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Comment Room Archive

Comments for the week ending May 20, 2012

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GXB - Apologies. I was out of line too. No excuse.
J29 - Obviously, since I wrote the script and co-produced the episode, I don't have a problem with what we presented, but I definitely had NO problem with what you posted. It was reasonable and thoughtfully expressed.

Greg Weisman

I just saw the episode. I didn't see the problem. I mean the clothes Wonder Woman wears are far more revealing anyhow. I actually just walk around my house in boxers and a shirt often.

Was a great episode though. I was surprised by his desire to still find speedy. I figured his desire to find speedy was what caused him to steal money from the dude he saved, but I didn't think so many years later that desire was still the fuel for him.I guess at first I figured maybe being a clone was just the first of many bad things that happened to him over the years to make me come out the way he is. I'm real curious about Wally too now. I hope we get to see more of him. I was kind of surprised to see he had a daughter too.

Jose Bremen

I seriously have no desire to get into stuff again, but I wanted to give credit where credit is definitely due.

Chris, you seem like a pretty cool person and a class act all the way. I have never smiled more after seeing an opinion that disagreed with mine. You have earned a giant THANK YOU and a free virtual hug to be redeemed whenever you like. :)

"Love makes you do the wacky."

J29 - My wife is generally most comfortable in just a shirt and underwear around the house, at least during warm months. I understand your point, however, although I don't personally agree that such a tame suggestion of sexuality is inappropriate for either the audience or the character. Remember this is the Artemis who said "I feel naked, and not in the fun way" when she was 16 or whatever! ;)

I do take your point, though. People in this thread were talking about the (sucky) Red Hood and the Outlaws comic (which sucks), which hypersexualises Starfire to the point of nonsensical offensiveness, and tries to excuse turning her into a mindless sex-doll because of her original healthy "free love" characterisation back in the day.

So clearly heroines are often over-sexualised . . . but in this specific case, I don't think it went too far.

Chris Adams - [mhacdebhandia@yahoo.com]

Hi. Just wanted to say that my intent was to dicuss a scene I found problematic (again, I, me, myself-not saying that anyone else's standards are or should be the same as mine) in a show that I otherwise love. I figured if nothing else there could be some interesting discourse about it, even if people disagreed with what I had to say. If I'd known the tone the conversation would end up taking I would never have brought it up.

So apologies to Greg Weisman and the mods. I truly didn't mean to stir up so much drama.

"Love makes you do the wacky."

Just wanted to add, in response to J29 (and to add to what Greg X said), that I also have met several women who would be that comfortable in their own homes. Never have actually seen them wear nothing but an oversized shirt around the house, but I know they would.
Harvester of Eyes - [Minstrel75@gmail.com]
"Truly, can you imagine anything more boring than fashion? Professional sports, perhaps. Grown men swatting little balls, while the rest of the world pays money to applaud. But, on the whole, I find fashion even more tedious than sports." -Dr. Malcolm ("Jurassic Park")

Obviously, I'm missing something here. Are you calling me "K" or calling me something else that begins with "K"?

My point was GXB is a little bitch and even GW can see that.


K> You had a point?

Oh, next to my name? That was a mistake. But my point stands.

And at this point the conversation has run its course and should stop.

Brainiac> Huh. What do you mean by "K"?

Chip> I didn't post any e-mail...

Rebellious - [jurgan6@yahoo.com]

Rebellious> Really? REALLY? You post someone ELSE'S e-mail address as you bait the CR? Not cool. Not cool at all.
The premise of your question is flawed. You were never human. But you WERE heroes.~~Red Tornado

K> Please stop behaving this poorly and don't use Masterdramon's email address. You continue to prove him right as you continue this behavior and it's extremely unwise to bait an Ask Greg moderator.
Brainiac - [OSUBrainiac at gmail dot com]
There is balance in all things. Live in symmetry with the world around you. If you must blow things up and steal from those around you, THAT'S WHAT RPGS ARE FOR!

GXB> I know how you feel. I have the same reaction every time I put on my "Gargoyles" D.V.D. and watch your greasy, fat, fugly face lisping about all the things a cartoon show woke you up to!! "Literatchuuuuuuure" LOL
Rebelious - [kmc12009@mymail.pomona.edu]

*Reads Rebellious's comment*



Thanks, I needed the laugh this morning. >:)

Greg Bishansky - [<--- Greg's Blog of Clue-by-Fours]
"Brave words for a man who hides his face behind a hood." - Goliath, "The Journey."

"Oh, GXB just got served by GW! POW! lol

GXB> Seeing women who go around topless in their homes at night in the MOVIES doesn't count, you fat virgin retard."

Yes, he did. And yet, with that one comment, you've managed to be far more obnoxious than he was. Whoever you are, please go away.

Jurgan - [jurgan6@yahoo.com]

Oh, GXB just got served by GW! POW! lol

GXB> Seeing women who go around topless in their homes at night in the MOVIES doesn't count, you fat virgin retard.


GXB - You're being rude and obnoxious. And you know it. (And if you don't know it; you should.)
Greg Weisman

[SPOILER] Actually I really liked the scene too. The dialogue, the body language was great. And I don't think the message of the scene would have been altered if she'd been wearing some pajama shorts or yoga pants, etc. But someone, likely several someones, deliberately made a decision to have the scene as it was.

TBH I personally didn't need to know Artemis goes commando. And if I had a kid in the 7-10 range that this show is geared for, I don't know that I'd need them to know that either.

Especially when Superheroines suffer from a ton of objectification, sexualizaton, and marginalization in general anyway. YJ as a series has actually avoided a great deal of that, minus the initial marketing and the kids meal debacle (which the cast and crew had no control over.) And the characterization of female heroes in YJ has overall been excellent. To me, what I saw as inserting fan-service kind of felt like a step back. (And, no we haven't seen anything comparatively sexual for the boys. Not with that kind of context and the way it was shot.) [/SPOILER]

"Love makes you do the wacky."

[SPOILER] The shirt Artemis is wearing does indeed have fairly high slits, but she could also be wearing high-cut panties. Or maybe she's wearing Artemis-colored leggings. *snrk*

Personally I choose to believe she's not wearing anything under there, but it doesn't really bother me. People wear, or DON'T wear, all sorts of things in their own home. You should see what *I* don't wear. If this were a real-world scenario and Artemis had been the one to go talk to Roy and Wally had stayed home, it wouldn't surprise me if she came home and found him wearing nothing but boxers or briefs, not the least bit self-conscious of himself. Unfortunately if it had played that way in the show, it would have added an unneeded humorous element to a serious/romantic scene, because for some reason scantily-clad male bodies are often funny and scantily-clad female bodies usually aren't. *shrug* But it's not like Greg Weisman is the one who decided that male bodies are funnier than female bodies.

But either way, for obvious reasons Wally was the one who had to go talk to Roy, because he (not Artemis) was the one who was close friends with Roy. And from a narrative perspective it made sense for the one who went to talk to Roy to come home and find the other wearing less clothing than they would normally wear when company is over to make the nature of their relationship explicitly clear. The dialogue makes it obvious that these two people love each other, but Artemis' attire makes it obvious that these two people fuck each other and are completely comfortable around one another.

Personally I LOVED that scene. In Season 1 I really enjoyed watching their relationship slowly and organically bloom, and then finally they kissed in the Season Finale. I would have been really pissed if the creative team spent all that time building the pairing up and then went "LOL TIMESKIP" and separated them in Season 2 (or worse, had one of them die during the 5 year skip). Superboy and M'Gann being separated doesn't bother me because we actually got to seem them being officially "together" for over half of Season 1, so it's not as if viewers who care a lot about romance were teased and then blue-balled. I'm sure there are those who would have like to see more of Superboy/M'Gann being together, but I don't think anyone can legitimately say that we NEEDED more. [/SPOILER]


Helen Lovejoy> <<I've never seen a women in her own home choose to be 'comfortable' in a t-shirt that ends far above their knees (i.e. no room for error if you don't want a wardrobe malfunction), sans pants and underwear. Have you? (I'm not being sarcastic, I'm genuinely asking.)>>


I've seen women who go around topless in their homes at night.

Greg Bishansky - [<--- Greg's Blog of Clue-by-Fours]
"Brave words for a man who hides his face behind a hood." - Goliath, "The Journey."


You're totally right. I will say though, viewing the clip again-the cut of the shirts is different (no slits at all on Ivy's and much smaller more half-mooned things on Harley's, so at least you can choose to believe that they have underwear on), the shots where you see them full-body are much briefer, and the atmosphere is also less explicitly romantic/sexual. They never touch at all, and for most of the scene they're sitting down on opposite sides of the table. I would say the choice to clothe them that way was also unnecessary but because of those things, to me it's ultimately milder than the scene in YJ and because of that I don't react to it *as* strongly.

"Love makes you do the wacky."

All I'm going to say is a woman wearing a long t-shirt and having bare legs in a superhero cartoon is nothing new. The episode "Harley & Ivy" on B:TAS series had them dressed like that around the house 18 years ago. In fact, the Timm and co. even talked about it on the commentary.
Richard Jackson

@Harvester I take it you're a guy? I'm a woman and outside of film and TV I've never seen a women in her own home choose to be 'comfortable' in a t-shirt that ends far above their knees (i.e. no room for error if you don't want a wardrobe malfunction), sans pants and underwear. Have you? (I'm not being sarcastic, I'm genuinely asking.)

@Greg B. do you have anything to contribute as to why you feel my complaint was 'stupid'? Such as whether we as a culture are overly sensitive to open depictions of sexuality or not or how we each have our own personal standards as to what is 'appropriate'? Like I said, I would legitimately be interested in having that debate.

If you'd prefer to attack me that's okay too, but I'm not going to be responding.

"Love makes you do the wacky."

Most people like to be comfortable in their own home. And what's wrong with that? I'm usually barefoot around the apartment. Hell, I typically only put a shirt on when we have company.
Harvester of Eyes - [Minstrel75@gmail.com]
"Truly, can you imagine anything more boring than fashion? Professional sports, perhaps. Grown men swatting little balls, while the rest of the world pays money to applaud. But, on the whole, I find fashion even more tedious than sports." -Dr. Malcolm ("Jurassic Park")

Of course it was dismissive, you're making a very stupid complaint. And yes, you have the right to make the complaint, just as I have the right to tell you it's stupid. Freedom of speech is not a one way street.
Greg Bishansky - [<--- Greg's Blog of Clue-by-Fours]
"Brave words for a man who hides his face behind a hood." - Goliath, "The Journey."

Right but clothing damage in a fight has a narrative purpose. It illustrates the seriousness of the battle. Did the oversized t-shirt have a purpose? would the scene have read all the much differently (minus the heightened sexualization) if she'd had on a pair of shorts or yoga bottoms under the shirt? Would we still have gotten that she and [SPOILER] Wally [/SPOILER] were a couple? I think that we would have, so to me at falls under the heading of 'unnecessary'. Again YMMV.
"Love makes you do the wacky."

You did, when you called me a "[SPOILER] fucking [/SPOILER] puritan."

I don't know if you meant it that way, but it came off as incredibly rude and dismissive and I didn't particularly appreciate it.

"Love makes you do the wacky."

What would Artemis wear inside her house? Whatever the heck she wants. There's no reason why that shouldn't be an oversized shirt, but there's no reason why it needs to be one, either. That said, given how equal opportunity the show has been when it comes to fan service--hello, shredded-shirt Superboy--and that it doesn't contradict Artemis' established personality, I wouldn't rush to call it problematic without additional data.

That said, it's worth noting that sex is a valid topic in shows rated TV-PG--that's the same rating Gilmore Girls got.

On another note, if I ever write a Greg Weisman biography, it's totally going to get called "Shakespeare and Staple Guns".

Ian - [ianj.perez@gmail.com]

J29> <<Last I checked I was allowed to have feelings and opinions.>>

Who said you weren't? You post something on a public forum like that, don't be surprised if you get a response.

Greg Bishansky - [<--- Greg's Blog of Clue-by-Fours]
"Brave words for a man who hides his face behind a hood." - Goliath, "The Journey."

[SPOILER] Pants? [/SPOILER] And the context of the scene was [SPOILER] to my eyes, fairly implicit that Wally and Artemis were going to shortly thereafter be having sex and that the t-shirt was all she was wearing. And that surprised me and made me slightly uncomfortable, not because sex is a bad thing, but given the demographic of the audience, and the time of day it was airing, it was unexpected. And if you want to debate cultural standards of what is generally viewed as acceptable to be shown to children, whether it be sex or violence and if the disparity is merited [/SPOILER] I am happy to have an intelligent discussion as to that.

I'm not really sure what I said that merited that much venom. I had a reaction to a scene within a TV show. I was curious as to whether anybody felt the same way. I wasn't rude or vulgar. I didn't cast aspersions on Greg or the rest of the cat and crew or say that there should be some outpouring of moral outrage. Last I checked I was allowed to have feelings and opinions.

And actually I'm a very very lapsed Catholic.

"Love makes you do the wacky."

J29> Well, what should she be wearing in her own house?

Ugh... fucking puritans.

Greg Bishansky - [<--- Greg's Blog of Clue-by-Fours]
"Brave words for a man who hides his face behind a hood." - Goliath, "The Journey."

I liked Salvage a LOT. I've been a fan of [SPOILER] Roy 2.0 [/SPOILER] since [SPOILER] the series premiere [/SPOILER]. However regarding the ending scene-did anyone else find [SPOILER] Artemis [/SPOILER] walking around [SPOILER] weaing only a long t-shirt [/SPOILER] to be a little [SPOILER] much for show with a key demo of young boys? [/SPOILER]

It may just be [SPOILER] because I'm feeling a tad annoyed at the hypersexualization of superheroines in general at the moment, but it made me slightly uncomfortable. [/SPOILER] YMMV.

"Love makes you do the wacky."

QUEST> Impossible, Red Hood & The Outlaws sucks and it's scientifically impossible for sucky things to survive the background radiation of awesomeness that permeates every aspect of Earth-16. It's like matter and anti-matter.

So who here thinks if the Outlaws are introduced to YJ Aqualad would be a good addition for Earth16's uni?

So...who else enjoyed Salvage immensely? I predict a large number of time-skip complainants are about to suddenly be in favor of it.
Brainiac - [OSUBrainiac at gmail dot com]
There is balance in all things. Live in symmetry with the world around you. If you must blow things up and steal from those around you, THAT'S WHAT RPGS ARE FOR!

Anonymous: Yes, I'll get to it.
Masterdramon - [kmc12009@mymail.pomona.edu]
It has begun.

This is directed towards "Masterdramon" because he seems to be doing the deleting of YJ questions. On May 12 at 11:36:32 a.m. I asked a question (as "Anonymous") about Guardian possibly being retired. I asked because I didn't think it was important enough to be addressed in the show, but of course it was addressed the next episode. Could you delete my question please? I don't want to clog up the queue. Thank you!

Masterdramon> Clearly your priorities are mixed up! ;)

(that's a joke in case it wasn't obvious by the winky face)

Some Geek

Anonymous: I am an enormous fan of "Young Justice," in point of fact.

As for spoiler requests, until very recently, there was no specific guideline outright banning them; only Greg's continued pleas for people to stop asking, which he hoped would be enough. Thus I had no choice but to approve them until this week, when the new guidelines kicked in.

Since then I have been taking a zero-tolerance approach to spoiler requests, and have already deleted over a hundred of them. Yes, there are still quite a few sitting in the queue and yes, I will be deleting them when I have the time.

But I don't have unlimited time to devote to AskGreg, and the queue's presently at a size where I cannot clean it all up in one sitting. But the next 200 or so questions that will reach Greg are all clean, and I'll be reducing the queue even further when I have some free time.

Until then, be patient. Trust me, the issue is not a lack of familiarity with the show on my part.

Masterdramon - [kmc12009@mymail.pomona.edu]
It has begun.

Sorry for the double post, not sure how it happened. :S

Can the moderators add one or two Young Justice fans to their team. I am sure they are doing the best they can, but they seem to be letting a lot of spoiler request questions get approved. It's nothing against them, they probably aren't sure what's being asked sometimes, but fans of the series could more easily tell what questions are spoilers. And I think that should help clean up the que.

Can the moderators add one or two Young Justice fans to their team. I am sure they are doing the best they can, but they seem to be letting a lot of spoiler request questions get approved. It's nothing against them, they probably aren't sure what's being asked sometimes, but fans of the series could more easily tell what questions are spoilers. And I think that should help clean up the que.

Of course, all this raises another question: Is immortality really what Xanatos would've wished for? Sure, it seems like the obvious thing, but who knows. And since we can't know for sure what Xanatos would've wished, it makes it all the more difficult to know how Puck would've responded.
Matt - [Saint Louis, Missouri, USA]
"Growing old terrifies you, doesn't it?" - Hudson, "The Price"

Thanks for the kind comments, folks.
Jurgan - [jurgan6@yahoo.com]

Jurgan> I thought that was a really good story. Nice work.

I like that even Owen wasn't sure what Puck would've done all those years ago.
Matt - [Saint Louis, Missouri, USA]
"Growing old terrifies you, doesn't it?" - Hudson, "The Price"

@Jurgan - I just got finished reading this a minute ago, and then popped over here - I thought it was a great character study. The 30 years with vs 100 years without rang true.

"Xanatos wants immortality but isn't desperate for it. He thought Owen's services were invaluable, and he figured he would have other opportunities to obtain immortality. He's practical that way."

I read that last night, and rattled around in my head for a while, and, well, this popped out:


I'd appreciate hearing what people think.

Jurgan - [jurgan6@yahoo.com]

Anthony> Greg told them not to ask. Unsurprisingly, someone didn't listen.


Brainiac - [OSUBrainiac at gmail dot com]
There is balance in all things. Live in symmetry with the world around you. If you must blow things up and steal from those around you, THAT'S WHAT RPGS ARE FOR!

@Some Geek Makes sense. I hate catch-22s!

I found this latest Greg Weisman response very interesting.

Anthony Tini

Anthony Tini>
Cartoon Network (and other networks) have in the past released partial season sets (to generate mid-season revenue from merchandise as well as to gauge interest). If the partial season releases do well (i.e. making it worth the effort and expense) they usually have released full season sets. Of course, that's historically speaking and there is no guarantee that such a pattern would continue/be used in this particular instance.

But it ends up being a little bit of a catch-22. If consumers wait for the full season release and not get the partial season volumes, then they don't do the full season release thinking it isn't worth the effort. But if everyone buys it as volumes then fewer people would buy the full season sets...

As for whether or not buying the dvds helps convince CN about a 3rd season, I would say yes. It's revenue generated by the property. That is exactly what it is that gets noticed. Some shows have gotten cancelled when their merchandise wasn't getting the types of sales figures that the network was looking for.

Of course, I say all this with ZERO inside knowledge, just making statements based on previous similar situations that I've observed

Some Geek

I like how the Ask Greg helpers are now answering some questions with lines from the actual episodes when the questions are bloody obvious.

Anyone have any idea who I should e-mail if I want to let them know that I would gladly purchase a box-set that collects the entire first season of Young Justice? I might buy the individual sets anyway but I just want to contact someone first because they might hint at whether there are any plans to do a box set of the whole first season.

(I'm not too lazy to search out a contact person on my own but it seemed feasible that at least one person here might already know who to e-mail).


ANTHONY TINI - The local public library's had Volume Three of "Young Justice" on order for several weeks now, but still hasn't gotten it in. I hope there hasn't been a bureaucratic mix-up.
Todd Jensen
I'm a Hufflepuff!

JOSE> Xanatos wants immortality but isn't desperate for it. He thought Owen's services were invaluable, and he figured he would have other opportunities to obtain immortality. He's practical that way.
Greg Bishansky - [<--- Greg's Blog of Clue-by-Fours]
"Brave words for a man who hides his face behind a hood." - Goliath, "The Journey."

I wonder though, Puck wasn't being coerced with Xanatos as he was with Demona. Puck OFFERED this wish to Xanatos. Would Puck really have tricked Xanatos in his wish? I don't know. We probably never will know.
Matt - [Saint Louis, Missouri, USA]
"Growing old terrifies you, doesn't it?" - Hudson, "The Price"

So I was searching on Amazon.com and it appears that if a person would like to own Young Justice Season 1 in it's entirety on DVD, that person would need to buy "Young Justice: Season One - Volumes 1, 2 & 3" to see the first 12 episodes and then "Young Justice: Dangerous Secrets" to see the remaining 14.

1) Has anyone purchased "Young Justice: Season One - Volumes 1, 2 & 3" or plan on purchasing them soon?
2) Does anyone plan on buying "Young Justice: Dangerous Secrets" when it comes out on July 24, 2012?
3) a) Does anyone think there will be a complete Season 1 DVD box set release and/or b) a possibly a blu-ray release?
4) This may be a dumb question, but will buying these help convince Cartoon Network to renew Young Justice for a 3rd season?

Anthony Tini

You know, I always thought Xanatos made the right choice, but I always wondered why he did it considering his desire for immortality. It really does make so much more sense now realizing Puck would grant him immortality probably in a way similar to what the Cauldron woulda done.
Jose Bremen

BISHANSKY - Yes, seeing the way Puck grants people's wishes makes me think all the more that Xanatos showed excellent judgment in choosing the lifetime of service from Owen.
Todd Jensen
I'm a Hufflepuff!

Brainiac> Heh, awesome. I noticed when Greg posted the "Happy New Year" credits that in season 2 all of the actors are now listed alphabetically, instead of putting the Team first and then everyone else. I wonder what led to that decision?

I intend to watch SFDebris' review when I have time.


Oh gods. That was exactly what I was thinking when Demona started clawing up Cleopatra's needle. Found myself thinking something along "Way to ruin one of the world's ancient treasures needlessly" or something like that.

It just makes me happy to see somebody else besides me notice that. Then again I don't talk about Gargoyles with friends to often, nobody I know is really as into it as me, so it's never really come up either.

Jose Bremen

On a separate yet somewhat related note:

Has anyone near New York been able to see Sleep No More?

It is a noir version of Macbeth where the audience can explore 4 stories of a hotel and follow various cast members as they silently bring this story to life.

I know this sounds like im advertising but Im not. I saw it a few weeks ago and am going back to see it. Was just wondering if anyone in the fandom has seen it as well, since many in the fandom are Shakespeare fans.


One of my favorite aspects of that review was when he talked about how Puck is a trickster, not a genie... and why they can't just ask him to "fix" things for them. It's something a lot of people in the fandom, even this CR, need to keep in mind.
Greg Bishansky - [<--- Greg's Blog of Clue-by-Fours]
"Brave words for a man who hides his face behind a hood." - Goliath, "The Journey."

Thanks for posting another great review.

This one was truly hilarious. His commentary on Demona's mercenaries succeeding where eveything else has failed was great. I especially loved his "three guys with a lead pipe" joke.

However, nothing had me laughing so hard as his statement from Goliath to Elisa: "I have come to see how beautiful you truly are and wanted you to know that when the time comes for you to lay your clutch of eggs, I would be honored to be one of the males to ejaculate on them."

That is freakin' hilarious. I laughed at that. Hard.

Looking forward to this guy's "Enter Macbeth" review. He continues to do fantastic reviews of the show with much humor, but also some great insights that even the denizens of this Comment Room have failed to discuss over the years. Kudos.

Matt - [Saint Louis, Missouri, USA]
"Growing old terrifies you, doesn't it?" - Hudson, "The Price"

Another good review by Chuck, indeed!

I can absolutely see Demona screaming something that rhymes with Puck at the end of "The Mirror"! XD



Hey Supermorff, how 'bout that top vocal billing; as it should be, am I right?


Brainiac - [OSUBrainiac at gmail dot com]
There is balance in all things. Live in symmetry with the world around you. If you must blow things up and steal from those around you, THAT'S WHAT RPGS ARE FOR!

And away we go on with the show!
Vinnie - [tpeano29@hotmail.com]
Obama eats DOG!

Tenth in the name of SFDebris reviewing The Mirror!



I saw the latest YJ recently. I gotta say I really do like how much some of the characters have really changed over the years. What with M'gann and Caulder. Really kinda shows how a lot can happen over 5 years I suppose.
Jose Bremen

Deal with a demon in 1040. Officially died in 1057... Been sleep-walking for NINE hundred, thirty-NINE years.
Anthony Tini

Well that was an embarrassing typo...
The premise of your question is flawed. You were never human. But you WERE heroes.~~Red Tornado


Lucky number 7
The premise of your question is flawed. You were never human. But you WERE heroes.~~Red Tornadom


Dangit, 5th.
Jurgan - [jurgan6@yahoo.com]

4th! Prepare for the purge!
Jurgan - [jurgan6@yahoo.com]

Fourth in the name of returning to Hawaii (and being rid of my access problems forever) on Tuesday! :D
Masterdramon - [kmc12009@mymail.pomona.edu]
The date is set. On Wednesday, May 16, the queue...shall fall!

"The suspense is terrible, I hope it lasts" -- Willy Wonka

Still not enough YJ:I episode titles, still not enough members of The Light...

Ah, skip it. Second.

Brainiac - [OSUBrainiac at gmail dot com]
There is balance in all things. Live in symmetry with the world around you. If you must blow things up and steal from those around you, THAT'S WHAT RPGS ARE FOR!

Vinnie - [tpeano29@hotmail.com]
God Bless you All!