this mark the beginning of a Golden Age, between all our clans, both Human and Gargoyle!!!" -Macbeth, "City of Stone"

Ozzie Arcane> I was kidding about that twin comment. No problem with both of us using the same avatar.
Antiyonder - [antiyonder at yahoo dot com]

Yeeahh you rock girl!! Now i can have one of my own :P
Pero vooo so loco vite?

Purplegoldfish - Greg Weisman has indicated gargoyles give off scent markers to prevent incest. There are real world species that do give off scent markers to prevent incest as well.
Whatever happenned to simplicity?

I think I'll stay with Sora-she matches my name and text better.

I've been thinking about gargoyle relationships within clans and such. I figured that it's possible for a pair of rookery siblings to be biological first cousins as well (If biological siblings from two different generations produce offspring during the same breeding season). What keeps cousins from becoming intimate with each other? Do gargoyles have scent markers to dissuade them from mating with a relative? I wonder if coldstone, iago, and desdemona are first cousins with any in the manhattan clan or demona.

Yeah, I know the gargoyles don't care-but it's just something to think about.

Purplegoldfish - [skydragonn at aol dot com]
"Whoa, Tiny, you mean there's more than one of you?" "My name is not Tiny! I am Goliath!" - Elisa and Tiny

Nice job Vaevictis! Trying one out
Purplegoldfish - [skydragonn at aol dot com]
"Whoa, Tiny, you mean there's more than one of you?" "My name is not Tiny! I am Goliath!" - Elisa and Tiny

Wingless> I know you didn't make it, but still... Nice pic. :D
KingCobra_582 - [KingCobra_582 at hotmail dot com]
"Ignore me!" - Venture Bros.

Vaevictis Asmadi- Thanks for the new pics. Just had to try new one for fun

Sorry for the double post..

Gorebash just uploaded the first 8 new avatars!
I might switch to this one, or maybe Obsidiana if the turquoise looks weird with the lavender text.

Last question: I only have time to do 1 Burbank avatar, should I do him smiling or frowning?

Vaevictis Asmadi

There's a new free MMORPG in development called Earth Eternal. I'm planning to play once it comes out.

Phoenician> I switched because Angela is naieve, optimistic, and trusting, whereas I am jaded, cynical, paranoid, and pessimistic. I like her, but it didn't seem a good fit. :)

Vaevictis Asmadi

Addendum (sorry for the double post)

So yeah... I play CoX, and I know several other Gargs fans that do (Patrick, CrzyDemona, Christine Morgan). I hang out on the Guardian and (more recently) Pinnacle servers.

For me, it's all about the characters. You can make everything from robots to barbarians, and your powers have nothing to do with what costume you create. It's all comic book themed, so you can explain away just about anything you come up with. Or not. It doesn't really matter. :)

I tried WoW, but I didn't like being an individual who looked just like everyone else. And I have too many hobbies and interests to spend much time worrying about gear and loot. Even with the inventions in CoX--which worried me; I was really happy with the total lack of an economy--that seems pretty casual, too.

Kythera of Anevern - [kythera (at) gmail dot com]
"Civilized men are more discourteous than savages because they know they can be impolite without having their skulls split, as a general thing."

Ozzie Arcane-- Correction to that. Issue 9 of City of Heroes went live last week, and added Inventions. Players recieve Invention Salvage and Recipies in addition to the usual Enhancement, Salvage and Inspiration drops from enemies. Invention recipes include new costume parts that can only be made from recipes, "Invention Origin" enhancements, including "IO Enhancement sets", which are kind of like Runewords in Diablo II--you get bonuses for having all or part of a set slotted on a power. There are also recipes for temp powers (I found a recipe for a Revolver the other night, but don't have a reason to craft one for my mage). There's also an auction house for buying and selling recipes, enhancements, inspirations and both kinds of salvage.

...Good lord, but I sound like an advertisement. ;P Anyway, just wanted to update the record on CoH regarding "loot."

PS: MMORPG.com is offering free 14-day trials of CoH/CoV: http://www.mmorpg.com/freetrials/cohissue9_trial.cfm?bhcp=1

Kythera of Anevern - [kythera (at) gmail dot com]
"Civilized men are more discourteous than savages because they know they can be impolite without having their skulls split, as a general thing."

*Reads Ask Greg*

Why was Xanatos searching for Coldstone even before Goliath saved his son (The Gathering) and the world (Hunter's Moon)? What did Xanatos want with Coldstone? Didn't he think Coldstone was still being hidden away by Goliath and Clan or is that why he is searching for him?

Matt - [St Louis, Missouri, USA]
"Let this mark the beginning of a Golden Age, between all our clans, both Human and Gargoyle!!!" -Macbeth, "City of Stone"

My take on the MMO question:

WoW is not the one with the lowest system requirements, Final Fantasy XI can manage on even lower system (as my PC shows, runs FFXI just fine, won't run WoW at all).

Final Fantasy XI is a Japanese MMORPG and as such differs from the standard fare of WoW and EQII. It's very big on story and group play (soloing for Exp is rather difficult and slow).
It's a multinational, cross-plattform game. Runs on PS2 - its original plattform - and PS3 (both US and JP only), XBOX 360 and PC. You'll play together with players from all over the world on the same servers, so you hear Japanese right besides French and English and German (the languages the game comes in).
Server peak times are almost evenly spread across the day. Rudimentary communication is made possible by an auto-translator function.
In the coming days we'll celebrate Vana'diel's (the world FFXI is set in) fifth birthday (and hope for the announcement of a fourth expansion).

But I should warn you, FFXI isn't for everyone, it takes alot of dedication, patience and time. The community is generally rather helpful but won't tolerate fools. People who like their gratification fast won't have much fun in FFXI, but for others it has some great stories and cutscenes (the opening movie is an awesome FMV, all other scenes are done in ingame graphic) and lots of other little things to see and figure out (Chocobo Raising and Racing, Fishing, Gardening, etc).
For those of you who want to see more, there's the official page www.playonline.com and my favourite fan site the www.ffxiclopedia.org (a Wiki).
Sorry for the long off topic.


Battle Beast> Haha! I never knew that you were also PyroX and BrooklynX. Thats funny. I remember the same avatar, but just figured that Brooklyn was popular the way Demona is...
Matt - [St Louis, Missouri, USA]
"Let this mark the beginning of a Golden Age, between all our clans, both Human and Gargoyle!!!" -Macbeth, "City of Stone"

About Blaqthourne & Crimson Fury inquiry about online games.

World of Warcraft is the most newbie friendly MMORPG out there and has the lowest system requirements. It's really easy to get into and doesn't take much time, till you get to max level. Then you have to raid and those take hours at a time.

City of Heroes/Villains is very newbie friendly as well and is more geared towards casual gamers then any other online game out there right now. The downside? No gear or anything like that. Your entire sense of satisfaction revolves around how cool you managed to make your costume look, leveling up, and gaining new powers. Fun if you can make some good friends in game, but it gets boring fast if all you do is group with random strangers.

Last is what I'm currently playing which is Lord of the Rings Online, some would say it doesn't quite stack up to WoW. But the world is much more immersive and it's based off Lord of the Rings. Need I say more?

If you play an online game, make sure it's one of those 3. Anything else would be a waste of your time and money.

On a side note, I'm semi less mad at Disney since Darkwing Duck is getting another box set. These last several months have been good news for DVD releases I've wanted, here's hoping for more Gargoyles soon.

Also, Antiyonder mentioned having a regular Arch Mage avatar. That would be cool, then we wouldn't have to be twins. :)

Ozzie Arcane - [ozziearcane at wowway dot com]
"Hello Booby, this is a trap!" - Eggplant Wizard from Captain N

Name Change: What's in a name? Warcrafter by any other name would be just as . . . as . . . well, you get the idea.

Nothing's wrong with a name change . . . just as long we don't mistake you as anybody else.

Phoenician - [theoneandonlyphoenician at yahoo dot com]
"The Suspense is Terrible . . . I Hope it Lasts" -- Willy Wonka

Spoiler-free rant:

Well here's the problem with "Spider-man 3" that I realized the other day with some research: the writers credited for the "Spider-man 3" screenplay were Sam Raimi, Ivan Raimi and Alvin Sargent. What have the three of them written in the past to make them worthy for this multimillion dollar franchise, or did Sony not care who wrote it, they just felt it would make money anyway?

I wish they could have tapped David Koepp who wrote the first spidey film, but I bet he was busy writing "Indiana Jones 4". Koepp IS in talks to possibly write "Spider-man 4." Hopefully he can save the franchise, but sometimes going back to your roots isn't the best maneuver, ala Seth MacFarlane hiring his unfunny Family Guy Season 1 writers back to write his new unfunny FG episodes.

One reason why "Spider-man 2" was so good was because the screenplay was written by Gough and Millar, the same two people who are currently involved with "Smallville". Sure "Smallville" isn't fantastic, but still, it's a decent show and they have the experience of writing for a superhero, so they wrote a true superhero story and gave us a great film.

So let's get Koepp on "Spider-man 4" and "Gough & Millar" on Spider-man 5 (once they are done writing "The Mummy 3") and do NOT let the Raimi brothers write the sixth installment, if it makes it that long. (And people wonder why there isn't going to be a 7,8,9 or Star Wars - a) Lucas doesn't have another 30 yrs to devote to it, and b) he can't trust anyone NOT to f*** it up besides himself.)

TiniTinyTony - [tinitinytony at hotmail dot com]
"My strength has never depended on brute force, but on true friends. - Goliath

B@CF> Even though I don't play it anymore (I think), World of Warcraft is the way to go. Talk to anyone else and 9 out of 10 will say WoW. Guild wars may be free to play but it lags, Everquest doesn't have any player versus player option so it would be like you level a character for no reason since it doesn't lead to a so called "great battle" Oh, and the fact that WoW is more addictive than crack.
Warcrafter - [grafixfangamer1 at sbcglobal dot net]
Humans are such easy prey for a gargoyle!........oh, and my new gamertag on xbox live for 360 is "I am Goliath"


I'm sorry, but 3 just flat out sucked. What's next, throwing in five enemies at once, and turning Gwen Stacy into Xena: Warrior Model/Princess and MJ into the singing Gabrielle? The acting was abysmal compared to the first two (both of which actually had a decent plot). Seriously, the plot holes in this movie make X-Men look feasible. Half the movie was MJ being treated like shit by the two guys that actually gave a damn about her. The other half was either Peter acting like he was on "Dancing with the Stars" or acting like an utter buffoon. (Though I admit that his "pimp strutting" was hilarious) And am I the only one that thought Sandman's sudden reversal made absolutely no sense? He goes from wanting to kill Peter and Harry to a crying softie. Then theres Venom.....goes from being made a fool of to wanting to kill Peter? (And don't say it was the symbiont suit, he was PRAYING in a CHURCH for Peter's death) Seriously, could they not think up something that might actually give him a legitimate grudge to want to kill Spidey? Spidey snapping Gwen's neck like in the comics would have done it for sure. (In the original comic, Spiderman accidentally kills Gwen by trying to arrest her fall from the Brooklyn Bridge instantly. Anyone with the least little bit of physics knowlege will agree that this is a VERY bad thing. Sudden stop = lots of g force. When Spidey shoots her leg with his silk, the sudden stop snaps Gwen's neck, killing her instantly.) The only person in this movie that actually had a legitimate grudge against Peter was Harry, over the death of his father.

Furthermore, since when did Harry's butler turn into CSI? How the hell would he know if those wounds were self-inflicted? For all he knew, Peter could have thrown that glider into him.

If 3 had been split into two movies, this might have been tolerable. (The Venom arc alone deserved its own movie.) As it is, Spidey 3 is an abysmal FAILURE. Even X-Men 3 made more sense than this movie....and thats saying something.


"I can't believe how hard it is to blow up a room full of gasoline!" - Adam Savage (Mythbusters)

Warcrafter > I changed my name from Pyro X to BAttle Beast and people kinda got confused, I think... I also used to be "Brooklyn X" (but not the annoying one that hung around a bit last year or so.)

Just make sure if you do change, we all know who you are...

Battle Beast - [Canada]
That is all I will say.

CR Avatars> I can see myself using Boudicca accidentally since she would occupy the 3rd spot in the B's. And since I have them disabled, I probably wouldn't notice it for a while.

I've been thinking of maybe trying out an online game, like World of Warcraft, Everquest, etc. I've never played one before. Who here plays these and which would you recommend?

G. Bishansky> You mean your choice of which movies to watch is based on the amount of foul language?

Blaqthourne & Crimson Fury
Music Selection: Joe Hisaishi - Works I

New avatars don't make me a dull boy XD

Anyway, I've been thinking about changing my name. I only chose Warcrafter for my love of WoW...... or should I now say ex-love? I lost my interest and addiction in WoW and cancelled my subscription. I've been thinking about changing it to a name I've been using for so many other things, but I've done so much gargoyles related things with this name. I don't know what to do.

Warcrafter - [grafixfangamer1 at sbcglobal dot net]
Humans are such easy prey for a gargoyle!........oh, and my new gamertag on xbox live for 360 is "I am Goliath"

Vaevictis Asmadi>


Clicky the link for a picture of my favorite gargoyle. It would be neat to have him, the green one on the left, as an avatar.

Some of the misc. Gargoyles from all over the world would be neat as avatars, and plus the pic of my fav gargoyle shows him in a great pose! I'd make him an avatar myself, if I new how.

Battle Beast - [Canada]
That is all I will say.

Patrick> *growls* Don't tease us like that. My curiosity is bad enough, don't make it worse. I hate not knowing things.

Phoenician> Hmmm... makes me wonder if this person at the University is just as or more foul mouthed than I am?

KingCobra_582 - [KingCobra_582 at hotmail dot com]
'Ignore Me!' - Venture Bros.

Patrick: Grrr . . . I seriously thought you were going to SPILL THE BEANS. (Continues to twiddle thumbs) :P

VA: I was kinda worried when you no longer had your Angela look, but I easily got used to Garg-Elisa look. I'm sure another change won't confuse anyone (especially since it'll be a NEW CR Avatar)!

Language and such: I really don't mind foul or "sanitized" language in films . . . I experience "both" in my everyday life anyway. In fact, I know one of the kindest people at my University that happens to swear more than one would imagine, and I know some people who won't swear at all but (if you "listen between their words") are saying something completely foul. Foul language (or lack of it) is simply a part of life -- you take what you get and move on.

Phoenician - [theoneandonlyphoenician at yahoo dot com]
"The Suspense is Terrible . . . I Hope it Lasts" -- Willy Wonka

Vaevictis Asmadi> I would say maybe putting up an avatar of The Original Archmage. Don't get me wrong I prefered the one used, but I image someone would like the option.
Antiyonder - [antiyonder at yahoo dot com]

Greg> Why are there curse words in non-G rated movies? Simple. That's the way people talk. Go out and listen in on any conversation, you'll hear so called curse words dropped on a regular basis.

Yes, there are people out there who swear by the minute, but there's alway going to be an execption to the rule. I believe Nickerous' complaint was towards the swearing being gratuitous.

> Which is fine by me, I don't need nor particularly want movies to give me a santized presentation of life.

No one's asking for a sanitized presentation, but there's no denying that in some cases the adult content is inserted for the heck of it. Mainly because it's compensation for lack of writing. From what you said, The Sopranos and Goodfellas doesn't have that problem as the content does serve a purpose. I'm considering trying to view the Sopranos, as it seems to have found itself on A&E (we don't have HBO).

I'll admit first of all to enjoy some of the adult toons such as Family Guy and Aqua Teen Hunger Force (saw the movie). I enjoy some of the humor and character interaction. The shows obviously are not light on adult material, but does that make both the shows in question mature? Not really. Going back to my first paragraph yes some shows do overuse content. Mainly for the reason some people will use profanity constantly, because it makes them feel mature.

The following shows I do consider mature that haven't been mentioned yet:
Iron Man The Animated Series Season 2
The Incredible Hulk Animated Series Season 1
Batman The Animated Series
Batman Beyond
Justice League
Justice League Unlimited

These shows are mature, because they don't feel the need to beat us over the head about it. With Marvel and DC Comics lately (Since about the late 90s) it seems like the majority of the times they insert adult/controversial content like say rape, it's more of them saying "See! Our characters deal with rape. Aren't we mature little devils?" Take Marvel's attempt at publishing the homosexual take on The Rawhide Kid. Pure publicity stunt. With Northstar of Alpha Flight it was actually planned for quite some time, and fit with how he was written. When if Greg gets around to the topic concerning Lexington, I have no doubt he'll outdo Marvel's Rawhide Kid.

Antiyonder - [antiyonder at yahoo dot com]

The long-awaited Gathering 2008 announcement is coming very soon. Yeah... I'm a tease.

46 days left until The Gathering 2007 in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee!
10 days left until Gargoyles #4 is available.

Patrick - [<-- The Gathering 2007]
"When you work with handcuffs as long as I have, you pick up a few tricks." - Elisa Maza, "Double Jeopardy"

We don't have Burbank, hm?

We also don't have Claw. But would it look weird to have Claw in the room "talking"?

Anyway, that's as many as I can do, maybe more than I can do. Thanks for giving me ideas, guys. :)

Vaevictis Asmadi

Vaevictus: How about Burbank? He's the only clone not represented. I don't know if I'll ever use him, I just believe in balance.

Matt: I think it was the Archmage's arrogance, more than anything, that cost them the fight. He was being too artistic about things. Besides, who can tell what the Sisters were thinking? The looks on their faces at the end of "Ill Met by Moonlight" suggest that they might have had some clairvoyance about what would become of everything.

Greg B: The only thing worse than a G-Rated movie is watching an R or PG-13 movie on basic cable. *bats an eyebrow at his signature*

Harvester of Eyes - [Minstrel75 at gmail dot com]
"Do you see what happens, Larry, when you feed a story scrambled eggs?!" -Walter (John Goodman) in the edited for TV version of "The Big Lebowski"

It's been brought to my attention lately that I have been imputing too much comments either off-topic or not sophisticated/intelligent enough. I can assure you that I type what I really want to say, I'm sorry if it's outside the boundaries of what is acceptable.

I do promise to keep future off-topic comments to a medium, and will work on improving the quality of what I do type. I thank all of you who've responded to my comments thus far.

In the future if I submit a comment that is problematic or unclear feel free to click on my screen name and email me.

Antiyonder - [antiyonder at yahoo dot com]

Aw, sorry Matt.
I'm such a changeable person, I want to change to Turquesa because I really like the Mayan clan, too. Would people still recognize me? I've only been here a few months.

So, Macbeth, Vinnie, and Morgan.

I have a cat named Vinnie. He's a very silly cat. Big and fuzzy, and floppy.

Vaevictis Asmadi

Avatars> Kudos for getting the go ahead, VA. I'm gonna go with a suggestion already made for a Vinnie one, and maybe a better one of Macbeth (I don't like him under the spell), maybe a young one and the mature one. Other than that, I think you're filling in the gaps well.

Avatars> Awww, Vaevictis, you are gonna kill me. I love the Mayan Clan... and yet, I've been with Cuchullin so long it'd be very hard for me to change. I wouldn't feel like me anymore, and I'd like to think that people wouldn't instantly recognize me as me anymore either. So, I suppose as much as I love them I'll have to skip on the Mayan Clan avatars. Kudos to you for making them though, it'll be a lot of fun to see some new faces in the CR so to speak.

Also, I wonder if perhaps Greg W would appreciate a Vinnie avatar.

Random Topic, Feel free to respond, ignore, etc>
I was watching "High Noon" the other day and had a thought. At the end the Sisters mention that perhaps they should've put Coldstone under a spell as well as Macbeth and Demona, but ultimately decided they didn't need him. It really makes me wonder how that would've played out. Would Coldstone (now under the Sisters' control) have joined the attack on Avalon? Would it have made a difference in the battle? What would the Archmage say? What would the Avalon Clan say?
It would've been kinda cool if in the final battle we had a Gabriel versus Coldstone fight or something.

Matt - [St Louis, Missouri, USA]
"Let this mark the beginning of a Golden Age, between all our clans, both Human and Gargoyle!!!" -Macbeth, "City of Stone"

That actually sounds like a neat backstory for Venom... but while I'd like to believe 'she'd' have made it for more than one issue, I highly doubt it... but then... it'd depend on how hot she was. (Which is pathetic.)

oh, (Spider-man 3 Spoilers) I thought it was neat how Spider-man was responsible for creating Venom. Not Venom being responsible for his own creation. It's actually a helluvalot more interesting and makes him more tragic IMO.


Ozzie> There actually IS a Macbeth avatar. Here it is: http://www.s8.org/gargoyles/images/gargs/macbeth.gif

I don't know why it's not in the choices any more. Maybe it's been "retired." I personally think Macbeth under the wyrd sisters's spell is not the best character representation. These avatars were likely made from the screenshots that were available in the Station 8 / Avalon Archives image archives, which come from a select group of 10 episodes. (the only screenshot collection at the time) If the character you're looking for isn't in one of those ten episodes, that's probably why there isn't an avatar for it. (Macbeth or Banshee only had one screenshot to get material from) Of course now there are more extensive screenshot archives out there. I believe DTaina is woking on remaking the avatars using the DVD screenshots. So, be on the look out for more vivid avatars in the near future. ;)


Now that Venom (dis)graced us with his presense on the big screen, I thought I'd add this bit of information concerning who Venom was suppose to be. (Courtesy of the Madgoblin site):

This story has pretty well made the rounds of fandom, but Venom was originally supposed to be a pregnant woman whose husband was killed in an automobile accident because the driver was distracted by Spider-Man. To add to the misery, the husband was flattened right in front of her. The shock forced her into labor, and she lost her baby, and her mind, in the process. The symbiote would find her in her grief and bond with her and the two would seek revenge against Spider-Man. While a misguided motivation, at least it wasn't because her misery was caused by her own actions as Brock's was. She was a true victim and hadn't done anything wrong except being in the wrong place at the wrong time. And since Spider-Man has historically had very few female villains of any lasting merit, this could have been a definite change from the ordinary.

But Spider-Editor Jim Salicrup did not believe that the audience would accept a woman as a viable physical threat to Spider-Man, even one enhanced by an alien symbiote.

Anyone think this would have worked? Or would Venom have slipped into obscurity.

Antiyonder - [antiyonder at yahoo,com]

Drat: it's spelt: "cues" . . . I think . . . .
Phoenician - [theoneandonlyphoenician at yahoo dot com]
"The Suspense is Terrible . . . I Hope it Lasts" -- Willy Wonka

Ozzie: Odd, I don't see a Macbeth on the Avatar list but I distinctly remember seeing one every so often, not to mention in the archives . . .
here, I just went to some random week in years past:


You'll see Jimmy using a Macbeth.

VA: Any Morgan sounds interesting to me -- In fact, if possible, do both. We have about three different gargoyle forms of Demona on this site (the SLG one, the Bazooka one, and the arms-raised one), and that's not including her human-form avatars.

Make what you can, I'm sure we'll enjoy them! Good luck!

Spiderman 3: Haven't seen it yet, and I appreciate those who've been posting Spoiler Warnings and/or "Spiderman 3" ques to warn me not to read those posts. I'll be seeing the first two again in the comings weeks, and I hope to see the third film about the time "Pirates of the Caribbean: At Worlds End" comes out.

Phoenician - [theoneandonlyphoenician at yahoo dot com]
"The Suspense is Terrible . . . I Hope it Lasts" -- Willy Wonka

One thing that has confused me in the past is that we don't have a MacBeth avatar. Don't suppose you could make one of him?
Ozzie Arcane - [ozziearcane at wowway dot com]
"Hello Booby, this is a trap!" - Eggplant Wizard from Captain N

Hi guys.
Gorebash is letting me make some new avatars for the Comment Room. They won't be the best quality ever, and not all will have black backgrounds, but it should add some characters we don't have yet. So far I'm making Boudicca, the 3 Ishimura gargoyles, the 4 Mayan gargoyles, Oberon, and Morgan.
I have only a limited time left to be able to use the school computers which have the software I need, and I may be able to make some more besides these. So 2 questions:

1. Do people want Morgan with a doughnut, or a close-up of Morgan's face?
2. If I have time to do a few more, what Gargoyles characters, creatures, or objects do people think should be added to the avatars? Any Children of Oberon, or New Olympians, or villains, or others?

Vaevictis Asmadi

Greg Bishansky> "Real life sounds more like an episode of "The Sopranos" than a Disney family movie."

I suppose it depends on your life. I'm faily conservative, I live in the midwest, and I have four young kids. My wife and I rarely watch anything rated highter than PG-13, but even so I'd say that ninety percent of the profanity I hear comes from my television speakers. I'm sure things are different in New York or LA, but to me "real life" sounds nothing like the Sopranos.

Phil - [p1anderson at go dot com]

Spider-Man 3 > A disappointment. Too many events, too little genuine character development. The real shame is that it was such a great idea, and the themes were so interesting--if only they'd handled them better. And, my god, the contrivances! At least three major plotpoints came from contrivances instead of characters (five, if you include the origins of Sandman and Venom, but those happened pretty much the same way in the comics).
Scott Iskow - [smiskow at gmail dot com]

Nickerous> Why are there curse words in non-G rated movies? Simple. That's the way people talk. Go out and listen in on any conversation, you'll hear so called curse words dropped on a regular basis.

Which is fine by me, I don't need nor particularly want movies to give me a santized presentation of life. Probably why I haven't watched a G-rated movie in many years. Come to think of it, it's been a long time since I've seen a movie with less than a PG-13 rating.

People complain all the time about the language in Martin Scorsese's movies, they even accuse him of racism. BS, he makes movies about less than admirable people, especially gangsters. "Goodfellas" is my all time favorite movie, well written, acted, lit and directed... but these are not nice people, and well, that's how gangsters talk.

Real life sounds more like an episode of "The Sopranos" than a Disney family movie.

Greg Bishansky - [<---- The 11th Annual Gathering of the Gargoyles]
"In these days of widespread illiteracy, functional illiteracy... anything that keeps people stupid is a felony." -Harlan Ellison

Sweet! Think I'll go read it now.

Just had a thought>> I've been a movie buff for most of my life and only remember a handful of movies that didn't have cuss words in them. Not that I have anything against a well placed cuss word, but, it seems that now-a-days, bad words are put in just to be put in. I'll never understand why Titanic had so many.

Anyway, last Wednesday, I watched Night at the Museum. Really fun movie. Predictable, but fun nonetheless. And as I rewatched the first half yesterday with my g/f, I realized that I don't remember a single cuss word in this movie. Sure the Roman commander utters, "Unleash Hell!", but that's pretty tame these days.

Anyone else see this movie? Am I totally off the mark and were there wild "colorful metaphores" thrown out left and right?

Also, I apologize in advance about any mispelled words. I don't type much these days....

Nickerous - [nickerous at yahoo dot com]

Yep, #3 is the start of all-new canon material, starting where the Journey left off.
Vaevictis Asmadi

Spider-Man 3>> I'll just say I liked 2 better, but I'm not real happy with any of them.....

Just got my Gargoyles #3 Saturday. Haven't read it yet. Isn't this one the start of the new stuff? 1 and 2 were the The Journey recaps, right?

Nickerous - [nickerous at yahoo dot com]


Interesting that Thailog's in it up to #9. Then again, Castaway was in #3 and I wasn't expecting that. Maybe there'll be more of an issue-to-issue ensemble in the comic than the show necessarily had. There's no issues with hiring too many voice actors and Greg has a complex timeline worked out so I guess there's no reason not to keep more characters in play at once. Hopefully we get a good break from Thailog after that though.

Spider-Man 3: (Spoilers) I thought it was absolutely and thoroughly appalling. In a film about characters' "choices" just about every turning point in the film is driven by pure fluke or bald-faced deus ex machina. The movie lumbers between turgid set-pieces ("the scene where we tell a joke", "the scene where we impart 'the message'", "the scene where a lot of action happens" etc.). The dialogue would have had more spark if the Microsoft Paperclip had handled it. The characters are appalling, 2D placeholders. And the film feels distastefully reactionary, with cheesy national stereotypes peppered for desperate "comic" effect and a downright misogynistic treatment of MJ. She's needy, cowardly, perpetually a victim, is abused by both her love interests but still flocks to their side to take their orders and coo/scream at appropriate junctures. Mind you, just about everyone in the film is bordering on the retarded -- even the extras have a knack for crowding right in harms' way. There are a couple of scenes which are just ho-hum, a couple of metaphors which are cute, and Thomas Hayden Church almost certainly would have been good if they gave him anything, anything to work with. But that's being generous. I have never come so close to walking out of a movie, and I sat through 'Dreamcatcher'. A disjointed, distended, obnoxious, braindead, soulless, joyless, shabby, manipulative, grotesque piece of cinema.

Ed Reynolds

Or maybe it might be better to say chirp, chirp, chirp.
Vinnie - [tpeano29 at hotmail dot com]
Remember the old Gargoyles comics!

(10)Tenth! And away we go on with the show.
Vinnie - [tpeano29 at hotmail dot com]
Remember the old Gargoyles comics!

Oh Hell, I'll be Nine-just to move this along ^_^

Eigth!!! (Again, I think)
Phoenician - [theoneandonlyphoenician at yahoo dot com]
"The Suspense is Terrible . . . I Hope it Lasts" -- Willy Wonka

Jurgan - [jurgan6 at yahoo dot com]
"[George Bush] has created so many disasters, I'm not sure he knows which is which anymore. He walked into Walter Reed and said he wanted to have it ready for next year's Mardi Gras." -Bill Maher

I shouldn't be surprised someone beat me by 4 seconds... (6th)
Vid the Kid
Does this font make me look fat?

Wow, lots of people timing it to the minute...

5th, I think.

Vid the Kid
Does this font make me look fat?


Harvester of Eyes - [Minstrel75 at gmail dot com]
"But see? That's what I'm talking about. Now Venture will send Samson after the rest of us and he'll go totally sickhouse on our asses! I like my ass, gentlemen." -The Monarch

I should be sleeping **3rd**
TiniTinyTony - [tinitinytony at hotmail dot com]
"My strength has never depended on brute force, but on true friends. - Goliath

Damn it.

Okay, 2nd.

KingCobra_582 - [KingCobra_582 at hotmail dot com]
'Ignore Me!' - Venture Bros.

KingCobra_582 - [KingCobra_582 at hotmail dot com]
'Ignore Me!' - Venture Bros.

First? Second?