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Comments for the week ending April 8, 2018

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I have no earthly idea why all these companies are trying to create their own competing subscription services.

It seems like such a bad idea to me, and the show is already popular on Netflix.

Depending on price, I might subscribe, but as it is, it's a dicey prospect.


I'm hoping to see most if not all of the DC direct-to-video films show up on the service. With a couple exceptions, they've largely had a fairly strong track record in terms of reception, but it's hard to justify a $20-25 purchase every single time one looks interesting to me.

I mean, I'd subscribe to the service even if literally all it had was YJ Season 3 and a 6-second clip of Ambush Bug eating a sandwich. But as long as I'm throwing my money that way, I'd certainly appreciate any attempts from WB to "sweeten the pot," as it were.

Masterdramon - [kmc12009 at mymail dot pomona dot edu]
"Take my revolution!" - Utena Tenjou

Since it's a subscription-based service, I doubt they'll do all the episodes at once - making people wait a week between episodes would let them get a good 9 months of payments out of people.

I hope they add more stuff to the service besides the Titans show and YJ though, especially if it's on the more expensive side. Maybe the Justice League cartoons, since they were taken off Netflix?


Brainiac> I think they already confirmed it would be a one episode a week release.
Muscles fade and the mind dulls.But as long as the heart is willing, strength remains.

Adam> Eleventh. Mick and Todd beat you out.

So, after reading this recent response (https://s8.org/gargoyles/askgreg/search.php?qid=22576), I'm even more curious about the planned release schedule on the DC streaming service...which frankly needs a LOT of its details revealed at SDCC or I'm gonna be rather concerned. Given that no episode is as of yet 100% complete for Outsiders, do you guys think we're gonna wind up with a split-release schedule like the recent first season of The Tick on Amazon Video, a weekly release schedule like Star Trek: Discovery, a standard season-at-once dump, or something else entirely?

Brainiac - [OSUBrainiac at gmail dot com]
There is balance in all things. Live in symmetry with the world around you. If you must blow things up and steal from those around you, THAT'S WHAT RPGS ARE FOR!


BISHANSKY - Thanks; I'm just glad it wasn't another case of the host going down.
Todd Jensen

Glad you're back, Todd!
Greg Bishansky - [<-----------My fics]

I haven't been able to come here for the last few days, and thought that the site had gone down yet again. Then, on a sudden impulse, I tried coming here using Google Chrome rather than Internet Explorer, and succeeded - suggesting that Internet Explorer may have become incompatible with this place. That's all I know.
Todd Jensen

Hey! How can one make a rss feed out of Greg's answers?

Matt - [Saint Charles, Missouri, USA]
"For SCIENCE, which, as my associate Fang indicated, must move ever forward." - Sevarius

SEVEN young kids go to camp for the summer, wind up living in a digital land!

...Amusingly, one of Oracle's only other animated appearances was ALSO as a result of Greg Weisman - in his script for The Batman Season 4, "Artifacts."

Masterdramon - [kmc12009 at mymail dot pomona dot edu]
"Take my revolution!" - Utena Tenjou

It would be interesting to Oracle in season 3, mostly because Oracle hasn't really been represented in animation.
Oh and 6th.

Muscles fade and the mind dulls.But as long as the heart is willing, strength remains.

Chip - [Sir_Griff723 at yahoo dot com]
"Even the word 'hopeless' is not devoid of Hope'~~ Blinkus Galadrigal

I wonder - it seems kinda likely that Batgirl might become Oracle at some point, maybe in the s3 timeskip. I think it'd be cool if Paula taught her how to fight from a wheelchair afterwards.

Vinnie - [tpeano29 at hotmail dot com]
Deplorable and loving it!

I'll second that.
Brainiac - [OSUBrainiac at gmail dot com]
There is balance in all things. Live in symmetry with the world around you. If you must blow things up and steal from those around you, THAT'S WHAT RPGS ARE FOR!

"The suspense is terrible, I hope it lasts" -- Willy Wonka