lvl27_cubone (Chris Nuse)> Welcome back! have a cookie! *holds up a tray of cookies*
battle Beast - [Canada]
That is all I will say.
posted @ Sun, Jan 10, 2010 10:25:15 pm EST from
A Station Eight Fan Web Site
lvl27_cubone (Chris Nuse)> Welcome back! have a cookie! *holds up a tray of cookies*
battle Beast - [Canada]
That is all I will say.
posted @ Sun, Jan 10, 2010 10:25:15 pm EST from
Hola fellow fans, I haven't been on S8 in about 3 years (although it was very briefly, I was ffdude1906 back then, doubt anyone remembers me), been getting back into Gargoyles again, a bit more hardcore than I used to be, thankfully. I had no idea that Greg was still so heavy on this, and I didn't know about the SLG comic until about 2 weeks ago. Makes me really happy that this show is still as loved as it was when I was here, and that Greg is still so involved in the universe.
I'll probably poke my head in from time to time from now on, especially since I'm hoping to work in animation, and this show is an old favorite. Quick question, and I apologize if this is covered in the faq, but is it alright if I just send comments to Greg on the form, instead of just questions? Don't have any specific questions, but I've got stuff I'd like to say to him, thanking him specifically. Sorry for being so long winded, but I guess that's just how I always introduce myself, hehe.
lvl27_cubone (Chris Nuse) - [ffdude1906 at hotmail dot com]
Does the sky need a name? Does the river?
posted @ Sun, Jan 10, 2010 8:12:30 pm EST from
INCISIVIS> "Sadly, though, if you bring that up, many operate from the false premise that Broadway would somehow objectively be considered "uglier" than Brooklyn. :P"
Indeed nobody seem to even consider the possibility that Angela's simply a chubby-chaser. ;)
posted @ Sun, Jan 10, 2010 2:31:14 pm EST from
Supermoff>Greg could go either way on that. Sometimes, bickering couples in fiction are not just a sign of "getting to know you" stage, but part of their personalities. Maybe they *like* a bit of friendly verbal sparring now and again.
Matt>I agree: gargoyles likely do judge on looks, and to have that sometimes considered a factor in their choice of partner, the same as everyone else. Sadly, though, if you bring that up, many operate from the false premise that Broadway would somehow objectively be considered "uglier" than Brooklyn. :P
Incisivis - [incisivis at hotmail dot com]
"No live organism can continue for long to exist sanely under conditions of absolute reality; even dragonflies and katydids are supposed, by some, to dream."--Shirley Jackson
posted @ Sun, Jan 10, 2010 1:43:56 pm EST from
CLearly just had a mental blip, as I forgot about both the Maza parents and about Katharine and Tom. But my point still stands.
posted @ Sun, Jan 10, 2010 9:50:03 am EST from
Incisivis et al.> Do we know that Brooklyn and Katana are still a stormy couple. I know that they were when they met - and that's an encounter I really want to see some day, partly because I can just imagine Brooklyn chasing all the other Ishimura girls APART from Katana, just 'cos she's so "annoying". I digress.
At the present time of the series, Brooklyn and Katana are the closest thing the series has to a long-term married couple. Longer even than Xanatos and Fox. Possibly longer than Renard and Anastasia were together (before the separation, I mean). I have to figure that they're probably pretty well settled with each other.
posted @ Sun, Jan 10, 2010 9:47:41 am EST from
Well, I for one always loved the pairing of Angela and Broadway. He was always so sweet especially with her. Brooklyn just liked anything that looked like a female gargoyle. I think that had there been other female gargoyles around at the same time as Angela, Broadway would have still chosen Angela.
Jasmine - [clarkejasmine05 at yahoo dot com]
posted @ Sun, Jan 10, 2010 8:36:17 am EST from
Wingless> Who said gargoyles don't judge on looks? They are not a perfect species. They are not blind. I'm sure different gargoyles have different types when it comes to they are attracted to and I'm sure gargoyles find some gargoyles more attractive than others. Obviously, both Broadway and Brooklyn found Angela attractive physically, but I tend to think Broadway was more attuned to Angela's inner beauty as well, while Brook was merely being horny. I think Brooklyn eventually found the inner (and outer) beauty in Katana, so it all worked out.
The funny thing is that back in 1995, when Angela was first introduced as a character, I figured she would end up with one of the Trio and I ended up guessing which one correctly... but for the wrong reasons. Even at thirteen, I had a strong suspicion that Lexington was gay (I often joke that I knew Lex was gay before I knew I was) and I also had the (admittedly immature) notion that Angela wouldn't end up with someone so much shorter than her. And at the time I was unaware of gargoyle customs and was suffering from an excess of humanity and figured that since Brooklyn had a beak (and therefore couldn't kiss Angela properly) he wouldn't end up with Angela. So that left Broadway. I never suspected Gabriel and Angela were an item.
These days, I see that Broadway and Angela work together for very real reasons. I respect other people's opinions and perceptions, but I also feel that those who think Angela and Brook should've end up together probably were not paying much attention.
Matt - [St Louis, Missouri, USA]
"For science, which, as my associate Fang indicated, must move ever forward. Plus there's the money... and I do love the drama!" -Sevarius, 'Louse'
posted @ Sun, Jan 10, 2010 12:49:58 am EST from
Broadway and Angela> I'm in full support of this pairing; it's one of the few times in the media where pairing a fat guy with a skinny, "hot" girl works, and that's because it seems to make sense in regards to their characters, rather than coming off as wish fulfillment for the male audience. They are cute, and seem wonderfully compatible.
And looking at the content of the episodes, I've got a hard time understanding why so many fans felt Brooklyn should be Angela's mate: he comes off as something of a you-know-what to her in "Turf", and otherwise there didn't seem to be much substance in their interaction.
Likewise, for all there is a "poor Brooklyn" meme, most of the reasons that he didn't "get" Maggie or Angela have to do with *him*. The incident with Delilah is the only time where I felt that meme was justified.
In light of this, I'm really interested to see what his relationship with Katana is like. If any writer can make the notion of a stormy couple seem fresh again, it's Greg. :)
Incisivis - [incisivis at hotmail dot com]
"No live organism can continue for long to exist sanely under conditions of absolute reality; even dragonflies and katydids are supposed, by some, to dream."--Shirley Jackson
posted @ Sat, Jan 9, 2010 11:23:54 pm EST from
Antiyonder: Actually, the reason why those 14-year-old fangirls love Zuko and Katara is the classic and way overdone Bad Boy/Good Girl angle (Christ, just look at FF.Net for tens of thousands of such examples; please read at your own risk), and I'm sure a lot Brooklyn/Angela fans are attracted to them because of that particular angle (or, perhaps, the street-smart wisecracker/innocent, naive princess-type angle). But for whatever their reason, it's moot. Angela chose Broadway and I'm happy with the outcome.
I've rarely come across Lex/Angela; I'm really unable to give a reason why, except that it just doesn't fit. Personally I find that pairing as uninteresting as Brooklyn/Angela.
The Barracuda
posted @ Sat, Jan 9, 2010 10:45:18 pm EST from
Mack: By the point in the series when Angela and the Trio really became a plot point, I think enough time had passed where ratings didn't matter, anyway.
And if looking cute together was the only thing necessary to make a couple, the human race would have perished a long time ago. One of the ideas of "Gargoyles" that runs throughout the show is that there's more then what you see on the surface.
Harvester of Eyes
"I've walked across the sun. I've seen events so tiny and so fast they hardly can be said to have occurred at all, but you... you are a man. And this world's smartest man means no more to me than does its smartest termite." -Dr. Manhattan ("Watchmen")
posted @ Sat, Jan 9, 2010 9:13:44 pm EST from
To cover the Lex/Angela bit:
1. Reason why demand Lex/Angela is nonexistent is that most fans like to have the typical Ken/Barbie pairing where both man and woman are physical perfection. Kind of why some Avatar fans clamour for Zuko and Katara. And well, the sterotypical man is suppose to be taller than the woman.
If I sound annoyed, Wingless sums my opinion on that. You'd think that Gargoyles fans would appreciate something regardless of the exterior.
2. Angela doesn't know that Lex is gay. He doesn't even know it. Lex had no real interest in her sexually or romantically. He was just following the crowd.
posted @ Sat, Jan 9, 2010 7:02:52 pm EST from
Broadway and Angela are mates.
Brooklyn and Katana (she exists, people! She's canon!) are mates.
Everyone is happy.
Greg Bishansky
posted @ Sat, Jan 9, 2010 6:45:08 pm EST from
Mack - one of the concepts of Gargoyles I think you missed is that fact that Gargoyles don't judge on looks, but on on a person/gargoyles traits, strength of character, values & honor. Brooklyn being Angela's preferred mate has been in debate for years, and is irrelevant now that a choice has been made.
posted @ Sat, Jan 9, 2010 6:18:42 pm EST from
Does anyone find it odd that we've never had any Angela/Lex shippers? Do they even exist? Ya Lex is gay but we only found that out a couple of years ago, and besides no shipper worth their salt would let a minor detail like that get in their way.
posted @ Sat, Jan 9, 2010 4:58:43 pm EST from
Angela chose Broadway 'cause Lexington is gay and Brooklyn was a jerk who just wanted to get some tail. :P
"A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men." - Willy Wonka
posted @ Sat, Jan 9, 2010 4:47:13 pm EST from
Mack> You're assuming facts not in evidence. Angela doesn't "settle" for Broadway; she choses to be with him. At the time when Angela met him, Brooklyn wasn't mature enough to be in a relationship. He was pretty much looking for any female who even resembled a gargoyle. Broadway, on the other hand, was sensitive enough to care about Angela for the individual that she was, enough to notice before his brothers did that she didn't like being called "Angie."
You're entitled to your opinion and, judging by the number of fanfics where Brooklyn and Angela are a couple, you're not alone in it. But I don't think there is any evidence showing that Broadway and Angela pairing up led to a drop in ratings, or that Brooklyn and Angela getting together would have led to higher ratings. And Angela didn't settle.
Demonskrye - [<---"The Princess and The Frog" at The Ink and Pixel Club]
posted @ Sat, Jan 9, 2010 4:46:50 pm EST from
Mack>Your opinion is bad and you should feel bad.
Harlan Phoenix
posted @ Sat, Jan 9, 2010 4:38:49 pm EST from
i was just wondering why dose Angela settle for Broadway??? Brooklyn and Angela would have made a cuter couple and would have made your ratings go up i think its just my opinion.
Mack - [mackenzieg95 at gmail dot com]
posted @ Sat, Jan 9, 2010 4:23:21 pm EST from
Greg: Glad you included Get Smart in there. Nice to have a couple of vintage series among the newer ones. Didn't see the show in it's original run, but saw it in reruns in 1971/72(when I was about 5-6 years old). Loved it since then. Bought the series set from Time-Life(which has all the extra bonus goodies the retail sets supposidly don't have).
posted @ Fri, Jan 8, 2010 11:04:34 pm EST from
Greg B.> I love your blog. I especially love how "Kramer V. Kramer" pissed you off.
I hate the movie, too. Even though I own it (and 405 other best picture nominees on dvd) I stil hate it. I mean, they go through this legal battle for the custody of the kid... she wins... and then, not 30 seconds later, she give up the custody and the movie ends.
You are right, Apocalypse Now was the better film by a WIDE margin. I could ramble on and on about best pictures and such (seeing as I own damn near all of 'em, and I've watch damn near all of 'em) but this isn't the forum.
Anyway, just wanted to say... Love your blog, Greg!
battle Beast - [Canada]
That is all I will say.
posted @ Fri, Jan 8, 2010 6:04:37 pm EST from
MORBO: Genetic Engineering does not work that way, goodnight!
posted @ Fri, Jan 8, 2010 12:02:09 pm EST from
<i>Huh? How could genetic engineering give humans magical powers?</i>
With the right mutagenic formula...
Michael Ejercito - [mejercit at hotmail dot com]
posted @ Fri, Jan 8, 2010 9:51:40 am EST from
Mack> It will come out when more copies of Season 2 Volume 1 sell plenty of copies.
Greg B> Now I am curious as to why you view Batman Beyond to basically be a Spider-Man cartoon. Granted they have the teen heroes making a wise crack, but there are substancial differences:
1. While Peter wasn't and still isn't perfect, he comes close to being a boy scout while Terry has been more of a troublemaker.
2. Terry was more of a physical type before getting his Batsuit, while Peter was your typical weakling before the spider bite.
3. Terry is the kind of person who can easily stand up to a bully rather than taking abuse. Peter couldn't do so before the spider bite and will take abuse now since he's afraid of not being able to control his strength.
4. Terry has had a regular girlfriend from the getgo, while Peter prior to his spider bite didn't. Even then, it took awhile for him to end up with MJ.
5. In the earlier years, Peter didn't have anyone to confide in save for Uncle Ben (in spirit). Terry has the luxury of consulting Old Man Wayne on crimefighting.
6. Peter came up with the Spider-Man identity, while Terry continued the work of an established hero and of course would have doubts of measuring up.
Antiyonder - [antiyonder at yahoo dot com]
Algernon's comment about Norman Osborn: One of the neat things about Dark Reign is that it gives Osborn the chance to expand his horizons beyond tormenting a twenty nine year old who still lives with his mom.
posted @ Thu, Jan 7, 2010 8:21:32 pm EST from
hey whats up when is the next volume of season 2 coming out on dvd?
Mack - [mackenzieg95 at gmail dot com]
posted @ Thu, Jan 7, 2010 7:28:43 pm EST from
GREG> Just read through the blog and it made for fun reading, I'll definitely be adding it to my favourites. :)
posted @ Thu, Jan 7, 2010 4:35:00 pm EST from
Greg, that blog was enjoyable!
Jasmine Suarez - [clarkejasmine05 at yahoo dot com]
posted @ Thu, Jan 7, 2010 2:18:42 pm EST from
"How could genetic engineering give humans magical powers?"
Well, if we made a hybrid clone of David Copperfield and David Blaine...
"A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men." - Willy Wonka
posted @ Thu, Jan 7, 2010 6:56:51 am EST from
If anyone's interested, I recently started a blog. I guess I wanted a "professional" blog. It's mostly about pop culture. Movies, television, books, comics, etc.
And considering its impact on me, "Gargoyles" will be a recurring topic.
Greg Bishansky
Gargoyles are not humans with wings.
posted @ Thu, Jan 7, 2010 12:32:56 am EST from
Huh? How could genetic engineering give humans magical powers?
Matt - [St Louis, Missouri, USA]
"For science, which, as my associate Fang indicated, must move ever forward. Plus there's the money... and I do love the drama!" -Sevarius, 'Louse'
posted @ Wed, Jan 6, 2010 10:34:28 pm EST from
I would imagine that for the past ten centuries the Third Race viewed technology as adults would view toys - things to play with, but would cause no real harm.
Of course, recent episodes showed that technology can hinder them. Energy is energy, and human technology can release a LOT of energy.
The technology that would potentially pose the greatest challenge to them is genetic engineering, which has the potential of giving humans magical powers.
Michael Ejercito - [mejercit at hotmail dot com]
posted @ Wed, Jan 6, 2010 7:59:20 pm EST from
Jade > Apparently not, since the clan stayed away after the clouds went away and sun came out. Or do you mean would the spell reactivate if the building fell over? I'm guessing not since the terms of "until the castle rises above the clouds" were fulfilled. There was no "so long as..." in there.
"A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men." - Willy Wonka
posted @ Wed, Jan 6, 2010 6:47:41 pm EST from
I don't think Mara was talking specifically about her "technology" idea to call them hypocrites. The evidence for their hypocrisy is in the fact that they swear to a "non-interference" rule, and yet most of them find some way to bend the rule in order to take advantage of humans (especially the Weird Sisters, although Oberon might be a worse example because, as king, he could just change the law rather than pretend he follows it). With that as precedent, it's easy to imagine them being otherwise hypocritical.
Jurgan - [jurgan6 at yahoo dot com]
posted @ Wed, Jan 6, 2010 6:29:16 pm EST from
JADE> I wouldn't say they're hypocrites, that would require them to say one thing and do the opposite anyway. As far as I know, no member of the Third Race has ever expressed any overt anti-technology sentiment. The closest I can think of was Grandmother trying to convince Nick to embrace his heritage, but that was more about taking out Raven then anything else.
Don't get me wrong, you've got some interesting ideas and it might be cool to see them play out in an original work of fiction.
posted @ Wed, Jan 6, 2010 1:14:58 pm EST from
Antiyonder here at the library. Not much, but this particular library ordered and received a copy of Gargoyles Bad Guys. No Clan Building trades or anything, but merchandise was still purchased at least.
Jade> A No Prize is an empty envelope which was sent to readers who pointed out a plot error, and later required said readers to rationalize the plot error so it would make sense.
posted @ Wed, Jan 6, 2010 12:57:50 pm EST from
Algernon> Oh, and we know perfectly well that the third race is at least 2/3 hypocrites, so, yes, they SAY they don't meddle with tech but, eh, buncha liers...
Jade Griffin - [jade_griffin at hotmail dot com]
"Food, food, FOOD!!" - Jade Griffin, on many occasions
posted @ Wed, Jan 6, 2010 12:04:53 pm EST from
Greg B> Roflmao
Patrick> Well, does it have to be above the clouds all the time? I always wondered that, actually.
Algernon> Hi:) Actually, I went with my own ideas and made sure they fit, in basic form, with garg ideas. They aren't supposed to be based off exclusively of what a show character did or didn't say. That's why I call them original ideas and not just a Marvel No-prize.
Anyone else know what a No-prize is?
Jade Griffin - [jade_griffin at hotmail dot com]
"Food, food, FOOD!!" - Jade Griffin, on many occasions
posted @ Wed, Jan 6, 2010 12:03:26 pm EST from
New Years Resolution: Re-read my post before hitting the submit button.
posted @ Wed, Jan 6, 2010 11:57:53 am EST from
JADE> "Science/Technology (Human) Magic - This is a form of reasoning magic and is the only form of magic that humans truly understand and that fey do not generally so. Science is the understanding of the world through mathematics and reasoning theories. Technology is the application of what is learned from science. Fey are strictly opposed to science and technology, as a general rule, but they have shown to be great hypocrites. Fey have a good reason to fear science/technology. It is the only magic that can truly harm their core, their roots. The opposite of Science/Technology is Natural Magic."
I think you're reading way to much into Titania's line about "the magic men call science". It's seems more likely that she was simply explaining the concept in terms he could understand, much the same way you or I might explain a shotgun to a viking by saying to strikes down men with the Thor's thunder.
Also I'm not sure where you got the idea that the Third Race are "strictly opposed to science and technology". Titania studied human technology for years an admitted it to Oberon, who didn't seem to consider inappropriate.
That said I wouldn't be surprised if many of the Third Race were opposed to human technology on the grounds that it might lead to mortals getting ideas above their station, but I doubt it's a universal opinion.
posted @ Wed, Jan 6, 2010 9:24:40 am EST from
That tower in Dubai is taller than anything else by quite a margin. The highest 40 or so floors are so small, though, they are practically useless.
The Eyrie doesn't appear to be much taller than the towers of the WTC were judging by the shots seen in the show looking out from the top towards lower Manhattan. I had always assumed the Eyrie was surpassed years ago by the Petronas Towers or Taipei 101.
Clouds can form pretty low. A cloud is a mass of water droplets suspended in the atmosphere. Fog is essentially a cloud at ground level.
"A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men." - Willy Wonka
posted @ Wed, Jan 6, 2010 6:59:15 am EST from
Burj Khalifa: I've been following this tower for a couple of years now but you do bring up something I've always wondered . . . have we actually got some measurements on the height of the Eyrie Building? I've checked the GargWiki and this site over the years, and I've never seen dimensions (and I know Greg's never been keen on numbers).
The well-known description I know is that Castle Wyvern perched atop it is technically "above the clouds" and what little meteorology I know recognizes that clouds form at various heights in the air d: . . . so I guess all this rambling is asking . . . IS the Burj Khalifa (at more than 2600 feet) certainly 'above the clouds' worthy?
I mean, it's more than twice the height of the Empire State Building, so it's certainly the Eyrie's only real challenger I guess . . . and yet I say this not knowing if the Taipei 101 (1600 feet-ish) or the Petronas Towers (1400 feet-ish) were ever challengers to the Eyrie!
"The suspense is terrible . . . I hope it lasts" -- Willy Wonka
posted @ Wed, Jan 6, 2010 4:42:08 am EST from
Latest news inspired this bit:
I know it's a fiction skyscraper, but it looks like the Eyrie Building is no longer the world's tallest building.
Xanatos: Owen, I assume you saw the news this morning?
Owen: Dubai, sir?
Xanatos: I think Goliath's perch needs a flag pole. A very tall flag pole.
Owen: Of course, Mr. Xanatos.
Greg Bishansky
Gargoyles are not humans with wings.
posted @ Wed, Jan 6, 2010 1:36:56 am EST from
Michael Ejercito> You're really reaching, I think.
That's like saying that if some thugs held up a bank in Oklahoma with a Walther P38, that it was a form of assistance from Nazi Germany.
Greg Bishansky
Gargoyles are not humans with wings.
posted @ Tue, Jan 5, 2010 10:07:54 pm EST from
The Eye of Odin is a form of assistance from the Third Race.
Michael Ejercito - [mejercit at hotmail dot com]
posted @ Tue, Jan 5, 2010 9:41:29 pm EST from
Greg and Michael> The answer is likely no but do we know what was cast? :)
Harvester of Eyes> This is the short version. Still working on the long version:
There are six basic forms of magic which are connected to a central source:
Natural (Fey) Magic -
The magic all fey live with. It is literally tied to their core and they cannot live without at least some of it within them. Its opposite is Science/Technology.
Book/Scroll (Caught) Magic -
This magic is placed inside artifacts (enchanted weapons and objects) or is sealed in books or scrolls. This magic must be spoken, heard, and seen in order to work. Its opposite is Chaotic Magic.
Science/Technology (Human) Magic -
This is a form of reasoning magic and is the only form of magic that humans truly understand and that fey do not generally so. Science is the understanding of the world through mathematics and reasoning theories. Technology is the application of what is learned from science. Fey are strictly opposed to science and technology, as a general rule, but they have shown to be great hypocrites. Fey have a good reason to fear science/technology. It is the only magic that can truly harm their core, their roots. The opposite of Science/Technology is Natural Magic.
Chaotic/Unharnessable Magic -
The most unstable of magics, this is a broad category. Also referred to as "nature", "chaos", "fate", "destiny", "coincidence", "miracle", "luck", it is nearly every type of unexplained event where fortune is favored or lost. It cannot be contained, nor categorized by quantity or quality. The smallest event, such as a bird deciding it will sit and watch you in the forest, up to the largest, oh, say, a normal human encountering a global threat and saving the day, may all be attributed to this magic. Its opposite is Book/Scroll Magic, for the simple reason that Chaotic/Unharnessable Magic cannot be strapped down or caught in anything. It is also the closest one can get to witnessing the source magic.
Stolen/Borrowed Magic -
This magic is always taken or harnessed from some other living creature, whether you suck away a fey's power and hold it within a vessel or in some way take another's telepathy by way of another form of magic or by science and technology. It is by far the most devious magic utilized. Little good comes of it. It is also the only magic that is not permanently bestowed. The effects may or may not be reversed but the power will never fully belong to the one who took it. Eventually, it can find its way back to its original source or owner. Its opposite is Psychic/Native Magic.
Psychic/Native Magic -
The magic one is born with is psychic or native magic. It encompasses both shamanistic ways and all extrasensory talents including telekinesis, telepathy, pyrokinesis, and microkinetics. It is a powerful magic in that it has the second strongest ties to its origin, the central source of magic, linking permanently to its intended recipient. Though it is possible to remove or hinder this magic, there is no way to completely kill it. It is also inexhaustive and never wears out. Its opposite and enemy is Stolen/Borrowed Magic.
Each form of magic stems from the central source of magic and can be likened to the spokes of a wagon wheel, radiating out from the central core.
Each form of magic has an opposite form. Opposing forms can hinder or negate each other, creating balance.
These are all just what I've come up with for my own fanfics and original works.
Jade Griffin - [jade_griffin at hotmail dot com]
"Food, food, FOOD!!" - Jade Griffin, on many occasions
posted @ Tue, Jan 5, 2010 8:09:53 pm EST from
Michael Ejercito> That's because he had the Grimorum Arcanorum, the Eye of Odin, and the Phoenix Gate. His power was considerably increased.
Greg Bishansky
Gargoyles are not humans with wings.
posted @ Tue, Jan 5, 2010 5:56:05 pm EST from
Greg claimed that the Roman Magus cast a spell on ALL gargoyles.
I wonder if he had assistance from the Third Race.
Michael Ejercito - [mejercit at hotmail dot com]
posted @ Tue, Jan 5, 2010 5:41:58 pm EST from
Cheeks Galloway has finished his variant cover for Mecha-Nation:
Landon Thomas - [<- Gargoyles News Twitter feed]
posted @ Tue, Jan 5, 2010 11:51:57 am EST from
Mortal magic as a rule seems a lot more formalised and rule orianted then Third Race magic hence it has a lot more restrictions. For Oberon's ilk magic is as instinctive for them as flying is for birds, and like flight what came naturally for them probably took centuries of trial and error for humans to get the hang of.
posted @ Tue, Jan 5, 2010 8:48:39 am EST from
Hudson's comment definitly only refers to mortal magic. Third Race magic is a seperate thing entirely. Greg has actually covered all of this before. It is all in the Ask Greg archives, and probably in the GargWiki as well. But in short:
For a spell like the Magus' sleep spell or Demona's City of Stone spell, the recipient of the spell does need to see and hear it because the spell is being cast directly on them. For a spell like the Archmage's lightning spell or Valmont's flaming arrow spell, a person can be struck by these weapons even if they are blind or deaf because the spell merely creates these 'objects' and the caster directs them. The lightning spell isn't being cast on a person, but it creates something that can be directed at a person.
Matt - [St Louis, Missouri, USA]
"For science, which, as my associate Fang indicated, must move ever forward. Plus there's the money... and I do love the drama!" -Sevarius, 'Louse'
posted @ Tue, Jan 5, 2010 7:58:31 am EST from
Jade: I think it also has something to do with the type of magic it is. We know that human magic and the magic of the Third Race are two different things ("I'm told mixing magics is dangerous, anyway"). Or maybe they both share the same source, but it depends upon who's wielding it.
In any case, what were the six types you came up with?
Harvester of Eyes
Starbuck: "Can I make a suggestion that you won't like?" Apollo: "Do you make any other kind?" ("Battlestar Galactica")
posted @ Tue, Jan 5, 2010 6:52:53 am EST from
Greg B: Geezaloo! Yeah, glad the similarities go no further than the superficial . . . now I know why folks kept asking Greg in the queue if Sin-Eater would be in future seasons (I think I'll prefer that one to remain unanswered)!
Todd: Never saw The Batman, but I'll definitely do some research d:
Magic: No doubt people have given it more thought than I, but I imagine Hudson was referring specifically to Human magic . . . the stuff typically recited in Latin . . . as Oberon's Children seemed to be magic-in-and-of-themselves (whatever that really means, in short I just don't have the same biology humans and gargoyles do, save originating from the Earth)
"The suspense is terrible . . . I hope it lasts" -- Willy Wonka
posted @ Mon, Jan 4, 2010 10:33:21 pm EST from
Greg B> Oh gods... Peanut Butter?? I thought she was into major tobasco plus habanero pepper poppers, just to take the chill out of feeling dead inside... Anywayz...
Got a question to start a new debate. I'd like an answer so I'll be checking back here a little more often to see what you all think.
Q: A friend of mine writing a fanfic had quoted one of the City Of Stone eps with Hudson saying something along the lines of magic needing to be seen and heard in order for it to affect you. Magic doesn't work that way in my books. Is that really how it works in Gargoyles? Hudson never did say who needed to see and hear it. The caster? The recipient? It just didn't seem right, as we've seen instances of fey magic in which nothing is spoken. Oberon just does his thing, for instance, in The Gathering. My own explanation was that there are actually six different types of magic in the Gargoyles universe. I defined them, gave explanations and so forth, but what do you all think?
Yay, new topic I haven't heard before!
On second thought, Greg B., Demona probably dips them in that weird Pineapple salsa... Ugh...
Jade Griffin - [jade_griffin at hotmail dot com]
"Food, food, FOOD!!" - Jade Griffin, on many occasions
posted @ Mon, Jan 4, 2010 10:25:48 pm EST from
I always thought that the most Elisa-reminiscent member of any mainstream-super-hero-based animated series police department was Ellen Yin in "The Batman". And the scary thing is that the striking similarity between her outfit and Elisa's is, according to what Greg Weisman's said, pure coincidence.
Todd Jensen
posted @ Mon, Jan 4, 2010 9:12:19 pm EST from
One big difference between the two pairs of cops is that Elisa has a far more... lenient attitude towards vigilantism then DeWolff.
posted @ Mon, Jan 4, 2010 9:02:45 pm EST from
For Elisa's sake, I hope Matt Bluestone is NOTHING like Stan Carter.
Greg Bishansky
Gargoyles are not humans with wings.
posted @ Mon, Jan 4, 2010 8:37:03 pm EST from
Glad to see Greg picking up questions after the holiday season . . . of the few that he answered today, there was one regarding Officer DeWolff's ethnicity which Greg revealed to be Native American.
It's been said before (probably from someone in the CR), but seeing DeWolff's and her partner, Stan Carter, I can't help but be reminded of a subtle echo of another team of NYPD detectives in another Greg series ;)
Knowing Matt's Jewish, the comparison remains totally superficial as I'm not sure what Stan's background is (my Spidey background is really only fluent in the recent movies and the current series, with a touch of me remembering the 90's series). . . but even if there was a match, I imagine that's where the similarities end, as I suspect DeWolff and Carter to be very different people from Maza and Bluestone (other than both teams seem dedicated to their duty).
"The suspense is terrible . . . I hope it lasts" -- Willy Wonka
posted @ Mon, Jan 4, 2010 8:19:01 pm EST from
The teaser-summary of "Gargoyles" #7 (the first third of the Stone of Destiny story) contains the line "how far should [the gargoyles] go to save a slab of stone?" I recently wondered if that description of the Stone of Destiny was a foreshadowing hint of the revelation of its true nature at the end of #9.
Todd Jensen
posted @ Mon, Jan 4, 2010 6:58:54 pm EST from
Yeah, I don't think we've heard anything since November. Soon, I hope.
Greg Bishansky
Gargoyles are not humans with wings.
posted @ Mon, Jan 4, 2010 5:16:58 pm EST from
SANDRA> Last we heard SLG was negotiating with Disney for the rights to produce Gargoyles graphic novels. Whether or not anything will come of these negotiations, I have no idea.
posted @ Mon, Jan 4, 2010 2:53:14 pm EST from
will ther ever be a continuation of the gargoyles series
sandra - [shaffinamirza at hotmail dot com]
posted @ Mon, Jan 4, 2010 1:03:59 pm EST from
Sorry about the double post, but I was catching up on last week's discussion and wanted to add a thought. We often compare gargoyles and humans because they're both sentient races that inhabit the same planet. But there is a third race we could add to the mix; they're known as... the Third Race. Of course, that whole magic thing makes it hard to draw comparisons, but do you think their use of language, clothing, etc also came from interaction with humans?
Phil - [p1anderson at go dot com]
posted @ Mon, Jan 4, 2010 9:55:55 am EST from
10th! Happy 2010!
Phil - [p1anderson at go dot com]
posted @ Mon, Jan 4, 2010 9:48:08 am EST from
posted @ Mon, Jan 4, 2010 9:44:24 am EST from
Matt - [St Louis, Missouri, USA]
"For science, which, as my associate Fang indicated, must move ever forward. Plus there's the money... and I do love the drama!" -Sevarius, 'Louse'
posted @ Mon, Jan 4, 2010 9:07:52 am EST from
BISHANSKY - "Don't ask why" seems like good advice, not just for that question, but for any question to present to Demona.
(In the Middle Ages, many people believed that redheads were inherently untrustworthy and dangerous - Cain and Judas Iscariot were even depicted as redheads. I wonder what Demona's response to that would have been. Of course, she'd certainly help to reinforce that prejudice in the heads of the humans she met - the ones who survived, that is.)
Todd Jensen
posted @ Mon, Jan 4, 2010 7:13:43 am EST from
VickyUK - [vickyfanofwwe at aol dot com]
posted @ Mon, Jan 4, 2010 6:05:19 am EST from
The One Known As Mochi - [shogi dot keima dot 08 at gmail dot com]
Current Mood: (>^^)> Soon, I will be testing video games... For now, I'm waiting for that phone call...
posted @ Mon, Jan 4, 2010 2:40:40 am EST from
Vinnie - [tpeano29 at hotmail dot com]
Sometimes the majority only means that all fools are on the same side.
posted @ Mon, Jan 4, 2010 1:29:38 am EST from
Demona loves Buffalo wings, she can't get enough of them. But for some strange reason, she dips them into peanut butter instead of bleu cheese. Don't ask why, she'll kill you if you do.
Greg Bishansky
posted @ Mon, Jan 4, 2010 1:17:21 am EST from
Anthony Tini
posted @ Mon, Jan 4, 2010 12:39:56 am EST from
"The suspense is terrible . . . I hope it lasts" -- Willy Wonka
posted @ Mon, Jan 4, 2010 12:00:49 am EST from