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The Phoenix Gate

Comment Room Archive

Comments for the week ending December 12, 2010

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Phoenician - I'm been watching the Diamond shipping lists and it hasn't come up. Ape seems to be kind of inconsistent with their marketing.
Landon Thomas - [<- Gargoyles News Twitter Feed]

interesting thanks Rebel yeah I have not got no shipping confirmation e-mail that is why I asked
dres - [escodr3s at yahoo dot com]

Off Topic (though there hasn't been much conversation this week), but anyone know about the release date for the next Mecha-Nation issue? Just realized earlier today that its been months since I picked up the first issue . . .
"The suspense is terrible, I hope it lasts" -- Willy Wonka

Dres > Depends on where you live, where it's being shipped from, what kind of shipping is being used, and when Electric finished processing the order and got it started on its way to you. Most likely they will e-mail you a tracking number when the statue leaves their facility.

does any one know how long the Goliath Tiki statue takes to ship?
dres - [escodr3s at yahoo dot com]

thanks people I later figured it out but thank you
dres - [escodr3s at yahoo dot com]

I added an update to the Photographer's profile. He was later seen looking at Vinnine walking down the street with Mr. Carter.


at 1:57

Hair and head band are different colors, but people dye their hair and put on different head bands.

Richard Jackson

If you type "vendettas gargoyles'' in a search, the three parts of of "Vendettas" come up as the first results.
Richard Jackson

hey people one more thing where can I view or find episode 46 vendettas of Gargoyles you tube skips this episode
dres - [escodr3s at yahoo dot com]

I wasnt exactly encouraging him to comit illegal activities just saying is a cool idea
dres - [escodr3s at yahoo dot com]

Dres> I think Rebel would require a license from Disney if she wants to make money off their character.
Greg Bishansky

ohh and rebel that idea would be awesome you could make money with that. a great Gargoyles shirt
dres - [escodr3s at yahoo dot com]

Ordered the Tiki Statue last night finally convinced myself but I'd like to put it out there and none of us or Greg have power over this but what I most want as a fan and collector of Gargoyles is an Art of Book and Primer.
A book with forward from Greg maybe a mini-story, art from the show, archives, from the comic books, concept art and the best fan art. primer and sections for all the characters and Gargoyle universe spin offs. I would pay high dollar for that. Can't see why Disney could not do it it is not something they have to sell in high volumes art books usually are a niche and that produced as an anniversary would be a great homage. The best except with they maybe produced both seasons of Gargoyles on Blu -Ray.

dres - [escodr3s at yahoo dot com]

Makes me want to wear a "WWGD" shirt. With a picture of him in his thoughtful pose.

mmm thanks figured, first stay? I mean he is the one that could tell Samson how Goliath would of done kind of thing.
dres - [escodr3s at yahoo dot com]

Dres> Demona is one of the main cast members of 2198. Whether she's the Demona we know or not is... unknown. And sometimes quite heavily debated. She certainly won't have completely reformed prior to the series though.

And also don't think that Brooklyn is going to be any sort of mentor figure during 2198, at least not during his first stay.


I don't know if anyone has answers at least to satisfy me or is interested, but Greg won't answer this so here goes. We know Gargoyles centers mostly on Goliath, Elisa, and Demona. Sure the other characters are featured and characters like Brooklyn and Xanatos often take the lead but the Gargoyles essence is the relation between Goliath, Demona, and Elisa. We know Brooklyn is liked enough and popular enough to get his own spin off in Timedancer. We also know that Gargoyles Dark Ages revolves around origin and development of Goliath, Hudson, and Demona. Gargoyles 2198 we know features Samson and Brroklyn to chanel a Hudson type mentor but what about Demona. It has sort of been discussed but not in depth is she a central character in 2198? Is she the Demona we know? Or is 2198 interestingly enough the redemption of Demona her final heroic stand? How does she evolve? I mean if you think about it there are even suttle hints to paralells to Star Wars the comic comes to mind.
dres - [escodr3s at yahoo dot com]

So Ducktales too had a sequel on comic books? just Darckwing Duck and Gargoyles?

I like all of them and I hope, one day, Disney will once for all release them in other countries.

I' ve seen the Goliath' stones photos, they are very cool (if I have enough money I certainly buy them), and I really want to see a Demona's stone, and other stones of the principal characters of the show.

-" In tutti noi c' e' il bene e il male, sia negli umani che nei gargoyle..."- Goliath in Awakening part 5 (italian version)

Uncle Scrooge #398 is out now from BOOM! Studios, with part 3 of the 2nd DuckTales storyline. Preview: http://www.comicbookresources.com/?page=preview&id=7171
Landon Thomas - [<- Gargoyles News Twitter Feed]

I too ordered the Goliath Statue, and I got word today that it's shipping. YAY! I hope they do Demona as well; and like Greg said... I hope she has a BFG. ^_^
Battle Beast - [Canada]
I have started a movie challenge whereby I am wtching all 475 Best Picture nominees and winners in 365 days. I am on Day #274 movie #311. Wish me luck!

Ah! I've forgot to tell you this: months ago I post an email to Disney to ask why they did not release the DVDs in other countries and when they would release 2 season volume 2.
And you know how they answer to me? They thank to me my interest of theri products and for more information they told to ask to their italian seat to ask that I want to know the answer.

And I want ask to you this, guys: why Disney did not release the complete series of Ducktales and Darkwing duck on DVD in other countries? And if the complete first season on DVD of Gargoyles had good sales why Disney did not release it in other countries? In my opinion if Disney had done this there were more hope for good sales for the rest of the series on DVD.

I think so! And I hope my english it is understandable!

-" In tutti noi c' e' il bene e il male, sia negli umani che nei gargoyle..." - Goliath in Awakening part 5 (italian version)

LURKER> <<Hopefully there is enough orders all around to warrant another statue, dare I hope for Brooklyn?! Mah, high hopes. Im sure a second statue would be Demona. Not that Im complaining.>>

Yeah, I wrote to them a few months back, and if Goliath sells well, Demona is likely to be their second statue.

I hope she has a big gun.

Greg Bishansky

Audra> I ordered the statue. A10 collectibles has it available for $169.99. After S&H you will end up paying a little under $185. I will post pics as soon as I receive it. I think Battle Beast ordered it as well. Not sure about anyone else.

Some kind of cool news. I tried to link to the site earlier but couldnt find it. Concerned about my order, I emailed to discover what happened. The reply stated that my order was the last of the initial order the company placed and they had to order some more.

Granted, the rep did not mention how much their initial order consisted of, or how much they reordered, but it is good news non-the-less.

Hopefully there is enough orders all around to warrant another statue, dare I hope for Brooklyn?! Mah, high hopes. Im sure a second statue would be Demona. Not that Im complaining.

Enough rambling. If you are interested in ordering from this site, here is the link.



You know, Phoenician's little joke actually just reminded me of my planned kickoff post...and now I can use its exact opposite!

I regret to inform you all that it's just me and not the twelfth drummer.

Yes, I know, it's not truly the Twelve Days yet, but the song is freaking everywhere right now.

Brainiac - [OSUBrainiac]
There is balance in all things. Live in symmetry with the world around you. If you must blow things up and steal from those around you, THAT'S WHAT RPGS ARE FOR!

So I saw this on one of our local newspapers, and thought it too good not to share. Apparently there's been results of gargoyle sightings in southern Puerto Rico, and apparently its newsworthy enough to get front-page coverage. The article itself has a rather interesting nod to our favorite series, and I translate and comment on it here:


Ian Pérez - [ianj dot perez at gmail dot com]

Thanks for the update Gore :)

Dare I say it? d:


"The suspense is terrible, I hope it lasts" -- Willy Wonka

I see, maybe you' re right.

But I ever think that hope is the last to die; and so I think Disney will release the rest of the series on DVD one day (Maybe it will happen when the show will be 18 years old).

And so we non-american fans have to wait before to do that we want to do.

At these times Disney is very attract only to money: they' ve done a stupid movie like "Prince of Persia", stupid tv series like Hannna Montana and Patty.

In the 1990/99 Disney have done movie and tv series much better.

What a delusion!!!!!

So, be in low and do not lost hope. One day will be more DVDs and comic books and then they will be released in other countries.

And the fact that the sales are not increasing between 2005 and 2010, it is a proof that Disney at these times are very attract to money.

-" In tutti noi c' e' il bene e il male, sia negli umani che nei gargoyle..." - Goliath in Awakening part 5 (italian version)

K7OP, you can have Americans send the DVDs and comics to you. As long as you pay for it through Paypal, I have done that for my friends who live in different countries. I doubt very much Disney would release the DVDs and comics in different countries... It sucks, but Disney wont even release the rest of season 2 on DVD, so I doubt they even care to release the DVDs and comics outside of the U.S. But you can buy them online and have them shipped to other countries. I'd be willing to help since I've done it before for other people.

Anyways, I haven't been here in a while... I was wondering, how many of you are going to get the Electric Tiki Goliath? I kind of want to get it, but for $200? I'm not sure I want to spend that much...

Audra - [birdygirl85 at hotmail dot com]

Well, Nebulan; I ask to you guys only some advice before to do something to convince Disney to release the DVDs and the comic books in other countries. Maybe, releasing them in other countries, the sales could increase more and then there can be hope for Gargoyles 2 season volume 2.

What do you think guys, it is a good idea all that? or maybe we non-american fans have to be more prudent?

-" In tutti noi c' e' il bene e il male, sia negli umani che nei gargoyle..." - Goliath in Awakening part 5 (italian version)

Looks like the scheduled tasks weren't carried over to the new server so the room didn't wipe. I'll need to work on that this week. For now we'll just have to think of this as an extended CR.

Mochi: the CR code doesn't automatically put http:// at the start of every link, so you have to include that yourself. the reason why is somewhat laziness on my party, but also to allow people to use other protocols in the besides http such as a link to itunes (itunes://) or something old school like ftp (ftp://) and so on (try my link if you're using Firefox). I get the form field is labeled "web site" thus I'd be in the right to assume http:// for anything that doesn't begin with http://, but I like the idea of abusing such simple little bits of an application for things other than their original purpose.


@K7OP - are you looking for them to be release in other languages? Because seeing as we can't even get Disney to release the english version of the second half of season 2, that might be difficult *pout*. But what about ordering the English version? Is there a region problem that prevents the DVDs from playing?
I want more gargoyles canon!

JJ >> Wasn't aware of that... Thanks!
The One Known As Mochi - [shogi dot keima dot 08 at gmail dot com]
Current Mood: (>O.o)> I have class today...?

Supermoff > I didn't even think about the "powers" issue. Artemis would have likely been in the way in Cadmus and Miss Martian's presence would have made the whole thing seem easy. Good point.

Very sorry if I disturb you again (because none hasn't answer to me), I need an advice.

I' ve talked with some fans (not north-americans) about the Gargoyles DVD. We want to try to convince Disney to release them in some country.

Maybe we can sign up a petition? What do you think?

Okay, I hope my english it is understandable and sorry for (again) the disturb.

-" In tutti noi c' e' il bene e il male, sia negli umani che nei gargoyle..." - Goliath in Awakening part 5 (italian version)

Landon> Tad Stones has achieved whole new levels of respect from me with that interview... and I didn't even think that was possible.

Young Justice> Yeah, I kinda see how lack of female characters is a legitimate concern, but in addition to the factors Rebel mentioned, there's also the 'powers' question. Many of Miss Martian's powers (assuming they are largely if not wholly the same as her comics counterpart) would have eliminated many of the threats the team faced in the first episode. Artemis is probably a long-range character and so wouldn't work as well in the confined spaces of the Cadmus facility - so it wouldn't really be possible to show her off properly. Leaving them out of the first adventure means they can get the room to properly let loose when they do get a proper introduction.


Please forgive the double post. I had to post to see what the system would do with my URL.

I entered "..", and the system took that to mean "OK, take the URL for the Comment Room, and wipe out the last portion of it", thereby linking to the page one level up in the website.

BTW, in this post I entered the URL "../../.."
I think that should be an error, but let's see...

JJ Gregarius

In your URL, put "http://" at the beginning.

If you don't the system will not realize you are entering a complete address, and will instead think you are entering one relative to the Comment Room; that is, a path to a file starting from the address of the comment room (similar to path names for files in Windows or UNIX that list a sequence of nested folders to look in followed by a file name)

Now since many systems allow us to use the magic folder name ".." (go back one folder in the website's hierarchy of nested folders), the link in this post should go to Gorebash's Gargoyles page. Let's see....

JJ Gregarius

I think when characters die they ought to stay dead. I can't stand the reckless abandon with which many writers kill characters off only to come up with some sort of contrived means of bringing them back. IMO, in good fiction, death of main characters should be very rare, but when it happens, it should be permanent. The character should stay dead.

Women in Young Justice > I don't think anyone is a "retard" for complaining about this. While I loved the pilot I am still disappointed at the lack of female characters in it. Of course I have faith in Greg Weisman as a storyteller and I have faith that his treatment of the female characters will be great. Nevertheless, it still bothers me that so few women were included in the pilot and when one of the female team members finally does show up, she was positioned more as a love interest or eye candy rather than as someone who could kick your ass and take your name (the way all the boy characters were introduced). We aren't "retards" for noticing this or being bothered by it.

I wouldn't really expect Caucasian males to understand anyway. I'm sure that probably sounded really condescending and I'm sorry about that, but quite simply, the number of heroes and cool characters out there who are Caucasian males so vastly outnumbers the number which are minorities or women to the point that even if a show excluded white males entirely, it wouldn't really be a big deal because there's so many other shows where white males make up the bulk of the main cast and are the greatest heroes or the coolest villains. That's why there is no real outcry when a character's ethnicity is changed from white to something else, but if you change a previously minority character to a white character people blow a gasket. Women, racial minorities, gay people, people with disabilities, etc., all have fewer heroes and other cool characters that we can look to who are like ourselves so when there is an opportunity to include one and that opportunity gets missed, we take notice.

That said, I fully intend to watch as much of Young Justice as I can. I'm banking on the hope that the lack of cool female characters in the pilot will be made up for as the series progresses. I think that those viewers who saw the pilot, were upset by its "sausagefest-ness", and who declared that they will not give the show a chance when it starts airing regularly are indeed making a poor choice.

But then again, it's not like it's fair to expect them to just automatically take it for granted that Greg W will do a fabulous job with including great female characters. Many of these people may not be familiar with Greg's work. And even if they are, they may not be 100% pleased with it. I for one am mostly happy with his work involving female characters but I don't think it's perfect. There are things I think could have been done better. Furthermore, there's something to be said for the attitude that many of them have that if the creators had felt the female characters were important enough to include in the pilot, they would have found a way to include more of them, and the fact that they didn't says a lot about the show.

That certainly isn't *MY* view. As someone with some experience in writing, I know that there is a big difference in terms of how easily you can introduce 3 or 4 characters and give each the characterization he or she deserves and that sometimes tacking on another character means that the characters don't get the attention they need to establish their personalities. The pilot works with Robin, Kid Flash, Aqualad, and Superboy, but adding in someone else might have created a non-workable dynamic at that particular moment in time and might have meant that we didn't have a clear sense of their personalities by episode's end. And I also know that you can't just throw people together randomly. Some relationships, personalities, and characters have to be established before others. Aqualad is the mature one, the one who will become leader, so it was important that he be characterized early. Robin has a lot of recognizability to many viewers so it was practical to include him in the pilot as well, and by extension it was practical to include Kid Flash to start establishing the friendship between Robin and Kid Flash. Plus, including those two further aids in the characterization of Aqualad because it allows viewers to compare him to the other guys and recognize his maturity more-so than if Aqualad had been teamed up with more mature characters. Superboy was necessary to include because the act of breaking him out of Cadmus was what solidified the team's relationship to one another. Also Aqualad's ability to placate Superboy when necessary further hints at Aqualad's future leadership.

So, when you sit down and really examine what is going on in the pilot from a writer's point of view it's not hard to figure out why certain characters were included and certain other characters weren't. But you can't expect the average person to be able to figure that out. The average person isn't stupid by any means, but the average person simply doesn't know enough about writing to figure out on their own why some characters are here and some aren't until it gets explained to them.


Double post... Sorry... T.T''

Didn't see Todd's post about the CR...

Gorebash >> Anytime I post, my website link shows as "http://s8.org/gargoyles/comment/www.ssburnout.com" and I'm only entering "www.ssburnout.com"

The One Known As Mochi - [shogi dot keima dot 08 at gmail dot com]
Current Mood: (>^^)> Finally getting some sleep tonight...


Is it me, or has the CR not done its weekly reset...?

I still see comments from last week... o.O'''

The One Known As Mochi - [shogi dot keima dot 08 at gmail dot com]
Current Mood: (>^^)> Finally getting some sleep tonight...

Todd: yeah . . . weird.

Maybe it has something to do with the site going on a new server a week or so ago?

GXB: While I always respected Greg Weisman and his wish not to just give out details on "what could have been" regarding Spidey outside the proper scripted and animated show, I think this latest revelation really left me understanding that no amount of third season revelations would ever truly suffice compared to the actual thing.

Don't necessarily know why Gargoyles can work with plenty of canon-in-training tidbits but Spidey can't (at least in my opinion) . . . maybe because The Spectacular Spider-Man is so recent, that part of me still considers some insane glimmer of hope that it could come back (whereas I found Ask Greg in 2003, several years after the show ended and without any knowledge that shows could ever come back from the dead . . . and at that point, I think the general sentiment was just to get the show on DVD and maybe one of the spinoffs greenlit). . . but even that rationale doesn't seem adequate.

**shrugs** I will of course also be looking forward to Marina Sirtis on Young Justice -- (count me as another of the converted that knows there's gonna be some awesome female leads and supporting characters . . . I think, well, everything that Greg W's ever worked on is a testament of that (: )

**Kicks the Comment Room Walls** Reset & Archive already!!

"The suspense is terrible, I hope it lasts" -- Willy Wonka

Just wanted to thank Mr. Weissman for the Young Justice pilot, which I recently saw. In fact, I admire nearly everybody working on the show.

I've been a great fan of his work since Gargoyles, and I'm so happy to see that this show has your typical level of quality.

As for the title controversy, I want to say that while I think the fan's reaction was to be expected, personally I don't mind- I learned long ago that almost every adaptation from one medium to another requires changes- and that it's not always a bad thing (the Teen Titans show had its own style and it worked wonderfully.)

Only one thing worries me: I hear that you're planning on killing at least one main character. It's precisely the abuse of character deaths these days that has got me distanced from the comics I once loved; the Titans-related books are the worst example in fact. I trust however, that the death here will turn out to be a "we'll bring her/him back later" thing; or that even if it IS permanent, that it'll at least be truly heroic and handled with dignity, not pathetic as so many DC characters' have been recently.

So far everything I have seen reminds me of that time when I could indeed read DC comics without fear of disappointment or disgust. I have faith on you to continue this trend.

I wish you much success in this project.

Sijo - [Sijoy2k5 at yahoo dot com]

So does anyone know why the room still hasn't cleared yet? Is the automated reset broken?
Todd Jensen - [merlyn1 at mindspring dot com]

LANDON> Wow... some people just enjoy making up reasons to complain, don't they?


Greg Bishansky

LANDON> Yeah, I've noticed comments like that along those lines and while I do get where their coming from, they're obviously not familiar with Greg's previous work or they'd have more faith in his ability to write kick-ass female characters. I mean this is the same guy who created Demona, one of the all time great villainessess in animated history, and produced the awesome second season of W.I.T.C.H. which had a terrific mostly female cast. People just need to show a bit more faith.

A couple of more speicific points I'd like to address...

"Wonder Woman and Black Canary appear at the end with no lines."

In fairness, none of the leaguers without direct YJ counterparts had any lines in this premier, with the exeption of one line of exposition from Zatara. Plus Black Canary is Greg's all time favourite DC character, so I doubt he's going to be side lining her anytime soon. The man isn't called the Joss wheadon of animation for nothing.

"Miss Martian is introduced at the end and the �boys� are told she is joining the team. The proceed to peacock in front of her positioning her not as a peer but as potential romantic interest."

Correction, Wally proceed to peacock, Robin and Aqualad were just being polite but didn't seem to have any romantic interest in her. Superboy obviously does like her but all he did was smile at her after she gave him a compliment, a perfecttly appropriate response

Look people, no preimer no matter how good, is going to give you anywhere the same effect as an entire season of the show. This is only the first two out of 26 episodes, give it a few episodes and see how they actually potray Miss Martian, Artemis and Black Canary. I think you'll be pleasently surprised.

Make a REAL "Gargoyles" movie, Disney!

Well, Rebel wasn't the only person to notice a dearth of women in the Young Justice premiere. There's a kerfuffle arising among female superhero fans/bloggers on the same issue. It started here: http://dcwomenkickingass.tumblr.com/post/1696749327/young-justice and then they linked to some additional discussion days later: http://dcwomenkickingass.tumblr.com/post/2083980348/underoos One blogger writes a hesitant defense of the show: http://league.jmkprime.org/2010/12/05/women-in-young-justice/

Of course we all know that Greg an Co. will write some great female characters for the series eventually. With Artemis and Miss Martian in the promotional art, hopefully the 2-month break won't fester negative opinions among female viewers.

Landon Thomas - [<- Gargoyles News Twitter Feed]

Early Disney Afternoon writer Jymn Magon is hosting a Gummi Bears webinar on Saturday that reunites several cast & crew: http://finetooning.wordpress.com/gummi-bear-25th-anniversary-reunion/

Rescue Rangers/Darkwing Duck cartoon creator Tad Stones interviews Rescue Rangers/Darkwing Duck comic writer Ian Brill: http://www.newsarama.com/comics/Rescue-Rangers-Stones-Brill-101206.html

This Disney Afternoon nostalgia thing sure has legs.

Landon Thomas - [<- Gargoyles News Twitter Feed]

Hi, guys!
Very sorry if I disturb you now, I need an advice.

I' ve talked with some fans (not north-americans) about the Gargoyles DVD. We want to try to convince Disney to release them in some country.

Maybe we can sign up a petition? What do you think?

Okay, I hope my english it is understandable and sorry for the disturb.

-" In tutti noi c' e' il bene e il male, sia negli umani che nei gargoyle..." - Goliath in Awakening part 5 (italian version)

Phoenician> Yeah, it's true. After NYCC, Greg Weisman and I had dinner at this great Thai restaurant, and I tried to pry info about Emily Osborn out of him. For me, she's the big mystery. I can extrapolate everything else from the comics to at least theorize what would have been. But Emily died in the comics years and years ago, before we first meet Norman and Harry Osborn, so she's a blank slate.

Greg wouldn't reveal his plans, but he did give me the Marina Sirtis tidbit. That was who he had hoped to cast. The reason this didn't go up sooner was because, well, it slipped my mind until I asked him for permission yesterday.

I think it's cool. And a shame. I look forward to hearing Marina in "Young Justice."

Greg Bishansky

I would say nurse. In my experience nurses are a lot more likely to spend time with you (like checking your vitals) and doctors are more likely to spend 30 seconds with you and be on their way >:(
I want more gargoyles canon!

In "Deadly Force", I'm trying to figure out if the blonde professional at Manhattan General is a doctor or a nurse. She observed Elisa's heart monitor when Elisa went into cardiac arrest. Later in the episode, she checked Elisa's IV and ushered the Maza family out. I'm leaning towards nurse, but she could be a doctor. I think I'm going to go ahead and write her as a nurse. If anyone thinks she's a doctor, than they can change the profile.
Richard Jackson - [rickymtj at yahoo dot com]

I'll wait for the Comment Room to wipe and archive itself and the new week's Top Ten before I mention two topics I'd like to discuss thanks to some recent browsing (and editing) on the GargWiki and archives, but for now I just need to get this out of my system:

[SPOILER] On Greg Weisman's supposed plan to cast Marina Sirtis to be Emily Osborn on The Spectacular Spider-Man . . . Cruelest. Factoid. Ever. >_< [/SPOILER]

"The suspense is terrible, I hope it lasts" -- Willy Wonka

Chip> The answer to your question is simple. Cheese.

I'm confused...why hasn't the comment room rolled over into the next week yet?
Chip - [Sir_Griff723 at yahoo dot com]
Cheese, it's as good an answer as any.

So long as we've got the GargWiki open and raring, something that's been itching at me for a while has been this question that I asked Greg W. about a year ago about politics in the Gargoyles Universe:


Given that a similar question regarding the religions of the human cast resulted in canon-in-training information being added to the Wiki, should not details such as "Matt must be a Dem" be added as well (David is a bit more muddled, though, since a 2001 post stated him specifically as an Independent, which makes far more sense to me based on his leanings...that or Libertarian).

Masterdramon - [kmc12009 at mymail dot pomona dot edu]
"The sun shines...and people forget..." Pete Townshend of The Who

Okay, you're in.
Greg Bishansky

OK, I signed up. I may need a small tutorial on how to edit. I have no experience building web sites or pages. If you want, Greg, I can email you the profiles I write. You can reach me at rickymtj@yahoo.com whatever works best.
Richard Jackson - [Rickymtj at yahoo dot com]

Hey, keep writing 'em, and I'll add 'em. I'm having fun.

Oh, and so we don't clutter the CR. Sign up at the GargWiki, and I'll give you editing privileges.

Greg Bishansky

(Ready for more? I don't have anything else to do at my job, except write profiles about obscure Gargoyle characters. ;) )


("Cabbie" is what Greg Weisman calls him in his ramble for MIA, so go with the Word of God, I guess)

Cabbie is a London taxi driver.

Cabbie met Elisa while she was looking at the statues of Goliath and Griff. He reminisced about his memories of the war and how he had heard of stories of "gremlins" helping out in the Battle of Britain. Sensing Elisa's interest in the supernatural, he offered to take her to a magic shop in Soho. The cabbie took Elisa to Into the Mystic and when they arrived, she paid him in American money.

Additional Information

Greg Weisman believes the boy running down to the bomb shelter in the 1940s was the cabbie.


Richard Jackson - [Rickymtj at yahoo dot com]

<looks around>

Aw man, and I had my big line for the midnight turnover all ready to go...

Brainiac - [OSUBrainiac at gmail dot com]
There is balance in all things. Live in symmetry with the world around you. If you must blow things up and steal from those around you, THAT'S WHAT RPGS ARE FOR!

RICHARD JACKSON> Well, I added them. And a couple of pics and captions too.
Greg Bishansky

(I wrote a profile for the museum guards at the Musuem of Modern Art and the Metropolitan Museum of Art. You can either put them in the same profile or create separate profiles for them. I added info for the American Museum of Natural History since I noticed there wasn't a guard thre the night Hyena broke in. Also, the page for the episode "The Green" incorrectly states Hyena broke into The Museum of Modern Art.)

Museum Guards were the guards at two different museums in New York City.

Museum of Modern Art Guard

This guard was making the rounds and admiring a painting when Xanatos broke in wearing his battle armor to steal the Eye of Odin, which he had donated earlier that day. The guard was easily overpowered by Xanatos.

Greg Weisman characterizes the Museum of Modern Art as having poor security, most likely since they only had one guard on duty. The museum's poor security, but excellent surveillance cameras is why Xanatos chose to donate the Eye there.

(I think the Museum of Modern Art guard is voiced by an uncredited Keith David)

Metropolitan Museum of Art Guard

This guard worked with an undercover Elisa Maza. He told her to make her rounds and to not get too close to the diplays. When Demona broke in, she easily overpowered this guard.

(The Metropolitan Museum of Art guard is uncredited, but almost certainly voiced by Ed Asner, using his "Jack Dane" voice.)

Additional Information

Though they have different voice actors, it is unknown if the two guards above are same person or different people.

The American Museum of Natural History did not have a guard on duty the night Hyena broke in to destroy the Mayan Sun Amulet. ("The Green") Either the museum does not employ a night watchman or the position was vacant at the time. This is probably why Broadway and Lexington left Hyena on the 23rd precinct's doorstep.

Richard Jackson - [Rickymtj at yahoo dot com]

Well, we didn't get a good look at him, but the purse snatcher looked thinner than the henchman in "The Mirror" who said he had worked for Demona before. The guy in "The Mirror" was kind of fat. Of course, a year had passed between these two events, so he could have really let himself go. ha ha But if the fat thief was one of the thieves in Hunter's Moon Part One, than he really got himself back into shape.
Richard Jackson - [Rickymtj at yahoo dot com]

Well, Demona certainly isn't above hiring thieves, as she proved in "The Mirror." In fact, one of those thieves said that he had worked for Demona before, and I've been wondering when and why...

Could he have been the purse snatcher?

Paul - [nampahcfluap at yahoo dot com]

Thanks Greg! Your captions are hilarious!

I made a small error on the henchmen profile. I described the henchman from "The Mirror" as being thin and having a moustache twice. One of the sentences should be cut.

Richard Jackson - [Rickymtj at yahoo dot com]

RICHARD JACKSON> Your entries have been added. Along with pictures and captions written by yours truly.

Keep 'em coming. It's nice to have this OCD attention to detail. ;)

Greg Bishansky

I wrote a couple of more profiles if anyone is interested. They can either been given separate pages or can be given the same page under the name "Demona's Convincing Arguments" or "Demona's Three Points: Muggers, Marriage and Murders." I'm being a bit waggish with the second suggestion. I would prefer separate pages for the four profiles, but I'm okay either way.

Purse Snatcher/Mugger
The purse snatcher stole a lady's handbag and ran off into the night. The victim yelled for the police. Brooklyn was about to chase the purse snatcher when Demona told him that it would be pointless since human justice would have him out of jail and back on the streets in a day.
The purse snatcher's face is never shown. From a distance it appeared he had brown hair. It's unknown whether he was ever caught or if the purse was ever recovered.

Purse Snatcher's Victim
This lady's handbag was stolen by the purse snatcher. She struggled before he finally wrested it from her. She yelled for the police as the purse snatcher ran off into the night. Brooklyn was about to chase the purse snatcher when Demona told him that it would be pointless since human justice would have him out of jail and back on the streets in a day.

The purse snatcher's victim had brown hair and wore a pink dress with a blue jacket. It's unknown if the man who mugged her was ever caught or if her purse was ever recovered.
Murder Victim
Almost nothing is known about the murder victim. The victim's age, race and gender is unknown. The murder victim was seen in a body bag being loaded into an ambulance. The victim's chalk outline was seen on the ground. The gun that was presumably used in the murder was seen being bagged for evidence. Demona and Brooklyn witnessed this and it was used by Demona as an example of how little humans value each other's lives. Whether the murderer was caught or if the murder was later solved is unknown.
Additional Information
Greg Weisman was unsure if a murder scene would be allowed in episode, thinking Standards and Practices would balk. However, his S&P contact, Adrienne Bello, saw its value to the story and that the episode did not dwell on it.

Arguing Spouses/Dysfunctional Family
Demona took Brooklyn to a home where a husband and wife were having a heated argument about their son. The husband thought his son's grades were bad and that the son's friends were a bad influence. The wife fired back that the husband was never even around and threw a vase at him. This made their son run out of the house in tears. Demona used this example to show how humans cannot even share their homes with each other and would not share the world with the gargoyles.

Additional Information
Greg Weisman wrote in his ramble for "Temptation" that he did not think so then, but he thinks now that Demona paid the couple to stage that performance for Brooklyn. It is does seem suspicious that she knew exactly which house to go to and their timing to witness a crescendo in the fight was impeccable. However, when pressed whether it was an act or not, Greg did not answer.

(My opinion…pure speculation, put it in the wiki or not. If Demona paid that couple she may have had a hand in the other crimes, such arranging the purse snatching or the murder. Pretty evil, but hey it's Demona.)

Richard Jackson - [Rickymtj at yahoo dot com]

I don't know if anyone here has read C. S. Lewis' "Perelandra", but it has a scene where the protagonist meets a couple of angels (more complicated than that, but it's the closest word our language has to describe them) who have no sexual organs, and yet have a clear sense of gender about them - in a way that transcends mere sexuality and becomes something more universal; one is "masculine (not male)" and the other "feminine (not female)", with the idea that "male" and "female" are just localized and incomplete concepts of "masculine" and "feminine".
Todd Jensen - [merlyn1 at mindspring dot com]

So I see an interesting discussion about the use of pronouns with reference to God.

gxb - You're right, assigning a gender to an almighty entity is pointless. I guess I shouldn't use pronouns to refer to God since referring to God as an 'it' sounds insulting.

I find the discovery of arsenic-based bateria to be interesting.

dph of rules
whatever happened to simplicity

It's the most common pronoun I've seen used by the religious people I've encountered. When in Rome and all that (ok, bad analogy).
Landon Thomas - [<- Gargoyles News Twitter Feed]

LANDON> <<He exists beyond direct human perception>>

Then it should exist beyond something as mortal as gender too, don't you think? The very notion that something as big as God, as big as essentially the universe, could have a gender is laughable. Of course, that line of thinking was created by human men who treated women as property.

Regardless of your religious views, I think we all as a people should have moved on from assigning God a gender. The last few jewish services I attended were conducted by Rabbis who stopped referring to God as "He" and "Him" for the same reason I do...

... what does God need with a penis?

Greg Bishansky

Well, I like religious debates. Some mathematical thought has been put into predicting the existence of extraterrestrial intelligence: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Drake_equation It only has limited scientific value however because there's a lot of conjecture in there. But it's an interesting thought experiment nonetheless.

There is no Drake equation for God. God has no value in science because it's impossible to prove God doesn't exist. He exists beyond direct human perception in most religious traditions and therefore has no value in natural science (hence the term "supernatural" or "beyond nature").

Vinnie is correct from the standpoint that the study of extraterrestrial life is a rather daunting affair at the moment. You almost have to have faith in aliens in order to continue the scientific pursuit of them. But it's getting easier. We've only been studying extrasolar planets for about 2 decades, but we've already discovered 505 of them: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Extrasolar_planet I have a Christian friend who just got a doctorate in meteorology and astrobiology at Penn State. It's a very exciting field.

The search for aliens has a scientific value. Faith in a deity has an emotional and philosophical value (for most) but it has no scientific value.

Landon Thomas - [<- Gargoyles News Twitter Feed]

VINNIE> When did I say in this discussion that I don't believe in some form of god? I didn't say that. You don't know what I personally believe in, so don't pretend that you do.

The fact is, this wasn't even a religious debate. But, for some reason, you seem determined to turn it into one, in another one of your poor attempts at trolling. So congratulations, I took your bait. Now, I am done with you.

Greg Bishansky

The universe is also 13.7 billion years old. The odds are exceedingly good that life of some form exists or has existed somewhere else in the universe besides the little ball of rock we call Earth. The odds are even good that intelligent life like us exists or has existed. Where the odds are not so good is that two such incidences of intelligent life will exist in the same general locale within the universe at the exact same time. Human civilization has been producing the radio signals that could make us detectable by an alien civilization for only a little over 100 years. That is not even a blink of an eye is cosmic terms relative to the age of the universe. It's quite possible that millions of alien civilizations had come and gone before our ancestors even climbed down from the trees and began the slow trek towards becoming beings that would point radio telescopes at the sky searching for their signals.
"A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men." - Willy Wonka

Vinnie > Belief in alien life may not have bona fide facts to back it up, but logic and sheer statistical/numerical likelihood *DO* back it up. As Greg B pointed out, the universe is effing enormous. Scientists know that there is at least one type of planet in existence that can sustain life (planets like ours). In all its enormity, the universe is likely to contain other planets with the right parameters for sustaining life. In fact, the universe probably contains very many of them. And in all likelihood, at least one other planet underwent the changes necessary for life to form.

It's not faith; it's logic. It's math. It's statistics. If I am playing russian roulette with a gun that has a chamber with room for 100 bullets and I have one bullet in the gun, but I play russian roulette with it 99 times, well there's a damn good chance that I am going to die, you know?


Sorry, I meant to include this link as a citation from where Greg mused that the one of the thieves from The Mirror might be the same in Hunter's Moon Part One.


Richard Jackson - [rickymtj at yahoo dot com]

(Forgive me if this is not the proper venue, but it seemed as good as any. I think Demona's henchmen from "The Mirror" and "Hunter's Moon Part One" deserve their own page on Garg Wiki, like Demona's artillery. I went ahead and wrote the profiles. If anyone knows how to put it up on Garg Wiki, then they can do so.)

Demona's Henchmen

The Mirror

While Demona distracted Goliath and Elisa, two thieves she hired broke into the Metropolitan Museum of Modern Art and stole Titania's Mirror. They later delivered it to her townhouse, using the password "Oberon sent me", where they left it on the front porch after receiving payment through the gargoyle-shaped door knocker.

Demona's working relationship with the thieves is mostly unknown. However, she had hired the heavyset thief before and apparently was satisfied enough with the work he did to hire him again. She apparently trusted the thieves' discretion to have them deliver the mirror to her home. The heavyset thief was likewise impressed with the amount of research she put into planning the theft. Despite their competence, the thieves did receive a threat from Demona to leave quickly after delivering the mirror.

The other thief was thin and had a moustache. The décor of Demona's townhouse made him wonder if Dracula's daughter lived there.

Both thieves wore dark clothing with hoods and goggles. The thin thief had a moustache.

(I gleaned that she had hired the heavyset thief before from his line when he says, "I've done this before." As for the heavyset thief being impressed by her, I got that from when they steal the mirror, the heavyset thief says "I'll say one thing for the lady. She does her homework." As for Demona trusting their discretion, she had them deliver it to her home and not a neutral location. At this time, Demona still turned to stone during the day and would have been vulnerable had the thieves tried to burglarize her or if the police had caught the thieves and forced them to reveal who they worked for. I don't intend this to go into the wikia, I'm just posting it to defend my assumptions)

Hunter Moon's Part One

Demona hired four thieves to steal canisters of D/I-7 from Xanatos Enterprises, for what was later revealed to be for Operation: Clean Slate. The daylight theft was interrupted by Elisa Maza and her new partner Jason Conover (an alias of Jason Canmore). A shootout ensued and a high speed chase that nearly ran over The Jogger and Art. The chase ended in Central Park where Jason managed to shoot out the thieves' van's back tire, making it crash. One of the thieves was thrown clear and escaped, while the other three were taken into custody.

The thief who escaped reported back to Dominique Destine, Demona's human alias, interrupting the job interview she conducting with Robyn Correy (Robyn Canmore). Dominique berated him for interrupting, concluded the job interview and pulled him into a private room for his report. When the theft informed her that they had failed due to police interference, Dominique was outraged, but she did not harm the thief and let him leave seconds before she turned into Demona.

Demona's working relationship with this group of thieves is also mostly unknown. Unlike the previous thieves, this group had apparently met her face to face. Since she let the uncaptured thief leave before her transformation, it's unlikely that they knew she was a gargoyle. Still, the uncaptured thief was very fearful of her and backed away when it appeared she was going to attack him as Dominique. What happened to the arrested thieves is unknown, but they must have remained silent about their connection to Dominique or Nightstone Unlimited since Matt Bluestone did not have any leads later and was only seen interviewing Xanatos. (see additional information below)

This group of thieves all wore black clothing with dark blue jackets and wore black ski masks. All of them seemed of average build. The uncaptured thief had light brown hair and was the only one seen unmasked. (see additional information below)

Additional Information

Greg Weisman wondered in his ramble for Hunter's Moon Part One if the thief who reported back to Demona was one of the thieves from "The Mirror."
It is possible. The thieves who stole the mirror for her did their job competently and as stated above, one of them had worked for her before that theft. The distinguishing features of those two thieves were that one was heavyset and the other was a little taller with a moustache. However, the theft of Titania's Mirror occurred September 27, 1995 and the theft of the D/I-7 occurred October 24th, 1996. With more than a year between thefts, the heavyset could have lost weight and the thin thief could have shaved off his moustache, probably for greater anonymity.

The thieves from "The Mirror" drove a red van. The thieves from "Hunter's Moon Part One" drove a green van. It's unknown if it was their van or if it was provided by Demona. It may have been the same van, but just repainted. In any case, the van from "Hunter's Moon Part One" was wrecked in the chase.

Richard Jackson - [rickymtj at yahoo dot com]

Greg B.:<It's a great, big universe. We're not at the center of it. I find it hard to believe that there is nothing else among the trillions of planets orbiting around billions of stars.>

You just made my point there. You BELIEVE that aliens exist. *emphasis on the word believe* In other words you take something on Faith, not facts. Belief in Alien life has no facts to back it up.

Vinnie - [tpeano29 at hotmail dot com]

Yay! Internet religious debate, that always turns out well.
Make a REAL "Gargoyles" movie, Disney!

VINNIE> It's a great, big universe. We're not at the center of it. I find it hard to believe that there is nothing else among the trillions of planets orbiting around billions of stars.

As for my views on supernatural beings. Well, that's beside the point. One really has nothing to do with the other.

I'll just say again, what does God need with a penis?

Greg Bishansky

Belief in Extraterestrials actually baffles me. After all there is less proof for alien life then there is for the existence of God (or gods if you prefer). It seems hypocritical to believe in one and deny the other.
Vinnie - [tpeano29 at hotmail dot com]

oh c'mon, we ALL know that we're really derived from aliens. nobody wants to admit it ;) *LOL*
Elisa - [Elisacop at hotmail dot com]
Detective Elisa Maza, NYPD (the original, yo!)

Depends on whom you ask, actually. I feel that if a deity is and has always been a spirit with no physical body, it cannot be male or female. Masculine or feminine, sure, since that's defined by the social context of the observer; however, sex is determined by biological cues that a formless spirit would not have.

Other people have thrown fits at the notion that their God might not be male, and that "He" has been compared to female things in the Bible, most notably a hen with chicks.


What religions are you referring to?
God is definitely not human, male or female, in Judaism or Islam.

Even Christianity isn't clear-cut, due to the "three Persons" doctrine. In Presbyterianism, for instance, the Father is considered to be beyond gender. Heck, there is a passage in the Bible in which Jesus compares the Almighty to a female bird!

JJ Gregarius

PATRICK> What does God need with a penis?
Greg Bishansky

Nebulan: Demona's hair certainly turned white with age, as shown in "City of Stone, Part 3," and I think Goliath's did too in "Grief."
Paul - [nampahcfluap at yahoo dot com]

Yet the Almighty is a man with 100% certainty, per those same religions. Interesting.
"A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men." - Willy Wonka

Thanks for the explanation for Ophelia's name!

You know this very thing came up at work today, I had never heard this before but apparently several religions believe that angels don't have gender (at least one christian and one Muslim said this to me today). Thought that was interesting tho had trouble comprehending it (or example, with the ask greg question, I had always thought Gabriel was a male angle).

Question... do gargoyles hair turn white with age? because we know Husdon's has probably always been like that (since True has white hair).

And another question... didn't there used to be a Macbeth avatar option in this list at S8? *pokes it*

*I want more Garg canon!!*

PATRICK> Strictly speaking, there are schools of thought in Abrahamic theology that consider angels to be asexual.
Make a REAL "Gargoyles" movie, Disney!

Angela is derived from the original Greek word for angel or messenger (angelos).

From Hamlet, Act V after Ophelia's death:

First Priest
No more be done:
We should profane the service of the dead
To sing a requiem and such rest to her
As to peace-parted souls.

Lay her i' the earth:
And from her fair and unpolluted flesh
May violets spring! I tell thee, churlish priest,
A ministering angel shall my sister be,
When thou liest howling.

It's obviously not a strictly dogmatic interpretation

Landon Thomas - [<- Gargoyles News Twitter Feed]

Angela is not the name of an angel, either. In fact, I'm not sure there are any named female angels in the Bible.
"A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men." - Willy Wonka

So Greg has just said that ALL the Avalon gargs were named for angels, except the beasts. Is Ophelia an angel that I haven't heard of before?

Sorry, no idea why that posted twice...

Well not split hairs here... like my comment on Thug being an "alligator in NYC's sewers" but.

Especially given Matt's comment on reanimation... can't we loosely define Coldstone as something of an Othello zombie? Not in the traditional sense of a mindless slave like entity.

But certainly to the extent of a cobble together corpse who's soul was put back into it.

Just a thought?


Well not split hairs here... like my comment on Thug being an "alligator in NYC's sewers" but.

Especially given Matt's comment on reanimation... can't we loosely define Coldstone as something of an Othello zombie? Not in the traditional sense of a mindless slave like entity.

But certainly to the extent of a cobble together corpse who's soul was put back into it.

Just a thought?


I was wondering in reference to "The Walking Dead", if Greg even likes the topic of zombies enough to be interested in maybe writing for the show one day. My question has been added to the queue pending approval if you'd like to read it and what my thought process was.
Anthony Tini

Matt> I suppose I should say something appropriate, given my handle, so...

<starts shambling> ...braaaaaaaiiiiiiins...

...how's that? :-D

Phoenician> So it's just your short-term memory that's shot; long-term's just fine, huh? :-p

Brainiac - [OSUBrainiac at gmail dot com]
There is balance in all things. Live in symmetry with the world around you. If you must blow things up and steal from those around you, THAT'S WHAT RPGS ARE FOR!

I find it interesting that a comment about reanimation can kill a room...

: )

Matt - [St Louis, Missouri, USA]
"But what do you call each other?" "'Friend...'" - Tom and Brooklyn, "Awakening, Part One"

But will Goliath mistake Bill Murray for a zombie and accidentally murder him?
Greg Bishansky

I assume he means has Greg said anything about the possibility of zombies in the Garg-verse. I don't think so, but my guess would be that zombies in Gargoyles are more like the old-fashioned voodoo zombies, mindless slaves to a powerful sorcerer, rather than the post-Romero contagious zombies. Voodoo hasn't made an appearance in Gargoyles, but I'm sure it would. For that matter, Goliath in "Temptation" was pretty close to a voodoo zombie, even if it was in fact the Grimorum that controlled him. Hmm, I'm suddenly interested in this topic. Anyone else?
Jurgan - [jurgan6 at yahoo dot com]

ANTHONY> You mean is Greg like pro-zombie or anti-zombie?
Make a REAL "Gargoyles" movie, Disney!

I searched the archive using the word zombie to see Greg's thoughts on them but came up short. Does anyone know what his opinion on them are before I ask him a question?
Anthony Tini

Phil Bourassa's Captain Marvel: http://phillybee.deviantart.com/art/YOUNG-JUSTICE-Captain-Marvel-188189805
Landon Thomas - [<- Gargoyles News Twitter Feed]

Greg >> Your YouTube video put a smile on my face. :)
The One Known As Mochi - [shogi dot keima dot 08 at gmail dot com]
Current Mood: (>^^)> So happy I'm not working today...

I heard that Young Justice's premiere was viewed by over 2.5 million people which apparently is very good. I dont know what numbers for channels like Cartoon Network are usually like, can you kinda explain how good that number is?
Henry - [mysticvulcan at yahoo dot com]

GREG B> That is very good news indeed! Gods willing, this will convince the suits the greenlight season 2 ASAP. I wonder how those numbers compare to Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes' The Breakout and Gamma World?
Make a REAL "Gargoyles" movie, Disney!

The premier of "Young Justice" kicked ass in the ratings!


Greg Bishansky

Pardon the double post, but some comic stores - mine at least - are getting their new comics tomorrow as a delayed result of the Thanksgiving holiday. So if you want to pick up Rescue Rangers and the comic store is a long haul for you, you might want to call first and see if they got their comics today.
Demonskrye - [<---"Tangled" at The Ink and Pixel Club]

Antiyonder> I'm not sure whether or not your question would be approved, or if there's a good way to phrase it to help it get approved. But my two cents is that if "The Last" happened in the Gargoyles universe (assuming that it becomes canon some day), then all of the characters from that episode must exist in the Gargoyles universe. However, nothing else from Team Atlantis or Atlantis: The Lost Empire is necessarily GU canon. I'm guessing you can infer some things from the movie and maybe the show to be true if "The Last" becomes canon, like the fact that Atlantis is real and Kida is from Atlantis, eben if it's not stated explicitly in the episode. And presumably this whole group of characters went to Atlantis at some point, or they wouldn't be called Team Atlantis. But whether their adventures in the GU are remotely similar to the one in the movie and the proposed show is anyone's guess.

Right now, all we know for certain is that Fiona Canmore exists in the GU and Demona picked up a crystal from the remains of the Praying Gargoyle. We know from the canon-in-training that it's an Atlantean crystal, but if Greg changes his mind about "The Last" being canon between now and whenever he explains what that crystal is, it could turn out to be a Hyperborean crystal or some such thing.

Greg B> Thanks for sharing. It's always nice to see that voice actors reminiscing about the show outside of a Gathering appearance.

Demonskrye - [<---Animation Hell at The Ink and Pixel Club]

Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers #1, the 3rd Disney Afternoon series from BOOM! Studios is out today. Newsarama says: "fun mix of Indiana Jones style adventure and all-ages sensibility" http://www.newsarama.com/comics/best-shots-advance-reviews-101130.html

Young Justice designer Phil Bourassa is starting to release production art: http://phillybee.deviantart.com/art/Blockbuster-Turn-188081365 (pilot episode SPOILER)

Landon Thomas - [<- Gargoyles News Twitter Feed]

Sweet! Good news for upper-midwest fans: Greg is back as a Guest of Honor at CONvergence in 2011: http://www.convergence-con.org/
Landon Thomas - [<- Gargoyles News Twitter Feed]

This is totally fluff, but I thought it'd be cool to post on YouTube.


Greg Bishansky

Something that I want to ask Greg, but get approved first is in regards to Team Atlantis "The Last".

Now I get the status of it being the only TA episode to be canon (in training mind you), or more specifically the story (In that both universes had Demona and Fiona encounter one another in Paris of 1920).

Now obviously, that means that the other adventures had by Team Atlantis didn't occur in the Garg Universe (though the Puck episode could have worked). But does that mean that versions of Milo, Kida and the rest of Team Atlantis exist in the Garg Universe or just their analogues?

If this is within the rules, I'll post it. If not, anyone want to give me their few cents on the topic?

Antiyonder - [antiyonder at yahoo dot com]
Algernon's comment about Norman Osborn: One of the neat things about Dark Reign is that it gives Osborn the chance to expand his horizons beyond tormenting a twenty nine year old who still lives with his mom.

The Cape> Haha, I remember (well, now... hahaha ;) ) Brainiac posting the link to the trailer on YouTube here in the Comment Room last summer, but I have yet to actually catch any of the previews on NBC (only show I was watching on their network this season was TheEvent, and while the pilot was SO much fun, the last few weeks have left me mostly uninterested and I haven't even bothered to keep current at this point) . . . thanks for the heads up on the premiere date though :)
"The suspense is terrible, I hope it lasts" -- Willy Wonka

............Anyone else been seeing the commercials for NBC's new mid-season show "The Cape"? Don't see him in many of the commercials, but Keith David's voice is heard in just about all of them.

Is anyone going to watch it when it comes on?... the pilot airs Jan 9.



I definitley see what your trying to say, but it turns out that 6 year olds werent that intrested in Justice League, and Justice League Unlimited I guess some episode were to complicated for them to follow I found some thing moer official that says it.

Some fans of the comics criticized the series for having a "childish nature".[10] The Teen Titans were based on their DC Comic iterations, but the animation was mainly of a Japanese style.

Early into the series' run, Executive Producer and Cartoon Network V.P. Sam Register responded to criticism regarding the style of the show:

Justice League is awesome and Samurai Jack is awesome and we buy a lot of anime shows that are great, but those shows really are directed more towards the nine to fourteen age group, and the six and seven and eight-year-olds were not gelling with the Justice League and some of the more of the fanboy shows...The main mission was making a good superhero show for kids. Now if the fanboys happen to like the Teen Titans also, that's great, but that was not our mission.
—Sam Register, CBR News interview, May 8, 2004

Given that Young Justice is more in line with the content of JL&JLU and that it has a PG not a Y7 rating I think it is also aimed at 9-14.

Henry - [mysticvulcan at yahoo dot com]

One must remember that "The Spectacular Spider-Man" and "Gargoyles" (although Eisner and a few other executives were a bit more acutely aware of the periphery viewers in the latter case) were also targeted at boys 6-11. This is typical of all daytime animated action shows, so far as I can remember.

The conventional wisdom in the industry seems to be that boys give up watching cartoons once they enter high school, thus defining the demographic. As such, I don't see why they would draw a line between who they target with "Teen Titans" and who they target with "Young Justice;" as far as the corporate side is concerned, they're roughly the same show.

Masterdramon - [kmc12009 at mymail dot pomona dot edu]
"The sun shines...and people forget..." Pete Townshend of The Who

Lol, I forget Im scottish.
Twitter Demona

Actually I heard the demographic was 9-14, Teen Titans target demographic was 6-11.
Henry - [mysticvulcan at yahoo dot com]

Anthony: Based purely on the commercials that ran during the premiere, it would be boys 6-11. :P
"A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men." - Willy Wonka

Anthony: Based purely on similar shows, it would be boys 6-11.
Masterdramon - [kmc12009 at mymail dot pomona dot edu]
"The sun shines...and people forget..." Pete Townshend of The Who

Anyone know what the target demographic is for "Young Justice"?
Anthony Tini


Today is St. Andrew's Day; St. Andrew is the patron saint of Scotland, so let's give a salute to all the Scottish characters of "Gargoyles" (Goliath and his initial clan, Demona, Macbeth, the Canmores, Princess Katharine, Tom, the Magus, Mary, Finella, even the Loch Ness Monster)!

Todd Jensen - [merlyn1 at mindspring dot com]

Henry: It disappears from the list.

When a question is dissaproved does it say disapproved on it or does it just dissapear from the llist?
Henry - [mysticvulcan at yahoo dot com]

Todd: Cadmus is basically a government-run genetics lab, covertly breeding super-powered beings that are answerable to their leadership. Greg has Aqualad throw in a line of exposition in "Independence Day" to explain the connection...

[SPOILER] Kid Flash: This is how they hide this massive underground facility from the world! The real Cadmus isn't on the grid; it generates its own power with these...things. Must be what they're bred for.

Aqualad: Of course...even the name is a clue. The Cadmus of myth created a new race by sewing dragon's teeth into the Earth.

Robin: And this Cadmus creates new life too...let's find out why. [/SPOILER]

Masterdramon - [kmc12009 at mymail dot pomona dot edu]
"The sun shines...and people forget..." Pete Townshend of The Who

With all the talk about Cadmus Labs, I might add that I've wondered about the name ever since I first heard of it some years ago. It immediately reminded me of the hero Cadmus from Greek mythology (Europa's brother, noted for founding the city of Thebes when he couldn't find her after Zeus carried her off in the form of a bull, slaying a dragon, and planting its teeth in the ground which turned into armed warriors that fought each other to the death); I've wondered if the name was intended as a significant mythological reference, though I don't know enough about Cadmus Labs in DC Comics to know if anything about them would echo that story. (A bit like how, when I first heard of Arkham Asylum, I immediately thought of the Arkham in H. P. Lovecraft's stories - I can definitely see the significance there, however.)
Todd Jensen - [merlyn1 at mindspring dot com]

Nvm sorry. I thought you were saying the NC was praising the movie.

From what I remember of that review NC was pretty critical of the movie.

The unanswered questions appearing out of order has been fixed. New server also means new version of MySQL which changed the operation of a function used to help order search results. I've added a fix for that. If you spot anything else amiss be sure to let me know.

Wow, this is the first time "Independence Day" ever got such positive reviews.

The last time Hollywood released something called "Independence Day," it was so bad... lol, a movie made by retards for retards. LOL, I just gotta share this...


Sorry about that. "Young Justice" was awesome. And that movie about aliens was terrible. ;)

Glad you liked it, Algernon.

Greg Bishansky

Indepedence Day Review

[SPOILER] I really enjoyed this, it's one of the tightest animated pilots I've seen in… well ever. Admittedly, I'm a life long member of the Church of Weisman but I'll try to keep the fanboyish squeals of delight down to a dignified level.

First thing I'll note is that the animation is drop dead gorgeous, I remember when I first saw to five minute preview featuring the ice villains and thinking that is seriously high quality stuff. It looks more like a theatrical feature then the kind of thing you'd see even on a typical tv budget. I don't know if that's because Brandon Vietti and the rest of the visual team are just that darn good or because WB are pouring truckloads of money into the animation budget, but I suspect it's mainly the former with a little of the latter.

Story and character wise, well it's a Weisman show so it goes without saying that they're going to be top notch. I particularly enjoyed the very whedonesque banter between are four heroes. I'm also liking the new Aqualad, he has a very eldest sibling vibe. He's thrust into the role of the mature responsible one trying to keep a handle on Wally's impulsiveness, Dick's devil may care attitude and Superboy's anger issues.

Fans of JLU will probably see a lot of Michael Rosenbaum's Flash in this incarnation of Wally right down to his hokey attempts at being a ladies man. Dick gets plenty of opportunities to show off his skills, he seems to have a natural talent for tactics and strategy but doesn't quite have the maturity to take on a proper leadership role… yet.

Of course the big stand out character is Superboy. This is his story more then anyone else and the first step on his journey from pawn of Cadmus to master of his own fate is a nice parallel with the sidekicks' own desire to step out of their mentors' shadows. We also get a lot of nice tidbits from a lot of the supporting characters, from Clark and Conner's original reactions to each other (which are magnificently portrayed purely through animation, without a single word of dialogue) to the downright icy glare Bruce gives Ollie when he finds out Roy knows about the Justice League's REAL headquarters.

Plot wise there's a lot of really cool twists and pipe laying for future stories. Greg and Brandon once said that the main theme for season one would be "secrets and lies" and boy they weren't kidding. Both Cadmus and the League are hiding behind false fronts, their respective public HQ's being little more then elaborate decoys for their real bases of operation.

We're also introduced to what looks to be the series' main villains, a shadowy cabal calling themselves "the Light" ironically enough. I'm very intrigued by these guys and a strongly suspect we'd recognise a lot of them if their faces weren't being obscured. With Young Justice being organised as the League's covert-ops team to combat the Light's behind the scenes manipulations, I'm expecting a lot of more secrets, lies and plot twists in addition to straight up super heroic punch-ups.

All in all, I was very impressed. If the pilot is anything to go by, this may end up being the best thing to come out of DC animation since Batman: The Animated Series. [/SPOILER]

Make a REAL "Gargoyles" movie, Disney!

According to one of the messages below, we've apparently switched to a new server. I don't know if that's the reason for the question jumble, but it seems likely.
Masterdramon - [kmc12009 at mymail dot pomona dot edu]
"The sun shines...and people forget..." Pete Townshend of The Who

That's weird. The questions being submitted to Greg are no longer in chronological order. How did that happen? Was Ask Greg hacked?
Greg Bishansky

Phil - [p1anderson at yahoo dot com]

Matt - [St Louis, Missouri, USA]
"But what do you call each other?" "'Friend...'" - Tom and Brooklyn, "Awakening, Part One"

Chip - [Sir_Griff723 at yahoo dot com]
Cheese, it's as good an answer as any.

Test, test! We're on a new server!

High five(5)!!!!!
Vinnie - [tpeano20 at hotmail dot com]

Lurker> Thank you. I really should update that thing more often.
Greg Bishansky

I was planning on returning to lurking (Even though I dont lurk for very long)for a while but I wanted to say this before I do.

Bishansky> Congratulations on 100 posts.


Three little birds pitch by my doorstep, singin' sweet songs of melodies pure and true...
Masterdramon - [kmc12009 at mymail dot pomona dot edu]
"The sun shines...and people forget..." Pete Townshend of The Who

"The suspense is terrible, I hope it lasts" -- Willy Wonka

Greg Bishansky