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The Phoenix Gate

Comment Room Archive

Comments for the week ending August 16, 2010

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Anthony Tini>"Hypothetically speaking, I hope Sevarius saves some of Goliath's DNA and makes a clone of him a couple of years after his sacrifice for a surprising dramatic return!"

Good thing he has all that Magus DNA lying around, too!

Daniel>"So Sevarius had no take in Thailog's intellectual upbringing? I'm just curious because it's been a while since I've watched that episode."

I'm pretty sure Sevarius educated Thailog based on Xanatos's requests. But it's been a while for me, as well.

Harlan Phoenix - [harlanphoenix at live dot com]

Daniel B> Listen carefully to Demona's line when she revives Coldstone. She's not naming him. She says, "You are cold stone brought to life." Coldstone is running on magic with technology filling in same gaps. He has no living flesh.
mage_cat - [mage_cat14 at yahoo dot com]

ANTHONY TINI> <<Hypothetically speaking, I hope Sevarius saves some of Goliath's DNA and makes a clone of him a couple of years after his sacrifice for a surprising dramatic return!>>

I assume you're joking.

Greg Bishansky - [<----- Make a real "Gargoyles" movie, Disney!]
Make a real "Gargoyles" movie, Disney!

Hypothetically speaking, I hope Sevarius saves some of Goliath's DNA and makes a clone of him a couple of years after his sacrifice for a surprising dramatic return!
Anthony Tini

Greg B> Ah yes. When referring to cloning, I meant the whole process of producing the clone, including the fast aging.

In regards to Coldstone, regardless of how long DNA can be safe within a gargoyles stone-like form, right now he has living flesh, right? Do they ever refer to it as such? I find it hard to believe that there is no blood flowing and that its completely decayed and dead, if so it would fall off rather quickly, unless somehow magic is keeping the completely dead tissue together. If it is living, there should definitely be DNA.

So Sevarius had no take in Thailog's intellectual upbringing? I'm just curious because it's been a while since I've watched that episode.

Daniel B
"Weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning." (Psalms 30:5)

Mkay, looks like it's time for my knowledge of real-world genetics to come into play here. This is gonna take a while, so get confortable or skip my lengthy post, people.

Concerning Sevarius's contribution to Thailog, it is possible he made some additions and alterations to Thailog in vitro. One of the things that are typically done with modern genetically-engineered species is the insertion of specific "junk" DNA sequences in order to make an organism legal to copyright (and also, to a certain degree, a means of signature for the creators). Sevarius may well have put a little something into Thailog that actually did have an effect on him since he's always been ahead of the curve in terms of real-world science. Sevarius may even have added a few key points to Thailog's programming to make sure he was well aware of himself and his capabilities, biologically speaking, upon maturity. However, the likelihood of any of these little contributions adding up to anything major is remote at best. The vast majority of Thailog's nature is Goliath and the vast majority of his nurture is Xanatos.

As to Coldstone/Othello, it's never been established if there is a scientific way to revert a gargate's stone-sleep form into something more nominal. Indeed, my understanding of Coldstone's makeup is that he's revivified stone, not revivified gargoyle flesh. The real question is whether or not a gargate cell in its sleep state can actually be manipulated in any meaningful way to extract undamaged viable DNA (or if not, to revert it in some fashion into its awake state). Presuming that were possible (and it's a BIG presumption, I think), you could conceivably restore all three of the gargoyles whose broken forms were used in Coldstone's creation. Presuming there's no interaction between the fragments (it's not like there's something along the lines of blood flowing between the revivified fragments, after all), it should be possible to isolate what DNA belongs to each gargoyle; Othello's phenotype is clearly visible in Coldstone's face and thus contains his genotype. It should be a simple matter to differentiate the other two samples via typing of the sex chromosomes.

As to an Angela-clone, if she had the discoloration typical of the other clones, Demona might she her as the equivalent of a child she might have been able to have with Thailog (and I'm not getting into dealing with Puck's spell here, people). If so, that meeting could get ugly. However, an Angela-clone would be a good way to establish if the eye-color inversion is an absolute (Delilah being, effectively, a custom-made genetic chimera raises a question as to whether or not accelerated female gargate clones normally have white eyes with a white glow).

Brainiac - [OSUBrainiac at gmail dot com]
There is balance in all things. Live in symmetry with the world around you. If you must blow things up and steal from those around you, THAT'S WHAT RPGS ARE FOR!

DANIEL> <<hat I'm curious about is it these possible new clones might be able to somehow avoid the discoloration, now that Sevarius has more experience with cloning, and appear exactly like the other Gargoyles. >>

That wasn't a problem with the cloning, it was a side effect of the accelerated aging of the clones. And I hope Greg keeps that. I like the idea of a series without "but which one is real and which one is the clone" B.S.

Greg Bishansky - [<----- Make a real "Gargoyles" movie, Disney!]
Make a real "Gargoyles" movie, Disney!

The question as to whether there is any DNA left in coldstone's preserved and re-animated stone really interests me. I remember when a living blood cell was found in the remains of a "million" year old dinosaur, so anything's possible. Is there any official answer on this? If not, somebody might want to ask Greg.

What I'm curious about is it these possible new clones might be able to somehow avoid the discoloration, now that Sevarius has more experience with cloning, and appear exactly like the other Gargoyles. What would happen if Demona met the Angela clone but didn't know if it was a clone? Perhaps they could even "replace" members of the Manhattan clan. I know it's unlikely, but the idea has my curiosity.

Daniel B
"Weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning." (Psalms 30:5)

OMG Coldstone is a ZOMBIE! Run!!!
"All we want to do is eat your brains. We're not unreasonable. I mean, one's gonna eat your eyes." - Jonathan Coulton

MASTERDRAMON> Keep in mind Coldstone is essentially a walking corpse that was reanimated after a millennium of decay. I highly doubt there's any usable DNA left after all that time. Though I do agree Sevarius would be VERY interested in getting his hands on "Eggwardo".
Make a REAL "Gargoyles" movie, Disney!

This is definitely some interesting food-for-thought. There's certainly a significant gap between Demona's hypothetical self-responses to situations and her actions when confronted with those situations in reality, and the prospect of an "Angela" who is theoretically far easier to bend to her will (not that Demona would describe it that way, of course) might just be too tempting to pass up. Although presumably, she'd self-justify her actions by pointing out that the clone already exists, and would turn out far better under her tutelage than under Thailog's or Goliath's (the former of which I'd probably have to agree with, honestly).

Starlioness' post got me thinking on an entirely different tract, however: namely, Sevarius' reaction once he learns of the new additions to the Manhattan Clan as-of "Phoenix." After all, last we saw of them they were all heading to battle Wolf, Jackal, and Hyena in Time Square, which is not exactly an inconspicuous location. So it shouldn't take too long for someone like Anton to hear of the new gargates.

Presumably, he would immediately desire DNA from Katana, Nashville, and Fu-Dog. More chillingly, I'm wagering that he'd be pretty interested on getting his hands on Egwardo as well; no scientist on Earth has ever before studied a gargoyle egg, and the myriad of potential experiments he could run on the unborn Taichi would have to be making him salivate.

One final thought on this note: would it be possible to extract DNA from the "dead skin" that makes up Coldstone's biological components? I presume that he no longer has blood running through him, but if one were to chip off some of the reanimated stone, could one extract useable cell samples? And if so, could a living, breathing clone of Othello be produced from those cells? In any event, I'm sure that Sevarius would like to try.

Masterdramon - [kmc12009 at mymail dot pomona dot edu]
"Meet the new boss, same as the old boss!" - Roger Daltrey of The Who

GREG B> I think Thailog himself would disagree in regards to "Dear daddy Anton". Plus Thailog is way more of a sadist then Xanatos ever was, that strikes me as something he would have picked up from Sevarius. And really, if we're going to quibble, you could argue that Goliath wasn't much more then a sperm donor.
Make a REAL "Gargoyles" movie, Disney!

<<sense of humour from Sevarius.>>

A lot of people say things like this, but really? Sevarius was, at best, the guy who delivered the baby. He has Goliath's genetics, and was educated by Xanatos. And Xanatos is the trickster with the sense of humor.

I don't think Sevarius was all that much of an influence on him. At least not compared to the other two.

Greg Bishansky - [<----- Make a real "Gargoyles" movie, Disney!]
Make a real "Gargoyles" movie, Disney!

GREG B> I could still see Thailog giving the new clones similar ironically themed names. If he inherited Golaith's temper and Xanatos' smarts, then I'd say he got his sense of humour from Sevarius.
Make a REAL "Gargoyles" movie, Disney!

TODD> <<But it's possible that Thailog and Sevarius would be coming up with something different this time around that would make names for the new products unnecessary.>>

Thailog didn't name the first batch of clones, aside from Delilah, anyway. Demona named the clones, but only to spoof how stupid she thought the trio and Hudson's names were. I doubt she even meant for it to stick.

Greg Bishansky - [<----- Make a real "Gargoyles" movie, Disney!]
Make a real "Gargoyles" movie, Disney!

I wonder which city would provide the names for the new batch of clones, with New York and Los Angeles already having been used. But it's possible that Thailog and Sevarius would be coming up with something different this time around that would make names for the new products unnecessary. For all we know, they might plan on mixing the DNA samples together to produce one single oversized clone (though handled differently from Little Anton, obviously). Or maybe just a small army of nondescript clones without any specific individuality (like the Thailog Shock Troops in "Future Tense").
Todd Jensen

Angela-Clone> I've no clue how she'd react to a potential clone of Angela (as its clear that the only constants for this woman is inconsistencies and self-inflicted-foot-stabbing), but I can imagine seeing some immediate backlash towards Thailog for simply stealing and tampering with "her" blood. To what extent I couldn't predict, I'm just glad I won't be on the receiving end of it. (and Sevarius better play dead again when she gets wind of his newest experiments . . .)
"The suspense is terrible, I hope it lasts" -- Willy Wonka

An interesting question. I'm not sure whether Demona would react with murderous rage towards an Angela clone, or embrace it as a substitute for an emotional need like she originally tried with Thailog. It really depends which option is more likely to screw her over in the long term.

That said, I doubt Thailog is planning anything as straight-forward as brewing up another batch of evil twins with poor language skills. I suspect he and Sevarius have something more creative in mind for the clan's DNA.

Make a REAL "Gargoyles" movie, Disney!

STARLIONESS: He has Bronx's DNA. I'm sure he plans to use it.
Greg Bishansky - [<----- Make a real "Gargoyles" movie, Disney!]
Make a real "Gargoyles" movie, Disney!

Greg B:.. I'm still wondering if Severius or Thailog would do a mix and match of clones.. like an Lex/Brooklyn clone or Angela/Hudson clone.. or at least a clone of Bronx .. *shurgs*

not sure if a Katana or Fu-Dog would be possible at this point but you never know..


An interesting question:what will Demona do when she will met a clone of her daughter?
If will be a story that will happend this, I absolutely want to see what Demona will do.
Very good question Mr. Bishansky.

Brian Bartoccini - [giovanni dot bartoccini at gmail dot com]

A thought just hit me.

Right now, Thailog has all of the Manhattan Clan's DNA, and Sevarius is cooking up some new clones for him. Right?

We also know that Demona very much wanted Angela by her side in "The Reckoning" and didn't release a mosquito because she didn't want a clone of Angela, she wanted Angela. Obviously, we know that's never going to happen.

We also know that Demona is so atypical of a gargoyle that the biology actually matters to her, even if she won't admit it.

So, what will happen when Thailog's new clones are out of the can and at least one of them is a clone of Angela. Demona resisted the idea of a clone, but what happens when it becomes reality and it is standing in front of her? Will she remain consistent? Or will she think she has found a substitute while still hoping for the real Angela to come around?

I am still thinking about how such a scenario would play out, but Demona is full of inconsistencies and is always her own worst enemy.

Greg Bishansky - [<----- Make a real "Gargoyles" movie, Disney!]
Make a real "Gargoyles" movie, Disney!

In un-related news, Gargoyles Abridged episode 5 is out. - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y_GVwOnuJdE&feature=sub

Also, great review Greg B, I loved it. You nailed everything.

Daniel B
"Weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning." (Psalms 30:5)

Masterdramon: I'm glad you enjoyed the captions in the Angels in the Night review! I wrote most of them. The guillotine one was my favorite!
D. Taina - [<-- DeviantART]
"The story is told -- though who can say if it be true..." -Shari

TODD> If it was anything more than a paycheck to them, I would be very surprised.
Greg Bishansky - [<----- Make a real "Gargoyles" movie, Disney!]
Make a real "Gargoyles" movie, Disney!

ANTIYONDER - I've sometimes wondered whether Sevarius' mention of being in prison was part of the new production team's way of wrapping up the series by disposing of the rogues' gallery. Xanatos and Fox are portrayed as reformed (however unconvincingly), Thailog is turned to stone, Castaway, his Quarrymen, and Sevarius all under arrest and in prison - there's barely anyone left to serve as a menace to the gargoyles at the end of Season Three. (Demona's story is never properly resolved, of course. For that matter, neither are the Illuminati - I don't think their finances were *that* dependent on the civil war going on in E--n P-x's country.)

It's a pity that we'll probably never know what the new production team were thinking; I suspect that most of them saw "The Goliath Chronicles" as just another animation job and didn't take away any memories with them when they moved on to other series.

Todd Jensen

Materdramon> I'd agree that Nerissa is really the breakout character of W.I.T.C.H. In some ways she combines some of the most dangerous aspects of Demona and Xanatos; obsessive and vengeful yet also very manipulative and calculating.
Make a REAL "Gargoyles" movie, Disney!

Yeah, Greg B's review touched upon one complaint I and others had about TGC. That being that while it's understandable for the crew not to be intimately familiar with Season 1-2, they should have been able to keep track of their own material.

There's the often stated fact that Margot should be objecting to cooperating with Castaway since he was firing weapons such as a cannon in public view.

But there's also mention of Sevarius being in jail in Seeing Isn't Believing. Even in his final onscreen appearance, he didn't do anything which could implicate him, nor was an arrest being shown.

Greg B> Though I do have to disagree. I'd say the scene in "For It May Come True" where Goliath is terrified of the idea of being a librarian is unintentionally funny.

That said, going with your joke theory that The Chameleon was posing as Xanatos for The Goliath Chronicles, would you say that after his final onscreen appearance, he had enough (So much for this gig)?


Greg's Green Arrow short will appear in both Superman/Batman: Apocalypse released on 9/28 and in a DC shorts collection released on 11/9:


A week-old interview on Young Justice: http://www.comicbookresources.com/?page=article&id=27584
Weisman, creator of Disney's "Gargoyles," is no stranger to serialized storytelling, but revealed the show will be main episodic. "Every episode - except for the two-part pilot - stands alone and tells a complete story, but we've got a lot of arcing and continuity throughout the twenty-six episodes and it builds to climaxes at various points in the season and then we'll go out with a huge bang at the end of the season," he said. "[There are] a lot of subplots running through episodes, but you can tune into any one episode and enjoy a story from beginning, middle and end and not have to have seen everything that comes before or everything that comes after. It's just that you get more out of it if you have. It's episodic, but it is sequential." The format is similar to both "Gargoyles" and "Spectacular Spider-Man" in that respect.

"That's how I like to work, so I'm used to it," Weisman continued.

Landon Thomas - [<- Gargoyles News Twitter Feed]

The character of Maxwell in "Angels in the Night" brings me to the thought I've repeatedly had about the Quarrymen in "The Goliath Chronicles" - how the new production team generally ignored their depiction in "The Journey" as frightened citizens, making almost all the Quarrymen apparently paramilitaries hired by Castaway, no more "the general public" than Xanatos's commandoes. The only other example we saw of that was the hospital attendant in "The Dying of the Light" - which is another reason (beside Jeffrey Robbins' role in it) why it was a cut about the rest; in fact, the concept could have made the Quarrymen seem more of a menace, because potentially anybody could be one of them - the person next to you on the bus, next to you at work, your next-door neighbor....

But the episode then undermined the notion by having Maxwell forwarding the information to Castaway that would allow him to attack the passenger train. As I said before, the attack on the train is pointless if the Quarrymen see the gargoyles as dangerous monsters they think they need to protect themselves from; at this point, it seems as if the threat is over, with all the gargoyles either dead or safely incarcerated. Why break into the train and kill the last surviving gargoyles when the authorities have them caged? (Unless, as I speculated below, Castaway's been bitten by the "I want the pleasure of killing them myself" bug - which gets me wondering what he'd have done to another Quarrymen who killed a gargoyle before he had the opportunity to. Something tells me that that Quarryman's life expectancy would not be good.)

The attack on the train would have made more sense if Castaway had realized that Goliath and his clan had survived the trap and might show up to rescue Angela and Bronx, but Bishansky's synopsis indicates that he didn't, and was surprised when Goliath and the other gargoyles *did* show up. (The trap raises another question - how on earth did Castaway fail to notice Xanatos tampering with it? You'd expect him to pay far more attention to his big death-trap scheme for the gargoyles.)

All of which does give me the feeling that the Quarrymen's attack on the train was a late change to the story, after the new production team abandoned the idea of the gargoyles leaving Manhattan for good, and that they needed something to happen to provide a happier ending, even if an obviously contrived one. (It would have been almost more convincing to simply have Castaway, triumphantly announcing that the gargoyles are no longer in the way, leading the Quarrymen on an attempted take-over of New York and having the gargoyles swoop in to save the day just as Castaway is about to force the mayor, at hammer-point, to sign over the rule of the city to him.)

Todd Jensen

Thank you very much for the answer Landon Thomas, bye bye.
Brian Bartoccini - [giovanni dot bartoccini at gmail dot com]

The latest TGC Review by GXB: I was totally expecting the pic of the TGC holding up the AC, and instead I see [SPOILER] Willzyx . . . which totally made my week. [/SPOILER]
"The suspense is terrible, I hope it lasts" -- Willy Wonka

Greg X: The pictures definitely improved the article, LOL. I believe my particular favorite was the Japanese Travis Marshall's "Nearly-Headless Nick" syndrome...brought on, as the caption claims, by an invisible guillotine.

...Hey, it makes more sense than 90% of rest of the episode.

Algernon: I agree wholeheartedly. W.I.T.C.H.'s second season was an undeniably incredible treat (and even the first season, while being significantly less impressive, was still a fairly fun show), and I would have loved to see what Greg could have pulled out for Season 3.

If someone wants a lesson in jam-packing a season with material without making it seem crowded or forced, W.I.T.C.H. Season 2 would be a good place to start. The range of characters across multiple worlds was amazing, and Greg and the rest of the creative team did a great job of fleshing them out.

I could gush about every single one of those characters, but as I want to keep this concise I'll constrict it to the two greatest break-outs: Narissa and Matt/Shagon. Kath Soucie's Narissa was quite possibly the single greatest role I've seen her in, and considering I've seen her in over a hundred that's saying something. Matt meanwhile had probably the most interesting arc of the entire season, and consequently "S is for Self" is undoubtedly my favorite episode of the series (though J, L, M, Q, V, and Z all deserve special recognition as well). And Hell, "S" even made W.I.T.C.H.'s one-and-only contribution so far to the Gargoyle Universe, in the form of the song "The Will to Love."

>rocks out to "The Demon in Me" and wishes that Wreck-55's songs had been released by Disney as singles<

Masterdramon - [kmc12009 at mymail dot pomona dot edu]
"Meet the new boss, same as the old boss!" - Roger Daltrey of The Who

You all might want to check the review again. We added some very fun graphics.
Greg Bishansky - [<----- Make a real "Gargoyles" movie, Disney!]
Make a real "Gargoyles" movie, Disney!

Masterdramon> I saw all of season two, then went back and watched season one to get the back story, then re-watched season two all the way through again. Really enjoyed it, very different in style and tone to Gargoyles or TSSM but still very Weisman. I'd heartily recommend it to anyone who's a fan of Greg's other work.
Make a REAL "Gargoyles" movie, Disney!

I've sometimes wondered whether the Quarrymen attacking the train was in the original plan for "Angels in the Night", back when the Goliath Chronicles production team wanted to end it with the gargoyles giving up and leaving New York. Or was it brought in hurriedly to help give the episode a happier ending once Greg Weisman talked them out of doing that, as a desperate way of solving the racism problem)? That would explain the Quarrymen's behavior - a pointless attack on two already-captured gargoyles - which would endanger a lot of civilians in the process - which would only make sense if Castaway had fallen victim to the "I want the pleasure of killing them myself" mentality? (Probably up there with the "Kill the underling for failing to capture or kill the good guys, even when his failure came about through the good guys' cleverness and skill rather than through any mistakes or incompetence of his own" on the list of mistakes that cliched cartoon villains make.)
Todd Jensen

Greg X: That was brilliant...and heartwrenchingly painful as well. Despite not having seen the episode in at least 7-8 years, I could picture the entire colossal trainwreck (quite literally at the end) as it unfolded through your description. You're a braver man than I to undertake such a task, I assure you.

Adam: I don't think that that comment was a reference to any specific plans, honestly. I think that it was just a reaffirmation that Greg hasn't given up on the property...and won't until his dying day, for that matter.

Algernon: Ah, W.I.T.C.H. How far are you through the second season, currently?

Masterdramon - [kmc12009 at mymail dot pomona dot edu]
"Meet the new boss, same as the old boss!" - Roger Daltrey of The Who

ALGERNON - Not to mention that the public was presumably back to monolithic hatred after "To Serve Mankind". (Or would be, if the writers paid more attention to the consequences of earlier stories.)

And, yes, I've sometimes also thought that the one way to explain the Quarrymen hating the gargoyles while aware of their true nature was to assume that Castaway and his followers were really a criminal organization who wanted the gargoyles out of the way so that they could loot the city without hindrance. And even that has its problems. For one thing, it wouldn't be smart for Castaway, if he was really a mob boss masquerading as a legitimate businessman, to be openly connected with the activities of a band of hooded thugs who were firing anti-aircraft guns in downtown New York; it could lead to an investigation that might turn up other things. (Note, to cite another series that Greg Weisman worked on, that Tombstone and Norman Osborn never let themselves be openly connected to the super-villains that their alliance was turning out.)

Todd Jensen

You know, I don't think TGC Castaway was even really prejudiced against gargs. I think he was just some 80s villain who wondered in, and somehow got the idea that killing the clan would allow him to achive world domination.


P.S. Sorry for the double post but Greg B insisted I post this.

Make a REAL "Gargoyles" movie, Disney!

RE: Angels in The Night

You know this is one place where TGC really could have benefited from the earlier show's use of story arcs and continuity. Having the public do a complete one eighty on the gargs would probably have been less jarring if it had happened gradually over the course of a season. Mind you, it still would have stretched belief for everyone to go from monolithic hatred to equally monolithic adoration, but it would have spared us the mood whiplash of cramming all that into the last five minutes.

Plus if you're going to do one of these final-battle-between-good-and-evil series-finale deals, you either need a multiparter like Hunter's Moon or to be a very serialised show and build up to it. Another Greg Weisman show I've recently gotten into was the second season of W.I.T.C.H. That show spent pretty much a whole 26 episodes building up to it's finale.

Make a REAL "Gargoyles" movie, Disney!

Thanks for your review of "Angels in the Night", Bishansky. The one redeeming feature of that episode was Xanatos' "To be or not to be" line - at least the last television episode went back to Shakespeare briefly.

(Though the comics did a bit more - Kenneth III adapts a quote from "Hamlet" in "Clan-Building Part Two", and of course, "Bad Guys" gave us Falstaff and his gang.)

Todd Jensen

I thought this was interesting. In one of Greg's new responses, he says "Dude, I wouldn't write the eulogy quite yet." in reference to the end of Gargoyles. I wounder if he has some knowledge of a future comic that we had talked about last week. Here's hoping.
Adam - [carl006_1999 at yahoo dot com]

Well, don't say I never do nothing for all of you.

Now, at GargWiki, my review for the finale of TGC, "Angels In the Night"


I haven't watched the episode since it first aired. I hope you like this.

Todd, I'm especially looking forward to your comments. ;)

Greg Bishansky - [<----- Make a real "Gargoyles" movie, Disney!]
Make a real "Gargoyles" movie, Disney!

Brian Bartoccini - You mean this? http://www.amazon.com/Gargoyles-Season-Three/dp/B001993Y7W It's a placeholder. Amazon creates them all the time for unreleased theoretical products, probably for marketing purposes. Amazon created that link all by itself with no input from Disney and it has no bearing on whether a Season Three DVD is planned or not.
Landon Thomas - [<- Gargoyles News Twitter Feed]

Hey, how are you? Well, could someone of answer to me this question? I saw in Amazon there is in sale Gargoyles season 3, but what is rally it?
Brian Bartoccini - [giovanni dot bartoccini at gmail dot com]

if any of you want a complet collection of gargoyles episods send a messege any way you can to shout factory because i thinke their are best bet for geting a complet seris here is were i sent my messeg http://www.youtube.com/shoutfactory#p/a but theirs probly other wways
joe - [weekley]

Adam, I doubt Greg will give you a straight answer for that question. It's very rare for him to reveal any new info these days.

But, I'm guessing that all the beasts in their clan are of Chinese descent. I'm sure the Xanadu clan would be happy to accept non-Chinese beasts, but it's just that I doubt they've had much contact with other clans.

I suspect the beasts outnumber the Gargoyles. A female Gargoyle beast can lay 4 eggs in her lifetime, whereas a gargoyle can only lay 3. Thus, that would lead me to believe that the beast population is larger than the gargoyle population, depending on a couple of factors:
1. How long they've been protecting beasts
2. How many beasts they started with

If they've only been protecting beasts for a few decades by the time we meet them and they didn't start with many to begin with, then I guess the beast population would be lower.

Gargoyles Movie - [Rebel (trying to help with Google bombing)]

Got a question I want to ask Greg but I will ask it here first. We know the Xanadu has taken an interest in protecting the gargoyle beasts. My question in, are all the beasts in that clan of Chinese desent or are there some mixed beasts from other clans? Also, do the beasts outnumber the Gargoyles in that clan?
Adam - [carl006_1999 at yahoo dot com]

Uncle Scrooge #394 is out today with its 3rd DuckTales story. Newsarama likes it: http://www.newsarama.com/comics/best-shots-advance-reviews-100810.html
Landon Thomas - [<- Gargoyles News Twitter Feed]

Landon> I seriously doubt it's coming from another distributor, as Diamond pretty much has a monopoly on comics distribution.

It might be worth asking Ape Entertainment what's going on directly. Their website say the first issue is current;y available, but if Diamond hasn't listed it, it may not have actually debuted in stores. Ape's marketing director, Brent Erwin, can be reached at BErwin@ape-entertainment.com.

Demonskrye - [<---Scott Pilgrim vs the Animation at The Ink and Pixel Club]

Phoenician - I've been watching the Diamond lists closely for months and Mecha-Nation #1 has never appeared. I suppose it's possible it's distributed by something other than Diamond. Has anyone seen Mecha-Nation for sale anywhere?

Comic-Con doesn't really count because publishers often sell early copies there and I don't see Mecha-Nation at Ape's online store: http://www.apecomics.com/store.htm

Landon Thomas - [<- Gargoyles News Twitter Feed]

Phoenician >> Yeah. Waited a whole year. I was going to buy it last year at Comic-Con so I could get Greg's autograph, but I ran out of money. I waited until this year's convention to do it. It was definitely worth the wait!
The One Known As Mochi - [shogi dot keima dot 08 at gmail dot com]
Current Mood: (>T.T)> Hangovers are awful...

Dude, Greg just shot down one of my questions. Oh well. I was kinda hoping for an answer.
Adam - [carl006_1999 at yahoo dot com]

Brainiac -- Awesome stuff! I look forward to reading the article :D

Mochi -- woah, you've been waiting for an additional year to finish Bad Guys? Yikes, make sure you read it slow ;)

MECHA-NATION: So Greg just posted that the first issue of Mecha-Nation has been out since July. Now if I remember right, I know there were copies around at the San Diego Comic Con, but I never realized it had a wide release.

**Goes to call local comic shop where he asked to reserve a copy** Somebody's got some explaining to do . . ." >_>

"The suspense is terrible, I hope it lasts" -- Willy Wonka

That's probably one reason why Greg Weisman decided that Xanatos' ambition was simply to increase his wealth and power and not to take over the world.
Todd Jensen

MASTERDRAMON>"I would like to note though that I really wouldn't want to see Luthor become mature and forward-thinking; much as it would improve his efficiency as both a villain and as a businessman, I think that it would eventually ruin his character."

And I now -I- love you.

Harlan Phoenix - [harlanphoenix at live dot com]

Greg X: Oh darling, you're such a charmer. ;D

I would like to note though that I really wouldn't want to see Luthor become mature and forward-thinking; much as it would improve his efficiency as both a villain and as a businessman, I think that it would eventually ruin his character. Like Victor von Doom, Luthor's obsessive and short-term personality is really the only thing keeping him from actually taking over the world.

And that would make the stories rather boring after a while. XD

Masterdramon - [kmc12009 at mymail dot pomona dot edu]
"Meet the new boss, same as the old boss!" - Roger Daltrey of The Who

Masterdramon> <<Ah, Xanatos Enterprises...it's like what LexCorp would be, if Luthor suddenly grew mature and forward-thinking.>>

I love you.

Greg Bishansky - [<----- Make a real "Gargoyles" movie, Disney!]
Make a real "Gargoyles" movie, Disney!

Brainiac: Interesting find. I could definitely see Coyote 5.0's AI functioning off of such a process...which means that Scarab Corp should certainly be in the money if they discovered how to practically apply anti-lasers way back in 1997.

Ah, Xanatos Enterprises...it's like what LexCorp would be, if Luthor suddenly grew mature and forward-thinking.

Masterdramon - [kmc12009 at mymail dot pomona dot edu]
"Meet the new boss, same as the old boss!" - Roger Daltrey of The Who

I found an interesting article on Wired recently. Scientists have theorized a means of frequency-specific light absorption, dubbed an "antilaser." However, there was a particularly interesting quote on the possible applications.

"But because the antilaser can switch from absorbing to nonabsorbing just by changing the wavelength of the incoming light, it could prove useful in optical switches -- for instance in futuristic computer boards that will use light instead of electrons."

Hello, Coyote 5.0. The article itself is at http://www.wired.com/wiredscience/2010/07/antilaser/ if anyone's interested.

Brainiac - [OSUBrainiac at gmail dot com]
There is balance in all things. Live in symmetry with the world around you. If you must blow things up and steal from those around you, THAT'S WHAT RPGS ARE FOR!

Speaking of Bad Guys, I got my copy and can finally read the rest of the spin-off!
The One Known As Mochi - [shogi dot keima dot 08 at gmail dot com]
Current Mood: (>T.T)> Hangovers are awful...

False alarm for sure. It's on my wishlist, so the site would tell me if they were out of stock. They're not.
mage_cat - [mage_cat14 at yahoo dot com]

Hey I've see too,maybe fortunetly a false alarm.
Brian Bartoccini - [giovanni dot bartoccini at gmail dot com]

LANDON> Thanks man, I must have been confused by them using the cover of issue 1. Sorry to panic everybody.
Make a REAL "Gargoyles" Movie, Disney

Algernon - Maybe it's changed since you looked, but I see Bad Guys available and in stock: http://www.amazon.com/Gargoyles-Bad-Guys-Greg-Weisman/dp/1593621930
Landon Thomas - [<- Gargoyles News Twitter Feed]

I am very sorry for all of you about Bad Guys.
3 hours before I saw Awakening part 5 and Hunter's Moon part 3, I really like characters like Demona and Jhon Canmore(thank you again for the answer about him Mr. Bishansky), they looks like death angels.
Demona doesn't releaze she is the cause of her sofferences, yes the humans destroied her kind and that it is a cause of her sofference, but she is so fool: for example she wants destroy even Goliath and the other survived of the Wyvern massacre because in her opinion they are traitors; Jhon Canomre is a weak man and he is unable to take upon his faults; in my opinion both Demona and Jhon Canmore in theire unconscious they are conscious of theire faults but they do not want admit it, and Demona gives all cause of her sofferences to the humans and Jhon Canmore to the Gargoyles.
So, what do you think about that I wrote?

Brian Bartoccini - [giovanni dot bartoccini at gmail dot com]

"Who's stronger?" Who cares? Strength alone does not always win battles. Ever watch "The Princess Bride"?
"A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men." - Willy Wonka

Bad news everyone, I was browsing through Amazon.com earlier and it seems the Gargoyles: Bad Guys trade paperback is no longer available. Here's everything a search for "gargoyles bad guys" turned up...


Make a REAL "Gargoyles" Movie, Disney

Weisman doesn't really care about quantifying things like that.

There's actually a long chain of "who's stronger than who" questions where he just talks about Hulk fighting the Thing. It's actually pretty hilarious.

Harlan Phoenix - [harlanphoenix at live dot com]

The only reason Goliath was able to defeat the Archmage was because of the Archmage's arrogance. He could have destroyed Goliath but instead chose the typical villian role and toyed with his victim first. That is why Goliath defeated the Archmage.
Adam - [carl006_1999 at yahoo dot com]

Given that Goliath successfully took on one but not the other...I'd say the answer is a pretty definitive "no": the Archmage+ is not more powerful than Oberon. The only thing I could see the Archmage doing that Oberon couldn't do just as well or better is the time-travel bit, and that's because the question of whether Oberon can do it or not has not been answered (at least, to the best of my knowledge).
Ian Perez - [doknowbutchie at gmail dot com]

Quick question. Looked through the archives and couldn't find an answer. Was the enhanced Archmage seen in the "Avalon" episodes more powerfull than Oberon?
Adam - [carl006_1999 at yahoo dot com]

10 once again.
Adam - [carl006_1999 at yahoo dot com]

Numbah Nine! Numbah Nine! Numbah Nine! Numbah Nine!
Masterdramon - [kmc12009 at mymail dot pomona dot edu]
"Meet the new boss, same as the old boss!" - Roger Daltrey of The Who

Iz takes numbrr ate!!1!
Warcrafter - [grafixfangamer1 at sbcglobal dot net]
STEPHEN KING IS GOD! . . . in a sense.

VickyUK - [vickyfanofwwe at aol dot com]

mage_cat - [mage_cat14 at yahoo dot com]

FIFTH -- I'm with Jurgan, I'll be lucky to make the Ten now that I'm back in a school schedule d:
"The suspense is terrible, I hope it lasts" -- Willy Wonka

4th! And probably my last top ten for a while- school starts back up next week, which means it's back to waking up at 5:00 A.M. every day...
Jurgan - [jurgan6 at yahoo dot com]

Sir_Griff723@yahoo.com - [Sir_Griff723 at yahoo dot com]
"Authority should derive from the consent of the governed, not by the threat of force" Barbie in Toy Story 3--The only version of the character that I respect.

Gargoyles Movie - [Rebel (trying to help with Google bombing)]

Greg Bishansky - [<----- Make a real "Gargoyles" movie, Disney!]
Make a real "Gargoyles" movie, Disney!