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Comments for the week ending June 30, 2013

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what are the menu screens like for gargoyles season 2, volume 2 and does it have pictures on each episodes? are there opening credits, previous episode caps, and ending credits for each episode in gargoyles season 2, volume 2? what is the video and audio quality like for Gargoyles Season 2, volume 2?
jonny modlin - [jmodlin210 at gmail dot com]
Jonny Modlin

Audra> Do you still have the extra copies of S2V2? An email or response letting me know either way would be greatly appreciated. Ld2et me know the cost and method of payment.
Lurker - [johnr783 at hotmail dot com]

Battle Beast> I have the Gargoyles font with just the outline if you need/want it. My email is posted.
Wingless - [thesixties AT rogers DOT com]

Does Gargoyles S2V2 DVD contain english subtitles in episodes?

Battle Beast> Here is the font: http://www.dafont.com/gargoyles-normal.font and if you write the 1st G and the S in capitals you get the Gargoyles logo. AFAIK there is another Gargoyles font which has outlined letters, but this one should do.
Neill - [neillgargoyle(a)gmail dot com]

So Katharine's line about vampires and weres in "Ill Met by Moonlight" is still in, and so is Fang's "Kinky" in "The Reckoning"?


Paul - [nampahcfluap at yahoo dot com]

Does anyone know where or how to get the Gargoyles logo Font? I am working on a special project for the new DVD set, and it would be extremely appreciated...
Battle Beast - [Canada]
I did it! I watched all 485 Best picture nominees in 365 days!

So does anyone know why the Light kept the original Speedy around? I mean they were ready to kill Aqualad, Kid Flash, and Robin once their clones were ready, so why did they keep Speedy around and for eight years?

FYI, I ordered on release day and did priority shipping, which was 5 bucks more on an order that included five items. My intro offer package is still out there on the back of a snail somewhere, that's the 2-4 weeks they mention when you sign up.
"A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men." - Willy Wonka

Why would the quality be worse compared to the other releases? I doubt Disney remastered anything for the previous sets. Probably just copied straight from original tape to DVD. The image quality of TaleSpin never was that good to begin with. Especially the first few episodes look really blurred with low detail. DuckTales never looked as bad and that show is older than TaleSpin. You would think they improve as the time goes on, but not with TaleSpin apparently...
Gargoyles should be fine though.

Neill - [neillgargoyle(at)gmail dot com]

"Are Gargoyles uncut?" / "It depends on their religion, actually." - Cindy "Eden" Kinnard

But seriously... I received my Gargoyles S2V2 DVD today, and the episodes are indeed the UNCUT, original broadcast versions, include opening and end credits on each episode.

As far as DVDs go, the menus are pretty basic, but I was expecting they wouldn't have spent a lot of time putting this together. Basic black plastic DVD case with no cardboard outer sleeve like the first set. The three disks all stacked on the same spindle inside the case, so when you get yours, be careful taking the disks out. I could see it being easy to scratch something. I'm going to find a better way to store the set I'll be using for regular viewing.

Video and audio quality is nice, too. I'm pretty sure when the show was made, not many people had 32" televisions and for sure no one had HD LCD screens.

"A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men." - Willy Wonka

What about quality? I heard that the Talespin one did not have DVD-quality video or audio.

Patrick Toman, Facebook, reports that he received his DVD's. Fang does indeed say "Kinky!" THEY ARE UNCUT!!!!!
Greg Bishansky

And I thought that the release of the Season Two Volume Two DVD would put an end to those posts. *sigh*
Todd Jensen
Hufflepuffs are great finders

Wingless> Just ignore him.
KingCobra582 - [KingCobra582 at gmail dot com]

Obviously someone has never ordered from a movie/CD club before. 2-4 weeks delivery before we get these items! If you ordered them you'd find that out. None of us will know any details until we get them and we won't get them for 2-4 weeks! There is no reported bonus material(that we know of). Since Greg wasn't involved-it's highly unlikely. We're lucky to be getting them at all at this point.

Are we ignoring Gargoyles: The Goliath Chronicles of if it gets released on DVD? What episodes are on GARGOYLES SEASON TWO, VOLUME TWO on which discs? what are the disc artwork look like for Gargoyles Season Two, Volume Two? Are there bonus features in Gargoyles Season Two, Volume Two? Receiving a free DVD of Gargoyles Season Two, Volume Two from Disney Home Entertainment to my address that i waited very patiently for eight years. How is the video quality for Gargoyles Season Two, Volume Two?
Jonny Modlin - [jmodlin210 at gmail dot com]
Jonny Modlin

Jonny -- I believe we've been told that the episodes are uncut, but the only way to know for sure is when somebody finally gets their copy and can double-check. You can go to the Disney Movie Club website (https://disneymovieclub.go.com/), but you won't be able to see the dvd until you become a member. As for more comics, there's no way of teling when we'll ever see any more of them.
Logan - [draw_nagol88 at yahoo dot com]

Ok I think I responded to everyone now. I went ahead and ordered three more copies. :lol: I know I sound crazy but I don't mind. Every order of three I make, one copy I buy at regular price so it should help me by reaching the 4 movies I have to buy at regular price. :) (I only have buy to 4 instead of 5 just because I got a code in the mail from the DMC a few months ago, I'm glad I hung onto that) Although I wasn't worried about that, I buy so many Disney movies, I was thinking I would or probably met that in the next 2 years.

Ok, so I think I responded to everyone now who has emailed me, and I still have 2 extra copies to sell, if anyone else here wants one.

Audra - [birdygirl85 at hotmail dot com]

Ah ok, I just checked my junk mail and there is some emails from people here! Didn't see that until now, sorry about that! Replying now. :)
Audra - [birdygirl85 at hotmail dot com]

Are the final 26 episodes for Gargoyles Season Two, Volume Two uncut, unaltered, original broadcast versions? would you please post the website link of Gargoyles Season Two, Volume Two with buy DVD's. I like Greg Weisman's Gargoyles stuff such as Season 1, Season 2, SLG Comics. when are they going to do Gargoyles comics such as Time Dancer, Pendragon, Dark Ages, New Olympians, etc.?

Openvaultdisney.com is the website about getting disney afternoon shows on dvd and the rest also.

jonny modlin - [jmodiln210 at gmail dot com]
Jonny Modlin

LOL, Greg. True, though.
Logan - [draw_nagol88 at yahoo dot com]

JONNY MODLIN> Gargoyles season three, also known as Clan Building and Bad Guys: Redemption has been out in trade paperback format since 2009 and is available on amazon.com
Greg Bishansky

is gargoyles complete now since season 2, volume 2 came out on dvd through disney movie club? is gargoyles season 3 as known as the goliath chronicles coming out on dvd?
jonny modlin - [jmodiln210 at gmail dot com]
Jonny Modlin

Chip & Craig: Thanks for the info. It's disappointing that most of the series are still incomplete, but at least Talespin is complete now, and that was one of my favorites.
Gargoyles need not apply.

Audra, if you tried replying to me, it never came through.
Logan - [draw_nagol88 at yahoo dot com]

Wolf, I thought I responded to everyone through email who wanted a copy, maybe I didn't get the email? There is still another copy available, and I am considering just making another order of three if more people want a copy. I don't mind ordering more, if I can't sell them all through here, I will just sell them on ebay, I'm sure someone will buy them. :p
Audra - [birdygirl85 at hotmail dot com]

Audra sent you an email last night, hope im not to late
Wolf - [megatronwolf at msn dot com]
What would Snake Plissken do?

I don't hink tvshowsondvd.com is being fair to the fans...

It's out there, and joe average waiting for it doesn't know that. :(

But at least on ebay people see it and know its out now...

Battle Beast - [Canada]
I did it! I watched all 485 Best picture nominees in 365 days!

AUDRA> Just sent an e-mail. Fingers crossed.

Arlo> As someone who possesses all the Disney Afternoon DVDs except Gummi Bears (and my pending Gargoyles S2V2/Talespin DMC exclusive DVDs, which are obviously not here yet.) I can assure you...You are misinformed. The Chip N' Dale's Rescue Ranger's Pilot "To the Rescue" IS on the DVDs...But it's in Volume 2 for some reason. But it IS there. And with the release of the DMC Talespin V3, ALL Talespin episodes are on DVD. Including the two that have not aired on TV since their release.
Chip - [Sir_Griff723 at yahoo dot com]
If you are on the wrong road, progress means.. walking back to the right road; ..the man who turns back soonest is the most progressive man~~C.S. Lewis

Arlo - TaleSpin is the only complete Disney Afternoon series released. All 65 episodes are available over 3 volumes.

All the other series are currently incomplete and in need of one or more volumes to complete the runs. DuckTales and Rescue Rangers pilots were left off the Vol. 1 releases, but were included on Vol. 2.

Craig - [craigmarinaro at yahoo dot com]

Sent you an email, Audra! Hopefully it's not too late. I don't have a PayPal account yet, but I can set one up tonight if that's what it takes.
Logan - [draw_nagol88 at yahoo dot com]

My first order has been shipped from the Disney Movie Club. I just made another order for three copies. Anyone want to buy one from me? I will ship internationally too. :) Go ahead and email me if you are interested.
Audra - [birdygirl85 at hotmail dot com]

Thanks for the info, Craig.

To be clear, are there any Disney Adventures series that it's possible to get the full series of through a combination of Amazon and DMC? I've read some things on Amazon about the pilots for Ducktales and Chip 'n' Dales not being included on the DVDs, and of some of the Talespin volumes omitting certain episodes, and so on.

Gargoyles need not apply.

Arlo - TaleSpin Vol. 3 (containing the last 11 episodes), Goof Troop Vols. 1 & 2 (containing 27 episodes each), and DuckTales: The Movie are available only through the DMC. Those are the only exclusives currently available Disney Afternoon-wise, although a DMC rep did tell me DuckTales Vol. 4 is in the pipeline as a future exclusive.

As far as Disney Afternoon shows in general release, you can purchase Gummi Bears Vol. 1 (29 episodes), DuckTales Vol. 1-3 (27 episodes on 1, 24 on the other two), Rescue Rangers Vol. 1 (27 eps) & 2 (24 eps), TaleSpin Vol. 1 & 2 (27 eps each), and Darkwing Duck Vol. 1 & 2 (27 eps each). I believe those are all available on the DMC site, but can probably be found much cheaper on Amazon or eBay.

While I think most of us want to get out of our memberships as quickly as possible, to escape from those dreaded monthly "recommendations," I am tempted to stick around for at least 6 months or so to see what future Disney Afternoon releases might come.

Craig - [craigmarinaro at yahoo dot com]

Got an email from Disney this morning that said my copies of S2V2 have shipped. Hoping they get here middle of next week.
Adam - [carl006_1999 at yahoo dot com]

Speaking of the other Disney Afternoon shows, those are probably the other ones I'm going to be ordering to complete the membership requirements if I do buy this through the DMC. So does anyone here know what the situation is regarding those? Like, which volumes of which seasons are you not able to find anywhere else, except through the DMC? Specifically for DuckTales, Talespin, Chip & Dale's, Darkwing Duck, and Goof Troop.
Gargoyles need not apply.

@Wingless, when word first broke a month ago, I also contacted tvshowsondvd.com and I got the same message back. It is unfortunate. So is the eBay situation. :(
Anthony Tini

well it looks like the scalpers have gotten wind of the season 2 volume 2 debacle, im seeing copies up on ebay for $100. Cheapest ive seen so far was $25 but that quickly shot up. Guess i wont be using ebay to get one, dont feel like dealing with bidding wars & scalpers. So if anyone has an extra copy thats not spoken for please let me know.
Wolf - [megatronwolf at msn dot com]

Another sad factor about Gargoyles, Tale Spin and some of the other Disney afternoon shows being DMC exclusives. The free publicity they would normally get through a sight like tvshowsondvd.com they won't because of the "Membership" aspect. They won't cover it if you have to become a member to get it. I contacted them to let them know about the releases and it's their policy not to cover "exclusive" releases IE Columbia House or now DMC. So it's left to the fans to spread the word since Disney certainly isn't doing it.

It's disappointing that Gargoyles Season Two Volume Two is a DMC exclusive. Being in New Zealand I can't even sign up to it as they won't ship internationally. I suppose we should just be grateful that it's getting any sort of release considering it's been eight-ish years since Volume One cam out.
Mr X

Kyle: Now, I don't mean to pick on you, but a few things that could do with restating...

1) His name is Greg Weisman. One n.

2) He does not answer questions in the Station 8 Comment Room. If you want to submit these questions to him, you will need to wait until the queue reopens and wait your turn in line like everybody else.

3) That being said, if submitted in its current form, I would be forced to delete your post because it breaks multiple Ask Greg guidelines. It breaks Guideline #6 because it contains seven individual questions; the maximum number allowed per post is five.

4) It breaks Guideline #1 because every single question is requesting a spoiler of future content, which Greg simply will not answer. Just because "Young Justice" isn't currently ongoing doesn't mean it never has a chance to return in some form, and if Greg gets a chance to work on it again he hardly wants to have spoiled his own work on the internet years before.

5) And it breaks Guideline #7 because nearly every one of the questions is blatantly suggesting a story idea, which is a big no-no for Greg for legal reasons.

Masterdramon - [kmc12009 at mymail dot pomona dot edu]
"Gonna hitch a ride, head for the other side..." - Boston

Mr. Weismann, i'm asking 7 questions this time:

1) If Darkseid was the main antagonist, what would his plans with the Light be?
2) If Nightwing announced that he is resigning from the Team, and break up with Zatanna, would Batgirl follow him?
3) Since Icicle, Jr. and Artemis' daughter was born in comics, would that probably make her date Icicle, Jr. after Wally died?
4) If Manta impeached from the Light, would Deathstroke take his place and have Terra Markov infiltrate the Team's secrets?
5) Would Deadshot be the next enforcer for the Light, and partnered with Firefly?
6) What year would it take place, if so in 2017, will we introduce the Man of Steel version of General Zod, who would be released from 40 year sentence?
7) Would Lagoon Boy resign from the Team, due to Superboy and Miss Martian getting back together?

Kyle Kincaid - [kykincaid1996 at icloud dot com]

Sorry, Tini*. It's late.
Gargoyles need not apply.

Jesus Christ, they're making this more complicated than all those derivatives they used to mess up the economy.

Yeah, Vicky would need a voltage converter. That she can buy in her own country.

Anthony Tiny: As much as I am displeased with the DMC's terms, I'm not paying $41 for a DVD that's selling for $7. Not that I think Gargoyles deserves to be selling for $7, but it's just the principle of the thing. I could understand charging a few extra dollars, but that's a huge markup.

Gargoyles need not apply.

*Comes out from lurking*

So... This really is happening... Like many others, I too would like a copy of S2V2, but can't justify signing up for the Disney movie stuff... With that said, I'd like to obtain a copy from someone that bought more than one. However, I'm not in a rush to obtain it since I won't have money available until after Comic-Con. If anyone has extra copies, or has intentions on buying more, please let me know!

The One Known As Mochi - [shogi dot keima dot 08 at gmail dot com]
Current Mood: (>^0^)> Yay~!!

@Battle Beast I have someone getting me one, but maybe I can give my sister one for her birthday. If you have an extra, let me know.


Anthony Tini

I would be interested in a copy if anyone has any left.
Tyler McEachron - [tyler_mceachron at yahoo dot com]

I am going to place an order for three more copies. Anyone want to claim the other two?
Battle Beast - [Canada]
I did it! I watched all 485 Best picture nominees in 365 days!

Looks like it has hit eBay. Seller promising to ship when he/she receives it.



Anthony Tini

On a PC the VLC player (free software) will play DVDs regardless of region of the DVD drive.

(Still hoping for an appearance on Amazon.)

Mu - [m at mar dot net]

If anyone can confirm or deny that it's three per order and not three per individual (ever), then that would be greatly appreciated.
Anthony Tini

One other thing- if anyone who's thinking of joining the DMC but hasn't yet, there's an offer of 5 for $1 if you join through the Disney Movie Rewards site, and you get 500 DMR points to boot.
Matthew - [reginald_q_bumbershoot at hotmail dot com]

ARLO> Even if you were to send Vicky a US DVD player I think there would be an issue with the voltage. Not enough to set her house on fire but she might have to get a transformer of some kind.

Anyone got a copy of Gargoyles S2V2 thats not spoken for? If so please send me an email & ill gladly take it off your hands. I dont have the time or money right now to go though DMC but like every one here i really want a copy.
Wolf - [megatronwolf at msn dot com]

If anybody here is planning on tossing a copy up on Amazon, please let me know. I don't have a PayPal account, and I'm not sure I have enough money right now to get through the DMC requirements, but (like everybody else) I'd love to get my hands on a copy. Thanks!
Logan - [draw_nagol88 at yahoo dot com]

AUDRA> Oh awesome! Thanks for clearing that up.

The first 5 movies you get for $1, my advice, make sure they are all DVDs. If any of those movies you choose from are blu-ray, they you sign up for the blu-ray plan, so the next 5 movies you have to buy within the next 24 months will be $29.95, whether they are blu-ray or DVD. But, if the first 5 movies you get for $1 are all DVDs, then you are on the DVD plan. But the good thing about that is you can still buy blu-rays, they will cost $29.95, but at least DVDs will cost $19.95.
Audra - [birdygirl85 at hotmail dot com]

GREG BISHANSKY> My bad. (Think your post went up while I was still typing.)

ANTIYONDER> In order to fulfill DMC's membership obligation, it looks like you have to: 1) Choose at least 4 of the available DVD titles on the DMC website. This allows you to checkout. (You have to actually select 4 titles, otherwise the "Checkout" button won't appear.) Once you have completed your purchse you have effectively become a member. 2) Now that your are a member you must purchase at least 5 five DVDs within 24 months to fulfill your membership. (So if you knew exactly which DVDs you wanted, and if you had the funds, you could meet the membership obligations in less than a week, or even less than a day.) And according to DMC, once you've purchased those 5 DVDs then you can cancel your membership (although it looks like the quickest way they have is by phone, not by e-mail). So you could purchase DuckTales Movie as part of the 4 DVDs you need to purchsse to start your membership and/or as part of the 5 DVDs you need to purchase to complete your membership obligation. WARNING: I think the point where people are being "ripped off" is the fact that (and this can be found on the membership details of the DMC website) if your membership is still active, and EVEN (it seems) if you have fulfilled your obligation, DMC sends you a postcard with a "Featured Title" of the month which you must either agree to receive (and which they will charge you for). If you don't wish to receive the "Featured Title" you may choose an alternative title (whether supplied on the card itself or perhaps from a catalogue available to members, I don't know) and be charged for that. Or you may choose not to receive any title that month, and so will not be charged. However, if you don't respond to the card within 10 days, you will receive the "Featured Title" and be charged for it whether you want it or not (although you may be able to return it subject to restrictions). **There is also some slight of hand with regard to DVDs and Blu-rays: i.e., if your initial 4 titles to start up your membership are Blu-rays, or if one of them is a Blu-ray, then you'll be required to purchase 5 Blu-rays in order to complete your membership. I still don't understand this bit of the membership details, but the only reason I might bother with this charade--because, honestly, it is a charade to go through ALL of this for ONE DVD--is for Gargoyles S2V2, which is only on DVD anyway.

This is my understanding of it, anyway.

My own plan, if I ever get up the courage to try it, would be to buy the 4 DVDs to start the membership, then buy 3 copies of Gargoyles and 2 copies of whatever else all in the same order, and all this in the same day (preferrably within a couple of hours). And then as soon as my orders had been processed to call up DMC to cancel, that way I wouldn't have to worry about the stupid monthly postcards.


I plan to try and buy more than three once my intial order is shipped, so I'll definatly send out multiple copies to peoplk who would like them! ^_^
Battle Beast - [Canada]
I did it! I watched all 485 Best picture nominees in 365 days!

I ordered my three copies before work today. I am curious as well if I can order more copies in the future, because when I came home from work, I tried ordering Gargoyles again and it showed up in my cart. I didn't pay yet for another order, but I will try later again in the near future to see if it will let another order of three copies of Gargoyles go through. I will be happy to help other Gargoyles fans get a copy. I buy a lot of Disney movies in general so joining DMC was not a problem for me. In fact I got flyers in the mail trying to get me to join many times in the past, and even before I heard about Gargoyles S2V2 being released, I was considering joining DMC already since I bought a lot of Disney blu-rays in the past year from retail stores. One of my extra copies is taken for, and the other might be taken for, I'm waiting for a response from someone who was interested. But if I can order more I will post here saying so.
Audra - [birdygirl85 at hotmail dot com]

Maybe one of you who are selling the extra DVDs can send one to Vicky, and also send her a U.S. DVD player.

Since some of the people here apparently aren't familiar with the DMC's terms, I do want to make it clear that you have two years to buy the five movies you agree to buy when you sign up. So it's not like it's "Oh, I don't have $100 right now so I can't get it."

But Googling the DMC also turns up a lot of scam reports from people claiming the DMC continued charging them after they cancelled their membership. The agreement does say that if you don't complete your five purchases within the two years, they will charge you for the remaining amount. We can't know whether the people who filed those complaints are confused and are referring to that, or if they genuinely were ripped off. But just to be safe, I would advise people against paying for this with a credit card. You can pay with a check, at least according to their FAQ.

Can someone who ordered them let us know about the quality of the episodes when you get it? I'm hesitant to buy this just yet, as it seems quite a few of us are.

Gargoyles need not apply.

Truth be told, I'm going to have to go with this later in the year, but there are some movies I wouldn't mind going for in the process. Mainly the 3 Toy Story films (have the first two, but on VHS only), The Rescuers and Avengers.

Now would I need to get 10 movies altogether to get Tale Spin Volume 3? For that matter, just to be sure, is Ducktales The Movie: Treasure of the Lost Lamp really available as part of the five movie deal?


So basically the lady I spoke with on the phone lied and effectively cost her company recurring business (if I hadn't learned otherwise).

I suppose some people might take that as Disney being "against the franchise" again, but I side with the old adage: never assume malice when incompetence will do.

Brainiac - [OSUBrainiac at gmail dot com]
There is balance in all things. Live in symmetry with the world around you. If you must blow things up and steal from those around you, THAT'S WHAT RPGS ARE FOR!

Ah, thanks. I'd gotten the impression from past posts that it was three per person, ever.

I hope that those are long-lasting DVDs as well, and not the sort that you can only watch a couple of times.

Todd Jensen
Hufflepuffs are great finders

Turns out it's three per order. Mara Cordova reports buying six, three in one order and three in another.
Greg Bishansky

Thanks, Bishansky - but can you do that? You've already ordered three, and we know that you can't order more than three copies at all.
Todd Jensen
Hufflepuffs are great finders

TODD> I already ordered three, while they are all spoken for, I plan to order more down the line. I'll be happy to help you.

ROBIN> Once again, Greg Weisman is on vacation. He'll ramble about this DVD when he gets back, but I think I have a good idea of what he'll say. He won't ask people to spend money they don't have, but since he wants the property to succeed, he'll encourage people who are able to buy it to do so.

Greg Bishansky

I'm afraid this has discouraged me from buying a DVD, since it doesn't make much sense to buy a lot of other DVDs that I might not want just to buy this one. (Not to mention I don't even know yet about the quality of the DVD. Others here have brought up that it might be the edited versions of these episodes, for one thing.)
Todd Jensen
Hufflepuffs are great finders

Ok, both of my extra copies are now spoken for. Hope everyone who wants one can get one.
Adam - [carl006_1999 at yahoo dot com]

I've also been waiting for Greg Weisman to give this release his approval before purchasing it. Having to buy at least 8 other DVDs from DisneyMovieClub just to get 1 is a just ridiculous. It'd be worth it to wait a bit and then buy this release for a what will probably be more than $19.95 (but certainly less than the $100+ by going through DMC) from an independent seller on Amazon who has stocked up on buy from DMC. Contrary to what was indicated by another poster below, the DuckTales Movie is being sold through Amazon by an independent seller: Disney is still officially selling that title through DMC (at least in hard copy: Disney has made it available on Amazon to own or rent digitally).

CRAIG> Greg is on vacation right now, I wouldn't expect a ramble until he gets back.
Greg Bishansky

It's interesting that Greg hasn't commented on the DMC release at all on Ask Greg (although he's been retweeting a lot about it). Obviously this type of release doesn't lend itself to his usual "spread the word" posts, and he probably feels the same ambivalent feelings we all have about Disney forcing us to purchase a bunch of their other titles to get this (not to mention the lack of extras, which must be especially disappointing to him). But it still seems like he would have said SOMETHING to let interested parties outside the comment room community know this is happening. I guess he's taking a wait-and-see approach to make sure the release is worth the investment before giving it any kind of endorsement?
Craig - [craigmarinaro at yahoo dot com]

"When you join the club do you agree to buy 4, or 5 DVDs? I can't remember. Out of curiosity is there anyone here who is interested in any OTHER DVDs offered by the Disney Movie Club?"

It's 5, I believe. Me, personally, I've been looking to beef up my DVD collection, specifically in regards to Disney titles, so this is a good idea for me.

Matthew - [reginald_q_bumbershoot at hotmail dot com]

Just purchased my 3 copies of S2V2. When we thought that we could buy 5 copies, I was going to keep 2 for myself (since I have 2 copies of S1 and S2V1), but I am only going to keep 1 copy of S2V2, so 2 copies are avaible for purchase to anyone in the room. I don't have a paypal account so I don't think that method would work for me. Email me if you are interested. First come, first serve.
Adam - [carl006_1999 at yahoo dot com]

Where it is? I'm unable to find it. URL, please.

@James Harvey,

There are two problems thus far
1) Since Gargoyles S2V2 is on sale and not full price, it doesn't satisfy the terms of the DMC, therefore, more money will have to be spent.
2) According to reports below, the DMC appears to have limited the quantities of the box set to 3 per person.

I had no problem with signing up and spending $100 plus shipping to get 5 sets (and attempt to recoup my money) and then be able to cancel my membership, but I have no intention of breaking the bank and jumping through hoops. My hope is that I can purchase a copy from a kind soul in this Comment Room.

Anthony Tini


I'm going to add my name to the list of requests for copies of S2 V2. I can pay with Paypal. Battle Beast, if you haven't gotten your slots filled, we both live in Edmonton, so we can work something out.

Pterobat - [incisivis at gmail dot com]

@Battle Beast, can you e-mail me at anthonyotini@gmail.com if you're interested in selling one of copies if they aren't already spoken for. Thanks!
Anthony Tini

Hey folks!

James Harvey from WF here! I was just wondering how everyone is doing so far trying to get copies of the new "Gargoyles: Season Two, Volume Two" DVD release from the Disney Movie Club?

James Harvey - [bbeyond at yahoo dot com]
http://www.worldsfienstonline.com , http://marvel.toonzone.net

However-- Duck Tales Movie was released over 4 years ago on the club (so there may just be enough in circulation now that they just became available for people-- as I'm sure some sellers have multiple accounts take full advantage of the initial 7 DIsney Blu Rays for like 29.00 shipped. (Plus with the 50-60% off deals-- even the 29.95 full price for 4 blu rays is not that big a deal in the long run)

Kim Possible is also available on amazon for a 40.00 mark up as well.

stewbacca - [stewbacca at msn dot com]

Good News, maybe! I see that Ducktales: Treasure of the Lost Lamp is available on Amazon, even though it is an EXCLUSIVE to the DMC. So, in time, I predict Gargoyles might just appear there, too!

At midnight I bought my three copies of Gargoyles; it would not let me add more than three copies to my "Cart". This morning, I was able to add more copies to my "Cart", so when the first three come I will try to order more.

Rebel> Along with Gargoyles, I bought Ducktales: Treasure of the Lost Lamp, and Tale Spin Vol. 2.

I am waiting for Ducktales Vol. 4, and more Gummie Bears and Rescue Rangers. I might even buy Goof Troop.

Battle Beast - [Canada]
I did it! I watched all 485 Best picture nominees in 365 days!

When you join the club do you agree to buy 4, or 5 DVDs? I can't remember. Out of curiosity is there anyone here who is interested in any OTHER DVDs offered by the Disney Movie Club?
Rebel - [rebelfornea at gmail dot com]

I also don't intend to join now, but am interested in paying for a copy from anyone willing to buy extras. I don't currently have a paypal account, but I'd be willing to make one if that would be more efficient.
Ross - [chiropter36 at gmail dot com]

Where's that picture from?

I'd be interested in buying if someone is selling. At this point I don't plan on joining the club.


Anthony Tini

As expected the cover art looks horrible...
But if this is the only way to complete season 2 I guess I have to get over it.

Neill - [neillgargoyle(a)gmail dot com]

Greg B.> Thanks for posting that link.
KingCobra582 - [KingCobra582 at gmail dot com]



Greg Bishansky

Well, it really sucks that Movie Club members are only allowed to buy 3 copies ever, but is anyone planning on joining the club and buying 3 copies and selling 2 of them? I have Paypal and would be happy to pay for the cost of 1 copy plus shipping and maybe a little extra (but let's not go crazy) for your time, trouble, and tape. I posted my email address if anyone needs to email me.
Rebel - [rebelfornea at gmail dot com]

Only 3 copies?! And I thought Disney was all about making money...

*shakes head* For shame, Mickey. For shame.

KingCobra582 - [KingCobra582 at gmail dot com]

... ... ...

Figures I'd find out about this AFTER making my post.

Well, I guess I'll have to rescind my offer. Sorry, folks.

Brainiac - [OSUBrainiac at gmail dot com]
There is balance in all things. Live in symmetry with the world around you. If you must blow things up and steal from those around you, THAT'S WHAT RPGS ARE FOR!

THAT REALLY SUCKS. We have badgered Disney for this set for years, and now they give it to us, but do so in a way they know it won't do well. Well, we just have to make sure we buy our three only copies, I guess...
Battle Beast - [Canada]
I did it! I watched all 485 Best picture nominees in 365 days!

So are we only a couple of hours away from S2V2? Now Disney that took you a loooooooooong time. But better late than never! ;)

Vicky>A lot of DVD/Blu-Ray players can change their region code, even though it is not stated in the manual. You could set your DVD player to be REGION FREE so that it accepts DVDs from any region, US/UK/JP/anything. There are step by step guides for thousands of players on http://www.videohelp.com/dvdhacks just type in your model and follow the instructions. It takes less than 3 minutes and you don't need to know anything about the technical stuff to do this.

Neill - [neillgargoyle(a)gmail dot com]

Brainiac - Thanks for that but don't have the US Region 1 on my DVD player but I do on my computer but I only can change the settings 4 times. Looks like I have to stick with Youtube.
VickyUK - [Vickysunseeker at aol dot com]

Just got off the phone with Disney Movie Club. Only three copies per customer... ever.
Greg Bishansky

Vicky> Technically, they aren't released here yet either. Please reserve your envy until tomorrow.

However, If you've got a DVD player that can handle discs with US region codes, drop me a line and I'll see about getting a copy on your behalf.

Brainiac - [OSUBrainiac at gmail dot com]
There is balance in all things. Live in symmetry with the world around you. If you must blow things up and steal from those around you, THAT'S WHAT RPGS ARE FOR!

You guys are so lucky, The DVDs still haven't been released in the UK yet, I have tried E-mailing Disney (for the UK) a few times but had no reply.
VickyUK - [Vickysunseeker at aol dot com]

Stewbacca - Can you post an image of it?
KingCobra582 - [KingCobra582 at gmail dot com]

I'll be finalizing my plans with the DMC tonight. I was originally planning to go forward with getting just a few DVDs without any advanced money, sell them to confirmed buyers, and then move on into acting as a reseller for anyone who needs it, but a $200+ dental bill screwed up that plan a little. As such, I'm opening the floor here in the CR now.

Email me if you want a copy (or copies) of S2V2 or anything else. I'm well past the 5 DVD requirement at this point, but I'll happily take other requests up. At this point, if you can transfer money to me ASAP, that's the best option as I'd like to have the cost of the DVDs before I put in my purchase; the cost of shipping the DVDs to you individually can be dealt with later.

Between the conflicting information on the pricing and deals on DMC purchases for this week/month, I likely won't be putting in this order first thing tomorrow. However, I would recommend you get in touch with me by this coming Friday if you want to be in my first batch which is most likely to have the lowest overall price per unit; if I wind up going back to get another batch, most discounts and waived shipping will no longer be in play.

Brainiac - [OSUBrainiac at gmail dot com]
There is balance in all things. Live in symmetry with the world around you. If you must blow things up and steal from those around you, THAT'S WHAT RPGS ARE FOR!

GARGOYLES, Goof Troop, Duck Tales, Darkwing Duck... So excited!!! Disney Movie Club will bleed me dry!
Battle Beast - [Canada]
I did it! I watched all 485 Best picture nominees in 365 days!

Not yet. I have enough coming up that's already costing me money. Maybe by the end of next month, if Disney is still offering it.
Harvester of Eyes - [Minstrel75 at gmail dot com]
"You are superior to us in only one respect: you are better at dying!" -Dalek Sec ("Doctor Who")

I called them one more time, the gentleman I spoke to confirmed it would be available tomorrow.
Greg Bishansky

I haven't joined the Disney Movie Club yet as I wanted to be 100% sure S2V2 was really being released. But I do plan to join tomorrow if it is really there. I went to the Disney Movie Club website today and saw that Gargoyles S1 and S2V1 is there, that's pretty cool. (Although I already have them, but still, I think that is cool) :)
Audra - [birdygirl85 at hotmail dot com]

The cover image was in the recently DMC circular I just received Sat.
Along with Tale Spin Vol 3.- so its coming

And this month is buy one full price get the second for 50% off-- so season 2 for 9.99-- no problem

stewbacca - [stewbacca at msn dot com]

Excited of Gargoyles Season Two, Volume Two on DVD!
Jonny Modlin - [jmodlin210 at gmail dot com]
Jonny Modlin

We shall see tomorrow if June Twenty-FIVE will forever live in infamy.

What users here have ALREADY signed up for the Disney Movie Club?

Anthony Tini

I'm just looking FOURward to (maybe) finally seeing some actual cover art . . .
"The suspense is terrible, I hope it lasts" -- Willy Wonka

I am excited for this DVD times 3!
KingCobra582 - [KingCobra582 at gmail dot com]

Season TWO, Volume TWO!!!!
Chip - [Sir_Griff723 at yahoo dot com]
If you are on the wrong road, progress means.. walking back to the right road; ..the man who turns back soonest is the most progressive man~~C.S. Lewis

First... for DVD week!
Greg Bishansky