A Station Eight Fan Web Site


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Comment Room Archive

Comments for the week ending April 1, 2018

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You know, it may not be the annual event it once was, but s8 is still a guaranteed stop on my April Fool's Day-tour of the webs . . . just in case GregW happened to be in the perfect mischievous mood d:
"The suspense is terrible, I hope it lasts" -- Willy Wonka

Like Masterdramon, Greg and Chip, I too am pretty psyched to be part of The Age of Gargoyles. If anyone here was a fan of the ol' Spectacular Gargoyles fromspring RP, I think you'll find this new project right up your alley. ;)
For the Honor of Greyskull!

Thanks Masterdramon for the plug. It’s definitely a lot of fun. I’m happy and proud to be a part of Age of Gargoyles!
Chip - [Sir_Griff723 at yahoo dot com]
"Even the word 'hopeless' is not devoid of Hope'~~ Blinkus Galadrigal

Thanks for making that post, Masterdramon!

Yeah, writing fic again, with like-minded people, has been great.

A couple years back, or so, I was discussing the possibility of doing something like this in the old TGS CR when Spen (I'm sure he rememebers ;)) and I debated the merits of rebooting TGS. Well, this is not that reboot... but this is ultimately what I was thinking about. A canon-complient continuation which includes the comics and what we have learned since. Though we also include the 2009, 2014, and 2016 Radio Plays (albeit without the Spider-Man and Young Justice cast).

Having a lot of fun doing it. Can't wait to post my next one, and to read yours. :)

Greg Bishansky - [<-----------My fics]

The English language cast list was just revealed for Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night, the spiritual successor to Castlevania: Symphony of the Night. I think a few of the faces might be familiar to those of us in here...plus the update also shows off the Gargoyle enemy for the game.


Brainiac - [OSUBrainiac at gmail dot com]
There is balance in all things. Live in symmetry with the world around you. If you must blow things up and steal from those around you, THAT'S WHAT RPGS ARE FOR!

Minene Uryu...AKA, Ninth!

And now, in other news...

I know I've linked to a bunch of these fics on their own at one time or another - as have others here and there. But never before have they been assembled in one place together.

But now, after plugging away (both separately and in concert) for over two years, I am very proud to have the opportunity to formally introduce our fanfiction project, now dubbed...



As you can see, from the list of the 27 fics currently assembled under the banner, the project is vast in scope, wide-reaching in subject matter and tone, and consistently growing.

We have adventures of the Manhattan Clan, the Redemption Squad, the Knights of New Camelot, the Hero of Ulster, the TimeDancing crew...and a whole lot more on the way. All of the fics are considered in-continuity with each other, sharing OCs and settings liberally, while hewing like a razor blade to all revealed canon and canon-in-training. This is Original Flavor fic, produced to the absolute best of our ability.

Most of them work quite well as pure standalones, but you'll definitely get more out of reading them "in order." Currently, they're assembled in chronological order (we do have an ongoing timeline) in the community, with the exception of the TimeDancer fics, which are instead grouped separately and in the order Brooklyn experienced them from his own perspective.

For any who fondly remember the heyday of the Formspring RP, you can consider these fics to be something of a spiritual successor. The main core of the writing "staff" are among those who were most heavily involved with the Spring roleplay, and we pinch ideas/characters that were developed there as we see fit, while refining them with the benefit of hindsight.

I chose to put together this FF.Net Community, as well as produce this formal announcement for the Comment Room, because I felt I was in the best position to distance myself enough to write such a blatant and shameless "ad." I only have one story within this 'verse so far (the TimeDancer tale Hawaiki)...though I've got quite a bit more planned, as things continue to roll on forward.

Still, I think that allows me some measure of objectivity when I shill the heck out of my "learned colleagues." All of whom should be names familiar to the S8 regulars here: GregX/Greg Bishansky, Algernon-84, and Gryphinwyrm7 AKA Chip.

Absolutely everything they've produced thus far has been on the continuum of highly enjoyable to mind-blowingly amazing, and as someone who knows a bunch of what they STILL have in store...well, let's just say the next couple of years are going to be a looooooooooot of fun.

Having been actively looking for excellent fics in this fandom pretty much since I was regularly using the internet, I can state unequivocally that these are the best set of "Gargoyles" fanfics I've ever read. I'm so proud and excited to be a part of this project, and I can't wait to produce even more for it myself.

So if any of the above catches your interest...I'd suggest giving one or two of the tales a peek.

A new Age is dawning, and we're happy to be able to share it with you.

Masterdramon - [kmc12009 at mymail dot pomona dot edu]
"Take my revolution!" - Utena Tenjou

I hope M'gann is on the spec-ops ninja team in s3, and they're just withholding her design for some reason.

Seventh in the name of new computer at last!

"That'll be six and six, please."

"If I said you had a beautiful body, would you hold it against me? I... I am no longer infected."

Paul - [nampahcfluap at yahoo dot com]


Vinnie - [tpeano29 at hotmail dot com]
Deplorable and loving it!

So that double post necessitated a third?

(thanks for the setup, Chip)

Brainiac - [OSUBrainiac at gmail dot com]
There is balance in all things. Live in symmetry with the world around you. If you must blow things up and steal from those around you, THAT'S WHAT RPGS ARE FOR!

Sorry about the double post...
Chip - [Sir_Griff723 at yahoo dot com]
"Even the word 'hopeless' is not devoid of Hope'~~ Blinkus Galadrigal

Chip - [Sir_Griff723 at yahoo dot com]
"Even the word 'hopeless' is not devoid of Hope'~~ Blinkus Galadrigal

Chip - [Sir_Griff723 at yahoo dot com]
"Even the word 'hopeless' is not devoid of Hope'~~ Blinkus Galadrigal

This trip to Wonder Con has been my FIRST real vacation in a year.
Muscles fade and the mind dulls.But as long as the heart is willing, strength remains.