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Comment Room Archive

Comments for the week ending January 2, 2011

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In Hunter's Moon part three, Goliath was so pissed off at the Hunters for hurting Angela that he was digging his talons into the clock tower's balcony.
Gargoyleslady - [kendal dot renfro at yahoo dot com]

I got the first Chip & Dale Rescue Rangers comic as well, and while I definitely agree I'm loved the Gargoyles comic more (duh) I think I'll go on a limb and say that one issue in I'm lovin' it more than Darkwing Duck's last seven issues (which I all loved, btw).

Not really sure why -- maybe its just the joy of being reacquainted with yet another Disney Afternoon property :)

And as Jurgan already said, fingers crossed BOOM! has something in store for us Gargoyles fans in 2011 d:

"The suspense is terrible, I hope it lasts" -- Willy Wonka

I liked Chip N' Dale's R&R. I don't think it's as good as Darkwing or (Naturally Gargoyles) but I'm definitely hooked, and I'm looking forward to the next installment. Of course, one issue is out right now, so the arc could get better. Time will tell.
Chip - [Sir_Griff723 at yahoo dot com]
We wish you a merry Christmas, We wish you a merry Christmas, We wish you a merry Christmas and a happy new year

So what's everyones take on the Chip N Dale Rescue Rangers comic?

I can't say it's comic of the year, yet. But like Darkwing Duck, it's fun and has me eager to pick up the next issue.

Antiyonder - [antiyonder at yahoo dot com]
Algernon's comment about Norman Osborn: One of the neat things about Dark Reign is that it gives Osborn the chance to expand his horizons beyond tormenting a twenty nine year old who still lives with his mom.

Well, I spent some of the last hours of 2010 helping out Gargoyles. Someone I met at the New Year's Eve party I was attending mentioned that she liked the show, so I went ahead and told her about the comics. She's already a comics reader, so she said she would check it out.
Demonskrye - [<---"Toy Story 3" at The Ink and Pixel Club]

Hi Happy New Year
VickyUK - [vickyfanofwwe at aol dot com]

Happy new year guys!!!!

I hope in this year things will improve for Gargoyles Franchise: new DVDs and Comic books (or even a new series); Disney finally release them in other countries; and a REAL GARGOYLES MOVIE!!!!


-" In tutti noi c' e' il bene e il male, sia negli umani che nei gargoyle..." - Goliath in Awakening part 5 (italian version)

**Runs into CR**

Happy New Year! Midnight just came to Phoenix, so no doubt 2011 is already hours old for most of you folks here d:

And yeah, that's a pretty awesome find there about Twelfth Night, Todd . . . curiously enough, while you picked Bad Guys 3&4 for New Years Eve, I chose tonight to watch "Shear Strength," the New Year's Eve episode of The Spectacular Spider-Man (course, I watched the three episodes leading up to that epic arc ending as well, lol).

**Waves at Warcrafter** Nice seeing you around these parts again :)

"The suspense is terrible, I hope it lasts" -- Willy Wonka

Happy New Year, all! Let's hope for a Garg-filled 2011- maybe a Boom comicbook? I'm crossing my fingers, and I'll do whatever else necessary to get it to happen. Hope everyone else has a good year.
Jurgan - [jurgan6 at yahoo dot com]

Todd> Sounds like something Greg would get a kick out of... assuming he isn't aware of it already.
Matt - [Saint Louis, Missouri, USA]

I was rereading the third and fourth issues of "Bad Guys" today, because of their New Year's Eve setting. They mention that the Redemption Squad's adventure on Eastcheap Island, fighting Falstaff's robots (followed by their encounter with Falstaff and his gang) takes place five days after the confrontation with Sevarius and Fang in New York. Since the New York adventure is explicitly set on New Year's Eve, the confrontation with Falstaff must have happened on January 5.

On the calendar, January 5 is marked as "Twelfth Night" (as in, the twelfth night after Christmas). One of Shakespeare's major comedies was named after Twelfth Night. So the Redemption Squad is meeting a group of people named after Shakespearean characters, and modelled on them, on a day linked to Shakespeare - though Falstaff and his gang are based on characters in the Falstaff portion of Shakespeare's Henry IV plays, rather than on anyone in "Twelfth Night".

It's probably a coincidence, but I thought I should share it with the comment room.

Todd Jensen - [merlyn1 at mindspring dot com]

K7OP: I think it'd be a lot easier to have the fan who doesn't speak English find a translator than it would be to translate the whole site. There are plenty of online translators, plus plenty of international fans who would be willing to translate something for you. If they don't want that, there's always the option to learn a second language.
D. Taina
"The story is told -- though who can say if it be true..." -Shari

K7OP> Well debating it here doesn't really acomplish anything. This is Gorebash's site, the rest of us just post on it. So it really depends whether he thinks it's a good idea and has the time and resources to implement it.

Not translate all!!!

If a fan wants ask a question to Mr. Weisman, he has to speak english!!!

And I know, make avaiable the site in other languages won' t be easy; but maybe it could be good for Gargoyles Franchise.

-" In tutti noi c' e' il bene e il male, sia negli umani che nei gargoyle..." - Goliath in Awakening part 5 (italian version)

Hey people! It's me! :D

Random comment.

Just showing I'm still alive.

Warcrafter - [grafixfangamer1 at sbcglobal dot net]
STEPHEN KING IS GOD! . . . in a sense.

But who would do the translating? It wouldn't be too hard to translate all the text on the site into another language I guess, but what about all of Greg's answers and all the comments in the comment room? That would be really hard and take up a lot of time, we would just about have to pay someone to do it because it would be a full-time job. And also there's a question of whether everything here is of a quality to make it worth translating. For example, should someone invest an hour or two of their time translating the "Twitter Demona" altercation? Of what importance is that? Or should someone spend time translating some of Greg's smart-aleck responses or his "No comment" esque responses? Again, there is no value in translating something like that because there is no real content of importance.

I will say again--if a non-English-speaking fan wants to make a site like S8, there is nothing to stop them and it is certainly more practical than translating S8.


K7OP> I kind half to agree with Rebel on this one, non-English speaking fans would be better served putting together their own fansites. I know that may sound dismissive but it's really not meant to be. The ammount of time and effort needed for someone to translate everything on this site into say French, would probabably equal if not exceed that required for a French fan to simply make their own website. For one thing they wouldn't need to be fluent in English.
Make a REAL "Gargoyles" movie, Disney!

And to be more understandable i repeat it: some fans from other countries outside from North-Americans can translate this web site in an other language to make things more easy to who doesn' t know english. And it can be good for Gargoyles franchise.
-" In tutti noi c' e' il bene e il male, sia negli umani che nei gargoyle..." - Goliath in Awakening part 5 (italian version)

Rbel< Maybe with the help of other fans, we can make avaiable the site in other languages.

An example: an italian fan goes in this web site and he can see it in italian language.

And that could be possible if some non northamerican fans decide to make this possible.

It is only a proposal, and I hope one day it will be reality; something like that will be an edge for Gargoyles Franchise

-" In tutti noi c' e' il bene e il male, sia negli umani che nei gargoyle..." - Goliath in Awakening part 5 (italian version)

K7OP > There is nothing stopping French/German/Spanish/Italian/Chinese/etc. fans of Gargoyles from making a site similar to s8. I think it would make more sense for one of these fans to make such a site themselves rather than relying on an English speaker to do it. Gorebash is the one who owns s8 and I don't know if he speaks any other languages. How can he run or manage a site in a language he doesn't know?

OOpsh, I forgotten a word: "those people who don't undestand english"
-" In tutti noi c' e' il bene e il male, sia negli umani che nei gargoyle..." - Goliath in Awakening part 5 (italian version)

Hello guys homw are you today?

A thought now hit me: what do you think to make avaible our site in other languages?

I know it won't be easy, but it could be an egde for Gargoyles Franchise.

Those people who don 't undesrtand can go in our web site and see it; can chat with other fans in the same languages; etc, etc.

Naturally to post a question to Mr. Weisman they have to write in english.

So? Waht do you think about that idea?

(I repeat) It won't be easy, but it could be an egde for Gargoyles Franchise.

-" In tutti noi c' e' il bene e il male, sia negli umani che nei gargoyle..." - Goliath in Awakening part 5 (italian version)

Landon > Thanks for sharing that clip! It doesn't really surprise me that the team would try to get Speedy on board.

I got a giggle out of Kid Flash's line, "And wait until you see Superboy and Miss Martian! But I saw her first."


What's wrong with being over 30? :P
"A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men." - Willy Wonka

Okay, time for a change of topic me thinks. Kudos to Landon for providing that Young Justice clip. I can't remember the last time I was this excited to see the new year coming.
Make a REAL "Gargoyles" movie, Disney!

They were just jokes, but fine. Ill just leave.

Matt_ Yes...yes it does.

Twitter Demona

Twitter Demona> While I don't condone insults being hurled around, throwing them back at people isn't going to help either.

If you want to contribute to the Comment Room, that's fine. But so far, all I've seen you do is post fairly random one sentence comments that don't add to any current conversation. I don't think anyone would mind if you were calling yourself TwitterDemona if you were making interesting contributions to the Comment Room. But since you aren't making the effort to be part of the community, you're getting compared unfavorably with the person who posts on Twiiter as Demona, who takes the time to write and act like Demona.

Demonskrye - [<---"Toy Story 3" at The Ink and Pixel Club]

I'm 28, actually.

Why? Does my avatar make me look older?

Matt - [Saint Louis, Missouri, USA]

You people are really rude. You get all vexed up over a stupid nickname and then you start with the insults. Why dont you fall off the stairs, Matt? At least Im not over 30 years and posting on a forum of a cartoon show.
Twitter Demona

New Young Justice preview clip from an upcoming episode: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gxBU9F16CjQ
Landon Thomas - [<- Gargoyles News Twitter feed]

MATT> I love that line!
Greg Bishansky

This whole thing reminds me of a quote I read the other day...

"Some people are like slinkies... Not really good for anything, but you still can't help but smile when you see one tumble down the stairs."

: )

Matt - [Saint Louis, Missouri, USA]

And what the heck, I fourth it. I've been avoiding the CR till this subject died off.
Chip - [Sir_Griff723 at yahoo dot com]
We wish you a merry Christmas, We wish you a merry Christmas, We wish you a merry Christmas and a happy new year

I third the motion.
Greg Bishansky

MATT - I second the motion.
Todd Jensen - [merlyn1 at mindspring dot com]

Can this whole Twitter thing please be moved elsewhere...

like Twitter.

Matt - [Saint Louis, Missouri, USA]

Patrick > Yeah that's what I meant. I didn't notice the typo until just now.

And sorry anout the two equal comments, it be some problems of the datas.

Okay, bye guys!!!

-" In tutti noi c' e' il bene e il male, sia negli umani che nei gargoyle..." - Goliath in Awakening part 5 (italian version)

Maybe because, in the end, you are a fool!!!

And besides you are not the true Twitter Demona.


-" In tutti noi c' e' il bene e il male, sia negli umani che nei gargoyle..." - Goliath in Awakening part 5 (italian version)

Maybe because, in the end, you are a fool!!!

And besides you are not the true Twitter Demona.


-" In tutti noi c' e' il bene e il male, sia negli umani che nei gargoyle..." - Goliath in Awakening part 5 (italian version)

Its a sense of humor. Thats enough for me.

I still dont understand why I keep answering to a kind of polymorphic band.

Twitter Demona

"Twitter Demona> "Puck was wrong. I knew it" ?

Your sense of humor it is ridiculous.

-" In tutti noi c' e' il bene e il male, sia negli umani che nei gargoyle..." - Goliath in Awakening part 5 (italian version)

Puck was wrong. I knew it.
Twitter Demona

"Twitter Demona"> What kind of sense of humor!!!!
-" In tutti noi c' e' il bene e il male, sia negli umani che nei gargoyle..." - Goliath in Awakening part 5 (italian version)

K7OP: How do I know you are the real K7OP?
Twitter Demona

"Twitter Demona"> "My name says I am" ?

Very funny, if you do not want to tell me if you are the true Twitter Demona it is a proof that you are not the true Twitter Demona!!!

-" In tutti noi c' e' il bene e il male, sia negli umani che nei gargoyle..." - Goliath in Awakening part 5 (italian version)

Technically, the character belongs to neither of them. It belongs to Disney.
"A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men." - Willy Wonka

Rebel: Me gets the feeling that the "cease & desist" from the Gargoyles Twitter Theater Demona was just that Demona's way of staying in-character.

Don't think anyone needs to assume anything else from all this (including myself), but I think the more important line from that post was that whoever's posts as the GTT Demona has no intention "to post in that cesspool" which would -- obviously -- make things more convoluted (and likely even more heated).

As for the CR being described as a "cesspool" . . .well YEAH, but its such a cozy little cesspool, haha ;)

"The suspense is terrible, I hope it lasts" -- Willy Wonka

Matt > "Does one have more of a right to exist than the other?"

My thoughts exactly. No one who is impersonating a cartoon character online has any right to post a "cease and desist" for anyone else impersonating the same cartoon character. The character belongs to both of them. And twitter is a fairly ubiquitous site; it's not as if the "original" Twitter Demona is being incredibly original or has any claim to the name.


Well, right. He enjoys it, but he doesn't really use it. I like the notion that only the money that he personally made directly is kept in the Bin. Money that his empire has made through investments and business is kept in banks and the market.
Matt - [Saint Louis, Missouri, USA]

MATT - Unless you count his diving into it like a porpoise, burrowing around in it like a gopher, and throwing the coins up in the air and letting them hit him on the head.
Todd Jensen - [merlyn1 at mindspring dot com]

Cheer up, all of you. We both know we are not real.
Twitter Demona

Twitter Demona

Yes, and the irony is that it inspired him to make three cubic acres of money that he also doesn't really use.
Matt - [Saint Louis, Missouri, USA]

Hey Check Out This Thing

I think Scrooge treasures his #1 dime because he worked so hard to get it. Granted it was only shinning shoes, but he was shafted with money he couldn't use. This gave him the ambition to do all he could to make more money and be the best of the best. All his ambitions, goals and dreams came from that dime.
Battle Beast - [Canada]
I have started a movie challenge whereby I am wtching all 475 Best Picture nominees and winners in 365 days. I am on Day #293 movie #334. Wish me luck!

My name says I am.
Twitter Demona

What a question!!!

It will be the proof that you are Twitter Demona.

-" In tutti noi c' e' il bene e il male, sia negli umani che nei gargoyle..." - Goliath in Awakening part 5 (italian version)

Why should I?
Twitter Demona

"Very good answer", it is a proof that you are not the true Twitter Demona.

Or if is true, tell me what did we talk some months ago on the twitter.

-" In tutti noi c' e' il bene e il male, sia negli umani che nei gargoyle..." - Goliath in Awakening part 5 (italian version)

I dont talk with humans.
Twitter Demona

Twitter Demona> Do you remember me? Do you remember our conversation some weeks ago? And what did we talk?
-" In tutti noi c' e' il bene e il male, sia negli umani che nei gargoyle..." - Goliath in Awakening part 5 (italian version)

"TWITTER DEMONA"> "She is a human skrull atempting to destroy us all."

Hmm, that sounds exactly like the kind of thing a Skrull would say!

Make a REAL "Gargoyles" movie, Disney!

Pretending to be someone who's pretending to be a cartoon character on the internet... there's got to be a point at which space-time warps into a mobius strip.
"A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men." - Willy Wonka

She is a human skrull atempting to destroy us all.
Twitter Demona

"TWITTER DEMONA"> Well then you you must have some kinda multiple personality thing going on, because the Demona on twitter claims to have nothing to do with you. Right now I got the possibilities narrowed down to evil(er) twin, Skrull shapeshifter attempting to infiltrate the Gargoyles Universe or Demona from Earth-2.
Make a REAL "Gargoyles" movie, Disney!

Im the only twitter Demona.
Twitter Demona

Does one have more of a right to exist than the other?
Matt - [Saint Louis, Missouri, USA]

RE: Twitter Demona vs. "Twitter Demona"

I say we shoot them both, it's the only way to be sure!

Make a REAL "Gargoyles" movie, Disney!

"Twitter Demona" > Okay, on both formspring and twitter, the actual Twitter Demona said you're a phony. Why are you keeping up with this impersonation?
Greg Bishansky

I don't see how anyone could bear Tommy Wiseau any ill will. I really don't think that the man understands that the reason he's gained such a following is because everyone thinks he's a joke. Besides, this fan-made game offers another very good theory on his origins:


Harvester of Eyes - [Minstrel75 at gmail dot com]
"The people must have something good to read... on a Sunday!" -The only band that really matters.

I wouldnt kill a LOLCat.
Twitter Demona

GREG B>"I don't think watching "The Room" would be a requirement."

That's assuming Tommy Wiseau is even human to begin with. Personally, I suspect he's secretly a LOLCat in an MIB style human suit. Notice his odd mannerisms, Internet meme status and tendency to greet everyone with "OH HAI!".

Make a REAL "Gargoyles" movie, Disney!

PROFESSOR OBLIVIOUS> I don't think watching "The Room" would be a requirement.
Greg Bishansky

dose any1 else think demona would kill tommy wassui if she saw The Room?
Professor Oblivious

MATT AND BATTLE BEAST - I'm glad that you both enjoyed "The Life and Times of Scrooge McDuck". I reread the final chapter on Christmas; I thought it appropriate, since the story's set then.

One touch that stood out to me was the notion that Scrooge's No. 1 Dime isn't magical; Scrooge treasures it because it was the first piece of money he ever earned.

And I get a kick out of the "Citizen Kane"-parody opening.

Todd Jensen - [merlyn1 at mindspring dot com]

Matt> I thoroughly enjoyed "Scrooge" too. I felt the same way you did, regarding Gargoyles... I saw several references that reminded me of Gargs; The Australian story was one.

Man, Is till enjoy the books... truth be told, I keep them in my Bathroom and I read them to pass the time. (You know.)

I get a kick out of all the subtle drawings and sight gags. still cracks me up.

Thanks again, Todd!

Battle Beast - [Canada]
I have started a movie challenge whereby I am wtching all 475 Best Picture nominees and winners in 365 days. I am on Day #293 movie #334. Wish me luck!


I've been gona month due to a computer meltdown. Lost my harddrive. Ugh. I hate computers.

On a positive note, my boyfriend got me "The Life and Times of Scrooge McDuck" for Christmas (both hardback volumes and the hardback companion). It is super cool and there have been several times I've thought of Gargoyles while reading it, esspecially when reading of Scottish history. Very fun book. I knew I'd love it and have been hearing about it for years, and it is even better than I expected.

Also, I've been noticing lots of changes at the GargWiki... Apparently, I've missed a lot. I just read over the last few weeks of comments and I missed some good topics. Oh well.

Anyway, I'm back now.

Matt - [Saint Louis, Missouri, USA]

Slow start so far...
The One Known As Mochi - [shogi dot keima dot 08 at gmail dot com]
Current Mood: (>**)> Wired on Red Bull...


I'm back.

Matt - [Saint Louis, Missouri, USA]


Anthony Tini

MD> Your comment reminds me of this cideo.



Phil - [p1anderson at yahoo dot com]

5rd (maybe)
-" In tutti noi c' e' il bene e il male, sia negli umani che nei gargoyle..." - Goliath in Awakening part 5 (italian version)

With this pattern, I wouldn't be surprised if I see FOUR posts to my name, hahaha
"The suspense is terrible . . . I hope it lasts" -- Willy Wonka

I swear I clicked it once. :/
Landon Thomas - [<- Gargoyles News Twitter feed]


Cartoon Network reveals biographical info on Young Justice characters: http://www.comicbookmovie.com/fansites/SuperHeroTooniverse/news/?a=26989 Source: http://www.cartoonnetwork.com/tv_shows/youngjustice/index.html

Landon Thomas - [<- Gargoyles News Twitter feed]


Cartoon Network reveals biographical info on Young Justice characters: http://www.comicbookmovie.com/fansites/SuperHeroTooniverse/news/?a=26989 Source: http://www.cartoonnetwork.com/tv_shows/youngjustice/index.html

Landon Thomas - [<- Gargoyles News Twitter feed]

Oooooooooor...not. XD
Masterdramon - [kmc12009 at mymail dot pomona dot edu]
"Here by the sea and sand, nothing ever goes as planned..." Roger Daltrey of The Who

And it feeeeeeeels like the first time! Feeeels like the very first time!
Masterdramon - [kmc12009 at mymail dot pomona dot edu]
"Here by the sea and sand, nothing ever goes as planned..." Roger Daltrey of The Who

Chip - [Sir_Griff723 at yahoo dot com]
We wish you a merry Christmas, We wish you a merry Christmas, We wish you a merry Christmas and a happy new year