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Comments for the week ending October 4, 2020

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Welcome to the comment room, RoseOFTheNight!

In regards to your second question (not the bio expert here, I'm afraid) -- "The Mirror" does demonstrate some memory-lapses, but all-in-all, it was confined to the individual's awareness of what was normal, not even what species they were. Granted, we have characters like Elisa and the rest of the Manhattan clan insisting right after the key spell changes that "we've always been human!" and the reverse, but the Manhattan Clan were effectively the only ones in that episode that actually were aware of the two species (not counting Demona, Puck, and the other non-featured characters like Xanatos, Talon, etc).

You'll notice that when Puck zaps rest of the island, all the humans-now-gargoyles are still going through their human routine -- riding the subway (not gliding) and still calling the gargoyles-now-humans 'monsters'. Even Elisa who IS aware of the two (and by episode's end, three) races briefly thought she was always a gargoyle very much had zero knowledge of gliding. I doubt any of the other New Yorkers were even truly cognizant of their tales and wings, lol. In short, if anything is clear, Puck wanted to make things as unclear as possible, lol.

TANGENT: PBS's Digital Studios's show, Monstrum had some lovely shoutouts to Gargoyles on Friday! Worth a watch -- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4E_RmBMH-6A

"The suspense is terrible, I hope it lasts" -- Willy Wonka

One other thought about this week's chapters. In Chapter Sixteen, we get a description of Ariel, and the impression she makes upon Rain. I found myself wondering whether Ariel would have turned out to be, if not her actual namesake from "The Tempest" in human disguise, an otherworldly being of the same nature. (And then I thought that that seemed almost like a gender-flipped Owen.)
Todd Jensen

So I mentioned last week that we'd see a blending of different mythologies once we got to Aycayia, and while I can't quite go into everything just yet as there's still more to be revealed, I can go into some of the details about what the characters find. Wherever there's been water there's been cautionary tales of things that live in the water waiting to take someone down into the depths.

I do like that they go into the scientific background with Order Sirenia as manatees and dugongs are the progenitors of those stories, though the fish-tailed human icon goes back as far as the age of the Fertile Crescent. Though sirens of Greek Myth originally appeared as bird-women rather than fish ones considering birds are associated with singing not fish. The tears that become pearls actually comes from the Samebito of Japan, they were shark-men and servants of the the great Sea Dragon Ryujin and their tears turned into pearls or rubies depending on the story.

So Aycayia is from an obscure Caribbean myth and but her description and beauty leading to strife is pretty similar to the Iara of Brazil which is probably from cultural osmosis. She also ties into the Selkie skin tale, but we'll cover the darker aspects of that legend near the end of the book. By the way, the dream Rain has actually follows more than a few of the rules of the Aarne-Thompson classification system of fairy tales, one such example is the use of the number 3, which also appeared in the story of the First Murderer.

Insert Inspirational Quote Here:________

Before my questions are tackled, I just wanted to let you all know that I did my best to scour the archives before asking these questions because I didn't want to bother anyone with questions that've answered before. That being said, it is very possible any of these questions have been asked before and I just could not find them for whatever reason. So if that happens, I am deeply sorry. I tried my best. Now then, onto my questions:

1. When asked about Gargoyles learning to walk, Greg had said "Walking on all fours comes fast. Walking upright takes much longer. Gliding can sometimes come before or after upright walking." This made me wonder just how different a Gargoyle's skeletal structure and proportions are to that of a human's. Obviously, they can be bipedal or quadrapedal - depending on lots of factors, I'm sure (Lex seems to be on all fours quite often compared to the others, for example). But since they only seldom do so, I'm guessing it's only ever used to get around much quicker and when in tight spaces with no wind to glide on. I don't know if Greg ever gave it much thought but does anyone happen to know if a Garg's bones are structured differently than humans for being able to smoothly transition from bipedal to quadrapedal movement? Or is the "secret" as simple as Gargoyles having longer arms than a human would have? Because when they run on all fours, they don't look like how we'd look trying to do that, with our rearends in the air because of our short arms! If there happens to be anyone who's studied biology, your help is most wanted! This has been something I have wondered about and if anyone has an answer for it, cool! If not, that's okay, too.

2. When Puck changed the humans to Gargoyles in The Mirror, I wonder what happened to Xanatos (as well as the other important humans, like Dr. Sevarius, The Pack, and Eliza's family)? I'm going to assume they all became Gargoyles since the spell affected everyone on the island), too. But then I wonder what each of them was doing during this event... It's probably assumed they were doing nothing pertinent to the plot at large and were going about their own lives (unless I'm wrong). Perhaps leave it up to one's imagination? Also, if I recall correctly, Goliath and the others had memory of the event even though the spell seemed to mess with the memories of each individual once changed; which leads me to believe that every human that became a Gargoyle remembers the change (of course, that's assuming Puck didn't have the forethought to wipe the memories of all humans affected when he restored them). I doubt that Talon and the other mutates were affected because of their mutation but aren't they technically still considered human or do you guys think biology has changed enough for them to be considered no longer human? By the way, forgive me if I seem ignorant on this episode, I'm not too good with understanding how magic works, sometimes... 😅

3. Judging Greg's response to this question:

"Mycalia writes...
Here's an iffy question for ya..do a gargoyle's eyes glow when he/she is..um..aroused?
Greg responds...
It would depend on how much adrenaline was surging..."

Does this mean that glowing eyes is solely linked to the flow of adrenaline and not necessarily emotions themselves? Because if so, this would explain alot because I initially thought the glowing eyes were tied with anger but then I remembered that their eyes glow upon waking from stone-sleep, and there is no need to be angry then (unless they're mid-battle, of course). I think this could potentially pertain to excitement (i.e., excited to see a new movie), as well. if adrenaline is high enough, as well. As I understand it, if the show had continued, an exploration of Goliath's and Elisa's relationship was to be seen. I can't imagine anything too risque, of course, but would this have included glowing eyes fueled by arousal (however subtle that would've been to maintain the Y7 rating, I'm sure)?


Thanks Todd, a couple of things I forgot to mention. One is the lucky numbers Maq gives to our heroes and how they fit into the story, and how Maq transferred Julia's debt to Charlie (I can't help but think that would be important way further into the story).
And then there's how Mr. Guerrero managed to shut down Constable Thibideaux's inquiry rather easily by virtue of being who he is. While it may not have been for sinister reasons (that we know) it is disconcerting how a person or company can hold so much sway due to employing the vast majority of the area's populace. It kind of reminds me how Xanatos was able to grind Elisa's investigation to a halt back in "Awakening."

Insert Inspirational Quote Here:________

PHOENICIAN - Halloween, which makes a nice merge (though I doubt too many people will be taking advantage of it this year). Tonight's moon is the Harvest Moon.
Todd Jensen

Joe Charone being referenced with Lethe & Styx (and tying it to Charon) also reminded me of Greg Weisman's fondness for parallel names like Peter/Petros, Carlos/Charles, Maol Chalvim/Malcom, Peredur/Percival/Duval, and Alex/Lex (though that last one is more of a stretch, but has been mentioned before).

Tangent -- I'm getting Blue Moon confusion here, so I'm deferring to the experts in the room -- Is tonight or Halloween the Hunter's Moon?

"The suspense is terrible, I hope it lasts" -- Willy Wonka

MATTHEW - Thanks for your latest review, and I caught the "Lethe & Styx" reference (and the appropriateness of Charone being mentioned in connection to them) as well.

The part that I most remembered from these chapters, the first time I read them, and which stood out to me again, was when Rain, Charlie, and Miranda are discussing the names of the Kim children and how convenient (almost contrived) it was that they were born in the same order as their namesakes in "Peter Pan" - that is, it would have wrecked the naming scheme if it had been anything other than "one girl followed by two boys".

I reread those chapters, incidentally, on Monday, which was appropriate since it was Greg Weisman's birthday.

Todd Jensen

Covering chapters 16-20 this week, after experiencing a touch of the supernatural and getting a brush with terror we get another case of the supernatural and terror. Aycayia and tourists.

The meeting of Aycayia marks only the second time that someone other than Rain got to witness the supernatural elements of the Ghosts. Charlie only experienced it when the Island Belle was resurrected, but there's something different this time. Not only is she there for all to see but the...tangibility makes it more real. I do find it interesting that this how Miranda becomes part of the larger story.

So as I mentioned when starting the first book that while I live fairly close to a vacation hot spot (San Francisco) I never had to deal with tourists at all. I asked if anyone else here has and if they had any truly terrible cases before, I can't imagine anything really comparing to the Kims. It's like all the awfulness of working retail concentrated into days that never end.

There's a lot to unpack with Aycayia and the myths tied to her so I'll save that for another post. To wrap things up: chapter 19 was another example that convinced me that Marina would be important in the story, and it's even implied she might've seen Aycayia in the past. I found it pretty surprising that Rain knew Isaac before the story even had them interact and that Bastian knew Mr. Guerrero as well. But I never grew up in a small area where everybody knows everyone else. And our reference of the day goes to the bar where Bastian, Joe and Pablo met, The Lethe and Styx. A shout-out to two of the rivers of the Underworld and another connection to Charon.

Insert Inspirational Quote Here:________


And Happy Birthday, Greg!


And the day after Greg Weisman's birthday, Happy Michaelmas, everyone!
Todd Jensen

Thanks for the birthday wishes, everyone!
Greg Weisman

Seventh... I think?

Either way, Happy Birthday, Mr. Weisman. I hope it's a joyous one.

“Philosophy will clip an Angel's wings, conquer all mysteries by rule and line, empty the haunted air, and gnomèd mine - Unweave a rainbow, as it erewhile made the tender-person'd Lamia melt into a shade” - John Keats, Lamia

HAPPY WONDERFUL BIRTHDAY GREG WEISMAN!!!! I hope you got the best birthday ...
Demona May - [realdemona at yahoo dot com]
Real Living Insane Gargoyle....

Happy birthday, Greg Weisman!
Todd Jensen

What day is today?
It's Greg Weisman's birthday!
What a day for a birthday.
Let's all have some cake!

[SPOILER] And you smell like one too! [/SPOILER]

Insert Inspirational Quote Here:________

Fourth, and echoing many happy returns to our favorite brown-haired schlub...

That's right! Happy Birthday, Vinnie Grigori! :D

Masterdramon - [kmc12009 at mymail dot pomona dot edu]
"And that means I'm...I'm on the path to doom!" - Katarina Claes

Third and HAPPY BIRTHDAY Greg Weisman!!
"The suspense is terrible, I hope it lasts" -- Willy Wonka

it surpose to be a bunch of smiling faces. I forgot it won't show up. Giggles.
Demona May - [realdemona at yahoo dot com]
Real Living Insane Gargoyle....

Demona May - [realdemona at yahoo dot com]
Real Living Insane Gargoyle....

OK (2) second than!!
Vinnie - [thomaspeano at yahoo dot com]
Deplorable and loving it!

(#1)Number one with a bullet but always first over all!
Vinnie - [thomaspeano at yahoo dot com]
Deplorable and loving it!

Demona May - [realdemona at yahoo dot com]
Real Living Insane Gargoyle....