@Patrick That Biff song - Hilarious! I watched the video 3 times!
Anthony Tini
posted @ Sun, Feb 26, 2012 10:33:55 pm EST from
A Station Eight Fan Web Site
@Patrick That Biff song - Hilarious! I watched the video 3 times!
Anthony Tini
posted @ Sun, Feb 26, 2012 10:33:55 pm EST from
When I first started reading about this series (before the 1st episode was even released) there seemed to be some confusion (among DC fans I knew) as to whether or not Artemis was Artemis of Bana-Mighdall, Arrowette or even Artemiz of the Female Furies. I don't think it occurred to anyone (anyone I knew, that is) that it was Artemis Crock.
I think I also recall reading something that indicated that Artemis was to be a brand new character.
Honestly, I didn't know who Miss Martian was when this show debuted so I'm thinking "who is this girl? Martian Boyhunter?" (obvious Robot Chicken reference). Granted, I hadn't been keeping up with many DC or Marvel titles in the past several years so I hadn't really done my homework in that respect. So, my bad, really.
Kudos to all and sundry for producing such a fantastic show.
PS - the mole is Superboy, isn't it? :-)
Tony Clifton - [eurydiocy@gmail.com]
posted @ Sun, Feb 26, 2012 7:24:04 pm EST from
Tony: Both Artemis Crock and M'gann M'orzz are existing characters in the comics, actually. Admittedly Artemis has definitely gone through some significant alterations for this series, but Miss Martian's pretty damn close to her "Teen Titans" counterpart (particularly with the hints we've gotten in Targets and Disordered with regard to her "true identity").
Nonetheless, glad to hear you and your girlfriend are enjoying the ride! :)
Masterdramon - [kmc12009@mymail.pomona.edu]
"I'm pickin' up Good Vibrations, she's givin' me excitations..." - The Beach Boys
posted @ Sun, Feb 26, 2012 6:48:55 pm EST from
Just wanted to say I LOVE Young Justice.
Thanks to everyone who works so hard on these episodes.
I have to admit, I was a bit sceptical when I heard that this series was in production. Introducing a new character that seemed to be based on 3 existing characters (Artemis), a new(ish) Aqualad (I've never cared for that character) and a teenage version of Martian Manhunter as well as the exclusion of characters like Raven, Starfire, Cyborg and Beast Boy left me thinking that the team had taken way too many liberties and that was no way that I would find the series even remotely interesting...
I have watched every episode and been thoroughly impressed with the production, the character development and the stories. My girlfriend is now watching with me. Up until this series she really just tolerated my interest in comic book mythology. Now she's constantly asking me when the new episodes are airing.
I have since added Artemis and Aqualad (LOVE these characters, by the way) to my 6 inch figure collection (please tell Mattel we NEED Miss Martian in 6 inch form) and can't wait for new figures to be released.
Again, thank you. Can't wait to see what's in store for March 2012 and beyond!
Tony Clifton - [eurydiocy@gmail.com]
posted @ Sun, Feb 26, 2012 6:30:53 pm EST from
Sylviechic: Greg's answered this. From the in-progress FAQ:
Is the Martian language featured in "Bereft" based in any real-life language, or is it just really fancy "gibberish"?
Greg's answer:
We based it on what we knew of it, which was mostly a handful of proper names. We extrapolated from that. Whether that makes it "gibberish" or well-thought-out "gibberish" is subject to interpretation.
Masterdramon - [kmc12009@mymail.pomona.edu]
"I'm pickin' up Good Vibrations, she's givin' me excitations..." - The Beach Boys
posted @ Sun, Feb 26, 2012 3:46:24 pm EST from
Just wondering, does anybody know if the Martian language that M'gann speaks in "Bereft" is based on a real language? And, if so, what language?
It could be gibberish, but I'm really curious.
Sylviechic - [sylviechic8@gmail.com]
posted @ Sun, Feb 26, 2012 3:22:13 pm EST from
Mohammed: Greg W. found your post rude because it seemed premised on the assumption that people above a certain age can't be good voice actors...which, well, is a highly offensive notion. Even if you didn't intend it that way, that's how it would come across to virtually anyone reading that question.
Take it as a lesson next time. Certainly, for at least having the decency to come back and apologize (though this probably isn't the best place if you want Greg W. to read it) you're beating out 90+% of the rude posters on AskGreg.
For the record, though, Grey DeLisle is 38 and Vanessa Marshall is 42, so their age difference is pretty negligible.
Masterdramon - [kmc12009@mymail.pomona.edu]
"I'm pickin' up Good Vibrations, she's givin' me excitations..." - The Beach Boys
posted @ Sun, Feb 26, 2012 2:35:30 am EST from
Dear Greg, I am sorry for asking a rude question. The only reason why I asked was because alot of other people did not like it either so I just needed to know some specific reasons.
So for both Canary and Joker, I did not mean to anger you in either case.
Mohammed Yahya - [aslan10000@gmail.com]
posted @ Sun, Feb 26, 2012 1:45:06 am EST from
Not bringing Goliath would not have been the same as bringing him because Matt had made a deal with Malone and the Illuminati. I doubt very much that they would've just shrugged their shoulders had Matt simply failed to carry his end of the agreement. It was like Hacker said, it was Matt's job to get Goliath there. Whatever Matt told Goliath to get him to do that (even the truth), is irrelevant.
Matt - [Saint Louis, Missouri, USA]
"... And if we did it before, we can do it again." "And we will. Together." - Goliath and Elisa, "The Edge"
posted @ Sat, Feb 25, 2012 9:56:34 pm EST from
ULTIMATE WARRIOR OF POWER> Matt took a gamble that he could save Golaith and dig up some dirt on the Society at the Cabal. Ultimately, it payed off, though perhaps not in the way Matt originally planned
posted @ Sat, Feb 25, 2012 6:04:32 pm EST from
While on the subject of "revelations," why did Matt Bluestone take Goliath to the hotel to begin with? He says at the end that he believed that going in with Goliath in the know was going to ruin his chance to expose the illuminati, so what did he gain by going at all? As far as he knew, declining Mallone's request would have had the same result as bringing Goliath there, so why go through all that.
Ultimate Warrior of Power
posted @ Sat, Feb 25, 2012 4:20:52 pm EST from
Patrick: Well, I'm also in charge (with invaluable aid from Harlan Phoenix) of composing the "Young Justice" FAQ for Station 8, which I've been working on finishing up for a couple of months. I've got a couple questions about it, actually, which I intend to pose to Greg W. once the queue reopens; after that, I hope to have it up as an additional resource as soon as possible.
Not sure how useful it will be for people who already skip over the archives and the search function anyway, but hey, it's the principle of the thing.
Masterdramon - [kmc12009@mymail.pomona.edu]
"I'm pickin' up Good Vibrations, she's givin' me excitations..." - The Beach Boys
posted @ Sat, Feb 25, 2012 3:06:24 pm EST from
Maybe we need to put answers to all the common (stupid) questions into song format, like Tom Wilson has done.
"A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men." - Willy Wonka
posted @ Sat, Feb 25, 2012 11:28:09 am EST from
Anthony: I was the one who volunteered for that task, though I know about as much as Todd at this point. I last corresponded with Gorebash on the subject on 10/28/2011; since then I've e-mailed him a couple of times (the last on 11/20) and posted inquiries in the Comment Room when I've seen him around, but have gotten no response. I'm still totally game for the task, but I have no idea how things are progressing at this point.
Though, just to be safe, I think I'll shoot over another e-mail right now.
Masterdramon - [kmc12009@mymail.pomona.edu]
"I'm pickin' up Good Vibrations, she's givin' me excitations..." - The Beach Boys
posted @ Fri, Feb 24, 2012 7:35:18 pm EST from
ANTHONY - Yes, but I don't know if the details have been finalized yet.
Of course, we wouldn't need as much filtering if the people who asked the questions:
a) understood Greg's not going to give the details of future episodes away (and why would we want him too? There's a reason they're called spoilers).
b) searched the archives and question queue to see if such-and-such-a-question had already been submitted to Greg (such as Zatanna's age, or why Robin's in the grade he's in at high school).
For that matter, some of the questions give me the feeling that the people who submitted them, deep down, wanted not a television series, but an encyclopedia/sourcebook for Earth-16. :)
Todd Jensen
posted @ Fri, Feb 24, 2012 6:59:33 pm EST from
Clips and images from the new Young Justice episode "Misplaced": http://www.worldsfinestonline.com/news.php?action=fullnews&id=1260 It premieres Saturday, March 3rd at 10:30a (ET). More Thom Adcox!
Landon Thomas - [<- Gargoyles News Twitter Feed]
posted @ Fri, Feb 24, 2012 5:16:01 pm EST from
Matt> I assumed it was to test the psychological limits of a gargoyle warrior.
Harlan Phoenix - [harlanphoenix@live.com]
posted @ Fri, Feb 24, 2012 4:42:26 pm EST from
@Matt That's a good question. Either they didn't consult Xanatos due to his lower ranking, or maybe they felt he was hiding details so they asked Mace to invest further. Part of me thinks, based on the end of the episode, that not only did the Illuminati care about gargoyles but they were also testing Matt Bluestone to see where his alligences was, so they learned something there.
Anthony Tini
posted @ Fri, Feb 24, 2012 11:29:13 am EST from
Has Greg ever mentioned what information the Illuminati wanted Malone to extract from Goliath in "Revelations". I mean, clearly the Illuminati knows about gargoyles. And the Manhattan Clan's backstory was probably easily obtained from Xanatos... so what else could the Society wanted out of Goliath. What does Goliath know (or what do they think he knows) that is so important?
Matt - [Saint Louis, Missouri, USA]
"... And if we did it before, we can do it again." "And we will. Together." - Goliath and Elisa, "The Edge"
posted @ Fri, Feb 24, 2012 11:21:26 am EST from
@Todd, didn't someone volenteer to help you filter the YJ questions entering the queue? Will this person be starting when the queue opens up again?
Anthony Tini
posted @ Fri, Feb 24, 2012 11:01:07 am EST from
SARAH - I hope you won't submit that question to "Ask Greg" when it re-opens. Greg's not going to give away spoilers (over half the questions he's received lately have been spoiler requests), and furthermore, that's a story idea masquerading as a question.
Todd Jensen
posted @ Fri, Feb 24, 2012 7:41:35 am EST from
Hmm...my predictions for three of the sorcerers (Klarion, Wotan, and Felix Faust) were accurate, but I'll admit, Blackbriar Thorn and Wizard through me for a bit of a loop.
Not that I'm complaining, mind you. XD
Masterdramon - [kmc12009@mymail.pomona.edu]
"I'm pickin' up Good Vibrations, she's givin' me excitations..." - The Beach Boys
posted @ Thu, Feb 23, 2012 11:15:20 pm EST from
hey do u guys think greg will make an episode on mostly of robin/dick and him going through the tragedy of his parents on his parents death anniversary??
posted @ Thu, Feb 23, 2012 11:15:04 pm EST from
So I was right about Klarion being one of the "five most powerful sorcerers on earth" in this episode. But from what I've seen and heard of the Klarion of "Young Justice", I'd say he has far more in mind behind this scheme than grand theft strawberry ice cream or demolishing movie theatres with a tone of "I hate sequels".
Todd Jensen
posted @ Thu, Feb 23, 2012 8:39:27 pm EST from
Hope springs eternal, Todd.
Unfortunately, it usually springs AWAY.
Brainiac - [OSUBrainiac at gmail dot com]
There is balance in all things. Live in symmetry with the world around you. If you must blow things up and steal from those around you, THAT'S WHAT RPGS ARE FOR!
posted @ Thu, Feb 23, 2012 7:29:48 pm EST from
And I hope that when "Ask Greg" reopens in nine days, it won't be flooded with lots of "How old is Zatanna?"/"When will my favorite DC Comics character show up on 'Young Justice'"/"What's going to happen in the next episode?"-type questions.
Todd Jensen
posted @ Thu, Feb 23, 2012 7:08:54 pm EST from
Well folks, the queue is cleared. Let the silence at Ask Greg reverberate until March 3rd.
And for those of you who need something to tide you over (and haven't seen them yet)...some Misplaced previews:
Brainiac - [OSUBrainiac at gmail dot com]
There is balance in all things. Live in symmetry with the world around you. If you must blow things up and steal from those around you, THAT'S WHAT RPGS ARE FOR!
posted @ Thu, Feb 23, 2012 6:29:52 pm EST from
MASTERDRAMON - Seems like the people at Formspring are trying to fulfill Greg Weisman's dream of getting every legend into the Gargoyles Universe (if in their case, it's a blend with Marvel Comics).
Todd Jensen
posted @ Thu, Feb 23, 2012 8:14:04 am EST from
Hehe, I like Stark's response.
posted @ Thu, Feb 23, 2012 5:38:53 am EST from
Pretty wide slew of "Greg Weisman" Formspring responses to post tonight, so let's just get started...
Tony Dracon: I read his Captain Atom run. Not bad. I didn't like what Grant Morrison did to Eiling though.
[This is more in-character than it might seem in retrospect, since Elisa's response mentioned she loved the Bates/Weisman "Captain Atom" comic as well in her response.]
Tomas Brod: I like his outside-the-box thinking. It's a rare thing in American television.
Medusa (that is, Ekidna's daughter): Xetes speaks highly of his works. I've never seen them, myself. I shudder to think what my mother would do if she ever caught me watching human broadcasts.
Heimdall (a Child of Oberon): I wish his series "Stargate: The Hunted" had been made.
I would have loved to have seen his take on the Asgard.
Queen La (from Edgar Rice Burrough's "Tarzan" novels, though with her particular character design drawn from Disney's "Legend of Tarzan" series): The man who single handedly managed to win Disney the rights to make a Tarzan movie because he was the ONLY one present at the meeting with the Burroughs estate who'd actually even BOTHERED to read the source material?
THAT? Greg Weisman? Whose name couldn't be placed in the credits of the movie because he didn't really work on the movie, and what would that credit read? Rights Facilitator? Good Schmoozer? Read the Book?
I like him. For the reasons stated above. I wish he could have worked on the TV series that was spawned.
Elizabeth Bathory de Ecsed (falling squarely in line with the popular depiction of the historical countess as a vampire who bathed in her victims' blood; now recruited into Morgana le Fay's new Unseelie Court): I'm am unfamiliar with him, though I understand he has often collaborated with Tad Stone, Victor Cook and Sean Galloway. All mortals who have helped carry my legend into this new millennium.
Doctor Faust (yeah, that one; also a member, though far less enthusiastically, of Morgana's troupe): I have not seen much of his work. I am in prison, after all.
I have, however, read his scripts. He is quite talented.
Setebos (also known as Goethe's Mephistopheles, but with his "formal" name taken from the God worshipped by Sycorax in The Tempest; again, a member of Morgana's fledgling Court): That bastard caught me up in a supernatural pyramid scheme!
...Or was that Tsabard? I can't remember anymore...
Oh well.
Mark Allan/Molten Man: I wouldn't bet against his third season curse.
Colonel John Jameson: He has the Power! Make him give me back the Power!
Mac Gargan/The Scorpion: It always pisses my off when his shows don't make it to the third season, just when he's about to get to the really good stuff.
St. John Devereaux: I always have an appreciation for my fellow rabid Shakespeare fans!
Morris Bench (not yet Hydro-Man): It bugs the heck out of me that he NEVER seems to get a Third Season. You know if you talk to the guy, he's got some GREAT plans for Season Three of EVERY SHOW he's worked on, and he never get's to tell even half of the ones he wants to. What's up with that?
And now I hear that they've finished up with Season Two of Young Justice, and the folks at Warner Brothers HAVEN'T renewed it for Season Three...What gives?!? I want to see that!!! I want to see a Season Three!!! I want see more of the New Gods in Young Justice...I want to see more Starship Troopers...
I want a Season Three from Greg Weisman!!! Is that too much to ask for?!?
Tony Stark (not yet Iron Man): Is it just me or does almost every CEO character he writes turn out to be somekind of supervillain?
What is he, a commie?
Tyrone Johnson (not yet Cloak): H-he is a g-gifted story t-teller. I would l-love to s-su-see him bu-b-branch into l-live action. M-mu-maybe feature f-films too. I t-think h-he would d-do better t-than Michael Bay f-for s-sure.
Tandy Bowen (not yet Dagger): Well I heard a certain comic book show might be getting a live action series so I would like love to see him do some live action. I bet it would be wicked awesome.
Masterdramon - [kmc12009@mymail.pomona.edu]
"I'm pickin' up Good Vibrations, she's givin' me excitations..." - The Beach Boys
posted @ Wed, Feb 22, 2012 10:22:44 pm EST from
Zombies, or ghouls, rather, only hunger for living flesh. Only in "Return of The Living Dead" did their lust change to brains.
Sorry for the pedantry. Just something I had to get off my chest.
posted @ Wed, Feb 22, 2012 9:22:56 pm EST from
Re: vampires You know the mythological vampire seems to have more in common with the modern zombie then it does the modern vampire. The only real difference is one is obsessed with Brains and the other is obsessed with blood.
Vinnie - [tpeano29@hotmail.com]
God Bless you All!
posted @ Wed, Feb 22, 2012 5:56:35 pm EST from
Odd thing to ask I know but did anyone else think Greg based Red Inferno off of Tomorrow Woman's intro story? Tomorrow Woman was built by Professor Ivo and T.o. Morrow in the comics infiltrated the Justice League as a new member and was meant to kill them but proved to be too heroic, broke her programming saving the day but also sacrificing her life to do so. I'd ask Greg myself but he has questions closed right now. The similarities are pretty obvious especially given Red Inferno did the same with the Justice Society albeit under a different alias as Firebrand.
Andreas - [pyrotwilight@gmail.com]
posted @ Wed, Feb 22, 2012 12:35:37 am EST from
Landon: Woot! Odds are good the gameplay will suck royally, as is the case with 99+% of licensed games, but I'll be buying it anyway to support the property. And if Greg/Brandon are involved with the story, then that at least should be worth the price of admission.
Re: vampires, I'm rather partial to the interpretation set by Greg W. in his original series bible for his version of "Roswell Conspiracies" (which probably ranks as my #1 wish-it-had-been-produced television show ever). Admittedly the Nosferatu's and the Vampyru's alien origins wouldn't be likely to translate into the Gargoyles Universe, but I absolutely love the idea of a massive (and bloody) "generational gap" between long-lived vampires who have grown up cautious and reserved in their feeding habits throughout the centuries and their less-inhibited, fully hedonistic offspring.
Given the history a centuries-old vampire would likely have gone through in the Gargoyles Universe, even with vampires being an Earth-born species I think some elements of this concept would still translate quite well.
Masterdramon - [kmc12009@mymail.pomona.edu]
"I'm pickin' up Good Vibrations, she's givin' me excitations..." - The Beach Boys
posted @ Tue, Feb 21, 2012 10:45:33 pm EST from
"The game was written in collaboration with show writers Greg Weisman and Brandon Vietti." Great news!
Anthony Tini
posted @ Tue, Feb 21, 2012 9:42:23 pm EST from
BISHANSKY - Afraid not. I really should check to see if the library has DVDs of that.
Todd Jensen
posted @ Tue, Feb 21, 2012 7:06:41 pm EST from
TODD> Have you seen any of the second season of "Spectacular Spider-Man" yet?
Greg Bishansky - [<--- Greg's Blog of Clue-by-Fours]
when asking girlfriends to shave pubic hair, do not say "Will somebody get this walking carpet out of my way?"
posted @ Tue, Feb 21, 2012 6:25:21 pm EST from
LANDON THOMAS - I hope my library gets a copy of the third "Young Justice" DVD soon, now that it's out; I'd like to see it. (I'll need to look up which episodes would be on it, though I know that #9 is the one about the team losing their memory, largely because the eighth episode ended with Batman sending them to Bialya, where #9 was set.)
The original conception of vampires, from what I can make out, was that they were corpses inhabited by evil spirits (not too distant from the "Buffy" concept of vampires, in fact), usually the corpses of criminals or suicides. I doubt that "Gargoyles" will follow that interpretation, though.
The obvious challenge to a "good" vampire is that they would still have to drink blood to survive (you can't drop that attribute from vampires and keep them recognizably vampires), though that could provide some dramatic potential. I remember an episode of "The Real Ghostbusters" which featured a vampire who turned out to be a decent sort who fed on artificial blood - and who was being hunted by a member of a family of ruthless vampire-hunters (by the name of "Van Heldun", the original of Bram Stoker's Van Helsing) who seemed almost like a forerunner of the Canmore Hunters and Castaway. (The scene where he tried to stake the vampire in his coffin made the act look as cowardly as smashing a gargoyle in stone sleep.)
Todd Jensen
posted @ Tue, Feb 21, 2012 6:23:42 pm EST from
Young Justice: Legacy video game announced for early 2013: http://blog.newsok.com/nerdage/2012/02/21/young-justice-to-come-to-video-games-in-2013/ The Young Justice season 1, volume 3 DVD, collecting episodes #9-12 is out today.
Landon Thomas - [<- Gargoyles News Twitter Feed]
posted @ Tue, Feb 21, 2012 5:20:11 pm EST from
Algernon> Good point. I don't like mindless killer machine vampires, but I also dislike fluffy sparkle vampires.
I'm shipping off...to find my wooden leg!
posted @ Tue, Feb 21, 2012 3:48:39 pm EST from
REBEL> Depends how much allowance you want to make for good or sympathetic vampires. Given how "there is Good and Evil in all of us" is a major theme of Gargoyles, I imagine there'd be room for non-evil vamps in the GU.
posted @ Tue, Feb 21, 2012 2:57:34 pm EST from
Sorry for double.
Brainiac> Yes, I did see that. Although the fact that Rudolf Martin previously starred alongide Sarah Michelle Gellar on All My Children probably helped too.
posted @ Tue, Feb 21, 2012 2:10:20 pm EST from
ADAM> Was that the story that had people confusing tiny little vampire bats for gargoyles with twelve foot wingspans?
Greg Bishansky - [<--- Greg's Blog of Clue-by-Fours]
when asking girlfriends to shave pubic hair, do not say "Will somebody get this walking carpet out of my way?"
posted @ Tue, Feb 21, 2012 2:08:27 pm EST from
Adam> Humans might start believing in other legends, but it's also possible that vampire sightings (at least of the giant bat variety) might get blamed on gargoyles instead. It might actually be an opportunity for vampires to be a bit more active, knowing that they can use gargoyled as a scapegoat.
posted @ Tue, Feb 21, 2012 2:07:15 pm EST from
Rebel> "Do you guys prefer vampires who can survive on any kind of blood, or vampires who can survive only on human blood? If they can survive on any kind of blood, do you prefer them to have a strong preference for human blood?"
All kinds of blood, but with a very strong preference for human blood. (tastes better and gives more energy, something like that)
But it has to be fresh blood, no stored blood, and not from corpses.
I'm shipping off...to find my wooden leg!
posted @ Tue, Feb 21, 2012 1:00:10 pm EST from
Do you guys prefer vampires who can survive on any kind of blood, or vampires who can survive only on human blood? If they can survive on any kind of blood, do you prefer them to have a strong preference for human blood?
I ask because I feel like I've seen (in movies, books, etc....never seen "Twilight" so I can't comment on that) a lot of vampires who can survive on any kind of blood, but human blood just tastes better. And what ultimately makes the difference between a "good" vampire and an "evil" vampire is whether or not they actually succumb to feeding on humans when they could be feeding on animals.
And I just can't decide if that's a facet of most fictional vampires that I like or not.
posted @ Tue, Feb 21, 2012 12:17:22 pm EST from
I remember TGS doing vampires once. In the story I think they made an interesting point about now that humans believe again in Gargoyles, that they might start believing in other legands as well.
Adam - [carl006_1999@yahoo.com]
posted @ Tue, Feb 21, 2012 10:53:01 am EST from
Vampires: I prefer the savage, vicious kind of vampire, whose refinement is only superficial. Vampire romanticism is boring.
Incisivis - [incisivis@hotmail.com]
"No live organism can continue for long to exist sanely under conditions of absolute reality--even dragonflies and katydids are supposed, by some, to dream"--Shirley Jackson
posted @ Tue, Feb 21, 2012 10:32:22 am EST from
MASTERDRAMON - Yes, good point. Of course, since as a vampire he's already immortal, Dracula wouldn't need to drink from the Grail (or make use of the Illuminati's rejuvenation techniques, if they're fueled by the Grail, as some fans have speculated).
Todd Jensen
posted @ Tue, Feb 21, 2012 7:43:21 am EST from
Considering the discussion of historical vs. fictional Vlad and the depiction of vampires in modern media, for better or worse, I'm rather curious how many people saw "Dark Prince: The True Story of Dracula." Supposedly it was that portrayal of the historical Vlad the Impaler that got Rudolf Martin his role as the fictional Count on Buffy.
Brainiac - [OSUBrainiac at gmail dot com]
There is balance in all things. Live in symmetry with the world around you. If you must blow things up and steal from those around you, THAT'S WHAT RPGS ARE FOR!
posted @ Mon, Feb 20, 2012 10:57:26 pm EST from
Todd: I was more referring to the whole "holy water" thing there, LOL.
Masterdramon - [kmc12009@mymail.pomona.edu]
"I'm pickin' up Good Vibrations, she's givin' me excitations..." - The Beach Boys
posted @ Mon, Feb 20, 2012 10:55:35 pm EST from
ALGERNON - Sounds like that episode of "Buffy" (in the second season, I believe) where the vampires were planning to prey on a club of people who had an inaccurate and romanticized notions of what vampires were like (leading to that scene where Angel's commenting about how hopelessly wrong their conceptions of vampires are and how they dress - at that moment, one of the vampire-wannabes walks past, whose clothes are an exact duplicate of Angel's).
Todd Jensen
posted @ Mon, Feb 20, 2012 9:26:30 pm EST from
TODD> Heh, I remember Chip once suggested to me that Garg verse Vampires might find Twilight useful for luring in particularly stupid human prey. ;)
posted @ Mon, Feb 20, 2012 8:12:49 pm EST from
MASTERDRAMON - Actually, I think most of the Illuminati (at least the ones we've seen) would not meet with the Holy Grail's approval (which has long made me wonder about the fact that the Society's leaders are based at Carbonek).
I don't think that Greg Weisman will take the "Twilight" route, either. (Bishansky's remark reminded me of the creativity demon I had about Dracula finding a couple of younger vampires in his following reading one of Anne Rice's vampire novels, grabbing it from them, hurling it into the fireplace (with a fire in it, of course), and telling them that he does *not* want them reading that mind-rotting trash. These days, of course, I'd have him visiting that fate upon "Twilight", instead.)
If Greg Weisman does take the "Vlad the Impaler" route with Dracula, I suspect that "Gargoyles Universe" Dracula might respect Goliath, even if at war with him, seeing Goliath's defense of his old Scottish castle against Viking raiders as a parallel to his own defense of his lands against the Ottoman Turks. (And might also similarly respect King Arthur if they ever met in "Pendragon", in the case of Arthur's wars with the Saxons. Also, "Dracula" is derived from a Slavic - I think - word for "dragon", echoing Arthur's own surname/nickname of "Pendragon".)
Todd Jensen
posted @ Mon, Feb 20, 2012 7:43:45 pm EST from
SUPERMORFF> "Like the fact that during the day he can shapeshift only at dawn, noon or twilight. Of course, this is unlikely to be relevant in Gargoyles."
Even during the day, I imagine Stoker Drac can still swing a sledge hammer.
posted @ Mon, Feb 20, 2012 5:19:37 pm EST from
Good timing for this discussion since I only finished reading Dracula for the first time in January. I liked it a lot, but I was surprised how much of the book has never made it into any adaptation or derivative work. Like the fact that during the day he can shapeshift only at dawn, noon or twilight. Of course, this is unlikely to be relevant in Gargoyles (but might be more so if Dracula appears in Pendragon or Bad Guys).
posted @ Mon, Feb 20, 2012 4:35:18 pm EST from
Phoenician>"Greg's confirmed that Dracula exists in the Gargoyles Universe . . . and I think the best guess is that we might be treated to (relatively) historical take on Vlad the Impaler who happens to get another variation of the "Immortality Complex" (The Third Race, Demona/Macbeth, CuChulainn, Duval/Peredur/Fleur are other examples, and even Arthur in a sense/perhaps Shari could be included as well)."
Harlan Phoenix - [harlanphoenix@live.com]
posted @ Mon, Feb 20, 2012 3:33:52 pm EST from
I like Anne Rice's vampires.. but okay, that's a matter of taste.
As long as they are no living corpses coming out of graves like zombies and no sparkle dolls, I think I can live with anything.
"As for Dracula within the actual Gargoyles Universe, one thing I'm fairly certain of is that ol' Vlad is likely a member of the Illuminati."
Yes, that sounds like it could be true!
I'm shipping off...to find my wooden leg!
posted @ Mon, Feb 20, 2012 3:22:03 pm EST from
Funny that this topic would come up so soon after Formspring "upgraded" the Ultra-Pack...which included Hyena voluntarily turning, thanks to a favor Calypso called in from their version of Dracula (for the record, Calypso also provided Wolf with the fang of the first werewolf and reawakened a small trace of Anubis' power within Jackal). Cyborg vampire chick = creepy awesome. XD
As for Dracula within the actual Gargoyles Universe, one thing I'm fairly certain of is that ol' Vlad is likely a member of the Illuminati. Presumably there's no way in Hell he could sample the Grail, but he's immortal anyway and it would suit his mystique.
Masterdramon - [kmc12009@mymail.pomona.edu]
"I'm pickin' up Good Vibrations, she's givin' me excitations..." - The Beach Boys
posted @ Mon, Feb 20, 2012 2:55:26 pm EST from
PHOENICIAN> I imagine vampires must be exceedingly rare creatures on modern Gargverse Earth. Their "dietary requirements" would probably make it difficult to go undetected unless they were very careful.
GREG B.> Amen to that. ;)
posted @ Mon, Feb 20, 2012 2:30:00 pm EST from
Ugh, Anne Rice's vampires are almost as bad as Stephanie Meyer's vampires. Here's a thought, maybe they'll be like BRAM STOKER'S vampires.
Greg Bishansky - [<--- Greg's Blog of Clue-by-Fours]
when asking girlfriends to shave pubic hair, do not say "Will somebody get this walking carpet out of my way?"
posted @ Mon, Feb 20, 2012 2:16:24 pm EST from
I can imagine these vampires would be more similar to those of Underworld or Anne Rice's Vampire Chronicles.
It's sad that most people think about Twilight shit when hearing the word "Vampire" -_- Those ... things are no real vampires for me.
I'm shipping off...to find my wooden leg!
posted @ Mon, Feb 20, 2012 2:09:04 pm EST from
Adam -- Greg's confirmed that Dracula exists in the Gargoyles Universe . . . and I think the best guess is that we might be treated to (relatively) historical take on Vlad the Impaler who happens to get another variation of the "Immortality Complex" (The Third Race, Demona/Macbeth, CuChulainn, Duval/Peredur/Fleur are other examples, and even Arthur in a sense/perhaps Shari could be included as well).
As for the appearances and their general nature . . . according to the sources listed in the GargWiki, it looks like Greg's been mum about the details since at least 2000:
. . . but I would think it'd be incredibly unlikely to see anything similar to Twilight's take on "vampires."
Happy Meals: Todd, that line totally reminded me of Tallahasee from Zombieland calling what the zombies eating "Manwiches" XD
But getting back on topic, I am curious what the vampire population would be like in 1997 -- I'd expect the numbers would be low-ish . . . I get the feeling we'd more interaction with Dracula than with anyone else . . .
"The suspense is terrible . . . I hope it lasts," -- Willy Wonka
posted @ Mon, Feb 20, 2012 11:15:20 am EST from
Sorry, I meant to say what kind of vampires.
Adam - [carl006_1999@yahoo.com]
posted @ Mon, Feb 20, 2012 10:42:51 am EST from
Todd- What time of vampires are we talking about here. Classic Noseratu (my personal favorite), the more bloodthirsty ones from "30 Days of Night" or the god awfull ones from like "Twilight" and the rest of the prissy shows on TV.
Adam - [carl006_1999@yahoo.com]
posted @ Mon, Feb 20, 2012 10:42:12 am EST from
Todd> "they don't want to lose their seven billion Happy Meals"
With legs. Don't forget that part.
Brainiac - [OSUBrainiac at gmail dot com]
There is balance in all things. Live in symmetry with the world around you. If you must blow things up and steal from those around you, THAT'S WHAT RPGS ARE FOR!
posted @ Mon, Feb 20, 2012 10:11:07 am EST from
We know that if "Gargoyles" lasted long enough, Greg Weisman would have brought vampires (including Dracula himself) into the series. And I recently thought of one potential story involving them; I don't know if Greg would have come up with it, but it seems appealing. (I don't think it would have been their introduction story; that would call for something simpler, I believe.)
Demona's come up with a new scheme to wipe out humanity. Goliath and his clan get wind of it and are out to stop it, but so also are some vampires (maybe led by Dracula himself). The vampires don't want to see Demona succeed, because if she kills every last human on the planet, there goes their chief food supply. And the situation is so serious that they decide to join forces with Goliath and his clan, especially since the Manhattan gargoyles are more familiar with Demona and her strategies than they are. Needless to say, it would make an uneasy alliance, since Goliath and his clan know that the vampires are siding with them because they don't want to lose their seven billion Happy Meals (as Spike from "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" would have put it), and will be preying on the humans once the threat from Demona's been foiled - and naturally, the Manhattan gargoyles will be doing everything they can to stop the vampires from feeding on humans as part of their oath of protection. Probably an even more uneasy alliance than that with Xanatos in "City of Stone".
Todd Jensen
posted @ Mon, Feb 20, 2012 8:46:51 am EST from
(as always)
I'm shipping off...to find my wooden leg!
posted @ Mon, Feb 20, 2012 7:46:27 am EST from
Paul McGann!
posted @ Mon, Feb 20, 2012 7:22:03 am EST from
Lucky Seventh
Adam - [carl006_1999@yahoo.com]
posted @ Mon, Feb 20, 2012 7:00:21 am EST from
posted @ Mon, Feb 20, 2012 5:04:23 am EST from
Make it so, number five!
Masterdramon - [kmc12009@mymail.pomona.edu]
"I'm pickin' up Good Vibrations, she's givin' me excitations..." - The Beach Boys
posted @ Mon, Feb 20, 2012 1:30:15 am EST from
Go forth, noble warriors!
Brainiac - [OSUBrainiac at gmail dot com]
There is balance in all things. Live in symmetry with the world around you. If you must blow things up and steal from those around you, THAT'S WHAT RPGS ARE FOR!
posted @ Mon, Feb 20, 2012 1:14:01 am EST from
"The next time you set up shop in the biggest state, don't pick the area that's only ten miles wide. Welcome to Canada, idiot"--Frank Zhang
posted @ Mon, Feb 20, 2012 1:12:08 am EST from
"The suspense is terrible . . . I hope it lasts," -- Willy Wonka
posted @ Mon, Feb 20, 2012 12:26:43 am EST from
Matt - [Saint Louis, Missouri, USA]
"... And if we did it before, we can do it again." "And we will. Together." - Goliath and Elisa, "The Edge"
posted @ Mon, Feb 20, 2012 12:06:13 am EST from