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Comments for the week ending July 7, 2013

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Paul> I watched 485 Movies in 365 days! 65 22 minute episodes is NOTHING for me! :)

I'm definatly going to the con... I can't miss this chance. :)

I saw the ad for next year's con, but just wasn't sure about where it was.

Battle Beast - [Canada]
I did it! I watched all 485 Best picture nominees in 365 days!

Watching the entire canonical series in one sitting would be quite a feat: 65 episodes, each roughly 20 minutes long, would take nearly 24 hours to watch.

In short, it would be a marathon. And while I wouldn't be averse to a Gargoyles marathon, I do think that it would make for "a heck of a party."

Paul - [nampahcfluap at yahoo dot com]

I'll definitely register before the end of the summer. Not sure if I'll make it yet, but I am damn sure going to try.
Greg Bishansky
Here's the problem with most fanfic writers: they seem to think Dominique is a second life. It isn't. Demona spelled it plainly in "High Noon." She's a gargoyle. Dominique is just a tool to help her in her goals. She'll use the form because she changes into a human, whether she likes it or not, but Dominique is not another life for her.

Battle Beast -- Don't know if you saw this by now, but that info's also on the CONvergence 2013 handbook picture, which apparently is the Double Tree by Hilton Hotel in Bloomington, MN. ;)

Of course, you're not limited to just that hotel -- evidently this Con fills out a few of the nearby ones as well, lol.

DVDs -- Adam mentioned on Friday about seeing/reading the whole series in its uncut glory once S2V2 arrives. I'm tempted to do the same, but I'm also entertaining the thought of spreading out my viewing over the course of the next year or two, perhaps weekly like it (mostly) aired . . . or perhaps using the GargWiki's Timeline as a guide and watch the episodes unfold in 'real time' d:

"The suspense is terrible, I hope it lasts" -- Willy Wonka

Many moons ago, young, stupid, nieve me would say each year, "I'll go next year, I'll go next year." AND THEN I couldn't say it anymore. But NOW,


And I plan to!


Does anyone know which hotel Convergence will be at next year?

Battle Beast - [Canada]
I did it! I watched all 485 Best picture nominees in 365 days!

thanks for the info Brainiac, since im using a middleman ill hopefully have mine in a week and a half. Wish i had it now cause i just finish S2V1 and since my DVR crapped out i no long have the rest of the series.

But on another note im need some assistance, im trying to find couple of gargoyle figures. First is the 8 inch black hair Demona that applause put out. Looked on ebay but all i found was a full set thats way out of my price range. Second is the Coldstone that kenner released in the hard wired series. Again no luck on ebay or elsewhere. If anyone knows where i could find either for a reasonable price please let me know. Also still looking for the artwork that was used for the cover of S2V1.

Wolf - [megatronwolf at msn dot com]
What would Snake Plissken do?

Rain of the Ghosts/Gargoyles crossover.
Harlan Phoenix

Worse yet, once Demona recovers her magical supplies, she decides to visit a fate on Dr. Kafka inspired by her name and then get out the bug spray. (Which would, incidentally, fulfill one of Fox's remarks in "Leader of the Pack" and continue the "Gargoyles" tradition of "If you mention a noted legendary or literary figure or element, it's sure to show up in time".)
Todd Jensen
Hufflepuffs are great finders

Religious Studies 102: Welcome to the Rubber Room

A two person show starring Dr. Kafka and Dominique Destine with the former attempting to give the latter therapy and hilarity ensues. All in real time.

Greg Bishansky

I hope something new. Maybe a "Where are they now" Radio Play. But since the theme I believe is Midsummers night dream it would probably be about Oberon and/or Puck.

I wonder what the Radio Play will be. An adaptation of a "Gargoyles" episode (I remember that the Gathering 2001 - the only one I've attended - did an adaptation of "Hunter's Moon Part Three"), or something new? (Of course, it'll be a year before we find out.)
Todd Jensen
Hufflepuffs are great finders

My orders were placed in the early AM of June 29th. They arrived about noon today.

Yes, they're here and I'm currently tormenting some friends about them. Cuz I'm evil.

Brainiac - [OSUBrainiac at gmail dot com]
There is balance in all things. Live in symmetry with the world around you. If you must blow things up and steal from those around you, THAT'S WHAT RPGS ARE FOR!

question for those who received their dvds, how long did it take from placing the order to arriving at your door step?
Wolf - [megatronwolf at msn dot com]
What would Snake Plissken do?

Matt -- the pic of that artwork on the back of the CONvergence 2013 handbook that Landon posted earlier teases the dates July 3-6 2014 -- so the Thursday, July 3rd to Sunday July 6th next year :)
"The suspense is terrible, I hope it lasts" -- Willy Wonka

I'm as good as there.

Anyone know the exact dates? I can't seem to find those.

Matt - [Saint Louis, Missouri, USA]
"For science, which, as my associate Fang indicated, must move ever forward. Plus there's the money... and I do love the drama!" - Sevarius, "Louse"

A new Gathering? NICE! I'll be there if I can.
KingCobra582 - [KingCobra582 at gmail dot com]

This is awesome news! I wouldn't miss this one for the world. I'd better start saving up...
D. Taina
"The story is told -- though who can say if it be true..." -Shari

So the next Gathering of the Gargoyles will be in my home state. Sweet.
Adam - [carl006_1999 at yahoo dot com]

JohnnyB> Yes, if they're bought at full price. Discounted price DVDs do not count towards the commitment unless they're tacked on to your initial 4 or 5 DVDs for $1 offer (and then, only one will count).
Brainiac - [OSUBrainiac at gmail dot com]
There is balance in all things. Live in symmetry with the world around you. If you must blow things up and steal from those around you, THAT'S WHAT RPGS ARE FOR!

Question for you guys: I'm just hearing about the s2v2 dvds today. If I sign up for the Disney Movie Club, then order Gargoyles, will it count toward the commitment with the club??

Hmmm, I hope that didn't sound negative. CONvergence is my favorite con and is very well-run. My only point is that it might be best to register before the end of the year in case they do decide to add a registration cap. Registration should be open soon after this weekend.
Landon - [<- Gargoyles News Twitter Feed]

Chris Jones (artist of Gargoyles: Bad Guys #3, The Flashback of Notre Dame and Young Justice #5+) did the CONvergence back-page art: https://twitter.com/ChrisJonesArt/status/353436791744901120 I'm going to ask him to sign it today.

When Greg says CONvergence rents out the entire hotel, he's not kidding. It's not as crazy as DragonCon or SDCC, but I overheard they reached 5,500 registrations on Thursday. They fill the place. A similarly-run con in the same hotel in April, Anime Detour, caps at 5,000 so it'll be interesting to see how CONvergence handles their ever-growing size. Regardless, I suggest registering in 2013. The hotel usually sells out in 1-2 days, as does a hotel next door. They get room blocks for a few nearby hotels as well.

Landon - [<- Gargoyles News Twitter Feed]

Apparently my h key is a bit temperatmental today. Sorry.

Todd> That's true about them adding the present day section at the start of the pilot to let viewers know that the series would be set in present day, but I suspect that's not because medieval settings are less popular. It's just because, if tey hadn't done it, and people expected a medieval setting, they might have felt deceived and put off when they found out the series wasn't what tey wanted.

Anyway, great news about the Gathering next year. I probably won't be able to go, July being busy period and work and CONvergence being in another country, but I hope it's a smashing success.


Oh good, the info is finally out. I met Chris Jones at New York Comic Con last October, and he told me all about this event. I, for one, cannot wait.

For the 19th anniversary, we received Season Two, Volume Two. For the 20th, a new Gathering of the Gargoyles. Let's make sure something else happens when Gargoyles is old enough to drink. ;)

Greg Bishansky

That's certainly impressive news about the CONvergence event. I don't know if I'll be able to go, but it's still exciting.

I'd like to see the "Dark Ages" spin-off (since I'd enjoyed the medieval scenes in "Gargoyles" a lot; they were some of my favorite parts, in fact), but I think that Disney might consider that less commercially viable than the other projected spin-offs, because it was set in the Middle Ages rather than the modern world or a futuristic setting. (I recall Greg Weisman remarking that one of the reasons for the "Next Time" segment at the end of "Awakening Part One" was to reassure the audience that it's not going to be set primarily in the Middle Ages, that the "Scotland - 994 A.D." sequence is just the origin story.)

Todd Jensen
Hufflepuffs are great finders

Phoenician› Sorry if I sort repeated you there. I couldn't see you post when I started writing mine.
Goliath Chronicles exists. I can't change that, but I think I can ignore it.

We are getting another Gathering for the 20th Anniversary. CONvergence 2014. I for one have no idea how I'm going to get there right now, but this is exciting news. Greg said spread the word, so lets spread it.
Goliath Chronicles exists. I can't change that, but I think I can ignore it.

Twentieth Anniversary -- Looks like we got some answers this morning . . . and sweet fancy Moses, its pretty awesome news :D


"The suspense is terrible, I hope it lasts" -- Willy Wonka

"2198 would be the best series for new viewers."

Really? It has its advantages, but Dark Ages and New Olympians seem like they'd require far less back story. Dark Ages in particular predates almost all our canon information. Nearly everything that has happened in canon, has not happened yet in Dark Ages. Even most of the flashbacks have not yet happened.

Matt - [Saint Louis, Missouri, USA]
"For science, which, as my associate Fang indicated, must move ever forward. Plus there's the money... and I do love the drama!" - Sevarius, "Louse"

Greg> no thats not enough Demona, theres no such thing as to much Demona. She is by far one of the best villains/characters of all time. Besides 90% of the things you mentioned were just cameo roles or never saw the light of day. Shes was in bad guys for what a few frames & Dark Ages never made it past the pitch stage. You also make it sound like she was in every episode of Gargoyles, there were 78 episodes all together if i remember correctly & id say she was in maybe 20 of them. A good chunk yes but not a lot. Recaps & flash backs dont count im talking predominate presence like city of stone & sanctuary.
Wolf - [megatronwolf at msn dot com]
What would Snake Plissken do?

I got a nice surprise in the back of the CONvergence 2013 handbook today: https://twitter.com/GargoylesNews/status/353393780675715074/photo/1 I'm going to ask Chris Jones if he's the artist (which I suspect).
Landon - [<- Gargoyles News Twitter Feed]

Brack> It is not.

But it IS streaming on Disney's own website...But they are the cut versions of the episodes.

Chip - [Sir_Griff723 at yahoo dot com]
If you are on the wrong road, progress means.. walking back to the right road; ..the man who turns back soonest is the most progressive man~~C.S. Lewis

Ok, so has anyone been successful in ordering more then 3 copies of Gargoyles S2V2 in another order? After I made my first order of three, I made another order of three a couple days later. And then another order again the next day. I was sent email confirming all orders, and that they would be shipped soon. When I would sign into my DMC account, when I would check my order history, those last two orders used to show up there, but now they are gone off my list, and have been for quite a few days. I tried emailing DMC asking what happened to those orders, but they emailed me back saying they couldn't assist me by email, that I will have to call them. So I am thinking it's really not possible to order more then 3 copies of one DVD from them, ever. The good news is that I received my first order today, and I have been watching some episodes. :) But I feel bad for all these people who emailed me asking for a copy and now I probably wont be able to help them. I know it is not my fault, but still. My two extra copies will be going to the first two people who got a hold of me. I can try calling the DMC on Monday and see what's going on, but I bet they just deleted my orders. Would of been nice though if they contacted me and told me that, instead of just silently deleting my orders.
Audra - [birdygirl85 at hotmail dot com]

I know that Gargoyles isn't streaming on Netflix, does anyone know if it's on Hulu?

Heck no! I want to do that too!

I just...Need the time...

And the S2V2 DVDs...

*Checks mailbox*

Nope not yet...

Chip - [Sir_Griff723 at yahoo dot com]
If you are on the wrong road, progress means.. walking back to the right road; ..the man who turns back soonest is the most progressive man~~C.S. Lewis

I have now watched every episode on S2V2. Next in line, to watch at 65 episodes in a row and then read the comics. Am I the only one who wants to do that?
Adam - [carl006_1999 at yahoo dot com]

Harlan Phoenix> You made good points about the series bible and/or Encyclopedia.

2198> Not having anything to say that someone else hasn't said already, I'll just say that I'd be down for seeing that.

KingCobra582 - [KingCobra582 at gmail dot com]

I don't think that a complete reboot (in the sense of "start all over with a new continuity") would work for "Gargoyles". It can succeed for series about DC or Marvel Comics super-heroes, because those are adaptations. But "Gargoyles" wasn't an adaptation of a comic book or other pre-existing material (unless you count architectural gargoyles). Not to mention that "start all over with a whole new universe" would defeat one of the main reasons why people want the series back: to find out what happened next.

About "new series set in the universe of the original, but made accessible to new audiences": I haven't seen "Star Trek: the Next Generation" (or any of the "Star Trek" series), but I have seen the revived "Doctor Who" (along most of the surviving episodes from the original series), and the first season, in particular, struck me as having done a good job of re-introducing a lot of the essential elements (the Doctor, the TARDIS, the Daleks, regeneration, etc.) to new audiences through Rose's eyes - with also the twist (if that's the right word) of simplifying things by having the Time Lords and Gallifrey destroyed in the interim between the old series and the new (though I don't think that most of us would want the revived series to have nearly all the gargoyles in the world wiped out off-stage between the old series and the new).

Todd Jensen
Hufflepuffs are great finders

Brack› Sound logic, use the fresh story to avoid alienating new viewers. Then allow the new show to create interest in the old.

Bishanky› re Angela's outfit. You're right, after all they let Demona get away with it. I let myself get too pessimistic on what Disney would allow.

Goliath Chronicles exists. I can't change that, but I think I can ignore it.

2198 would be the best series for new viewers. I remember when Star Trek: The Next Generation started, I was too young to really know anything about the original Trek. As I got older I learned about the older series until I got caught up on what happened prior. However, I didn't need to know much about the Kirk and his crew to really enjoy TNG. I think the same could happen with 2198. All new viewers would have to know is that 200 years ago, humanity learned that Gargoyles are real and they have fought for their exceptance, and now they are Earths greatest hope. As the series goes on they can have more and more call backs to the original series. If anyone doesn't understand these past events or doesn't know a reference, it's never been easier for people to learn. I Google at least once a day, usually something like, where hav I seen that actor before or what storyline are they talking about/ when did that happen.
I only hope they don't do a complete reboot like Thundercats. Although I liked that show, it would have been better as a continuation of the original, even if they used "identical grandchildren" for the main cast.


The first rule of TGC is: We do not talk about TGC. The second rule of TGC is: We DO NOT talk about TGC.

Bishanky>"If we got a new show that was a continuation and not a spin-off, I think the most logical thing that would happen would be having the stories told in those comics being adapted for the animation medium. The Stone of Destiny arc would, obviously, change the most... at least in presentation."

I disagree. The only reason The Journey gets away with that is because of how necessary it is to kick off the status quo for a post-Hunters moon. It was a story that, structurally speaking, required being retold for the arc Clan Building wanted to tell. Not to mention the other advantages of finally setting Weisman's script right and using the conceptual refresh to get possible new readers up to speed on the story.

There's much less of a reason to adapt Clan Building to animation because, unlike The Journey, Clan Building is a complete story. Phoenix is an ending in the same mold as Reawakening and Hunter's Moon, providing the logical resolution point that comes with a story arc whose various stories are all about building alliances and clans. If we're all willing to eagerly call Clan Building season 3, it should also be acknowledged that it does have a complete arc. It's not fan acceptance that it's "the first part of season three", after all. Unless we're assuming Clan Building is somehow episode one and Manhattan would've been episode two (which, given it would've been half of Clan Building's length, probably wouldn't have been as cleanly applicable for television adaptation unless it was two three part stories).

Not to mention the conundrum on the Stone of Destiny issues, which is by far my favorite Gargoyles story ever (so, yes, I am biased). I feel like a lot of this comes down to whether or not stories are a structured set of details about a situation meant to evoke emotional response or merely a presentation of things that happened. The Stone of Destiny stuff is intrinsically tied to its specific format and to say "Well, we can change that" flies in the face of what the story was doing in the first place. Better question: rather than actually saying we could just adapt the Stone of Destiny storyline, why do it at all? With its wide sweeping scope, there's...no real reason for that to be a single episode of a television series. But I always hear "Well, we can do Stone of Destiny...but it'd have to be changed." I never hear exactly HOW.

What would stop me from suggesting a model that would structure an ENTIRE SEASON around the scope of Stone of Destiny? Since we're talking about severe structural changes, after all, I'll propose one: the entirety of season three, rather than using standard Xanatos tags, get Destiny tags with someone new getting or approaching the Stone of Destiny (if we're really anal about this, we can snag them from Shari's storytelling to Thailog and in the grand tradition of how to adapt Stone of Destiny, we can say they'll fit episodically "somehow"). Make the big Stone of Destiny story from the comics the season finale. Not only does that allow you to keep the scale of the story (and not diminishing it for the sake of television's restrictions), but you can sprinkle its elements that might otherwise not have worked in a half hour across 26 half hours before letting them all come together. You can keep the power inherent in Peredur being simultaneously introduced and caught off-guard despite being the Real N Word In Charge with his pimp Illuminati grandeur. Doing that early in a season (especially in season one of a revival) would probably risk making Peredur look very feeble. Do it in a season finale and you have another Mr. Roman Never Apologizing or Vandal Savage going about business as usual (e.i. an effective season ending cliffhanger). WE have no reason, in the comic, to assume Peredur is feeble because of the scale of the comic book story, but you can't even reasonably compress something of that magnitude to one of the early half hours of a television season. The finale, maybe.

But again, a lot of that only works in a vacuum where we'd actually know the end game of a third season. If you're suggesting we just adapt the Clan Building stories...do we adapt them in the order they're presented in the comic? Do we put stories between them, so as to let Timedancer remain the finale? How much would these episodes change with the context of new in-between episodes? Do we maybe cut out the Thailog/Goliath stab scene (or whatever our equivalent is) so as to let something else be why Goliath is healed, but not whole? Would the whole thing be fitted to the theme of building clans or would they be rejiggered to more accommodate the collected themes of Clan Building plus the springboards for Manhattan and beyond?

By the same token, if we're more liberal with the desire to adapt and go with my structure above (sprinkling various SoD scenes, including but not limited to Shari's stories, Talon and Maggie's pregnancy, etc. into different episodes while building up to its core plot in a finale), does that mean we have to stay too strict with adapting the others? Why not adapt Bad Guys into the season in some way, whether with a backdoor pilot or that story where the Manhattan Clan are the antagonists or whatever and we can hope we get a spin off that'd start with their origin story? That'd be a pretty classic Gargs move, really.

I dunno. I think most of this is needlessly complicated if you actually sit down and think about it for more than a couple seconds. Because the Stone of Destiny is so large that, because of the way TV works, I feel like you'd have to change it SO SEVERELY, even on a basic structural level, that it dictates how you'd adapt the rest of those stories. And isn't that kinda lame? The Journey was adapted out of necessity, as a way of telling the proper continuation of the series. The fact it once aired on TV is actually really just coincidence, as we would've gotten it regardless of whether or not it was actually episode one of TGC. But Clan Building is a story onto itself and not just the awkwardly ambitious beginning of a low aiming television program. To adapt it when it was structured specifically for its format is needless. Beyond it setting up a new status quo, I'm pretty sure A Clan of Gargoyles That're Also Samurai and Robots would make for a cool enough toyline incentive anyway. And it's not like they're any more or less difficult to explain than living gargoyles.

Of course, in the age of Disney action properties getting spin off-y stuff like Uprising and Rebels, this is all pretty moot anyway. 2198 or some other spin off would probably do just fine.

Harlan Phoenix

<<as Angela's new outfit>>

I really don't think there would be an issue of any kind getting her new outfit on TV.

<<Demona needs her own spinoff>>

Dark Ages, Gargoyles, and Gargoyles 2198 not enough for you? Never mind appearances in "TimeDancer" and "Bad Guys"?

She doesn't need her own spin-off. We'd likely see plenty of more flashback stories about what she's done over the centuries.

Greg Bishansky

Greg> Oh I agree, there is no good reason for TGC to be incorporatec after this long. What I meant was that if anybody could, if Disney pointblank insisted for some reason, he could do it, if he had to.

The stone storyline would have to be modified I agree and I think some other things, such as Angela's new outfit and the nature of Goliath's stab wound, would probably need to be modified at least to get on television.

But provided he's given the same freedom he had in the 1st 2 seasons, or even just close to it, then I think he could still tell those stories, just with a few differences for Standards and Practices.

Goliath Chronicles exists. I can't change that, but I think I can ignore it.

like i said before the best thing to do would be re-air the original and market it as new or returning. This way new fans get all the background info and older fans get a refresher course. Next step would be to turn clan building into season 3 & see how that goes over & if the franchise is back on track either continue from there or jump into 2198 for a fresh start. I for one would like to see bad guys get continued cause it was getting really interesting at the end & Demona needs her own spinoff, i would really like to know what the hell she was doing during those thousand years. Im sure she tried to kill off humanity at least once before city of stone. But the key to all of this would be marketing, dont to what CN & bamdai did with thundecats, that show failed cause of poor marketing disney would need to show it in our faces every 5 minutes. Toyline (well built & reasonably priced), shirts, games, lunchboxes just like they did in the 90s. Take that throw in good animation & great writing & we'll have the return of a great franchise.
Wolf - [megatronwolf at msn dot com]
What would Snake Plissken do?

JTS> Goliath Chronicles was already booted out of continuity by the comics. If we got a new show that was a continuation and not a spin-off, I think the most logical thing that would happen would be having the stories told in those comics being adapted for the animation medium. The Stone of Destiny arc would, obviously, change the most... at least in presentation.

But TGC is gone. At this point enough time has passed that I think the possibility of Greg needing to incorporate it into any continuity is long gone. The comics already proved that.

Greg Bishansky

Yeah. I for one am with you there. I would love to see Gargoyles continued, be it from where the comics left off, closer to modern day or somewhere in between.

Heck Greg said once (I think), that he thought he could find a way to write around TGC if he had to. If anyone could undo the damage that season did, without simply declaring it all non-canon (which is surely what we all want), it's Greg.

Personally I think 2198 could be a good restarting point for the franchise. The changed setting, new characters, new story elements and new central plot would help new audiences, but the references to the past, the obvious preshow history some of these people have, would hopefully catch the attention of viewers/readers and lead them to Gargoyles.

Goliath Chronicles exists. I can't change that, but I think I can ignore it.

I'd be happy with new Canon stories in any form. A new series would be nice, whether it continue after the SLG comics, picks up in 2014, or 2198. Other possibilities would be an animated movie, paperback books, a new comic (Disney does own Marvel now right?).

20th aniversary idea. Greg finally reviels what Titania said to Fox in "The Gathering Part II".

Personally, I would like there to be an announcement that Gargoyles is coming back in some form.

Adam - [carl006_1999 at yahoo dot com]

KingCobra> The bible's already been released online. Likewise, the Gargoyles Encyclopedia, in Weisman's eyes, has been somewhat usurped by Garg Wiki. So I dunno how likely either of those would be (though as supplementary materials to larger works, they'd be neat).

Reboot> Gargoyles 2198 is a perfectly fine "reboot" premise, though given that Phoenix ends with what's essentially a newer, bigger cast with what would have to be a brand new dynamic I could think of worse places to pick up. But 2198 is probably a better "reboot" idea and premise overall, I'd think.

Harlan Phoenix

Has anyone posted up any better images of what the new S2V2 DVD looks like for its packaging, the disc and even the menus and stuff? I'm curious to see what it all looks like.
Gargoyles fan - [insidetheend2013 at yahoo dot com]

@Robin, I can't and won't speak for Greg Weisman, but I believe he dismisses "The Goliath Chronicles" because he wasn't directly involved in their creation. He gave the writers his ideas for a third season and what was produced was a bastardized version of the great writing and storytelling of the first and second seasons.

To make up for it, Greg continued the story he intended to tell in the form of the Gargoyles comics through SLG. Please, go to Amazon.com and purchase "Gargoyles: Clan Building Volume 1" and "Gargoyles: Clan Building Volume 2" to read and enjoy that story. Also, there is a spin off story called "Gargoyles: Bad Guys Volume 1" that is also quite good.

If this is stuff you've heard all before, please ignore my rambling, but I think everyone who hasn't read the comics should definitely purchase them to enrich their Gargoyles experience.

Anthony Tini

Any revival of "Gargoyles" would have to judge "The Goliath Chronicles" (and especially "Angels in the Night") as uncanonical. Those episodes steered the series into a dead end (of course, the new production team saw it as the end of the series anyway), by making everything revolve so much around the public's fear and hatred of the gargoyles that, when "Angels in the Night" resolved that (and without adding new challenges to succeed it), there was nowhere left for the story to go.

I know that, in real life, it would take more than saving the passenger train to cure the public's fear of gargoyles. But the gargoyles did save the train and the people on board, making it harder to argue that they're just savage beasts who see humans as prey. Castaway and his followers would be in prison for a long time for attacking the train and endangering its passengers (the heavy artillery incident in "For It May Come True" wouldn't help matters; nor would Castaway boasting that he knew that the gargoyles would come to the aid of the humans on board the train because of their "gargoyles protect" code, meaning that he'd revealed himself as a liar rather than just mistaken); of course, the Pack continued its "super-villain" career even after they were exposed, but the Quarrymen could no longer pose as concerned citizens trying to defend the city from a winged menace. Also, the Quarrymen's track record (as depicted in "The Goliath Chronicles") would make it harder for new anti-gargoyle organizations to get much support, unless they took care to avoid violent confrontation; would-be successors to Castaway would find themselves addressing mostly empty chairs. Not to mention that the gargoyles' No. 1 "civilian opponent", Margot Yale, was also depicted as seeing the light at the end of "Angels in the Night", leaving that function empty.

I've seen suggestions that those days could always be brought back by, say, Demona going on the rampage and turning most of the public against the gargoyles again, but that would just be repeating the theme. People have also pointed out that there'd still be all the "civil rights" issues, but those might not be so easy to adapt to an adventure story format as Castaway's war on the gargoyles was. (Not to mention that the gargoyles aren't humans but something that we don't have - at least, not yet - in real life, an intelligent non-human species, that might not be so interested in taking its place in human society.)

We'd still have the gargoyles' crime-fighting activities, but in a city where they'd adjusted to modern-day life and where the bulk of the law-abiding citizens were on their side now, which would remove most of the tension in the first two seasons. If "Angels in the Night" was declared canon, then it would make better sense to declare "Gargoyles" over for good - or, at best, do the "Gargoyles 2198" spin-off, when the Space-Spawn invasion and occupation of Earth would provide a new source of suspense.

Todd Jensen
Hufflepuffs are great finders

A happy Independence Day to my friends in the States . . . I myself couldn't resist popping in my Young Justice DVDs and watched the two-parter "Independence Day"/"Fireworks" pilot. GargWiki points out that "Ill Met By Moonlight" also took place on July 4th, so here's looking forward to having a copy of S2V2 this time next year d: (a shame we never got a July 4th ep from SpecSpidey . . . )

Oh, and while I'm not sure when it happened since I just noticed, but kudos (as always) to Todd & Masterdramon in finishing approving/rejecting all the questions currently in the AskGreg queue.

"The suspense is terrible, I hope it lasts" -- Willy Wonka

Just finished watching Goliath Chronicles (i.e., the third season) on YouTube. Can understand why Greg Weisman dismisses it as non-canonical. Compared to the world tour, it's incredibly pedestrian, and comprised mainly of the most unbearable, most excruciating schmaltz.

I think the best thing to do regarding the anniversary is to politely email various branches of Disney (merchandise, theme parks, etc.) and say that you look forward to whatever their planning, if anything, for the anniversary.
Matt - [reginald_q_bumbershoot at hotmail dot com]

20th Anniversary> I'm gonna go out on a limb and guess that we'll be seeing the release of a 'Gargoyles' series Bible, or a series Encyclopedia, in book format.

That's just my hunch.

KingCobra582 - [KingCobra582 at gmail dot com]

20th Anniversary> I'm gonna go out on a limb and guess that we'll be seeing the release of a 'Gargoyles' series Bible, or a series Encyclopedia, in book format.

That's just my hunch.

KingCobra582 - [KingCobra582 at gmail dot com]

im my last post i ment Neil not me, for some odd reason it copied the wrong thing. Im not in the habit of talking to my self, i took the name Megatron from the G1 incarnation not Beast Wars. TF fans will get this joke
Wolf - [megatronwolf at msn dot com]
What would Snake Plissken do?

Happy Fourth of July everybody!
"Shall we their fond pageant see? Lord, what fools these mortals be!"-Puck

Wolf> i missed that anniversary part, im sure there has to be at least one or two franchises that did something new for the anniversary. I think there was a game a few years ago that did that. Also hasbro did a few things with beast wars for the 15th anniversary, up until that point Beast Wars was long forgotten. Transformers wasnt but if you said beast wars people would look confused. But as for bringing back gargoyles all they need to do is just reshow the original series but market it as "new" cause it still holds up then do a continuation. Either start off right after or jump to the present.
Wolf - [megatronwolf at msn dot com]
What would Snake Plissken do?

Wolf>I specifically meant anniversaries. Disney did bring Tron back but not because Tron's anniversary happened. I know Hollywood is flooded with reboots and sequels, I watch a lot of horror movies and especially that genre is the prime example for that. I just don't think an anniversary is the reason to bring back anything.

I do have faith, although I sound very pessimistic. For example: Why is the official Gargoyles Facebook page like the only one which is somewhat active? Even though there is a video game coming out for DuckTales there is less activity, almost nothing compared to Gargoyles.

"just have to hope if it happens to gargoyles it wont be a half assed reboot."
THIS and I don't think Gargoyles needs a reboot. It should continue where the SLG comics ended, maybe a bit before that. I do think it's possible to introduce new audiences to all these characters and keep us long time fans satisfacted. Tron: Legacy was a sequel after 28 years and they still got back Jeff Bridges! I just hope we don't have to wait that long...

Neill - [neillgargoyle(a)gmail dot com]

Happy Fourth of July!
Todd Jensen
Hufflepuffs are great finders

Neill> you didnt ruin my day, my day was shot long before you showed up. But you really need to lighten up a bit, cant be all doom & gloom all the time. But the way that i see it is if disney was willing to bring back tron then there is a chance that one day gargoyles will make a return. Im not expecting anything grandiose but im sure they will get tired of us bitching and throw us a bone. We did finally get S2V2 afterall. Now as to the point of companies not bringing back old franchise i guess you dont keep up with entertainment cause the market is flooded with reboots & continuations. Hell the video game industry thrives on it. People wanted another Deus Ex for years and guess what we finally got a new one. Aliens got another movie in the form of prometheus & a video game (it sucked but it was still a shock to see). Thundercats is another example, it was dead as dead can be then what do you know new series on cartoonnetwork & a new toyline. Disney just put out Lone Ranger, now who would've thought that would come back. So its not unheard of for a franchise to make a long awaited return, just have to hope if it happens to gargoyles it wont be a half assed reboot.
Wolf - [megatronwolf at msn dot com]
What would Snake Plissken do?

I ordered mine on Monday. I got my first order (the 4 for $1) on Saturday (I might have actually gotten it on Friday), and S2V2 on Monday.
Adam - [carl006_1999 at yahoo dot com]

Ordered mine off ebay. I'm happy now. The problem with signing up for the movie club is I have darn near every Disney movie I could possibly want already. At best I'd probably have to upgrade some of my DVDs to Blu Ray to find something for the registration.
Ozzie Arcane - [ozziearcane at yahoo dot com]
"Hello booby! This is a trap!" - Eggplant Wizard from Captain N

I also bought my copy of Gargoyles S2V2 on the Disney Movie Shop on eBay earlier today. For free shipping, I splurged and ordered a copy of the first season of Kim Possible.

And this post seems appropriate to post this news as well, but a week or so ago I finally preordered my copy of Greg Weisman's first book in the Rains of the Ghosts series. With S2V2 of Young Justice out later this month, I'm calling it Greg-mas in July ;)

"The suspense is terrible, I hope it lasts" -- Willy Wonka

If any of you ordered from the club with the fastest shipping, how long did it take them to actually send it (if they have)? I'm asking because I placed my order yesterday, but today they only sent my "4 for $1" movies. Whenever I use Amazon, they ship everything the next day. I'm hoping to get it before I go on vacation. Am I just being impatient?
Logan - [draw_nagol88 at yahoo dot com]

I ordered at 8:30 AM EST this morning and I got shipped notification and a tracking number around 4 PM EST. Happy so far. :)
Anthony Tini

Well, thanks for all that. I went ahead and ordered from eBay as well. We'll see what happens.
Matt - [Saint Louis, Missouri, USA]
"For science, which, as my associate Fang indicated, must move ever forward. Plus there's the money... and I do love the drama!" - Sevarius, "Louse"

@Matt - The only member I had to be was an eBay and PayPal member to order from that eBay store. Using PayPal protects me as a buyer so if I don't get the DVDs I WILL get my money back. With that said, I don't have any reason to believe they are NOT legit due to the seller's 100% positive feedback and the seller has been a member since last September. If it was a scam, especially where Disney is involved, I'm sure eBay would have shut it down last year.

Props to Brainiac for shining me onto this eBay seller. I figured I'd share it here. My estimated delivery is between the 11th and 18th. We'll see and I'll keep everyone posted.

Anthony Tini

Matt> The Disney Movie Shop (eBay) and the Disney Movie Club are basically left and right hand not knowing what the other is doing (and Disney has a LOT of hands). From what I've been told, the Shop was a "trial run" sort of deal that was set up a few months ago, possibly to try out the more "bulk" selling since the Club's "three forever" rule was created due to rampant reseller abuse.

Anyways, there's an official 1-888 number attached to the eBay storefront that contacts Buena Vista Catalog Company, so I'm inclined to think it's legit (or they REALLY went all out to fool people - it's the same automatic response voice as it is for the Disney Movie Club). If I'd known about this thing before, I probably would have skipped the DMC myself. Tack on $2 extra bucks to avoid the Club, not to mention get free shipping with any order over $40 (two DVDs, basically)? Yes, please.

So yeah, for anyone hoping to get a copy from someone else's DMC order, if you're in an initial set of three, you should be good. If not, consider buying from the Disney Movie Shop instead; just buy one more item. You basically get a $2 upcharge and that's all, but grab a second DVD (be it S2V2 or anything else) and the shipping charge goes away, basically evening you out.

Brainiac - [OSUBrainiac at gmail dot com]
There is balance in all things. Live in symmetry with the world around you. If you must blow things up and steal from those around you, THAT'S WHAT RPGS ARE FOR!

Wolf> I'm sorry if I ruined your day. Then again... What is the biggest Disney Afternoon show? DuckTales! Did Disney do anything when we had the 20th anniversary of DuckTales? No. Now were past the 25th anniversary of DuckTales and we have a... well you can't say new really... but we have a video game coming out. But afaik that was not Disney's idea, but Capcom approached Disney to make this happen. So nothing from Disney whatsoever. But can you name me one company that brought back a franchise just because it had it's anniversary? I'm not talking about some special limited edition DVD re-releases, but a new film/series/whatever in a franchise. I can't name one single time when that happened...
Disney and taking chances? Well they made a sequel to Monsters Inc. When the first concept pictures of Frozen we're released I thought: "Damn finally something new and creative, I'm gonna see this" and then the 1st trailer was released (a huge letdown) and no this is calculated money.

Craig>I don't think Marvel and Star Wars lower the chances of Gargoyles. If Disney sees the money, they gonna make it. And as long as it's not direct to video it will almost always be quality stuff. And with Disney's huge promotion campaigns (like ads in theatres like one year before they are released) smth. really has to go wrong to make it a flop. But does Disney see the money? So far not. Greg pitched Disney Gargoyles over and over (and I hope he's still doing so when he can) and nothing happened...

I actually had a thought a while ago. How could you make Disney see the money? Now if this show was not called Gargoyles but smth. like Vampires instead. And after the huge success of the Twilight franchise. I do think Disney would've made a new Gargoyles... err... Vampires movie without blinking. But we are no Vampires. I feel Disney's competitors need to make the first step and show a darker fantasy film can make a load of money, while Gargoyles needs to be right in Disney's face to be ready to jump on the bandwagon of success. This or a company that is not called BOOM! or SLG needs to approach Disney. That's all just my opinion though...

OR finally some of the long time gone Disney MAGIC needs to happen!
How about that Disney?

Neill - [neillgargoyle(a)gmail dot com]

Anthony Tini> Is Disney selling those on eBay? I don't get it. Did you have to become a member of the Club to buy those DVDs or what?
Matt - [Saint Louis, Missouri, USA]
"For science, which, as my associate Fang indicated, must move ever forward. Plus there's the money... and I do love the drama!" - Sevarius, "Louse"

Algernon> Boatload wouldn't do much.

Now a Star Destroyer-load...

Sorry, couldn't resist.

Brainiac - [OSUBrainiac at gmail dot com]
There is balance in all things. Live in symmetry with the world around you. If you must blow things up and steal from those around you, THAT'S WHAT RPGS ARE FOR!

CRAIG> I don't know. If Star Wars: Rebels ends up making Disney a boatload of monies then having Greg's name attached to it certainly won't hurt.

Wolf> Unfortunately, I think Disney owning Marvel and Star Wars means Gargoyles has even LESS of a chance. Greg has said that Disney once wanted to turn Gargoyles into their own "Marvel Universe" type property. There's even less motivation for that now that they own two established expanded-universe properties. And Disney has always been an extraordinarily successful company. Their aversion to risk-taking has nothing to do with a la k of expendable capital, but rather the fact that they have so many pokers in the fire (many of them burning quite hot), there's no reason to pay attention to a smaller property like Gargoyles. Adding two more hugely successful ventures to their plate is NOT going to help Gargoyles stand out in the crowd, sadly.

Ordered my copies of S2V2 today!

Anthony Tini

Neill you should think of changing your name to buzzkillington cause you just made my little daydream crash to the ground & burst into flames. But all joking aside i know all to well that disney wont do a damn thing, look at how they've treated the series so far. People want it, people want to work on it but disney just ignores us. But then again they did release S2V2 & now that they own marvel & star wars they are making money hand over fist and can take more chances. For all we know S2V2 might be them testing the waters, it probably isnt but you never know. Im seen stranger & more unexpected things happen.
Wolf - [megatronwolf at msn dot com]
What would Snake Plissken do?

Subtitles> Correct.

Ozzie> It's very easy. On the main page, you select your introductory titles. Once done, you sign up (Ie, fill in your vitals).

Once THAT is done, you should get a confirmation e-mail. With Password and Username, you can now log in and search for Gargoyles. :)


Oberon writes...

In "Eye of the Storm," Odin says something to Goliath along the lines of "I did not draw your craft to this land to suffer defeat."
1. Was Odin responsible for Avalon sending the group to Norway?
2. Do the Children have power over where Avalon sends people?

Greg responds...

1. Yes.

2. Not generally, no.


So I am wondering, was Oberon pleased that Oden Recovered his lost eye? He made mention of it in The Gathering Part 1, and SEEMED generally pleased, but WAS he?

Did Oberon (or Avalon) allow Odin control of the skiff to aid him in recovering his eye?

Battle Beast - [Canada]
I did it! I watched all 485 Best picture nominees in 365 days!

God I haven't been here in forever. I just found out about the DVDs because the box art on the Amazon listing changed. How big of a hassle is joining this movie club. I don't like that you can't see the DVDs unless you're logged in and that you can't register without buying something first.
Ozzie Arcane - [ozziearcane at yahoo dot com]
"Hello booby! This is a trap!" - Eggplant Wizard from Captain N

One thing that I have noticed about the DVDs is that you can skip ahead to the next scene. So if you want, you can skip the intro or preciously on Gargoyles. I don't think you could do that with the other DVDs.
Adam - [carl006_1999 at yahoo dot com]

Not listed on menu, but you can toggle them on by remote during playback?

Subtitles-> Yes, it does. They're not listed on the menu, but they're there.
Craig - [craigmarinaro at yahoo dot com]

Subtitles> Considering most of us don't have our copies yet, the question can actually be QUITE difficult to answer.
Brainiac - [OSUBrainiac at gmail dot com]
There is balance in all things. Live in symmetry with the world around you. If you must blow things up and steal from those around you, THAT'S WHAT RPGS ARE FOR!

no, but swahili
Neill - [neillgargoyle(a)gmail dot com]

Come on, it cant be too hard to answer: "Does S2V2 have english subtitles?"

I don't think Greg meant S2V2, because Disney released that completely unexpected even for him. And I don't think Disney is planning something for Gargoyles either. My guess is Greg is the only one who's planning anything and maybe we'll get a short story or a ramble about what happened at that time (2014) in Gargoyles... and/or some nice artwork... and/or some interviews with the voice actors/staff...

I wouldn't expect something with a financial interest of Disney or other companies to happen.

Neill - [neillgargoyle(a)gmail dot com]

completely forgot i asked that question, & yes it was about Gargoyles. But anyway i wonder if he was talking about S2V2 finally being released or is there more down the road, i vote for a figure set. Either kenner reissues or new molds. Preferably new molds cause if they do reissues then hasbros going to be involved and they'll just screw it up. Hell id settle for a t-shirt & an easier way to get S2V2.
Wolf - [megatronwolf at msn dot com]
What would Snake Plissken do?

Megatron Wolf writes...

Are there any plans at this time to do something for the 20th anniversary? Man asking that makes me feel old.

Greg responds...

If we're talking about Gargoyles - than, yes.

Curiouser and Curiouser.

Battle Beast - [Canada]
I did it! I watched all 485 Best picture nominees in 365 days!

You tell us, Jonny. You broke the news on the last set.
Anthony Tini

When is Gargoyles Season 3 as known as Gargoyles The Goliath Chronicles going to get released on DVD? I am excited that I have Gargoyles Season 2, Volume 2 on DVD to complete Season 2 along with Season 1 of 65 episodes.
Jonny Modlin - [jmodlin210 at gmail dot com]
Jonny Modlin

Yeah, I don't think anyone was planning to sell the fan-made S2V2 for cash.
Gargoyles need not apply.

Battle Beast> Sounds top-notch. Keep me posted. :)
KingCobra582 - [KingCobra582 at gmail dot com]

speaking of cover art does anyone know where i can find the full uncropped version of the picture used for the S2V1 cover?
Wolf - [megatronwolf at msn dot com]
What would Snake Plissken do?


KingCobra> When I get everything done, I will let you know what's what. :)

Battle Beast - [Canada]
I did it! I watched all 485 Best picture nominees in 365 days!

sorry for the double post.

Greg: you can always get that copy signed and keep minty, and have another copy to watch and wear out, so to speak. Besides, i'll send you a cover/insert anyway. Because I'm just that nice.

Battle Beast - [Canada]
I did it! I watched all 485 Best picture nominees in 365 days!

Arlo, while I had MY OWN idea to do a fan made season 2 Vol. 2 DVD (I went so far as to get all the episodes and make a basic menu), I am not distributing anything for profit and nothing disney owns. Just Greg's own words.

So it's a bit different. Mine is just an insert to go in the DVD case. Not the actual episodes.

And NON of us want to ¶!$$ off Disney.

I am having trouble with the season 2 Vol. 2 introduction. I can't seem to find anything of Greg's words tying in the world tour with The Gathering...

so I'm a bit stuck.

Battle Beast - [Canada]
I did it! I watched all 485 Best picture nominees in 365 days!

I was on the fence about going in for a fan made cover... then I found out I'll likely have my copy in time to get signed by Marina Sirtis next weekend at Connecticon. Yeah... I want her to sign the real thing, and then I don't want to cover her John Hancock up.

So, I'll stick with the official cover. I think I have a good excuse. ;)

Greg Bishansky

Battle Beast: Back when Taina and I were discussing the possibility of making our own S2V2 DVD, I was seriously considering making a commentary track for Hunter's Moon, Part 1 using Greg's ramble for it. Unfortunately, he never got around to doing the rambles for the remaining two episodes.

But that's assuming I could get his permission, of course. And I probably couldn't, not because I don't think he supports what the fans are doing, but because he tends to err on the side of not doing anything that's going to piss off Disney, and so, he of course couldn't endorse distributing their episodes illegally, which is what a fan-made DVD would have been.

Gargoyles need not apply.

Jonny - No, for the love of god, it's not going to be released in stores. At least not in the near future. Man.

Battle Beast - I'd love a cover. :) We should discuss shipping prices for international delivery since I live in the U.S. Unless it's free. I'd be game for that. :)

KingCobra582 - [KingCobra582 at gmail dot com]

Got my copies of S2V2 today. Awesome.
Adam - [carl006_1999 at yahoo dot com]

If you need a good laugh, check this out:

Anthony Tini

Forgot my email
Lurker - [johnr783 at hotmail dot com]

Does anyone have any extra copies of S2V2 they are willing to sell? I would love to get a copy but I would like to not join the movie club. Send me an email and let me know.

I want the new cover image for Gargoyles Season 2, Volume 2 and the episode summaries and info. Is Gargoyles Season 2, volume 2 going to be released in stores?
Jonny Modlin - [jmodlin210 at gmail dot com]
Jonny Modlin

KingCobra> Oh yah, OF COURSE I would get permission. I'd NEVER THINK about not asking. I'm not going down THAT road.;)

And, I'd be happy to give you the whole thing when I finish. :)

Battle Beast - [Canada]
I did it! I watched all 485 Best picture nominees in 365 days!

Masterdramon - Happy 22nd Birthday!

Battle Beast - Provided that you get artists' permission to use said image in that regard, I could (probably) use a cover like that.

KingCobra582 - [KingCobra582 at gmail dot com]

I am looking for a good piece of artwork (They're ALL good, but you know what I mean) that I can use as a cover image. Anyone have any Ideas where to look or what they think might be a good one?

Actually, I need two.

I am designing as we speak an insert for the new DVD, that includes episode summaries and info from Greg Weismans own rambles (Do you think he would mind if I used his own words?). I was also going to do up a cover and get three disc DVD cases (because the one it comes in is terrible) and make up a neato package for fans. I just don't have a good image for the main cover or a good second image for the insert cover. Any ideas?

Ill gladly send it out to anyone who wants one.

Battle Beast - [Canada]
I did it! I watched all 485 Best picture nominees in 365 days!

Matt - [Saint Louis, Missouri, USA]
"For science, which, as my associate Fang indicated, must move ever forward. Plus there's the money... and I do love the drama!" - Sevarius, "Louse"

Nine! The number of years that have passed since season one was released.

Are there subtitles in new Gargoyles DVD?

Seventh in the name of July

SIXTH in the name of shooting Goliath where he stands!

Also, since it's still June 30 in Hawaii for another three hours...I have turned 22, y'all.

Commence rejoicing.

Masterdramon - [kmc12009 at mymail dot pomona dot edu]
"It's been such a long time...I think I should be going, yeah..." - Boston

Fifth in the name of seeing fingers pull triggers!
Greg Bishansky

Fourth in the name of 'Future Tense'.
KingCobra582 - [KingCobra582 at gmail dot com]

THIRD in the name of getting harpooned with a chest full of iron ;)
"The suspense is terrible, I hope it lasts" -- Willy Wonka

Second in the name of silver being for vampires and for weres.
Chip - [Sir_Griff723 at yahoo dot com]
If you are on the wrong road, progress means.. walking back to the right road; ..the man who turns back soonest is the most progressive man~~C.S. Lewis

First in the name of S2V2 FINALLY being out in the wild in all its uncut glory!

Say it with me, people...KINKY!

Brainiac - [OSUBrainiac at gmail dot com]
There is balance in all things. Live in symmetry with the world around you. If you must blow things up and steal from those around you, THAT'S WHAT RPGS ARE FOR!