Well, present day Scottish folk are a mix of genetics. How close do you think Gargoyles Arthur is to the Arthur of legend? It seemed from my wiki-educated guess to be close.
This is a side note to the extreme...but you recall how at one point (or maybe a couple) Greg said he would go for Sean Connery as a live action Macbeth? And Sean played in Highlander an Egyptian, with his Scottish accent.....and according to the comics (and Scot legend) Scota and the ruling family were egyptian from whom Macbeth would have been descended....anyway not going anywhere with that but thought it funny.
Back to the real world - counting is underway now to Scottish Independence - or not- this may be too late to ask but does anyone have any opinions as to which way it will (or should) go? I'm weirdly fascinated by this, but I honestly thing without the garg connection I would not be as much. Funny how that works :)
posted @ Thu, Sep 18, 2014 11:05:46 pm EDT from