BRAINIAC - I'd heard about that, and that it explained the differences between the Marvel take on Norse myths and the regular version of them (such as in the Eddas).
I used to have a trade paperback called "Tales of Asgard" which was a reprint of "back-up stories" for Marvel's "Thor" about Asgard's background, some of which were actual adaptations of Norse myth (such as Thor being given the test of having to break a cup belonging to the frost giant Hymir; it turns out that the only way to break it is to throw it at Hymir's head), though the last few stories were more "Arabian Nights" in tone. One I particularly recalled was the Fenris-wolf trying to eat the goddess Idun and her apples of youth, with Idun wearing a red hooded cloak - and at the end, they reveal that, yes, this was the supposed original of a certain fairy-tale.... Some of the warriors in it, incidentally, looked modelled on knights and warriors in "Prince Valiant" - probably Jack Kirby doing a hommage to Hal Foster's work.
Todd Jensen
Hufflepuffs are really good finders
posted @ Thu, Nov 5, 2015 9:04:24 pm EST from