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Comments for the week ending July 27, 2009

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Greetings freinds.
I am in the process of prepairing for the gathering, and I had several issues I wanted to enlist the help of those here with. First, I am saddened that this will be the final incarnation of te convention. But at the same time quite greatfull that I am able to attend. When I went to Chicago last year, I obviously didnt know what to expect, but when ti was over I couldnt remember the last time I had more fun.

Though regretable, I do understand the reason for ending it. Everything is granted a finite number of moments, before having to end.

Anyway, I wanted to make this Gathering a bit more memorable. 1. By creating several music videos for the contest. But I have never used video softwere, so was not quite sure what to do. I have several choices at a local best buy.
I wanted to use the song "Defender" by Manowar , found here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f9E2Lt-T09k
for a video about Goliath. When I heard it, it seemed perfect. The opening lines, spoken by Orsen Wells, feature words like "though weve never met, my only son" "and your mission lies ahead of you" to defend the helpless ones seemed ideal for Goliath.
As well as "The Crown and the Ring" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=38BM2ExXbbA about Goliath, Xanatos, and Oberon. Three kings from the story. The lines "high and mighty and lonely are kings" spoke to me.

I was just wanting someones who might be familiar with the right softwere, how to cut clips etc. As well as perhaps choosing the rights scenes to fit the lyrics, I did have my own ideas.

Any one who might be able to help would be greatly appreciated, and I look forward to seeing everyone in LA.

Justin "Id Rather Be Pillaging"

I see that Blue Mug Productions is up and running... however, the site you pay through to join won't let me create an account there, and there doesn't appear to be a "help" section. I know my information is correct, so I'm not really sure what the problem is. Any ideas?
Kerry (Kth) Boyd

The One Known As Mochi> Feel free to post a review, just use spoiler tags so people can avoid it if they choose.

*** SPOILERS ***


That should work.

Greg Bishansky - [<----- Gathering 2009]

**Walks in taking foot out of mouth**

Well, despite what I had promised myself earlier when I heard that this year's Gathering would be the last (that not only would I go but that I'd register within that week) it would just not happen as such . . . ultimately pure laziness won out there. :(

Nevertheless I am happy to say that I DID just register for the Gathering and I have also booked my flight as well (blessing in disguise, airfare's not bad these days)!

So to all who will be there, I hope to meet and see you there!!

(Now I just hope to have enough spare cash to buy the Trade Paperbacks and the Spectacular Spider-Man DVD . . . hmmm, Best Buy RewardZone points will be vital for that last one d: )

"The Suspense is Terrible . . . I Hope it Lasts" -- Willy Wonka

Hey, everyone! We've just put some new stuff up on eBay and one of the pieces is an ORIGINAL page from "Bad Guys" by Karine Charlebois. In the past, this sort of thing has typically been available only in the silent auction at the convention. This is a chance for those who can't attend to have a shot at purchasing original comic book art.

The art is for page 24 of issue 4, "Louse", of the "Bad Guys" mini-series. It's done in ink on bristol board and measures 11"x17". It is signed by the artist. The page features all the characters of the Redemption Squad, and portrays the inclusion of Fang into the team, much to Dingo's shock and Yama's displeasure.

To view this item and others currently up for bids, please visit:

27 days left until the 13th Annual Gathering of the Gargoyles in Los Angeles, CA!

Patrick - [<-- Gathering 2009]
"A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men." - Willy Wonka

If you want to see what little Anakin from the Phantom Menace is about now qlick on the link. As the link says the force is not with him.


Vinnie - [tpeano29 at hotmail dot com]

Anthony >> As far as I could tell, I did not see any TPBs for Bad Guys. I did see single issues though...

I saw a couple of people that seemed interested in the TPBs that were there, but I don't know if they actually bought it since I had to run to an autograph signing from the creator of Ren and Stimpy.

The One Known As Mochi - [shogi dot keima dot 08 at gmail dot com]
Current Mood: (>_-_)> Even more exhausted...

DEMONSKRYE - I certainly agree with you about subscribing to the comic being simpler than going to the Gathering. I've only been to one Gathering (in 2001), and while I enjoyed my visit (getting to meet Greg Weisman and many of my fellow "Gargoyles" fans, including Patrick and Greg Bishansky, seeing the "Bad Guys" leica reel, and a few things like that), I'm not enough of a traveler at heart to attend any more (if we'd ever had a Gathering in St. Louis, on the other hand....). But the comic book was a different matter; I could order it at Star Clipper's or (for the trades, this year) Left Bank Books.

I will confess that I'm at the point where I still come here regularly, I still keep up with the news about "Gargoyles", and I've bought the DVDs and comics as they came out (and will continue to do so with any more releases), but don't have the kind of zeal needed to petition Disney for more. If Greg gets to bring out more "Gargoyles" stories in comic book or graphic novel format, yes, I'll buy them when they're released and read them. But if he doesn't, I'll accept it and move on. I don't think I'd be likely to join a TGS-like project these days.

(And when I thought about it, I realized that what I was most looking forward to when the second trade paperback comes out is the final third of the Stone of Destiny story more than Brooklyn's Timedancer adventure - though that sounds appealing too - and what most excites me about that is the parts of the story revolving more around the background myths and legends than around the gargoyles themselves. That is, when I think about getting to read #9 at last, what I wonder most isn't about whether Lexington and Amp will become a couple or if Coldstone and Coldfire will rejoin the Manhattan clan, but rather whether the Illuminati's real target was King Arthur rather than the Stone of Destiny, what stories about the Stone Shari will tell Thailog in the final third of the story, and what Duval, Blanchefleur, and the Grail will be like when they show up - as they apparently will, according to the Radio Play cast list. With such a response, I'd probably welcome an entirely new fictional setting that makes use of such legends and history in a well-told fashion as I would more "Gargoyles" stories.)

Todd Jensen

Todd> An additional possibility is that they feel it's just too much trouble in some way; that they can't afford it or there's no comic shop near them or they don't want to go through the online ordering process or what have you. Though if that is the case, it seems really strange to me that people who would make the effort to go to the Gathering wouldn't be willing to tackle the much simpler task of procuring an issue of the comic. It's part of what makes me wonder if there's really that much appetite for a "Gargoyles" convention anymore or if the people still attending the Gathering were just going to see friends or meet one of the guests or cosplay or enjoy activities completely unrelated to "Gargoyles."

It's also possible that some people were thinking "Oh, I'll just wait for the trades. They'll be easier to get and then I can read a bunch of issues all at once."

Patrick> That's part of my fear for the comic's future. Much like with the DVDs, there is now hard data out there which would seem to suggest that there isn't a market for "Gargoyles." When SLG picked it up, no one could say for sure how well a "Gargoyles" comic would sell. Now any publisher thinking about picking up the license can look at the sales figures for the SLG issues and while they were not terrible, they were not good enough to make the book a moneymaker when Disney's fee was taken into account.

Looking on the bright side thought, it is possible that a publisher could come along and say "Yes, this comic dropped in sales with each issues an ultimately didn't make enough to be worth the licensing fee, but maybe that's because of the extremely erratic release schedule or the way it was advertised or the single issue format. If we picked up the license, we would do it differently and we could make money." I'm not holding my breath, but I'm not saying it could never happen either.

Demonskrye - [<---"Kiki's Delivery Service" at The Ink and Pixel Club]

PATRICK - Yes, it makes me wonder whether it may be too late to revive the series, if we get that sort of response. Though it would be worth finding out why so many of the people at the Gathering weren't following the comics. A few possibilities:

1. The irregular schedule discouraged them from buying further issues.

2. They didn't even know that the comic had come out.

3. They'd felt contented with "Gargoyles" being over and didn't need new material (or even preferred fan-continuations).

Todd Jensen

Why would the numbers -- i.e., license fee plus printing expenses compared to expected sales -- look any rosier to another publisher? SLG apparently determined they could not make a profit given what Disney wanted to be paid and the number of copies they could expect to sell. Either Disney would have to reduce the license fee (highly unlikely) or a new publisher would have to sell a lot more copies. And on that front, they'd be swimming upstream against declining fan interest. It still boggles me that barely half the people in the room at last year's Gathering Radio Play raised their hands to indicate they were even following the comics.
Patrick - [<-- Gathering 2009]
"A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men." - Willy Wonka

Meg> I'd like to believe that all the problems that plagued the SLG comic would be sorted out by the time either SLG or another publisher decided to take another stab at "Gargoyles," but I'm not sure that's going to be the case. For one thing, Disney still doesn't see "Gargoyles" as a priority since it isn't making them the big money. So it's still anyone's guess whether they would be able to approve the comics faster than they did for SLG. Plus we have a lot of comics publishers tightening their belts now, not just SLG. "Gargoyles" is still too under the radar for the big publishers to be interested and the smaller ones may just not have the money right now to put towards a new licensed comic. Plus, with the SLG comic's rather shaky track record and no guarantee that the problems that plagued the comic from Disney's end would be fixed, it might seem like too much of a risk.

On the positive side, Ape or another publisher might have the cash and clout to hire an artist who can meet deadlines regularly from the start and advertise the book a bit more than SLG was able to. It wouldn't solve all of the comic's problems, but if they could get the book out reasonably close to on time on a regular basis, I'm sure it would help sales.

Demonskrye - [<---"Kiki's Delivery Service" at The Ink and Pixel Club]

Demonskrye--I was wondering the same thing. If it's not financially feasible for SLG to take Gargoyles on again, I wonder if APE would be willing (and able) to do so. I've gotta think that by that point, most of the problems that plagued the SLG comic would be ironed out.

For those who want the Comic Con experience without leaving home:


Advance registration for The Gathering remains open for one more week!

28 days left until the 13th Annual Gathering of the Gargoyles in Los Angeles, CA!

Patrick - [<-- Gathering 2009]
"A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men." - Willy Wonka

The One Known As Mochi> I'm guessing there wasn't any copies of Bad Guys Vol 1 TPB there? I'm glad to hear that CB V2 was selling and I hope people buying those were also picking of CB V1. If you're going back to Comic Con, please update us! Thanks!
Anthony Tini

Hey everyone. I survived both Preview Night (which was yesterday) and the first day of Comic-Con. I picked up a copy of Clan Building Volume 2 and have yet to go through it. At the time I picked up the book and had it signed by Greg, I had heard someone saying at least 25 of the 100 copies of CB2 had been sold. Of course, I had no way of confirming that so I can't really say if that's true or not...

More to come!

The One Known As Mochi - [shogi dot keima dot 08 at gmail dot com]
Current Mood: (>_-_)> Exhausted...

No, they gave up that system after the monkey decided it was more amusing to throw the darts at the human employees. Still, it could have been worse. It might have been an orangutan, who would have then stuffed the remains up the nearest chimney (this is why you have to be careful about letting the great apes read Edgar Allan Poe).
Todd Jensen

Patrick> "For all we know, there's a monkey and a dart board involved. :P"

While Chris Griffin cowers in a corner, completely terrified. :P

KingCobra_582 - [KingCobra582 at gmail dot com]
Grr. Arg.

That makes no sense, does it???

I got a call from my friend's friend THE NEXT MORNING, not THIS MORNING!

Duh! How could he order from amazon.com that quick???

:P to me!

Battle Beast - [Canada]
That is all I will say.

I was at a friend's friedn's house A month ago, and he is a drawer... he had some "Gargoyles" drawings (REALLY REALLY GOOD STUFF) and said he liked the show and wishes he could see it... told him it's on DVD, and he's like what???

So this morning I got a call from him asking where he could get the DVDs and I told him, AMAZON.com so he ordered them! I then told him about the comics and he's like WHAT WHAT?!

So he ordered them, too! I went over there last night and saw 'em all.

I got someone back into Gargoyles!


Battle Beast - [Canada]
That is all I will say.

Mecha-Nation artist Antonio Campo shows us the first cover: http://makampo.blogspot.com/2009/07/san-diego-comic-con-2009.html Apparently Mecha-Nation will be a 3-issue limited series.
Landon Thomas - [<- Gargoyles News Twitter Feed]

Patrick> Well, that at would at least explain some of the issues we've had.
Matt - [St Louis, Missouri, USA]
"For science, which, as my associate Fang indicated, must move ever forward. Plus there's the money... and I do love the drama!" -Sevarius, 'Louse'

I'm pretty much taking the attitude of "when it's out, it's out" regarding the trades. I have enough going on right now without fretting over how Amazon comes up with their dates. For all we know, there's a monkey and a dart board involved. :P

29 days left until the 13th Annual Gathering of the Gargoyles in Los Angeles, CA!

Patrick - [<-- Gathering 2009]
"A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men." - Willy Wonka

Andrea: Fine, thanks!!! How are you? Did you have a cookie off the table? *points to cookie table*
Battle Beast - [Canada]
That is all I will say.

SLG re: Bad Guys selling out: "They couldn't have sold out of it, as the book has not been printed yet. It just means they don't have it in stock yet." So I guess it must have been a glitch. http://twitter.com/SLGPublishing/status/2791974479
Landon Thomas - [<- Gargoyles News Twitter Feed]

The only hope we have is that Diamond messed up and forgot to add it to their upcoming list and Clan Building Vol 2 will be on their new releases page on the 27th. I know Landon or myself will probably be the first to post news on the matter as soon as the information becomes available.
Anthony Tini

Now Amazon says that Bad Guys will ship in 2 to 3 weeks: http://www.amazon.com/Gargoyles-Bad-Guys-Greg-Weisman/dp/1593621930 Usually when that number's above 1-2 days, it's their ETA for a stock replacement. It happens to match their supposed release date yet they still have a 'Buy' button instead of a 'Preorder' button. I don't know, I find it interesting...
Landon Thomas - [<- Gargoyles News Twitter Feed]

Todd Jensen - A month or so ago Amazon showed August as the release date for Clan-Building vol. 2. I corrected them by pointing them to a link on SLG's website indicating a planned July release. I put 'July 0' or 'July blank' or something as the release date to indicate that the exact date is unknown. A few hours later, Amazon updated their site with "July 29" as the release date.

I believed at the time (and still do) that Amazon used July 29 as the release date because that is last day that Diamond ships comics in the month of July and that would be a safe guess for Amazon. Amazon may have obtained additional information at the time or since that makes the date accurate; no one here knows. However, assuming Diamond's shipping lists are accurate, no Clan-Building vol. 2 books will be shipping in July from Diamond. Perhaps Amazon uses a different distributor than Diamond; no on on here knows. I only bring this all up because there's a good chance that July 29th Amazon date originated from me (i.e. from an early SLG estimation), so I wouldn't speculate at this time if I were you. ;)

Landon Thomas - [<- Gargoyles News Twitter Feed]

Since the trade paperbacks of the second volume of "Clan-Building" will be at the Comics Con this weekend, that means that its publication hasn't been seriously delayed by trouble with Disney (as Landon Thomas worriedly speculated earlier this week). That's good news.

I would like to know, though, whether it'll be coming out next Wednesday (as Amazon.com claimed) or if its release has been delayed by a week as the Diamond news (or, more accurately, lack of news) suggested. I hope we get an announcement soon.

Todd Jensen

Thanks for the info Patrick! I knew Universal was close by, but once I found out there was a shuttle service for it, I figured it probably involved crossing major roads and that it wouldn't be the best idea to walk. Walking is not an issue for us; hell I live on top of a hill and my friend and I spent several days worth of walking through NYC in our past 2 trips this year. Will be fun going to a theme park for the first time without the need for glasses; kinda sucks not being able to see half the time due to the need to take them off constantly. Why the heck it took me until the age of 24 to want contacts, I don't know.

Lynati: Haha, yeah, I kinda disappeared off the map for a bit a way while back since I really kind of embarassed myself in a few ways. I had issues that I've only in the past year or so have begun to figure out and work with and around. I'm just shocked (and impressed) that someone (besides probably DPH) actually recognised me. Warms my heart a bit. Anyway, I'm still interested in giving any help I am able to offer.

And I just blew a month and a half's pay making reservations for the trip! It's a good thing I'm such a tightwad about my money, cause otherwise I'd never be able to afford all the trips my friend and I go on. I'm kinda nervous though, since the furthest I've even been from home is Texas, and that was 15 years ago. I am going to be so ansty on the plane, since I'm a very fidgety person and can't stand sitting in one place for too long (I started this post like an hour ago and came back and forth from doing about 8 things at once. That's how bad I am!

And in other random news, my printer isn't printing in color, but no error message or anything of the sort. The thing apparently somehow spewed ink out of the cart and on the contact plates and on the inside of my printer (thankfully only on the door). How the heck that happened, I have no idea.

So how's everyone else doing?


I wish I lived San Diego so I could go to Comic Con, meet Greg Weisman and get his trades. San Diego...I'm reminded of a funny quote from "Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy."

Ron: "It's a fact. It's the greatest city in the history of mankind. Discovered by the Germans in 1904. They named it San Diago which of course in German means a whale's vagina."
Veronica: "N-- no, there's no way that's correct."
Ron: "I'm sorry. I was trying to impress you."
Veronica: "Oh."
Ron: "I don't know what it means. I'll be honest, I don't thin anyone knows what it means anybore. Scholars maintain that the translation was lost hundreds of years ago."
Veronica: "It-- Doesn't it mean Saint Diego?"
Ron: "No. No."
Veronica: "No, that's-- that's what it means. Really."
Ron: "Well, agree to disagree."

Anthony Tini

Here's the latest IGN interview on 'Growing Pains': http://tv.ign.com/articles/100/1005738p1.html Apparently Greg edited (or helped edit) the 8-minute Comic-Con reel himself.

I didn't post last week's interview on 'First Steps', with a lot of character and plot details: http://tv.ign.com/articles/100/1004449p1.html

Landon Thomas - [<- Gargoyles News Twitter Feed]

@ Demonskrye: That damn Edmund Tsabard!!
I agree with Rebel on EVERYTHING she says!!

Andrea / Takarifreak : Aha! You're on the TGS Staff yahoo discussion list, the one address I didn't recognize! I was wondering about that. Should I take you off, or do you have any interest still in helping out?
Lynati - [Lynati_1 at hotmail dot com]

Gargoyles TPB2 at Comic Con? SWEET! I'm so psyched to get it and meet Greg. That'll complete the trip.
"The alien mothership is in orbit here. If we can hit that bullseye, the rest of the dominoes will fall like a house of cards. Checkmate." -Zap Brannigan

Landon > I agree.

If any of you are going to comic-con and plan on buying the Gargoyles trades, could you please wait until it comes out everywhere before posting any spoilers or detailed reviews? I realize that if you posted spoilers, you would of course use spoiler tags, but for some of us who will have to wait until after comic-con before getting the trades, the temptation to read the spoilers might be too great.


Well, Greg's answered the Mecha-Nation question. And advance copies of CB2 and possibly Bad Guys? Lucky. Hope no one posts spoilers.
Landon Thomas - [<- Gargoyles News Twitter Feed]

From watching Her Brother's Keeper, I've determined that by now Xanatos has realized he can't have the gargoyles. He has a plan and it involves Derek. He is impressed by Derek's flying skills and offers him a job. Xanatos was using the job front as an ulterior motive.

In Metamorphosis, the plan comes into fruition. Sevarius fakes his death to trick Derek into believing that was his one chance for a cure so he'll have no choice but to stay with Xanatos which is exactly what Xanatos wants.

Elisa has known the whole time that Xanatos is lying and he's been manipulating Derek but she seem to get that in his head.

Broadway could tell Maggie was afraid of them and didn't want their help. He also wasn't instantly smitten with her like Brooklyn was. Perhaps she wasn't his type? It could be that he's not inclined to go chasing women just because they have wings and a tail.

Gargoyleslady - [kendal dot renfro at yahoo dot com]

Todd> On the other hand, Greg was willing to wait many years between the end of the show and the start of the comic without, so far as we know, pulling ideas planned for "Gargoyles" into his other work. So who knows how long he might be willing to wait before deciding that "Gargoyles" can't be relaunched?

However, I wouldn't put it past that underhanded Edmund Tsabard to steal a few of Greg's ideas.

Demonskrye - [<---"Kiki's Delivery Service" at The Ink and Pixel Club]

BROOK - Greg admitted once that if he really couldn't launch "Gargoyles" again, he'd cannibalize story ideas from it for other projects.
Todd Jensen

In fact in Shadows Of The Past, The Captain said he never wanted to betray Wyvern and that he hated himself for it.
Gargoyleslady - [kendal dot renfro at yahoo dot com]

I also believe that it was very unlikely that the Captain witnessed the massacre of every individual member of the Wyvern Clan. I suspect that after that first gargoyle was shattered he left the scene entirely. Surely, he would not want to witness each gargoyle's death, particularly not the younger ones and the ones he knew personally, like Demona.

And I think that after one gargoyle was killed and another and another he probably felt helpless to stop the matter and was clearly unable to repair the damage. I suspect that his leaving the gargoyles at the Castle to their fate greatly increased his guilt. But what would you do?

Matt - [St Louis, Missouri, USA]
"For science, which, as my associate Fang indicated, must move ever forward. Plus there's the money... and I do love the drama!" -Sevarius, 'Louse'

I don't think there's any profound answer. At the moment, I think the Captain was too busy trying to stay alive to notice if Demona was perched there or not. Moments before the massacre started, Hakon threatened him with the mace.
Greg Bishansky - [<----- Gathering 2009]

Paul> Good question. My theory to keep the story making sense as it does right now is that the Captain didn't want to stay around for the destruction of the clan and left before he could notice that Demona wasn't actually there. But I suppose it's also possible that he did notice and said nothing at the time in the hope that she would survive. Then when he crafted an image of Demona in his and Hakon's attempt to "gaslight" Goliath, he had already realized on some level that he didn't want to kill Goliath and was giving him a chance to realize that what he was seeing wasn't real. I think the first explanation is more likely, but the second would certainly be interesting.

Mecha Nation> I had read on a comics related blog that SLG currently has a moratorium on accepting submissions for new comics projects. So Mecha Nation moving over to Ape Entertainment could be nothing more than bad timing for a publishing deal with SLG. It makes sense. I've said before that quite a few comics companies are dealing with the bad economy by cutting titles where they can. So maybe SLG is looking to shore up their core titles and can't really launch a new book right now. I'm sure SLG would like to go after the "Gargoyles" license again if they can make it profitable for them. But if not, maybe Greg can forge a relationship with Ape and see if they're interested in publishing "Gargoyles." Of course, there's a much better chance of something happening with the license if the trades sell well - whenever they come out. (Sigh.)

Demonskrye - [<---"Kiki's Delivery Service" at The Ink and Pixel Club]

Wow, Amazon is showing Bad Guys as 'Temporarily out of stock": http://www.amazon.com/Gargoyles-Bad-Guys-Greg-Weisman/dp/1593621930 I've never seen an unreleased Amazon product do that. Also the 'Pre-Order' button has switched to an 'Add to Shopping Cart' button. Is it possible they accidentally started shipping their existing stock and sold it all out? Has anyone on here pre-ordered Bad Guys from Amazon and have they emailed you that Bad Guys has shipped? The sales rank is #91,307, the highest I've seen it.

Also exciting news for Vol. 2: http://www.amazon.com/Gargoyles-Clan-Building-Greg-Weisman/dp/1593621671 The rank is #8,784, which I think is a new record. It's currently #20 on the Science Fiction graphic novels chart.

Landon Thomas - [<- Gargoyles News Twitter Feed]

@ Todd:I think, even though I'm not close to the source, definetely not.

GARGOYLES did pretty well with SLG, so Greg might just opt to look for new businesspartners, who might boost the material a bit more. Could happen. And even if not, I'm sure GARGOYLES will come back in one form or another, and if only in the pay-per-click-way like Blue-Mug-productions.

That and I think that Greg wouldn't try to recycle story elements. Guy's very orriginal. ;)

I agree with Rebel on EVERYTHING she says!!

It's very interresting to see MECHA NATION being picked up. It saddens me that PROGENCY won't be published soon, since I really liked what i heard about it.

However, mich MECHA NATION out, I must admit I assumed that it was the top-secret-project Greg told us of. I assumed it was to be picked up and transformed into a show. Seeing that it will be out... that's quite interresting news, because the upcomming stuff should be "all new" then.


I agree with Rebel on EVERYTHING she says!!

1) Picture of Mecha Nation: http://blog.newsarama.com/2008/07/17/slgs-progeny-promo-art/

2) Mecha Nation is the anime-influenced saga of teenagers attending Glass Lake High School, where a large percentage of the student body is made up of "mecha-sapiens," individuals empowered with the ability to transform into Earth-rescuing robotic warriors. (source: http://www.icv2.com/articles/news/12908.html )

3) MAA: Let's briefly change the topic for a moment. As we inch clo ser to the end of this Q & A, care to tell us about any other projects you 're working on that you'd like to inform us about? Anything interesting in the works?

Weisman: Vic Cook, Greg Guler and I are working with artist Antonio Campo and Ape Entertainment to produce a comic book called Mecha-Nation. This is an original property, created by Vic and developed by Vic, Greg G. and myself. The first issue should be out in time for San Diego Comic-Con. I've also written an episode of Batman: The Brave and the Bold and hope to write another soon. I have a few other projects in the works, but most aren't ready to discuss.
(source: http://marvel.toonzone.net/specspidey/interviews/weisman2/ )

Anthony Tini

I've sometimes wondered whether, if Greg isn't able to tell any further "Gargoyles" stories after the two trade paperbacks come out, he might try reshaping them for "Mecha-Nation". I know that the protagonists of that one were also supposed to be unusual beings hiding in the modern world, though I think it was robots disguised as high-school-aged humans or something like that. (I don't remember the details that well, unfortunately.)
Todd Jensen

hahaha an executive from disney will be signing at comic con. Someone should make him sign gargoyles related things and then hurass him about getting the show out there agian :P (kidding about the hurassing)

Landon>thanks for posting the webcomic link. We hope to have some new issues up starting in a few months.

shara - [jeanie54_2000 at yahoo dot com]

Landon >> Wow... I thought Mecha-Nation was going to be published by SLG...

Anyway, Mecha-Nation happens to be on my shopping list for Comic-Con, so I will be there to find out what's up.

shara >> Would be nice to meet up at Comic-Con (along with any other Gargoyles fans)!

The One Known As Mochi - [shogi dot keima dot 08 at gmail dot com]
Current Mood: (>**)> Comic-Con... So close...

"Our goal is to not only put those people out of business, but hopefully in jail," says George Feltenstein, senior vice president of marketing for Warner Home Video Theatrical Catalog. And indeed, the biggest Hollywood movie studios have become increasingly aggressive about bootleggers in recent years. But even Feltenstein acknowledges that "the best cure to piracy is to make the product available. It all exists because there's demand."

To that end, in March Warner Home Video launched the Warner Archive, a retail program with the potential to revolutionize the way studios monetize their film libraries and movie fans score copies of their undersung favorites.

For the past 23 years, Feltenstein has overseen Warner Home Video's catalog business, releasing and marketing thousands of older titles from the vaults of Warner Bros., MGM, RKO Pictures, and other classic studio libraries — more than 14,000 titles in all, stretching back to 1914. And for the past 23 years, he's been steadily bombarded with requests for titles that haven't yet appeared on VHS or DVD. Even with what Feltenstein describes as Warner Home Video's "aggressive" mining of its catalog — which includes everything from A Charlie Brown Christmas to Zabriskie Point — there have always been people willing to pay for obscure titles that it made no financial sense to release.

"Generally, we tend to need to break even at retail at around the 20,000-unit mark," Feltenstein says. "And if a title can't make that threshold, it would make the likelihood of a retail release very small." Despite the rise of online vendors such as Amazon, the recent demises of stock-everything retail chains such as Tower Records and Virgin Megastore has made releasing catalog titles even tougher. "There are certain films right now that four or five years ago we would have planned to release to retail, but most of our retailers that would have carried them are no longer in business," Feltenstein says.

Cue the Warner Archive. Via the program's web page consumers can now click on one of nearly 200 titles and counting from the Warner Home Video library and buy a DVD copy of the film, individually burned and packaged in a standard DVD keep case with printed cover art. While Feltenstein might find it hard to justify authorizing the manufacturing of 20,000 units of vérité-style '70s heroin film Dusty and Sweets McGee, selling individual copies on demand for a profit represents a win-win for consumer and studio alike. "All these little nooks and crannies in our library, they become viable," he says.

"The dream is that anything that's in our vault, we can make a copy for a person and have it delivered to their mailbox within five days," Feltenstein continues. "At some point, every one of our 6,800 feature films and multi-thousand television shows, short subjects, cartoons — anything in our library — will be available to the consumer ordering through the Warner Archive collection."

Feltenstein stresses that the Warner Archive hasn't replaced or diminished the studio's usual release schedule of older titles on DVD and Blu-ray, but allows that it does offer a new way for even the biggest studios to get in on the long-tail game. "I'm told the other studios are scrambling to put this business model into play," Feltenstein says.

Lurker - [johnr783 at hotmail dot com]
I have officially lost my namesake.

I read an article today and found the following to be very interesting.

I tried to include a quote that was too long to type but it didnt work.

Maybe someday Disney will do the same with their library, Gargoyles included. This is, of course, years away.

Here is the full link for anyone interested.

Lurker - [johnr783 at hotmail dot com]
I have officially lost my namesake.

I see. Thanks, Matt.

However, that leads to another question. I'm pretty sure that it made no difference to Hakon, but did the Captain notice that the gargoyle sleeping in Demona's usual spot wasn't Demona?

That would have some interesting implications for the "Shadows of the Past" episode, I think.

Paul - [nampahcfluap at yahoo dot com]

Paul> I believe Greg has indicated that it was another gargoyle that just happened to sleep in Demona's usual post that night.
Matt - [St Louis, Missouri, USA]
"For science, which, as my associate Fang indicated, must move ever forward. Plus there's the money... and I do love the drama!" -Sevarius, 'Louse'

Sorry to change the subject, but I've been wondering about something:

On the night after the Wyvern Massacre, Goliath found a pile of debris on Demona's pedestal, which he mistook for her remains. What exactly was that debris? Was it the remains of other gargoyles, just a pile of rocks, or something else? And how did it fall into that position?

Paul - [nampahcfluap at yahoo dot com]

Lylat Warrior Galaxia - http://www.ka-blamo.com/gargs/
Landon Thomas - [<- Gargoyles News Twitter Feed]

I need to find a Comic that starring Hellsing anime with Gargoyles. I have found it before, but now I cannot find it; can anyone help me plz? Thankies! ^_^
Lylat Warrior Galaxia - [GalaxiaFox at netscape dot net]
"Never give up! Trust your instincts!"- James McCloud and Peppy Hare from Star Fox

Well, this is interesting: Greg and Vic Cook will be signing at Ape Entertainment's Comic-Con booth on 7/25 for Mecha-Nation: http://www.apecomics.com/pdf/SDCC2009-ApeSigningSchedule.pdf (Source: http://www.ape-entertainment.com/index.htm ) Greg mentioned Mecha-Nation as a new Ape series in an interview but the publisher itself hasn't announced it yet. So I'm wondering what they'll sign or if there's an announcement coming. I don't see any Ape panels in the schedule. If anyone is going to Comic-Con, please let us know what's there. Maybe there will be promotional material or even a sneak peek.
Landon Thomas - [<- Gargoyles News Twitter Feed]

Like I said, I had listen very carefully to what Sevarius was saying. Would you agree there was a pattern in Xanatos's activities in those two episodes? Sevarius also mentioned that he had considered cloning a living gargoyle but there wasn't one available. We both know they were lying there, too.
Gargoyleslady - [kendal dot renfro at yahoo dot com]

Out of all of those, I'd say the one that's the biggest stretch was "Metamorphosis." I mean yeah, Xanatos could predict that the gargoyles would probably check out Gen-u-tech once they spotted one of the escapees and made the connection. But still: the gargoyles just happened to show up in the same room as Sevarius and Derek in time to stop Anton from giving Derek his shot, and then from there it was dumb luck that Goliath threw Sevarius into the eel tank (he had no idea what Xanatos's scheme was, he just threw Sevarius off him, and may the gods determine where the doctor landed).

Though I wonder if that second point made it easier for Xanatos to dupe Derek into thinking that Goliath and Sevarius were in cohoots. Xanatos is good at improvisation.

Harvester of Eyes - [Minstrel75 at gmail dot com]
"Finally, you're thinking like a true gargoyle." -Demona ("Hunter's Moon")

Gargoyleslady> Employment is a pretty powerful motivator and I think both Xanatos and Sevarius realize that. For Derek, a new job represented a way to prove himself as an individual, that he could be successful by himself and not just as a cop in a family of cops. For Maggie, it was a way to get her life back together and hopefully stop living on the streets. To be fair, the job Xanatos offered did exist, even if it wasn't the real reason he hired Derek. Sevarius probably never paid Maggie for anything and even if he did, she couldn't go back to normal society looking like she did.

Greg's ramble on "Leader of the Pack" points out that the story features a villain who has his priorities in order and a hero who does not, at least until the end. Though his methodology may be a little questionable, Xanatos only cares about getting the woman he loves out of prison. Anything else is just a bonus if it goes well. Lexington spends much of the episode barely able to think straight because he is so consumed by his hatred for the Pack. He makes the right decision at the end, choosing to save his brother instead of pursuing the Pack.

I always liked the detail that the mutates had been allowed to "escape" several times before the gargoyles took notice, as opposed to the gargoyles discovering them right away. It feels more realistic. It's a big city, after all, and there's no guarantee where the gargoyles might be at any given time.

And yes, Sevarius fakes his death so that Derek will believe that his only hope of being cured is to remain with Xanatos, who has the resources to find someone who can turn him human again, even if Xanatos has no intention of doing that.

Demonskrye - [<---"Kiki's Delivery Service" at The Ink and Pixel Club]

I've determined there was a pattern in Her Brother's Keeper and Metamorphosis: In Her Brother's Keeper, Xanatos wanted Derek and made a job offer with his company. Metamorphosis - Sevarius lured a homeless woman with the promise of a well paid job. Coincidence? They were both lying.

I rewatched the episodes and listened to them carefully.

Leader Of The Pack - Xanatos staged The Pack's escape to get Fox a chance at an early parole.

Brooklyn is concerned that Lexington's anger at The Pack is consuming him.

Towards the end of the episode Lexington then had to choose between life and revenge.

Metamorphosis - The escaping mutates was an act and it was months before the gargoyles noticed anything. Basically, Maggie was allowed to escape.

Sevarius faked his death to trick Derek into staying with Xanatos.

Gargoyleslady - [kendal dot renfro at yahoo dot com]

We probably should have expected the delay, in light of the comic's past history of being delayed by a week at the last moment.
Todd Jensen

I think that as far as Demona explaining her plan is concerned, I think she thought on some level that Goliath had finally come around to her way of thinking. She's quick to believe what she wants to, and it probably hadn't even occurred to her that the conversation she'd had with Goliath the night before (and his actions on the airship) was just a lapse of reason on his part.
Harvester of Eyes - [Minstrel75 at gmail dot com]
"Finally, you're thinking like a true gargoyle." -Demona ("Hunter's Moon")

Hey guys! Back from Otakon! I saw at least three people wearing the Gargoyles shirt that has Goliath on the front. I didnt get a chance to talk to them but I was happy to see that floating around the con.

Comic date > It's not coming out this month? Seriously? Well, Im gonna call my local comic store, where I ordered volume two, and check in with them the next chance I get. I'll be so disappointed if it doesnt come out soon.

<Be happy for me and for all who fly free.> - Tobias of Animorphs

Andrea / Takarifreak > Universal Studios is so close you can actually walk if you're able to climb a hill or two. But I'm guessing there's at least a few people who'll be hanging around for a day after. Sadly, I'm not one of them since I'm con staff and our job isn't quite done until we schlep all the con's stuff back home the next day. :)

32 days left until the 13th Annual Gathering of the Gargoyles in Los Angeles, CA!

Patrick - [<-- Gathering 2009]
"A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men." - Willy Wonka

Geoff> Also not Greg Weisman, but also willing to try to answer some of your questions with a slightly different take on the answers.

2. It's left up to viewer interpretation. One theory that I'm kind of partial to is that on some level, she wants Goliath to stop her. Not that she isn't serious about her hatred of humans, but I do wonder if some part of her is at least aware that eradicating all of humanity in one fell swoop would cause any number of problems. The usual reason that supervillains explain their brilliant plans to heroes is that they're egotistical and they believe that the heroes in question are helpless to stop them at this point. I'm fairly certain Greg has addressed this before. Check the archives.

3) Her hair is black and Greg has addressed this before. (Check the archives.) Basically solid black hair can read as a big two-dimensional blob, white highlights are too much contrast, and gray highlights just don't look right. So the tradition is to use blue highlights for characters with black hair.

4) Animation mistakes happen. Sometimes they are caught in time, sometimes they aren't. "In time" is really the operative word here. TV animation is made on a schedule and there is only so much time and money to do retakes of animation that doesn't look quite right. The show's crew frequently has to pick their battles. There are probably any number of animation mistakes we never saw because they did get corrected. The "Previously on 'Gargoyles'..." segments were partly a way to cut out small bits of animation that didn't come out very well and weren't essential to the story.

5. I can't really speak for Greg Weisman, but from what I've read in his responses for similar questions, he's happy with the style on SS-M. I am too. I've watched the old 90s FOX "Spider-Man" cartoon and while there are one or two nicely animated episodes, most of them just don't look very good because the characters are so hard to draw consistently over and over again in a variety of poses. Greg has said in interview that he specifically wanted a look for the show along the lines of "Batman: The Animated Series," something that would be easier to animated well on a TV series budget. And it shows. The series has featured some really top notch and unique fight scenes and the characters look very consistent throughout. I thought last weeks episode looked particularly good. And I like a more graphic looking style personally, when it's done well.

Demonskrye - [<---"Kiki's Delivery Service" at The Ink and Pixel Club]

Man, it's been a very long time since I've shown my face to the garg fandom, so I wouldn't be shocked if no one remembers me, but I decided to poke my head in after hiding and lurking for ages.

As much as I'm not fond of getting on a plane and traveling across the country (since it's further than I've ever been from home), with no guarentees of a future gathering, my friend and I will be attending this year. We've been waiting for it to come closer again (we were at 2003), but hey, beggers can't be choosers I suppose.

Just for the sake of curiosity (and a secondary motive with help of my planning), is anyone sticking around for a day or two after the gathering? We'd love to go to Universal and spend a whole day there, and it would be awsome if we had some others to hang out with (plus if someone had a car it would be even better {gas money would be ponied up of course}, as the shuttle from the hotel and back only runs until 4:30 *tear*).

But either way, I'll see everyone going eventually anyway!

And oh yeah, sorry if I stole someone else's font color.

Andrea / Takarifreak - [SailorV77 at yahoo dot com]

Geoff: "3. Is Elisa's hair really blue?"

It's blue for the same reason Superman's hair is blue. They're both aliens!

Nah, it's artistic license. Blue highlights look better than plain black hair. :P

D. Taina
RIP, Michael Jackson.

The "Why's Elisa's hair blue?" question has been answered by Greg, search the archives.

GEOFF> While I'm no Greg Weisman, I do feel versed enough in Gargoyles and Spidey-lore to tackle some of your questions...

"1. Why didn't anyone ask Peter why Spiderman supposedly makes time before fighting lethal supervillains to call a teenager to come take pictures of him like he said in "Identity Crisis"?"

Why would they? It's a well known fact that Spider-Man is a shameless attention whore, as chronicled that most esteemed pillar of the fouth estate, the Daily Bugle.

"2. Why did Demona explain her insidious plot to destroy humanity to the Manhattan clan before smashing the vial in "Hunter's Moon, Part 3"? It just seemed kinda ridiculous, considering she had been planning for apparently centuries, enduring everlasting hardship and pain, for her to be so careless, especially when she was outnumbered. I was just wondering if she had some other plan in mind that made foiling that plan necessary."

Demona has a deep respect for the time honored tradtions of super-villainy. I mean where would evil doers be if they just went around shooting their enemies instead of locking them in giant hourglasses? There are standerds to maintain!

"3. Is Elisa's hair really blue?"

Elisa's hair is black, so deep a black that it actually wraps space-time around it, therby projecting an unearthly blue glow.

"4. What was with the animation goofs that happened throughout Gargoyles? Did they seriously get by everyone until the episodes were aired? (I'm talking about the character design ones, to be specific.)"

Fortunatly all those involved with the animation on Gargoyles were hunted down and fed to giant pythons as punishment for their insolence(too good fer 'em, I say!)

"5. Did you ever feel the animation for Spectacular Spiderman was too simple and, for lack of a better term, goofy?"

On the contrary Geoff I strongly feel that the animation on Spectacular Spider-Man is not goofy enough. Therefore I am starting an online petition demanding that Shane Galloway add sombreroes and floppy shoes to all character designs, we shall make our voices heard!

I hope you've all found this informative and morally uplifting.

In America!

Why would it come out on the 25th? That's a Saturday. Don't comics and trades ALWAYS come out on Wednesdays?

It looks like Clan-Building vol. 2 won't be out this month: http://www.diamondcomics.com/shipping/upcomingreleases.txt At least not from Diamond. I don't know if Amazon/B&N use a different distributor than Diamond, but I doubt it. I'm pretty sure SLG sent the book to the printers weeks ago so I hope they're not waiting for Disney approval or something.
Landon Thomas - [lumpmoose at gmail dot com]

I've watched the Merlin Show. It's pretty good - I don't know all the legends so I can't say what's been played with, but I do like the show.
Battle Beast - [Canada]
That is all I will say.

Concerning Barnes and Noble and July 25th> B&N site also says that the Clan Building Vol 2 TPB is 200pp where it's been confirmed on SLG's site to be 160pp. Based on that and other variables I'm under the impression that B&N's site unreliable.

If you "harassed your retailers" like Dan Vado suggested, then maybe you'll be lucky enough to find a copy at your local B&N on the 25th, but I wouldn't put stock in it.

New release items such as DVDs, CDs, and even books have a street date. What's Clan Building street date? No idea, but since most new releases are available on Tuesdays, I'd be more inclined to search B&N on a Tuesday.

Personally, I will be driving 45 minutes to my comic book retailer where I know a copy will be waiting for me rather than travel 45 minutes in the opposite direction a day before to "maybe" get lucky and find a copy.

Anthony Tini

ADAM - When I went down to the local bookstore and asked them to order a copy of the trade paperback for me, they also said that it was supposed to come out on the 25th. So far, we don't know which date is correct (if either), but I was interested to learn that they weren't the only people who had said that.

Has anyone been watching the "Merlin" series on NBC? I've mildly enjoyed it, though I should warn you that it takes a lot of liberties with the legend (Merlin and Arthur are around the same age, Arthur is growing up at Uther's court with everyone knowing who he is, Guinevere is a blacksmith's daughter and Morgana's handmaiden rather than a princess, etc.). Last night's episode brought in a mention of Avalon and its faerie inhabitants, called the "sidhe"; one of them looked much like the Oberon of "Gargoyles" only a lot smaller and with wings.

Todd Jensen

Adam - That's good advice. There is no guarantee that a copy of the trade will be waiting on the shelf at your local comic shop on the Wednesdays that the books come out. Both Greg and Dan Vado, president of SLG, have stated that you need to bug local retailers to ensure they order a copy (preferably they'll order more than one when they see there's interest): http://www.s8.org/gargoyles/askgreg/search.php?rid=813 http://slg-news.livejournal.com/331013.html

As Adam has shown, it's still not too late to talk to your comic shop about it.

Landon Thomas - [<- Gargoyles News Twitter Feed]

I don't know if this has been mentioned, but on most web sites that I have seen, Garogyles #2 comes out on the 29th. However, acourding to Barnes and Noble, it is coming out on the 25th. I called my local store to confirm it and they are ordering a copy to be delivered to the store just for me. I just thought that if everyone else is like me, they really want to get there hands on this book ASAP, and I think trying this method might help spread the word a little to local book stores and would get back to the publishers. Just a thought.
Adam - [carl006_1999 at yahoo dot com]

GEOFF - The reason why I dropped your question was that it included "Spectacular Spider-Man" questions and "Gargoyles" questions in the same post. One of the submission rules is "no multiple topics" in one post. If you put all the "Spectacular Spider-Man" questions in one post, and all the "Gargoyles" in another, then it'll be acceptable.

Though, I'd advise you also not to have questions about, for example, Demona and Elisa in the same post unless they're connected (say, Demona's hatred for Elisa), since Greg counts each aspect of "Gargoyles" as a separate topic (but doesn't do the same for "The Spectacular Spider-Man", probably because "Ask Greg" originated as primarily a "Gargoyles" question-and-answer site).

Todd Jensen

P.S. sorry for the double post.

And away we go on with the show!
Vinnie - [tpeano29 at hotmail dot com]

I was wondering if I could get some help on some questions I want to ask Greg. I already posted these questions, so I'm guessing they were deemed inappropriate. I don't know why since I checked the archives and "no question is inappropriate", as stated in the introduction. So, could someone please read my questions and tell me where I should edit?

Here are the questions:

1. Why didn't anyone ask Peter why Spiderman supposedly makes time before fighting lethal supervillains to call a teenager to come take pictures of him like he said in "Identity Crisis"?

2. Why did Demona explain her insidious plot to destroy humanity to the Manhattan clan before smashing the vial in "Hunter's Moon, Part 3"? It just seemed kinda ridiculous, considering she had been planning for apparently centuries, enduring everlasting hardship and pain, for her to be so careless, especially when she was outnumbered. I was just wondering if she had some other plan in mind that made foiling that plan necessary.

3. Is Elisa's hair really blue?

4. What was with the animation goofs that happened throughout Gargoyles? Did they seriously get by everyone until the episodes were aired? (I'm talking about the character design ones, to be specific.)

5. Did you ever feel the animation for Spectacular Spiderman was too simple and, for lack of a better term, goofy?

I asked another question about who Greg's favorite rapper was and taste in music so it's not important.

Anyways, could someone tell me if I'm being to critical or something? I still have every intention of asking these same questions, but I'll edit them if I have to.


I was wondering if I could get some help on some questions I want to ask Greg. I already posted these questions, so I'm guessing they were deemed inappropriate. I don't why since I checked the archives and "no question is inappropriate", as stated in the introduction. So, could someone please read my questions and tell me where I should edit?

Here are the questions:

1. Why didn't anyone ask Peter why Spiderman supposedly makes time before fighting lethal supervillains to call a teenager to come take pictures of him like he said in "Identity Crisis"?

2. Why did Demona explain her insidious plot to destroy humanity to the Manhattan clan before smashing the vial in "Hunter's Moon, Part 3"? It just seemed kinda ridiculous, considering she had been planning for apparently centuries, enduring everlasting hardship and pain, for her to be so careless, especially when she was outnumbered. I was just wondering if she had some other plan in mind that made foiling that plan necessary.

3. Is Elisa's hair really blue?

4. What was with the animation goofs that happened throughout Gargoyles? Did they seriously get by everyone until the episodes were aired? (I'm talking about the character design ones, to be specific.)

5. Did you ever feel the animation for Spectacular Spiderman was too simple and, for lack of a better term, goofy?

I asked another question about who Greg's favorite rapper was and taste in music so it's not important.

Anyways, could someone tell me if I'm being to critical or something? I still have every intention of asking these same questions, but I'll edit them if I have to.


VickyUK - [vickyfanofwwe at aol dot com]

8th. Sweet! My favorite number.

Anyone planning on going to comic con this week?

"The alien mothership is in orbit here. If we can hit that bullseye, the rest of the dominoes will fall like a house of cards. Checkmate." -Zap Brannigan

KingCobra_582 - [KingCobra582 at gmail dot com]
Grr. Arg.


And now to bed, for the next three hours at least.

"What if this wasn't a hypothetical question?"

Siren> About the locking mechanism. I dont think the ordinary winged gargs would have it but I think that makes sense for the Gargs that have the same wing structure as Lexington. The reason I think that is because his arms have to be tired after a while, even when not flying long distances. When he was but a wee garg how else would he have learned to glide? Thats my opinion.
Lurker - [johnr783 at hotmail dot com]
I have officially lost my namesake.


There's this really good livejournal group that just started-"Gargoyle watch" where we discuss the episodes in depth each week. It's on Temptation now. The discussions are actually enlightening. Here's the link: http://community.livejournal.com/gargoyles_watch/


Doe-hi! Oh, I mean... uh... Three, Sir!
Jade Griffin - [jade_griffin at hotmail dot com]
"Food, food, FOOD!!" - Jade Griffin, on many occasions


First, Uno, I, 1, One, and all that stuff.