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Comments for the week ending June 28, 2010

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Hello everyone I am going to be uploading the rest of The Spectacular Spider-Man meets Gargoyles radio play on youtube soon here is part 6 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VVSTBs4Fca8 there is one last part left hope you enjoy.
Halloweenking - [halloweenking28 at yahoo]

I just got season 1 of Gargoyles on DVD yesterday. I have been enjoying it.
Ice - [lcetyrant at hotmail dot com]

Great news, Battle Beast!
Todd Jensen

The Life and Times of Scrooge McDuck shipped! I will get it soon! Woot! (I am excited because this was an especially great read. Thanks again!
Battle Beast - [Canada]
I have started a movie challenge whereby I am wtching all 475 Best Picture nominees and winners in 365 days. I am on Day #108 and movie #125... wish me luck!

Re: Prince Malcolm:Oh, I don't disagree with you, Antiyonder: I'm pretty certain Malcolm indeed believes his fanciful characterization of gargoyles as boogeymen is indeed nothing more than a "harmless joke". He's wrong.

First of all, note that Katharine certainly didn't take her father's comments as a joke, and Malcolm does nothing to dissuade her from taking his comments seriously. And while its impossible to directly tie the princesses' 994 attitude towards Goliath and Co.--which is, as we plainly see, rather more negative than her father's--to the stories she heard as a child, it's equally hard to think of the two things as unconnected.

Still, even if had not considered his jokes to be harmful, dismissing NotYetHudson's concerns about them still exposes some rather unpleasant colors, particularly given our relative lack of information about their relationship. At best, he is simply being dismissive towards an individual; at the very worst "you're being over-sensitive" is his response to any gargoyle complaint. The truth, I'm guessing, is somewhere in the middle.

To be fair, we don't see if Malcolm actually does decide to stop his "jokes" after the events of "Morning"--I'd conclude that that's not the case, given Katharine's future attitude, but it's nowhere near a given. I do wish we'd seen more of the prince's character, though, particularly during the period after the transition of leadership from NotYetHudson to Goliath.

Ian Perez - [doknowbutchie at gmail dot com]

Hey guys, coming out of lurker mode for a couple of minutes to ask a question to the floor. I was cleaning out my closet, and I came across my old Brooklyn action figure from Kenner. (The non-Ice-storm one, with the weird mouth) Surprisingly, he had his tail and his lance, but not his wings. I was wondering if anyone had a spare set of wings that they might sell to me. I figured craigs list or Ebay might work, but I thought I'd have more luck here. Any takers?
Chip - [Sir_Griff723 at yahoo dot com]
"Well I brought my dinosaur, who eats force-feild dogs,"--Woody

Lets all hope he keeps his job :P
I knew Argentina would win

Cheeks Picture> I don't want to jump to conclusions, by the image being remove would seem to indicate that it wasn't meant to be seen by the public. Whether that's because it is going to be used in a future pitch, was or was going to be used in a past pitch and still might be used again in the future, or for some of reason is probably not something we'll learn unless a project related to this image gets greenlit.
Demonskrye - [<---"Toy Story 3" at The Ink and Pixel Club]

I've mentioned this before, but Prince Malcolm's use of gargoyles as bogeymen reminds me of a letter I once read in "Dear Abby" protesting the tactic of "That policeman over there's going to arrest you if you don't behave" to difficult children - leading those children to be afraid of the police.
Todd Jensen

I saved a copy. If you want to "talk" about it, e-mail me.
Anthony Tini

Did anyone save a copy of the Cheeks pics? I am curious to see them...
Battle Beast - [Canada]
I have started a movie challenge whereby I am wtching all 475 Best Picture nominees and winners in 365 days. I am on Day #108 and movie #125... wish me luck!

Ian Perez> While its clear that Malcolm treats the gargoyle with some respect, and maybe even friendship, it's also clear from his persception of NotYetHudson's so-called oversensitivity that he isn't terribly sensitive towards gargoyles as a whole. It's a slightly more benign, and unconsious, version of what Rush Limbaugh does when he rallies against gay rights while inviting Elton John to sing at his wedding (assuming that the radio pundit actually believes what he says, which is in no way a given). He's definitively a racist (or more accurately, speceist, although that word lacks the undertones of the former so I won't use it here), but not a conscious one (one can just imagine him saying "some of my best friends are Gargoyles" if asked) which is is some ways worse than the worn-on-their-sleeve racism of Demona (if she wore sleeves), Castaway, or early princess Katharine, because it can be just as ingrained, and yet is much harder to fight.

Certainly one way to view it, but I believe the other way to see it is someone making what he believes to be a harmless joke.


Now that Disney owns Marvel comics how about a decent comic run from them or even better a team up with Spider-Man. Theyre both in New York.
Jay - [jjayj75 at aol dot com]

ComicsOnline interviews Greg Guler on Mecha-Nation: http://www.comicsonline.com/node/1116

One interesting part:

"Although Greg, Vic and I have worked together over the years on various animation projects, this is the first we have done together that was an original idea. It's a lot of fun to brain storm on a project like this where you feel you can throw out any idea and have it considered. That kind of freedom really can lead to great things from a creative stand point. Thats not to say we don't give each other a bit of grief if the idea is really bad, but even a bad idea can be worked around to a really great one. It's fun to be involved from the ground up in developing an entire project- from early concepts to published work, and it's satisfying to have something turn out the way you personally envision it and to have other people appreciate it."

Landon Thomas - [<- Gargoyles News Twitter Feed]

Todd: Yeah, I know what it's called, but what sort of man would I be if I didn't say something smart-assed about someone else's grammar?
Harvester of Eyes - [Minstrel75 at gmail dot com]
"I don't know, I'm making this up as I go." -Indiana Jones

Hmmm... I was kinda hoping that would happen. The picture being pulled bodes well for us, me thinks...
Matt - [ewoks11 at hotmail dot com]
"For science, which, as my associate Fang indicated, must move ever forward. Plus there's the money... and I do love the drama!" -Sevarius, 'Louse'

I should have looked at the pictures while I still could. Well, nothing to be done about that now.
Todd Jensen

Ah, good, so it's not just me. *Cue X-Files theme*. Any conspiracy theorist want to give an opinion?

Also, a plug: "The Archmage, the Bitch, and the Gargoyles", my review of "Long Way Till Morning" is up at mah blog, and available by clicking this fine and elegantly crafted (TM Girl Genius) link: http://nymonsters.wordpress.com/2010/06/22/the-archmage-the-bitch-and-the-gargoyles-long-way-to-morning/

Ian Perez - [doknowbutchie at gmail dot com]

Aaaand... the picture was just scrubbed, from both DeviantArt and Cheeks' blog. Very reminiscent of David Hutchinson scrubbing the Gargoyles #11 cover pencils after he posted them months early on his DeviantArt site, presumably after SLG complained. The plot thickens...
Landon Thomas - [<- Gargoyles News Twitter Feed]

Oh, I definitely don't think the designs themselves are a coincidence. Those are clearly the 2198 characters. I just think that Brooklyn wasn't finished yet.

Maybe something is going on, maybe something isn't.

Either way, it's pretty cool.

Greg Bishansky
Demona likes Buffalo Wings.

I'm not surprised we're overthinking this artwork a bit, since it's probably the most exciting directly Gargoyles related thing we've had to discuss since the comics ended.

I agree that it's a bit too coincidental if Cheeks was just doing random character designs for fun and happened to pick out a roster of existing characters and create one new one that looked so much like the 2198 cast. As I remember, the original treatment did say something about Samson resembling Goliath except for his coloration. But Cheeks may not have noticed that part and it's been suggested that 2198 Delilah's ancestry may include some additional cloning.

Now assuming that the blue beast isn't just Cheeks deciding he also wanted to try drawing Bronx, which is highly probably, the blue beast is probably either a grandson or great-granddaughter of Boudicca and Bronx. If it's the latter, she could be a potential mate for Fu Dog. He may have been in that time period long enough to father an egg before he left, but never been able to return to his mate and offspring.

Demonskrye - [<---"Toy Story 3" at The Ink and Pixel Club]

TINI> <<I thought it was cool that Brooklyn wasn't colored in which I interpreted as representing his timedancing to 2198. But what throws that off was seing what looks like Fu-Dog next to him, who also timedances to that time with Brooklyn. So maybe it's not Fu-Dog?>>

Or maybe he just didn't get around to it before posting the pic. Artists don't always finish everything and move on, especially when just doodling for fun or a favor.

So, I think you're overthinking it.

Greg Bishansky
Demona likes Buffalo Wings.

Yeah, if that is Samson and Delilah, shouldn't their coloring be different. Still, I think Cheeks had to have 2198 in mind when putting this together... the ensemble would be just too much of a coincidence.
Matt - [ewoks11 at hotmail dot com]
"For science, which, as my associate Fang indicated, must move ever forward. Plus there's the money... and I do love the drama!" -Sevarius, 'Louse'

These arts are awesome!

Concering the art by cheeks from left to right:
1) Is that first beast Bronx or his descedant?
2) Guardian aka Nicholas Natsilane Maza...
3) Samson...
4) Delilah...
5) Fu-Dog...
6) Brooklyn...
7) Zafiro...


I thought it was cool that Brooklyn wasn't colored in which I interpreted as representing his timedancing to 2198. But what throws that off was seing what looks like Fu-Dog next to him, who also timedances to that time with Brooklyn. So maybe it's not Fu-Dog?

http://www.s8.org/gargoyles/askgreg/faq/gargs2198.htm, Fu-Dog timedances with him, so

Anthony Tini

There's some evidence to the contrary: Cheeks made these Gargoyles sketches just before the 2009 Gathering: http://gotcheeks.blogspot.com/2009/08/fly-boy.html The old Goliath sketch has similar design elements to the new "Goliath" and the file itself has 'Goliath' in the name: http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_VbOSG4e49Lg/So8L68BXkfI/AAAAAAAABCU/b1R6V9ZTTN4/s1600-h/Goliath_gar_rf1a_sm.jpg
Landon Thomas - [<- Gargoyles News Twitter Feed]

The artwork is great, but I would hope that the 2198 cast doesn't look quite like that--while I'd like for Samson and Delilah to bear a noticeable resemblance to Goliath and Delilah, I wouldn't want them to look *that* similar.

Yeah, these characters look suspiciously like the cast of Gargoyles: 2198... But I agree, I doubt he'd be allowed to post them if something was going on... Still, fun to hope and a cool take on them. Although, why is Bronx there?

The Zafiro looks awesome!

Matt - [ewoks11 at hotmail dot com]
"For science, which, as my associate Fang indicated, must move ever forward. Plus there's the money... and I do love the drama!" -Sevarius, 'Louse'

Holy crap, Phil, I do believe you're right.

The possible explanations are that Cheeks just saw the 2198 treatment and decided to take a stab at some character designs OR Greg Weisman and/or Guler asked Cheeks to put together some designs for an eventual 2198 miniseries. OR (and this is really going out on a limb) Greg is going to pitch 2198 to someone using these designs as a starting point.

I like this look and I think it would be neat if 2198 had a really distinctive style while still being recognizable as Gargoyles.

Who's the blue beast though, aside from a likely descendant of Bronx and Boudicca? Is it possible that this is Fu Dog's mate?

Demonskrye - [<---"Toy Story 3" at The Ink and Pixel Club]

Very nice concept art by the good Mr. Galloway. It would be neat to see Cheeks working on something official for Gargoyles but I'm thinking these are just for his own amusement. If there something official going down, posting these pics would probably be a serious breach of contract for Cheeks.

Wow, that last sentence got messed up. I meant to say "Cheeks said these were just for fun. I hope that's just a cover story."
Phil - [p1anderson at go dot com]

Gargoyle designs by Cheeks Galloway> Those are not redesigns of the Manhattan Clan. Where's Elisa, Hudson, Broadway, and Lex? And who's the guy?
No, I think these are designs of the main cast of Gargoyles 2198. There's Nick "Guardian" Maza, Samson, Delilah, Fu Dog and Brooklyn, and Zafiro (note that he's not red).

Cheeks said these were just for fin no hope that's just a cover n

Phil - [p1anderson at go dot com]

No worries, Landon. I got the Cheeks link from your Twitter feed anyway.
Demonskrye - [<---"Toy Story 3" at The Ink and Pixel Club]

Consarn it!
Landon Thomas - [<- Gargoyles News Twitter Feed]

Cheeks redesigns Gargoyles: http://cheeks-74.deviantart.com/art/Gargoyles-168689476 He did some sketches before the Gathering but these are closer to a model sheet.

Unrelated, but an interesting interview with Phil Lamarr: http://www.toonzone.net/news/articles/34024/toonzone-interviews-phil-lamarr-on-the-return-of-futurama The author tries to get Lamarr to confirm the rumor that he does a voice on Young Justice. I haven't yet seen Lamarr say it himself.

Landon Thomas - [<- Gargoyles News Twitter Feed]

On a happier note, Cheeks plays around with some of the Gargoyles designs. I particularly like his takes on the beasts.


Demonskrye - [<---"Toy Story 3" at The Ink and Pixel Club]

Season 2, Volume 2 has not been released yet... but hopefully one day.

Season 3... who cares?

If you would like to see the second half of the second season, I would suggest YouTube. There is an episode guide on the GargWiki. After you are done there, I would move on to the comic books as Greg Bishansky has suggested.

Matt - [ewoks11 at hotmail dot com]
"For science, which, as my associate Fang indicated, must move ever forward. Plus there's the money... and I do love the drama!" -Sevarius, 'Louse'

I double checked on Netflix and as I suspected, there is no listing for Season Two Vol 2. There is a disc 2 of Season 2 Vol 1, so maybe that's where the confusion comes in?
Demonskrye - [<---"Toy Story 3" at The Ink and Pixel Club]

I ReD x TooNz I
You say that Season 2 Volume 2 has been released on at least on Netflix, but looking at their selection I can't find it.

Nirvash - [Nirvash dot Kincaid at gmail dot com]

I ReD x TooNz I> No.

But you can get the REAL season three. The TRUE season three in comic book form, written by Greg Weisman at amazon.com

Clan Building Vol. 1
Clan Building Vol. 2
Gargoyles: Bad Guys

Greg Bishansky
Demona likes Buffalo Wings.

Hey I think Gargoyles has been and always will be a great show!! Now I know that Season 2 Volume 2 has been released on DVD or at least on Netflix, but I was wondering if there is anywhere I could watch Gargoyles Season 3. (The season thats playing on Disney XD, I thinik called The Goliath Chronicles) ?!
I ReD x TooNz I - [cartoon7487 at yahoo dot com]
Ya DiiG

Im just glad there is a rational explanation for it. Some words in some lenguages are just popular mistakes. :P
I knew Argentina would win

The "apocalyptic dude" was named Michel de Nostredame, which was Latinised to Nostradamus. The cathedral is called Notre Dame de Paris, French for "Our Lady of Paris". The unfortunate gargoyles who live there have no legs but can sing quite well.
"A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men." - Willy Wonka

Oneboredchick> Notre Dame (no 's').

In English, the raving apocalyptic dude is usually called Nostradamus, but in French his name was Nostredame, so it's not just in Czech that 'us' gets added to the end of French names.


Its the way we call it. I dont know why...and honestly, I dont care all that much :D Nostre Dame in English. Checked

(and yup Czech is the official lenguage :D)


Oneboredchick> I think your joke hit the language barrier. Notre Dame is French for "Our Lady" but goes untranslated when referring to the cathedral in English. In Prague they may translate it into the local language.(I'm assuming Czech, but I'll admit ignorance)
mage_cat - [mage_cat14 at yahoo dot com]

Re: Sevarious: Yes, Matt, there is definitively that; however, Bad Guys made a point of establishing that he was also "raising so much capital", for some unknown reason. Given this groups tendency to dissect, I was wondering if any particularly good theories or guesses had arisen.
Ian Perez - [doknowbutchie at gmail dot com]

Hum, as I understand both that raving apocalyliptic dude and the cathedral are called either Nostre Dame or Nostradamus- We call the Cathedral Nostredamus here in Prague. But whatever. My point is---dude, Demona may have allied herself with Joan of Arc!!!

The cathedral's name is Notre Dame.
Todd Jensen

lol, dude, the cathedrall.

That reminds me of a joke: How many gargoyles can rest on Nostradamus? Too bad I'm not drunk enough to come up with a punch line.

I also never heard that giant popsicle story. Frankly, I'm a little confused as to why they would build it in the summertime.

Harvester of Eyes - [Minstrel75 at gmail dot com]
"I don't know, I'm making this up as I go." -Indiana Jones

Gargoyles roosted on Nostradamus? Wow, bet he didn't see that one coming. (rimshot)
Jurgan - [jurgan6 at yahoo dot com]

And in some folk french tales, its told that the gargoyles resting on Nostre Damus awoke that night after her execution to kill those that cheer on during her torment.

BISHANSKY - It gets better (or worse, depending on your point of view). In the play, when Joan gets captured by the English (a simplification of history; in real life, she was captured by the Duke of Burgundy's men, who turned her over to the English) and sentenced to be burnt at the stake, her father, an old shepherd, shows up, mourning for her impending execution. Joan says to him "Get lost, you stupid, dirty peasant! I'm not your daughter! I'm of royal birth!" Her father stares at her in shock, then walks off, saying to the English, "Burn that ungrateful brat!" Joan (after claiming that the shepherd was an actor whom the English had hired to make her appear of peasant stock) then urges them to spare her life, and in desperation, claims that she's pregnant - naming first the Dauphin, then one after another of the French nobles as the father, and never mind that she's dynamiting her holy virgin image thereby. She only succeeds in disgusting the English even more. As she's led off to the stake, she places a curse upon them (which probably came true, since not only do the English lose the war with France after her death, but also become embroiled in the Wars of the Roses at home). Given Joan's present image, it's not surprising that "Henry VI Part One" isn't performed very often today.

According to the Old Farmer's Almanac, today was the date, in 2005, of a giant popsicle melting in New York and making an extremely sticky mess. I remember some discussion of that in the comment room then (I even checked up on it in the archives), including someone imagining Elisa having to explain to Goliath why humans are so obsessed with making the biggest of everything.

Todd Jensen

TODD> Actually, I'd love it if Greg interpreted Joan of Arc that way. That's just epic. Much more interesting than the historical schizophrenic, I think.
Greg Bishansky
Demona likes Buffalo Wings.

Not only would Demona after 1057 have been entirely uninterested in making friends with humans (self-interested alliances would be the most she'd go for - to be abandoned once she decided she no longer needed them), but I suspect that Joan of Arc would have probably thought Demona a demon and been unwilling to team up with her (especially since she saw herself on a mission from Heaven, and joining forces with a demon would be certain to compromise that).

Unless, of course, the Joan of Arc of the Gargoyles Universe was more like the one depicted in "Henry VI Part One" than in conventional history, and even Greg Weisman's not *that* much of a Shakespeare buff (not to mention that his take on Macbeth was based more on history than on Shakespeare). In "Henry VI Part One", Shakespeare depicts Joan as a witch in league with the powers of darkness rather than a saint (remember, he was English; even over a hundred and fifty years later, the English were still sore at Joan for turning the tide of the Hundred Years' War against them), only to be abandoned by the demons she's made a deal with in her final battle (they actually appear on stage, refusing to help her even further, despite her desperate pleas). Of course, this *would* fit in with Demona's trait of ditching her human allies once she thinks they've outlived their usefulness that I mentioned above, but I still don't think that Greg would interpret Joan of Arc that way.

Todd Jensen

Oneboredchick: I second. Could Demona have ALLIED with Joan of Arc? Maybe, if she saw a good reason to. But alliances and friendships are two different things.
Harvester of Eyes - [Minstrel75 at gmail dot com]
"I don't know, I'm making this up as I go." -Indiana Jones

Sevarius' true agenda? See my signature. Science, money and drama. I think he does things out of curiosity, but mostly he is doing things for whomever is paying... and having fun doing it.
Matt - [ewoks11 at hotmail dot com]
"For science, which, as my associate Fang indicated, must move ever forward. Plus there's the money... and I do love the drama!" -Sevarius, 'Louse'

A teenage girl with a DeviantART account? No wait...

In a more serious note, what are some of the established theories on Sevarius' true agenda? We got some tantalizing hints in "Bad Guys" #3, but the plot thread kinda got dropped in favor of the Falstaff/Illuminati bit.

Ian Perez - [doknowbutchie at gmail dot com]

ONEBOREDCHICK> <<Wouldnt it be cool Demona befriend Joan of Arc>>

I don't think Demona befriended ANY humans after 1057. She may have on occasion allied with a human when it suited her needs and plans. But actual friendship? Remember who we're talking about here.

Greg Bishansky
Demona likes Buffalo Wings.

Supermorff> Yeah, given the lack of mothers I couldn't see Staghart bringing more than 2-3 eggs from London and/or Angela bringing more than 2-3 eggs from Avalon. Combined with Artus, an egg from Boudicca and possibly Brook's third egg, we could have half a dozen or more eggs in the 2018 rookery!

Ugh, the layers of speculation there make me cringe, but it is fun to think about. Another thing to consider is that over the next century the Manhattan Clan will have to grow pretty large because Samson's generation (2158) apparently had many eggs in it, the new Wyvern Clan is largely founded as a spin-off from the Manhattan Clan, the New Camelot Clan probably has members originating in Manhattan and they still have many eggs to provide to the Liberty Clan in 2198.

Matt - [ewoks11 at hotmail dot com]
"For science, which, as my associate Fang indicated, must move ever forward. Plus there's the money... and I do love the drama!" -Sevarius, 'Louse'

I just read on ask greg "I doubt Demona was around. Maybe in France during the Joan of Arc years." Wouldnt it be cool Demona befriend Joan of Arc and her ultimate fath fulled her rage even more :O Thats some pretty cool idea for a finc!!

Matt> I totally agree - and that's exactly what I was going for when I mentioned the Arthurian naming scheme. (Hadn't considered the Avalon possibility, though, but I like it.) The only thing that bugged me was why WOULDN'T any of the gargs in that rookery have been named Lancelot or Gwenyvere? The only thing I could think was that very few eggs had actually gone to that rookery - as you said, there's a shortage of mothers, so maybe they wanted to start out slow. But which names would have been used for that first generation? Besides Gawain and Bedivere, which you already mentioned, I wondered if one might have been named after Merlin (suitably amended in the style of Artus and Gwenyvere). Myrlyn? Myrddin? ... Emrys?

Supermorff> Ha! I love how you are almost certain about something you also admit you have no real evidence to support. Sounds like me last week.

I've had thoughts along the same lines as you about the London Clan and their eggs. I imagine other full clans have the same issue as the London Clan and have probably adopted a similiar solution. It wouldn't surprise me if the Ishimura, New Olympus, Pukhan, Loch Ness and Xanadu Clans were doing something similiar. And yeah the 2198 document indicates that healthy, full clans will help out those who are struggling, so I'm sure the Manhattan Clan will end up being pretty diverse in its racial makeup.

What I wonder is how much things will have changed in Manhattan by 2008-2018. As it stands now, if I were a member of the London Clan or any other, I'd be hesitant to send some eggs to Manhattan. First of all, there are a lack of mothers. The only gargoyles we know that'll be around to nurse the hatchlings will be Angela and Katana. How many young mouths can they feed? How many hatchlings are the Manhattan Clan willing to take on? Secondly, I'd worry about the environment. The London Clan lives in secrecy. Hidden at Knight's Spur. The humans in London who know of them seem friendly enough, but I doubt any of them know of Knight's Spur. But in Manhattan, gargoyles have been revealed to the world, there are widespread rumors of exactly where the clan lives and an active gargoyle hunting organization is based there. Would you be willing to send your hatchlings there? I'm sure the London Clan would trust the Manhattan Clan to do all they could to protect the young, but still. For these reasons, I certainly can't see the London Clan sending a third of their eggs there!

If there are more eggs than Artus and possibly Brook/Katana's third egg in the 2018 rookery I have a few thoughts about where they would come from:

- I tend to agree with Greg Bishansky's guess that Staghart will eventually join the Manhattan Clan. Perhaps he'll bring a few eggs with him.

- I can see Katana reestablishing contact with the modern Ishimura Clan, or at least with Yama. This interaction could lead to Ishimura sending a few eggs to Manhattan.

- I think the most likely scenario however is Avalon. I'm pretty sure Greg has said that Broadway and Angela would eventually visit the island. When they return, I can see them coming back with a few eggs. The time-lag on the island could lead to a massive population boom so I'm sure the Avalon Clan would be happy to send some eggs to their sister clan in the real world. It should be worth noting that any eggs remaining on Avalon will take quite some time to hatch. An egg laid in 2008 wouldn't hatch til 2248! However, the females may go on to lay more clutches of eggs before the first ones have hatched! So there could be LOTS of eggs on Avalon, numerous generations all in the egg at once. Surely, they'd realize that sending some of these eggs into the real world would more quickly boost the worldwide gargoyle population. Anyway, the fact that it would be Angela taking some eggs would surely comfort the Avalon Clan. Also, I think Boudicca will have joined the Manhattan Clan at some point and she and Bronx will have an egg in the 2018 rookery as well.

A final note to this long-winded post concerning naming. Something Supermorff said and a thought I had while writing this is the Arthurian naming scheme we'll see for Broadway and Angela's three biological kids. Some fans have assumed that this indicates that Angela and Broadway named their three kids specifically leading them to think that they were not being raised communally. Here's a creativity demon: Eggs from Avalon and London join the egg containing Artus in the 2018 rookery. Due to the London naming scheme (Arthurian) and the link of Arthur to Avalon, ALL the Manhattan Clan's eggs are named after Arthurian characters. So perhaps Artus has rookery siblings named Gawain, Cay, Bedivere, etc. Of Avalon and London ancestry. This tradition would continue with the 2038 and 2058 generations at least as more Avalonian eggs are brought in to boost the clan's numbers.

I'll shut up now. I can't help it, I love this stuff. Would love to hear other thoughts.

Matt - [ewoks11 at hotmail dot com]
"For science, which, as my associate Fang indicated, must move ever forward. Plus there's the money... and I do love the drama!" -Sevarius, 'Louse'

Phil - [p1anderson at go dot com]

9 at 9
Anthony Tini

I shall be a counterpart to Jurgan.

2^3; ah, I miss summer break.

Brainiac - [OSUBrainiac at gmail dot com]
There is balance in all things. Live in symmetry with the world around you. If you must blow things up and steal from those around you, THAT'S WHAT RPGS ARE FOR!

7th (first time ever in a countdown)

Matt> "I think it is pretty clear that 'Egwardo' will be the only egg in the Manhattan Clan's 1998 rookery, but I wonder about the 2018 rookery. Will there be a single egg (Artus) in that generation as well?"

I'm almost entirely certain (with no evidence to back this up) that the Manhattan 2018 rookery will have some eggs from the London Clan in there, and possibly other clans as well. We know London have been limiting the number of eggs per generation by forcibly separating couples - but why do that when you could entrust a third of your eggs to another clan with a desperate shortage? Also, we know from the 2198 document that healthy clans helped out those with struggling populations.

Plus, it kinda goes some way to explain why some Manhattan gargs have been given Arthurian names, doesn't it?


VickyUK - [vickyfanofwwe at aol dot com]


Ah, I love summer break.

Jurgan - [jurgan6 at yahoo dot com]

Matt - [ewoks11 at hotmail dot com]
"For science, which, as my associate Fang indicated, must move ever forward. Plus there's the money... and I do love the drama!" -Sevarius, 'Louse'

...And I was a second late in posting. Make that third.
Paul - [nampahcfluap at yahoo dot com]

Give me a second to post this...
Paul - [nampahcfluap at yahoo dot com]

Geez, I haven't been in here in forever. A couple months of 78-hour work weeks will do that to you.

Anyway, second!

"Come along. You belong. Feel the fizz."

"The suspense is terrible, I hope it lasts" -- Willy Wonka