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Comment Room Archive

Comments for the week ending August 17, 2009

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CB2> Husband and I made the trip out to our local comic shop today and no "Gargoyles" trade in our box. I didn't know he guy who was working there today, so I didn't ask about it. For now, I'm just assuming that they'll be getting them next week. If it turns out there was a screw-up and one or both of the trades didn't get ordered, I'll probably just buy them direct from SLG.

On the positive side, I finally ot to see "Ponyo" and it was great!

Kris> So far as I know, CB2 and Bad Guys are both going to be the smaller digest size. I understand that it's probably cheaper that way and theoretically more enticing to the mange reading audience, but I do wish they would do a full-sized printing. Artwork drawn for a standard sized comic doesn't always reduce that well and since my eyesight isn't that great, it can end up being harder for me to read.

Wingless> I'm sorry to hear that your dad isn't doing well. My best to you and your family.

Demonskrye - [<---Great Animated TV Show Intros at The Ink and Pixel Club]

Wingless > Oh you know, I think youre right. Ill go dig through the Archives. Thanks for reminding me.
<Be happy for me and for all who fly free.> - Tobias of Animorphs

Litwolf: my Kite is still unopened in the package. Tho I remember someone in here posting a picture of one on their wall-it was mounted over their computer desk(hey, I have a photographic memory!)

BTW, I did order 2 copies of CB2 from SLG a few days back in the midst of the turmoil with my dad(Who's still in the hospital-for those wanting to know)-not a lot of improvement thus far sadly.


still waiting for my copy and i had to pay a littie bit more since i live in the UK (p&p)
Saber - [dal1986n at hotmail dot co dot uk]

I just saw a physical copy of the Clan Building Volume 1 collection for the first time at my comic shop yesterday. It's a smaller format than the single/bi-monthly issues we were getting before the book was canned. Is Clan Building Volume 2 the same ?

Marvel seems to do this with collections for a few of their titles too, puts out a digest ("Runaways" comes to mind). Only they seem to release the more desirable (IMO) full-sized trade paperbacks later on, plus hardcover editions for those that want them (I can see SLG doing a fancy hardbound for the 12 issues of Clan Building eventually).

Kris - [plekopleko at hotmail dot com]

I so call dibs on a bunch of that stuff :P I already planned to bring a big suitcase with me since I know I'm going to bring home a ton of crap.

Kinda nervous about flying though. It's not so much about the flying itself, so much as being trapped in the same place for an extended period of time without the opportunity to move. I'm a very fidgety person who can't sit still for more than about 3 hours at a time. But since I'm working until about 4 am and will get max 3 hours sleep before I leave for the airport, maybe I'll sleep during most of it.

Need to get my bum in gear and start packing though!


Not much, but I did point another fan to Clan Building Volume 2 and will be sure to inform her of GBG Redemption.

Antiyonder - Amazon only starts counting down at around 5 so there's no way to know. I'm more curious what happens when they run out: print more? pay SLG more? It might be the first sell-out since release and hopefully that indicates promising sales for the last 2 trades.
Landon Thomas - [<- Gargoyles News Twitter Feed]

Wingless > Is there any chance you could post a picture of the kite? I havnt been able to find one but I am so curious to see what it looks like.
<Be happy for me and for all who fly free.> - Tobias of Animorphs

Wow-Even with everything I've got, I'm envious of that. I have the kite, pogs, danglers & toothbrush kit & such. Am lacking any of the lunch boxes, the tent & several other things in there. *wishes he was going....and with money*

Gathering Auction > I am so jealous! If I was going to the Gathering, I would probably spend hours just staring at the collection. I would bid on a few things but, due to be a poor college student, would probably be outbidded every time. Its a shame the auction cant be an online thing so that those of us who arent going to the Gathering could check the stuff out and get a chance to bid. Oh well.

If anyone didnt see this, there's a picture of the collection on DeviantArt. Here it is: http://vkahri.deviantart.com/art/Gargoyles-Collection-132108632

Its so cool! I have never seen the danglers before, those are so cool. No kite though. I still havnt seen this kite everyone has told me about. I wish the majority of this collection was still sold in stores.

<Be happy for me and for all who fly free.> - Tobias of Animorphs

How many copies did Amazon have before?
Antiyonder - [antiyonder at yahoo dot com]
Algernon's comment about Norman Osborn: One of the neat things about Dark Reign is that it gives Osborn the chance to expand his horizons beyond tormenting a twenty nine year old who still lives with his mom.

Interesting side note: Amazon only has 4 copies of volume 1 left: http://www.amazon.com/Gargoyles-Clan-Building-Greg-Weisman/dp/1593620969
Landon Thomas - [<- Gargoyles News Twitter Feed]

[too many links]

Everywhere else: Vol 1: http://www.slgcomic.com/Gargoyles-TPB-1_p_609.html
Vol 2: http://www.slgcomic.com/Gargoyles-Clan-Building-Volume-Two_p_1249.html
Bad Guys: No link yet...

SLG ships internationally but I think people in the US/UK are more comfortable with Amazon.

Landon Thomas - [lumpmoose at gmail dot com]

Antiyonder - This is where I usually point people:

US short: http://is.gd/2dCUg
US long: http://www.amazon.com/s/qid=1250089281/ref=sr_st?keywords=volume&rs=&page=1&rh=n%3A!1000%2Ci%3Astripbooks%2Ck%3Avolume%2Cp_27%3Aweisman%2Cp_28%3Agargoyles&sort=salesrank

UK short: http://is.gd/1MZUc
UK long: http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/search/ref=sr_adv_b/?search-alias=stripbooks&unfiltered=1&__mk_en_GB=%C5M%C5Z%D5%D1&field-keywords=volume&field-author=greg+weisman&field-title=gargoyles&field-isbn=&field-publisher=&node=&url=&field-binding_browse-bin=&field-subject=&field-feature_browse-bin=&emi=&field-dateop=&field-datemod=&field-dateyear=&sort=relevancerank&Adv-Srch-Books-Submit.x=0&Adv-Srch-Books-Submit.y=0

Landon Thomas - [<- Gargoyles News Twitter Feed]

Sorry for the double posting, but for the sake of supporting the Trades, do I want to recommend people to order them off Amazon or SLG's Website?
Antiyonder - [antiyonder at yahoo dot com]
Algernon's comment about Norman Osborn: One of the neat things about Dark Reign is that it gives Osborn the chance to expand his horizons beyond tormenting a twenty nine year old who still lives with his mom.

amanda> The show was over, but not canceled (canceled is when a show ends before the promised number of episodes can be completed).

As for new adventures, you can get some new adventures by ordering the Comic Trade Paperbacks (Gargoyles Clan Building Volume 1 and 2) online. A new trade featuring Dingo, Matrix, Robyn Canmore/Hunter, Yama and Fang will be coming out shortly (in a Trade Paperback title "Gargoyles Bad Guys: Redemption").

If those sell well enough, then some new Gargoyles stories will be published in Trade format (or to be accurate Graphic Novel format).

Antiyonder - [antiyonder at yahoo dot com]
Algernon's comment about Norman Osborn: One of the neat things about Dark Reign is that it gives Osborn the chance to expand his horizons beyond tormenting a twenty nine year old who still lives with his mom.

why did they cancel the show . i love watching them , they always had new adventures .
amanda - [aschauer at dschauer dot com]

why did they cancel the show . i love watching them , they always had new adventures .
amanda Schauer - [aschauer at dschauer dot com]

Spectacular Spidey-Villains: Hey, don't forget the color of Shocker's shocks! d:

Gathering Auction -- man, this is gonna be awesome I think just to even get a chance to look at this stuff :D . . . I mean, I was *six* years old when this stuff first came out. Thanks for the heads up, Patrick!

"The suspense is terrible . . . I hope it lasts" -- Willy Wonka

If anyone knows Carly Zellmer/Shego/asrialnorton/pabkac420 of Chicago, please email me. She's supposedly my roommate for the Gathering, but I haven't heard from her in months.
Landon Thomas - [lumpmoose at gmail dot com]

If you are coming to The Gathering...

...be prepared to spend your money on the most awesome collection of Gargoyles merchandise and memorabilia EVER. A very generous fan who goes by the name of VKahri, aka Amber, has send us SIX boxes full of Gargoyles stuff for our silent auction. There some stuff in there that we didn't even know existed!

If you can't come, but you know anyone who can, you could always ask them to bid for you. Lunch boxes, Applause figures, pogs, Goliath piggy bank, danglers, Viewmaster reels, books, games, toys, backpacks, you name it.

6 days left until the 13th Annual Gathering of the Gargoyles in Los Angeles, CA!

Patrick - [<-- Gathering 2009]
"A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men." - Willy Wonka

According to wikipedia, today is also the date of Macbeth's victory over Duncan.
Adam - [carl006_1999 at yahoo dot com]

yum yum nice bacon butty to sort out the day :3
Saber - [dal1986n at hotmail dot co dot uk]

Today is the anniversary of Canmore's victory over Macbeth in 1057 (thanks in part to Demona's desertion). And yesterday, August 14, was the anniversary of Macbeth and Demona's victory over Duncan in 1040. (These are the actual dates of Macbeth's victories in the Scottish chronicles, but which Greg Weisman has adapted into the Gargoyles Universe's timeline.)

Also on August 15, in 1072, Canmore had to submit to William the Conqueror and do him homage after one of his wars with England went awry. I doubt he was too happy about the timing (though kneeling to William would have been humiliation enough in Canmore's eyes), but Demona and Macbeth might have appreciated it, had they been aware of it.

Todd Jensen

Doh, almost forgot.

Robby> I'm sure you're just as glad as I am that they changed the color of Vulture's costume ;)

Greg Bishansky - [<----- Gathering 2009]

Robby> Check out the special features on the Spectacular Spider-Man Season One set... Vic Cook says that "green is the color of evil in Spider-Man."

I mean, let's run down the list here...

Electro wears green
The Lizard is green
Sandman wears a green shirt
Dr. Octopus wears a green jumpsuit under his coat.
Hell... the Green 'efing Goblin... his arch-nemesis!
Not to mention Mysterio in the second season wears green.

Even the jocks at Midtown High wear green! That was a choice the production team made on purposes.

Green is the color of evil in Spider-Man. Just as orange is the color of death in "The Godfather."

Oh, and I know I've said this to you privately, but I want to say it publicly. Awesome job on "Clan Building," dude!

Greg Bishansky - [<----- Gathering 2009]

The green was absolutley not a Doctor Doom nod. That one was my call and I mostly went with green and silver motifs as a contrast to the red,black and golds that are so prominent in all the other villain's stuff. Xanatos, the Hunters, Oberon and Titania, the Pack, even the Redemption Squad... all of em tend to have heavy reds, blacks and golds. (Demona is pretty much the exception.)

Green's mostly for diversity.

Incidentally, in the old superhero comics, the villains almost ALWAYS went with purple and green motifs, especially Spidey villains, and not just Doom. Lex Luthor's mecha, Braniac, Parasyte, Mongul, Mr. Mxyzptlk, Joker... and then Green Goblin, Incredible hulk, Lizard, Scorpion, Doc Ock, Electro, Vulture, Sandman, Mysterio, etc. for Spidey. Thats cause green and purple go well together and they're both secondary colors... which contrast well against the heroes who usually had primaries, red, blue and yellow, in their outfits. (due to coloring and printing processes for a long time, and because they pop better.) Seriously. Spideys entire rouge's gallery is like, GREEN. Its ridiculous. 6 green guys shouldn't all be on a Sinister Six team at the same timee. (I colored Spiderman Adventures for a long time. That drove me nuts eventually.)

Robby Bevard

Hi everyone. I got a new computer a few months ago and lost all of my old saved websites. I am still trying to find them all. Anyway, there was a Gargoyle picture website that was very detailed. The one thing that stood out to me was that this website named the unnamed gargoyles to keep them seperate. Any info or a link would help. Thanks.
Adam - [carl006_1999 at yahoo dot com]

Left Bank Books informed me that my copy of "Clan-Building: Volume Two" should come in the latter part of next week, on Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday. I hope that it's Wednesday or Thursday, since my birthday is on Thursday. Though I'll be glad simply to get it, so that I can start reading the spoilers at last (and thank goodness for the tags!).
Todd Jensen

Landon> That's all I have left is hope. I called my comic book retailer again and harassed him. He said he ordered them and he doesn't know when they are coming for he gets the invoice with the books that ship. He said he knows Wednesday around 1 - 2 PM, so hopefully two things happen next week: 1) Diamond's shipping list has both titles on it, and 2) I get a call.
Anthony Tini

Anthony Tini - Thanks for checking. Let's hope both books get out to everyone this time.
Landon Thomas - [<- Gargoyles News Twitter Feed]

***Decent-level of Spoilers -- Careful!***

[SPOILER] Constantine & Co:

While it was more than implied to be political in 'Avalon' Part I, I do think in retrospect Constantine's "intention" to marry Princess Katherine really comes with all better sense of the current (and past drama) in these recent issues -- she's a cousin to both Kenneth III and Maol Chalvim, and thus a child of the 'Three Brothers' -- If he can't join their family through marriage, he might as well wipe all out the competing families -- and (considering his own dad) exact some vengeance along the way.

But seriously, cousins -- Kenneth III & Moal Chalvim II, Gillecomgain & MacBeth, Duncan & MacBeth, Luach & Canmore (okay, those two are 'second' cousins) -- it's just best not to have them in the Dark Ages d:

And yeah, Finella was totally used -- though I do wonder the level of her guilt now, especially with that odd-little reveal of her son being 'murdered.' . . . which also reminds me of a ramble of Greg Weisman's where he wondered (and almost prefered) the notion that Finella would have stayed at Constantine's side - despite witnessing the homicide - if only he chose her rather than Katherine.

What was that wonderful line from Mary in Avalon Part I? Something about Constantine thinking only of himself, and that he'll break her heart? Hmmm . . . I'll be watching that episode before weekend's end, you'll see d:

Side thought: Out of the first 20 or so Scottish Kings, I think Greg Weisman's featured about 10 of them in the series, with *I think* four more in the Canon-In-Training (Maol Chalvim I, Indulf, Culen, & Duff). Count me in as someone who's enjoying the "history" lesson . . . why couldn't I get this excited in high school? [/SPOILER]

***SPOILERS, folks, Move on Up (or Down) now d: ***

The suspense is terrible . . . I hope it lasts -- Willy Wonka

Hi Tony -
I base my NEW RELEASE list on the INVOICE that Diamond sends me saying 'you're getting these books and you owe us $21,585' each week. Both of those books are shipping next week.

The list you are you looking at is the TENTATIVE shipping list which is probably why it doesn't include those books.


--John Robinson
16030 S. Lincoln Highway Suite #4
Plainfield, IL. 60586 USA
(815) 254-3410

Anthony Tini wrote:

Concerning your page above, what is your source of new releases and how reliable it is? I normally check this site:


The reason I ask is because the following are on your list, but not Diamond's list:

Gargoyles Bad Guys Volume 1 TPB
Gargoyles Clan Building Volume 2 TPB

Thank you for your time.

- Tony

Anthony Tini

Anthony Tini - Graham Crackers is massive enough that they could have inside Diamond information or maybe access to an updated list that only shops get. But we've been burned so often with delays that I'm not going to get people's hopes up until the Monday list. Even though it's been erratic lately, that's still our most reliable indicator, by far.
Landon Thomas - [<- Gargoyles News Twitter Feed]

GORE> I think we're both thinking of the same guy. [SPOILER] Brother Valmont, right? [/SPOILER]

On another note, and yes, real spoilers:

[SPOILER] I wasn't kidding around completely in my reviews. I really do think that Constantine is gay. Think about it, when has he ever shown any REAL interest in women.

1. Lady Finella... Constantine was just using her to lure King Kenneth II into his trap. He discarded her right after.

2. Princess Katharine... was that real interest? Because I think that marriage was planned to be political. She was the niece of the king, and that would have secured his legitimacy.

On the other hand, look at his rather creepy interest in young Gillecomgain. And, let's face it, royals having sexual interest in younger men was not at all uncommon in the Dark Ages. Or the during the times of the Roman Empire and in ancient Greece either. [/SPOILER]

Greg Bishansky - [<----- Gathering 2009]

A friend of mine gave me this link. What do you guys think? Is it legit?


Anthony Tini

Gore> I have a hard copy of the bible which includes character designs and othe illustrations. It's a multi-generation copy, but I can bring it to the con if you want to see it.
Karine "Kanthara" Charlebois - [kanthara at gmail dot com]
I kick ass and take names.

Is there any copy of any Gargoyles bible out there other than the one Aris Katsaris has posted?

Was there ever a season 2 bible? If so did that get out anywhere?


GregB: Fixed the closing tag. The Dr. Doom thing is (and maybe I've got the wrong character in my head) but there's a few panels of what appears to be a stocky guy with a green-hooded cloak that masks his face off a bit and it looks very Dr. Doom. I don't have the book on me at the moment, but I'll have it tonight and I'll see if maybe I'm IDing the wrong guy.


Greg B: Just say it and put it in spoiler tags!! :)
I agree with Rebel on EVERYTHING she says!!

"Gargoyles, Clan Building Chapter Twelve: Phoenix"

[SPOILER] Okay, first of all, that cover. I really don't like that cover. It's well drawn, well colored, and it certainly gets the point across. But, a "Star Wars" joke? Really? It'd be funnier and I might like it more if we haven't seen several hundred thousand of them. Everyone makes "Star Wars" jokes, and quite frankly, they were played well before Kevin Smith started doing it. But, aw well, I understand I'm in the minority and people enjoy them. But... I personally could do without them. Still, a beautiful cover on its own merits.

Okay, now, with that, my only real gripe out of the way, let's jump into the story.

That art is terrific. A little too manga-esque in some panels, but I like it. Nice, detailed, but still evoking the series.

The battle itself is brutal. I always loved the flashbacks in "City of Stone" and "Avalon Part One." As I said in my previous review, I'm a sucker for this kind of stuff. So, this entire three-parter has been a real geekgasm.

Brooklyn and Demona's interactions are fun to watch. Demona is just as bitter as she was in the "City of Stone" flashbacks, but here she seems a lot more power hungry. Whereas in "City of Stone" she seemed more content to just survive. Of course, she never had the Grimorum in her, or close to being in her grasp in "City of Stone."

Speaking of Demona, it is so good to see her again. Okay, we had glimpses of her in "Invitation Only" and "Estranged." But, out of all the things I've been waiting for since these comics were first announced, she was at the top of my list. I read her, and it's just her. I can hear Marina Sirtis' voice in every line of dialogue. She is brutal, violent, power hungry, passionate, and cold. This is Demona, and I haven't seen her since 1996. How I've missed her. Okay, technically this is, as Brooklyn said, Demona Classic and not Modern Demona. But still, it's great.

As the battle goes on, Kenneth III's young son, Bodhe, cowers in the brush. I see some things never change. Come on, Bodhe, this is the Dark Ages. Many younger than you are now have faced much worse. I'd say grow a pair, but I know your future.

Speaking of futures, Gillecomgain at fifteen is just as merciless as he'll be as an adult. Gleefully trying to kill the young Bodhe on Constantine's orders. "Tonight is the Hunter's Moon! Be a hunter for your king!" Heh heh heh... so, Gillecomgain's scars inspired Constantine, and Constantine inspired Gillecomgain. They're both so twisted... I love it.

And Findlaech points out to Mail Brigti what we've been seeing all along. Gillecomgain is no longer his son. And now we also learn that Findlaech and Brigti are half-brothers, which would make Gillecomgain Macbeth's cousin. That also adds a whole new layer to their dynamic. I read that Gillecomgain and Macbeth were cousins, but I didn't think this was the case in the Gargoyles Universe. Glad to see that worked in.

And as the battle proceeds, we get one of the coolest sequences we've ever seen in "Gargoyles"... comic or show. Brother Valmont uses the Grimorum to rain magical, fiery arrows from the sky. "Rain of Death" and he's not kidding. Demona's Second's mate is killed. Countless soldiers are killed. Mail Brigti is killed. Even Magus the horse is killed... that bastard. It comes to an end when Brooklyn takes the Grimorum from Valmont... and Valmont's hand as well. Ouch.

Hmm, let's see here. Brother Valmont is bald, wears green, has a French surname, clearly has no loyalty to Constantine or anyone else in this battle, and now he has no hand. Didn't we meet a bald guy who wears green, has a French surname, and a cybernetic hand in "The Rock of Ages"? And that's all I'm going to say about that.

Demona grabs the Grimorum and is finally able to put a stop to Valmont's Rain of Death. The battle is over. Gillecomgain blames Findlaech for his father's death... but Findlaech spares Gilly. Famous last words there, Findlaech

Constantine and Kenneth III's duel finally comes to an end. Kenneth declaring that if he falls, Maol Chalvim will rise to take his place... that just amused the hell out of me, probably more than it even amused Constantine. "Yes, such is his ambition." Constantine understands Maol Chalvim far better than Kenneth III does. The two men are a lot more alike than Kenneth will realize until it's too late. God, I love Scottish history.

But, once Constantine threatens Bodhe one time too many, Kenneth III ends the duel... permanently. And so ends the short reign of Constantine the Bald. May his soul burn in the deepest level of Hell. Amen.

With the battle over, the phoenix once again appears. Brooklyn knows Demona well enough to know that he can't just let her keep the Grimorum. I love the little gambit he plays. "I need your half of the Gate to try to control it, here, let me hold the book for you."

And while Mary and Finella beg Brooklyn to take them with him, we cut back to 1997.

Brooklyn disappeared forty seconds ago, leaving a worried Angela and Broadway. But suddenly he returns, and he's not alone.

Back at the castle, Goliath is greeted by Lexington and Broadway, who have returned from London, bringing with them Coldstone and Coldfire, who have finally come to rejoin the clan. While Angela and Broadway call them to the Great Hall to meet Brooklyn and his new companions.

Oh, I'm sorry, did I say companions? We meet Brooklyn's mate, Katana; their son, Nashville (or Gnash for short); their beast, Fu-Dog; and their egg. Brooklyn himself is now older. Turns out he's been time traveling for forty years (which would make him the gargoyle equivalent of twenty years older. He's wearing armor similar to what he wore in "Future Tense" and is armed to the teeth with two guns, the broadsword he acquired in Scotland, and a katana. Oh, and he's lost his left eye, and is sporting an eye-patch.

Is Brooklyn a big Nick Fury fan? ;)

As the gargoyles celebrate, and meet and greet. Elisa arrives to inform everyone that Jackal busted Wolf and Hyena out of Rikers and they're on a rampage in Times Square. So, the gargoyles decide to go kick their asses.

And in Goliath's final thought monologue, we get the double meaning of the title. The Manhattan Clan is rising again. Once a shattered clan of six, their numbers have doubled.

"Clan Building" has concluded. But, some things never end. One way or another, they'll be back.

Now, to comment on a few things. I loved Katana's design. Nice to finally see a beaked female. I wish we had gotten one line of dialogue from her, but you can't have everything. My friend, Robby Bevard, the colorist, told me that he had the honor of designing her. Now, I knew Robby back when he was just a fan artist drawing for "Gargoyles" fanfiction. So, this is definitely a dream come true for him. He got to design the one character who everyone has been waiting twelve years to see.

So, let's see, the Manhattan Clan now consists of: Goliath, Brooklyn, Lexington, Broadway, Hudson, Angela, Katana, Nashville, Coldstone, Coldfire, Bronx, Fu-Dog, and Elisa Maza (yes, I count her). That's a pretty big cast. But, as Greg has often demonstrated, if anyone can balance casts of thousands, he's the guy.

Now, there's a lot of things to wonder. What will happen next for starters?

What is Thailog up to with their DNA?
What is Demona currently up to, and when will she strike?
Are Wolf, Jackal and Hyena a match for all these gargoyles? I think they'll need another upgrade ;)
Will there be any fallout with the gargoyles and Xanatos after what happened in London?
What will Talon and Maggie's baby be?

These and so many other questions may not be answered for a while, but we have things to look forward to should "Gargoyles" get another shot one day, and I sincerely hope it does.

But, in the mean time, we have the graphic novel for "Gargoyles: Bad Guys" with two issues of new material to look forward to soon. I can't wait. [/SPOILER]

Greg Bishansky - [<----- Gathering 2009]

Aw, man, I messed up the second spoiler tag.

Thank god, it wasn't anything too "spoilerific"

But, still, my apologies. :(

Greg Bishansky - [<----- Gathering 2009]


[SPOILER] Aside from the green cloak, I don't really see a similarity between Brother Valmont and Doom. Nor do I think it's foreshadowing anything in Spidey. Doom is part of the Fantastic Four license, which Fox has.

As for Brother Valmont, well, as I said, I've got a theory on that one. But I'll keep it to myself for the time being. [/SPOILER]

Greg Bishansky - [<----- Gathering 2009]

Lurker: Good point about the Twitter feed. I'll add that to the mix.

Greg B: I read your Chapter Nine synopsis. I agree wholeheartedly with your favorite part; I enjoyed playing [SPOILER] the Grail [/SPOILER] in Chicago. When I spoke with Greg W. later he congratulated me on getting the biggest laugh of the radio play; I told him it was for the writing, not for the acting.
Brainiac - [OSUBrainiac at gmail dot com]
There is balance in all things. Live in symmetry with the world around you. If you must blow things up and steal from those around you, THAT'S WHAT RPGS ARE FOR!

I need to read through again. That was some dense material at spots.

[SPOILER] Brother Valmont looking exactly like Doctor Doom. What's that about? A hint about Valmont? A hint about Spectacular Spider-Man? -- Man, Guler's art in Ten was amazing. In a perfect world we'd have him to draw every issue and there'd be no end in sight for the series. -- Hey. Hey. Although I'm not sure if it's obvious straight away that's the grail. -- Pirate Brooklyn in "Eye of the Beholder". Real need for that eyepatch after Timedancer. Same eye too. -- So what made the Phoenix Gate crumble like that? [/SPOILER]



[SPOILER] All the cool kids are using the new spoiler tagging system and I can't stand the peer pressure. [/SPOILER]

7 days left until the 13th Annual Gathering of the Gargoyles in Los Angeles, CA!

Patrick - [<-- Gathering 2009]
"A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men." - Willy Wonka

Greg B: [SPOILER] "You don't put anchovies on a pizza..."

Hey, I like that. Plus, it's only good in italy anyways. ;)

..."you don't re-make Alfred Hitchcock movies..."

I thought SUZHOU RIVER was a pretty great remake of VERTIGO.

"...and you don't kill messengers."

Yah, old greek habbit...

Anyways, apart from the outlines, I'm thrilled for more of a rating/personal opinnion if you're done with all 4 issues. :)

I agree with Rebel on EVERYTHING she says!!

The next chapter...

"Gargoyles, Clan Building Chapter Eleven: Tyrants"

[SPOILER] We're near the end of the road. Brooklyn, Mary and Finella approach the ruins of Castle Wyvern. Brooklyn determined to somehow get the Phoenix Gate so he can help Mary and Finella protect the Grimorum Arcanorum from King Constantine. I neglected to point out in my previous review that Mary and Finella's horse is named 'Magus.' Cute.

Meanwhile, at Edinburgh Castle... Constantine stands in front of a mirror as he shaves his head bald. For those of you history buffs out there who noted that historically, Constantine III was known as "Constantine the Bald," well, here we are. The sequence itself is creepy, as is Constantine's interest in Gillecomgain... but I just finished reading a book on Alexander the Great, so maybe I'm just projecting. But there seems to be a borderline paternal/sexual interest in the boy coming from Constantine. Even Gilly's father, Mael Brigti seems creeped out by it. Brother Valmont doesn't care... and it's obvious to me that he holds no real loyalty to Constantine, obviously he's someone to watch.

We cut back to Castle Wyvern where Brooklyn finds the whole situation as freaky as I find Constantine's seeming man/boy interest in Gillecomgain. Of course, I am amused at how he can't keep his beak shut... Mary's reaction to Tom being "married" is priceless. As for Brook, sadly, Goliath's half of the Phoenix Gate is unavailable to him. And hooray for the first canon mention of the modesty spell.

Speaking of canon mentions... the Wind Ceremony... Demona's clan wants to hold one for their shattered comrades. But Demona herself has no interest, as usual, she wants revenge on those who did it. Obviously, she is one of the tyrants referenced in the title.

Mary and Finella arrive with Brooklyn at the Grim's camp. BTW, I love that Kenneth III is called 'the Grim' when he is anything but. His cousin, Maol Chalvim on the other hand. Well, understandably, he doesn't trust Finella. But, as Kenneth pointed out, they need all the help they can get.

And being that they need all the help they can get, Brooklyn seeks out the one person he hates more than any in the world. Demona.

"Chill, Brook. Get a grip. Remember, this is Demona Classic. Tenth century and... ... and still the traitor who caused the Wyvern Massacre!!"

Loved that line. Also loved Brooklyn needling her about surviving the massacre and the sleep spell. I've got to say, this adds a whole new layer to their interaction in "Temptation."

So, the Grim's armies are amassing, and outnumbered. Brooklyn may or may not have gotten Demona to agree to help. Considering her hatred for humans, well, good luck, Brook.

Meanwhile, at Rathveramoen, a messenger from the Grim's army arrives to deliver a message to Constantine that the two armies will do battle at sunset, and what happens next? While Constantine's face is obscured by another mirror, he says...

"What an excellent message. What an excellent messenger. Kill him."

Whoa... um.... Constantine, meet me at Camera Three.

::Turns to Camera Three::

Look your royal baldness, there are some things you just don't do. You don't put anchovies on a pizza, you don't re-make Alfred Hitchcock movies, and you don't kill messengers. I mean, come on, messengers have tedious jobs anyway. They are so hard to come by anyway. I mean, what's the point? You're just being a jerk! And why are you hiding behind that mirror anyway....

Oh... um... that's some pretty interesting war paint you've got going there. Actually, you look pretty scary your baldness... um, I'm sorry, I mean, your highness.

Um, do you want that anchovy pizza after all? I hear Michael Bay is re-making "The Birds". I can get you tickets to the premiere at Mann's Chinese Theatre. And hey, I'm sure that messenger sold poison milk to school children... heh heh heh.... please don't kill me.

::Turns away from Camera Three::

Yes, Constantine has painted his hairless head black, and painted the scars of Gillecomgain on the front and back, along with a creepy pair of eyes on the back of his skull. That's really creepy. More to the point, the big revelation of the issue. Constantine was the first Hunter! Gillecomgain's scars inspired Constantine's look. That makes their relationship even creepier.

And, as promised, at sunset, the two armies meet. And Brooklyn arrives with Demona and her new clan. Smooth sailing from here on out, right?

Nope... Brother Valmont uses magical arrows to kill Mary and Finella's guards, and seized the Grimorum, and promises to kill Constantine and bring Scotland to it's knees. At that moment, Demona tells her second in command that once Constantine is dead, she will destroy the Grim's armies as well, and use the Grimorum to bring Scotland to it's knees.

Now that's the Demona I know and love!

Loved David Hutchinson's pencils, loved Robby's colors. Great looking issue.

"Fasten your seatbelts, it's going to be a bumpy night." [/SPOILER]

To be concluded...

Greg Bishansky - [<----- Gathering 2009]

And now, the next chapter...

"Gargoyles, Clan Building Chapter Ten: The Gate"

[SPOILER] And now we enter a story development that many fans love, and quite a few loathe. But, love it or hate it, I think just about everyone has been waiting for this story. So, I'm going to dive right in.

I think I'll start with the artwork, for once. First off, the art for the three final issues are terrific. But Guler's art in this issue is just stunning. Wow. Robby Bevard's colors were terrific as well.

So, we open up with a concept many fans thought they were familiar with. Brooklyn is depressed, which he has been throughout "Clan Building" when he comes upon the Phoenix Gate on a rooftop. Angela and Broadway join him, but, the second Brooklyn touches it, the Gate dissolves and a gigantic phoenix explodes out of the Gate and swallows Brooklyn... into the time stream. That double page spread was just gorgeous.

Brooklyn comes to in Scotland, 997, right in front of King Constantine, Gillecomgain, Maíl Brigti (Gillecomgain's father), and a mysterious sorcerer called Brother Valmont. They give chase briefly, but Brooklyn escapes.

Let me go off on a tangent for just a moment. I'll admit that I have some suspicions about Brother Valmont. Especially having just read "The Rock of Ages." I'm not going to get too specific right now. But, he's looking like an interesting antagonist in this story.

Meanwhile, Mary and Finella (whom we have not seen since "Avalon Part One" (or "Bash" if you're counting that)) are still fugitives. Constantine has charged them with theft, treason, kidnapping Princess Katharine, and the murder of King Kenneth II. I'm glad to see two years of a crown on his head has given Constantine the proper sense of nobility and justice... /sarcasm.

Anyway, these two women are attacked by townspeople and saved by Brooklyn, who explains to them that he needs to get to Wyvern so he can hopefully use Goliath's half of the Phoenix Gate.

As this happens, Kenneth III and Findlaech (Macbeth's father) meet with Maol Chalvim to prepare for war with Constantine. But there is a dilemma, Constantine's forces outnumber them five to one. Their only hope, according to Kenneth III is to ally with the gargoyles as their fathers did when they overthrew King Cullen back in 971.

Else where, Constantine and his troops stumble upon a cell of scattered gargoyles, and destroy them. Gillecomgain does so with a passion... and he's not even the Hunter yet!

As Brooklyn, Mary and Finella, Brooklyn realizes his own dilemma. If he wants to return home, he'll need both halves of the Gate. One half is held by Goliath's statue. The other, by the one person Brooklyn hates more than anyone else... Demona.

And may I add, that full page, money shot of Demona is awesome.

Overall, awesome. Just, awesome. I'm a sucker for medieval history, especially Scottish history. I loved it when "Gargoyles" used actual historical figures, and this issue is full of them.

To be continued. [/SPOILER]

Next one.... soon.

Greg Bishansky - [<----- Gathering 2009]

Gore> You may have already corrected this but when I checked out the link to the thing you posted, Im too lazy to go and check out the offical name, I noticed you didnt have any info on the twitter feed that someone here is doing on Gargoyles. I dont remember who is doing it but, if they are ok with it, I think it should be on that page you previewed to us.
Lurker - [JohnR783 at hotmail dot com]

Well, as Litwolf pointed out, there really is a glow after reading new canon d:


[SPOILER] Still pondering the awesomeness of #9, especially in connection to #7 and #8, so this is mostly on Brooklyn's first TimeDance.

For me, the one thing that really blows me away about the new stories isn't so much any revelation or new character -- though there were plenty, it was the new information from many characters we haven't seen in ages (of course, at this point in the wait, I guess everyone's been unseen for ages). In particular, Findlaech, Gillcomgain, (Gilly's dad) Mail Brigiti, and -- REAL surprise -- Bodhe! . . . characters that evidently were alive and well in the days of Maol Chalvim, Constantine, Finella, and Mary . . . but characters in which I thought I never imagined seeing Brooklyn interact with. Then again, before the cover art was released, I didn't even expect Demona.

*shrug* Like Brooklyn mused, sometimes its best you know your history, even your fictional-yet-pretty-accurate history. d:

Anways, seeing these all these characters old and new come together in perhaps the most epic battle seen since City of Stone (and I only say that because Constantine's usurping was mostly offscreen) was just wonderful to read and look at.

I loved each and every tiny hint of 'Once Upon a Time there were Three Brothers...' - from the solution of 'our fathers' to Constantine studying the fate of HIS father, and even the shields of Kenneth III, Maol Chalvim, and Findleach . . . it was totally awesome and I've now been wondering what the banner in Avalon Part I looked like before Constantine's men installed their own. I'll need to see that episode again.

More awesome goodies:
Canonical mentions of 'Humility Spell' and 'Wind Ceremony' -- for the former, I'm wondering how long it will be before Brook gets to visit Rome and the first Magus . . .

Speaking of magic, we get more Latin! For the Latin student in me, it was pure geekasm . . . haven't been able to giddy about Latin since Mysterio in Spectacular Spider-Man.

The Gate: I was kinda unnerved to see the Gate just wither away like that . . . and I also enjoyed Brooklyn remembering that the Gate in 997 was at that moment in two pieces

Short story -- I remember asking Greg Weisman years back if Goliath had the pouch pre-World Tour (and by extention pre-Awakening) and if so, if he kept his half of the Gate there . . . so that was fun to see play out. :)

Demona's Clan -- a real awesome goodie . . . what a diverse cast of characters, especially since a fair amount of them died in that battle . . . a real luxury of the comics that we never had in the show . . .

Constantine mentoring Gillcomgain . . . well, if his father wasn't enough of a piece of work (and getting carved up by Demona didn't help his attitude), getting the ropes shown by Constantine REALLY sealed Gilly's fate.

And now having seen Gillcomgain in the service of the eventual-losing side really helps establish perhaps why the guy goes into the underground world of assassination -- hood an' all. Must not have had a pleasant future under reigns of Kenneth III and Maol Chalvim each.

I DO wonder if Gillcomgain ever noticed Demona in that battle . . . mind you, he was pretty focused in trying to skewer Bodhe . . .

And speaking of Gilly -- he's the nephew of Findlaech! Adds a WHOLE 'nother level to his death in City of Stone . . .

Seriously, if this royal family teaches anything . . . keep an eye on your cousins, folks.

... And of course, there's the wonderful sneak peak of Brooklyn returning with family in tow . . . I really wonder how hard it must have been to make sure 'Egwardo' didn't crack . . . O.o

After these last three issues, I really don't know which I would enjoy more -- a 'TimeDancer' Trade sampling Brooklyn's other adventures, or a 'Dark Ages' Trade telling the story of the 'Three Brothers.' Then again, thanks to issue #9, I'm also itching for a 'Pendragon' Trade as well. Well, there's at least the 'Bad Guys' Trade that IS coming out for a possible chance to see more Duval/Illuminati . . . Duval's speculation, but hey, he is supposed to be the Director's arch-nemesis. [/SPOILER]


The suspense is terrible . . . I hope it lasts -- Willy Wonka

Greg B> [SPOILER] The one question I do have, which sadly isn't answered in this volume is... just how are the Manhattan Clan going to be able to keep living in Xanatos's castle? While Hudson and Lexington weren't his targets, they were still placed in harm's way when Xanatos unleashed Coyote 5.0, Coldsteel, and the rest on them. This is not the sort of thing Goliath would or should take likely. [/SPOILER]

[SPOILER] Should living arrangement be problematic, I do wonder if Macbeth would make for a better landlord. [/SPOILER]

Antiyonder - [antiyonder at yahoo dot com]
Algernon's comment about Norman Osborn: One of the neat things about Dark Reign is that it gives Osborn the chance to expand his horizons beyond tormenting a twenty nine year old who still lives with his mom.

Got my copy today. Enjoyed it since it has the story I've been waiting to see. Anyway, before I make a comment, I'm just going to test the Spoiler Tags (I encourage everyone to check out this fake spoiler):

[SPOILER] Goliath is really a woman. [/SPOILER]

Antiyonder - [antiyonder at yahoo dot com]
Algernon's comment about Norman Osborn: One of the neat things about Dark Reign is that it gives Osborn the chance to expand his horizons beyond tormenting a twenty nine year old who still lives with his mom.

Robby - I 2nd that! Email if you need webspace.
Landon Thomas - [lumpmoose at gmail dot com]

I just finished reading it.

*is basking in a post-reading glow*

Allow me to make a suggestion: ready CB1 and CB2 back to back when you want to read CB2 for the first time. Something about reading them back to back made me really appriciate the comics and how much new stuff we've been given with them.

Just a thought.

<Be happy for me and for all who fly free.> - Tobias of Animorphs

Robby >> I'll be the first to say yes! ^_^
The One Known As Mochi - [shogi dot keima dot 08 at gmail dot com]
Current Mood: (>^^)> Nice...

So its finally officially out huh? Trippy. I saaw the early shipped copies at San Diego, but... Its been really wierd waiting this long. I wrapped up coloring on issue 12 back in December, and on issue 9 all the way back in late July of last year. I'm not used to waiting a year to see reactions to stuff.

I was stupidly heavily involved in the last 3 issues. Character designs, helping get artists, all the coloring (obviously) lettering, endless reffing and hunting down images or screenshots of obscure characters, edits... whoo, that was a rough beast. And all the reference and the LITERAL cast of thousands...

Still, was a blast and a lifelong dream come true to work on this thing. Wouldn't trade the experiance for anything.

I don't suppose... anyone would want to see some of the early design and concept art, would they...?

Robby Bevard

Put me into the mix with the others who got their copy of CBV2 in the mail today. Awesome. Can't wait to bring it to the con and get it autographed.

Demonskrye: the stats tell me about 2500 unique visitors hit the CR every week. Figure a bunch are bots, maybe 2,000 or so are legit people. If I can get the attention of, say, 25% of those people it'd be a huge win. Plus I'm thinking of adding a bit of an animation to the displaying items to attract more eyes.


I got my copy of Clan Building 2 in the mail today. Totally cool. Can't wait to read it again and again.
Adam - [carl006_1999 at yahoo dot com]

Out of respect for Todd, I'm going to wait until he's read it before I submit this to Ask Greg. In the mean time.

"Gargoyles, Clan Building Chapter Nine: The Rock of Ages"

[SPOILER] Okay, been sitting on this for over a year, especially after that Radio Play. My thoughts on this one are still kind of jumbled. But I enjoyed it. A lot.

Xanatos attempts another gambit, but, as we soon discovered, it is pointless to try to possess the Stone of Destiny. Although it was very cool to see him pull a fast one on the Illuminati. That man has guts.

Great to see Coldstone and Coldfire again. They've both been missed, and the way Coldstone destroyed Coyote was just brutal. Loved it.

And, here we go, the Illuminati. The biggest surprise had to be the identity of their leader. For years Greg kept telling us that Duval was their leader, and that he is Sir Percival. That is no longer accurate. Peredur fag Ragnal is the leader of the Illuminati, the keeper of the Holy Grail, and Peredur is the Welsh version of Percival. Not to mention the Spirit of Destiny referred to Arthur as Peredur's old master. So, if Duval is no longer Percival, then who is he? I have a very strong notion on that, but I'll keep that to myself for now.

The Stone of Destiny itself... wow... that blows the whole thing wide open. Just one of several thousand vessels for the Spirit of Destiny. And what is the Spirit of Destiny? I think it's something far bigger than any gargoyle, human, or Child of Oberon could comprehend.

So, what was so special about Fox's shoes? Um... they're really nice shoes? But, gotta give Xanatos credit, a shoe box is useful for a bomb scare.

And, as in the Radio Play, my favorite part had to be when the Holy Grail and the Stone of Destiny (real, fake, makes no difference) said hello to each other.

Good story. The art, well, I am so glad that Robby was the colorist, he does good work. Unfortunately, I am still no fan of Hedgecock's pencils. Aw well, the next three issues were visually stunning.

The one question I do have, which sadly isn't answered in this volume is... just how are the Manhattan Clan going to be able to keep living in Xanatos's castle? While Hudson and Lexington weren't his targets, they were still placed in harm's way when Xanatos unleashed Coyote 5.0, Coldsteel, and the rest on them. This is not the sort of thing Goliath would or should take likely. [/SPOILER]

I'll review the next chapter... shortly.

Greg Bishansky - [<----- Gathering 2009]

Got my copy today at the comic store.

While editing the main wikipedia might be pointless, I thought I'd ask if I should hold off on updating some of the sections with spoiler material.

Antiyonder - [antiyonder at yahoo dot com]
Algernon's comment about Norman Osborn: One of the neat things about Dark Reign is that it gives Osborn the chance to expand his horizons beyond tormenting a twenty nine year old who still lives with his mom.

Deomonskrye - In regards to your question, a non answer: I think Greg has been laying groundwork (as every episode and issue does for every character) for a very important Hudson story. Why else make him central to a plot about literacy, make him friends with an author, twice link him to the phrase "don't believe everything you see on television" and now a strange look after hearing "all things are true, few things are accurate"? Those are grim seeds for someone who is so good and tracking, and figuring out what is.

Equivocation - For those of you who are interested, I just returned from seeing this play up here in Ashland. I wasn't sure how good it would be after buying my ticket - but when two days later Greg raved about it, I felt reassured. I think he undersold it. Yes indeed the insight into the politics of the time and their ties to the plays were amazing. But as equally as I found that to be fascinating I was fascinated by the themes of what a play is and does and should be. A very excellent piece for any Shakespeare of English history fan. I went out and bought it as GregW did. Unlike him I wont sit up all night reading it tonight, but it will keep me company on my 21 hour bus ride tomorrow.


Still waiting to hear from Left Bank Books about my copy. As I said before, this is the first time I've ever pre-ordered from them, though I've made several regular orders before (each one took about a week to arrive). I'm planning to visit them on Saturday afternoon anyway, something that I do regularly since it's in my neighborhood, and if I haven't heard back from them by then, I'll ask at the counter to make certain that they did order it and it is on its way. (Something could always have gone wrong with my order, such as the clerk whom I asked to pre-order it getting distracted by something after I left and forgetting to place the actual order. I hope that didn't happen, though. Of course, I can always try directly ordering from SLG if Left Bank Books isn't going to receive it after all.)

I'll be glad when I finally get my copy, I can tell you that.

Todd Jensen

To quote Hagar the Horrible (mascot of my college): "I got mine!"

(Still) 8 days left until the 13th Annual Gathering of the Gargoyles in Los Angeles, CA!

Patrick - [<-- Gathering 2009]
"A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men." - Willy Wonka

Gore> I like the link for other fan social sites fine, but since it is kind of small and not terribly noticable, I don't know how effective it's going to be. I'm also not sure if there are all that many people who frequent this site who aren't aware of these other sites already. Maybe if one of the sites you're considering linking to has a way of tracking where visitors to their site are coming from, you could put up a link to them, leave it up for a week or two, and then check with them and see how effective it was.

Rebel> New female gargoyles? Plural?? But that means...but if...and the...what....

My head a splode.

CB2> OK, I am going to allow myself one question about the trade before I get it and read it: Greg had said that we should keep Hudson expression from the end of the "All things are true, few things are accurate" discussion in mind. Is there a payoff to that moment in the new material?

Demonskrye - [<---Great Animated TV Show Intros at The Ink and Pixel Club]

Updated the ticker demo so it should work in IE now. Seems IE doesn't handle empty elements the same as other browsers.


Any Canadians get a copy of Clan Building Volume 2 at their comic stores ? Or even book stores ? I assume that no Slave Labor Graphics direct shipments would've made it up to Canada yet.

No luck with my store. I went down yesterday for Buffy #27 (came out last week) and the Previews catalogue (deadline is this Saturday if you need to order anything--though nothing Garg-related, this time). Hopefully SLG will re-solicit all three Gargoyles trade paperbacks/comic book collections in the next couple months. It'd likely be worth it (Gargs being one of their highest-selling titles, according to Dan Vado), plus it'd be cool to see CBV1, CBV2, and Bad Guys at the same time in an ad.

Invisi-text spoilers so tempting...but I'm resisting. I can wait a week. Besides, gives me an excuse to see the cute dude at the comic shop again next week.

Kris - [plekopleko at hotmail dot com]

No Gargoyles comics at my comic book store either here in Central, Pennsylvania... Should I order from SLG?
Anthony Tini

No Garg-Wiki updates as of now, MAKE IT FASTER!! >:(

@ Rebel: YOu're welcome to post a full review of the 4 new Episodes over at the freeforums. :) I'm really looking forward to that one.

I agree with Rebel on EVERYTHING she says!!

I'm still waiting for Amazon (UK) to ship mine out it's going to take 1 to 4 weeks, so looks like i'll be buying a copy at the Gathering next week. I couldn't keep away from spoilers I just had to read them
VickyUK - [vickyfanofwwe at aol dot com]

Regarding Bishansky's theory >

[SPOILER] If that is indeed the significance of Nashville's name, wouldn't it be interesting if Brooklyn and Katana have another daughter after Tachi and name her Savannah? The USS Savannah, the USS Nashville, and the USS Brooklyn all carried Marines to Wake Island in February 1941. Clink my name for a link about the USS Nashville. [/SPOILER]


A friendly warning, the GargWiki is in the process of being updated... with spoilers. So, if you haven't gotten your copy yet, you might want to avoid GargWiki until you do.
Greg Bishansky - [<----- Gathering 2009]

Gore, let me take a moment to thank you again for the spoiler tags. If not for them, I would probably have to avoid the comment room completely for a couple of days.
Demonskrye - [<---Great Animated TV Show Intros at The Ink and Pixel Club]

Bishansky > I wasn't aware of that. Your theory is much cooler.

[SPOILER] I just saw the shirt and it looked a lot to me like a typical university or high school t-shirt, so that's why I figured the shirt might have something to do with a school in Nashville. So I googled "USN Nashville" and that school is what came up.

Nashville's overall appearance is a bit "swashbuckler-esque", so a Navy connection would be a good fit. [/SPOILER]

Different spoiler, this time about some new gargoyle females
[SPOILER] It looks like Greg Weisman has heard our pleas for more variety amongst female gargoyles. CBV2 introduces a beaked female and a female with wings like Lexington's. The web-winged female made me particularly happy. Too bad she died. [/SPOILER]


Oh my goodness.

Guess what just came in the mail for me?



<Be happy for me and for all who fly free.> - Tobias of Animorphs

Rebel> Interesting theory, here's mine.

Minor spoiler:
[SPOILER] I assume it stands for "United States Navy" since I believe the USS Brooklyn and the USS Nashville fought side by side in the Pacific theater during World War II. But I may have my history wrong.

In any event, that's what I always believed the significance of his name was. [/SPOILER]

Greg Bishansky - [<----- Gathering 2009]

I must apologize. I put that link inside the spoiler tags, assuming it wouldn't show up. However, if you still don't have your copy and that link is the only part of my spoiler you read, it won't really spoil anything for you since you don't know what it's about.

Well, I finally got my copy. I'll post a full reaction later.

Minor spoiler
[SPOILER] I'm assuming the "USN" on Nashville's shirt stands for "University School of Nashville"...http://usn.org/. [/SPOILER]


I have to wait until my paycheck comes before I order online...
LucianGalesong - [SoloNightStorm at hotmail dot com]


I doth detect an attempt at trolling.

Please do not feed the trolls.

In other news, my shop doesn't have the book, yet, either. If I don't get it next week before I leave for the Gathering, I'll pick up a copy at the con.

Karine "Kanthara" Charlebois - [kanthara at gmail dot com]
I kick ass and take names.

Also please don't assume when I said "I might buy it" it means I'll get the torrent. I have no idea if there is going to be one out. I might buy it means "Lets see if I can afford to buy it with my limited income"

if there is a torrent. then there is a torrent. Nothing you can do.

LucianGalesong - [SoloNightStorm at hotmail dot com]

*shrug* call it what you want...not all of us can use our parents to buy us comic books.
LucianGalesong - [SoloNightStorm at hotmail dot com]

<<I might have to buy it if comes down to it.>>

Considering that we need every sale we can get, I hope you typoed the word "might" when you meant the word "will." Because if you didn't, then that's called theft.

Greg Bishansky - [<----- Gathering 2009]

Todd - I had forgotten that Katana/Brooklyn were due to have a Benedict/Beatrice romance. (I just saw that play again last night and reaffirmed why it is one of my favorites).

And I do agree that I think in most cases, time travel or parallel characters are the likeliest scenarios. I've always liked the Coldtrio as Othello's plot. I thought that was a great subtle way of using Shakespeare. But I think a likely bet for a lot of the romances, problem plays, and comedies is to just have more matching names (like Ophelia, Banquo, Fleance, etc).


I found the torrent of 1-8, 9-12 could be torrented, not this early I imagine, I might have to buy it if comes down to it. Probably will order it online....
LucianGalesong - [SoloNightStorm at hotmail dot com]

Lucian> I'm not sure how many comic shops are going to be stocking shelf copies of the trades. Since the single issues didn't sell tremendously well and many stores in my area stopped carrying them, comic shop owners may only be ordering copies for people who specifically requested them. Though be sure to let us know if you see shelf copies in the wild.

I hope what you mean is that you just can't wait for a copy of Clan Building Vol. 2 that you will order online to arrive and intend to read the torrent while the copy you have ordered is being shipped. As Brook pointed out, it may not be a big enough title for anyone to bother torrenting it, but more importantly, the trades need to sell wellif there is going to be any chance of more "Gargoyles" comics and since this is a small publisher and likely not a huge print run, every sale really does count.

Demonskrye - [<---Great Animated TV Show Intros at The Ink and Pixel Club]

Well, well, well! I just looked up my tracking number on the post office's website, and it turns out my book arrived in Raleigh at 8:55 this morning! Surely I'll have it in my mailbox today.

Looks like all my disappointment was for naught.


@ Lucian: To be honest, I guess GARGOYLES is way too small a comic book to turn up on torrents, plus, umh, yeah, we basically have to buy it to guarantee its future (d'oh!).

So I suggest you'll wait or head over to the freeforums and read the summaries. :)

I agree with Rebel on EVERYTHING she says!!

UNCLEDEADLY - I often wonder that as well. Most of the comedies would probably need to be incorporated through parallel characters (i.e., Greg Weisman's remark that Brooklyn and Katana would be like Benedick and Beatrice) - except "A Midsummer Night's Dream", obviously. The tragedies are often based on history or legend, though with a few exceptions (such as "Macbeth", obviously), their characters wouldn't be likely to make it to the modern world, and so would need either counterparts (e.g. the Coldtrio) or flashbacks (if not visits to the past, courtesy of the Phoenix Gate). It's the same with the history plays, though the Falstaff who (apparently) will appear in "Bad Guys" #5-6 might be the real Falstaff, preserved by the Illuminati's methods for about six hundred years. (Much like the speculation about Shari's true identity.) As for the romances, Prospero, Ariel, and Caliban from "The Tempest" will almost have to get into "Gargoyles" eventually (how can they not, with Oberon, Titania, Puck, and the Weird Sisters already in it), though I suspect the counterpart or namesake approach will have to apply to the cast of "Pericles", "Cymbeline", and "The Winter's Tale".

I like the thought of Macbeth, during his wanderings, meeting some of the kings from Shakespeare's history plays, especially Richard III. Now that would be an encounter worth seeing.

Todd Jensen

I gonna check to see if some comic stores have it...if not. A torrent hunting I will gooooooo
LucianGalesong - [SoloNightStorm at hotmail dot com]

Thanks to everyone for posting their success or lack their of at their local comic book shop. I didn't get a call from my shop yesterday, so I'll give him a call today and if it's there. I find it odd that it's at some places and not others. I hope my place is one of the places that has it. If not, you'll see my back here later with smoke coming from my ears...
Anthony Tini

I just check my tracking for my CB2. It was in a nearby city at 2AM this morning! Im hoping it will get to my city today and to my house tomorrow. Im so excited!

Still no word from my comic store but, like I said, I have some errands to run tomorrow that will take me near to there so Ill stop in and see whats going on.

Litwolf (at a friend's)

We are working out the details to have copies of the trades for sale at the convention next week.

8 days left until the 13th Annual Gathering of the Gargoyles in Los Angeles, CA!

Patrick - [<-- Gathering 2009]
"A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men." - Willy Wonka

I just got the call that CB2 has arrived at my comic shop, and I live in Australia.

@ Everybody who's got CB:V2 - dicuss it here: http://gargoyles.freeforums.org/gargoyles-cb-vol-2-spoilers-discussion-reviews-t19-10.html

@ Landon: see above. ;)

I agree with Rebel on EVERYTHING she says!!

Just wanted to reiterate Phoenician's request:

"But I would remind anyone that does want to talk about it to use spoiler tags and to let people know that they are indeed *spoilers*, and not just the tests that we've all be trying out d:"

I don't have my trade paperback yet, and I would hate to read something in spoiler tags thinking that it's just an aside comment, a "whisper", an obscene phrase, or a test, and it turns out to be a small spoiler.


Well, I successfully bummed a ride from my sis and as promised, CBV2 was waiting there for me!

To delay the fact that I was going to read all four unissued chapters today, I decided to bring along my copy of Clan Building: Volume I . . . enjoying the 12-part arc from 'Nightwatch' to 'Phoenix' d:

Won't spoil anything now JUST yet -- I want to reread those few issues -- especially the non-linear #9 -- to really let the stories sink in.

But I would remind anyone that does want to talk about it to use spoiler tags and to let people know that they are indeed *spoilers*, and not just the tests that we've all be trying out d:

I will say that I particularly enjoyed the unreleased covers . . . #9 in particular again . . . and that the art in this Trade has been the most consistent with its issues than ever before.

Oh, and don't worry about the tears . . . we still got Bad Guys Redemption to look forward to!!

"The suspense is terrible . . . I hope it lasts" -- Willy Wonka

UncleDeadly, well More Fun doesn't normally carry Gargoyle comics unfortunately... The few times I have gotten Gargoyle comics there, I had to pre-order them. I'm glad I ordered it from SLG though. It got here fairly fast, and with the 30% off discount, it was almost like shipping was free, and it was delivered right to my door. :D
Audra - [birdygirl85 at hotmail dot com]
I <3 Brooklyn

Well, we've got spoiler tags now. Anyone object to starting a discussion or five?

[SPOILER] just testing [/SPOILER]

Landon Thomas - [<- Gargoyles News Twitter Feed]

Audra - Glad to hear you got it in the mail. I stopped by More Fun Comics today about an hour ago after "Alls Well" got out to see if it was in stock. It was not. So glad you have it! I can't wait for more folks to read it so we can discuss it!

Speaking of Shakespeare - Between everyone's joins or angers over CB2's semi roll-out: I just saw Alls Well That Ends Well, which I had never seen before. During the intermission I wondered "how would this enter into the Gargoyles world?" Do any of you the first time you read or see a Shakespeare play, wonder how it'll be tied into Gargoyles?


Just got back from Big Brain in Minneapolis. It's the best comic shop in the area according to a local weekly, I've had CB #2 on my pull-list for over a month, and the owner says he's been keeping an eye out for it. They did not receive any copies.

This has definitely been a weird roll-out. I just hope it's on the list for next week, not only so that everyone can get a copy by the Gathering, but so that the big websites are notified and can put in on their release lists and post reviews.

Anyway, glad I ordered an extra copy from SLG (that I received today).

Landon Thomas - [<- Gargoyles News Twitter Feed]

Sorry, I guess I do NOT know the way to San Jose. At least not without Garmin or Google Maps. :P

9 days left until the 13th Annual Gathering of the Gargoyles in Los Angeles, CA!

Patrick - [<-- Gathering 2009]
"A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men." - Willy Wonka

I'd assumed that the trade paperback wouldn't start reaching the stores for another week, though I was hoping that it would come out this week. I placed a pre-order a few weeks ago at Left Bank Books (the local bookstore, a few blocks away from my apartment), but haven't heard from them today so far. I don't know whether it came in or not. (This is the first time I've ever pre-ordered from them, so I don't know whether they'd receive the book on the day it's due out or not. In the past, when I'd ordered books from them, these generally arrived a few days later, but these were books that had already been published for some time, not pre-orders. Maybe they just forgot to call me. Also, it's a regular bookstore rather than a comic store, and it might take them a bit longer to get it in.)

I hope I can read it soon; I've been waiting for so long.

Todd Jensen

Yeah Warcrafter, it does suck that we don't know if we're going to find out what happens later... :(
Audra - [birdygirl85 at hotmail dot com]
I <3 Brooklyn

I need someone to edit chapter 3 of my story A Life On The Line. If somebody could do it, I would appreciate it. I'm using a character from storyseeker's universe if anyone is familiar with his saga.
Gargoyleslady - [kendal dot renfro at yahoo dot com]

I got clan building V2, YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But now that I got it, I'm worried about reading it. I'm worried that the ending is gonna be so good or even end with a cliffhanger, and then realizing that no one knows how long until we find out what happens next, could possibly bring me to tears.
Warcrafter - [grafixfangamer1 at sbcglobal dot net]

I am honestly surprised other stores have CB2 in stock. I thought for certain it would be another week or two.

No call came from my comic store today. Ill either call them or stop by in the next two days.

* is too busy doing homework to worry about CB2 :( *

<Be happy for me and for all who fly free.> - Tobias of Animorphs


In light of CB2 finally being shipped out to people (which is awesome), I won't post any further spoilers, especially from issues #10-12.

I figured the story was too good to spoil anyway... ;)

The One Known As Mochi - [shogi dot keima dot 08 at gmail dot com]
Current Mood: (>T.T)> No more spoilers from me...

This is all pretty weird. I guess CB2 must have shipped out at the last possible minute, too late to even show up on Diamond's shipping list. I don't think this happens very often at all, but keep in mind that Diamond has a virtual monopoly on comics distribution, so I'm kind of surprised that they don't make more mistakes, as no one can really complain or go to a better distributor.

I'll try to get to my comic shop this weekend and see if they got my copy in.

Demonskrye - [<---Great Animated TV Show Intros at The Ink and Pixel Club]

Hey Starlioness... ;) I think you know me... :P

Rebel, I understand your frustration... What shipping option did you pick? I bet you will get your copy before this week is over. I'll be hoping for you, I know how hard it is to wait.

Audra - [birdygirl85 at hotmail dot com]
I <3 Brooklyn

hey, I just called my Comic shop.. and they just the comic in XD.. but I am bit baffled how Diamond missed that..

even more weird. is that they only have one copy.. good theyr'e holding it for me till I get there later this week :)..


Patrick, SLG is not that close to Los Angeles... Sure it's in the same state, but Los Angeles is still 339 miles south of SLG. Not bad, but not super close either. (I know California pretty well and I used to live in San Jose, and that's where SLG is) I got my copy of Gargoyles Clan Building Volume Two today! I was so happy to see it in my mail box! And I even picked the slowest and cheapest shipping option, it was sent on Monday, got it today on Wednesday, awesome! (Although I think it's because I'm not extremely far from SLG, I am about 400 miles north in Oregon) I just finished reading it now, and I thought it was excellent. I loved the artwork too. :D
Audra - [birdygirl85 at hotmail dot com]
I <3 Brooklyn

"Angry" is the wrong word, I suppose. Just bummed.

Well, I'm pretty angry now. When I called my local shop the other day, they said they had no indications that CBV2 was going to come in this week, and it didn't say it on the Diamond Shipping List. That's why I ordered from SLG, because I figured that would be the best way of getting it the quickest. But now it looks like they might very well have it today, and I don't have my copy from SLG yet. Ffffffffffffffff

I guess I should have just trusted SLG when they said they'd be in stores this week. I live all the way in North Carolina, and for all I know my copy might not arrive until next week.

I wonder what I should do? I don't want two copies. I guess I'll just have to wait.


Just got a call from my comic shop in Phoenix -- THEY GOT CLAN BUILDING: VOLUME II !!! Told them that we've been haunting the Diamond list and everything, but he's said its there waiting for me!

Oh joy! Here's hoping other shops see them arrive as well (which I guess is very, very likely now)

Going today or tomorrow to get my copy -- just got to bum a ride to the store now d:

"The suspense is terrible . . . I hope it lasts" -- Willy Wonka

Ordered my CB books (1 and 2, since I never got 1) yesterday. My copies are in transit and apparently I'm getting them Tueday. I noticed I typo'd my town name after I submitted the order (oops), but since it's one letter and everything else is fine, it will still get here (since they sort by zip code anyway). Sure enough, its corrected on the tracking info.

So is anyone actually doing anything on the 20th? My friend and I are arriving in the afternoon and will have plenty of time to mess around. Maybe just to grab a bite to eat or something?

I'm gonna start packing a bit this weekend, since I have a crap ton of laundry I need to do and I need to find where the heck I last left my camera. My room is one of those "organized messes", and I think that's the ONE thing I can't remember where I left it.


Anthony > Personally, I was just going to wait and see if my store called me. If I hadnt heard from them by Friday, I was thinking I would stop by when Im doing my errands.

The tracking of my CB2 says that it was processed at 7:40 last night. Nothing about shipping, though I got the email that said it had been shipped. Like I had feared, its on the opposite side of the country from me. So Im hoping that it was shipped last night so that it has some small chance of getting to me before the weekend. If not, then at least I know for certain Ill have it at the start of next week.

<Be happy for me and for all who fly free.> - Tobias of Animorphs

Is anyone going to and/or calling their local comic book shop today to see if CBV2 came in via Diamond? If so, please let yourself be known and your success or lack their of. Thanks.
Anthony Tini

Well, according to my shipping info on the SLG site, my copies of CBV2 should be getting to me today. In fact, I had them send it to my work so that I would get it even quicker.
So, that is pretty cool. I'll probably take a brief hiatus from the Room while I assimilate and review the issues witout influence.

HOORAY! I'm so excited.

Matt - [St Louis, Missouri, USA]
"For science, which, as my associate Fang indicated, must move ever forward. Plus there's the money... and I do love the drama!" -Sevarius, 'Louse'

Gargoyleslady> It's certainly possible that Brentwood will develop an interest in machines and technology too, but we don't really know for certain where that trait of Lex's comes from. It could be that something in his genetic makeup made him predisposed to becoming a technophile, or it could have been some experience or combination of experiences while he was growing up, a time in his life which we know virtually nothing about. Brentwood may share his genes, but he certainly did not have the same childhood as Lex (or much of a childhood at all.) So it will be interesting to see how he and the other clones end up being similar to their Manhattan Clan counterparts and how they are different. If Thailog is any indication, I would say that we'll be seeing the clones' personal experience or what they are taught have more bearing on who they become tha their genetics, though Thailog was also subjected to much more sophisticated programming than the clones, so the clones may be a little more free to develop on their own unlike Thailog, who pretty much had his personality set from the day he was born.

Landon> I thought I remembered reading that Greg had mentioned this at a past Gathering, but now I'm not so sure. Much as I have enjoyed getting little peaks at what's to come, I do sometimes wish we just had the canon and nothing else. It can just get so confusing trying to keep track of everything that's been revealed and I imagine the way we all greely discuss events that haven't happened yet is enough to make a newbie's head spin.

Demonskrye - [<---Great Animated TV Show Intros at The Ink and Pixel Club]

oh mur :3 hehe
Saber - [dal1986n at hotmail dot co dot uk]

Demonskrye - "Greg has also suggested the Brentwood, who share's Lex's sexual orientation, may have a bit of a crush on Thailog."

Do you know when Greg said this? I only recall it being a theory in the comment room.

Landon Thomas - [<- Gargoyles News Twitter Feed]

Forgive the double post. I was in a rush and forgot to put in my email. Please send to my general account: gostowl AT yahoo DOT com.

This is a bit last minute, but I have a favor to ask. I need some images of the tower from Notre Dame in "Sanctuary" so I can illustrate those scenes for "The Last." Could someone get some to me in the next few days, preferably before the weekend. I'd need them more for layout than anything else.

Thanks in advance.


note about my previous post: you may have to hold SHIFT and click RELOAD/REFRESH on your browser to get it to grab the latest stylesheets/javascript from s8.org to see the effect.

While I don't doubt that Brentwood's future will echo FT Lexington, I still think that Lex's decision to enter a business and join with Xanato will be an echo (much more mild than Cyber Lex) of FT as well.

Assuming that Lex seeks to make a profit with his business, it could be considered corruption given that money is considered unnecessary as far as the Gargoyle Way is concerned.

Antiyonder - [antiyonder at yahoo dot com]
Algernon's comment about Norman Osborn: One of the neat things about Dark Reign is that it gives Osborn the chance to expand his horizons beyond tormenting a twenty nine year old who still lives with his mom.

Here's a demo on something I'm toying with:

The intent is to draw attention to certain resources that people might not be aware of. Also it could be used to highlight current events. The feed it pulls from is static right now, but maybe I'd throw in some code that could, say, check against Ask Greg and let everyone know if there's been an updated in the last 24 hours or whether or not someone's currently in the chat room, etc.

A random link is picked every 10 seconds (sometimes the same link, but I can fix that).

It would appear on _every_ page. It's a bit like banner ads, I think, although they're all about Gargoyles and people might actually want to click on them.



OMG, Can't wait till tomorrow :<)
Warcrafter - [grafixfangamer1 at sbcglobal dot net]

Demonskrye> Brentwood could become a worse villain than Thailog once he becomes smart enough. Also, since he shares Lex's genes he would develope an interest in machines such as computers as well as being gay.
Gargoyleslady - [kendal dot renfro at yahoo dot com]

Gargoyleslady> Nothing is certain just yet, but a lot of us have been thinking that Greg's hint that Brentwood's future will echo Lex's life in "Future Tense" means that Brentwood will eventually usurp Thailog and become a major antagonist in his own right.

Greg has also suggested the Brentwood, who share's Lex's sexual orientation, may have a bit of a crush on Thailog. I've been wondering whether Thailog might catch on to this and try to turn it to his advantage, which would give Brentwood all the more reason to turn on Thailog once he became smart enough to recognize that he was being used.

Demonskrye - [<---Great Animated TV Show Intros at The Ink and Pixel Club]

Yes, I got my shipping notification e-mail, too. SLG is near Los Angeles, and that's where things ship from.
Patrick - [<-- Gathering 2009]
"A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men." - Willy Wonka

Ha, scratch that last post! I just checked my Inbox and I have an email saying my CB2 was shipped today! Sweet! There's a tracking number but its not working yet. Hopefully tomorrow and then I can see where its coming from.
<Be happy for me and for all who fly free.> - Tobias of Animorphs

I just read the featured article about Brentwood on GargWiki. It said Greg has suggested one only has to watch Future Tense to see the direction Brentwood is heading. I've figured out this is indicating he will eventually betray Thailog.
Gargoyleslady - [kendal dot renfro at yahoo dot com]

Patrick > Im in the same boat. I got an email today that said the order is being processed and I also paid for Priority shipping. I hope that means it will be shipped out tomorrow.

Uh, does anyone know where the Gargoyle comics are being shipped from? I have no idea where they are and Im curious if Im close to them or on the other side of the country.

<Be happy for me and for all who fly free.> - Tobias of Animorphs

My order with SLG is "processing", whatever that means. I paid for Priority with fingers cross that it'll arrive in or before Saturday's mail delivery, as I leave for L.A. early Monday morning.

10 days left until the 13th Annual Gathering of the Gargoyles in Los Angeles, CA!

Patrick - [<-- Gathering 2009]
"A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men." - Willy Wonka

In my opinion the leg muscles of the Lion-O statue look rather unnatural and digusting, the sword sheath/claw looks to organic, and I'd refer a picture showing me what I actually get, instead of shopped special effects.

Lets hope my Amazon gets the comic next week, too.


Good news everyone!

Friend finally got home from her mini vacation, and read the letter herself. Apparently, her mom didn't read it to her very well, since the case is actually being made on her behalf to attempt to get her child support, not against her as we were informed to believe.

Talked to middle (wo)man, told her the situation, and said it may not be a problem at all to work something out, since she may not even HAVE to appear if the attorney who's representing her has all the info he needs. Called up him, and sure enough, he has everything he needs to make the case on her behalf and she doesn't need to show up at all.

On the downside though, she may have her benefits reduced anyway. However, when she called up her caseworker to ask, he told her to make a written statement of what both middle man and attorney said about it not being an issue if she can't make it to court, and he'll see what he can do about making sure they aren't. I'm going to make her extra copies of our reservations for her to give to him, just in case. Last thing she needs is for someone to make a stink about her not showing up in court and holding it against her when she's already been told its okay and that we have proof that she's not trying to just get out of it for the sake of getting out of it.

So we are GOOD TO GO!!

In other news, still trying to get that window replaced. Apparently, they have a lifetime warranty, but the guy who installed them is no longer in the buisness. I believe they tried e-mailing the company, but I haven't heard if they've gotten a reply or not.

Anyway, thanks for all the hugs and cookies!


my copy cbv2 might be here around 13th of august
Saber - [dal1986n at hotmail dot co dot uk]

Hey all, Brainiac from The Gathering's boards here. Is anyone other than Lurker looking for/giving/chartering a ride from LAX to the hotel on Friday? I ask because I'm gonna be a late arrival at around quarter to eleven for flight touchdown. I'm looking into reserving a private direct shuttle, but if I can join an existing group (or make my own), that would make things easier. Let me know via email or on the forums, if you please...and thanks in advance.
Brainiac - [OSUBrainiac at gmail dot com]
There is balance in all things. Live in symmetry with the world around you. If you must blow things up and steal from those around you, THAT'S WHAT RPGS ARE FOR!

Awesomeness: http://www.alteregocomics.com/store/catalog/Thundercats_LionO_Statue-p-6337.html
Anthony Tini

I think my copy of CBV2 may have shipped today.

Since the Radio Play for this year's Gathering is unlikely to appear in any official medium like a television episode or comic book (at least, not if it is indeed a crossover between "Gargoyles" and "The Spectacular Spider-Man"), will it be possible for it to be somehow transcribed (or at least, summarized) at one of the Gargoyles sites?

(Even if it doesn't get brought up in the Radio Play itself, I suspect that meeting the gargoyles will lead to Spidey seeing his casual leaping about on gargoyles - and in particular, demolishing them, if inadvertently, while battling super-villains - in a new light.)

Todd Jensen

@ Audra and everybody else who's already read CB-V2: Remember to post reviews/comments/opinnions here

http://gargoyles.freeforums.org/gargoyles-cb-vol-2-spoilers-discussion-reviews-t19.html <-- Spoilers for CBV2!!

Thanks a lot, the demon brother of


I agree with Rebel on EVERYTHING she says!!

Super Shuttle is a taxi company not affiliated with any hotel, so no, it doesn't matter. They'll take you to nearly any hotel, venue, or address in Southern California. If you're staying at another hotel nearby, you'd probably want them to take you there. If you're rooming with someone else at the Hilton, that's fine. The only thing the hotel is going to object to is if your "shh, don't tell anyone" plan is to nap in the lobby or camp in the stairwells. :P
Patrick - [<-- Gathering 2009]
"A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men." - Willy Wonka

Cobra> Cool, thanks for the info. Thanks to you as well Patrick.
Lurker - [JohnR783 at hotmail dot com]

Lurker> I know you directed that towards Patrick, but, no, it doesn't matter. I didn't have a room at the same hotel as the Gathering 2006, and it didn't matter then. Don't really see why it would now.
KingCobra_582 - [KingCobra582 at gmail dot com]
Grr. Arg.

Patrick> I wasnt sure if I would be able to take the shuttle service to the hotel since I dont officially have a room booked there. (shh, dont tell anyone) Do you know if that matters at all?
Lurker - [JohnR783 at hotmail dot com]

Justin > Where did you read that? That's not what we've said. No pictures and no video applies to the Art Show, certain videos shown during Opening Ceremonies, the adults only panels on Saturday evening, and the Mug-a-Guest sessions. With so many guests in attendance, the Mug-a-Guest session this year are back to their traditional format of 8 to 10 fans with one guest.
Patrick - [<-- The Gathering 2009]

Evening Brethren,
I look forward to seeing everyone again this year. I'm currently assembling a King Arthur costume for the masquerade, its my arrogant ambition to win best in show this time.
Anyway, I was very disappointed to hear that they cant post last years Radio Play. I had really looked forward to seeing myself play a possessed rock.

In an unrelated subject, Celtic Woman is preforming near my home town in november, and will be seeing them!

One last thing, I read about the no pictures or video rule this year for the panels. I have a great deal of footage from last years mug a guests including the blue mug is this a problem?

Justin "I'd Rather Be Pillaging"

Lurker > Check out SuperShuttle shared ride van service.


Shared ride van service to the Hilton is quoted at $20.00 one way.

Patrick - [<-- Gathering 2009]
"A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men." - Willy Wonka

I just ordered CB2 off the SLG website! Im hoping the Priority shipping will get it to me by the end of the week but Ill be content with early next week as well *crosses fingers* I cant wait to get my hands on it!
<Be happy for me and for all who fly free.> - Tobias of Animorphs

Todd> I think disinterest or a general lack of awareness is a much bigger threat to the comic and the trades than any potential fan outrage, just as I think the problems the property in general and the comic in particular have had with Disney are due less to anyone and DIsney hating "Gargoyles" or plotting to make it fail than do Disney just not seeing "gargoyles" as something worth devoting a lot of time and money to anymore. The problem isn't so much that the frequent and lengthy delays on the comic make fans angry. Of course it does and that isn't a good thing, but we all still buy the comic. It's that delays make it harder for casual readers to stick with the series. Casual readers pick up a comic because it's easy and convenient. "Oh, I remember that show. It was pretty cool. I'll pick up the comic." "Hey, that cover looks interesting. Maybe I'll buy the issue." "SLG is publishing Disney comics now? Weird. I'll give it a shot." While there's no guarantee that these casual readers will stick with the comic after the first issue, one of the best ways to get more of them to do so is to make sure the next issue of the comic is on shelves for them to buy before they have time to completely forget about the first issue. If it takes much longer than expected for a new issue to hit the shelves or it becomes a guessing game when the new issue will be out, the casual readers will be all the more likely to stop buying the comic. It's not that they're angry; they just don't care enough to keep track of the book. I know I've said it before: it is not at all uncommon for comics to cease publication very suddenly, sometimes even after just one issue. Heck, the Marvel "Gargoyles" comic was like that; it just stopped without coming to any real conclusion. So even if the casual readers bother to keep asking when the next issue is coming out, odds are they will eventually assume that there just aren't any more issues coming and give up on the book. And if they were only one or two issues in anyways, it probably won't seem like any big loss.

It's certainly not the only problem the comic had, or even the only problem resulting from the delays, but I do think it's the result of the delays that hurt the comic most. Until you have turned new readers into solid fans by providing them with new material on a regular basis, those new readers cannot be expected to keep asking for a comic month after month or search the internet to try to figure out when the next issue might be coming. In most cases, they'll just shrug and say "Oh well, too bad," and go and read something else.

Demonskrye - [<---Great Animated TV Show Intros at The Ink and Pixel Club]


I looked at my itnerary (something I should have done in the first place) and I actually arrive at LAX at 7 AM. Apparently, I was thinking of my first attempt to book a flight when I said 10 am. Anyone around LAX sometime around but not neccessarily at 7 and is willing to split a cab or offer a ride let me know. I will, of course, provide gas money and breakfast. Heck, I dont mind bumming around for 2 hours if it means avoiding traffic and getting a cheaper ride to the hotel. I would imagine taking a cab during morning rush hour would be quite costly.

Lurker - [JohnR783 at hotmail dot com]

Does Diamond handle deliveries to regular bookstores as well as to comic stores? I pre-ordered the trade paperbacks (both of them) at Left Bank Books (a regular bookstore a few blocks away from my apartment).
Todd Jensen

Yes, if you asked a shop to order the book for you, you should follow through on buying it. Otherwise, if someone else doesn't come in and buy it, you've cost them money... and your chances of getting them to order something for you ever again have just took a hit.

If you end up with two copies because you were impatient, you can always resell the extra to another fan!

11 days left until the 13th Annual Gathering of the Gargoyles in Los Angeles, CA!

Patrick - [<-- Gathering 2009]
"A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men." - Willy Wonka

Kris and Demonskrye have a point. If we order a copy of CB2 or BG from a comics store and then dont pick it up, the store wont know that we still love Gargoyles and simply bought it at another location and frankly they wouldnt care if we did explain to them. All they will see is that there is a comic that has not been bought as it was promised. Its a comic that someone decided they didnt want. It looks bad for Gargoyles, who really need good signs for this final push of the comics.

So if youve preordered from a store, you should live up to your promise to your store and buy it.

<Be happy for me and for all who fly free.> - Tobias of Animorphs

I'd like to second Kris's point. If you had your comic shop order you a copy of Clan Building Vol. 2 (or Bad Guys when that comes out), try to honor your commitment to buy it. I don't think I need to remind anyone here that the future of "Gargoyles" is very uncertain right now and what we need is for both trades to sell well. If comic shop owners see that people are preordering Clan Building Vol. 2 but never actually showing up to buy it and the copies just sit on the shelves collecting dust, they will probably be very hesitant about ordering any future "Gargoyles" books, be it Bad Guys or anything else that comes along. My guess is that unless something goes horribly wrong, Clan Building Vol. 2 should be hitting stores next week. So if you've already promised to buy your copy at a local shop and can't afford more than one, try to hold out at least until then.
Demonskrye - [<---Great Animated TV Show Intros at The Ink and Pixel Club]

Again, I guess we shouldn't be surprised at the new last-minute delay, after how many times it's happened already with issues. I just hope that it doesn't lead to some people out there deciding not to buy it at all as a way of expressing outrage at Slave Labor Graphics for not preventing all those delays.
Todd Jensen

Landon > Thanks for the news.

I think Ill go ahead and buy it from the SLG website tonight since my comic store has had problems in the past of getting in certain titles I want (though thats probably more due to problems on the publishers' part than the store). When it does come into my local store, Ill probably buy a second copy just to share with friends or maybe give it away on PaperBackSwap.com or something else. If I order it tonight, maybe CB2 will get to me before the week is out! :D At least Ill have that to take back to school with me, which is what I most wanted between that and Bad Guys!

<Be happy for me and for all who fly free.> - Tobias of Animorphs

Uh, I meant to say visited, not visiting. I wish we could edit our posts... (Another reason I prefer message boards)
Audra - [birdygirl85 at hotmail dot com]
I <3 Brooklyn

UncleDeadly, where do you live? I am only asking because I'm guessing you might live close to Ashland, if you have visiting three times already. (Of course I could be wrong, heh)

Kris, I see what you mean, but I kind of feel like people are allowed to decide they don't want the comic that was special ordered for them, it's not like you are in a contract that you have to buy it. Just my two cents...

Audra - [birdygirl85 at hotmail dot com]
I <3 Brooklyn

Ashland - Audra, great to know! This is my third trip to Ashland, and I found More Fun and Lithia park on my first night here two years ago. While More Fun isnt my favorite comic shop, I do get good stuff there. And Lithia Park - I just spent my customary two hours hiking this morning and taking photos.

Phoenician - They are selling the script book of Equivocation here at the festival for 9 dollars. You may be able to order it online if you have enough.


Having now read that it's available at SLG's website, I was about to just go ahead and order it from there, but then I remembered that I pre-ordered from my comic shop. They wouldn't appreciate if they got it in for me, then I ended up not wanting it due to already buying it elsewhere (although I could probably slip it onto their shelves with other TPBs, but that's kinda evil, seeing as they paid cost to get it in and all). At a previous, much closer comic shop I used (before it went out of business), the owner was cool with you changing your mind about a comic or trade once in a blue moon (especially if it was something that he knew would sell if he put it out on the shelf or offered it to someone else), but said he'd had a few people over the years skip out on so many of their pre-orders that he just canceled their memberships. Not sure how my current store handles customers changing their minds (I guess that's the advantage of using Amazon and whatnot--I think you can always return or exchange for credit. Or even some of the bigger chain bookstores allow that).

So just, y'know, be careful if you pre-ordered from your comic shop. Just in case. Gargoyles isn't gonna be a hot seller everywhere, unfortunately (although the combination of nostalgia + Star Wars spoofy cover should cause SOMEONE to buy Clan-Building Volume 2 if a store gets stuck with a couple leftover copies).

It's unfortunate that spoilers getting out (and some fans not being able to resist the temptation to read them) might result in a few less copies of Volume 2 being sold. Hopefully spoiled folks will still want it for the art and to read it themselves (I'm assuming no one's been bad enough that they transcribed the whole thing, dialogue and all).

Kris - [plekopleko at hotmail dot com]

It's only 1:15 in California, so maybe my book might still get shipped today?

Well, fuck it. I called my local comic book store and they gave me no reason to believe the book would make it there this week, so I went ahead and ordered a copy too.

Yay! My copy has been shipped today, I'm so excited! :D I did pick the slowest shipping option though... But, I don't think it should take too long to get to me, since I only live about 400 miles away from SLG.

UncleDeadly, you're in Ashland right now? I live very close to Ashland! (In Medford, OR) Ashland is really a neat little town. I would recommend talking a walk through Lithia Park. It's very beautiful there. Ashland also has a little comic book shop called, "More Fun". I have actually gone there to get my Gargoyles comics, because there doesn't seem to be a comic book shop in Medford. :/ (They don't normally carry Gargoyles comics though, I had to special order them) But now that I found out I can order the comics through Barnes and Noble, I did pre-order the Bad Guys Trade there. (There is a Barnes and Noble in Medford, so it's a whole lot closer for me then to drive to Ashland)

Audra - [birdygirl85 at hotmail dot com]
I <3 Brooklyn

Trades> Unfortunately, I think there is very little chance of Clan Building Volume 2 showing up in comic shops this week if it's not on Diamond's shipping list. It is possible that it could show up on the "New Releases" list next week, as sometime comics are able to get in just under the wire for release that week and don't show up as "Upcoming Releases" the previous week. But I think it's rare - if not unheard of - for a book to show up when it isn't on Diamond's list for that week.

Keep in mind, though, that we really have no idea what is causing the delay at this point, so there's not much point in speculating on who or what is to blame for the delay or how long it might last.

Demonskrye - [<---Great Animated TV Show Intros at The Ink and Pixel Club]

Excerpt from the SLG newsletter:

* * * * *

The book all of you, okay some of you, have been waiting for is now in stock at SLGCOMIC.COM and ready to ship. Gargoyles: Clan Building Volume Two by Greg Weisman and a cast of dozens should be in your local comics store this week and at Amazon.com the week after. Those of you who cannot wait can get it directly from SLG right now.

* * * * *

So the question is, will it OR will it not, be at my local comic book store...

Anthony Tini

Thylacines: I've been wondering too about the upgrades. To me, as an overanalyzer, each person's upgrades so far have heightened what they already are. Wolf's animal aggression, Coyote's robotics, Dingo's weapon usage, and Jackal and Hyena's metal claws. Also, Dingo was the most human of the group after Upgrade, so the group needs a new human. Thus, Taz Tiger would probably only wear a basic pack style armor, and the Thylacines would get all the upgrades, as Todd said (and I really like the theory that they'd be competition for the GargBeasts!). Of course, I could also see him getting ExoArmor to underscore him being the replacement for Dingo.

Ashland - No plays yet. I got in last night but wasn't sure I would have enough time to shower and get to a show, so didn't buy a ticket. And Mondays is their day off. Will be seeing Macbeth, Much Ado about Nothing, All Well That Ends Well, Henry 8, Equivocation, and a new production of Don Quixote. Phew!


Diamond's shipping list text files have been updated, and no instance of Gargoyles anywhere:


So order away from SLG, I guess. This makes the prospect of Bad Guys' release before the Gathering a bit suspect. Hopefully SLG will make it available on their website (or you can buy it at the con).

Landon Thomas - [<- Gargoyles News Twitter Feed]

I wonder if the thylacines themselves could be beefed up by the Ultra-Pack (assuming that the Tazmanian Tiger is indeed the new-member-to-be, which sounds a reasonable possibility), so that they could do battle with Bronx and Fu-Dog (the Ultra-Pack's formation will have to take place after Brooklyn's TimeDancing, so the clan will have two gargoyle beasts instead of one). Or, to be more accurate, to do battle with Bronx and Fu-Dog without the danger of thylacines becoming extinct all over again.
Todd Jensen

@ Gargoyleslady: This just encourages me to post this one more time:


I agree with Rebel on EVERYTHING she says!!

Tazmanian Tiger: But Antiyonder, its widely believed that our 'Taz' has (presumably) already had some cloning experience -- As it was mentioned in conversation regarding Sevarius, Tazmanian Tiger's thylacines are thought to be cloned from some surviving DNA -- again, that in itself hasn't fully been confirmed (I don't think) . . . just canonically speculated (kinda like the thermal energy/stone sleep thing) d:

Don't know whether he would try cloning for his own self (if he did join, my bet would be that he ditch the spandex and go 'Wolf'), but the guy likes talon-claws (having enjoyed causing Matrix & Dingo pain) . . . which kinda reminds me of Jackal & Hyena . . .

UncleDeadly: Lucky! What have you been able to go see so far? Since the day Greg Weisman rambled about seeing 'Equivocation' at the Shakespeare Festival, I've been dying to get a copy of the playscript (at the least, if given the chance, I'd hope to see it) -- maybe after all is spent on the Trades, I'll scrap up what's left of my spare cash and splurge for one d:

"The suspense is terrible . . . I hope it lasts" -- Willy Wonka

I take that back, 10th. Or in the spirit of the franchise, 36.

9th, with a thought.

When Bad Guys #1 made it's debut, it's been speculated that Tazmanian Tiger could be the new member of the Ultra-Pack. Under the condition that he is to join the Pack, what Upgrade would he possibly receive?

1. Coyote got a better body,
2. Jackal and Hyena had some parts replaced with Cybernetics.
3. Wolf became a mutated Wolf.
4. Dingo got body armor.

So far the only unused scientific upgrade that comes to mind would be the use of cloning.

And as for how to work that as an Upgrade, maybe Tazmanian Tiger could gain the abilities to make copies of himself and merge with them (think Multiple Man from Marvel Comics), but that might not be within the scientific possiblites of the Garg Universe.


VickyUK - [vickyfanofwwe at aol dot com]

8th from vacation in Ashland, OR - home of Oregon Shakespeare Festival. Wee!!


Warning! More spoilers to come!!

The One Known As Mochi - [shogi dot keima dot 08 at gmail dot com]
Current Mood: (>^^)> I bought Super Mario Bros. for the DS as a birthday gift to myself...

Justin - [justin dot lindley at gmail dot com]

FIFTH! In the hopes of getting Clan-Building Vol. 2 sometime this week!

Vinnie - [tpeano29 at hotmail dot com]

"The Suspense is Terrible . . . I Hope it Lasts" -- Willy Wonka

Matt - [St Louis, Missouri, USA]
"For science, which, as my associate Fang indicated, must move ever forward. Plus there's the money... and I do love the drama!" -Sevarius, 'Louse'

KingCobra_582 - [KingCobra582 at gmail dot com]
Grr. Arg.