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Comments for the week ending January 9, 2022

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I recently bought a copy of the first two "Hilda" graphic novels (the books that inspired the "Hilda Netflix series). In it, there's a scene near the end where Hilda's house is destroyed, and when her mother mourns it, Hilda says, in comforting her, "It's just wood and glass and a bunch of stuff anyway". The line reminded me of Hudson's description of the castle as "Just a place of wood and stone" in "Enter Macbeth". (The parallel seems all the more appropriate in light of the tensions in both the graphic novels and the Netflix series between humans and trolls - who turn to stone in the daytime and whom most humans regard as frightening monsters - an element which should feel familiar to us.)
Todd Jensen

Happy one week into the hiatus, and hoping everyone getting hit by the snowstorm stays warm.
Karrin Blue

Happy Twelfth Night.
Todd Jensen

Oh yeah, those little Easter eggs in Jason Blood's home was such a delight. I thought having Black Spider as a big shout out to Spectacular Spider-Man was great but I didn't think they'd put that reference in a Warner Bros. show.
When you return to your unobservable but empirically determined dimension of origin--tell them CARL SAGAN sent you.

Oh, and 5th!
Some Geek

This may have already been talked about, so ignore it if it's old news.
But I'm catching up season 4 of Young Justice and just saw the Gargoyles easter eggs (without spoiling it too much, let's just say they meet someone with a collection of a medallion, a book, and a certain 'eye' and the priopriot keeps saying "don't touch that, those are important artifacts of power' ;) or some such.... anyway a fun little nod. It is appreciated by me anyway.

Some Geek


On an unrelated note, I was thinking about The Prospero Keys from Rain and was trying to remember if the books established their position on whether they're a territory of the U.S. or not. The presence of a military base on Tio Samuel does suggest that it's a protectorate at the very least.

And I can only imagine what the military presence was like during the Cuban Missile Crisis.

When you return to your unobservable but empirically determined dimension of origin--tell them CARL SAGAN sent you.

Karrin Blue

I have unquantifiable corpses on my conscience... Cup-cup, da-da?

Todd Jensen