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Comments for the week ending March 13, 2011

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Well, sis, I agree on Arisia, that is her or Jade.

I would personally prefer an episode that throws some light on the situation of the Golden Age heros in this universe, as we saw Jay is retired now there.

That episode would feature Alan Scott *swoon* and him eventually introducing the younger GL to Young Justice.

And, someone, preferable Bruce, tell Robin that laughter is creepy. <_<

Jenifer Dragovar - [daniela_laverne@yahoo.com]

have to say I'm really liking the new Young Justice series, came across Greg's commentary about people complaining about the name, personally I find the flipped names of the two tv series to be fun in an ironic sort of way

there is only one thing that bugs me about the show, and that's Robin's laughing thing? what was the origin of that? I keep expecting at some point Batman to smack him and say "knock that crap off, you're MY protege, not the Joker's"

oh also we've seen Kent Nelson and Jay Garrick when can we see Alan Scott make an appearance? I'm a golden age Green Lantern fangirl at heart

speaking of, if there was a green lantern who would join young justice which is most likely? my vote's fore Arisia

Jesica Dragovar - [triquetracats@yahoo.com]

Honestly, Masterdramon, I look forward to the character's arrival. After the extremely freaky-looking Clayface, I can't wait to see what the character designer(s) will come up with for [SPOILER] Darkseid [/SPOILER].

Unfortunately, now we have to wait until April for things to pick back up.

Brainiac - [OSUBrainiac at gmail dot com]
There is balance in all things. Live in symmetry with the world around you. If you must blow things up and steal from those around you, THAT'S WHAT RPGS ARE FOR!

The sphere is probably the [SPOILER] super-cycle from the Peter David YJ comic. ]/SPOILER].

"Bereft" episode links:



As for the episode itself, [SPOILER] holy motherfrakking crap! Among other things we get pretty much an entire episode full of realistic guns and missiles, Aqualad coming very close to death, revelations on the inner psyches of basically the entire cast (but especially Artemis and Miss Martian), a truly deliciously sinister Psimon (complete with a psychic laser-beam war!), some adult humor that almost made me do a spit-take (particularly "Would you two get a room already?" and the totally mindblowing "Quit touching yourself!"), and the twin revelations of the stinger, as Brainiac mentioned.

I feel kind of stupid for leaving off the one villainess we already KNEW was gonna be in the series from my short litany of potential female members of the Light, but I'm quite glad to learn that Marina Sirtis will be fulfilling a recurring role as the Bialyan dictator Queen Bee, rather than the original alien user of that identity that I was assuming she would play. That leaves two empty slots if my guesses turn out to be on the money, and I'm gonna go right ahead and lock in my answers for those as Grodd and Sinestro. But we'll see as the series progresses.

And finally, the Sphere, which is probably as cute as something like that can possbibly be (reminds me somewhat of GLaDOS' core modules in the video game "Portal")...is apparently Apokoliptian technology. Damn, I just threw out that wild bit about Darkseid being involved with the Light as a lark, LOL.

But indeed, the Lord of Apokolips is readying Earth for his conquest - and Earth that already contains a regenerating sample of Starro the Star Conqueror. Be afraid people, be very afraid. [/SPOILER]

Masterdramon - [kmc12009@mymail.pomona.edu]
"I can't get no...satisfaction..." Mick Jagger of the Rolling Stones

Maybe Greg was referring to the Buffy episode that was a musical. ;) I think they also did it on Xena too. I wouldn't be against an all singing episode. The high concept episodes of TV shows tend to be remembered fondly (Angel gets turned into a puppet) or jump the shark (Fonzie...ah you know) for shows.
Richard Jackson - [rickymtj@yahoo.com]

So who else was thrilled with the ending stinger of tonight's episode? Not only did we learn [SPOILER] Demon...uh, I mean Queen Bee is L-4 or L-7 [/SPOILER], viewers who paid attention may have realized, despite what Robin said, [SPOILER] that wasn't a zeta beam the sphere came through...that was a Boom Tube [/SPOILER].
Brainiac - [OSUBrainiac at gmail dot com]
There is balance in all things. Live in symmetry with the world around you. If you must blow things up and steal from those around you, THAT'S WHAT RPGS ARE FOR!

Todd: Definitely a joke d: When id doubt, check the Smart *ss Responses Archive d:
"The suspense is terrible, I hope it lasts . . ." -- Willy Wonka

Congratulations on getting to help Greg with a project, Aris!

To anyone/everyone here who's seen "Young Justice": one of Greg's recent answers implied that there'd been an episode in which the characters all sang, musical-fashion. Was there really such an episode, or was he just joking?

Todd Jensen - [merlyn1@mindspring.com]

Ancient Greek! I was just assuming it was made up stuff: like Klingon or something. But that's so much cooler. And it makes so much sense.
L.T. Williams

New Young Justice episode "Bereft" airs tonight on Cartoon Network at 7pm ET. Greg and Brandon Vietti talk about the episode (spoilers): http://www.comicbookmovie.com/fansites/SuperHeroTooniverse/news/?a=31686
Landon Thomas - [<- Gargoyles News Twitter Feed]

Aris: That's awesome. When I watched the episode my first thought was that they were speaking some sort of Greek (having only taken Latin, I knew it sounded nothing like that, lol), but as fans starting piling the queue saying it was Atlantean and Greg's credits also said Atlantean, I was starting to think it wasn't anything historical. **Smacks head** Shoulda remembered that Greg Weisman loves his research when he can manage it :D

Off Topic: So I just read yesterday Amazing Spider-Man #622, and while I was able to catch most of the cameos and references of now-more-obscure characters (thanks no doubt to watching Spec Spidey), I was wondering if (potential)[SPOILER] "HH" in the email [/SPOILER] was anyone specific in the mythos or even the current storyline (as I haven't followed that). Figured I'd ask here before bogging down the queue with what could be a very obvious answer . . .

Also, hoping that any fans that live in or near Japan (at least compared to us in the States), with a specific call out to Richard Jackson who I think (from reading his GargWiki profile) is currently in South Korea, are safe.

"The suspense is terrible, I hope it lasts" -- Willy Wonka

"How did that come about?"

By being the only Greek person Greg Weisman knew of, I think. :-) As for myself, I attempted to first pass the task to someone whose knowledge of Ancient Greek was more fluent than mine, but she was WAY too busy at the time and so declined.

Aris Katsaris - [katsaris@gmail.com]

Hey, Aris! Welcome back! Haven't seen you in here in... what? A decade? In fact, I think I was still just lurking the last time you posted. (Which is still what I do most of the time.)

I saw your name on Ask Greg as Atlantean Translator or something for Young Justice. How did that come about?

L.T. Williams

Pardon my ignorance of computer technology, but would an extremely deadly computer virus from 1995 still be effective fifteen years later?

I know that Greg confirmed that Xanatos has plans for the virus that he obtained in "Legion," but how much time does he have to make use of it before newer computers make it obsolete?

Paul - [nampahcfluap@yahoo.com]

Also that thing about Nathan Fillion never actually happened, it was just some misguided fans doing that in his name, I think.
Aris Katsaris - [katsaris@gmail.com]

NEBULAN> It's been asked before. General consensus is that Disney will probably never sell off the rights to any of it's defunct intellectual properties. To their minds, it's better to hold onto them in the hopes of squeezing a little more money out of them somewhere then risk letting a competitor make a profit off them. And even if they where willing, it would probably require more money then poor old Greg will ever see in his lifetime.
Man, 2010 was a crazy year. Remember when the monolith turned Jupiter into a star? Good times.

Sorry if this has been asked (I wish there was a search comment room feature) but has the whole thing about Nathan Fillion trying to buy the rights to Firefly from Fox been brought up at all?

No really, is it possible? I would love to see if we could buy the rights to Gargoyles from Disney so we could give them to Greg Weisman so he could right us some novels at least!

If we had an infinate amount of money... would it be possible?

I want more gargoyles canon!

ANTHONY> [SPOILER] You know, I'm kinda doubting Earth-16 Superboy has any Luthor genes. Mainly because I can't see any version of Batman not running a whole battery of medical tests on the kid. That said, I strongly suspect Lex is a member of the Light and probably the one who commissioned Project Kr. So Lex might consider himself a surrogate father to SB much like Xanatos is to Thailog. [/SPOILER]
Man, 2010 was a crazy year. Remember when the monolith turned Jupiter into a star? Good times.

Masterdramon> Did a quick read through of the play and came up with a soft and fair personality for Katana.
Gargoyleslady - [Kendal.renfro@yahoo.com]

Masterdramon> Did a quick read through of the play and came up with a soft and fair personality for Katana.
Gargoyleslady - [Kendal.renfro@yahoo.com]

Anthony: If Superboy keeps the origin of Conner Kent in the comics, then [SPOILER] yes, he would indeed have some of Lex's DNA incorporated into his make-up. This would certainly present some interesting story opportunities, should Luthor be more outwardly "willing" to accept Superboy as a father-figure while Clark continues to drag his toes.

It would also, of course, provide a nice mirror to Thailog for Greg W. to work with (namely, the whole "multiple fathers" aspect).

However, I wouldn't say that the "limited powers" thing is the fault of any human DNA that may or may not be mixed into Superboy's genetic code. I interpreted those more as consequences of Superboy being young and his powers being immature; notably he "leaps tall buildings in a single bound" rather than flies, as Superman used to do in the Golden Age before the Silver Age came along and Clark's power set became nigh-ridiculous. The in-universe reason for the power upgrades has always been Clark getting older, so it should theoretically be no different for Superboy. [/SPOILER]

Masterdramon - [kmc12009@mymail.pomona.edu]
"I can't get no...satisfaction..." Mick Jagger of the Rolling Stones

Since Conner Kent aka Superboy is a "clone" of Superman and can't do everything Superman can, do you guys think that maybe he could have a little Lex Luther DNA in him as well?
Anthony Tini

Brainiac: Fear my slightly above-average typing speed! FEAR IT!!!1 ;P

Supermorff: Ah, totally forgot about her. Yeah, I could definitely see that...[SPOILER] Doctor Psycho is another big name that I forgot in my short run-down. [/SPOILER]

Gargoyleslady: Presumably, he's waiting to deal with Katana is canonical materials before he scoops himself with random tidbits about her personality. I mean, why would Greg W. see any benefit in "telling us what her personality is like" in an out-of-story vacuum like this site?

But he has, at least, revealed that her relationship with Brooklyn will start out roughly analogous to Beatrice/Benedick's in Shakespeare's "Much Ado About Nothing," so a read-through of the play should probably give you some hints as to how Greg W. would characterize her (at least initially). For a wider list of examples of works describing this sort of relationship, you can also consult:


Masterdramon - [kmc12009@mymail.pomona.edu]
"I can't get no...satisfaction..." Mick Jagger of the Rolling Stones


Demona was sweet talking Brooklyn into listening to her. She's lying about wanting to help Brooklyn and the others.

Gargoyleslady - [Kendal.renfro@yahoo.com]

Why won't Greg tell us what Katana's personality is?
Gargoyleslady - [Kendal.renfro@yahoo.com]

YJ Wiki> Fixed.

Yeah I'm on YJ Wiki. Some idiot is adding Doug Erholtz all over the place. Gimme a minute.

Also, regarding Wonder Woman's potential counterpart, [SPOILER] Veronica Cale. [/SPOILER]


<snort> Looks like I took a little too long framing my thoughts, eh Masterdramon?

By the way, if anyone here is involved over at the YJ Wiki, you need to fix Klarion's page. Despite noting he's voiced by Thom in the Production Notes, the Production Details say he's voiced by Doug Erholtz. Say wha?

Brainiac - [OSUBrainiac at gmail dot com]
There is balance in all things. Live in symmetry with the world around you. If you must blow things up and steal from those around you, THAT'S WHAT RPGS ARE FOR!

Supermorff> An excellent point. If we go off of that, the seven members of The Light might actually reference the founders; consider the believed identities of L-1 and L-2 versus the League's (likely) 01 and (known) 02. It kind of breaks down with L-5; if the identity is indeed what's been proposed, he should actually be L-6 to Aquaman's 06. For that matter, if the proposed identity of the French-accented L-6 is accurate, who is he supposed to be a counterpart for?

However, it does open a few possibilities for L-4...perhaps Professor Zoom? And there's still the revealed villains in the toy line. [SPOILER] Ra's al Ghul is pretty apparently L-2 and Vandal Savage would certainly fit in with The Light. He could be L-3 or even L-1 if it's not actually Lex - he's the founder and leader of the Illuminati in DC canon. [/SPOILER]

Brainiac - [OSUBrainiac at gmail dot com]
There is balance in all things. Live in symmetry with the world around you. If you must blow things up and steal from those around you, THAT'S WHAT RPGS ARE FOR!

Supermorff: Yeah, that was the reason I assumed that there were seven members in the first place. [SPOILER] In which case, that might mean that the Light members are intended to be evil counterparts of each of the founding League members instead, with Lex being Clark's nemesis, Ra`s being Bruce's, the Brain being J'onn's since...they're both mindblowing super-geniuses (this sort of roundabout logic is required since the Brain is predominately a Doom Patrol rather than Justice League villain, LOL), and Orm being Arthur's. This leaves Barry (making Grodd an extremely likely choice), Hal (again, I'm placing my bets on Thaal), and Diana (Ares, Hades, or Circe would make for nice surprises, or else Cheetah or Maxwell Lord). Hell, if I'm right and the Brain is J'onn's opposite despite not being part of his rogue's gallery, then any strong female villain would work for this; Lady Shiva or Madame Rouge, perhaps. Or even Amanda Waller, for an interesting twist.

Oh, and just for the Hell of it, one other wild guess out of leftfield - perhaps one of the Light members could be Libra or a disguised Desaad, manipulating the group into helping ready Earth for a second-season conquest by Darkseid? Starro may end up being useful for such a thing, if the Lord of Apokolips discovers some way to control the Star Conquerer. Damn...THAT is a scary thought. [/SPOILER]

Masterdramon - [kmc12009@mymail.pomona.edu]
"I can't get no...satisfaction..." Mick Jagger of the Rolling Stones

Masterdramon> Yeah, admittedly [SPOILER] Dr. Light was pretty much a joke suggestion anyway. They only let him into the group because he supplies their light-silhouette communication screens. [/SPOILER]

It occurs to me that there were 7 founding members of the Justice League too. Not sure if it's significant, but thought I'd mention it.


Sorry for the double post.
Gargoyleslady - [Kendal.renfro@yahoo.com]

In the next to last panel of "Phoenix" when Angela asked Katana if she could hold the egg, Katana looked like she didn't want to let go of it. Would she let Angela hold it or would she rather "Egwardo" stay close to her?
Gargoyleslady - [Kendal.renfro@yahoo.com]

In the next to last panel of "Phoenix" when Angela asked Katana if she could hold the egg, Katana looked like she didn't want to let go of it. Would she let Angela hold it or would she rather "Egwardo" stay close to her?
Gargoyleslady - [Kendal.renfro@yahoo.com]

Antiyonder: J. Jonah Jameson is going to be Aang's son? Holy cheesemuffins! :D

Landon: I won't lie..."Bereft" has the premise that's gotten me the most excited out of any of the past eight episodes. Definitely looking forward to Friday!

Supermorff: While both of those are fairly reasonable guesses [SPOILER] (although Dr. Light would have to overcome both his joke-villain status set forth by pre-"Identity Crisis" comics and popularized by the "Teen Titans" series AND his "Dr. Rape" reputation in the modern comics), my gut tells me that the long, thin-headed silhouette is Thaal Sinestro, if only so that audiences can be reminded of him in anticipation of the "Green Lantern" film. Alternatively, if they're going for an "evil counterpart" sort of feel against the current team (Luthor vs. Superboy, Ra`s vs. Robin, Ocean Master vs. Aqualad, etc.) then Miss Martian is missing one, in which case it could either be a White Martian (to mirror her supposed true identity as one) or the recent "Brightest Day" character D'kay D'razz (for promotional purposes, and because she's damn terrifying): a psychopathic Green Martian that wishes to mate with J'onn and eliminate M'gann as "competition" (yeah, she's squicky). [/SPOILER]

Masterdramon - [kmc12009@mymail.pomona.edu]
"I can't get no...satisfaction..." Mick Jagger of the Rolling Stones

Brainiac> If there are 7 members, then I guess some of the screens from "Drop-Zone" were showing the same members. Part of me was actually expecting there to be 16 of them. At least we've got a concrete number now.

Wild guesses for villains that might by our missing Light members: [SPOILER] Gorilla Grodd and Doctor Light [/SPOILER].


In other news, it looks like I was just about right on the Upper Echelons vs. The Light comparison. The first of Greg's latest responses confirmed that The Light has seven members (and L-6 is the French-accented one many presume to be The Brain, voiced by Nolan North purely for cost considerations) while the Upper Echelons is thought of as having no more than six members.

So, L-1, L-2, L-3, L-5, and L-6 have voices as well as supposed identities (though I don't think anyone is remotely certain of L-3 yet). Any guesses on L-4 and L-7?

Brainiac - [OSUBrainiac at gmail dot com]
There is balance in all things. Live in symmetry with the world around you. If you must blow things up and steal from those around you, THAT'S WHAT RPGS ARE FOR!

Wee, I get to continue my random posting.

IGN review of "Downtime": http://tv.ign.com/articles/115/1153771p1.html
Preview clips & pics from Friday's new Young Justice episode "Bereft" (spoilers): http://www.worldsfinestonline.com/news.php/news.php?action=fullnews&id=982

Landon Thomas - [<- Gargoyles News Twitter Feed]

Just a heads-up that there was some old information in the s8.org DNS record that may have caused some problems accessing the site the last few days. The DNS record has been updated, but it may still take a day or two for most internet providers to get the update.

And it's fairly useless telling you that here since if you're reading it then everything's jake.

But at least I got to use the adjective "jake". Which makes me happy.


**From the library**

Just popping in quick to with the tangent that, while a year late, I finally bought Greg Weisman's Flash Thompson story in Amazing Spider-Man #622 . . . sooo glad the comic shop still had it. No idea why I never got it when it first came out, and I can only wonder why its escaped my mind all those times I went and bought Darkwing Duck & Chip & Dale Rescue Rangers comics, but at least I know I'm going to have a fun read tonight :D

"The suspense is terrible, I hope it lasts . . ." -- Willy Wonka

For those interested in the upcoming Avatar series, here is a list of cast members they have:


Janet Varney as Korra
Kiernan Shipka as Jinora
Daniel Dae Kim as Hiroshi Sato
David Faustino as Mako
Sheychelle Gabriel as Asami
Lance Hendrickson as Lieutenant
JK Simmons as Tenzin

Antiyonder - [antiyonder@yahoo.com]
Algernon's comment about Norman Osborn: One of the neat things about Dark Reign is that it gives Osborn the chance to expand his horizons beyond tormenting a twenty nine year old who still lives with his mom.

Supermorff> Well, it is a well-known fact that VAs often voice multiple characters as it's more cost-effective for the studios. Besides, I'm betting Greg's aware that many of those paying enough attention to read his ramble probably already know enough comic lore to have guessed who L-5 could be.

And now someone else needs to post so it doesn't look like Anton is having a Two-Face moment. Heh-heh-heh.

Brainiac - [OSUBrainiac at gmail dot com]
There is balance in all things. Live in symmetry with the world around you. If you must blow things up and steal from those around you, THAT'S WHAT RPGS ARE FOR!

Brainiac> I am honestly very surprised that Greg revealed the voice of L-5, for exactly that reason. Surely that's why it was left off the credits in the first place?

Masterdramon> True, the overall size of the Illuminati likely dwarfs that of The Light and its affiliates. I suppose the hidden members are probably closest in nature to the "Upper Echelons" of the Illuminati. However, it does amuse me how similar in nature the two groups appear to be (though The Light is likely far more manifestly malevolent than the Illuminati). Between the name of both groups and (if the presumption about the Demon's Head's membership is correct) access to an age-defying agent, there's a lot that makes me wonder if Greg isn't sublimating some of his plans for the Illuminati through The Light.

One other thing...if Oded Fehr's L-2 is indeed who you think he is, considering his role as Kent Nelson/Doctor Fate in JLU, that's also rather amusing. I'd also note the uncredited voicing for L-5 in Greg's latest credits ramble for proving out a membership theory...

Brainiac - [OSUBrainiac at gmail dot com]
There is balance in all things. Live in symmetry with the world around you. If you must blow things up and steal from those around you, THAT'S WHAT RPGS ARE FOR!

(10th)Tenth! And away we go on with the show.
Vinnie - [tpeano29@hotmail.com]

Phoenician> Thanks! I wish I could get in the guiness... I should go to their website and ask them...

Thanks! :)

Battle Beast - [Canada]

Battle Beast - [Canada]

Chip - [<------The League of Extraordinary Nerds Here!]
"An explanation of cause is not a justification by reason." C. S. Lewis

Phil - [p1anderson@yahoo.com]

Closer still... SIXTH!

............half way there... 5th.
Vin - [castle0909@aol.com]

Now, now. Language...

...Darn Comment Room, messing up my French accents...
Masterdramon - [kmc12009@mymail.pomona.edu]
"I can't get no...satisfaction..." Mick Jagger of the Rolling Stones

Troisième, mes amis!

Brainiac: Well, the Light is rather brutally outnumbered in terms of sheer membership, but I'm guessing they're a lot better organized (Hell, most of the lower-echelon Illuminati members seem to know maybe a half-dozen other members' names at most). Of course, neither organization seems the type to engage in an all-out open conflict, so they question is probably fairly moot from the onset anyway. XD

Supermorff, from last week: Algernon already presented most of the evidence I have for guessing that [SPOILER] four of the members of the Light are Lex Luthor, the Brain, Ra`s al Ghul, and Ocean Master. Two additional bits I'd like to add are that the Light member Sensei reports to is voiced by Israeli actor Oded Fehr, so his voice would be fairly fitting for the Arabian Ra`s, and the member at the end of "Downtime," in addition to sounding quite a bit like Orm, also has the signature helmet prongs of his Ocean Master costume. [/SPOILER]

Masterdramon - [kmc12009@mymail.pomona.edu]
"I can't get no...satisfaction..." Mick Jagger of the Rolling Stones

Let me take a SECOND to once again give Battle Beast major kudos for finishing his epic movie challenge of 485 Best Picture Nominees in 365 Days :D
"The suspense is terrible, I hope it lasts" -- Willy Wonka

First question of the week - Illuminati vs. The Light. Who would win?
Brainiac - [OSUBrainiac at gmail dot com]
There is balance in all things. Live in symmetry with the world around you. If you must blow things up and steal from those around you, THAT'S WHAT RPGS ARE FOR!