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Comments for the week ending October 1, 2017

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It's a shame about the cinestory. It wasn't the kind of material I was looking for either but I did see two great advantages.

(1) Exposure. The problem we have now is that when the comics were first announced, the show had been off the air for eight years. Now it's been eight years since the last new material was released and twenty since the show was taken off the air. I think the "poisoned well" concern is a legitimate fear but by no means a certainty and, if you're drowning, I don't think it's worth getting too fussy about the next gulp of air.

(2) "A director's cut". A long-shot hope of course but eventually the cinecomics would have adapted episodes where Greg had ideas and even script pages for alternative/additional moments -- the Elisa/Jason scene in "Hunter's Moon", his tweaks to moments in "Grief" and "The Hound of Ulster". With a bit of photo editing, it would have been possible to put out something that stepped beyond the constraints of the original out which could have been fun.

At any rate, with the cinebooks canned and any work that was done towards them (there was clearly at least some as they commissioned a cover) presumably shelved, we return to the same holding pattern. But we seem to be approaching peak 90s nostalgia so it's quite a good time for the franchise's right situation to be uncomplicated.

The current best hope would seem to be the "Ducktales" reboot generating a Disney Afternoon revival -- ideally with new "Gargoyles" on TV but, at least, with comic titles riding the nostalgia wave.

The Ducktales comics (and other Disney comics) are currently with IDW. IDW would be an absolutely fantastic home for "Gargoyles" based off their other works -- in particular, the TMNT comics are fantastic and show a great and abiding love for the material and with the Sonic franchise they're expanding their retinue of 90s properties next year.

It's worth reading the interview linked below with IDW's CEO Greg Goldstein. If we're ever to persuade them that "Gargoyles" is a good fit for IDW, this is food for thought: "A lot of our properties are nostalgic, but they are the modern iteration. We are not basing our Turtles on cartoons from 30 years ago, we are basing them on the Turtles of today. Our Turtles have cell phones."

(Personally, I think this is a shame. I'd love to see the Turtles eventually restored to their 80s setting as I think it fits them hugely, much as Sherlock Holmes is usually depicted in the Victorian era - until recently anyway. But I'm not holding my breath.)

I wouldn't really want to see "the modern version" of "Gargoyles" as this would be a reboot of some kind possibly not involving Greg (although Eastman's involvement in the TMNT comics probably means they'd be respectful on that front). But perhaps 2198 would feel fresh enough to break down the door and create opportunity for more stories from the classic series later on, much as they've indicated an interest in potentially publishing new material in the Archie and Mirage universes if the creators were willing.

I've always hoped 2198 wouldn't feature in comics as it seemed the best placed to lead a TV revival and I probably, on balance, still think that. But it seems to me the clock is really starting to tick and the longer the 90s nostalgia wave continues without sign of a Gargoyles revival, the warmer I become towards the possibility of 2198 being the next comic franchise.


BISHANSKY - Yes, I'd had similar reservations about the "cinestory" adaptation; I've seen other "cinestory" adaptations, and something always seemed kind of off in that conversion from one medium to another.

Though it's a pity we'll probably never get to read the introduction that Greg Weisman was to provide for it.

Todd Jensen
Hufflepuffs are really good finders

Honestly, Joe Books was probably not the right fit. A small company nobody has ever heard of prior and I doubt we'd have ever heard of it had they not solicited the cinestory at all. SLG was also a tiny company, but I had heard of it via Johnny the Homicidal Maniac. Joe Books... I still can't name a title of theirs outside that Darkwing Duck comic they cancelled after seven issues.

On top of that, personally, I didn't think the cinestory was a good idea from the get go. A collection of screenshots from Awakening with comic book speech bubbles? I never liked those types of books. Animation and comic books are different mediums and what works for one won't work for another. Animation is that, animation. Movement. Comics are set up for dynamic paneling and layouts... they're not meant to be the same thing.

My big fear was that this thing would come out, not sell, and that would poison the well for new, original content. I don't know how much longer Joe Books will have this license, but when it expires, my hope is that another company will pick up the license. A more reputable company.

Greg Bishansky - [Sorrows to the Stones]

Just checked the GargWiki, and it turns out that the Gargoyles Cinestory has been cancelled. I was sorry to hear about that, though after all those delays, I'm afraid I wasn't too surprised.
Todd Jensen
Hufflepuffs are really good finders

Mind, the only answer that question is likely to get is "SPOILER REQUEST," and indeed I would likely delete it under Guideline #1.

Even though the likelihood of SpecSpidey ever returning in some form is miniscule thanks to the unfortunate legal realities surrounding the property, Greg W. has made it very clear that he's not going to reveal ideas he had for its future, absent the context of a story.

It sucks, but them's the breaks.

Masterdramon - [kmc12009 at mymail dot pomona dot edu]
"Try me." - Samus Aran

Happy Michaelmas, everyone.

ALLAN - Sorry, but you need to go to "Ask Greg" to ask that question (the link to it is near the top of the comment room).

We may need to make that "Ask Greg" link more prominent, in light of how often "Ask Greg" questions get posted here.

Todd Jensen
Hufflepuffs are really good finders

Dear Mr Weisman I wondering in Spectacular Spider-man (season 3)what plans were in store for Gwen and Peter relationship and what happend to Harry after season 2's finale. Really appreciate you in taking your time to answer my question.
Allan - [alarkshar at gmail dot com]

Happy birthday, Greg!

Matt: While last week might have been a record low for this room, at least it's still better than the TGS room. I don't think we've had ten non-spam posts all year.



Happy Bithday!!!!!!!!

Vinnie - [tpeano29 at hotmail dot com]

If I may...



I guard your death

Get your hooves up, party's starting out right now
Everypony, everypony get down
Time to make a wish, better make it right now
It's been a year and today is your birthday party!

Make a wish, it's your birthday
Make a wish, it's your birthday party
Make a wish, it's your birthday
Make a wish, it's your birthday party!

Have a good one, Greg. You deserve it.

Masterdramon - [kmc12009 at mymail dot pomona dot edu]
"Try me." - Samus Aran

Thanks, everyone, for the birthday wishes! It's much appreciated!
Greg Weisman

Happy birthday, Greg!

PHOENICIAN - Fantagraphics Books has come out with a series of reprints of both Carl Barks and Don Rosa's work; if you can find them, they're worth reading.

And, yes, it is a pity that the "Gargoyles" Cinestory doesn't seem to be coming out after all.

Todd Jensen
Hufflepuffs are really good finders

Happy Birthday Greg!
Oh, birthday is a doodly doo,

A ding-dong doodly doodly ding-dong doo!

A birthday birthday how-do-you-do!

Open presents, cake is too

A good thing to have on a birthday day,

Yes, ice cream and presents coming your way!
Sorry, been watching Team Four Star.

Muscles fade and the mind dulls.But as long as the heart is willing, strength remains.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, GREG WEISMAN! Hope its a good one :D

DuckTales: I'm loving these first episodes so far. I give credit to recognizing the various Barks/Rosa references to what little knowledge I gleaned from The Life and Times of Scrooge McDuck, which I picked up back in 2015 after reading multiple discussions on the collection here in the Comment Room. I've also been reading the new show's companion comic, which just had their issue #1 hit stores today (they had an issue #0 debut earlier this summer), and that's been a fun read too.

Bummed that the Gargoyles Cinestory still hasn't hit store shelves yet, but *sigh* whatchagonnado?

"The suspense is terrible, I hope it lasts" -- Willy Wonka

MATT - You're right about the Barks/Rosa business; I spotted a mention of Plain Awful (one of the most popular of the Barks stories; it's the one with the square eggs), for example. And even more importantly, Donald's sailor suit being black rather than blue; it really is black in the Barks and Rosa comics, as well.
Todd Jensen
Hufflepuffs are really good finders

The activity of the chat is usually dependent on everyone's availability and whether there's anything new to talk about. We haven't really gotten anything new on Young Justice since Comic Con but I keep looking.
That reminds me, I still need to watch the new Ducktails series. But I've been busy binging Sealab 2021.

Muscles fade and the mind dulls.But as long as the heart is willing, strength remains.

I think I'm TENTH.

So, I guess we've already out-did last week.

I don't think there has ever been a worse week than last. This Room isn't what it used to be, that's plain.

Ducktales> As an avid reader of the old Uncle Scrooge and Donald Ducks comics, I gotta say that I love how the new Ducktales is getting started. It is taking a lot from the old Ducktales, of course, but theres a fair amount of Barks and Rosa influence in there too. And its funny! Looking forward to seeing more, particularly more about Della Duck.

Hopefully, Ducktales will show success and lead execs to take a look at other Disney Afternoon properties as well. Like, I dunno, Gargoyles maybe.

Matt - [Saint Charles, Missouri, USA]
"For SCIENCE, which, as my associate Fang indicated, must move ever forward." - Sevarius

I ran into a similar problem some time ago when I tried posting an extract from a retelling of the Norse myth of Thor's visit to Utgard-Loki I'd written; in this case, it was apparently the quotation symbols that weren't compatible with the programming. (I was posting the scene at the end of the story where Utgard-Loki was explaining to Thor about the illusions that he'd beset him with. Something about that scene in the original myth struck me as paralleling Xanatos's little "what my real objective was" speeches at the end of "Gargoyles", so I wrote it in a similar style, complete with Utgard-Loki saying that he'd found the tests he'd put Thor through "most informative".)
Todd Jensen
Hufflepuffs are really good finders

Thanks Masterdramon. Yes I suppose this was the fault of Gloin.
Muscles fade and the mind dulls.But as long as the heart is willing, strength remains.

Station 8 doesn't accept "special" characters for the most part, which includes accented vowels. This either scrambles or blanks out posts, depending on the character used.

Your post probably blanked out due to the accent in the name of Gimli's father.

Masterdramon - [kmc12009 at mymail dot pomona dot edu]
"Try me." - Samus Aran

TODD-I listed off the fellowship's full names as well as the mother and father's names in the case of Aragorn and Boromir as the don't have surnames. Maybe the program interpreted as gibberish and deleted it? I don't know.
If anyone does or whether it was just a fluke it'd be helpful to know.

Muscles fade and the mind dulls.But as long as the heart is willing, strength remains.

MATTHEW - That puzzled me. Is there something in the names of Tolkien's characters that has become unacceptable to the programming for this comment room (say, something too close to a swear word - I know I can't think of such a case)? Or could it be something else?

In the meantime, you can always try something like "NINE Walkers" - you can include the allusion to the Fellowship without actually listing them all, though the latter is more dramatic.

Todd Jensen
Hufflepuffs are really good finders

Sorry for the double post, but it seems that I'm not allowed to post all the members of the Fellowship of the Ring.
Muscles fade and the mind dulls.But as long as the heart is willing, strength remains.

Muscles fade and the mind dulls.But as long as the heart is willing, strength remains.

"Take Me Out to the Ball Game" starts with a Perfect Octave.

Have there been any weeks when nobody at all posted, not even to count to ten? I think that would be quite an achievement...

Paul - [nampahcfluap at yahoo dot com]

Cup, Locket, Ring, Diary, Crown, Snake, Seventeen year old boy.
Jurgan - [jurgan6 at yahoo dot com]

Cora Harper, Liam Kosta, Pelessaria B'Sayle, Vetra Nyx, Nakmor Drack, and Jaal Ama Darav.
Masterdramon - [kmc12009 at mymail dot pomona dot edu]
"Try me." - Samus Aran

Fifth, minus any pleas.



BRAINIAC - I certainly hope we can. Seeing the comment room so utterly silent after Tuesday evening was troubling. Apparently we can't even muster ten visitors now.

Caught the first two half-hour episodes of the "DuckTales" reboot on Saturday. Apparently this version will be doing more with plot arcs a la "Gargoyles" than the old one did (particularly the big mystery about Huey, Louie and Dewey's mother - this may be the first time that a Disney property's delved into her - and an apparent foreshadowing of Gizmoduck).

Todd Jensen
Hufflepuffs are really good finders

I will NOT second such blatant violence. How could you shoot that loneliest of numbers?


Now then, any bets on making it further than last week?

Brainiac - [OSUBrainiac at gmail dot com]
There is balance in all things. Live in symmetry with the world around you. If you must blow things up and steal from those around you, THAT'S WHAT RPGS ARE FOR!

#One with a bullet! First(1st)
Vinnie - [tpeano29 at hotmail dot com]