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Comment Room Archive

Comments for the week ending May 17, 2010

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Not bad on whatever you trying to do. Writing a fic, or just trying to do it? Well, you seem to potential for it.

And sorry? For what? Well, no matter. I gotta go to be soon, but I'll be back tomorrow after school. Hopefully, I might be able to talk to all of you again about some of my ideas, in a calm manner.

I gotta say this night was been most...Informtive and interesting. Good night, everybody!


Greg B.> That was almost horrid enough to make me go all Oedipus on my ocular orbits. You, sir, are evil.

And what's with handing out cookies today? SATURDAY was National Chocolate Chip Cookie Day.

Brainiac - [OSUBrainiac at gmail dot com]
There is balance in all things. Live in symmetry with the world around you. If you must blow things up and steal from those around you, THAT'S WHAT RPGS ARE FOR!

Demona soared through the air before come to a graceful landing on the ground. Like a leaf on a cool breeze.

The moon was full, but then it was always full. As she surveyed the plains, the gargoyle reflected on what had brought her here this evening. A smile spread across her face as she dropped the duffel bag she was carrying on the grass.

She quickly shed her halter-top, and unbuckled her belt allowing her loincloth to slip to the ground. Reaching into the duffel, she removed a folded piece of yellow cloth, a sundress she had purchased at Bloomingdales earlier that week. She quickly pulled it on.

The familiar sound of hooves running across the ground perked her ears. She giggled like a school girl, and and began to prance as a herd of beautiful wild ponies came running past the hill.

For the next twenty minutes she pranced, she laughed, and she was at peace with herself as she played with her little pony friends.

"Hey, Demmie!" a voice called out. Demona closed her eyes and smiled. At long last, he was here.

Demona sauntered her way up the small hill to greet the grey haired, mustached human. "Clifford, my love," she whispered as she pulled him into a kiss. "Did you get the week off."

"Yes, Demmie, I did," he said. "But I feel bad about it. I took an oath: Neither Rain, Nor Sleet, Nor gloom of night."

"Mmmm," she purred. "I love hearing that."

"You know, postal workers are required by law to take an oath to uphold the Constitution," he replied as he kissed her again.

"I did not know that, Clifford." Demona closed her eyes. "You are a fountain of trivia who always keeps my life interesting. Where would I be without you?"

"Killing people," he said.

The couple gazed off at the ponies. "Beautiful, aren't they?" she mused out loud. "When we are married, I want us to buy a ranch together, and keep our own."

"Though there is controversy over the exact date horses were domesticated and when they were first ridden," he explained. "The best estimate is that horses first were ridden approximately 4,500 BC. Indirect evidence suggests that horses were ridden long before they were driven. There is some evidence that about 6,000 years ago, near the Dneiper River and the Don River, people were using bits on horses, as a stallion that was buried there shows teeth wear consistent with using a bit."

"To think," she said happily. "By this time tomorrow, we will be Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Clavin."

"Mom will be so happy," Cliff said as tears begam streaming down his face.

Demona and Cliff wrapped their arms around each other, basking in their love as the herd of beautiful wild ponies continued to run free across the plains."

The End.


I am so sorry.


Greg Bishansky
Demona likes Buffalo Wings.

Thanks, Greg. I just hope maybe someday you might even take a peek at it and might even like it. You seem a little...Closed-minded. I open-minded to ideas. I don't like speculating, but I think the ideas i have are very promising for a good fic.

You see now why I want the next comic to come out and why I want to found out more Katana and what Brooklyn did during his TimeDancer?

I don't think I can wait that long before my head pops from all the ideas I have.


The room is moving fast.

Ninja> Matt's a friend of mine, and like any friends of mine, he is more than free to call me on bullshit. It's all cool.

Greg Bishansky
Demona likes Buffalo Wings.

NinjaSheik> Nah, I just like to argue. ;)

In all seriousness, and I need to learn to layoff of this stuff, but I kinda like to act as a watchdog over these characters. One of the reasons why I stopped reading fanfic ages ago was because it would bother me when I saw characters behaving, well, out of character.

Usually it's with my personal favorite, Demona. When she's written wrong, I lose all interest. Xanatos is another one, and it seems to be hard for people to get him right... many people had imbibed the "Goliath Chronicles" interpretation of him a little too much.

But, ultimately, at the end of the day, fanfic is what ever people want it to be. If they want Demona to put on a sun dress and prance around with a herd of beautiful wild ponies running free across the plains, that's their right.

So, Ninja. It's your story. You're the one who needs to be happy with it. I wish you luck writing it.

Greg Bishansky
Demona likes Buffalo Wings.

In all honesty, I find this conversation amusing and entertaining, minus the whole "it might turn into a fight" part.

Ninja> Yeah, I didn't realize how fast things went in here either. I'm having a bit of a hard time keeping up.
mage_cat - [mage_cat14 at yahoo dot com]

Oh, Matt. Greg can like my ideas or not, that's fine with me. It's not he's planning to read the fanfic, anyway. He hates fanfic, so it shouldn't really matter to me. We're just opposites.

Matt AND Greg, I really hope you two don't plan to fight over this. I didn't mean for my questions to ge tout of hand. I just wanted to see what you guys thought and might even help me make it better.


Okay, time-out, everyone! I work on A LOT of wikis with many users, and I think we need to breathe for a minute before this turns into a fight. Sorry, I'm not really a violate person (which is probably why I suck at writing battle scenes). Anyway, Matt, thanks again for...Uh, siding with me (Does that sounds right?).

Greg, I do apperciate your opinion. It helps me think more. I'm surprised though your answering questions and discussing this about my fanfic, even though you say you don't like fanfic. I guess I caught your interest, then!

Tee hee hee! Kidding.


MATT> No ire on my part, trust me. I just don't like her ideas. I have no problem with her. The two are completely separate in my mind.

I will admit, I was a bit stunned at some of what I read, but I wasn't getting personal about it. In fact, I was trying to make sure it wouldn't be taken as being personal. If I failed there, mea culpa.

But no ire here. I save that for the trolls and liars. ;)

Greg Bishansky
Demona likes Buffalo Wings.

And for the record, I think that during his TimeDance Brooklyn refered to both Katana, Fu-Dog, Gnash and Egwardo as his family AND to the Manhattan Clan as his family. So everyone is right here, because all of these gargoyles are his family, whether biologically or not.

What I'm saying is that over those 40 years, I'm sure we would hear Brook say to someone "I want to get home to my family" meaning the Manhattan Clan AND saying to someone "What do I tell my family?" meaning Katana and/or Gnash. These are just examples, but I hope you all get the gist.

And when he returns home and his ENTIRE family is reunited and Katana and the rest JOIN the Manhattan Clan, then obviously he collectively calls all of them his family as he always has.

Anyway, sorry for the double post and ramble. Hope I make some sense.

Matt - [ewoks11 at hotmail dot com]
"For science, which, as my associate Fang indicated, must move ever forward. Plus there's the money... and I do love the drama!" -Sevarius, 'Louse'

"He can say what he wants."

Sorry, typo in the last message. And Greg, yeah that posted before I knew mage cat and you reply to each other. I was still writing that post and when I add my chat, I saw it.

And man, you guys are fast when it comes to this Comment Room.


Thanks for what you said, but...Just to be sure everyone knows this, I'm a girl. Nice to meet you, I'm NinjaSheik. Helen is my real name, though.

And I'm sure Greg wasn't trying to be mean. He can what he wants.


Greg B.> If I didn't know any better, I'd say you didn't like Ninja all that much. But that's an outrageous guess, isn't it?

Look, like you, I'm not a fan of fanfic. But like you I've read some and liked some and even WROTE some. So, don't be so harsh on the subject.

And the fact is that we know very little about Katana. And while I generally agree with your statements on the character, I wouldn't be so quick to brush aside another fan's ideas for the character, no matter how unlikely they are. Like all of Greg's characters, I'm sure Katana is not monolithic. I'm sure she is multi-faceted and complicated. I'm sure there is much more to her personality than just what Bushido training would bestow. All of the Wyvern gargoyles were raised as warriors, you'll recall, and all have their moments of weakness. Your statement:

"Run away crying? No. We may not know her that well, but I think it's safe to say that she is not meek and pathetic like that."

Oh c'mon. Is that really so safe to say? Would you call Elisa Maza meek or pathetic? Did she not run away from Goliath crying on Halloween, 1996? Was it not partially over the pain of seeing him with another female?

Anyway, I don't mean to call you out, but lay off the newbie. He is enthusiastic and polite and hasn't done anything to warrant your obvious ire.

Matt - [ewoks11 at hotmail dot com]
"For science, which, as my associate Fang indicated, must move ever forward. Plus there's the money... and I do love the drama!" -Sevarius, 'Louse'

<<And yes, we save the whole "family" thing for next week.>>

I think I provided an answer. They're not a separate group. Gargoyles are not humans with wings.

Greg Bishansky
Demona likes Buffalo Wings.

<<Greg Bishansky>> Yeah, that does sounds a little sexist, but I know that even the toughest warrior have times when she must show tears.

Ooh, but trust me, I will make Katana give Brooklyn the cold shoulder and will lie to another clan member that she doesn't care about what goes about with Brooklyn and another female gargoyle.

<<mage_cat >> It'll be really cool if you do echo this to Greg, though I'm pretty sure he's respone will be, "Not saying.". And yes, we save the whole "family" thing for next week.


Mage_Cat> This is a line from the last Radio Play, written by Greg Weisman:


Thanks. I know he hatched in another decade, but Katana and I discussed it, and we want the whole clan to be Gnash and Egwardo's Rookery parents…

We'd be honored…


While the play is not canon, Greg said at the time he tried to keep everyone in character, and elements of it would likely be canon. They're not a nuclear family.

Greg Bishansky
Demona likes Buffalo Wings.

Speaking as a girl known for attempting to be stoic, maybe it's you referring to it as "running off and crying" to makes it sound wrong. Maybe she would slowly walk off to a place she knows she will not be found and fight off tears until she knows for sure she's alone. The key is that she would *try* to control her emotions.
mage_cat - [mage_cat14 at yahoo dot com]

<<Katana is a girl and any girl who cry over something, even a boy--male gargoyle.>>

That sounds like a pretty sexist opinion to me. If anything, I think her pretending she doesn't care and internalizing it makes more sense.

If you do this, well... does the word "sexist" mean anything to you?

Greg Bishansky
Demona likes Buffalo Wings.

Ninja, I'm glad to hear your excited about my ideas for fan fictions. It is tremendous encouragement for me. As for Katana running away crying at the sight of Brooklyn with another female, I'm going to echo Greg on this one. I just cannot see her as that emotionally fragile. *Maybe* she would get confrontational, but I think her coming to a too-fast conclusion and getting weepy just does not suit a warrior.

As for referring to Brooklyn's "family", I think that they spend enough time away from the Manhattan clan to warrant a way to refer to them as a separate group. Since this week is about to close, how about making it a topic for next week?

mage_cat - [mage_cat14 at yahoo dot com]

I don't think Bushido really relates to the matters of the heart. Warrior or no warrior, Katana is still a girl. Yes, I will make her stubborn to the point she will lie to herself about her own feelings, but I will make her cry.

Katana is a girl and any girl who cry over something, even a boy--male gargoyle.


NinjaSheik> Considering that she is a Bushido warrior, and how those types are trained, I'd think Katana would pretend, even to herself, that she doesn't care.

Run away crying? No. We may not know her that well, but I think it's safe to say that she is not meek and pathetic like that.

Greg Bishansky
Demona likes Buffalo Wings.

No to the whole jealous type question, right?

Okay, in your opinion, what will Katana do if something like that happens? I am open to any ideas for stories, which is why I need opinions. I can always think of something else. I'm a writer, it's what I do.


<<She merely observes, and then I will make her run away crying.>>

............. No.

Greg Bishansky
Demona likes Buffalo Wings.

Oh, I know that. Brooklyn would never leave Katana, because she loves Brooklyn with all her heart. Even before looking into the archives, I knew Katana was the only gargoyle would love Brooklyn the way he loves her. I love Gargoyle Love, don't you?! Besides, gargoyles mate for life, except for Goliath and Demona.

I was talking about BEFORE Katana and Brooklyn mated. I have this silly idea in my head like when another female gargoyle might flirt with Brooklyn when he visited Japan, but Katana likes him also, but doesn't say anything. She merely observes, and then I will make her run away crying.

Cruel, yes, but it adds drama to the fanfic. Especially if I make Katana intended to be mated to another male gargoyle!

Oooh! I am going to have SO MUCH fun with this fanfic! Oh, yeah!


<<And when I say jealous type, I don't mean the kind of girls that goes crazy and starts picking a fight with someone over it. I mean like "when a girl sees another girl filrting with the guy she likes and she feels sad towards it" type of jealously.>>

Considering it took a somewhat cunning scheme to get an idiot like Othello to believe his mate was cheating on him with Goliath, I doubt it.

I think I recall Greg saying that infidelity and affairs are very rare among gargoyles. I also think, after so many years together, Katana would know her mate well enough to know he wouldn't stray.

Greg Bishansky
Demona likes Buffalo Wings.

Oops. I guess I should've word that better. I meant Katana, Nashville, Fu-Dog, and Egwardo. There's no much to learn about them, and I've been looking over in the archives to find anything I can.

So far, I found out things I already knew. I'm mostly looking for Katana and Brooklyn's relationship. Greg said he picture their relationship as Sam and Diane-esque, but he found it too cliche. And I also found that Katana chose to go with Brooklyn on her own free, which I already guessed when she first appeared, but I didn't know it was a tough choice for her.

It makes sense after I read the comics and start asking questions about Katana to myself. Leaving behind a whole clan, her family, was a tough choice. I wonder if Katana ever try to talk to Brooklyn about staying with her clan, which is something I will put in my fanfic.

Speaking of my fanfic, can I ask your opinion on something? Do ANYONE of you think that Katana might be the jealous type? I mean, my sister and I agree that Katana looks too sweet for a jealous type.

And when I say jealous type, I don't mean the kind of girls that goes crazy and starts picking a fight with someone over it. I mean like "when a girl sees another girl filrting with the guy she likes and she feels sad towards it" type of jealously.


<<Brooklyn's family.>>

You mean the entire Manhattan Clan? I like them all too.

Nashville and Egwardo are going to be raised by the entire clan. So, Lexington, Angela, and Broadway are also their parents.

No nuclear families here.

Greg Bishansky
Demona likes Buffalo Wings.

That's so cool! I can't wait to read it! You should defiantly do it. I promise that I'll read it, and my sister, too! She loves Brooklyn's family.

Nice to meet you Ninja. I've had another Katana/Brooklyn fic in my head for a while now. Now that finals are over, I'll have the time and energy to write it. It'll just be my other fic from Katana's perspective, but I'll be using it to get into her head and maybe get ideas for later fics.
I've also written a Nashville fic (the only one so far). I may be exploring him more too.

mage_cat - [mage_cat14 at yahoo dot com]

Mage cat, I know you. I saw that fic you made for Brooklyn and Katana, even though it it was only a one shot. It didn't star Katana, just mentioned her by Brooklyn and that Rin character.

Nice you meet you, I'm NinjaSheik. Call me Ninja or Sheik, all my Internet friends do. Either that or you call me NS for short.

You should try writing a Katana and Brooklyn fic, too. It's so sad that there's hardly any fics about those two. And most people that does put Katana in their fics usually have some of stuff wrong, because most people didn't even know what Katana look like and call her a jade green gargoyle like that Sata character.


Oooo, cookie! Thank you.
mage_cat - [mage_cat14 at yahoo dot com]

P.S.> Mage_cat> Welcome, too! HAve a cookie as well!
Battle Beast - [Canada]
I have started a movie challenge whereby I am wtching all 475 Best Picture nominees and winners in 365 days. I am on Day #67 and movie #83... wish me luck!

Kiyona Hello! Have a cookie off the table. *Points to table* Welcome!
Battle Beast - [Canada]
I have started a movie challenge whereby I am wtching all 475 Best Picture nominees and winners in 365 days. I am on Day #67 and movie #83... wish me luck!

Hello, this is my first time posting here, but I've been lurking on and off for years. I just wanted to say that NinjaSheik's comment about fanfiction interested me. I've written half the Brooklyn/Katana fics on FF.net. (Which means one.) I personally prefer works that stick close to canon, so yes, much of Gargoyles fan fiction is not very good, but, if your willing to look, some of it is interesting enough to satisfy a Gargoyles jones.
mage_cat - [mage_cat14 at yahoo dot com]

Thanks, Jurgan. I skim through it and it looks interesting, but I'm not really a big fan of crossovers. Thanks anyway, sorry if I hurt your feelings.

Um...Hey! I haven't told anyone but my sister this, but if you want, I can tell you my idea for my Katana and Brooklyn story, if you want.

The first chapter takes place during his TimeDancer adventures and with the research I got, I already plotted it out. Do you want to hear it?


Ninja: If you're interested, I did write my own version of Katana and Brooklyn's first meeting. This was years ago, before we knew what she looked like, but I don't think we've learned anything else that contradicts it. Click my name if you're interested.

(It's also a crossover with Tenchi Muyo!, but the Tenchi elements are subtle enough that you can read it as just a Gargoyles fic).

Jurgan - [jurgan6 at yahoo dot com]

Hello fellow Gargoyle fans :D
Kiyona - [KiyokaMakibi at gmail dot com]

<Greg Bishansky> Well, what you said is true. There's hardly any good fanfics on Gargoyles, and I also perfer Greg Weisman's vision even to my own. But there is nothing wrong with having a imagination.

I want to wait and see what I can learn about Katana before doing my fic about her and Brooklyn, but I don't think I can wait. There's hardly any fics about her and Brooklyn, so I want to give it a shot.

I got a few ideas on how they meet, so that means I'll transport Brooklyn to Japan with Fu-Dog in my first chapter to meet Katana. You should at least give it a try, Greg. I'm not THAT bad of a writer. And I really, really, really, want to push up the Gargoyles section's activeness up.


Not sure where some people have been for the last decade, but "appealing to Gargoyles-linked fandoms" is certainly not a new idea. The Gathering tried it. I'm still not sure even in hindsight how successful it was. It seems to rely on some notion that if Person X worked on Show A and Show B, and you love Show A, you'll also love Show B. But I know from my own experience that's not always the case. I loved "Quantum Leap"; I couldn't stand "Star Trek: Enterprise." I still love "Gargoyles"; I barely watched "Spectacular Spider-Man", nor have I ever watched "Barbershop" for Keith David or regularly followed "Eureka" for Salli Richardson.

TLDR version: You're kidding yourself if you think fans of another Greg Weisman show are automatically going to automatically be fans of "Gargoyles".

"A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men." - Willy Wonka

Thats funny that W.I.T.C.H was mentioned. I really did not care for that show in the begining. When the next season rolled around when greg was writting for it, the characters seemed to be more likable and you could relate to the drama in there teen lives. Along with fighting bad guys. lol

BISHANSKY [Hell, you're lucky if they understand proper grammar and spelling.]

A lot of that, unfortunately, applies to much of the regular material on the Internet as well - though much of it might have been written by people for whom English was not their first language.

I should add that when I brought up "Clan-Building: Volume Two" and its Arthurian elements on the Arthurian mailing list I'm on, nobody responded; I hope that most "appealing to Gargoyles-linked fandoms" efforts aren't this unfruitful.

Todd Jensen

Jade Griffen Neat link. This past month I was able to get more funds to fund the gargoyle Webcomic. We made some changes that would make it so we could finish issues ontime and keep the site going with no breaks.

If anyones interested let me know and will work on getting that up and running agian.


NinjaSheik> ...Ahem, sorry about that. Anyway, not many people from outside the Internet probably doesn't remember Gargoyles.

Which is why I suggest that we try to get some newcomers into the show via Greg's other work, such as:

- The 1986 Captain Atom comics (which he wrote along with Cary Bates).
- W.I.T.C.H. Season 2 (Producer and Story Editor).
- Max Steel Season 1 (Story Editor and writer of the series bible).

Plus, if you know someone who's read Shakespeare, they might be interested in the series as well. Todd Jensen I recall recommend Clan Building Volume 2 for anyone interested in King Arthur.


LOL, forgot to mention my link. I'm mentioning it!

I also write garg fanfics but I prefer not to use canon characters. I much prefer original stuffs:)

Jade Griffin
"Get yer jammies, Ralph!" -Bill Maxwell (played by Robert Culp), "The Greatest American Hero" -- You sure did, sir; you sure did...

*ahem* Yes, this is a blatant plug. I draw stuff. Any stuff. Hire me!

In other news, all this talk about the Praying Gargoyle brought up memories. It was a lot of fun working on "Team Atlantis: The Last". I never tried to work on storyboarding before or roughing out anything for animation. I'm sorry those not attending the cons didn't get to see the presentations of "The Last". I hope eventually something of it gets released to the fans but I dunno. I'm assuming I can't put up the art anywhere so I am not. Just the combination of "Team Atlantis" characters with "Gargoyles" characters made my fan heart go a-flutter:)

Jade Griffin
"Get yer jammies, Ralph!" -Bill Maxwell (played by Robert Culp), "The Greatest American Hero" -- You sure did, sir; you sure did...

NinjaSheik> I've read fanfics, a few that were good, but I tend to think that 99.999999999999% of them are crap. The characters are constantly written wrong, they "authors" don't understand basic story structure or character development. Hell, you're lucky if they understand proper grammar and spelling.

I don't read fanfic anymore. No desire. There is only one vision for "Gargoyles" I'm interested in, and that's Greg Weisman's vision.

No offense to anyone who still enjoys fanfic.

Greg Bishansky
Demona likes Buffalo Wings.

I won't expect in a short term either, but I hope for it. And you try reading fanfics. They're really cool.

NINJASHEIK> Well, I'm more interested in the canon, and the canon-in-training. I don't really care all that much about fanfic.

In the mean time, while I am sure we'll be getting new material eventually, I wouldn't expect it in the short term.

Greg Bishansky
Demona likes Buffalo Wings.

Well, Gargoyles to they have their own section, but it's not very large or active. It so unactive for a time, I quit going there because I gave up hope, but I remember how much Gargoyles mean to me, so I decided to go back there after a few months.

It made progress, but not very much. That's why I decided to add a little "competition" to the section. It's a little inside joke my sister tells me. It might just be own imagination, but when I always start a fanfic in a certain section, more fanfics in that section starts to update faster than usual, and when I finish with a section, it suddenly becomes slow.

Like the Super Smash Bros section and the Fire Emblem section, when I wrote stories in them, but they don't update as fast anymore. Maybe my sister was right when I see was competition, but that would make me sound a little conceited.

Still, I want to write my own stories there. I already have one I'm working on right now and one I'm makeing for Brooklyn and Katana. That's why I want to learn more about her and Nashville. Oh, and Fu-Dog, too.

I have a few ideas I already thought of. But, I'm not sure it anyone will read it.


NinjaSheik> I'd say "Gargoyles" not being big on FF.net is a mercy ;)
Greg Bishansky
Demona likes Buffalo Wings.

That would be awesome! But alas, I can't say fandom is very big on FF. Net. But that is a very big problem, I just want to read the next comic as soon as possible and learn about EVERYTHING, especailly Katana and her children and Fu-Dog, so I could do my Katana and Brooklyn fanfic!

...Ahem, sorry about that. Anyway, not many people from outside the Internet probably doesn't remember Gargoyles. I was able to recently get all of the SLG comics! But, it's not like my one purchesed would help.

This is quite depressing for me...


NinjaSheik> Dan Vido of SLG certainly wants to continue liscensing Gargoyles, but the sales of the recent and perhaps first trade will determine whether more stories are greenlit.

If you bought some copies, either recommend them to your friends or buy them as a gift. And given that The Spectacular Spider-Man is still fresh in the minds of many viewers, I would suggest recommending Gargoyles to them.

And as I see it, Greg's work on Young Justice, especially if it does well, would provide another chance to get some new blood in the fandom.


Lisense? You think anyone would do that? I hope so, and soon.

So wait, so anyone can post here? Guess so--cool! So how exactly do things work here? Anything I should know?

In any case, hi, everyone. I found this little nook of Station 8 after I noticed that someone here had linked to my "Monsters of New York" blog. Thanks, for the nod, Landon! I hope you've enjoyed what you saw.

As for future Gargoyles comic book stories, does anybody know if Boom Studios has made any advances in that regard? They seem to be resurrecting old Disney Afternoon properties lately, so they seem like the most natural third home for the series if Slave Labor doesn't make a move.

Ian Perez - [doknowbutchie at gmail dot com]

HI everyone. I have'nt been around in awhile due to some medical stuffs. I missed the gathering too :(

Whats been going on in the gargoyle universe. Did we get more books?


I think SLG is the only publisher interested in publishing a Gargoyles comic book, or graphic novel, or whatever is going to be done next, and when last I heard, SLG was in some sort of deadlock with Disney over royalties.

Unless things have changed since I read that, or I've misremembered, my guess would be more than a year from now.

Paul - [nampahcfluap at yahoo dot com]

NinjaSheik> You're getting ahead of yourself. First SLG needs to renew the license, or another comic book company needs to pick up the license.
Greg Bishansky
Demona likes Buffalo Wings.

If were to take a educated guess, when will the volume will be release?

Greg> I should have had a V8. Yah, the Statue forms around the Crystal. Duh. :P To me.
Battle Beast - [Canada]
I have started a movie challenge whereby I am wtching all 475 Best Picture nominees and winners in 365 days. I am on Day #65 and movie #81... wish me luck!

Sorry for the double post.

Battle Beast> It will be wherever Demona hides the crystal to regenerate. Why would it still be in the rubble of St. Damien's after the crystal is moved? That doesn't make any sense, now, does it?

Greg Bishansky
Demona likes Buffalo Wings.

NinjaSheik> I don't know. You'd have to ask Greg Weisman, but I doubt he's going to spoil it.
Greg Bishansky
Demona likes Buffalo Wings.

Greg> Yah, I have been here for years, haven't I?

Anyway, I know how the statue works. I know it rebuilds itself. But the statue won't magically appear where she wants it... right? it'll be in the rubble of the St. Damien's Cathedral that was slated for demolition. That's why I wondered.

Greg> Can we add the Disney Adventures comics to the WIKI, or is that a copywrite issue? I have most of 'em, thats why I was wondering... to share with the fandom.

Battle Beast - [Canada]
I have started a movie challenge whereby I am wtching all 475 Best Picture nominees and winners in 365 days. I am on Day #65 and movie #81... wish me luck!

And then what? Operation Clean Slate once again?

BB> You've been here for years, you've gotta know how the Praying Gargoyle works by now.

It's been destroyed before, in Paris in 1920. She hid the crystal in Notre Dame, and it takes sixty years to regenerate. That's why she came back for it in 1920, when she killed Charles Canmore.

So, I'm assuming, until we have further evidence that she's doing it again.

As for why she only took the crystal, because it's all she needs. She sticks that on holy ground, sixty years later, new statue.

Greg Bishansky
Demona likes Buffalo Wings.

I read the Wiki about the Praying Gargoyle... so she wants to revive the Praying Gargoyle? Why didn't she take the piece of the Gargoyle, as well? Curiouser and Curiouser.
Battle Beast - [Canada]
I have started a movie challenge whereby I am wtching all 475 Best Picture nominees and winners in 365 days. I am on Day #65 and movie #81... wish me luck!

So, it will be repaired. That's kinda of long a time to bring pack a statue, don't you think? Then again, her Operation Clean Slate took thousands of years to plan.

NinjaSheik> Just read the Praying Gargoyle entry on the GargWiki. It's all there.
Greg Bishansky
Demona likes Buffalo Wings.

Really now? Can you please tell me?

Actually, some of us DO know why Demona took that shard from the Praying Gargoyle at St. Damien's Cathedral. Or we should at least be able to make a fairly educated guess.
"A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men." - Willy Wonka

I hope the next comics come out soon! The waiting is killing me! With the way that Clan Buliding and Bad Guys ended, it defiantly have room for more ideas and story in the series.

We never figure out what happened to Thailog, Brentwood, and Shari. That jerk John Castaway, or should I say Jon Canmore, needs to get over what happened with the Gargoyles.

We never learned why Demona took that shard from the Praying Gargoyle at St. Damien's Cathedral. Oh, and about Xanatos? It's like after the whole London arc, he just disappeared. And I really what to know more about KATANA and her son.

Besides, I would actually like to see how Brooklyn set up the meeting between Demona and Xanatos when he transported to the US! It was actually Owen, of course, but whatever,

There's so much to know about EVERYTHING! Don't you guys agree?

Also, whatever happened to the idea of the next TV series of that Space-Spawn thing? How many years have it been since Gargoyles ended, I wonder?

So many things so know, yet so many months to wait for it. How depressing...I hope the next comic comes out soon. I could really come up with some cool ideas for my Gargoyles story if I do read them.


PAUL> Not only is there possibility, but Greg said years ago, at the 1998 Gathering, that he had such a story in mind.
Greg Bishansky
Demona likes Buffalo Wings.

Now that they feature in separate storylines, is there any possibility that the Manhattan Clan will ever cross paths with the Redemption Squad?

Most of us have already read the "Clan Building" and "Bad Guys" storylines, but it seems like you would have to do twice as much "previously on Gargoyles" stuff if they ever crossed paths in a future storyline.

I hope that makes sense.

Paul - [nampahcfluap at yahoo dot com]

No problem, Jade.


Wow... I haven't been around here in years. I can only imagine the conversations I've missed.


thanks, Ninja:) All depends on how fast I get my webcomic up!
Jade Griffin
"Get yer jammies, Ralph!" -Bill Maxwell (played by Robert Culp), "The Greatest American Hero" -- You sure did, sir; you sure did...

I've always wondered the heavily-shadowed left eye on that cover is foreshadowing.
Landon Thomas - [<- Gargoyles News Twitter Feed]

Happy (belated) birthday, Matt!

David Hutchinson has put his pencils for the Gargoyles #11 cover back online: http://dhutchison.deviantart.com/art/Gargoyles-11-163910211 It's the cover that's the closest to the original cartoon style, in my opinion, especially with Robby's colors.

Landon Thomas - [<- Gargoyles News Twitter Feed]

I can't wait to see that! I already found you on there. You got 11 arts!

I do hope that the graphic novels do have ANY new content, expected or not. There's always a chance I guess that there won't be. I'll just tide myself over for now posting older and current art on my new DeviantArt acct. That reminds me, I need to do a Katana soon.
Jade Griffin
"Get yer jammies, Ralph!" -Bill Maxwell (played by Robert Culp), "The Greatest American Hero" -- You sure did, sir; you sure did...

One Day late...
Chip - [Sir_Griff723 at yahoo dot com]

Happy B-day Matt.
Chip - [Sir_Griff723 at yahoo dot com]

Many of those visits might also have been the result of clicking on the "Random Page" link.
Todd Jensen

Sorry, I kinda do that sometimes.

"Kyaa~!" is a Japanese scream/squeal, mostly mde by fangirls screaming for their boy crushes.


GREG B> I don't think it's not so much a question of popularity as the fact that Katana's one of the most prominent new characters and we don't really know anything about her. So it makes sense that people are curious about her and want to learn more. By contrast most of Gargwiki's readership probably already know 90% of the stuff on Xanatos' page.

Happy Birthday, Matt!!!
Battle Beast - [Canada]
I have started a movie challenge whereby I am wtching all 475 Best Picture nominees and winners in 365 days. I am on Day #63 and movie #77... wish me luck!

DEMONSKRYE> Yeah. Because there is no logical way that Katana is a more popular character than Xanatos, for example. She's only appeared in three panels.

But, I do kind of wish people would use their critical thinking skills a little better and not think that these numbers are an indicator of popularity.

Greg Bishansky
Demona likes Buffalo Wings.

Greg B> I didn't think you were, but a couple of people seemed to be taking it as an indication of the characters' overall popularity, which I don't think it is.
Demonskrye - [<---"Feed the Kitty" at The Ink and Pixel Club]

Happy birthday, Matt!
Todd Jensen

NS> <<Kyaa>> I'm sorry, but what is this word? I can't find it in any dictionary.

And, "Gargoyles: Manhattan" is, as far as I know, scheduled to be the next story. Not a "TimeDancer" story.

Greg Bishansky
Demona likes Buffalo Wings.


What I really want to see is Brooklyn and Katana's relationship more! I mean, it totally sucks that she didn't have any lines and we don't anything about her, besides she's protective of her egg.

We don't know how she met Brooklyn, or why she fell in love with him! Then again, Brooklyn is awesome, cool, smart, funny, and he's so...Kyaa~! I love Brooklyn!

I hope Greg Weisman will bring out the next volume!


Greg said at the Gathering that the next graphic novel would likely be what #13 to #18 would have been. A story titled "Gargoyles: Manhattan."

He also has a Dark Ages story in mind. Then a Pendragon story. Then TimeDancer.

Greg Bishansky
Demona likes Buffalo Wings.

While it's possible that a graphic novel might continue Clan Building's story, I'm rather inclined to believe that it would be about one of the many spinoffs Greg Weisman has planned. He's already skimmed the front and back ends of his Timedancer spinoff, so to speak, and if Brooklyn's popularity on GargWiki is due to that, Timedancer may well be his next big project.

Of course, in a way, Timedancer IS a continuation of (part of) Clan Building's story.

Paul - [nampahcfluap at yahoo dot com]

Happy Birthday, Matt!

DEMONSKRYE: I wasn't using the wiki as evidence of Demona's popularity. Just observation of many hardcore fans and casual fans.

Greg Bishansky
Demona likes Buffalo Wings.

Happy Birthday Matt!

Top Ten> Keep in mind that the most popular pages on GargWiki are not necessarily a reflection of which characters are the most popular, just which articles are being viewed the most often. Demona has a very long and complex history, so it makes sense that people would refer to her page frequently. Doen't mean for certain that she is the most popular character or that Brooklyn is more popular than Xanatos.

Demonskrye - [<---"Feed the Kitty" at The Ink and Pixel Club]

Happy Birthday Matt!!
Phil - [p1anderson at go dot com]

28 years ago today, a future Gargoyles fan was born.

I'm talking about me, of course. : )

Matt - [ewoks11 at hotmail dot com]

NinjaSheik >> If Gargoyles were to be produced in graphic novel form, it may continue where Clan Building stopped. Besides, why retell a story that's already been told?
The One Known As Mochi - [shogi dot keima dot 08 at gmail dot com]
Current Mood: (>^^)> I'm going to Comic-Con as a professional...and for free~!!!

True. I heard that SLG President Dan Vado has not given up on the Gargoyles franchise, and hopes to pursue the idea of Gargoyles graphic novels in the future.

The thing is, what is the graphic novel is going to be about? Retell season 1-2, or tell stories of new adventures for the clan?


DANIEL - Maybe Brooklyn got a lot of attention from the Timedancer story in the latter half of "Clan-Building: Volume Two", which not only gave him a big adventure in late 10th century Scotland, but brought some major changes into his life. That's even bigger than Xanatos's Stone of Destiny scheme (fun though it was).
Todd Jensen

Daniel> Obviously, we need more links to the Xanatos article posted on TVTropes and all of its references to him.
Brainiac - [OSUBrainiac at gmail dot com]
There is balance in all things. Live in symmetry with the world around you. If you must blow things up and steal from those around you, THAT'S WHAT RPGS ARE FOR!

JURGAN> Well, as soon as I can think of a title for it, I can create a blank page for it.

But, if it helps you, you're welcome to post it in here, I can copy and paste it in there, and add links and graphics and stuff.

As for how much detail. As much as you want.

Greg Bishansky
Demona likes Buffalo Wings.

Congrats all around! The cookie table has been fully stocked with all manner of celebratory drinks.

Landon> Haven't got around to reading the blog yet, but just from skimming, that's the best title for an analysis of "Deadly Force" I've ever seen.

Demonskrye - [<---"Either Or" at The Ink and Pixel Club]

I've found a newish blog that reviews and analyzes Gargoyles and TMNT/2003 episodes: http://nymonsters.wordpress.com/ He also writes fan fiction where he combines the 2 universes. I wasn't aware of it so I thought I'd throw it out there.
Landon Thomas - [<- Gargoyles News Twitter Feed]

10 again!

Congrats Phoenician and awesome Wiki accomplishment Greg B. Keep up the good work!

Anthony Tini


Wow...Brooklyn's more popular than Xanatos? What? That's just wrong, I'm sorry. I mean, I perfectly understand why, but still. Xanatos is so much cooler and such a developed antagonist. That's my opinion, sue me.

I'll have to go take a close look at that timeline now, sounds really interesting.

"Weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning." (Psalms 30:5)

Two cubed!

<raises a glass> To One Thousand Entries!

Brainiac - [OSUBrainiac at gmail dot com]
There is balance in all things. Live in symmetry with the world around you. If you must blow things up and steal from those around you, THAT'S WHAT RPGS ARE FOR!

Matt - [ewoks11 at hotmail dot com]


Greg: To tell the truth, I couldn't quite figure out how to make a page. Is there already a page there and I just have to improve it, or do I have to make a new page? If so, how do I do that, and what do I link it to? Is there a how-to for this somewhere on the page? I've never really done this before. But anyway, since we've got testing this week, I'm not going to have to make any lesson plans or grade any papers, so I should have some free time. Just let me know what to do. Also, how much detail should I go into?

Jurgan - [jurgan6 at yahoo dot com]

VickyUK - [vickyfanofwwe at aol dot com]

FOURTH and still celebrating my graduation from college this weekend :)

And congrats on the 1,000 Entries -- what was #1000? d:

"The suspense is terrible, I hope it lasts" -- Willy Wonka

Since the GargWiki has over 1,000 entries now, I thought it'd be interesting to take a look at our ten most popular pages.

1. Main Page (174,499 views)
2. Timeline (50,021 views)
3. Demona (27,001 views)
4. Gargoyle (26,773 views)
5. Goliath (23,297 views)
6. Elisa Maza (23,102 views)
7. Brooklyn (22,435 views)
8. Angela (21,239 views)
9. Katana (20,256 views)
10. David Xanatos (17,985 views)

I am not at all surprised the Timeline is that popular a page. It's mostly taken from Greg's "This Day In Gargoyles History" feature. I think it's one of our most fascinating pages, it's cool to see how things overlap in some places, and there are so many hidden gems.

Demona is the most popular character page by a pretty wide margin. Again, not surprising given the character's popularity both in and out of the fandom. I tend to think she's the most popular character in the franchise, and that's based on years of observation of hardcore fans, casual fans, and beyond casual fans.

The big surprise, for me, is just how popular Katana's page is. She one of the newest characters, and while she was a popular Canon-in-Training character, and the most anticipated new character, it probably shouldn't surprise me. But to see her page getting that many more views than Xanatos's does surprise me.

Aw well. Here's to 1,000 entries. We're not done yet, of course. And here's hoping Greg has a chance to help us make it to 2,000.

Hey, JURGAN> Still up for that entry on Demona and Macbeth's link?

Greg Bishansky
Demona likes Buffalo Wings.

Second, and GargWiki now has over 1,000 entries!

Demona is celebrating with Buffalo Wings.

Greg Bishansky
Demona likes Buffalo Wings.

The One Known As Mochi - [shogi dot keima dot 08 at gmail dot com]
Current Mood: (>^^)> I'm going to Comic-Con as a professional...and for free~!!!

1st 0r 2nd I guess. Strabge for me to be so early.
Vinnie - [tpeano29 at hotmail dot com]