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The Phoenix Gate

Comment Room Archive

Comments for the week ending August 2, 2010

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I only got 58/78, but I got all of season one and half of TGC. :( I gotta watch 'em again!

I agree, you should change TCG to the Cannon trade/comic eps.

Battle Beast - [Canada]
I have started a movie challenge whereby I am wtching all 475 Best Picture nominees and winners in 365 days. I am on Day #144 and movie #169... wish me luck!

Matt: LOL, that would be an honor.

Greg X: The TGC trick is by design. If this quiz ever gets more popular then I'll probably have to remove it for professionalism's sake, but at this point I think I'm allowed to have a little fun with it. :)

Anyway, I'm going to get started on the characters quiz now. It will be a fairly comprehensive, 20-minute marathon, so get ready to put on your thinking caps!

Masterdramon - [kmc12009 at mymail dot pomona dot edu]
"Meet the new boss, same as the old boss!" - Roger Daltrey of The Who

Greg B> I meant Greg W.
Matt - [ewoks11 at hotmail dot com]
"For science, which, as my associate Fang indicated, must move ever forward. Plus there's the money... and I do love the drama!" -Sevarius, 'Louse'

I got 68 out of 78. Considering I haven't regularly watched the show since 2001, I think I did pretty well. It's the avalon eps I had the most trouble with.

MATT> Ask and you shall receive. Here are my results:


As for the TGC titles, I just typed in [SPOILER] "Crap" [/SPOILER] and they all came up. LOL!

Greg Bishansky - [<----- Make a real "Gargoyles" movie, Disney!]
Make a real "Gargoyles" movie, Disney!

Masterdramon> You could've just called it Gargoyles canon titles or the like... Anyway, very fun quiz.

I got 68. I was kinda dissapointed in that. Of the ten I missed half were TGC and the remaining five were all in Season 2. Pendragon and Sanctuary pissed me off because I knew the episode and knew the title, but couldn't remember the name because of the pressure of the ticking clock. Also missed Lighthouse, Double Jeopardy and Revelations...

I'd like to see Greg take this quiz.

Matt - [ewoks11 at hotmail dot com]
"For science, which, as my associate Fang indicated, must move ever forward. Plus there's the money... and I do love the drama!" -Sevarius, 'Louse'

L.T. Williams: I did consider doing just that, but what would you call that quiz? "Gargoyles Episodes (Except for Season 3) and Issues of the Gargoyles Comic Book"? Just doesn't really work.

I think that, if anything, I'll do the comic issue names in their own, separate quiz.

Masterdramon - [kmc12009 at mymail dot pomona dot edu]
"Meet the new boss, same as the old boss!" - Roger Daltrey of The Who

One other thought on the first quiz. What if you ditched the non-canon Chronicles and redid the quiz using the canon titles from the trades instead?
L.T. Williams

Good news: thanks to all the plays today, this quiz can finally now be found through the Sporcle search feature.

...Admittedly it requires the search terms "Disney episode" or "Disney season," but still, progress! XD

Blaise: Yeah, Sporcle does that with acronyms that include periods; the first two letters are sufficient to guess the whole word. The only way to avoid this would be to remove the periods from the title and make it "MIA," but I tried that and it looks kind of odd, so I think I'll just leave it as is.

Anyway, I think I'll start the characters quiz fairly soon, though I'd appreciate the feedback on a few issues:

1) I'm thinking of putting it in three columns - humans, gargates, and Oberon's Children. But where should half-breeds like Fox or the New Olympians fit in?

2) I'd also like some advice as to what clue would be most useful to add for each entry. I'm currently leaning toward episode/issue that they made their first appearance. Any thoughts?

Masterdramon - [kmc12009 at mymail dot pomona dot edu]
"Meet the new boss, same as the old boss!" - Roger Daltrey of The Who

60/65, or 68/78 (do we really count TGC?). I had trouble with the world tour, but found a few by just going through the list of continents. I forgot Outfoxed (one of my favorites- d'oh!), Upgrade, Pendragon, New Olympians (two spinoffs- how'd I miss those!), and Mark of the Panther, which I thought of but couldn't remember the name.

Bishansky: Hope you don't mind, but I quoted a bit of your "Animation Realities 101" spiel in a conversation yesterday about Avatar (the animated show, not the Cameron movie). I dropped a link, so maybe you'll get a couple hits.

Jurgan - [jurgan6 at yahoo dot com]

****A strange sound is heard. Suddenly, a large blue box materializes in the Comment Room. It resembles a British "Police" box from the mid-20th Century or so. The door opens, and Blaise steps out, saying "Thanks for the lift!" As soon as the door is closed again, the sound resumes, and the Police Box vanishes.**** Hey all! Been catching up with Doctor Who. And I do mean "catching up"--I'm working my way through the whole classic series (I'm currently on Season 10 of 26).

QUIZ> I got all 78 within 5 minutes and 10 seconds (and I didn't even use the short-cut for the TGC titles). Not too hard, seeing as how "type in the names of Gargoyles episodes" was how I would keep myself occupied during slow times at the registration desk of various trade shows I've worked. I was a bit surprised when I started to type in "The Mirror" and the quiz read it as "M.I.A.". Oh, well.
Now, if it had asked for the 11 titles of the Marvel comics run...then I would have been in trouble.

And...that's really all I had to say right now. Until next time! ****Blaise whistles and a large golden dragon appears outside the Comment Room window. Blaise climbs aboard the dragon and steers it off into the sky.****


PATRICK> Ah yes, you're right. That being said, considering that two, almost three months passed since then in the timeline, I think Castaway reigned it in a little.
Greg Bishansky - [<----- Make a real "Gargoyles" movie, Disney!]
Make a real "Gargoyles" movie, Disney!

Greg > At the very least they were committing a trespass onto Elisa's balcony. They certainly had intent to smash.
"A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men." - Willy Wonka

69 out of 78, which is pretty disappointing. And I used the clue too, so it wasn't Chronicles that tripped me up. I got all of Season One. So my blank spots were all Season Two. And I do mean blank spots. Sometimes I could picture the episode and still couldn't think of the title. ("The Mirror"! Hello! What's wrong with me?!) Other episodes like "Sentinel" completely escaped my memory.

But that was fun. Looking forward to the next one! THanks!

L.T. Williams

When have the Quarrymen smashed anyone's private property?
Greg Bishansky - [<----- Make a real "Gargoyles" movie, Disney!]
Make a real "Gargoyles" movie, Disney!

Sorry for the double post, but:

What would really be funny would be if a few of those "statue smashings" turned out to be committed by the owners, who'd had their gargoyle statues insured in advance and made it look as if they'd been smashed by the Quarrymen in order to collect. (With the big question being - will they collect the insurance money or a sentencing for fraud?)

Todd Jensen

I got 78 out of 78.
Todd Jensen

58/78 could have got more, had trouble with the spelling
VickyUK - [vickyfanofwwe at aol dot com]

76 out of 78! Hooray!

[SPOILER] Screw you, New Olympians and Sentinel. [/SPOILER]

Harlan Phoenix - [harlanphoenix at live dot com]

Sorry. Hit shift by accident. It you don't want a reminder of episode titles before you try the quiz, just don't look at the previous post.

Gore, a preview feature for posting would be really nice.

Demonskrye - [<---Going to the movies at The Ink and Pixel Club]

68 of 78. Not too bad considering how long it's been. Got all of season one and all but two of TGC, which is pretty good, considering that I've only seen four episodes of TGC.

Spoiler tags for anyone who hasn't played yet and doesn't want to be reminded of episode titles.

[SPOILER]The ones I missed were Metamorphosis, Eye of the Beholder (headsmack), Vows, Revelations, Double Jeopardy, The Cage, Pendragon (more headsmack), The Reckoning (which I was just discussing this week), A Bronx Tail, and To Serve Mankind.[/SPOILER}

Demonskrye - [<---Going to the movies at The Ink and Pixel Club]

Sorry, meant to address that last part to Rebel, not Harvester.

What I actually meant to say to Harvester Thanks for the input on a possible "Gargoyles" characters quiz. As for your last question, I might include TGC-only characters as bonuses, but I don't think I'll require any of them to be guessed to finish the quiz, considering I plan to call it "Gargoyles Universe Characters" or something of the sort.

Masterdramon - [kmc12009 at mymail dot pomona dot edu]
"Meet the new boss, same as the old boss!" - Roger Daltrey of The Who

Thanks to everyone that's giving the quiz a shot! Sincerely. :)

Harvester: I have constructed the quiz so that all of the episodes following "The Journey" can be gotten at once if you type in one of two words that describes their overall quality. Here are a few further hints:

1) They are both four-letter words.

2) They both contain three consonants and one vowel.

3) They are both slang terms for the same object.

4) Both are considered generally vulgar; the first cannot be said on children's television, and the second can't even be said on primetime television.

With these hints, I'm certain that you'll arive upon one of the correct words eventually. ;)

Masterdramon - [kmc12009 at mymail dot pomona dot edu]
"Meet the new boss, same as the old boss!" - Roger Daltrey of The Who

I got 74/78. Missied "Sentinel", "Walkabout". "A Bronx Tail", and "To Serve Mankind"
Adam - [carl006_1999 at yahoo dot com]

I also got all 78!
gargoyleslady - [kendal dot renfro at yahoo dot com]

Got all 78! It was close, though. Took me about ten minutes.

Masterdramon: If you wanted to make another quiz, it would probably be simplest just to do the three races. Otherwise, you'd have the clan, Main Allies, Main Enemies, Incidental Characters, and so on. Just out of curiosity, would you include TGC Characters in that?

Todd: From what little we've seen of Castaway in the comic, they probably won't be spending a lot of time committing petty vandalism. He demonstrated some very sound judgment in Clan Building #3, and his commercial in Bad Guys #3 had a very "support group" feel to it, like he's continuing to try to attract everyday people instead of hired goons.

Harvester of Eyes - [Minstrel75 at gmail dot com]
"Oh, but it's a clever tin can!" -Demona ("The Reckoning")

I got 64/78.

But I'm still puzzled as to how this clue is helpful:
"[NOTE: If you're having trouble with the TCG episode names, try describing them collectively with a single, possibly colorful word. ;D]"

Huh? I'm sure once someone explains it to me, I'll be like, "D'oh!"

Gargoyles Movie - [Rebel (trying to help with Google bombing)]

Odd, my Ask Greg question didn't make it though approval. I asked if Nashville was named after any of the incarnations of the USS Nashville. I know it sounds a bit like a story idea, but it's rather obvious Greg decided the matter over a decade ago.
mage_cat - [mage_cat14 at yahoo dot com]

Margot and the Quarrymen> While Margot hasn't been a very sympathetic character so far, I'd like to think that she would be a little wary of the Quarrymen, at least initially. It's point out, I think by Greg Weisman himself among others, that what Margot wants to do with the gargoyles is rather tame compared to what the Quarrymen would like to do with them. She might have some sympathy for the idea of ordinary citizens protecting their homes and families from a sudden threat, especially if she concludes that the authorities aren't doing a good enough job of it themselves. But as an assistant D.A., she probably has some respect for the rule of law, enough that a gang of people in masks carting around weaponry and not answering to any authority but themselves would make her uneasy. They may not have done anything worse than destruction of private property (if that) yet, but my theory is that Margot would still want to keep an eye on them and make sure their actions stay within the realm of self defense and don't cross over into endangering the public.

Ask Greg> I got my question answered, and it's a very interesting answer. I wonder if it's as simple as DC was considering some kind of Wonder Woman project that never materialized and wanted to keep Wonder Girl free for that. Or maybe there was an actual fight over the rights to Wonder Girl, though my friend who is very into DC comics didn't know anything about it. Anyway, it sounds like the rights are cleared up now, so if the show goes on long enough, and appearance by Wonder Girl is a definite possibility.

Demonskrye - [<---Going to the movies at The Ink and Pixel Club]

Todd> As that was a deleted scene, it might not be relevant any more. Also, did the scene show that Chavez made the decision to appoint Matt to the GTF, or was the possibility open that she received orders from higher up?

Todd, it would depend how they go about carrying out their hunt. If the Not-so-Itty-Bitty Kitty Huntin' Committee were shooting people's domestic cats "just in case" like the Quarrymen seem inclined to do with people's rooftop statuary... they're probably be some uproar before long.
"A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men." - Willy Wonka

My days of memorizing long lists of titles ended when I stopped attending parochial school. Still waiting for the day when knowing all the books of the Bible in order is gonna pay off.
"A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men." - Willy Wonka

BISHANSKY - I had also expected the mayoral race in "Ransom" to be a seasonal arc (kind of like Senator Kelly running for President in the first season of the FOX animated "X-Men" series), and was disappointed when it turned into a one-shot event.

Would the Quarrymen hunting gargoyles be considered vigilantism by the law in 1996/7? At this point, almost everyone believes that the gargoyles are just weird monsters rather than an intelligent species with its own culture. Unfortunately, I don't know enough about New York law to know whether, if, say, Manhattan was invaded by a group of mountain lions or other large predators, it would be considered vigilantism for a group of people to form an organization to hunt them down.

I've earlier speculated that the Illuminati might have arranged for Matt to become the head of the Gargoyle Task Force in the hopes that his cautious approach towards the gargoyles (because he knows what they're really like) could be exploited to encourage more people to join the Quarrymen: nothing like convincing the public that the police aren't going to do anything (or at least, not enough) about a situation like this one to persuade them to take matters into their own hands. The main problem with this speculation at present is that, in one of the deleted scenes from "Hunter's Moon Part Three" (which appeared in the Radio Play at the 2001 Gathering), Chavez assigned the role to Matt, and I don't think she's one of the Illuminati.

Todd Jensen

Nice to hear that the quiz is being enjoyed. And I have now added both of those as alternate answers, Ian, as well as a few other slight mistakes that I consider to be reasonable ones.
Masterdramon - [kmc12009 at mymail dot pomona dot edu]
"Meet the new boss, same as the old boss!" - Roger Daltrey of The Who

Dammit. Only 52/78. Unsurprisingly, most of the ones I didn't get were a TGC titles, plus a handful of world tour episodes. A couple I didn't get because of the wrong articles/prepositions or puns--I kept trying to insert "Long Way 'Til Morning" and "A Bronx's Tale". The biggest surprise is that I completely forgot about "The Mirror".
Ian Perez - [doknowbutchie at gmail dot com]

Masterdramon> Just took the quiz. Very cool! I got 67 out of 78, although I only managed to get the TGC eps with your very helpful clue!

Adam: Well, the Illuminati isn't a homogeneous organization by any means. I'm sure that different members have different intentions as to the gargoyles, even at the higher levels...Peredur for example might be more sympathetic (if what fans have surmised about King Arthur's relationship with English gargs at Camelot holds true), while Duval, if he was indeed once Brother Valmont, probably doesn't feel particularly charitable to the species as a whole.

But the key point is gathering power in order to avert the imminent disaster in 2198...whatever course of action they believe to be most useful in accomplishing that goal is likely to be the one that the Illuminati is taking.

By the way, is anyone in this CR familiar with Sporcle.com? It's a user-created quiz website on all manners of everything.

A few months ago I made a quiz for all of the "Gargoyles" episodes, which I present as a small challenge for anyone who thinks they can name them all from memory. Plus, if we can raise the number of plays to triple digits, we can get it more widely recognized (currently "gargoyles" isn't even an active search term on the site, as my quiz is the only one in existence for the show) and perhaps rekindle a few Sporcle fans' memories.

If anyone wants to give it a shot, here's a link:


If this one becomes successful, I'm thinking of doing a quiz for "Gargoyles" characters as well, though I'd like some input as to how to organize them. Separate columns for the three sentient races, perhaps?

[NOTE: If you're having trouble with the TCG episode names, try describing them collectively with a single, possibly colorful word. ;D]

Masterdramon - [kmc12009 at mymail dot pomona dot edu]
"Meet the new boss, same as the old boss!" - Roger Daltrey of The Who

ah yes. The Illuminati and there misterious motives. Makes me wonder what there goal for the Gargoyles actually is. Guess it pays to have friends in high places.
Adam - [carl006_1999 at yahoo dot com]

ADAM: I am sure the Quarrymen have permits for those weapons. Castaway's All Seeing Associates could easily get him those.

Were there any witnesses to that? I don't think so. Besides, have you ever been to Manhattan? It's so loud there, you're not going to hear a gun firing a couple hundred feet up.

Greg Bishansky - [<----- Make a real "Gargoyles" movie, Disney!]
Make a real "Gargoyles" movie, Disney!

Greg - Only if he tries to sell mustache rides without first obtaining the proper permit to operate an amusement facility from the City of New York.
"A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men." - Willy Wonka

I just thought of something. Didn't the Quarrymen fire machine guns in downtown Manhattan. I know there is some controversies regarding gun laws in this country, but I am pretty sure mounting machine guns on a helocoptor and firing it within city limits is illegal.
Adam - [carl006_1999 at yahoo dot com]

Antiyonder: I am indeed aware that "Runaways" was originally derived from the backdoor-pilot for "Timedancer" that Greg adapted in the final comic arc.

However, the piss-poor attempt at a Brooklyn character story was only half of that episode. The other half was, as I stated before, something that I'd be interested in Greg's take on: a story about the homeless underground, from their perspective rather than the Manhattan Clan's.

I think that one of my few complaints about the original series was that we didn't get enough episodes that focused on more mundane threats, like street and gang violence; there were only a small handful, and all of them involved Dracon in some way. I'm all for supervillains, robots, and Norse Gods, but I think that the show somewhat lost a balance between the two in the post-"Avalon" episodes (though "Turf" helped to regain it somewhat).

Masterdramon - [kmc12009 at mymail dot pomona dot edu]
"Meet the new boss, same as the old boss!" - Roger Daltrey of The Who

PATRICK> Is Castaway's mustache illegal?
Greg Bishansky - [<----- Make a real "Gargoyles" movie, Disney!]
Make a real "Gargoyles" movie, Disney!

Masterdramon> We've already seen Greg's version of Runaways in Gargoyles Clan Building Volume 2 (#10-12 to be exact).
Antiyonder - [antiyonder at yahoo dot com]
Algernon's comment about Norman Osborn: One of the neat things about Dark Reign is that it gives Osborn the chance to expand his horizons beyond tormenting a twenty nine year old who still lives with his mom.

ADAM> With all due respect to my fellow staff members on it, TGS mishandled the Quarrymen as well. Turned them into the TGC Quarrymen very fast, and then there was that story about a conflict between two brothers that were NOT Jason and Jon.
Greg Bishansky - [<----- Make a real "Gargoyles" movie, Disney!]
Make a real "Gargoyles" movie, Disney!

Greg B- Excellent points. Actually, I am not thinking of TGC, I am more think the fanfiction The Gargoyles Saga. I have read most of them more times than I have seen TGC. So I am thinking more along those lines of a quick defeat for the Quarrymen rather than a long one. Castaway probably believes that he has a long fight ahead of him. Unlike his sister, I think he is still blinded by his old thinking about Gargoyles and how they are demons and the like. And I wonder how much he knows about the other clans around the world. Robyn knows there is not a clan is Tokyo yet doesn't seemed surprised to see a Gargoyle of Japanese descent. That makes me think that she has found out about Gargoyles from someone after the events of "Hunter's Moon". If they had known before hand about a clan in Japan, they might have headed that way instead of Manhattan. Then again, we know nothing about the Canmore siblings between 1980 and 1996.
Adam - [carl006_1999 at yahoo dot com]

On the subject of "good ideas that the TGC writers had but squandered in execution," I rather liked the concept of Sevarius trying to combine all of the Clan's DNA into one "super-clone;" it wouldn't surprise me if this is one of the experiments he's planning to try with the samples he collected from Thailog in Bash.

Of course, hopefully the canon version will look a little less ridiculous than "Little Anton."

I also thought that the subject matter of "Runaways" had potential; while the homeless underground has been depicted several times (literally) in the Labyrinth, we've never really seen things from their perspective in canon. And Radar could be an interesting one-shot villain...in the hands of a competant writer.

Alright...that's about all I've got. Hard to sing even limited praise of those episodes for long.

Masterdramon - [kmc12009 at mymail dot pomona dot edu]
"Meet the new boss, same as the old boss!" - Roger Daltrey of The Who

Flying helicopters is not illegal. Wearing hoods, while a fashion faux pas, is not illegal, either.
"A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men." - Willy Wonka

ADAM> <<wearing hoods that look like the KKK, can't be good for there public image.>>

And yet, people of all backgrounds and ethnic groups are joining. He's not discriminating against human beings. Keep in mind where the public currently is on gargoyles.

He's doing nothing illegal, outside of that first night.

As far as we've seen, no one's said anything about the hoods yet. Now, I'm sure someone will, Greg is too good a writer to ignore that. But, this is not the Goliath Chronicles.

We don't know what Margot thinks about the Quarrymen. But, if Castaway is smart, and we know he is, he's going to want an ally in the local government. Margot just might be that ally.

Greg Bishansky - [<----- Make a real "Gargoyles" movie, Disney!]
Make a real "Gargoyles" movie, Disney!

Greg B- So far there actions have not been very public. But flighing helocoperts in Manhattan and wearing hoods that look like the KKK, can't be good for there public image.
Adam - [carl006_1999 at yahoo dot com]

ADAM> What have the Quarrymen done that is so terrible? Publicly, I mean. They haven't done much except maintain a presence on Halloween in their hoods, but without their hammers.

Castaway has been making commercials encouraging people to come talk to them, to recruit people.

But aside from the attack on Goliath and Elisa, which was not at all public, I have to ask... what vigilante actions? They haven't done anything that would give Margot, or anyone else, a reason to pause.

Just forget about those stupid "Chronicles."

Greg Bishansky - [<----- Make a real "Gargoyles" movie, Disney!]
Make a real "Gargoyles" movie, Disney!

I wonder how Margot feels about the Quarrymen. On one hand, they are targeting Gargoyles, who she detests. On the other, as the assistant DA she probably is against how the Quarrymen go about their buisness. My guess is that she does not approve of vigilante actions (which, ironically, includes the Gargoyles, who vowed to protect Manhattan).
Adam - [carl006_1999 at yahoo dot com]

MICHAEL> I'm sure Castaway believes his intentions to be good. We're not talking about the terrible way he was depicted in TGC.
Greg Bishansky - [<----- Make a real "Gargoyles" movie, Disney!]
Make a real "Gargoyles" movie, Disney!

The r4eason the Quarrymen seemed to be all mercenary henchmen was because they were the ones willing to take on the gargoyles head on.

It is plausible while the rank and file are simply scared people with good intentions, Castaway's inner circle would not.

Michael Ejercito - [mejercit at hotmail dot com]

ADAM> Yes, Margot would fill such a role quite nicely. And I guarantee you she wouldn't be committing crimes to do it.
Greg Bishansky - [<----- Make a real "Gargoyles" movie, Disney!]
Make a real "Gargoyles" movie, Disney!

ALGERNON> <<The only way I can see the West Coast Quarrymen plan making any sense was if their real goal was to get celebrity endorsement for their organisation. Maybe convince Tom Cruise that the Gargoyles are really agents of Lord Xenu or something.>>

I was about to say that Mel Gibson would make a great Quarrmany, since he hates everyone and that would include gargoyles. Then I remembered that he hates everyone and probably wouldn't like that Castaway doesn't discriminate against any human ethnic groups.

Greg Bishansky - [<----- Make a real "Gargoyles" movie, Disney!]
Make a real "Gargoyles" movie, Disney!

Greg B- I believe there is already a character in place who could potentially fill that role: Margot Yale
Adam - [carl006_1999 at yahoo dot com]

ADAM> A politician running on an anti-gargoyle platform is a good idea. Too bad it was executed in such an immature, simplistic, and completely divorced from reality manner. When I first saw that episode, I expected a season long background arc out of that, and we got a done in one episode, one dimensional episode.

I'd love to see Weisman take a crack at an anti-gargoyle politician. I'm sure we'd get a mature and compelling story out of it.

Greg Bishansky - [<----- Make a real "Gargoyles" movie, Disney!]
Make a real "Gargoyles" movie, Disney!

Alex was supposedly to be held for ransom, the ransom being a gargoyle - without the kidnappers considering, apparently, that if they could so easily break through Xanatos's defences to capture his son, they could equally easily break into the Eyrie Building to capture the whole clan.
Todd Jensen

Because Bob Do(y)le said so and what Bob Do(y)le wants, Bob Do(y)le gets!
"A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men." - Willy Wonka

Not that the episode was great, but...was it ever objectively confirmed that the only gargoyles in the United States were the Manhattan Clan? I mean, would the Quarrymen actually know that?

Granted I haven't seen the episode in about a thousand years or so, so I might be misremembering. And I have no intentions of watching it myself. But I can kind of see the logic in the Quarrymen wanting to expand. I'm pretty sure the modern Hunters didn't know about more gargoyles at all until, like, Hunter's Moon.

Harlan Phoenix - [harlanphoenix at live dot com]

ADAM> <<Speaking of "Ransom", did they ever say why the Alexander was kidnapped?>>

Because it was stupid? I think that's why.

Greg Bishansky - [<----- Make a real "Gargoyles" movie, Disney!]
Make a real "Gargoyles" movie, Disney!

One of the very few things that I actually liked in TGC was in "Ransom" when a politician tried to run for mayor on an anit-Gargoyle platform. We have not only seen that before in fiction (Senator Kelly from X-men), but in real life. In 1948, Strob Thurmond, the Govenor of South Carolina at the time, ran for President of the United States on as a segregationist. He later served as Senator as well. So it is not out of the realm of posibility of someone in political power taking an anti-Gargoyle stance to get elected.

Speaking of "Ransom", did they ever say why the Alexander was kidnapped?

Adam - [carl006_1999 at yahoo dot com]

I'd noticed the pointlessness of opening a Quarryman chapter on the West Coast as well. Maybe they would provide financial support and other contributions that wouldn't require being in New York City, but I suspect that it was another case of the writers not thinking things out carefully (again, I think that the real problem with "The Goliath Chronicles" wasn't a new team, but being written too quickly - a lot of the plotholes in the series are ones which you wouldn't need to be a "Gargoyles" fan to catch).

For that matter, I wonder whether the Quarrymen as depicted in "The Goliath Chronicles" would even find it that good an idea to attract new members just by playing on the public's fears. No matter how frightened people are that the gargoyles will attack them and their families, I think they'd have their doubts about joining an organization that hires notorious felons to do its dirty work, fires heavy artillery in downtown Manhattan, and attacks passenger trains. Only people with an utter lack of moral scruples would stay with such a group for long. (Small wonder that nearly all the Quarrymen in "The Goliath Chronicles" seemed to be paramilitary henchmen rather than frightened and duped citizens.)

Of course, that decision probably isn't so surprising; I suspect that the new production team may have felt that it would make things easier to have the Quarrymen being straight-out villains so as to keep the conflict between them and the gargoyles simple and easy - no misguided people with good intentions (once Vinnie quits in "The Journey") - just more of the same crooks whom the gargoyles have been battling ever since they took an oath to protect the city.

Todd Jensen

I honestly don't think Xanatos and Fox would be the best allies the gargoyles could have in terms of their relations with humans. Look at where the gargoyles are now, they are under his roof, depending on him. Which is pretty much what he wanted as far back as "Awakening."

Yeah, there was his "introduce them in small steps" plan in "Invitation Only," but I'm sure he's got his own purposes as well.

Just remember, he doesn't do anything unless it benefits him as well. He's not altruistic.

Greg Bishansky - [<----- Make a real "Gargoyles" movie, Disney!]
Make a real "Gargoyles" movie, Disney!

If Xanatos and Fox had been true to form, Plan A would have been taking Broadway to the west coast and a Plan B would have played out simultaneously by sending Angela to be interviewed on the Howard Stern Show.

I'm guessing the title "Broadway Goes to Hollywood" was supposed to somehow emulate "Mr. Smith Goes to Washington"... though even that may be giving the writers too much credit.

"A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men." - Willy Wonka

I'll say this for Broadway Goes To Hollywood; Jackal & Hyena were used pretty effectively and even scored a few intentional laughs. They're probably the only members of the clan's original rogue's gallery to escape TGC with their dignity intact.
Make a REAL "Gargoyles" movie, Disney!

Vis-a-vis "Broadway Goes Hollywood," keep in mind that "least terrible" doesn't necessarily equate to "good." It was still atrociously executed...but it didn't make me angry like "Ransom" or "...And Justice For All" or "Generations" all did.

Algernon: Perhaps they somehow learned of the Labyrinth Clan's names and decided that was proof positive of a Clan in SoCal. XD

Masterdramon - [kmc12009 at mymail dot pomona dot edu]
"Meet the new boss, same as the old boss!" - Roger Daltrey of The Who

Greg X> If the mental images are that bad, you could always try thinking back on your own horrific bit of Gargoyles/Cheers crossover fiction to try and drown them out...

Landon> If you want some sampling of McCartney's abilities as a voice actor, he voiced Roxas for Kingdom Hearts II & 358/2 Days and he's the voice for Ventus in the upcoming KH title on the PSP, Birth By Sleep.

Brainiac - [OSUBrainiac at gmail dot com]
There is balance in all things. Live in symmetry with the world around you. If you must blow things up and steal from those around you, THAT'S WHAT RPGS ARE FOR!

GREG B> I wasn't too surprised by the "frame Broadway/use endangered innocents as bait for the gargs" aspects of the plan. That's just par the course for the TGC Quarrymen and their unmotivated dedication to vaguely generic, g-rated evilness.

What I found odd was the Quarrymen's goal of establishing a west coast branch. Seriously? There are a grand total of 14 gargoyles living in North America and almost every last one of them lives on the opposite end of the continent. Then why the Hell do the Quarrymen need a West Coast Branch? Are the L.A. based Quarrymen going to have to charter a plane when they go garg hunting? Are they afraid Goliath's going to fly over two and a half thousand miles just to eat their babies? It's like starting an anti-Inuit hate group in freaking Cyprus.

The only way I can see the West Coast Quarrymen plan making any sense was if their real goal was to get celebrity endorsement for their organisation. Maybe convince Tom Cruise that the Gargoyles are really agents of Lord Xenu or something.

Make a REAL "Gargoyles" movie, Disney!

Masterdramon - Yeah, you're right. I forgot to check the old CCI articles. I'm glad Robin at least will be voiced by someone new to the genre.
Landon Thomas - [<- Gargoyles News Twitter Feed]

It probably couldn't be called a showdown, but Fox did fight against the Pack in "Upgrade."

Granted, she used the Manhattan Clan to do it, and it was only a friendly chess game to her and Xanatos.

Paul - [nampahcfluap at yahoo dot com]

Landon: Well, yeah, but we've known that since Comic-Con at least (the accompanying press release revealed the VAs for the entire principal Young Justice team). I'm reserving judgment on that until I actually hear him in the role...

Fans of the older Teen Titans series, however, will be happy to note that Aqualad will be voiced by Khary Payton, AKA Cyborg.

This does bring up a point that I've been wondering about, though: the character designs of the Justice League shown in the trailer appear to be lifted directly from the direct-to-DVD release Crisis on Two Earths. I'm interested to know if any of the voice cast from the feature will be reprising their roles here: particularly the Flash and Wonder Woman, who were played by (wait for it) Joshua Keaton and Vanessa Marshall, respectively.

Perhaps it's a little early for a mini-Spectacular Spidey reunion, but nevertheless the possiblity interests me.

Masterdramon - [kmc12009 at mymail dot pomona dot edu]
"Meet the new boss, same as the old boss!" - Roger Daltrey of The Who

Jesse McCartney will be playing Robin in Young Justice: http://www.disneydreaming.com/2010/07/29/jesse-mccartney-lends-his-voice-to-young-justice/ I think that pretty much makes him the star. He's in that boy-band/Disney-heartthrob milieu.
Landon Thomas - [<- Gargoyles News Twitter Feed]

Oh, and I almost forgot why I came in here to post. Obviously this is going to get kicked, but...

It just amazes me how some people believe they can submit ideas to him. Do they not read the rules? Do they not care?


Brian Bartoccini writes...

Well it is me again Greg, but I've forgot to give you other 2 suggestions:
1)A Demona's adventure in the Holocaust
2)Macbeth in the far west: he is in Texas and he tries to stop the bad plans of a group of kkk.
And I forgot an other thing: in my opinion if the DVDs will release in the other countries maybe the sales will increase and there will be a hope for Gargoyles 2 season volume 2.
Hey, on youtube you can see the Gargoyles tv series in italian language, Goliath italian voice is pretty good(he is voiced by Alessandro Rossi)
So Greg goodbye.


The first one really gets me. Not just "suggesting" Demona's adventures in World War II, but specifically, "Demona's adventure in the Holocaust!" Those words alone conjure up some weird mental images. Mental images I would love to get rid of. Ugh.

Greg Bishansky - [<----- Make a real "Gargoyles" movie, Disney!]
Make a real "Gargoyles" movie, Disney!

ADAM> There is only one correct answer to that, I don't like cyanide in my caviar.

I actually couldn't stand "Broadway Goes to Hollywood" either. While the premise doesn't completely suck (but gods, is that title painful), the way it was all executed was beyond hokey.

Not to mention the asinine idea of the Quarrymen hiring Jackal and Hyena to make Broadway look like a dangerous monster. Why would they do that? They already believe he and all the rest are dangerous monsters? It was just as stupid as setting up traps that lure the gargoyles in by having them attempt to rescue someone!

That and why go to Hollywood? Most of these talk shows are filmed in New York.

Aw well, it's all propping up my air conditioner.

Greg Bishansky - [<----- Make a real "Gargoyles" movie, Disney!]
Make a real "Gargoyles" movie, Disney!

I agree. I think aside from the "The Journey", "Broadway Goes to Hollywood" was the most salvagable of TGC. A lot of fans like "Dying of the Light", and it is alright, but 'Hollywood' is better, IMHO. The premise and plot are acceptable, the dialogue is better than most of TGC and everyone is more or less in character. I particularly enjoy the acknowledgement of Broadway and Angela's relationship and Jackal and Hyena's wisecracks. My favorite piece of dialogue in TGC is (going from memory here):

Fox: I see you and your brother will still sell yourselves out to the highest bidder.
Hyena: Hey, we can't all marry billionaires.

That one actually makes me laugh. I hope we get to see a Fox versus The Pack showdown in the canon someday.

Matt - [ewoks11 at hotmail dot com]
"For science, which, as my associate Fang indicated, must move ever forward. Plus there's the money... and I do love the drama!" -Sevarius, 'Louse'

Masterdramon> It didn't help any that "You Scratch My Back" had that weird fog effect that made Catwoman look like her face and eyes are glowing.
Demonskrye - [<---Going to the movies at The Ink and Pixel Club]

Well, anyone who wants to make an immediate judgment on TGC episodes is actually in "luck" as they'll start airing in a little over a week; the Hunter's Moon episodes run August 5th - 7th, so The Journey is on at 4 AM Tuesday August 10th.

As far as the revamped character designs for Batman in the nineties, they certainly made sense in terms of making the animation simpler for the artists. However, they pretty much admitted changing The Joker was a mistake since they basically changed him back in later DCAU series. However, I rather liked the direction they took Penguin which they couldn't do with his Burton-inspired original form. I also preferred the dark-haired Selina Kyle (though the redesign of Catwoman was unimpressive). Of course the breakout villainess, Harley Quinn, didn't really change at all. In general, the removal of the overtly Burton-inspired character designs was something I found beneficial.

Brainiac - [OSUBrainiac at gmail dot com]
There is balance in all things. Live in symmetry with the world around you. If you must blow things up and steal from those around you, THAT'S WHAT RPGS ARE FOR!

Harlan: Pamela's redesign was certainly one of the better-looking ones, though I'm still rather more fond of the realistically hued version from B:TAS.

Overall, I just wasn't a fan of most of them...particularly with the Riddler. Poor Edward was turned from a genuinely suave and intelligent-looking individual into an absolute joke with a bald head and a giant "?" on his chest. And don't get me started on Catwoman.

Adam: As ridiculous as my answer might seem, I think that the least terrible TGC episode was probably "Broadway Goes Hollywood." This is owed mostly to the fact that Fox spends pretty much the entire episode in-character; her plan to increase the Clan's PR and her reaction when it goes awry (pull out a power suit and kick some Jackal and Hyena ass) are far closer to her calculating and manipulative self than that atrocious pile of tears in "Ransom."

Masterdramon - [kmc12009 at mymail dot pomona dot edu]
"Meet the new boss, same as the old boss!" - Roger Daltrey of The Who

Also Poison Ivy. Though I loved the revamped designs in general, myself.
Harlan Phoenix - [harlanphoenix at live dot com]

Brainiac: I do concur with your assessment of the series' respective Scarecrow designs (dear old Professor Crane was one of the very, very few villains whose appearance was actually improved by the character design revamps, the other one being...debatably...Bane).

However, a villain tribute of the length Greg X usually seems to favor would likely require clips from both series; Scarecrow only had two episodes in the New Batman Adventures as I recall, and only appeared during the first few minutes of one of them.

Masterdramon - [kmc12009 at mymail dot pomona dot edu]
"Meet the new boss, same as the old boss!" - Roger Daltrey of The Who

With all this "stimulating" talk of TGC, I would like to pose the question of which of those episodes is the least worst? Sorry, bad english. Or which episode do you think is most worthy of being included in a potential future comic of Gargoyles(after being thoroughly rewriten by Mr. Weisman of course)? Let's not include "the Journey" since it has already been done.
Adam - [carl006_1999 at yahoo dot com]

Masterdramon> You could go with Eg0n P@x if you like; someone came up with that one a while back and got a lot of approval for it. Anyways, I think the Amish boy's name was Matthew (my own middle name...how annoying). Also, I agree with your recommendation for a Scarecrow tribute, but I'd recommend clips from The New Batman Adventures rather that The Animated Series. Let's be honest, neither the original Scarecrow design nor his update within The Animated Series were nearly as frightening as his final design (and the change of voice actor from Henry "Jerry Silver" Polic II to Jeffrey "The Question" Combs didn't hurt either). I mean, seriously, look at the evolution here: http://www.animatedsuperheroes.com/2009/04/pictoral-history-of-scarecrow.html
Brainiac - [OSUBrainiac at gmail dot com]
There is balance in all things. Live in symmetry with the world around you. If you must blow things up and steal from those around you, THAT'S WHAT RPGS ARE FOR!

Brainiac: You're right, my mistake. From now on, I shall call his accursed cliched highness...ummm...Rutabaga. Yeah, that's the ticket.

Though I can't say that he was the most annoying character in TGC for me, unfortunately. I think that honor either goes to that Amish kid in "A Bronx Tail" (I'm sure he has a name, but I don't know nor care about it) or that strange, whiny abomination that decided to replace Fox in "Ransom."

Masterdramon - [kmc12009 at mymail dot pomona dot edu]
"Meet the new boss, same as the old boss!" - Roger Daltrey of The Who

Phoenician> No problem.

Matt and Masterdramon> Between you two, I'm glad I mentioned my thoughts about WW2 and the gargoyle thinking of that event. This speculation of inter-clan and intra-clan warfare is quite intriguing.

However, Masterdramon? Never use the proper spelling of the name of the cursed one. I think Greg X in particular can't take it anymore. Heh.

Brainiac - [OSUBrainiac at gmail dot com]
There is balance in all things. Live in symmetry with the world around you. If you must blow things up and steal from those around you, THAT'S WHAT RPGS ARE FOR!

Greg X: Your story...it amuses me. I suppose the cardboard cutout characters littered throughout those episodes must do a bang-up job at propping things up. Hell, Egon Pax could probably hold up a hundred AC units solely by himself.

Incidentally, I just watched your tribute to the Hunters on YouTube and enjoyed it immensely. Though I think it would've been a nice touch if you had started it out with a short shot of Constantine yelling at Gillecomgain to "Be a hunter for your king!" from Phoenix. It does appear to be the origin of the name, after all.

On that note, I also greatly appreciated your Ra's al Ghul tribute...unsurprising, since he's my favorite villain from any comic universe. If I might be so bold, I'd like to suggest the Scarecrow as a good candidate for your next compilation, now that you seem to have finally got your hands on some decent B:TAS raws.

Masterdramon - [kmc12009 at mymail dot pomona dot edu]
"Meet the new boss, same as the old boss!" - Roger Daltrey of The Who

[SPOILER] Well, keep in mind, in the cartoon (and in the comics) we're only seeing snippets of the characters' lives. It's not like the Manhattan clan saved Elisa/the city/the world every single night. I'm sure there were times where they went days, weeks, or even months without any real action other than foiling common criminals. And I'm sure there have been many instances in Brooklyn's life in Manhattan in which he's taken care of a whole gang of bad guys with little trouble--I'm sure the same is true of all the Gargoyles in the Manhattan clan. But it's just that we don't see those instances in the show because it's not as interesting as the situations in which our heroes have a really tough time foiling their enemies and in which the stakes are much higher.

Brooklyn and Lexington are fine warriors, even if they aren't as tough as Broadway and Goliath most of the time. If if they aren't the *most* skilled warriors in their clan, they're still forces to be reckoned with, and they possess other skills that their clan mates don't have. Broadway doesn't have the aptitude to plan a strategic takeover of the labyrinth, and Goliath can't build a helicopter or disable a security system, for example.

Just my two cents. [/SPOILER]

Gargoyles Movie - [Rebel (trying to help with Google bombing)]

Now that we're talking about it, I wonder how good gargoyles' day vision is. Granted, it's a moot point for anyone but the Mayan clan, but it doesn't seem illogical to think that it would be pretty bad, given that they'd really have no biological use for it. On the other hand, just because they'd have little use for it doesn't mean they can't have it--see "nipples, human male".
Ian Perez - [doknowbutchie at gmail dot com]

NIGHT VISION: IIRC, the retina cells that allow for excellent night vision in dogs and cats, etc. do not provide very high resolution. Thus, for gargoyles to perform up-close human like tasks, perhaps they can retina cells similar to those that provide us with high-resolution vision when provided with enough light (fire? full moon?)

This raises the question, though: can gargoyles see in color?

I have another question, about the end of Clan Building, actually.
[SPOILER] Brooklyn is suddenly a skilled warrior, with a sword no less. I recall him being unsuccessful in his fights in the cartoon, unless he finds a trick or weakness to exploit, such as the mutates' inexperience with three-dimensional warfare.

Was Brooklyn a swords'goyle all this time, or am I missing the significance of his newfound prowess?

JJ Gregarius

ADAM> I am going to quote Matt, since apparently you missed it the first time.

"I imagine as a nocturnal species they have better night-vision than humans, but I'm sure they still need some light to be able to see."

Greg Bishansky - [<----- Make a real "Gargoyles" movie, Disney!]
Make a real "Gargoyles" movie, Disney!

Just reread CB2. In the scene with Demona's clan, there appears to be torches on the walls and when Brooklyn sees the dead of the Sruighlea Cell, he is carring a torch. So it begs to ask what kind of vision Gargoyles have if they need torches in there homes?
Adam - [carl006_1999 at yahoo dot com]

Gargoyles' night vision: This something that's quite obvious once you think about it, but can be easy to overlook otherwise--heck I didn't realize myself until a few months ago, partly because the darkness in the series is never very dark, even when it factors into the plot ("Deadly Force", "Her Brother's Keeper". It's a bit that could make for good stories, too, particularly with someone like Demona, who's both human and gargoyle and has he sensory capacity shift every day.
Ian Perez - [doknowbutchie at gmail dot com]

I hope it's leaking water, not coolant. If the coolant is leaking out, the A/C won't be running for long.

Propping things up is about all a VHS tape of any sort is good for these days.

"A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men." - Willy Wonka

And here's photographic evidence that "The Goliath Chronicles" is useful.


See, as Xanatos never wastes anything, neither do I.

Greg Bishansky - [<----- Make a real "Gargoyles" movie, Disney!]
Make a real "Gargoyles" movie, Disney!

After fourteen years, I finally found a use for "The Goliath Chronicles." I've watched all of them exactly once. Actually, there are a few I watched twice. One because a friend wanted to see them, and one because I had to review it for the GargWiki. But I still had them all taped on a VHS cassette.

So, it's been an unbearably hot and humid summer. I installed an air conditioner in my window, but it kept leaking coolant into my room and all over my floor...

... then I used my VHS tape of TGC to prop up the AC so it leaks coolant outside. After all these years, TGC is good for something.

Greg Bishansky - [<----- Make a real "Gargoyles" movie, Disney!]
Make a real "Gargoyles" movie, Disney!

Todd> Yeah, I had that in mind while writing my last post. I think the Pacific Theater in World War II is almost a given for a TimeDance story. And I think it might've inspired Nashville's name, but Greg has said that he actually hatched in 1978. Given all the time traveling going on between his hatching and returning to 1997 Manhattan, that is ironic since other gargoyles hatched in 1978 (such as Lunette) are the exact same age as Nashville.
Matt - [ewoks11 at hotmail dot com]
"For science, which, as my associate Fang indicated, must move ever forward. Plus there's the money... and I do love the drama!" -Sevarius, 'Louse'

MATT - And it's possible that Brooklyn and Katana *will* visit the Pacific theatre of World War II at some point during their TimeDancing, because of Nashville's name. Somebody once pointed out that two ships in the U.S. Navy, both of which were involved in the war with Japan, were named the "Brooklyn" and the "Nashville", and suggested that this could have inspired Nashville's name - in which case, Brooklyn and Katana might have been there around the time of his hatching.
Todd Jensen

KIYONA> <<Did Greg say he would like to continue with the comic book?>>

Yep. Many times.

Greg Bishansky - [<----- Make a real "Gargoyles" movie, Disney!]
Make a real "Gargoyles" movie, Disney!

Adam> I imagine as a nocturnal species they have better night-vision than humans, but I'm sure they still need some light to be able to see.

Clans> You make a good point about clans splitting. But I have to wonder how they spread across the planet if they didn't split from time to time. Their rookeries demand a stable existence, so I doubt they were carrying their eggs on long journies. Surely, splitting would have to occur. Besides, in modern times and beyond, we will see some splitting. The Manhattan Clan and others will be boosted by members from other clans. The Camelot, new Wyvern Clan and Notre Dame Clans won't be a result of a clan moving, but of clans splitting to form them. Likewise with the Liberty Clan which will split every existing clan to form a new one. I think clan spliting is a natural occurence for gargoyles world-wide where the option and need exists.

As for very large clans, I imagine there is some amount of variance here. The problem in my mind seems to be resources. If gargoyles have a strict territory, they can only go so far. Perhaps in areas rich in food sources, you could have these huge clans, but with gargoyles expanding world-wide, humans limiting their numbers and competing for resources and practicality, I doubt clans like this have existed in the last few thousand years at least.

Matt - [ewoks11 at hotmail dot com]
"For science, which, as my associate Fang indicated, must move ever forward. Plus there's the money... and I do love the drama!" -Sevarius, 'Louse'

Wow you lot get into such deep discussions. You must know everything about the show. I feel so casual now :p

Did Greg say he would like to continue with the comic book? Thought part of me feels he shouldn't, that ending was so good in Clan building vol 2 :(


ADAM> <<Do Gargoyles see in the dark?>>

They're a nocturnal species. That means that they are a species active at night. What do you think?

Greg Bishansky - [<----- Make a real "Gargoyles" movie, Disney!]
Make a real "Gargoyles" movie, Disney!

I got a quick question. I searched the archives and the show kinda leaves it in question. Do Gargoyles see in the dark? In some episodes, such as "Avalon part 1" when Goliath is reading with a lamp next to him but in CB2 Demona looks to be talking to her clan withouth any light. Can anyone shed some light on this for me?
Adam - [carl006_1999 at yahoo dot com]

Brainiac> I KNEW it was someone here . . . forgive my continually less impressive memory XD
"The suspense is terrible, I hope it lasts" -- Willy Wonka

"First off, we know that when clans reach a certain size (probably when their rookeries are generating 30-40 eggs each) they split up."

Unless I'm mistaken, I believe that we only know this with regards to the Wyvern Clan, and most likely other Clans with similar cultural backgrounds. But as we've seen many times, gargoyles do not possess a single, homogeneous culture any more than humans do; the severely differing heritages and traditions of Clans from outside the classical Western world make me feel that it is unlikely for the notion of "splitting" concept to be universally accepted.

As far as I am aware, Greg has never gone into all that much detail with regards to Clan size traditions for Clans outside the general area of Scotland, and I find it probable that at least some gargoyle cultures encouraged far greater Clan sizes than the 40-50 rule which Wyvern practiced. And indeed, even at Wyvern, that rule seems to have been established largely for the point of practicality (there was only so much room for roosting within the castle without encroaching upon the humans' space); for all we know, there may have been quite a few more individuals than that prior to the construction of Castle Wyvern.

On the general subject of gargoyle wars, however, this concept of hundreds-strong Clans raises an intriguing possibility: not merely inter-Clan wars, but intra-Clan ones too. Gargoyles may appear to be genetically and culturally more predisposed toward gregarian groupings than humans, but even so it is absolutely impossible to avoid at least some conflict when hundreds of sentient beings share living arrangements.

So my query is this: Prior to human involvement severely downsized most if not all Clans worldwide, were there ever any schisms or even civil wars amongst particularly large Clans, assuming such groupings existed in the first place?

Incidentally, I too enjoyed the mental image of a battle forcibly ceasing at sunrise, leaving a battlefield apparently strewn with adversarily positioned statues until the sun sets and they resume fighting right where they left off. Sort of a much larger-scale version of the Demona vs. Hudson scene near the end of "Long Way to Morning."

Masterdramon - [kmc12009 at mymail dot pomona dot edu]
"Meet the new boss, same as the old boss!" - Roger Daltrey of The Who

Interclan warfare> This is a very interesting topic an you guys have made some great points. I particularly like the "home front is the only front" idea Algernon suggested, both because it sets gargoyle culture apart and because it is so realistic. Gargoyles need a safe-haven with humans running around. Before humans were a threat, however, and gargoyle clans were around the world, things might've been different. The idea of two clans at war with each other and turning to stone in mid-battle only to awaken and carry on about 12 hours later is both cool and comical.

However, I don't know how likely this is. Some of the facts we have about gargoyles suggest war between clans isn't likely. First off, we know that when clans reach a certain size (probably when their rookeries are generating 30-40 eggs each) they split up. The old clan remains and the new clan goes off to establish a new rookery elsewhere. Most likely, the new clan would choose somewhere with adequate resources, but not so far away that they couldn't travel there in a reasonable period of time. So, with this in mind, we can project that generally speaking, a clan's nearest neighbors also tend to be well-known to them. At first they would still be family, and as time went on the two clans would probably maintain that friendly relationship. Another thing to consider is that gargoyles seem to be attuned to nature and the Earth a bit better than humans are. This leads me to think that if a clan reaches the maximum population their area would support, their first option would be to split. If neighboring clans or whatever make this unacceptable, I imagine they would have the sense to start limiting their population growth as the London Clan has been doing in modern times. The only reason I can see gargoyle clans at war with each other in the distant past is to obtain territory and resources, but the familial relationship with neighboring clans and the self-imposed limiting of numbers should alleviate that issue.

In more modern times, things have changed wildly. Few clans today have another clan anywhere near them to engage in war with. I wonder in during the Age of Gargoyles if two clans each allied to human groups had those human groups engage in battles. Sure would've put those clans in an interesting predicament.

Which leads me to World War II. Obviously, at least some members of the London Clan (Griff) felt they should side with the allies, but you have to wonder about the Ishimura Clan. I imagine that they felt akin to the bulk of the London Clan in some respects (its a human problem, if the battle comes to us, etc.) but you have to wonder if they felt the Japanese were in the right or not, esspecially considering their close ties to the Ishimuran humans. I really hope one day we see more of this in TimeDancer. I imagine that in a World War II setting, Brooklyn would jump to aid the Allies, but that Katana would not be so quick to help him. What if they visited Ishimura during that time? Would Katana side with her clan or her mate? It would show some great perspective on the rift that war creates. Just a thought.

Matt - [ewoks11 at hotmail dot com]
"For science, which, as my associate Fang indicated, must move ever forward. Plus there's the money... and I do love the drama!" -Sevarius, 'Louse'

Phoenician> You're welcome.
Brainiac - [OSUBrainiac at gmail dot com]
There is balance in all things. Live in symmetry with the world around you. If you must blow things up and steal from those around you, THAT'S WHAT RPGS ARE FOR!

Sir Griff> Yeah, I caught the trailer back on YouTube sometime ago, thanks to -- I believe -- someone mentioning it and posting the link here some time ago.

Kinda bummed it won't be on this fall (as its intended as a midseason replacement from what I read), but I'm still looking forward to it . . . especially Keith David and his new role :D

"The suspense is terrible, I hope it lasts" -- Willy Wonka

Just coming out of lurker mode for a moment here, but did anyone else see the preview of "The Cape" on Hulu? It was AWESOME!
Sir_Griff723@yahoo.com - [Sir_Griff723 at yahoo dot com]
"I am the terror, that flaps in the night"--Darkwing Duck

There I go again, overestimating the population at large. My parents were never keen on taking me to see movies they considered "stupid". I tend to forget that not all have such scruples.
mage_cat - [mage_cat14 at yahoo dot com]

That may be the fan reaction, but it's not necessarily the general audience's reaction. Alvin and the Chipmunks made over $360,000,000 at the box office despite fairly negative critical reception. Alvin and the Chipmunks: The Squeakquel made over $440,000,000 despite even worse reception.

The sad fact is that when the kids want to see a cutesey film and the parents know little else but the titles available, they are naturally going to gravitate toward a title that features a familiar brand name, regardless of fan or critical reactions.

I can guarantee you that both of these films are going to be box office successes...regardless of quality. That's just the way the cookie crumbles in Hollywood.

Masterdramon - [kmc12009 at mymail dot pomona dot edu]
"Meet the new boss, same as the old boss!" - Roger Daltrey of The Who

I realize there is a name recognition factor, but whenever these projects are announced, people keep having the same reaction, and it's not "Let's go watch the movie based on a classic cartoon." It's "Why do these companies keep destroying my childhood memories with these awful movies?" They may even use some expletives. Only the most put upon parent brings their kids to see them. They don't bring in much of the nostalgia crowd. And I keep scratching my head.
mage_cat - [mage_cat14 at yahoo dot com]

When it comes to primarily studio-driven projects like these, the tendency seems to be to gravitate toward properties based on name recognition far more than storytelling style.

Frankly, the Smurfs and Yogi Bear are household names while Gargoyles is - unfortunately - not. Hence the importance of spreading the word, particularly amongst the nostalgia-heavy 90s generation that is now reaching adulthood.

Paul: I'd have to agree, though as Greg states, it's largely a moot point. The odds of Demona getting pregnant any time soon are only slightly higher than the odds of Michael Bay directing a good movie.

Masterdramon - [kmc12009 at mymail dot pomona dot edu]
"Meet the new boss, same as the old boss!" - Roger Daltrey of The Who

Warcrafter> I feel your pain. Has anyone else noticed that the franchises they keep reviving with these movies mostly seem to be ones that originally consisted pretty much solely of self contained stories of a half hour or less? They just keep choosing franchises that can't really carry two hours of sustained storytelling. Why is that?
mage_cat - [mage_cat14 at yahoo dot com]

Warcrafter >> Smurfs...and Yogi Bear...?!



I like both properties, but wow... Totally unexpected...

The One Known As Mochi - [shogi dot keima dot 08 at gmail dot com]
Current Mood: (>^0^)> This year's Comic-Con kicked ass~!!!!

Thanks, Masterdramon. Interesting possibilities indeed, although I think miscarriage is most likely without further interference by Puck.
Paul - [nampahcfluap at yahoo dot com]

Oh. My. God. I just found out that there is a live-action Yogi Bear movie in the works. Dear christ. And I thought the Smurfs upcoming live-action movie was a downer. How those two franchises get a movie and not Gargoyles is beyond me.
Warcrafter - [grafixfangamer1 at sbcglobal dot net]
STEPHEN KING IS GOD . . . in a sense.

I've mentioned this before (I even included a comment on it in the queue at "Ask Greg") but I think that "Clan-Building Volume Two" showed just how skewed Demona's style of protecting her species has become when she puts getting revenge on the humans who slaughtered some of her fellow gargoyles over even giving the dead gargoyles a Wind Ceremony. (It recently reminded me of a passage in an Elizabethan revenge-tragedy - which I haven't read or seen, only read a summary of - which may have influenced "Hamlet", where the main character, whose son is murdered, is so distraught with grief and anger that he won't have his son buried until he's achieved his revenge on the murderer.)
Todd Jensen

Masterdramon>"Harlan: LOL, I'm flattered. Matrix has always been one of my particular favorites from the series (the concept of a virtually omnipowerful AI reigning in its potential in order to learn more about the world fascinates me to no end), which was part of the reason that the "Bad Guys" miniseries was probably my favorite aspect of the unfortunately limited comic run."

I knew there'd be another. I just had to wait.

Harlan Phoenix - [harlanphoenix at live dot com]

RE: Inter-clan warfare

I think gargoyles in general lack humanities expansionist tendencies. I don't mean that as a moral judgment,merely that A typical gargoyle's approach to warfare seems rather reactive and defence oriented. For example, In Awakenings Goliath was very reluctant to actively pursue the vikings once they were no longer an immediate threat. I'd wager gargoyle clans would be far less likely to engage in large scale invasions or preemptive strikes against their enemies. Not necessarily because of moral objections but because such strategies would strike a gargoyle as highly counter-intuitive. After all, every warrior in enemy territory is one that could be guarding the castle. To a gargoyle, the home front is the only front.

Another thing to keep in mind is that the simple realities of gargoyle biology make expansionist warfare a very dicey proposition. Even the most bloodthirsty horde of gargoyle invaders are going to need somewhere safe and close at hand to withdraw to before sunrise. Last thing any garg wants to be caught doing when dawn breaks is pillaging an enemy village. All this means its almost impossible for gargs to engage in any large scale combat outside of a certain range of their home-base. Granted my own military training is pretty much limited to the tutorial on Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War. So if anybody here is more knowledgeable about this stuff, feel free to call me out on my idiocy.

Make a REAL "Gargoyles" movie, Disney!

Paul: Greg outlined several possibilities for what might occur as a result of the transformation should Demona ever become pregnant again (an extremely unlikely occurence in any event), without necessarily confirming or denying any of them, in this fairly old (1998) post:


Finally, my encyclopedic knowledge of AskGreg is actually doing something useful! :D

Masterdramon - [kmc12009 at mymail dot pomona dot edu]
"Meet the new boss, same as the old boss!" - Roger Daltrey of The Who

How would the egg survive her daily transformation into a human? Humans and gargoyles can't interbreed.
Paul - [nampahcfluap at yahoo dot com]

Supermorff: I found several posts mentioning something to that effect by searching "egg" in the Demona archive. This one seems to put it best, though:


Masterdramon - [kmc12009 at mymail dot pomona dot edu]
"Meet the new boss, same as the old boss!" - Roger Daltrey of The Who

Greg B> Going back a few comments, I'm interested that you say Greg W confirmed that Demona can still lay eggs. Where was that confirmed? Was it a Gathering thing? I don't remember seeing it in the Archive (willing to be proven wrong).

Greg B> My mistake. It's clearly been a while since I saw "The Reckoning."

I still think there's some validity to the idea that it was easier for Demona to get her head around the idea because this was her biological child and not one of her other rookery children. On top of that, if Goliath had brought Gabriel or Ophelia or some other gargoyle with him, it would have been much harder, if not impossible, to make the connection. Sevarius might have been able to confirm that the new gargoyle on the scene was from the original Wyvern Clan, though I don't know if her really has enough different gargoyle DNA samples at that point to recognize whatever genetic markers there might be for Wyvern Clan gargoyles. But neither he nor Demona would have been clear on that gargoyle's true relationship to Demona.

All that aside, I completely agree that Demona has partly become what she hates, both in the most literal way possible and subtler, more interesting ways. In the name of saving her kind, she's turned her back on just about everything a gargoyle is.

Demonskrye - [<---Going to the movies at The Ink and Pixel Club]

DEMONSKRYE> Actually, Thailog's exact words were: "You knew she was your daughter since before we staged your capture." Not from the moment she first saw her.

How did she find out? Let's check that timeline:

May 7th. Demona and Thailog return to Manhattan and hire Dr. Sevarius away from Gen-U-Tech. Sevarius reveals that the female gargoyle that Demona saw in Paris is the biological child of her and Goliath.

I love the idea of the biology mattering to Demona, even if she won't admit it, because of the irony. She is the most human of all the gargoyles. The idea of the bigot being what they hate has always fascinated me.

Greg Bishansky - [<----- Make a real "Gargoyles" movie, Disney!]
Make a real "Gargoyles" movie, Disney!

Ask Greg> I noticed that Greg said that the biological relationship between Angela and Demona probably does does matter to Demona, even if she's never going to admit it.

In Demona's defense, the relationship between the Avalon Clan and their surviving rookery parents is a pretty weird one. Even though, if I remember right, Demona is actually a little older than Goliath biologically and much older than him in terms of actual years experienced, she's still younger than she should be in comparison to the age that Angela is now. If Goliath had left Avalon with Gabriel or Ophelia in tow, it might have taken Demona longer to figure out what was going on. Maybe she would have realized that Gabriel looks like he might be Othello and Desdemona's son, but the age discrepancy combined with the idea of the eggs surviving to the present day being so improbable that it would be unlikely to enter her mind might have thrown her off. But it's more obvious who Angela is. From what Thailog said, Demona realized almost from the moment she met Angela that Angela was her daughter. Seeing Angela, who apparently resembles Demona enough that it's pretty noticeable, standing next to Goliath, whose coloring she inherrited, must have been so striking that Demona came almost immediately to the nlikely yet correct conclusion that Angela was her daughter. And because Angela was obviously Demona's biological daughter, Demona had to confront this idea and decide what she was going to do about it much sooner than she might have with another gargoyle from the Avalon Clan.

Demonskrye - [<---Going to the movies at The Ink and Pixel Club]

Harlan: LOL, I'm flattered. Matrix has always been one of my particular favorites from the series (the concept of a virtually omnipowerful AI reigning in its potential in order to learn more about the world fascinates me to no end), which was part of the reason that the "Bad Guys" miniseries was probably my favorite aspect of the unfortunately limited comic run.

Brainiac: I think it depends somewhat on how much the respective clans identify with their countries (a largely human-invented concept) rather than with their more local protectorates. For example, it's hard for me to imagine the Xanadu Clan feeling like they have much to do with the rest of China, given what little Greg has revealed about them. My gut reaction is that as long as the Xanadu gargoyle beasts, Ishimura, and Knight's Spur/Into the Mystic respectively were not placed under direct threat, those Clans would largely adopt isolationist policies toward the War.

Which isn't to say that there wouldn't be the odd-man-out every once in a while, like Griff, who would protest this policy. But there exists the potent rejoinder of any reticent leader that revealing themselves in order to intervene might make their protectorate vulnerable. Ishimura would otherwise seem like far too minor of a target to waste a nuke (it is, after all, merely a small fishing village), but if reptilian monsters that come out at night to attack their enemies were revealed to exist there then I could certainly see the U.S. government of the period deciding that the town was too dangerous to allow to exist.

Masterdramon - [kmc12009 at mymail dot pomona dot edu]
Meet the new boss, same as the old boss! - Roger Daltrey of The Who

Adam > I suspect they did. It's true that Gargoyles aren't "humans with wings" but they also aren't angels, so I doubt they'd be immune to conflicts. But I also suspect it wouldn't have happened very often.

If they were fighting over resources and land, for instance, each clan would have felt that they were protecting their territory.

Gargoyles Movie - [Rebel (trying to help with Google bombing)]

I think I should have posted my question better. Again. Before the rise of humans as a threat to Gargoyles, did clans have conflicts with each other over things like territory, resources, and the like? Or how about after humanity became a threat and Gargoyle clans retreated to the wilderness, did clans have conflicts because of reduced territory and resources?
Adam - [carl006_1999 at yahoo dot com]

BRAINIAC - Good question. The closest we have to an answer to that at the moment is Greg Weisman's report on how Demona responded to World War II: initially, she thought it was a good idea, in the hopes that the humans might wipe themselves out and save her the trouble, but then the news about Hiroshima and Nagasaki unsettled her.
Todd Jensen

Adam's question about Gargoyle clans warring against one another remind me of a thought I had a while back. I wondered what kind of interactions there might have been if members of the London Clan and Ishimura Clan had met one another during World War II, especially if the Londoner were similar in temperament to Griff and the Ishimuran had seen the devastation of the atomic bombs. I tended to wonder what many Gargoyles thought of the horrors humanity inflicted upon itself in that conflict, particularly for the Ishimura, Pukhan, and Xanadu clans (presuming any of them actually had any direct experience of what went on during the conflict).
Brainiac - [OSUBrainiac at gmail dot com]
There is balance in all things. Live in symmetry with the world around you. If you must blow things up and steal from those around you, THAT'S WHAT RPGS ARE FOR!

"P.S. Is there any way to request an additional avatar for this Comment Room? I would love to be able to post under the image of Matrix, preferably the one that sits atop its GargWiki page (or one similar to it)."

You are now my favorite.

Harlan Phoenix - [harlanphoenix at live dot com]

Thank you both verily for your kind words. I accept the cookie graciously and with my utmost regards to the baker, whomsoever they might be. :3

>munches happily<

Anyway, according to that almighty bastion of linguistic knowledge that is Wiktionary, "diatribe" can mean both "an abusive, bitter denunciation" and "a prolonged discourse," wherein I am using the term in the second sense. And while I'll concede the connotation you specify dominates recent use of the word, its etymological roots seem to agree more strongly with the second:


I like the English language. :D

Masterdramon - [kmc12009 at mymail dot pomona dot edu]

Masterdramon: Surely a voracious reader of the archives such as yourself would have called what you just wrote as a ramble and not a diatribe. Besides, based on my mileage, diatribes are usually associated with being angry or frustrated, which -- while not foreign to this CR -- is no way to describe your intro . . . indeed, it actually made me smile.

Beyond the few similarities in discovering the site I can relate to, it just feels great hearing how someone from a younger generations fell in love with the show long after its original run (I will admit to throwing that 'younger' rather lightly, I myself JUST graduated from college, though the difference being I remember the show back in 1994. I was six, but its a better memory than three, hehe).

So yes, moving on, I'll join Mochi in saying welcome to the CR and to have a cookie :) **Offers cookie tray from cookie table**

"The suspense is terrible, I hope it lasts" -- Willy Wonka

Masterdramon >> Welcome to the CR!
The One Known As Mochi - [shogi dot keima dot 08 at gmail dot com]
Current Mood: (>^0^)> This year's Comic-Con kicked ass~!!!!

Hello all! Long-time lurker but first-time poster popping in here. Since I haven't posted in this Comment Room before, I guess I'll start off with a brief (-ish) introduction.

I am a nineteen year-old male college student working on a BA in politics at Pomona College in Southern California, though I'm currently back home in Hawaii for the summer. I recently left a stint with the U.S. Census Bureau and have been since been spending my days volunteering for various state political campaigns.

Given that I was three when Season 1 first began airing, I was obviously quite outside the target audience at that point, and if I watched any of the episodes on first airing I definitely don't remember them. Rather, my first clear memories of "Gargoyles" were watching it during the late 90s when Toon Disney was first starting up. This produced some interesting experiences; for example, I never saw and indeed never even had a clue that "Deadly Force" existed until Toon Disney started airing it again in 2002 or so.

At the time that I first was watching this show voraciously it was amongst a litany of dozens of other cartoons, some well-written (Batman: The Animated Series, Darkwing Duck, etc.) and some...well, not so much (here's looking at you, Captain Planet). To an eight year-old, there was little differentiation between the relative qualities of these shows, and it was not until a few years on that I really began to appreciate what a true gem "Gargoyles" was.

I'm not entirely sure when my perspective changed, though it might have had something to do with the aforementioned first viewing of "Deadly Force." By this point I was a pre-teen, and old enough to understand the basics of S+P...so to see one of the protagonists shoot another one in the chest accidentally, nearly causing her to die was an absolute revelation to me. Around this time I began watching the entire series with new eyes, and what I saw astounded me.

The depth, the complexity, the characterization was unlike anything else I had ever seen on the small screen, live-action or animated. The little things that escaped me on the first, second, or even tenth viewing (yes, I watched a LOT of Toon Disney) suddenly rared to life and showed me how amazing this show was, is, and always will be. Everything from the sheer emotion that Tony Shalhoub brought to the show's single greatest cameo role to the little nuances about Lexington that made me think, "Oh, of course!" when I learned that Greg considered him to be homosexual all became clear to me, and clearer and clearer with each viewing.

"Gargoyles" did much for me over the years. To take a particular example, when I first began really reading Shakespeare during mandatory reading times in high school, I went with "A Midsummer Night's Dream," then "Macbeth," and then, after the obvious "Hamlet," finishing with "Othello." It shouldn't take too many guesses to figure out what attracted me to those plays specifically.

I have many obsessions in my life, some that have faded and some that have stayed with me forever. "Gargoyles" stayed with me forever, and by the time I was about 13 or so it overtook virtually all of my other obsessions to become forefront in my fiction-dominated mind. I began searching around the internet for various little tidbits and behind-the-scenes stuff, and was blown away when I first discovered Greg's Master Plan. That someone could have so intricately designed such a massive and complex fictional universe intrigued me to no end...particularly "Bad Guys," since Dingo was at the time (and indeed, still probably is) my favorite character.

On one of my frequent revisitings of the Master Plan in 2004, I ended up clicking around some links that brought me to the FAQ...and consequently to AskGreg. If the Master Plan had blown me away, then this site caused my mind to spontaneously combust. So many hints and clues to what the future might hold for the series, should Disney allow it to somehow continue...straight from the mouth of the creator himself! In all the years since that I've been up and around the world wide web, never have I again seen such a direct, easy-to-access method of communication to the artist behind such a masterful work.

Over the years, I have read virtually every single post in the AskGreg archives, some of them several dozen times. It is one of the websites that I frequent several times a day without fail, and I have gained an uncountable amount of enrichment from reading it constantly. It was through this site that I first learned of the DVDs and comics, all of which I purchased as soon as I could possibly get my hands on them, and of the Gathering, the scope of which shocked and awed me. One of my greatest regrets is that I was never able to attend one of these amazing events (convincing your parents to let you fly out of Hawaii to the mainland for a "Gargoyles" convention isn't the easiest thing in the world), and my praise goes out to all of you unbelievably dedicated individuals who kept it alive for so long. If ever you are able to arrange some sort of smaller event in the future, you have my word that I will attend.

AskGreg also gave the chance to really get to know Greg Weisman (or at least, as much as this is possible without real-world contact), and he is currently one of my absolute greatest heroes in all of entertainment. I am not using hyperbole when I declare him to be the single most talented writer in animation history, and in my mind absolutely anything he touches turns to solid gold. I avidly watched "W.I.T.C.H.," "The Spectacular Spider-Man," and the various episodes he freelanced for favorite shows of mine like "The Batman," "Kim Possible," and "Super Robot Monkey Team Hyperforce Go!"...many of which turned out to be some of the best in their respective series. And I wait with bated breath (and fanboyish panting) for "Young Justice." Spider-Man is my favorite superhero and DC is my favorite comic book universe...so to have Greg interpret both with his usual flair for complex, multi-layered story arcs and deeply involved character development has left me positively salivating.

As for this Comment Room, relative to the rest of AskGreg I discovered it relatively recently. While I have popped in to read on about specific conversation topics mentioned on AskGreg over the years, I didn't start checking in here daily until around the Christmas season of 2009, when I was bored and decided to have a more extended look. I haven't stopped since.

I frequent a lot of message boards and such around the internet, but nowhere else have I found such a haven of intelligent and polite discourse. Reading your aggregate opinions of the topic of the day makes me smile and, occasionally, think, and has encouraged me to explore your opinions on various other matters...hence why I now check DemonSkyre's website and Greg X's blog daily. :D

Inevitably, however, one gets tired of simply observing conversation, and that is why I'm throwing myself out here to, at the very least, test the waters. I'm looking forward to some interesting discussions, and I hope that my two cents can enrich the conversation here at least somewhat.

Thanks to any who read this little diatribe, and I hope that you all are doing well.

P.S. Is there any way to request an additional avatar for this Comment Room? I would love to be able to post under the image of Matrix, preferably the one that sits atop its GargWiki page (or one similar to it).

Masterdramon - [kmc12009 at mymail dot pomona dot edu]

Clans at war> Outside of "The Reckoning" (which counts), I can see gargoyle clans going to war, but it would happen far less than with human groups, for two main reasons:

a) Isolated, small populations. For something to be defined as a "war", you have to have enormous conflicts, and gargoyles today small in number with wide spaces between clans. Clans seem to get less of a chance to meet each other at all, much less have long-term interactions that could lead to conflict.

*However*, when gargoyles were more plentiful, and some clans had regular contact with each other, I could see clan wars developing more readily, but there would be another factor reducing the incidence of war:

b) Gargoyle culture. Gargoyles aren't "perfect", but they seem more oriented towards the preservation of the group (perhaps because of the way their life cycle works), and of defense rather than attack. This makes it less likely they would leave their rookeries to go to war with each other, though not impossible.

All of this is IMO, of course.

Incisivis - [incisivis at hotmail dot com]
"No live organism can continue for long to exist sanely under conditions of absolute reality; even dragonflies and katydids are supposed, by some, to dream."--Shirley Jackson

<<Quick question. Did Gargoyle clans ever go to war with each other?>>

Did you see "The Reckoning?"

Greg Bishansky - [<----- Make a real "Gargoyles" movie, Disney!]
Make a real "Gargoyles" movie, Disney!

Quick question. Did Gargoyle clans ever go to war with each other?
Adam - [carl006_1999 at yahoo dot com]

Greg B: Particularly given how long it takes for said egg to hatch.

Matt: And also, from the Wyvern Massacre onward, there was something Demona started to love just a little more.

Harvester of Eyes - [Minstrel75 at gmail dot com]
To say that "Twilight: Eclipse" is the best Twilight movie is like saying that "Revenge of the Sith" was the best Star Wars prequel.

What was it Greg Weisman once said?

"If the situation is that desperate, one egg isn't going to make a difference."

Greg Bishansky - [<----- Make a real "Gargoyles" movie, Disney!]
Make a real "Gargoyles" movie, Disney!

I am just thinking from a logical point of view. In CoS, Demona says that "we are the last of our kind", so it seems practical to me that for the sake of her species Demona would have another offspring. Off course, Demona has seemed to practical. But what about another female in a similar situation. Would another female take another mate for the sake of the species?
Adam - [carl006_1999 at yahoo dot com]

Adam> Keep in mind that gargoyles mate for life. If your mate dies, you are not gonna have more kids. In Demona's mind, Goliath was essentially dead. It probably took her a long time to get over that. And taking a new mate would've betrayed Goliath, she wouldn't do that... right? : )
Matt - [ewoks11 at hotmail dot com]
"For science, which, as my associate Fang indicated, must move ever forward. Plus there's the money... and I do love the drama!" -Sevarius, 'Louse'

ADAM> He has answered both.

1. She was still in love with Goliath.

2. Yes, she is.

And before you ask, she wasn't fertile when she and Thailog were together.

Greg Bishansky - [<----- Make a real "Gargoyles" movie, Disney!]
Make a real "Gargoyles" movie, Disney!

I got a couple of questions about Demona that I couldn't find in the archives and I am not sure if Greg would even answer.
1. Greg has said that Demona did not have eny eggs while she was leader of her own clan, but has he ever said why she didn't?
2. And with Demona being immortal, is she capable of laying eggs every "mating season" if she had a mate?

Adam - [carl006_1999 at yahoo dot com]

Thanks Demonskrye. I should have worded my question better. I didn't mean for it to sound like dc or marvel the company. I wanted to ask more which "universe" he liked better.
Adam - [carl006_1999 at yahoo dot com]

Adam> I think that would be a very difficult question for Greg to answer. He's done both comics and TV work involving both companies and unless something happened that I don't know about, he probably wants to keep the possibility of getting work from both of them in the future open. I have seen people at big companies get their egos bruised and throw tantrums because of it. Aside from that, he may enjoy or dislike a variety of things about the work of and working for DC and Marvel over the years, so he may not have one particular favorite.

Ask Greg> I threw in a Young Justice question about a comment i had seen on the teaser film stating that Wonder Girl was off limits for legal reasons. Mostly I wanted to give Greg a chance to answer this question as soon as possible and either confirm that it's true or hopefully squash the rumor early on if it is no more than that.

Demonskrye - [<---Going to the movies at The Ink and Pixel Club]

Since Greg has done a marvel tv series and is now working on a dc series, does anyone know if Greg like's marvel or dc better?
Adam - [carl006_1999 at yahoo dot com]

Whoops, forgot about multiple topics. I'll get the hang of this some day, I swear.
"Weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning." (Psalms 30:5)

ah. Thank you Demonskrye. I hadn't considered that.
Adam - [carl006_1999 at yahoo dot com]

DEMONSKRYE - I'm afraid so. I also had to drop a couple of questions for containing multiple topics.
Todd Jensen

Adam> If I remember your question right, it might have been that asking about whether Griff might have been considered as a possible second or future leader was too close to an original idea.
Demonskrye - [<---"Waking Sleeping Beauty" at The Ink and Pixel Club]

Adam> Probably because it got answered here.

Question. Earlier today, I posted a question to ask Greg about Griff. I noticed that it was deleated. Can someone tell me why? Also, my list of questions was also deleated, and I understand why. However, would it be alright to post the questions about the blue beaked gargoyle? Thanks.
Adam - [carl006_1999 at yahoo dot com]

Greg B: Aaaah. I think I finally get it now. That word "education" made it finally click, thanks. To bad that programming didn't include grammar lessons. ;)

Very interesting, Weisman is quite the tease.

"Weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning." (Psalms 30:5)

DANIEL> The programming was just education. All that education consisted of was "Obey Thailog." We know that the clones moved beyond that. Brentwood made a choice based on freewill to stay with Thailog. Even Thailog called it surprising.

And then, Greg dropped this tease at the 2007 Gathering, which is in Brentwood's GargWiki entry:

"Greg Weisman suggested that one only has to look at "Future Tense" to see the direction that Brentwood is heading."

Greg Bishansky - [<----- Make a real "Gargoyles" movie, Disney!]
Make a real "Gargoyles" movie, Disney!

Greg B: Oh you've got to be kidding. X_X Why don't I just shove my foot in my mouth even more? I don't know if you have the mod abilities, but I would greatly appreciate it if you could reject my questions since Weisman has already answered some of them. Then maybe I could delete the first 4 questions and rephrase the 5th and post them again. Also is the last question about Lexington getting knocked unconscious a lot legitimate? I'm afraid now that it's just me and way to silly.

Ug. I could have sworn I checked Brentwood's past questions more closely. I didn't realize someone had already asked if he was going to stay a sidekick forever, and Greg decided not to spoil it. X_X So once again, I'm sorry. I could have handled myself more maturely and less like a crazy fanboy.

Basically what I was wondering is if when Thailog created Brentwood and the rest of the clones, if he made it so they would always be stupid. Greg stated earlier that Brentwood is an individual on his own, but you could still be an individual and be stupid. Now I've noticed that the radio play alluded to the fact that Brentwood could become quite smart, because Brentwood was able to reprogram those tiny flying robots. Was that Greg giving us a hint?

In regards to Lexington, I already know that Goliath never noticed Lex's "costume", but there have been other things that have come to pass that have been very similar to Future Tense as well, such as Brooklyn's new costume, the police station getting destroyed, etc. I am curious if this would make Goliath more wary of Lexington now.

"Weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning." (Psalms 30:5)

Ditto what Greg X said... but also:

I think I made it clear in my answers what was fact and what was speculation. I apologize if I didn't. This is the great thing about the GargWiki is that everything on there is canon (meaning we have seen it in canon) or canon-in-training (meaning Greg has addressed it on this site or at the Gathering or whatnot). As a rule, we do not allow speculation or fan-created ideas on to the site except where explicitly stated. The information on GargWiki has been gathered and organized extensively by the contributors. I believe nearly everything in the Ask Greg archives has been transferred to the Wiki, and that is over a decade of questions. Thousands of questions. So, if you are looking for an "official" answer to something, the GargWiki is the place to go. If you are having trouble finding it there, ask us in here, we can often answer it for you and/or point you to the place in the Wiki. Finally, a lot of questions we know from experience Greg won't answer. We will tell you if Greg won't answer it and why. We are trying to save you time, help you find your answer and keep the queue managable. We are not better than you guys or police of Ask Greg or know-it-alls. We are fans just like you, but we've been around a while, we've got experience and knowledge and we are happy to share it. We are all but begging you to use us.

Matt - [ewoks11 at hotmail dot com]
"For science, which, as my associate Fang indicated, must move ever forward. Plus there's the money... and I do love the drama!" -Sevarius, 'Louse'

Greg B. I understand what you are saying. One of the reasons I asked some of my questions twice was to get perhaps a more thorough answer. For example, I asked about the blue beaked gargoyle from Demona's clan in hoping learn more details about him. All the other members of Demona's clan have names and hatch dates, and I wanted to get those for him as well so they can be added to his wiki page.
Adam - [carl006_1999 at yahoo dot com]

DANIEL> << 2. Why did Delilah become so much smarter than the rest of the clones? Also, does she turn into stone at night with the rest since she's part human? >>

We SAW HER as stone in the comics...

And why does Delilah act more intelligent? Greg answered this long ago. Thailog wanted her to be a companion (though less than an equal), not just his personal slut.

Greg Bishansky - [<----- Make a real "Gargoyles" movie, Disney!]
Make a real "Gargoyles" movie, Disney!

DANIEL & ADAM> Matt and I are NOT authorities. However, we are both very knowledgeable about the ASK GREG archives. There's a reason we're both two of the biggest editors over at GargWiki.

The reason we were annoyed is that, aside from the spoiler questions, we gave you answers. Those were things covered a while back.

ASK GREG has a history of being flooded with repeat questions. The archives, the FAQ, and the GargWiki exist to try to deter this. And asking here in the Comment Room is also an option.

So, when you get the answers and then go in and ask anyway, it made us wonder why we bothered. People are just going to keep flooding it anyway. I don't mean to single you two out.

And, if you read Greg's latest ramble:


As always, I ask that before you post a question you do your best to make sure it's not a question that's been answered in the archives already AND that it's not a question that someone posted just before you. You can also try asking your question first in the Station 8 Comment Room, as the fans know a LOT of answers already.

We're just trying to avoid flooding the site with so many questions, that I'm immediately backlogged again.


It's not my site. I don't make any rules around here. But I'm just trying to explain why I got frustrated.

Greg Bishansky - [<----- Make a real "Gargoyles" movie, Disney!]
Make a real "Gargoyles" movie, Disney!

I also wasn't aware that Greg B answering my questions meant I wasn't supposed to ask Greg W them. I just wanted to hear what Weisman had to say, although I realize I shouldn't have asked the questions that would give away spoilers. I'll do my best to be more careful what I ask on Ask Greg.
"Weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning." (Psalms 30:5)

Matt. I am sorry too. I did not mean to disrespect your answers. Other than this last week, it has been a while since I posted so many comments. I was not aware that you have some official standing in the Gargoyle community. I thought you were just answering my questions as a fan. So I posted my questions hoping to get "official" answers. Again, I appologize for any disrespect that you may have felt against me. I will do try my best not to let this happen again.
Adam - [carl006_1999 at yahoo dot com]

@ Matt

It was an idea I thought of today. The simple and easy easy would be its due to magic, or specificly a magic curse. Kind of like how the Gargoyles were frozen in stone.

Of course for a "natural" answer if you know what I mean it would take some serious thought.

I did forget that Gargoyles turn to a hard substance like stone. Silly me.


Thank you for the words of reassurance, UncleDeadly,Demonskrye. Yes, I did become aware of PAD's involvement in the series after making my post, which has served to make me a bit more optimistic about the project.

One of the good things about this whole thing, at least, is that it'll probably raise interest in the original comics, and probably even result in some reprints or tradepaperbacks. If that is the case, I wholeheartedly recommend that y'all give it a shot. It's rather unlike anything DC has produced before or since, combining fun (Space Baseball! Dante's Disco Inferno! A highly convenient courier service called Fedeus Ex Machina!) with what I still believe is the most "real" take on teenage superheroes ever made. The fact that it starred three of my favorite characters at the time and introduced several who would become favorites helps. Unfortunately, most of its characters were either made unrecognizable or abandoned after the series ended, which helps mark the end of the series as the line where "my" DC universe ends and its cancellation a sore spot for me--even after seven years.

Still, I can't fault DC for wanting to reuse the name or for wanting to do something different--I'm not that big a hypocrite. Still, I can't help but looking back at the original series without feeling sad.

Ian Perez - [doknowbutchie at gmail dot com]

Thanks, Anthony. I hope your message gets through. I'm sorry if I was attacking Adam or coming off as very negative, but it is just very frustrating. *shrugs*
Matt - [ewoks11 at hotmail dot com]
"For science, which, as my associate Fang indicated, must move ever forward. Plus there's the money... and I do love the drama!" -Sevarius, 'Louse'

It is unfortunate, and I understand your frustrations, Matt and Greg but the negativity here, in the CR, isn't going to help your cause.

A potential solution would be to have the ASK GREG queue only open once a week to avoid flooding. And have that day each week be random, so not everyone is coming only on that one day to come flood the queue. Thoughts?

Attention -- new users and old ones that may need a reminder: Greg B, Matt, Todd, and Landon (to name a few) are great sources of information and when they are answering your questions, they are giving you a lot more detail and background at the time than Greg Weisman would when your question comes up on the queue. We are grateful that Greg Weisman answers our questions, so please ask here and only here if possible, and if everyone does that, then the ASK GREG queue will be mostly empty allowing for fewer questions and maybe Greg Weisman would be more willing to devote more time to a specific, more thought out, question than a jackhammer of questions.

P.S. Greg W doesn't give out spoilers and he avoids hypotheticals.

Anthony Tini

Adam> I don't know if you'll even bother reading this, but I had to say something. You did the right thing by coming to this Comment Room with your questions for Greg. I was impressed and glad you did that. But then, after I spent a good amount of time compling answers to nearly all your questions and giving you links to more information, you simply reposted your questions word for word completly unedited on Ask Greg. I'm sorry, but that is stupid. Aside from one or two questions, all of them are (and were) answerable by the fans, addressed on the GargWiki and/or we know Greg will not respond to them. I hope he doesn't answer your questions, he shouldn't have to. Thanks for clogging up Ask Greg.

Kiyona> Sorry, but gargoyles don't turn into jewels during the day. Why would they? They don't turn into stone either, just a hard, biological, and organic substance that resembles stone. Think of something like bone or fingernails or scales or shells. Hard, organic stuff. They don't turn into rock.

Matt - [ewoks11 at hotmail dot com]
"For science, which, as my associate Fang indicated, must move ever forward. Plus there's the money... and I do love the drama!" -Sevarius, 'Louse'

ASK GREG is barely open for 12 hours, and already the questions for spoilers are trickling in.

Also, questions that people asked here, that were answered so that they wouldn't flood Ask Greg are, you guessed it, flooding Ask Greg.


Greg Bishansky - [<----- Make a real "Gargoyles" movie, Disney!]
Make a real "Gargoyles" movie, Disney!

Ian Perez> Additionally, my thinking is that the name was chosen in part because it's easy for anyone to understand as a young version of the Justice League just from hearing the title. I do understand your frustration, even though I'm not familiar with the original comic. What I've heard from you and another friend of mine is that it's more of a single creative vision than most comic titles. (I don't think any of the stories in Spectacular Spider-Man the show were specifically adaptations of stories from [i[Spectacular Spider-Man[/]i the comic.) But I'm about 98% certain that Greg has read the comic and if Peter David is going to be writing episodes, there will probably be a few elements in there that fans of the comic will recognize, even if it's not a straight adaptations.
Demonskrye - [<---"Waking Sleeping Beauty" at The Ink and Pixel Club]

Ian Perez - Wanted to follow up on your mention of being torn on Young Justice since Peter David was so heavily heavily involved in the comics. According to news from ComicCon: http://robot6.comicbookresources.com/2010/07/sdcc-10-peter-david-writing-episodes-of-young-justice-cartoon/ - He will be writing episodes! But maybe you already knew that...

Well that's a shame. Still, we don't hvae gargoyles that turn to jewels do we now? :D

Oh crap. I had no idea my personal info had been deleted, and now my Ask Greg question has been credited to "anonymous". Is there any way to change this?

Kiyona, we already have gargoyles with gem-based names--the Mayan clan.

Ian Perez - [doknowbutchie at gmail dot com]

Long time no speak guys :D

I've come up with an idea of my own for Gargoyles.

A clan with the names of precious stones such as Ruby and Onyx. There's a reason for this. instead of turning to stone by day, they turn into the stone they were named after. Imagine a ruby gargoyle staring down at you..

Of course, for this clan they hide away in great secrecy. For they know due to human greed they would slice them to pieces hen they slept and steal the jewel they were made from.

Just an idea! The jewel clan... dun dun duuuun


Anthony Tini

Matt - [ewoks11 at hotmail dot com]
"For science, which, as my associate Fang indicated, must move ever forward. Plus there's the money... and I do love the drama!" -Sevarius, 'Louse'

Adam - [carl006_1999 at yahoo dot com]

VickyUK - [vickyfanofwwe at aol dot com]

I'll take #6 in this rather confused countdown/countup...er, whatever it is.

Sir_Griff723@yahoo.com - [Sir_Griff723 at yahoo dot com]
"I am the terror, that flaps in the night"--Darkwing Duck

Fine, I'll settle for 4th *pouts*
Warcrafter - [grafixfangamer1 at sbcglobal dot net]
STEPHEN KING IS GOD! . . . in a sense.

Third times the charm
Warcrafter - [grafixfangamer1 at sbcglobal dot net]
STEPHEN KING IS GOD! . . . in a sense.

3rd...or 4th...
The One Known As Mochi - [shogi dot keima dot 08 at gmail dot com]
Current Mood: (>^0^)> Comic-Con~!!!!

(2nd or 3rd) Second or third!!
Vinnie - [tpeano29 at hotmail dot com]

Meant this link: http://www.s8.org/gargoyles/askgreg/search.php?qid=12338
Landon Thomas - [<- Gargoyles News Twitter Feed]

1st! I've asked about the new non-Gargoyles gargoyles movie being developed by Disney, so please don't submit a question about it unless you have something to add: 12338
Landon Thomas - [<- Gargoyles News Twitter Feed]