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Comments for the week ending June 3, 2012

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Bloodlines was aweeeeesome and I was pleasantly reminded of similar storylines on both Dragonball Z on Charmed. The former because of [SPOILER] Bart's general back-story and motives [/SPOILER] and the latter because [SPOILER] He's a lying liar who lies [/SPOILER] but seems to have good intentions.
"Love makes you do the wacky."

Antiyonder> Nope, but thanks for the reminder! I must get on that...

And holy crap, just watched today's Young Justice and Legend of Korra episodes back-to-back. Awesomeness overload...

Hufflepuff pride, yo.

From the voice, Impulse was clearly Jason Marsden. I've heard him in a lot of things, including Greg's show W.I.T.C.H. of course.

Hi. If any talented artists would like to send me some art for my blog, that would be awesome. Fanfic would be cool,too. Right now, it's just a wish list of who I'd love to see in "Young Justice" but I'd love to flesh out the site with art and stories. Thanks.
Jeremy - [jcnkcmo@hotmail.com]

[SPOILER] Sorry, I meant Daran Norris, not JK Simmons. I'm just a touch sleepy... [/SPOILER]
Chip - [Sir_Griff723@yahoo.com]
The premise of your question is flawed. You were never human. But you WERE heroes.~~Red Tornado

That's odd...I don't know why my Avatar didn't show up there.
Chip - [Sir_Griff723@yahoo.com]
The premise of your question is flawed. You were never human. But you WERE heroes.~~Red Tornado

For anyone who is aware of what happened on the recent episode of Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes Episode that just Aired: [SPOILER] Spider-man, Betty Brant, and J Jonah all appeared on Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes. And Grey Delisle and JK Simmons reprised their SpecSpidey roles as well...And Josh Keaton WOULD have reprised Spidey as well (seriously, the episode is a giant love letter to SpecSpidey, and I DO recommend watching it) But SOMEONE decided that Drake Bell should be Spidey, to promote USM.

So...All of Josh's lines were dubbed over. (Which Josh has confirmed on Facebook) And, well, frankly...I'M SERIOUSLY PISSED OFF. So, in addition to commenting on Joe Quesada's twitter, I'm trying to get the following two topics trending on Twitter: #JoshKeatonIsSpiderMan, and #DrakeBellIsNotSpiderMan. Please, everyone who was a fan of SpecSpidey, please help me in this endeavor. Maybe...Just maybe...We can get them to release the original Voice Recording...Hey...Hope springs eternal. [/SPOILER]

So...Who's with me?

Chip - [Sir_Griff723@yahoo.com]
The premise of your question is flawed. You were never human. But you WERE heroes.~~Red Tornado

So, did anyone else pick up Avatar The Last Airbender: The Promise Volume 2?

Watched the fourth episode of Season Two of "The Spectacular Spider-Man" on YouTube this evening.

[SPOILER] So Dr. Octopus was the Master Planner and his apparently having given up being a super-villain in the previous episode was all part of the scheme to keep people from suspecting that he was the man behind the scenes. Very clever. [/SPOILER]

Todd Jensen
I'm a Hufflepuff!

I just noticed that TVGuide.com has Season 1 episodes listed under Season 2 by mistake (probably due to the large time break). I e-mailed their customer service department and asked them kindly to correct it.

Also, on the topic of how YJ is featured on other websites, has anyone gone to cartoonnetwork.com's YJ specific site? They have a characters section where they mini bios for Nightwing, Batgirl, Bumblebee, Robin, Miss Martian, Blue Beetle, and Beast Boy. I can forgive Mal Duncan not being listed, but no Lagoon Boy and Wonder Girl? That's a little unsettling. I sent them feedback as well.

I hope Greg rambles another YJ update soon. I wonder how many episode are in the can since his last update in April.

Anthony Tini

I don't see it yet in the recent answers, (though I see at least 5 people asking in the queue, sometimes within 5 questions of each other), do we know how old Tim Drake is?
Laura 'ad astra' Sack

Masterdramon, I didn't expect you to remember the particular post, but I figured on the slim chance you might, it wouldn't hurt to ask. And as for my numbering question- yep, answered perfectly. Thanks.
Laura 'ad astra' Sack

The phone number for Walt Studios Disney Home Entertainment Consumer Relations is 1-800-723-4763 to call them and ask them to release Gargoyles Season 2, Volume 2 and Season 3 on DVD this year to show more interest. Please get everyone to keep calling Walt Studios Disney Home Entertainment Consumer Relations is 1-800-723-4763 show more interest in Gargoyles and ask them to release Gargoyles Season 2, Volume 2 and Season 3 on DVD this year.
Jonny Modlin - [jmodlin210@gmail.com]

@Arlo in that case, I don't think you and I are really disagreeing here :)

I agree that not hitting someone weaker than you is a matter of basic human decency, and shouldn't be about gender. I don't agree that the reason most television shows seem to refrain specifically (at least in my view) from having men hit women is about that principle, and hence the term "PC." To be honest, I don't think most other shows of the time would depict males and females fighting basically as equals, the way Gargoyles did. I'm not saying no show would. I'm sure I can name a few that did. But in my view, it was rare, and when it was done, it wasn't done with the same frequency as on Gargoyles, which in my opinion, ultimately led to having stronger female characters.

Johnny > I will get on that. Also, if someone could post the number again, I'll give them a call.

Gargoyles need not apply.

Please get everyone to keep emailing Disney which is disneyinfo@disneyhelp.com to ask them to release Gargoyles Season 2, Volume 2 and Season 3 on DVD this year to show more interest.
Jonny Modlin - [jmodlin210@gmail.com]

@Arlo - by and large, the "real men don't hit women" isn't a "PC" thing so much as a "basic-having-character" thing. Real men, or women, don't beat up on those smaller/weaker than them, whether that be male vs female (when by and large females are physically weaker than males), or if its a woman beating up a young boy, old man, person in a wheelchair, and so on and so forth. When people try and make it a gender thing is when it becomes nonsense, IMO. Its common decency - its a universal thing regardless of gender.
But in gargoyles it was always clear them females getting hit were warriors, and in many cases (such as Hyena with her added weaponry/robotics advantage, or Demona with her superior garg strength and/or skill as a warrior, that these were decidedly NOT instances where the female was at a physical disadvantage. Speaking of cuts, in COS they also cut the part where the Hunter punches Demona in the face on Macbeth's balcony, and that DOES make for an odd cut, flow-of-action wise.
I personally can understand why the cuts get made, but I think or at least hope a younger audience could understand or easily have explained why what's going on in this cartoon is apples and oranges compared to your more (regrettably common) garden variety dating/domestic violence scenario.


On the topic of the censoring the images of the gargoyles fighting women, I just have to point out the irony. Perhaps a big reason why Gargoyles turned out to be such a great show is precisely BECAUSE it had such strong female roles, and a big part of the reason they were able to make those women so strong was because they weren't afraid to let them get hit. Gargoyles would have been like a lot of other shows in that regard, which are limited in how interesting they can make their female characters be, because they don't want to show a male character hitting a female one. Maybe it's because the gargoyles are a different species that they were able to pull it off. I can't imagine Xanatos or Macbeth hitting a woman, yet they seem to have no problem fighting an opposite sex member of a different species, nor do the gargoyles (as when they fight with Hyena, for instance). I think this show would have been a lot more boring if they'd kept the standard practice most shows have of trying to reinforce the more PC "Real men don't hit women," rule.

Kind of sad that that's what Disney is choosing to censor now.

Gargoyles need not apply.

Oooooh ... Yeah I was ... confused by that link, but I thought maybe it was just a permalink to the one rambled on May 25, 2012 (which is the date in the current post corner, of course). I didn't think to check the date in the link.

... nevermind.

Testament to the human ability to find patterns where none exist!


MOI> Considering that Greg first posted "Blather" six years ago, I'd be surprised if it contains any coded Young Justice spoilers. Not saying, it's impossible, just very, very unlikely.

Then again it also contains this nugget...

"I've made peace with that and with the Skrull too"

So maybe it really contains spoilers for [SPOILER] Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes [/SPOILER]? ;)


Er, it's me again - do Greg's blathers often relate to his current projects? Also, the bit about Aquaman, of course - when I read this "personal target of the extra-lunar probe that counted all the seahorses that Aquaman used to make the giant seahorse that he could actually ride" I thought of Kaldur ... and of course that "certain child being born" ... Lian (....... orrrrrrrrrrrr maybe [SPOILER] given the addition of the young Young Justice characters ... Bart? *crosses fingers* [/SPOILER])

Bather: I was wondering if it might have to do with YJ, too ... and I'm only piecing this together because of the clip of the villian in this week's episode:

and no, we're not talking Super Friends here, but something older, more primal, something that was born back when the Ptero-whatever streaked across the sky leaving behind contrails made not of smoke but of pure and unadulterated grace, a commodity in which we are sorely shy as a planet, and yet which we find in the most unlikley of places ...

Possible spoiler?

[SPOILER] Anti-Monitor? And that which we lack (well, grace) but still find could be anti-matter? The villian looked a little like Anti-Monitor to me and ... it's Flash, and this season all the most terrifying canon is coming true ... Barrrry ;_; [/SPOILER]


Laura: I most recently did a round of deletions somewhere around last week Thursday or Friday.

Numbering questions and comments with the same numbering system is admittedly confusing at first sight, but as I read all posts thoroughly before deleting them, it isn't TOO much of an issue. Still, if you could, say, mark comments with "-" marks and questions with numbers, that'd make it a lot less confusing for me and less likely for me to mistake it for a post that contains more than five questions and thus delete it. Not saying that happens much or even at all, but I'll readily admit I'm as fallable as anyone.

As for that particular post, I'm afraid I cannot remember precisely why I deleted it. Please keep in mind that I processed about 500 questions on that night, and they do tend to get jumbled up in my head after a while.

Does that answer your queries sufficiently?

Masterdramon - [kmc12009@mymail.pomona.edu]
"The answer my friend is blowin' in the wind; the answer is blowin' in the wind..." - Bob Dylan

Just watched episode 3 this evening. Another good one. I look forward to seeing what comes next for Otto, and whether he goes back to being Dr. Octopus.

One of my favorite lines: Sandman saying that he's had bad experiences with cats.

Todd Jensen
I'm a Hufflepuff!

TODD> Same animation studios.

How far in are you?

Greg Bishansky - [<--- Greg's Blog of Clue-by-Fours]
"Brave words for a man who hides his face behind a hood." - Goliath, "The Journey."

Incidentally, maybe it comes from not having seen the first season of "The Spectacular Spider-Man" for a while and a rusty memory, but I thought that the animation for Season Two (from what I've seen of it on YouTube so far) looked a bit different from Season One? Did they get new animators between seasons? Or did I just misremember Season One's animation style?
Todd Jensen
I'm a Hufflepuff!

Was there another round of deleting questions in the queu over the weekend? I asked a while back about my previously approved questions because it was my habit to number questions and thoughts- that is to say; a post containing 6 comments and 4 questions would number to 10. I've been checking in to see how my old comments fared and until today none got the ax. When I checked back today one is gone, but the rest remain.

IIRC correctly the whole bunch were posted in the short window when it was a limit of 10, and were 10 or less even when counting thoughts. But my recalling correctly is a big if.

{incidentally- what is the policy if the numbers include thoughts and questions? - I never did get an answer and just plan to switch to putting thoughts in ramble form until I hear it's safe to do otherwise.)

Now for the very big longshot...
If it was removed this weekend for a violation, do you by chance remember why? It was a reaction to Missing probably most notable for a detailed question on the effect of intent on the magic in the spell Klarion (which I mispelled Clarion) initiated to split the worlds and the fate of kids in plane and trains and whatnot. Parts have been since answered, but parts not. I'd like to repost it, but if the problem in more than just the number I'd like to know what to fix or remove.

Laura 'ad astra' Sack

Batman: If you submitted a post with over five questions then yes, I most likely deleted it. I'm afraid that the length of the individual questions is immaterial; the guidelines specify a maximum of five per post, and I am obligated to enforce the guidelines as they are written.

You are, of course, free to re-submit those questions as two separate posts. If none of them violate any further guidelines, I will approve them all.

Masterdramon - [kmc12009@mymail.pomona.edu]
"The answer my friend is blowin' in the wind; the answer is blowin' in the wind..." - Bob Dylan

I cannot find my question in the approved questions queue. The only rule it may have violated was the five-question limit. I thought that six or seven questions would be acceptable as they were short. No other rules were violated and these were good questions. Was my post deleted or is it just not showing up?
Batman - [shmcrew@gmail.com]

To anyone who watched Beneath: You may have noticed the mention of [SPOILER] Psimon being in a Quraci hospital [/SPOILER]. Seems kind of odd given a specific visual in the episode, doesn't it? Well...somebody screwed up again. Check the link for my name if you're interested.
Brainiac - [OSUBrainiac at gmail dot com]
There is balance in all things. Live in symmetry with the world around you. If you must blow things up and steal from those around you, THAT'S WHAT RPGS ARE FOR!

Ice: Yes, I intern for the Senate campaign of Congresswoman Mazie K. Hirono (D-HI). Our state's Democratic Party Convention was this past weekend, and as it's one of the most important events of the campaign cycle, I was putting in rather exorbitant hours all throughout the weekend (all unpaid, naturally).

Fortunately, my supervisor insisted that the unpaid interns get a day off on Memorial Day, so I at least have had the chance to catch up on sleep.

And yes, that's Gregg "Natsilane/Coyote the Trickster" Rainwater as Tye Longshadow and Michael "Peter Maza" Horse as Holling Longshadow.

Masterdramon - [kmc12009@mymail.pomona.edu]
"The answer my friend is blowin' in the wind; the answer is blowin' in the wind..." - Bob Dylan

Masterdramon, what is your work? Politics I suppose. I'd love to go to Hawaii myself though. But then again I guess even the most fun places in the world have the potential for annoying employers to ruin them for you.

Finally saw the latest Young Jusitce. I coulda sworn hat kid... Tai, or something, he sounded similar to Coyote.


Whoops, sorry for double post

Re: Scottish Batman - I was watching Batman Returns just last night, and mentally matching up garg characters with comic book super heroes (Xanatos is Iron Man, natch) and while I was tentatively considering Batman for MacBeth (dark and troubled, but just, isolated castle outside the city, cool gadgets) Micheal Keaton hopped in his iron maiden to go down to the batcave, and that pretty much cinched it for me, everything else be damned.

Re: Scottish Batman - I was watching Batman Returns just last night, and mentally matching up garg characters with comic book super heroes (Xanatos is Iron Man, natch) and while I was tentatively considering Batman for MacBeth (dark and troubled, but just, isolated castle outside the city, cool gadgets) Micheal Keaton hopped in his iron maiden to go down to the batcave, and that pretty much cinched it for me, everything else be damned.

"We close out this month's look at Gargoyles with the introduction of a new villain. And really, you can't go wrong with a Scottish Batman. Macbeth shows up to capture the Gargoyles in a brilliant plan based on a fact that's actually one hundred eighty degrees from reality, oops. Plus, Goliath's utter contempt for real estate agents."

Enjoy the SFDebris review of Enter Macbeth: http://blip.tv/sf-debris-opinionated-reviews/gargoyles-enter-macbeth-review-6169454

Brainiac - [OSUBrainiac at gmail dot com]
There is balance in all things. Live in symmetry with the world around you. If you must blow things up and steal from those around you, THAT'S WHAT RPGS ARE FOR!

11... My lucky number... Except we don't count to 11 here... *shrugs*
Matt - [Saint Louis, Missouri, USA]
"It's almost as if he is trying to keep us offguard while something else is happening." - Goliath, "The Price"



I watched the first two episodes of Season Two of "The Spectacular Spider-Man" on YouTube over the week-end (haven't seen them before now because I don't have cable; I recently upgraded my Internet connection from dial-up to high-speed, though, so now I can watch YouTube properly). I enjoyed both, but the ending of the second episode reminded me of "Gargoyles".

[SPOILER] The mysterious "Master Planner" asks Kraven how he feels about "hunting in packs". It's a great way of bestowing an ominous ending - the hint of super-villain team-ups - but I thought when I heard it that Kraven does echo the Pack. He goes after Spidey for the same reason that the Pack originally went after the gargoyles - the "Most Dangerous Game" motive - and he gets turned into an animal-man, like Wolf. And he even gets photographs of Spidey at the start which inspire him to hunt the web-slinger, just as the Pack got photographs of Goliath at the start of "The Thrill of the Hunt". [/SPOILER]

Todd Jensen
I'm a Hufflepuff!


Oddly enough, I was just thinking about "Blather" the other day. Probably because I'd just gotten through with reading some of perennial Vancouver mayorial candidate Gölök Buday's 'non-linear thinking'. Just as a little example:

"All Buday wants, the opportunity being and the porn posted by others, maybe NeoRhino.ca or theocrat? To respond to user 262 and 38 and 1196 and 1 fairness, that is fair, and respectful. Phylatician he is, not to use linear thinking only, perhaps you do not understand? Running Van-Bur 1996 BC REFORM and his mother Aletta, why insult you, hate women or possible women? Why make an issue, family of scientists, childhood auditions possible athletes, and lifelong users of safe needle site, Vancouver has, Calgary and Toronto do not? The left wing NDP Vision Vancouver and the Coalition of Progressive Electors (COPE) are not Anglicans, like GMC (Gordon Muir Campbell), Americans cannot have Campbell as a president, Anglicans fought against, or possible theocracy?"

Yes, this guy seriously runs for office.


The premise of your question is flawed. You were never human. But you WERE heroes.~~Red Tornado

Vinnie - [tpeano29@hotmail.com]
Obama eats DOG!

Fifth in the name of... air conditioning!
Greg Bishansky - [<--- Greg's Blog of Clue-by-Fours]
"Brave words for a man who hides his face behind a hood." - Goliath, "The Journey."

Fourth in the name of FINALLY being back from the Hawaii Democratic State Convention.

16 hour work days...not fun...

Masterdramon - [kmc12009@mymail.pomona.edu]
"The answer my friend is blowin' in the wind; the answer is blowin' in the wind..." - Bob Dylan

Third! ...I've got no clever comment.
Hufflepuff pride, yo.

I'll second that!
Brainiac - [OSUBrainiac at gmail dot com]
There is balance in all things. Live in symmetry with the world around you. If you must blow things up and steal from those around you, THAT'S WHAT RPGS ARE FOR!

FIRST! To those in the United States, Happy Memorial Day!
"The suspense is terrible . . . I hope it lasts," -- Willy Wonka